The Goderich Star, 1926-11-25, Page 9sir Sanday_o4fter'noon;irr- mow 41,- - x Lc S,*&, cam. .�.. k Coodities kiwi. Midi/letsa Uetline, E.E. No. 3, ?let Perry, Oat. write: -f • I sed rho nater of four vhiIdrea, tad after fly Skied baby wase here I get rheumatism Weis left new laeext as a '. ery week asaditioa. I was like that all sinuate+ ,i, • box sad *east get tee relief. My - a4Msr-ia saw told nue to give 100. 41 jo( • a trj•, so I di and took two boxes of them and I am now enjoying per - feet kesith. I trust they will help others u they have helped une." alltennaMemeaseite o1 1 n1F iRie`,i iiirg .?6,1tla1MMIM1ItAL 4 IMA11111-T N 0 fee *rise lyre, l set of oriental court.y. to the Mr- !Of e erred t their owe land. Thaw she `404004 alik Aad tiros op Thy raasaiets. them to refect but bear ar a"lb"s p truly attached to her were minded to tNd Zeno Darrell stood et the sorb. go farther. Naomi, though deeply g btu pipe. just Wed, between kis pt►tt, touched by this slgn of affection, urg- ; an unlighted matt* In eta heed. Its ed them the more to return each to i eteeesiree cad was;,raciwal es,„epee her mother's hoes+ She thanked B. Munsell. The pewee of Lemma above!! 0 fee the bliss that Ity it The soul securely knows, The holy calm and 'dot. l Of faith's serene re J. them for their kitwln .* to iter and W the edge of the trtuu•txlsttt! where of a her saes and prey. t. than tone" 1.zrd stailatlary twgsy, Aa its driver start• would deal gra ously whit them. eti up: iIIc►'riei*Ieh ktrwl. 2rh i�nited This caused thea, to wetp and to" -pro.- (h4 tu1i ttu. stirred a sigh soli minket fess a determination to go forward at Melee here awned all exertion by with her. saying, "Surely we will re- cleverly atiltaiag a cometslebit scarce turn with these unto thy people." of frietlon, sad wan hailed by a ly Naomi then pointed out to them howl ,as,t.pe,., w faulted at the aeries very little she could offer then if they %mot rally dfexboeed the indoset persisted in their resolve. She did qutitit•It of Ike old mite. not wish therm to take, under temper- . es.oala et fora body nota, I'er• ary excitement, a step they might t klnt"; *yoke l'.eb. "TOW don't baptise Afterwards regret. The arguments . of Naomi prevailed with Orval', who returned to her people and her gods. But Ruth .clave unto her. After parting with Orpah, in the customary fashion of the east, Naomi: again tried to prevail upon Ruth to turn l'RAYIR We thank Thee, Lord. Jesus, for the knowledge we haze that Thou wilt never leave or forsake those who put their trust in Thee. Help us to cleave unto Thee with All our heart and soul and thus finkrest. Arlen. S. S. LESSON brill DEC. Sth, len Lesson Title,.•..Ruth and Naomi. Leeson Passage.. -ft nth 1:14-22. Golden Text. -Rath 1:1tF. In the Book of Rath we have a short history of the domestic affairs of the family of Elimelech who lived in the time of the Judges, A famine fell upon the land of Canaan where Elimelech lived. The children of Israel had been told to expect to find Oa first s: iia gn of any weakness of it a land Rowing with milk and honey. the inert or nerve*, you ,Mould, not wait They did not find it a fruitful la:,d notal your car becomfg di•acleitiltii• but it was because of their mins that lore you avail yourself of re is by the famine.cipme as God had threat - ming Milburn.'s Heart an4 nerve Pills ened it would should they forsake him IN they will - tone up and -strengthen (Lev. 26:19, 20. the nerves, build up the rnuseles of the . Elimelech resolved to seek another heart, and enrich the blood. ; country so he, with his wife and two sons,, went into the land of Moab on the east side of Jordan where there was no scarcity. In leaving the land of Israel he did not forsake the God of Israel but he put temptation in the way of his sons. He' did not in- tend to settle in the land ' of Moab but to sojourn- until the famine was over bt+t, in the meantime he died, his sons married "heathen women and soon after they also died, leaving three lonely women. Naomi, hearing that the days of the famine in her own land were end- ed, decided. to. return and her daugh- ters-in-law accompanied her, ' as an Priee 50c. a box at all druggists or dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, aronto, Qnt. eveweessereekeweieseeeeeseanoweemee T. WAR S Ruta and tors+ Livve Had Stables, Etc. • • Montreal Streit - Inst off the Square SEVERAL FIRST-CLASS AUTOS READY FOR SEMICE-GET YOU ANYWHERE AND WHEN YOU WANT TO GEV THERE 'Busses Meet all Trains and Passenger Boats, Pitssengera called for limey... part of the town for ash trains et 0, T. R. or. G. P. R. Prompt gertvice and Careful Attendance; - Der' Livery and Hack Service. Will be. found up-to-date in ever° respeet.e seta \ Your Patronage Solicited T...S SIV ARTS. . Phone 1'07 Moctreat Street Bathe in .Minard's and warm water; ,rubbing 'the solution: into;the aching parte with the fin.Se>r' lits--; _. x Minard's is also splen.z did for apr ons, bruises and strained ligaments tet ~: USE' . HYDRO .ELECTRIC The People's power Cook by Electricity Wash by Electricity • t Iron by Electricity CONVENIENT, CLEAN, QUICK Cheaper than coal or wood, • An Electric Vacuum Cleaner removes the dust; a brooin just - moves the dust. We guarantee all Hydro Lamps for 1 500 hours. Walk in and see display at The .Hydro Store CASTOR IA Pot Waft stoat Wets lla it 'ereve rSCiYa maws Moues "Plat et - -..-Juneteee..,.i� DEAL, promptly- with the first sign of ho..r:enes, soreness or- inflammation- '. itmight be.tlie.fOre 'under 41'•.. laryngitis,influenzaorserious bronchial trou b:e. The quickest, safest and • most soothing ;remedy: is• Peps. As a Peps tab1eiy die- solves in. the Mouth it gives off Med sinal fumes that are , --breathed nfit1 tele i_ttne most recesse•i-of- th roatan4c%est- In. titer speedy direct way Peps thoroughly disinfect' the throat and air -tubes; destroy mischievous germs, relieve tiny soreness, inflamm tion or irritation. • ake Peps whenever ,redo scfiect , you need them. A Peps in• the .mouth filters the air you'treathe, • . and fortifies against t udden colds tie! chills ani the'infeeti n dangers en. • countered lo trains, s reef earl and crowded.assembii s. Peps are e4usdly good for obstinate. Cough ant colds, broitchitis, euro, th of avihme, and other chest a eak ne ses of ofd and young. to knew sue, do you!" '"Why. ttwre's Joe Lott, the careen• ter, and his old helper, vrho started In for Unwell' doing titled Jobs," but Zeb shook his head dissentingly. 'Plutocrats, with their extravagant back, urging her sister's example, but char!, a he declared. "You Slee, the Ruth ended the argument by entreat- e l piece Is pretty nigh going to rack ing her to (care her urgings. for she wee resolved to ee forward.. She and ruin. The porch Is wobbly, half "would travel with her:- she would . the trout cornice ie hanging loose and ' dwell with her; she would join inter- one edge of the kitchen lost Its under- . eats with her; she would join in ,•re- pinning `last night in the beg blow and ligion with her and nothing but death aunt down hill like nn Ice elide. No, what I'm leokln' for Is some handy fellow who rtlI? put in about two weeks tinkering around and mending up odds and ends for kis keep, and. niebhe.a little eXtre." They now b;int like minded. jour "Why, conte to think of it, perhaps 1 neyed on day after day until they, eon help you out," sail Zeb's coneiian- reaehed.. Bethlehem. Their appear- fon. "Unless he's through with his nnce in the city created considerable work up at the house.•he's there nerve. - excitement. Atilietions had made a likely, honest seeming young fellow, such surprising changes in her in the who came along last evening and ot- time she .was gone that her friends fere(' to fix up the fences for a bed could only ask "Is this Naomi?" She ellen lois meals was not' disturbed by their words and ., . without any murmuringagainst her Ill Eo right down to your lance and , .. lot, sip. told them ;her afflictions were see hen, said Zech', eagerly, "If 1 watt from God. The hand of the Atmigh- spry as .I used 'to be I'd fix things tv was in it all. She bad gone out .uP myself." \ •• -full and she had returned .empty but Ward Evan?, for so- the handy Man the Lord had not forsaken her soul. called. himselt, 'Una just finished one She could say. "Now no chastening task and was ready for•another. He world part them. She backed up this resolution with a solemn oath which put sin end to the wordy strife for Naomi When she saw Ruth was stedfastly minded to go with her, the», she left speaking unto her. for the present seemeth to be jovo!us. but eriavous: nevertheless. afterward it vieldeth' the reneeable fruit of ritihtaoustie s mtn thane which are exercised thereby."- (Heb. '12;11). • WORLD MISSIONS • listened to 'the story of his prospective._ employer, readily tracing his niggurdtl• nese, but Anally engaging to pelt in his time at the Darrell place on tt reaso». able hams of compensation, - • "I seem to have a natural knack for A Korean View of America tinkering," he explained to 7.eb, • "].`ou' • Alice • Kine a Korean Christian 'furnish the tools and metered and 1'l1. woman, • who recently, visited the tin, do the rest.", • ited States,.gives her impressions of "I°sl1ouid think he hod a knack, An America as follows : • he calls ttr observed Nettle Darrell 1. ' Thee ,lilentifulness.-Everyone to her father n week later, and she looked well dressed and well fed: It glanced aQmirinfity at the rututliirckl ;teemed to me that every second place. y I saw _was.a place to eat or a,pleee to house.. Ward Evans had Wen her Ilk - buy . food.: ing maglcaliy_qu:ick. In'the first place. - he was, gooa•lookipg,•nntl settling, Joni. Ing, saying pleiisnnt, 'Cheering things' half of the time. Ile worked witiwut • ceasing all day long and had un eye for every loose shingle' and flnppi g. board. :Il'e...,practleally rebuilt the house, the sheds, the waiko, the fencoles 'There wits some loom. mastering -and he made tt,.tigbt. Two grimy roontslie :. •repapered, straightened 'up the poroh propped pp the sunken kitchen ttiid suggested ;that a coat of paint ' would. make the old pia a look like NOW, • • • '1Et'ans`had fx flute 'I1e played /see• - nines, and be Was 'an oXpert In its inn-• slenl possibilities. ik gulnris: be gave his host and his daughter a ecneert. But It .was in his narration. of his'vn- ried career. that he particularly inter- ested ` them. elle had hceh e., circus rider, winner of a'ranch, a poliii.eiil orator. and superintenilfs it of a togging•: ramp. Beloved to refer to this latter 1 2. The wastefl:lness-Riding by antomebile through forests, 'I saw wood lying on the ground. I thought of my own Korean' people cold and even freezing in winter for Tack of fuel. The food left on the plate in America. would -feed •. many thausnnds of hungry;people in Korea. 3. The friendliness. -The people are kind,' especially'. to 'foreign stu- dents. I often wondered why people were so kindto me; but I know it,was because they loge Christ: The hone life in^Anier!ca is A most potent in- fluence. especially: in the West.- . .L The Christian sninit in AIM:rit a struck sine very forcibly.. Teen. years in America deepened my e�-perience and my love for Koren and her wom- anhood.- I got. a new vision, of wom- an's work in the world. 'Els because of 'Christ's love, that wont:inhed holds its high place in Christian lands. - The Korea Mission Field. NICIPAL_.CQ TNCILS ca►PerIence. Goderich Towiuihlp �� w ur\ t*sere 1 i bot u y_ Le'rt friend, At the council meeting on Monday, lYitils Drake',"' he tvlil ilii-.1fi erestet Nov..ist, a letter.froni the Work- auilttors. •K:hat Was the brightest manes- Compensation Board re eon- pertoil of my life -except being ' with treetops .for township week was read you people," he added, with it glance suiritaria Canto artieume the Nerves Asn 81arved tee lisUur s4 • Tepee are eaoeiiat reasons wily let. Williams' Nak W. have proved besetielal is the meet severe rases of steatite. areralgia and ether pillets io that group ,rash as iie- elvers of the serves. Trscln of these es exist because the bleed is Hitt sad watery, and the nerves ere tints literally stare_nig for the sout•- ishaeent rich red blood supplies them I Any increase. therefore, in the rick - I' aces of the Wood speedily and bine- tilt-hilly sett upon the nerves sad tht turturiag- pains of sciatica and nem- ', relit* disappear. It is because of their spe,•itie melon on the Wood, thus feeding the starvednerves that Dr Wiliienta' Pink Pills have been so sue• { eme,fun in the treatment of these trim- ! Wes. As proof of this we give the f ease, of Mrs. P. N. Beranson. South :1 Alton. N!.., who says: --"petro yearn airo I wee attacked Beth sciatica end necralgfa in my back and leg. The walk.ain wEven tomove caused me not u ony, and I had to go to bed. The s doctor called in wen not able to do I more than deaden the pain, and I hold been in hid for six weeks when my eearde ether came to see me and stronely urged me to Give Dr. Wil. I limns' Pink Pills a trial. She said she had had a similar attack and it ! ivas these pills that had restored het to health. I at once got a supply • and had only used our boxes when I • found great relief. Gladly I kept or takintr the pitls, and soon after found myself as well as ever I had been Gratitude for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did for me nukes me urate Rev. I)r...McLean Retired to Goderich others similarly afflicted to try Rw Dr. McLean, who has been them. Yon can get • these pills from smut pastor f f the Presbyterian church et ms Roof of roar Garage Pee a tansd ea your garage tkat will haraasoi:e wipe ye*: beam sad tot late may surreeadiags -- a Inca+ est Root et Asphalt Slate. Fire reeistaat, lastda* sad econotrical. to ,r "r t... ,tY -3 X Brantford RooffngCo.%i.d Brantford, Ontario Stock Carried, information on Brantford R W. M. McLean, • Furnished and Service Roofing rendered by - - 4Coderich (Front The Goderich ,,Star of Nov,' oltly 23 against, and 020 for the Jack - 0th, 1000) son bylaw to 21 against. - druggist. or by mail at 50 cents a hm Myth 1 or the past forty years, hitt; from The I)r. Williams Medicine Cal, retired, . and preached his farewell 801)108 oil Sunday Inst to large eon. Brockville, Ont. • gregations. The Methodist church •withdrew its service in the evening SOME LOCAL. HISTORY • as a mark of esteem for the retirin,s pastor. Dr, and Mrs. McLean will Reproduced From Star Files of make their future home in. Goderiele. Twenty Rears Ago- 1906) and Lloyd Bylaws Carried (From The Cloderich She. of Na^. Saturday, Nov. 1Oth, was a record ]944) day in the history of voting on bylnw•1 in Goderich, and the substantial Aup- W'ell Known Citizens Left Goderich. sort given to the Lloyd and Jackson This week Mr. and Mrs. ('olinI t'ompanles' propositions indicates.,the .. nnlpbell, who have been residents of 4 deternhnation of out citizens to make Goderich for about 23 years, the nasi Gods;ice. n manufacturing centre, two years. on the, Huron road.: jne.t l Up till noon' there wee apparently an outside tate town limits, have apathy on the part ,of those entitled sAid goodbye to the old town. and .to-, vote, and the members • of tit moved to Windsor, where they have Boned of Trade who had the matter: pureh'ased a residence and will reside in eharge had_fears that enoueli vote» in future. t would not be pollId to save the by- To the Brent surprise of ori vitt-' lair's' .But with redoubled effue•is David C t i during' the afternoon, the vote was zens, Mr. ave •an a on,. for 8o got out, and when the ballots were' 0 many years _the West street baker- counted it was found . that consider- • h: i i dr en err left Goderich by the . early train on ably more . than four-fifths or , 40 , Monday morning, for odei'i ve�", votes,. had been. polled. the figures FOR FLETC11Eli S B. C. Ile. was born in Goderich 57 being 616 for the I.loard proposal to • 0 /1 , v" T 1 A. years ago, and has ever been an hon. CANADIAN NATIONAL RYe TRAIN SERVICE to TORONTO Duffy incept lunday t4ve. Gotloritch 0.00 a nes. 2.20 p.m. Clinton G 25 a.0 . 2.52 pen. Seafortlt 6.41 a ni 3.12 p.m. " Mitchell 7.04 a:rn. :,42 pan. Arr. Stratford 7.30. a in. 4.10 p.m. Kitchener 8.i20 0.111. 0.20 tens "" Guelph $ 40 a m. 5.00 p.m. " Toronto 10.10 n m. 7.30 p.m. ' ileal Hing--Tacrtce Porotlto 6.45 a.m., 19.05 p.m. and :0 05 Nu. Parlor Cafe ear, Goderich to Tar - onto, on interning train, and Toronto to Goderich 0,05 p. m. train. • Through coach Goderich to Toronto. F. V. LAWRENCE & SONS Town Passenger and Tickets Agents 'Phone 8 Dred and public spirited 'citizen. , It has been said of hint that he was of - • Internal and External Pains • aro prom tl reiloved by Tt�nM,as,' E���CTR�C OIL ane when he retired frons the town; council, because. he served in" that S body twenty.one vears 'and , •never • was defeated. His estimable son. . William,- who has just matri(ulatad accompanied him, and will likely en-' ter the legal profession in Vancotr ' ver; and Oled,;as was�;aisa one from the of Nettle, who flushed Snotty, Atte Highways Department • re clericial [ier.'fatpier looked then sc+!'. at, tlle.c(sni- work of the road superintendent's of etse„et, "Ah; Wflits lh-flee! n man • See. A•communication from. .the •On- with a .heart of ,gnld� the: Iii+• of the tario Railway and Municipal Board . re telephone extensions into the vie- tamp. Ile left at the: end 0 the gen- lagee of Bayfield was considered with sun to go back to his either, at wealthy. the telephone' commissioners.. 1t was Southerner. Ile hnd left 110111ee to ler finally decided to grant a right of Come a wanderer: I got a lc+fret rrorn way through the township for the him a month ago, and what do you parties interested to build their own think? His father had flied, leaving private Iine, the. clerk being instruct- him It great fortune. art as septi as he. ed to so notify the Beard. The fo1- settles the estate he's tanning to. find Iowing accounts were, ordered paid : • Armco, culvert, $58.15; T. L. Patter- me, and he Insists that we'll be like son, bridge plans, 310• News Record, brothers for the rust of our lives.!' printing, $113,251 S. Emnicrson, see Evans received another. k'ttcr from : ary, $58.50; D. Pocock; outlet for •►bis friend a week later. The latter creek, $15; Harry Powell, overseeing was tenting after him• at enc('. By this time 1Vard had become friendly $8.75; Les. Cox, sheep claim, fG. 'The and familiar with the 'Ihtrrt'lls. Ile council adjourned to meet Dec. 6th at had completed the work he had agreed 1.30 sharp` to do, blit lie lingerctr on, and they Rr G. ,rnompSON; "`- - .'• Clerk. were giant to, have• herr about, and Wa td..inls�,filasader ettli tv hnsk 1.. the snnshtnc or ;\ettie e' rr ntTiit,-" The municipal couneil met in the '.Then his friend .arrived end bore. ; hall at ;8 pen. Nov; 9th, all members him away to the hotel. A handsome. present, the Reeve presiding. Min -Impetuous sort of a fellow, Drake took Utes of last meeting adopted as read, a decided fnney to Nettle, and Ward The treasurer reported receiving encouraged it. What better there to $21.35 front Stewart Co., Benmilltr, see his dearest friend happy In the for cement, also $10 front•Idagistrate potttscxtgl(n1 of a wife worthy of any Reid. being fine imposed in y 1•1ai- roan, In the estimation of Ward? Ile. chwPolity, st Resolution a damedrafteby Sheep Itghed as lie told this to Mr. Darrell. 1Vawannsh re amendment to :gheep Protection Aet was read and approv- It was tyke/ a secret pang that he • ed by council. Treasurer repotted broached the subject of fostering a i receiving front County Treasurer W. further mutual liking between Nettle Lane a list of iota for sale for taxes and eta friend. Dir. Bogie, Sheppardton, waited en ""Well, rve sort of studied Nettle. the council re taxes on house burnt about this match," reported Mr. Dar- last spring and on motion of Mr. Hill 1 and Mr. Goldthorpe, the sum of $10* rela, a dt't or two Inter, . "It's no .go. • was refunded on tax bill. Councillors She. 1►asn t the least Interest In Drake; 11111, Young and Goldthorpe were ape outside of bus being your friend, Ila pointed a committee to meet the Com- fact* Ward. I m pretty certain that leittee from West Wawanosh re pro Nettle Is already in love." d posed extension to Young creek "Why, you amaze mei" began 1Vard. dram. The following accounts were "Who--•" paid: G. Vanstone, $24.50: George "Are you blind? Who but yourself, Caldwell, $12; Jno. Feagan. tr.50; my worthy friend? And becauede 1 like Wm. haw, $5: ,i. Green, 310.91;; it.,. too. I'm glad of It, and humble. MrC"abe.e $17,50; Wm. Strauahtln self•sacr(tleinf; 1Yitrd Want' tiered to $2.60; Vt. lliugford, $IO• J.-Pitbledn xR,70: R. McClure. $6: J. Million, 8," a !kiksee love at last. 11. �Petir(an, -$T0: lLeGei"dtlrnrtr,••1'3(.: , < , , . ...;- .�..� 1 J. McLarty. $4.75, all for work o" Worms, however generated,""are roads: Geo. Bean, sunerintend+:ie bend iii the -digestive tracts, where 977: R, S. Ifetherinaton. R tiles and de• thaw set urs disturbances detrimental iibering name. $1'5: Harry Freeman h to the health•of the child. 'There can »lank tied work. $5.95; T. R. Pafse" be no comfort for the little ones until Inn. Mil for plans for bridge: The the hurtful intruders have been ex- (oderIeh Sir:nitl. tax notice.&. tl.i 25• I peeled• An excellent preparation fo 1 Anderieh hnanital for indir"nt nate this purpi a can be had in Miller's lent. SAF,• Geeteri,h fawn. for sew -Pi Worm Powders. They will inimedie- ntne. 8.'1.75 •^,nit t„e�,;„,r tion• +nit• telly destroy the worms and enurest at it p.m. G. J. 1f5T1tl;Rt'. 1TCt`•.. the conditions thee *ere favorable to Get • ¢1t. 6cx n/ Ikea brnIKesbls reps fet:sb I k•d+y! i7'druggists 4u! s'orsr e•ery:14 .. Dita7 ,r)Jldty/1V.rMlll t#/().141A* 1 •i Ito* -Peps re.; Dupont Shyer, tomtit', Colborne Township j aiiililP: EXPECTANT. MOTHERS'. Read Mrs, Meilulyd's Leitter. Her Experience May Help i Chatham. Ontario. -'I want to tell .you how much good your medicine , hal done me. Be- fore my baby came I felt so weak and run• down that I could hardly do my Y:� t otitinuually and I was so dis- couraged that I could cry from ttlotningtilInlght. had another baby justoneyear a it gave me a kit to - Se o Se I tho t I would try Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, as I had reedho mach shoot it in the little books. I foetid a dif!erece right away as my mod was relieved and my tired feelings gone: My sister had been doing my washing and she continued doing 1t, se she said it might set me tack if I started to do it again. It airs dad help mo and I had taken jot two betties what my .. baby' came. He is a but suit boy, , now neatly Are mantis old. I am is taking medicine again and I an ablate �ywork all fnow. I sdwayss .. 1 the Vegetable • Conrpnat,d to women, sae .apoei+aty I to expectant nwtherd, set I believe 1 they need }d at thee* throes."-- ls[ra. iiir rvrat MntsAtw, 61 Gewi.r Rt., Glethean, Ontario. C 1 Te*0 h:., f lerte their extreme", Phone lilt Nr1KA- es . Ceder1etc, - Tbe it:tnir of £,in,.- • , !nowt. rf The time will soon b.' heie when i• hr a Sentehman. but the str: alre pat• I will only he safe for it barber to t.k of It is he died in provelty. the question "wet or dry'!" • De THAT IT HAS!MEN SOLD FOR NEARLY FIFTY TEARS . AND is TODAY A GREATER 6514.10 THAN EVEiiI IEFORS IS NUMEROUS CURATIVE OUALl IE$F.OR ITS Shall we sound the retreat? A Pr HE scarred, old battleground of Ontario is about to witness the supreme temper- ance conflict of its history. Is booze coming back again? After twenty years of struggle: twenty years of victories hammered out with blood arid .tears ares- we -'now -to -sacrifice the ground we have gaitled? In the long, bitter struggle against the liquor traffic, every trench has been .held and consolidated. Now the great bulwark of the Ontario Temperance Act is assailed by all those who would make Ontario "wet" again. . Shall we then sound the retreat? Shall we yield up the ground won in the"`oun'tless, heart -breaking struggles of men, women and children in bygone days. NEVER. Let every man and woman, every v er, stand firm in the onslaught and hold the. hands of. the Prohibition candidates. Vote for --1yQ.ur. DRY candidate Ontario Prohibition Union. 24 $11m eto loner" torieetn