HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-11-25, Page 541••••••••••••••• - WV W A Y , NOV. Vals, 19:su 1 ...i...***..*****■•••••*ww.***4.44-04•01**- OWSIssifts. I TLs ?kw Brunswick AMPLIPHONIC Phonograph More than a 1-CiSirfitirifiliir ROME PArnet 1 L 1T Phonograph I HEAR , . ... Reg. $115.00 Hearing is believing when yon hear the Introductory Price tone of this instru- Melee $98.00 Campbell's Drug Store PHONE 90 GODERICH m .00110x2.,1 Rows and 'irk away at 11444 Is. for hoot was. It is "the tie that Ideals" them to old grim. elation*. 'The felima tray free* how who bas to depend Mew spasmodic letters for kis home town trees bememes lenettome sad Woe alesiesiik of the chap w he regularly get' Ids bow how* pa- per. A subscription to The GNI,. rich Star will pet like a tootle on the children 'may at school. It will keep them advised as to wkat ; is going ign at home and make *them better and happier while away hunt the loved tones. • Plione 71 and subscribe for them today. You mitten spend $2.00 in •rny • °thee way and get better result*. VSCTORIA SCHOOL COIMENCTAWIT 1 olgglarsaa. erhirs sad Medal Frieteot- ' est at Sploneid Mostertitiourtent me 1 Friday Nlaht Loot et • PAG IC FIV2 Last Friday night a very line tteat, Witt held at ictoria school, the ere(a. eiun being the annual "commence- • rated" uf (ne school. It was a great occasion fur the many pupils of the school whose good work had son fin them some prize or othertout of the Irmir list of Ikrixes offered.' s.hol- • ors, of retiree, were present in full • numbers and with parents. friends • trrsteee, ete., the accommodation we: " • tuna .„ The opening number en the pee tram Wag an instrumental duet by eon Price and Join MacDonald which was so well dose that a second number was ealkd for and given Mr. James Carrie, asthma% of the, be made publk, as the mistake we* at& echoer board, was la the chah the mistake of the town weighmaster. Yor the evening and handled the pro- C'ouricillor Craigie said there should committee which has supervision of • waa re" q all with his exceptionally clever rect. -- I tation, "Apple -Pie Order." Are also , mg remarks Billy Johnston delighted bythe police, and the matter ceedings very ably. After his open- ' be a report of aillhe weighing done, • . ' THE TOWN COUNCIL ferred to the special committee, this had to give an encore. the pollee. A question from Councils1 Then came the presentation of the lor Bailie was as to when the town prizes donated by the • Rome and Town. Wins..In..Appeal ,In-Etue Case -Jud g es make had been inspected lastand School Club and teachers teethe Jun - the clerk answered, "Last summer.' ior Owes. Mrs. Redditt, honorary IJnanimous The Deputy Reeve suggested that president of the Home arid &heel ' • • as Mr. Beacom was now to occupy the Club, did the honors very capably house adjoining the fire hall, part of propertY thohichta The diplomas to the graduating class HOSPITAL BOARD ASKS TOWN TO ASSUME BONDS the Tge own, e room In the onn h II et lest midsummetesertrance exam. mitten were present by Mr. J. P he had occupied at night be used to Hume, principal of the Collegiate In. store the documents which were in stittite. Then ante the presentatior Public Works Committee to Prepare Bylaw to Provide for the former his treasurer's office dupstairs of prizes from the Hotne and' &boo" and that troom be fitteup fer and teachers to the enter elite ' ' Lavender Lingerie The IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT for WOMEN 411kUR Christmas shipment has just arrived. They are It" boxed individually in beautifully colored boxes. We would advise ii`ou to choose your garments as soon as possible as the manufacturer will not accept special oiders during the Christman rush. We have a splendid' assortment of shades to choose from. Every garment guaranteed. • PHONE • 86 SEE OUR WONDERFUL DISPLAY OF " LAVENDER LINE" F.E.HIBBERT RELIABLE GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICES. Noviwooiiiifroboippa* a Purchase of Rock Crusher and Rebuild Several Streets •the -firemen and that theufire alarm Club in! ses. Mrs. A. Taylor, president of the Mr. Beacom's old room m the town club, making the presentations. -Reports on Buffalo and Owen Sound Meetings proficiency and deportment in Sr church last Sabbath, the Rev. Mr. r, THE CASH STORE A•d•NOW SUT•I r •• hall be moved to -the house he was' At this point a beautifully rendeeed R r .11 Kee firet in ma- Mains, of Walton, taking Mr. AIP's • • • • • . now to occupy.• North -St. Ihited Church • solo was given hy Miss Esther Hume' :tom O. .1.ea t • M Le in old - Miss Mary Clarke playing her accent. Room 5. Jean Robertson first in The Presbyterian mervices R F. V. ElliottRiley, e National CouncillorA referred bylaw Cameronst.,• )r • Sunday • of 0. D.proficiency ,i I . of the firemen and they bed furnished for the pupil with highest standing it. ra sornouiedenwigi. ins, they had not been allowed. remarks Mr.Elliott congratulated thc ment in Sr. I, Room 7. Katherine evening.. Murray, first in general proficiericy, ir I Mr. Hector McLeod, who has hi•eit • it with their own furniture for which the subject at the entrance. In his., . • Sr. I, room 7. Ida Morgan, first in, sailing this inninner, took sick at tot Saturday, Noveuiber 271, The matter was referred to the fire winner, Lucille MacDonald, and offer. committee.. • ed much good advice to the students, general proficiency in Sr. I. class 1 Soo and had to have an operatien., . . Sale of Horne -made Noreen Sproul, first in tle. j He was very low for 5 while. .We nee Baking! Apron:, Fancy - the 'Better of the purchase of a stone ' e the crusher which he proposed earlier ir prize donated by, the Wooten': Portment in Sr. I. ciatiseroom 8. Pa-iglad to be able to state that he airiv. : room 8. work, Candy, et.a. Deputy 'Reeve Moser brought up This bright .pupil was the winner els( . Institute for the second highest eieece.„ tricia Signet., first in general .proll; ed home. the end of last week an.1 . the year, Some of . the streets, heistanding in the school at the entrance Kindegarten Primary, room 9 'hopes to. be soon all better. • Tei. Served front 3.30 to 7 p.ta. ;rack cat, first in general proficiency ' in ergo, en 1 . P imaey room 9. ht Detroit, and Miss Alberta Mar:..rute, I ' claimed which were in need of repa r Rev. J. E. Ford making the presenta• Ki i e Themarriage of Mr. II. G. Staubus • 1 "•• could only be made good by the wise tion. • •s mi ar reoues came rom r. R. J. of crushed „stone with a fine coat on miss I.. Robinsons Prizes ite, youngest daughter of Mr. me. I Rev. R. C. MoDermid Presented tind se err eecond I Mrs, Heriry Wagner, of the. Mattlene. I • the $1,000 and accrued filtered pay- Howard. These requests were refer- he moved that a bylaw be •th t' able annually, so far, but it was a t th bl• top, and an me ic and geography prizes, Du Leonard MacDonal , . . donated by Principal 11. in proficiency and lerortment. W11.1 Block, Hollett. took "place last Tuee. le o e pu ic works committee. prepared to be voted en at ale Jan- termer, • • very difficult task and the Boatel / /., second in pro. ay at the United ehurch manse, Aim I. could no look to the ladies to con. A telegram received that afternoon uary elections to raise money for the • o. • St nehouee, 'being won by Margaret lie Whitesides, Jr. burn. The Rev. W. R. Alp tied the, tinue to do this any longer. _They front Mr. D.• E. Holmes, the town soli- purchaser of a crusher. and on the Evans, and the latter, donated by •Mr ficiency and deportment. citor, notified the council that the eps suggestio n of Council/or Lee whourtle' knot We extend .ronieratula: i --z-24sete. getting, the money each year.. • . H. a. Long, by Marion MacKay Miss Kate Watson'sWatso Prizes n's Hone to the yorthful couple. • • from the same people and these were Peal from the county judge's decision seconded the.motion to. , refer the mat- These were for highest standing ir Gladys Moigan, -Sr. t., deportment ' It i .1 4 the school in these sub'ects thr ' and proficiency. Douglas Johnston. . also the same people who paid direct- m the Etue matter had been in favor ter to the public works committee to • b • A ' of the town. the judges being mue., have a bylaw prepared, t was c eel( e entrancTT e jy 122 .A. much fairer plan would be to have mous in their decision, This is in• to provide also for the rebuilding of Master Billy Johnston gave iinotfi: . the town as a whole assume the connection with the keep of Mr. Etue certain streets in the money. bylaw er of his clever recitations, entitle(' bonds. The hospital was filling a at the Sanitarium, the National Sen- to be prenared. "Two Builders," After which came the long -felt want and was Magnificently itarium Association having billed'the Councillor Bailie asked when the presentation of Miss NViggins'. Prize --.. managed. . , town. The „question Involved is the bylaw affecting the concrete road and the prize (donated by Mr. Waite). M' Lesslie pointed out the grow. place of residence of Mr. Etue. The construction was to come up. It was Naftel of The Star). for the highest • , ing service the hospital was giving in municipality from which an indigent explained that the work was done en. mark in literature at the entrance the community. Last year there retient comes is liable for his keep der the to improvement. plan and the winners of the latter being Stew - were 319 patients treated, the prey- The county judge -decided in favor of the only bylaw would be the bylaw to art Knight, the presentations being bus year 240 and in 1924 219, an in- the town and now the appeal has been Provide for the 'funds to pav the made by Rev. C. F. Clark. Mr crease of 100 in two years. During decided in the same way, which a town's shave of the cost. The follow- James Carrie presented the prize September 'and October the hospital -very satisfactory to the town. ing rnotion,,was carried: Moved by donated by himself for the highest had had 21 patients and its capacity An aPplication from Mr. le.E. Dan- Cetmeill" Bailie, seconded by Colin. _mark at the entrance in drawing, the was only 24. The capacity of the old eeY on behalf of Lee•Chong, who has oilier McLean, that the matter of Pros • winner being Alex. Elliott. Alex , h BENMILLER • ••' Jr. r.II.. epo . •iVtArniO *tee, Mrs. John Densmore, of Harrires. deportment. • ton, is visiting at the parsonage. Miss V. A. Watson's Prizes • gen Thomas. Sr. deportment Mrs. Jervis, of • Theme„.fiee ' spending a week with her mother I Dorothy' George, writing. Herbert Miss E. Wiggins' Prizee,. A. meeting Will"he held in the 1 Mrs. Percy Waltete Palmer an Harold Turner, Sr. He ,0* PEMBER'S • proficiency. Profisiener. • . _ • • . ' Government. Control as he ssateva it 41111 ' • . ' '''' .' - church here On Tuesday evening, Nov n 30, when Mr. Poulter Will p k n .... .• . kw Edward Willard, Jr. II. .• Montreal, . having spent nearly eight I I menthe there two years ago. Every- 1. • -S...,--. . • • (Intended for last week) • MR W V R NI • . • GODERICH TOWNSHIP Union cliureh notes; fhe U. Y. P. • S. will have a meeting a the church Friday evening at 8 oclock body is invited. • „announcing their new representative was also first in writing. Mrs. Percy Walton had the misfor-1 whn As tee hospital was only fourteen." Last rented Mr. Dean's store at the corner viding fends to pay the town s s ar. tune to fall on Fi'd of I t c' "-- - lents and the fees carried 79 per cent cafe, to put up an electrl'e sign, was strutted by ihe Province be referreS pre. .Ilext Sunday service will be held ae year $8,742 was received from pat. of East street and the Square, for a of the cost of concrete pavement cote Inspector J. E. Tom made the • of the maintenance. In 1926 the fees referred to the public works 'commit- to the finsince committee, to prepare ver medal, awarded for the highest usual in Union church at 2 and 3. p.m Rev. S. Jefferson will occupy the pul- " 6 • I and break three rible.aY "" I' BEI)FORD HOTEL, GODERIf ,sentation of the Victor Leuriston sib looked otter 71 per cent of the. ems keep' and the year before that only 59 • per cent. • Miss Cepha Maskell went to St FRIDAY, DEC*. 3rd ••• Moved Ire CoupeMor Caaigie, -eee- .• • o a . to attend , Alma College . Mr. Wurm is an expert on •halr that relation front Victoria. sehoollee -leg The fowl smatter andeeptertainneent The prblie works comniittee lecom. . 1%fonday Of this week. • . • goods.. All your orders have twee Mended that the Petition for a content. ded bv Depoty Reeve Moser. ' Pere • the xna ter 0 OC.S1 1 • IlIgheSt mark from the two• public which ewas• held last •istedey evening The congregation here were nesees,e1 !ander his superyision tor yenta... , tee stnth power tO att. Y 8W a • . marks obtained at the entranee exam. P • • Th m s• • • ". . t f • I I 'm echo Is wins Id medal and th • ine Umon thurch was a decided sue. t Ipp rt tatty to tee him preen. IS RI 0 0 U o we come 'again *se.,enae3t,' Ds • Mr. Williams also spoke in supped sidewalk on e north.side ofe sou . ef the request of the baard„pointing street from Victoria street to Albert etheire provement sewer debenture bylaws eess, in spite of weather conditions of debentures and sale ce silver 'medal goes to the pupil with the highest total from the other pub. Supper was served in the - schikol out the uneven Vied thet the support street be laid over until next year heeds be eeferred to the finance cone lis ec of the hospital meant under presient and reported that they had made re- nese„e„ce,,eed. hool of town. Olive MecGregor ' house from 6 to 8 o'clock by the lad• Following• conditions and the fairer division me pairs to the dwelling adjoining the Meesre. Wm. Wallace and Lion( i - was the winner of the silver medal. ies, who were kept busy, Reeve Munnings and Councillor Beacom at ps per month front Dee ss airn, es..Dunlop, t. . - the sunper a good program was giveu A quartette selection was given by der the proposed plan. town hall and'had rented it to George (Continued on page 6) Mi N • M M • F Mil in the rhumb by the U. Y. P. S. Rev • Bailie expressed themselves as in fav- 1st. •s 1 -- • ler and Mr. Jas. Thomson, and the 5, Jefferson, pastor, acted as chair. OisitTUARY . • lusted of o • pr of the request and Die matter vvae The :eyelet cammittbe reported as mete mention of their names i equi- man. The program con of the New Outtook." At a meeting of the Sunday s'icitlo::1. nilY artist in the business. vvhere: he can give your *mime Toronto She presented the . i' 1 in . h" l' i i 1attentionII ' IS 111( IV I UR . 0 yl all on Wednesday evening it was deeided He will have a beautiful distill*, of to hold the Christmas entertainment the finest hairgoode to show yoe. Ana at such close prices as will surprise on Dee. 22nd, Wednesday evening. •• - you. •. M the Games ..1 Give ue it call or telephone the. • referred to the finance commmittee follows: We find that mime of the • ' valent to saying that the number wae dielogue. "How the Grown Folks Hotel for nreintment. • • • on motion of f.',ouncillois Craigie and police clock .wiring is down and we • McKEN2LEs-Mr. G. M. McKenzie. excellent. Mr. Macdonald Gibbs war Minded," and a PlaY, "Under SuePi- "WhY on earth that fellow ae. • Lee. • • e • recommend that the. Water and.Light manager of the Standard Bahk, Dun- the accompanist. " • '/Ci011,". With instrumental and vocal tempting to jump with his. ()vete:oat: . T. Pember Stores • An inquiry from the H. W. Petrie Commission be reouested to connect Omen, 'Wes in iown yesterday, hay Rev. S, S, Hardy, rector of St eelections lay Mr. and Mrs. Chas. on? Co,. through the Mayor, as to some • wailer rollssfrem the National Ship- • building plant, a- verbil request from • !dr. Thos. Sandy for some .imall • equipment from the plant, and anoth. up .these wires. We recommend that ing been down to Clinton, where hill -George's church, presented the prize one copy of -the .proegeditige of the father died yesterday morning at donated by Mr. Jas. Thomson for the 1926 Canadian Tax and CivirSerWee-the-genderege-afeeightieeight yeare, estell. with the highest maric•in mac - Research Conference be purchased The deceased was born in Nova Seo- ing at the entrance. WirdierNieliese• through the Citizens' Research Insti- tia, but came to 'Clinton in his yohth was the winner. tute at a price of $2. The police and had spent most of Ins life tint( A very pretty drill and well render-- haie been instructed to see that the there. He started ill the building and ed chorus by g•rls trnined by Misr '• • Bill Poster% Bylaw is enforced, We contracting business iibd later went Hamilton and Miss Elsley fellowed recommend that the solicitor be in into partnership in the firm of coopet and Mr, sJas. Thomson gave a finely strudel) to itrepare the neceesie e by. and McKenale, and was married tc rendered solo. Mr. W. H. Robertsor law mokine amendments M the re- Miss Alexander in Clinton. In retie- presented his prize for the highest council Oct. 1st. ' tics a 'Liberal and was of Scotch de- trance, Alm Winner being Olive inc- week for Long Beach. He arrived New Shelled Almonds, per Ib . . ..... -60c Model Theatre WEEK OF NOV. 29 TO DEC. 4 MONDAY and TUESDAY RICARDO CORTEZ and •4€* GRETA, GARBO in 9, great Vicente Ibanez story. A • picture full of Spanish vivacity. An "Ibanez" .picture always means a treat for everybody. See HireltItENT" HAROLDLLOYD COMEDY "FROM HAND TO IVIOCTII" •r WEDI4ESDAY: and THURSDAY BUDOLPH VALENTINO 'supported brViltrialianky and Louise Dresseein one of his greatest char. t t' n •"THE EAGLE" • LLOYD HAMILTON COMEDY "NOTHING MATTERS" The Maple Leaf Chapter will have charge of the Model Theatre for the above pregratn on . andurs. FRIDAY and SATURDAY BOB CUSTER in a big western story of two friends in love with the same girl "THAT MAN JACK" THE PACEMAKERS in "MADAME SANS GIN" "PATHE REVIEW" Matinee Sat. at 3 pm. I I LIMITED Cox and Bertha and ISIrs. G. Harwood "It's a spring overcoat, etin't you I 129 Toner .St, The proceeds amounted to about $135 , see?" , • Toronto. • Relatives of the Rev. W. A. Elliott •• . ' Shereked-ter -receive-word' on -Sats- • I) s . t.....eesteaseesse., ils awe/ .1a Leal It ?wok L_AL Milan Nov'. 13th, of his death at • Long Beach, Calif., were he had gone only a few days before, Mr. „Elliott Calvin Cutt's Specials . onowdeitliteshhitsow.buroohthiperefotanud esoius: 18 Valencia Raisins, (old), per lb , . ...... .10c had plc of months, thinking the change might be beneficial ,to his health wai h r 44o ..... ..... C SO Glace 'Cherries. per lb . ' steam:tot by:aw as passed by the ion he was a PresbYterian encl.% poli standing in composition at the en• which had been poor. and left last mots w e S, per lb. . 60e .'1"ne finance committee 14e0MMend- scent. A sister, Mrs. Wm; Cooper. Gregor.• •• . • e . home- but a day or so afterwards he New Peel, (Lemon and Orange), per` t th 'P hit lib Bo ton predeceaSed• him abovt two years and others who were 6 present follow- coming on Saturday. Mr. Elliott ei ed that tho 141•1111 of Sr00 be raid over mother of _Mr. A. T.. Cooper, of Clin. Remarks by several of the teestcee took. ill and rapidly sank. the endi Ginger So 2 lb ro en Sods ;squills, per Ib teem. in full of balance of their 19ego. Mr.. McKenzie is survived. bo etr; including Trustees Miller, Thom- was a son of the late William Elliott Wittier Apples, per bag levy; that the tax collector be credit. his widow d jy 11 family a 'five son and -Sallows and Messrs. L ef this; townelthe mid was born and • ••••• ......... •• .. . .. ...10c *1.25 50c ed $33s71 amorht of road.eil sons and one daughter,. Thorium E. Salkeld and G. M. Elliott, . ?.fr. Set. reared here. It is . about twenty-Srs: ,TurniPs. per peck, 15c; per bushel ehrygea goblet town lots 663, vies •cornmercial travellee, Toronto; Johr keld announced that he would 'give r yeers since he left here. having A supply of Good Carrots, Parsnips, Onions and Cabbage torte Park. and lote 642, 642, 320 A, 4trul. Herbert, in the electrical buisi. prize for the scholar with the best taught school for some years befort Th o 'tee nd d nest at Regina; Robert W., contract. record for deportment throughout the „that. He spent several years in the DRY GOODS naynient of a nuMber of acceunts and ore Detroit; G. M„ manager of thg school .year, vibout the playground** State of Washington but for the pelt Print, regular 25c, to clear at . . . . .... . .20c 20c the filing of the treasurer's and tax .Standard , Bank, Dungannon; an(' • and halls. • ten years( bad been at Long Bead'. Gingham 27 -inch, to clear collector's( statements.• Miss Eleanor, at home. The funeral "Principal Stonehouse expressed hie Re was engaged hi evangelistic work FACTORY YARN AT RIGHT PRICES The lire committee reported having will take /Agee on Sunday, the deter thanks to all who had taketi part in being connected with the Nazarine CALVI N CUTT 'PHONE 116 • beeline over W. Rene,/ appika..* Msartsu.rty la. 8Dt aantetehye pluartighaohmaer C. In connection With the commence- pie." He was ii•ifted with A very good e""sees•e•-eres•-•••-••'-' tit rear of his store on the -Square of the echool. the Home RI111 Schou" in the service of the Master wheel hr We lave Nen appointed authorized dealers for • aintrorod of the alteoiritment -of Mr being in order toe allow ef the 'sons the progrant and to the donors of the .church. and teas most -devoted to • TAPIR Gooier as a member eLthe fire from Regina getting here, brigade. -bhving 'Sussed the ,applica. ex deka with the_einging of the Na- ing for n stated salary but n. di then olaM f C in. for building mit* DANCEY.L-After Bine • dollar Anthem. • ' "anon tne-freemIII offering of the pee, - tion for a permit to erect a garage meta, as, in fact. all through the worli tepee voice and deliehted in mane 1. - at Vincent street The funeral took •various Prizes, and the gatherine work, He did not believe in prelude • rending, receipt of mere detail; and Place on Monday afMrnoon, t e sets -, Club gave most valued midst:thee us served. Those assoeinted with eel vices being 'conducted by RSV. C. 14. well recommended the purchase of fire -as donating a timber of prize Ka work at Long Reach 'WPM 1,iAqf Clarke, pastor of North street United and Principal Stonehottee feels that devoted to him. and sent one of hie man's rubber coat as requested •by the church, of which Mrs, Dancey was a brigade. • the mehoal has a wonderful backinr assistants. Mr. De Long. to vja14 Vim member, assisted 'by Rev. S. Jefferson These reports were all adopted. and Rev. J. E. Ford. At the service in the faithful band of worker% whr a few weeks ago, who remained until The Reeve repelled the ease of a ere comrrised in the Ratite and Schott' he wee ready to go home and mane M" "Le d ' S1 C IC use st ers Utsfe'sang,. a Klade Club of 'Victoria oichotel • anted him He was eager to resurr • VICTOR NORTHERN ELECTRIC - Come in and lunch to the music of the radio. A lull stock tif choice family Groceries always on hand. ly Light," with much expression. The which had been among some weighed The following is the list of winnere to his work and his physician hers • on the town scales by the 1/011C0 fIS Lewis and Messrs. R. C. Hays, gC., dinloinas and prizes hot elready considered him able for the journey I 2204 2000 and George Williams. but it evidently proved ton meeh foe! elieck on weights of private coal niers mrs mentioned c•hants. The report had got around biPlontas his streneth. Mr. F,Iliott survived' pall -bearers were Ills Honor jud e Help the boys in our "PopularitY Contest" that this Med was short in weieht hut Dancey was born at Sorel, Quebec ' ere means fh•st class honore and P bY his wife* Brownlee M Carter, S. (ID: Claek. three brothers Vireo,' be' a dau hter of th late i.. Ed. • • itime and +110 'market clerk hadissued n correeted slip end this showed that brothers and a sister, Mr. Alfred Par. Evans', M. (Al: Gliders. tr. Ben, or Onuth. Wash,. and two sieteee ; the load of (mil was really twenty sons, of Portiend, Oregon; Mr, Cecil Hamilton E. (111: Knight. S.: Lune The *itne"al in): rybrosm. Juii,iorine.e olloonrrison end MI'S. R. treat Gazette, and is survived by ewe Ls; Clark.. L. Currie. W.; Elliott, A. pornds overweight inatead of be ng.,Middleton, N. " and -..litneKay. D. (B1: MeeKtiv 14 on Tuesday.tNnakv.1)11:d';ha. t Lnlig 13"aa ' '4 of title townehin. _ . i - Parsons of N 8 Mrs ' made in e•eighine the wagon the firstand Thomas. of this township: end tnund Parsons, editor of The Mote 'e6nIti claN8 honors: Black. • J.• It appes'ea *hit nn error had been mg FILey. at HARRISON CASH AND SERVICE underweieht. In fairness to Mr. • e her husband she leaves- two of *daughters dct (1): 'McDonald, I,. (A): MeGreror 1 Int rft,N Saults the Reeve thought this should and Mrs II Cos rain f 14 O. (A); MurrieY, De Nivine, A. (II) ason, • U. MAPLE LEAF CHAPTER, 1'0. D. E. f'RESENTS Rudolph Valentino, g • ° Peaches G. Taylor. S.; Taylor. 3.. 11-•ery of Detroit, is ' tpeal: Mrs. II. L. Renwicic, of Res. Tremblay. IL (Ill: Walters. 11.; isisit'ne frien08210.1. ds in this locality at peter. and Wilfred, of Montreal, and the family were all here before he ters' James, R.; Johnston, K. (8). Y• A. oe present. s pass way. Mrs. Dancejs was'aimem- Mrs. Cox, of Goderich, was r.tnew• ber of the Daughters of the Empire Prizes for Highest Market at the ing old acquaintances in this toenlite and took an active interest in the ". Entrance last week. work until her ---------------------111 ente. In Aliening prize donated hy Home Winter has made its ppearance; is • 11/ he an Mrs. Renvsiek, sr., of Besoeler G Hamilton, Anna White. (50 •leighs are in use again. It would better if it remain& addition to the members ofthe fe Ilv, already named. Capt. A. E. and marks, perfect). d School C ub, Thelma Rory I Mrso McGregor, of sarme, and Mo. In grimmer. prize donated by Mime . The Rev,, Mr. „Wattle., of Igaiiisin 114 d' i • preached a temperance xerreon in the 44 THE EAGLE" i and a LLOYD HAMILTON 'COMEDY AT 11 MODEL THEATRE ON Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 1 and 2 ELECTION RETURNS ANNOUNCED Two Sbows--7.30 and 9.30 ADMISSION -35e were in Goderieb for 'the funeral. Anh 'Home tool Schad Club Prizes Baptist church last Sabbath evening. ' Mr. Renwick. Jr., of course, was hers were donated the following : , vilifier are beginning to make pre- • with his Wife. The Rome' and 'School Club prizes The various Sabbath schools of the • Stetted of Hoe Shipments for Edna Knight, first in proficiency parations for their an ust • otna Goderieh--Total hogs, 27; select Sylvia Salkeld, second in proficiency Several of the Masonic fraternity Week Ending Nov. 18, 11124 •and deportment in Jr. IV., Room 2. entertainments. baton. 7: thick smooth, 19. MtGsw and deportment in Jr. W., Room 2. attended the Masonic at home at Lun'' thkk smooth, 30; heavies', 2; Atm and deportment In Sr. III., Rasa,. 3 report a very enjoyable evening. . , -Tote hogs 57; seleet bacon, 10 Madeline !Skate!, first in prolleieney deeboro last Friday evening. Tney hogs. 4. Atibern-Total hog& 58: re- f;dith Cornfield, first in profteiene0 The Sunday School of the United • bogs, 2. Huron County -Total hogs Jessie Matheson first in profele,w3fi pleamint time last Fridar evening at •1472; seleet haven, 5(ti: thick smoott sind deportment in Jr. IIL, Roont 3. a AOC* ga e g . • • leet bacon. 26; thick smooth. 31; shop, end deportment in Sr. 11E, ROOM 11? ehureh end their friends; vent a i 1 th rist in the e hureh ' tet5; heavies. s. extra heavies!, Fred Roes, first in proficiency in Jr. The Rev. W. IL Alp preached anni- , • e Atop hogs, 54; lights And feedere, Id 111., Room 4. Verna BarbOUrt filet vereary eervices in 1% alien CANA ISA 1.• e• Warning to Users of Radio .411 Radio Receiving Si MUST be Licensed Penalty tinenot etei:eding • License Fee $1.00 per annum Licenses, valid to 31st of March. 1027, may be obtained from; Start Post Offices, Radio Dealers, Radio Inspectors, or front Radio Branch, Department of Marine and Fisheries. Ottawa A. JOHNSTON. Moldy Minister of MiktiOlit and Fieberiss se *'