HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-11-25, Page 6•
?AGE ;1X
111111 ,I Ir 1I,1,1011IMMd,10 1 PUP W d 4111.1 ■„L X00 011 11111 Irl r , 1 01 Ie III. 111 11 1
sir. -=- ' - -
... ''No, Patricia. 1 am not *tarried 3
P 111Wt,t *I•+"-~. said Lawrence, relinquishing iteTIIEE
g hands slowly. "And I have without
ith ut
slo come haze again s itayet
bringing a wife, because i hoped you couGH yotiii
') might be in need of my halp • 1
i mean, I feared you might lie in trou-
bte end in need of help, and hoped
"Abet T might be able to give it."
9 Lady ltrandon fixed a penetrating
e I gaze on Lawrence's face-mneither
The Greatest Mystery Story Ever Written
FIRST READ TIIIS ' .A footman approached, a stranger.
fleorge Lawrence meets an old He would enquire as to whether her
friend, Meier Henri de Beaujolais. ladyship were ea house. But As he
'The latter tells him a strange story. turned to go. the batter appeared in
lie had taken a command of men to the doorway from the inner hall.
reeeue the, lonely fart at Zinderneut, "Hallo, Burdon! How are your
and oa arriving there finds all men said Lawrence.
within dead -but propped in the em- "Why, Mr. George, air!" replied the
brisures. Inside he finds a corn -old man, who had known Lewronce
mandent killed knd in his hand a for thirty !rears, coning forward and
note. signed by Michael Geste. rel- lookingunwontedly heneen.
aiittinar the theft of the `Blue Water,' *This is a reel pleasure, sir."
a valuable sapphire; owned' bYi Lady It was ---a reel five -pound note too,
Brandon. who is "Beau" Geste s aunt,! when the visitor, a perfect • gent; 'de.
Later that: night, the bodv of the, parted. Quite a seurce of income Mr
young offieer disappears and the fort
is set on fire. George Lawrence, who'
knows Lady Brandon well. immedia-
tely goes to her *•state %n England to
find out what the mystery is and it you'd like to ° envie straight out," 1Lady Brandon's :lace. It' certainly
whether the "Blue Water"' actually he continued, knowing dist the visitor could be called one of alarm, and her
has been stolen. was a veru old friend Indeed, and al- direct gaze was distinctly watchful
NOW GO ON WITH THE BTOety ways welcome. "1 will announce and wary. Had not she olio paled
Same pieturen of horse and hound, You." very slightly'. Undoubtedly she
and bird and beast; same antlers and Burdon led the way.frowned faintly as she asked :
foxes' masker and brushes: same tro. "How is Lady Brandon?" enquired "What are you talking about,
phies he had sent from Nigeria, Sipe. Lawrence, impelled to unwonted lo- George.
vialgood heads of lion, buffalo, quacity by, his= nervousness. "Beau Geste. and the 'Blue Water,'
za, and gazelle. "She enjoys very good health, sir- pxtr• ia,'" replied' Lawrence, "If 1
l these his eye travelled to the considering:..replied the butler. _ appear to be talking through my hist, -*-0-, ••^- r ,
great fire -place. on each aide of which "Considering what? asked I.awr- I am not reailly, and will produce tea guarded, and uncommunicative se
stood x mounted Lake Tehads rviee, en'Evervthinir, sir,' was the man- son for my wilbut-not-wicked elm•
tent's foot, doing aneniei erviee, words, he laughed. "There is meth- But -her pleasure was her .pleas -
while above ite atone mantel a fine eommital reply. od in my naadnese, dear." ure, and his was to serve it in any
trophy of Africanste weapons gleamed. The visitor smiled to himself. A "There's madness in our method," wav she deigned to indieste. .
One of his greatest setiafactions 100,1(064 xnrvant thin. „ replied Lady Brandon a trifle tartl • "Well, we'll have the details, dear,
alsretvie been to acquire, something- "And how is his Reverence'? he and added: "Have you seen Michael,. and tea as well," said Lady Brandon
worthy to be sent to a sand on Abbas, continued, then? Or what? Tell me!" •more lightly and easily than she had
. d
spokensince he
I ve And eta neer-,n
"queer, sr g q
e r 'Yhim-but." ---.to give her pleasure and to keep � , „ "No, I -have not. seen him 12u .
him in mind, r or, poor gentleman, was the mime..: .;Then what are you talkie about? sapphire.
And naw, nerhans, wee his reel. Lawrence expressed regret at this What do you know?" she interrupted, • , "We'll have it in env boudoir, and
thence of giving . her pleasure avid the Reverend Maurrehe of was al speaking hurriedly, 'a very sure sign 111 be at
ll just to
until thisntime to
uiiaehnI himself. for a space. very that she was greatly perturbed.
mach In her mind. He pulled the , wee Iqr 1ValreMichaeltherr??e. he asked. "I don't know anything, Patricia, dyes ds etail or dinner, as yu go elan c ver every
mishit old handle of a chain, and a ;
distant bell °elpitared. "No sty he ain't. Nor. none of the and I m asking you; because I haus. thing you think, too: everything that
t moat axle or linarily, come into pos• Henri d Beaujolais thou ht and
(Coatieu.d frons page 5)
Parsons, repree.&ting the Curling
' Clib, asked for the nee of the prwim
dace they had last year for a entitle
rink, at the same rental as last year
"1f we can't get it for less," to quote
31r. W lace. Tins was referred to
tine ul>�ie worm' committal to re it.
.°»•..-- The matter of relief for Mrs. -the
i'rrsl.teat ecaiarha wad adds Seed to ' mentioned by the Deputy awns. wee
serious tameable; oat
tbsat now referred to the special committee.
with tkeo.aMoa, air sem mete The matter of removal of portion
that Is plessaat to take., 1 eso.sulei a is* of Tenet between Mrs. Anderson's
seweesdiseldi.00rerywitlstese.to daetion, property and the Doty plant on Brock
k soothes sad bele the itatlameci Bless- street, was brought up by Councillor
bran* need inhibits germs giawtit. Craigia, a request having been made
ofatlkaowa hreeoereeed for permission to do this, and it was
by high maedieal as ase of the decided to rant permission, the fence
greatest a oder for persistent to be rep if needed later, by
sadadd d other forms of throat Mrs. Anderson,
Creon uhioneoa ,ieiaddition The remainder of the meeting ..was
to emote, .thee' heal* eleeseate witloh taken up with hearing reports from
soothe 'sad heed the infected Reeve Moser, Mayor MacEwan and
and stop the irritation and motion, Councillor Lee, on the meeting. of the
while the cresta wee on to the elaosaeh, Great Laker Harbor Association ant'
isabsorbedintotheblood,ettaakst eseat of the Blue Water Highway Associa-
of' the trouble and cheeks the growthotthe tion meeting.
t Reeve -Munnin s, who along with
CreonzuLkw is gtiaramteed satisfactory the Mayor, attended the former meet -
in the treatment of t oougbs and ing, said thh Great Lakes Harbor*
o by,for i When, hronclseie and meeting was one of the best convert
dueaeee, and is tions he lied ever attended and the
excellent for bime upthethe after United States delegates showed every
oolds or flu. Mosey refuel any courtesy to the Canadian delegatee.
rough or cold i. not relieved after taking The Reeve went into the program it
aeaedingto.direction.. Ask vour some detail. The afternoon meeting
Creaoaulelea Ca, Liituted,'i'oroata. waif in charge of the vice president of
the Association. ex -Mayor McGuire
of Toronto, who spoke splendidly
The: opinion of United States dele-
gates who spoke was that the Chicago
Sanitary District had no right to
startled nor alarmed, he felt, but loos p
and, possibly, to be described as wary,
or at least watchful.
"Trouble? In need of help,
George? How?" she asked, and
whatever of weariness or watchful-
ness had peeped from her eyes retir-
ed, and her face became a 'beautiful
mask, showing »o more than repose-
ful and faintly-smused interest.
"Well -it is a longish story," said
Lawrence. "But 1 need not inflict it
on you if you'll tell me if Beau Geste
is all right and -a• -the 'Blue Water'
--er-safe"-and sound' ° and'-•-er-4-all
that. you know." • -
.awrente had been, ever since Henry "Whet?" ejaculates! his " hearer
Burdon had been urderfootinatt in the sharply.
service of her ladyships father. There was nae passible doubt now,
"Her Ladyship is at the Bower, sir as to the significance of the -look on
Miff �IiY SKI
ply. young
re tanything unusual he in orsion ofaa document -that purports evhing yhink he thought, as
the old man's tone? . . , to be a confession by'Beau that he well."
stole the 'Blue Water,'"began Lawr-
•Emerging from the shrubbery, erosAs they strolled back to the house city with its many daily murders.
s N sings rose warden, some law'i-tennis once.
"Then it was. ." whispered Lady Lady Brandon slipped her hand cit M with its said it was stated that
- Blundell. ao muc
take any water from Lake Michigan.
as this was 'diverting water from ite
natural course and running it in ar
entirely different direction, euuite a
a e by
different case fromwater,
canals or power .developments, all of
which was returned to its natural
course. All characterized the action
of the Chicago 'Sanitary District as
pure and simple steal and the opinion
was that `Chicago wa ild'stop at neth.,
to gain its own.ends
ing in order
Small wonder that with such dishon-
esty in official places the spirit of
lawlessness was so' evident in that
N....eaY,iliil.a.d.Y+1�d.af• -
JJJJiii` 4? ... y
. THURSDAY. NOV. fif t , JMI
sem.., i� wmd
towns along the highway, particular-
ly in the slowness of sending forward
their money Promised. You will note
that the city of Sarni* gives M100 and
special donations, from Sarnia 51000.
Sarnia manufacturers and suburban
area ;85; besides $300 from the Port
Huron -'Sarnia Ferry Company,. mak-
ing a total of ;1685 out of Sarnia', be-
sides all the work they are giving to
the Blue Water Highway. It was
voted to give the two girls in the of-
fice,. also the auditor. $20 each, as a
Christmas present for the work which
they have been doing for some years
beak. I might draw your attention
to the fact that the Chambery of Com-
merce are paying for the two girls
;150 a month. The Blue Water High-
way has been getting their services
gratis, I merely give you the above
figures to show you how badly we are
falling down in paying, proliiptly
what we should have paid right at
the. first of the season. in the great
ceurts and a daisy -pied stretch of • through Lawrence's arm, and it was h ter lees being taken that
�4 riY cedar -studded award, the pair, enteredVikhat Patricia?" asked i1uickly imprisoned. the current was too strong.to handle
By Us ptete a wood. followed a path beneath error Lawrence. He glowed with the delight#eel feel• boats and it was killing fit fishing
viw incus elms and beeches, and came out- "Go on, dear" she replied hastily. Vin$ that this brave and strong woman industry and there were no fewei
_____•eM�w•+•.` on to a square of velvet turf. 'H v and where did you get this con- (whose devoted love for another man than 300 • suits pending Ibynthese
On two sides,. the' left and rear, ro:b fesaiote? Tell me quickly." was, now, at any rate; almost matern- whose lands were affected by the use
+ �►' a t Cream the great old trees of a thickly forest- ++Aa i said it's a long story," re al in eta protecting carer, was glad to of the canal for sewage disposal.
win sootiae and heel that is irri-, ed hill; on the right, the grey old
' *t or out with eczema; that house; anti from the front of this
3s oe" with ugly rashor pimples, open space the hillside fell away to
ewe is surds or dry. aitoth subdues ,the famous view. hand of a dead man. , +
iieryr`alcht oruplirNes fro y, says a By wicker table and hammock: "1�?at Michael!"a interrupted Lady but you, and you are a 'tower� of of the water, would rot and mean a,
Ada dist. .,.-.,• stand, n lady reclined in a chaise Ion -
"You strength. I am.in great trouble."vast expenditure to the' city to re-
t itroment this sulphur preparation puce 'She VAS reading a book and. her „No _ Frenchman. An adjudant "You area t looking too' well place.
it esNriiei the rte stops and after back was towards Lawrence, whose a George, my dear, she said,as they
tree or threw the eczema heart missed a beat and hastened to.in charge of a fort the t had been entered the wood. The Mayor supplemented what the
tacked by Arabs. •..• „ . "Lot of fever lately," Reeve had said, with much valuable
iii sa ire* ddightfttlllytkµ make up for.the omissipn by a re- ,,Our H$ndi de oaujolais? inter Y, he replied., information:
at -
aid asaootlr. Ott is so ptecrottu'as doubled speed. rupted Ladya Brandon, again. "Who anal added: _'`I feel .as fit as six ph The Star last •week Published a.re-
ik alar ere*14X because itiwys the The butler coughed at the right die. was at school with you:'. .• .. Rose ale now, and pressed the hand that iiort of the meeting of the Blue Water
re -
that ,pasta the t►urii ltdt4 lanes and upon the right note, and, as , .,,, he had seized.
g Highway Association, earl Councillor
... , llteiitlioe 'Lady Brandon turned, announced the '. Ary s eon. "Give ' it re and 'come homeLee's ;
is�earW'e� up• visitor, hovered, .placed a wicker. Yea.: He found it in this dead of- Geor e„ report covered what was there
+fga11 #aseep yrs+ of fadedfromthe scene. ficer'e hand.., ' replied Lawrence..
George," said Lady Brandon, and he: reported. He also commented as fol-.
Llsatlioa i• chair, and turned'.;quickly toward her, his eyes
OW bad ark' .sepal dctag' "Ge:arget" sant Lady Brandon. 'lir a --has the sapphire'been stolen openin widely. let ine, find Iowis: `i fleapit e(ommerit on the
srMRd xcrse the silly >f "AndwonderiuT• work that Mr. France is
plied Lawrence. "ft was found by de turn to hind as others turned to her; Very string opposition to 'the Ghica•.
Beaujolais at a place called Zinder- How he yearned to hear her saY go steal came: from Milawukee, which"
nenf. in the French Soudan, hs the when his tale was told : owned its docks, as they were built or.
Help me, George. I have no one piling which owing to the lowerinig
ase tightening f oftherow with ray yts question --i n this r Beau's writing?" - Lawrence Siii Se ighed tants ignored the doing and the very small remanent -
1 g h hi hand into the inner gtion he receives. Mr`: France last
of ciourseklt,ian"t," he Contin "er is Ffoiliot?" he.asked in miles, for •whic i he received no re-
used as he produced an envelope and stead.
Wes Iurly buy
Nibwas ueonthe man that these sympa
� 1 toms wore produced by the: meeting,
and flash of beautiful teeth. But alio and he t rust a sus cation
did not flush or pale, andthere was
no quickening of her breathing: It
although it was a meeting anticipated
Mrs. G. lmriwa, Ceased, ,Alta., by him.unexpected by here
wrttersee-eq was tiro*b.ied with very "Pstricla!" he said, and extended
swrrere .read semetttare. wee 'both hands. She took them frankly
seek rev wit drew. and Lawrence kissed them both, . nith
040,eili,)r+s mel tow new about a a curlew; gentle and -reverent roan•
ner; an exhibition of a George Leen-
erre ~'•known tp other people. -
e1We11�' Env -clear.!" ,he -said, and look -
how nt the unlined,'it"niature:'de-
+ermined, clever face before him ---
that of n woman of forty veers. of
.ironer Character and of aristocratic
"Yes," he continued.
"Yee, !what,' George?" asked Lady
"Yes. You are positively as young
and as beautiful as ever, he replied
>iae ti► gin It tt trial. x -but with no air of gallantry and
compliment. and rather as a sober
to de see, nett *tut takble statement of ascertained fact
10041mor 1 1'wisi 1t dad 'hews ate '"And'yyotx as foolish George
car shout 183,000
extracted a stained and ditty pisco of "Perfectly well, thank yo the finance statementa y
;she ldn't he bee?'; was the reply-- in ; the saQ-
benefit Goderich gets °front this Blue
Water Highway, I think we should
increase the amount aek.d for."
A copy of the report presented to
the annual meeting was eke laid .n
the •table and from this •'Councillog
Lee quoted the following reference to
the work being done en the Highway
in this county: "There are'still•eev-
eral narrow culverts north of Grand
Bend but these are beingreplaced
rapidly by the County of Huron and
the County of Bruce. The widening
of the.road between Grand Bend and
Goderleh is now practically corn -
and several stretches north of
rich have been grestly improved and
grades and curves,reduced. Huron
and ,Bruce .counties are to be congra-
tulated• upon their progress in recog-
nizing the necessity of a wide good
road for the accommodation of in-
creasing traffic and the, progress
made." The��council then adjourned.
u. why' muneration -whatever. Y,ou'will note
' l tic lar;3101.
paper. the tone of which a careful listener That is all t morisi r that A
Lady Brandon took the latter and such as George Lawrence tai ht have : °'"tion has loud out in $aipries: !lir
leaked at it, her face hard, enigmas- • i g France receives a salary from. Sarnia -
cal, a puzzled frown marring, this detected a note cofe defensiveness, al -of _ Chamber of Commerce- but Sarnia is
cmoothneus of her forehead, her firm moat of annoyance, of repudiation of gettinz "fed:un" on the amount of
shapley mouth more tightly cantprea• an unwarrantable implication. time that Mr. France and Ms Assist-
antssed than usual: ` If Lawrence did detect it, he isnot- are giving to the 'Highway and
She read the' document sial then edlthis also. r the very little enthusiasm from the
Where le the good Sir Hector
looked out into the distance, down the Brandon`"' he asked with casual pot
Buy Best
The Piymouth,Antliracite Coal is the best. It burns
to a fine ash and is practically free from slate. It cost at
el it
wesell more than
other Coal but
the Mines cic per ton
at the' same price.' Why not have the best when it will
cost you no more. 1
Egg and Nut..... $16.00 per ton
Stove. , . .., r - . , $16.50- per ton
Vile also handle ilte Master Anthracite Cosi,
This Coal differs in some respects' from the average -
run of. Anthracite from the Pennsylvania field and these
differences should be borne in mind to insure most effi-
cient and economic results. This coal is slightly lighter
and therefore fuses at a' higher temperature, is free burn-
ing and therefore more readily susceptible to .draft con-
trol. It is ALI, coal; it comes to you free from s! tte and
' other impurities. It cannot clinker.unless-.forced beyond
the: tugh fusing point°of=its ash. It is an ideal domestic
fuel and costs you s15.00 per ton, all` sizes.
.If your furnace or plumbing regtfws overhauling: -
If you re$luire a new furnace:or a hot water job or
plumbing, let; us figure on it,' also if your furnace and
plumbing require to' be overhauled -Give us. a call and it
twill have prompt attention.. -
Everything in Shelf and Heavy Hardware kept in
The Hardware at the wharf -
St.re,'Phone 2L Hesse 'rheas 112.
nombe, and across the green° and itenese..• -
amiTing ifiaiit, as though. communing +�Ulrr, in .Thibet, Or .Paris, or Eaet▪ "eh�K'r'a '
with herself and desfdsng how t _
-Africa. or Monte Carlo, or. the South
ginning to end, George," she said at : Georze,,: replied Lady Brandon, and
length. "if it takes you the week=end• added: "Have you brought a suit -
But tell• me this quickly. i 0 you cake or must you wire?" "
know anything' more than you have "1-„er -tam stayiti$ at the Brandon
told me. about .either Michael or the Ariils, and have one there," xdirlitted
'Blue Nater'?" Lawrence,
"I know nothing whatever, my +!And how long have you keen, at
war. Sea Wands, or Homburg. Actually*:
"Tell me the whole story from be. Kashmir I believe thank you
dear;" was the reply, and the speaker the Brandon Arms, George?" she on.
thought he saw a look of relief, ora guyed. •leasenIt of the look of alarm on his .,give mina
gAi, aavd .x iares't had Sit novo,- nd cell foolish,
why Yau hive hearer's face, "but what I have told ,,� mutt i e area of it Hien, dear,.
r ewl' a kaa salla fee disobeyed nee and come bare fore Vitt .You know as much as Ido now tt be continued)
bi of course.
les " lie answered
u ed'U a) -•-except the details,
.rirl�► iyet'll'Mr'I: Wheat Ips.," - 4" George Lawrence noted that Lady �rW TO. R'ELI<EVE
vn r w 11X. Ore -or -are
von d •
(hole married, George. was the emilfnit d bad neither admitted• nor
denied Alset the sapphire had been
. led that the Handwriting was that of Avoid Serious 'Remits by '13e1*g
her nephew. , Baby's Own Tablets -
stolen. het neither matted nor den-
t?livlously and wrstrong, .so there
re. When a child shoe's the first symp.
- Suss serneihing connection
something tome of a cold, such as sneezing, red.
queer, end' In connect with ►u
Gestetots t' es of the eyes, clogged or running
For sass thing, he was unheeding and nose,=prompt measurea.for relief may
avert eerioua results. Mothers
should always, have on hand some
simple. safe and effective remedy for
immediated use.
Baby's Own Tablets 'act a aickiy
contain no opiates or narcotics, are
1Priorshe did not know where be was.
•R 111 We -thbes and arab& Wit, reg, $32,00" _: But since all questions tut to him,
his handwriting, and the safety of the
. ` . " 335.00 jewel bad remained unanswered, he
-1044 111A,. ): i . • .334.00 -- could only retro* from repeating
mid lift l�lili.(10 the axd do nothing but tell his
Inaba tripped
wait loud speaker, at
or stem*' fiesrhrsidii..... .
Radio*** 5 tabs.**, gw!ty alxc.$stit, stripper_.$d...: .110 _ She wo*ld t'hi's, naturally, give
Ctatswpiplq rind ► few oss. with 100 . +s Battery him all the Information she coed, end
N'+ tasteless. and harmless. Mrs..Joeeph
$410 story.eand Water' cant it, say: se ' Cadieux, Holyoke, Mass. saga: --"I
the 'Blue ant it not In thea house have used Baby's Own Tablets for
Patricia, T era sing stead lit to Zen.
derneuf to find �t for you.' niy children a n iSim a very
$5.00 'td and find t
sattsfactory medicine. When my lit-
tie boy had a cold I gave him the Tab -
tete at night and he was well next
day. I !rive them to the children tot
constitution, and they always do good
I think Baby's Own Tablets are much
easier to give a child than Holed'
mediolno. I recommend the Tablete
as to all mothers who have small 'ehli.
- cativo. It would be ve yr .arias say:' dren end believe they should slweye
_ ., • u. star' Is be kept on hand"
$115.00 every assistant* In her power --if the
Priiess .1 other sots oqd rte ' - sapphire had been stolen.
We tory a %i.n stock of robes, i etseriea sled itch. Ifitlead not, sive' would, of course
if issi.ir s ,es or l order at ewes. - But he wished she weetd be s little
k guarded,a little more commu t-
DUNGANNON --� ONTARIO 4Y deur George th
al and likhael hi in excellent health medicine dealers or will be sealift by
in the safe' in thee! Priests' Holt es us- Belly's Own Tablets are sold by all
u mail pit 25 wt bo from The Dr
r and spirits." ;Yr, on the other hand. to rinds a x ro
--- admit at ovtce: `"else `Buse Water' hers i #was motion.
Co., Brockville
#."46., vanished and se leas Mieh*ot•"
SVIVI; ' t Qarise wwever. what Patri Braiwion did 1°ai�inar. a corn is both risky and im
was riathl~ 1+.r whateicaver s:oarae of „ �. It is torch better to use
action pursued, she had sora. ex. H y's Cassa Rento,er and +wadi-
eelleet rersese said he had no earthly eau *ma •srtiretll.
roue to feel a little hurt at leer re-
tieeisrs is the metier. -
For example, if the hapaseihie had
corse tee pesos. and bean" lets. desist
stolen there seed bolted. wossid
15 alit ire perfectis wawa' for her 1
feel meat relisettrat ta ham it kaaart
that her sir was a tlsiec..-.1 Ike*
table ere.t*re that robbed Ms bete.-
_ =fortress!
Of e.usrss. tilt. would .Yea shield
)lisp. eery prehably--t i ,acid an extent
compatible with the memory
f the Jewel*
Or if she were se sparer, ..crakes'-
t*oas. 1Is erstart. ria to feel nee lawe0ew`
&tion 1» sisteW b1 , she wergild art steer
rate regard tiat�'Ir as a eMrrrr ss-
rwti i
* renard . ae a iltroeh Ul
haft seseshale shalt whisk r~ has
said the bats. QdlisWeed sial. 3!
deet is iris. who Raid iirg'!rr said whelp
she transmit, e - friend eine Wit
Popper "lily tis tare 'melt"
1daR rtltiillawed* and et ye that
.waa i
iwii h7
atrdi have Ow
Nadas lea
se .ss. as yes Jird
pea will fent *Mikeseat deed* Ada
the drew srs wham she wait aI'aigiv 'a!
arra far how saris the pils.swu et ew
to ,wwttNCV iI''`»
wvf...,%A.a jar .i
,. r, wM► a. isms rwto
- .. ?
iea-ring-Qut Sale
b1,5W:00 Stock Sale of
Everything will be sold at cost prices as 1 am
giving up business in Goderich.
Ladies' Oxfords $2.50 to $3.50
Ladies' - One and Sour.Stra r
Slippers - $1.75 and $3.75
Girls' High Shoes and Sli
$1.50 and $2.54
Children's Shoes and Slippers
$1.00 to $225
Ladies' Jersey Goloshes $3.75
Caslmentte " $3.50
Children's Washes
$1.75 and $2.114
Ladies' Rubbers w
ildress' Robbers . 75c
Men's Fine Shoes
• $.3.75 and $4.25
Men's Work Boots
$2.50 and $2.75''
Boys' Fine School Shoes
$1.75 and $2.25
Men's Rubbers - $1.10
Boys' Rum - • - 90c
Other lines too numerous to
-meation vri be sold at
Oterowftl her oipbon over preening reborn 7. to 'i d'+ look
HAPAILIVN 'ST T r r 1s 1 th.