HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-11-25, Page 4.MIWW11161111M,lll• Wiii 11ww,.,,wd
Ladies' Hats
Velvets and Satins, Velours
and Felts
Regular Price from $5.00 to $630
'Special Price
street Cawrvstives wise will never
esat another vote fur the tive
ps the presort iroastare
throe, Why wt iove ale an
like Mr. Nkkle to Wel the party ?•
Then, I could vote Conservative hast,
' not now !
Thanking you for your valued
spade, I am,- s
Yours eery sincerely,
Pastor Benmiller and.
Smith's Hill united churches
waosiarnow mew
Orly Pus quit .t Night North Hann I
tl4ilerlentethes Voted fee
At a rruethoeatr in Clinton on Moodily
of the exeeutive of the Prohibition •
Union of the County (a big sounding t
phrase which insane little) the Candi-
dature of Mr. Robertson in North
Huron received endorsation, also the
candidature of Mr. Medd in South
Huron, and Th.e Star is *eked to pub -
allele the following resolution which
at :
Mr. Dobson, Ppeai:ing; at the close was "Vilppassedthe e matembthers of thmeetinge Executive
of his address on Wednesday evening of the Huron branch of the Ontario
at the Opera House, in reply to a Prohibition union, assembled in Clin•
statement that Mr. Joynt had now ton this rend day of November, 192Gt
agreed to oppose any Government Li- do hereby *Mem our• unshaken eonvic-
quos Sales System and was therefore tion in the usefulness of the Ontario
" 6 entitled to the support of the drys' Temperance Act; would urge 'tiic
called attention to the situation that strengthening and faithful enforce.
would result, and argued es follows: ment of the Act; and would disap-
Mr. Joynt is running as an Indepen• prove of any, amendment to the Act
dent Conservative, Loyal to Premier along the proposed line of 'Govern -
Ferguson except on this measure. It ment Control,' We recognize that
might therefore be expected that the continuance of the Ontario Tem•
while Mr. Joynt would vote against peranee Act is the supreme issue in
the introduction of a Government Li- the present Provincial Election Cain -
eller Sales System lie would uphold in paign and therefore heartily give our
office the Ferguson cabinet when that endorsation to W. G. Medd, Progres-
o was diepesed of; that the Ferguson sive candidate for the riding of South
cabinet, in ease it was not defeated. Huron,e and C. A. Robertson, Liberal
would have to administer the 0. T. A. candidate for the,riding of North Hur-
drring its term. That Ferguson cab- on."
Velour Coats trimmed with Fur Collar and inet After all that has happened would • The resolution, however, so far nt
Cuffs, Lined throughout with Marquise be less. effective rather than more ef. all events as it applies to conditions
festive in the administrating of the in 'North Huron, does not represent
tie Luxe and underlined. Sizes 16 to 20 , 0. T. A. The prospective Ferguson more than a portion of the sentiment
only. Regular price $15.50. Cabinet, if Mr, Ferguson should be of the meeting. There .were eight
t,, !returned to power would be sat meAabers of the executive from North
Slusetia! Reduced Price $11.50 h OTA It would not H t and of these only four
A new shipment of mid -winter Hats made of Satin,
Metallic and Brocaded Cloth and Taffeta.
Ladies' Coats
1/ r •
_ Ladies' Coats
Needlepoint Marvella in dark navy blue,
trimmed with Mandel Collar and Cuffs.
Regular Price $24.50
Special Reduced Price»,1116.95
against t e . . eros pisses
have the steadying influence of lion. voted for the resolution, and these are
hire Niekle in its secret counsels. It all strong Liberals, some of them very
is the Hon. Mr, W. F. Nickle who has active party workers.
Men's and Bay's OVERCOATS- MEN'S GLOVESthe O party in faithful support ; really represented the Conservative
of `r
A. Mr. Joynt, therefore, he argued charge is reported to have been made
o newest goads in Men's Coats. A A full range of Men's Gloves in Cape- in .rupport'of the Ferguson eablhet in a church of which I have the honor
good range for men and boys in all . skin lined, Suede, Pigskin, in all the `even if the Government Sales Plan to be a humble member.
the popular shades. well•known makes
was defeated, would just ne surely W. H.' HEARST..
1 and perhaps more successfully kill Toronto, Nov. 20, 1026.
ti #th OTA
- w 1
the effectiveness o e
The above argument places a Int GOYERNiIIENT CONTROL. IN
of responsibility on Mr. Joynt, name. ALBERTA'
j 1 that # "upholding in office 'the
elf,uson cabinet." }ti extremely y
unlikely that the Ferguson adminis have received a letter from theig
Fv. , r a o t ist l Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gray, of town.
oration will be sustained by a major- daughter, Miss Fanny Gray, at Ed -
LADIES' f exactly ONE If it is susttun•. menton,. a , they
Alta., to whom wrote
"• SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP " rd by more han one it will ifot de- for her opinion on the success , Gov -
ernment control in Alberta, from
ministration in owe>; and the admin-
istr tion would have the enforcing; u'1 "Don't let the whiskey people fool And last
r • which we quote •
A 1
truesimorwomemovivt the 0. T. A. or any other legislation you into thinking Government control
enacted just. as much if Mr. Jaynt is issuccess#r•IlinAiberts��rSome,•Qn
nee• elected/ no! 11 he 18. nme "11 ale watched the beer parlor of the' Sel-
¢rest question of Government sale
i for the ;mast seven years and, ns he rubbish from your wind and remeni Mr. Joint has pledged himself to vote kirk. Rotel, one of the leading, hotel.
11IlIT4R1<AL COMMENT in the city at dosing up time.. About
vo e a
others its you would like to be thought. mean =the defeat of Mr; Ferguson'! one hundred melt and m
points out in his ' maniiesta; was a bex the • Golden Rule and think of against that even if his vote should
d •o rates
rev i forfairer hydro
North ur» prime mover y
oMr. ) tin. No i H
vote r J
on -or Mr. Neeb in South Huron is a' for the rural sections. He has al.
vote to cut $ii oft your motor License; ways had the interests of. his eonsti=
• fee. - . o .cents strongly at heart and his re.
1 cord and platform are such as to en-
oi: adnr�inistration, Mr. :Joynt is run out--teiywornen, four of them young
Why should this body of honest, in sing as' an Independent Conseevativc girls -a large number of the men
dustlious, intelligent responsible ,sten not as a stra
we call our Government, be influenced - •
by any other motive than that .of the THE •BOOTLEt1GERS VOTED• FOR
best interests of our fair ,province Y GOVERNMENT CONTROL
serious lack of intelligence on thecentral area: ei Toronto where
Art of those who say so. most bootleggers are located the vote
. If Mx,..Nlekle is right now, he was . • the1'024 plebiscite was 1,008 for
right when a introduced the eel government con of and only or
to improve the .0. T. A. and so wets the O. T. Le The bootleggers voted
thinks. so yet. Vote as your good' in 'a similar district of West Tor-
s n e and 'reason directyouandyou t in • h 1924 plebiscite
willnot make a mistake, but turn a w a 130 for government conte tine
ear . o allthis stuff andnonsense n 12 or theThe boot -
of impure mo lues on a aro those a ars vote'for �control
who think to w at you e. There were adozen ponein oro•-
The country voters won't to remember to in i'rarioua districts where boot-
ight Ferguson 'supporter were young and several too drunk -to
walk straight. When I. was in Ed.
monton before and we had prohibitior
we. did ret see drum,; men on the
Mi; Joynt. pledges hinleeif to vote i'title hint to endorsation for another To say that they are shows a airy street;; now w,e do." •
againnst 'Government control even term. g In a 1VIIOY THE ELICESHUN'
should his vote defeat the Ferguson` ABOVE ALL BE FAIR NUSSI1v�T HELD SOONER
Government (assuming the adminis-1 h h h d d h X44 b m tx 1 87 # (Timothy Hay in Wingham Advance-
tration will be returned- to power). i To the Editor of the Star. Times)
No representative the people of forth ; Dear Sir, --1 wfah:.yrou would ;Tub-
Mr. Joint in voting with him and he for government control. I nd befoi t soon It
lish thef 11 g with reference to pars do be foindin fault +idkA ishter
There is no accounting for -the k k 1 In the wises, but'tisno use.
a tnkin inn notish ave 'him Grits fee
u e e the Grit pa.
is 1 o owm i t
Imuran" could elot�i;.ti.conld go' further, Ferguson fir houldln the sloe s un so
Yes, Mr. Joint tan and,°does f o, fur., the present campaign e s onto the vote a t o late u e
than, He back* up his terperanoe , twists and turns thst are often given- deaf t t fC a ly f h O T A b t theyalways do be ether makin <i
principles in .hili daily life, for he is a to an election issue, and for the dim- f " p t' th p t £ ; gg d ,government t 1 noisabout someting at' nothint
total abstainer. , tortions .and misrepresentations made h h k h d T The besbt way is to let'him talk till
bothrof the most
arguments. 1, that o L little
1 ,' i which. Y
the tell all theyknow, •an. shure it
won't »take"long, bolt now that ivirv-
( , , D44 4114' ItIV14 ,)C44I14R, absurd. -... • 41104 41103• have .,'Cry 114410 pLa44I441 1`Cg5eLb !11".14 4y' congregate,
ton t let .the interest of the coming unreasonable course of action yet experience of the nefarious work of supplied, in the' :.1924 plebiscite,. an tin is wni ruking out the way- Mish-
" election snake you forget the annual' brought to light in North Huron ie the bootlegger, it is only in the towns even 1,000 votes for government con-. ter Ferguson an mesilf intended. I
':t'a• meeting of the Hospital Associatloll,jthe fact of .zo•called temperance peo- and cities that the baneful effects of teed and only' 12 -an average of one oot- don't.maind.tellin whey the etieksh:an
'which will be lrrld on Friday eveniai i he lauding
i author of the.4.4to the kies beer le li. egislation on iekle g that is
olt the eheck their•wo i. any -
ill • le lece-for ers voted for r0• governmente control Wu: sin'' hold sooner, an the eYemi is
in the town council chamber. Thg thinggg g because we had to wait till • Jima:
• rubiic are invited. The same evening anathen thesat Mr. time
t, a •lifelong, their boysecamee in contacto t fwithor hthe e uboot notorious bThere ootleggie two ng) distris in cts eto in
hic', Joynt
nst trashed,les an ball Sd. thean rehht
the Central school commencement is!temperance man, who, at the solicits-. leggers in the vicinity_ of the thickly gave in the 1924 plebiscite, 86 vote. is
av his farrum'•Wurenk done, s0 he cud
being held at the school, to which all lion and through the arguments et populated centres of towns and cities for government control and none att shpind some , toime preventln North
friends of the sgltaol are invited. ' Mrs Niekle, voted for the measure. I ani afraid that behind all this .,o- all.for the O. T. A. The boo'11?gbc1S •Huron from Yellin into the hands ave
Could anything be more ineonaiet• called, temperance indignation at the voted for government control.
int than :such chargee against thr Government -and desire to- hold' the .. Al. Belle River,. Ontario, t;t a noted thim Grits and U. F.
A CANDIDATE TO RALLY R01ThD most charitable man in the County of 0. T, A., there is a camouflaged poli- rum -running section 306 voted for SCHOOL REPORTS -
Huron, bar none? Yes, there is- an. tical background plainly to be seen government control and only 6 for the
When Mr. deist scripted the nam: ether instance. History in this case and that the voice is Jacob's but the 0. T. A. At St, Clair Beach govern- u. S; S. No '11, Ashfield and Colborne
'. Illation of the Conservatives off North is lust repeating itself, for in 1910 hand is Esau s. Enough said. meat control won out by 26. to -0- At'The following is the percentage
an their standard-bearer in the same 'elves of, people with the ^ Yours truly, LaSalle it was 264 to 2. That is what
standing of the pupils in recent ,ex -
the present e1'cction contest he diel so 'sane sort of reasoning, adopted the A GODERICH VOTER. happened inthe border district which aminations; Pupils whose names .are
°''1'' A. but defeated its author, Sir
'with the ex;mre.es proviso that he weeWilliam Hesrst, for giving it to them gg g marked thus * were absent during
to be allowed freedom to differ with: (and -curiously enough the real auth• control, one examination's Sr. IV --Mabel
Foster, 86.6, Cayton Foster, SO,L,
Goderich, Nov, 24th, 1926.
his leader on the temp ran4r quer- nr of the O. T. A. war Hon Howard Margaret Foster, 711.3: Roy Eby. 73.6;
tion, and lie was enthusiastically re- Fergu ;on, then a Minister in sire : Goderich, R. R, No, 4. control. They will vote for it again *Teddy Vrooman 5. 8' Foster
is noted for its contraband trade
The bootleggers - ers voted for overnmen'i
The bootleggers want government
69 shyer by the convention on that has. Hearst s Cabinet), or as Hon. Howard Nov. 24, 19'26. The man Who voters against ,govern- *Teddy
Cousins Ruth Thelnr
1•erlruson puts 'it • Thee adopted the To the Editor: of the Goderich Star. rnent control will also be voting Jones b15 Sr. III �Ra1nh water.
la. Mr. Joynt has been known AS a child but assassinated the father. Dear Sir, -••I wish to state as brief- against the bootleaaers. a,
telnp.rance.etlen all his life: in fact it By publishing the above you win ly as teen my position on the present
3s tatted that he deco not know the eanfer a Ewer, and I will concludes Josue before the electors of Ontario,
-COM.61,9. Jr. III; ---Isabel Pollock, 67.7;
Tony Vrooman, 61:2: *Ina Williams.
tiiste f liquor; and,its lt' this brief litter by asking the electors My reasons for being against Gov. SIR WILLIAM 'IIRARST DEFENDS 52.7.- IL -Irene Graham, 81.0; Alma
a iq rig' x is prince- tri disRtiss from then minds all ernmntal Control and the politicians
OLD CABI ET CoLLEAG[Ti+ Dougherty, 79.8; Irene Foster, 714.2;
pleat And luebits what they are,. hit thoughts of an emotional character who intend to press this measure up. -�•. -. Marion ,Foster, 76.7; Clarence Easemc.
statement at the oltieial nomination and let common sense end reason on Ibis province, are ss follows : t The following letter appeared 'in r 54.0. I•• --Cecil Pollock. Gordon Pol-
• oat Botanist)* lust in which he said ne apish ht the matter, but above all 1e.: I have seen personally Govern• The .Globe on Monday: dock. Pr.= -Myrtle Foster, Mary
a V om
would sot support Government eon. fair. mint Control in operation. I know To the Editor of '&he Globe:
Vrooman . 0. F:. FINNIGAN,
Moura truly, not from •hearsay, but from personal Toronto Star, in its issue of Satur- Teacher.
trot, rite.aated In hittmanifesto puke A NORTH HURON knowledge. s 'day, the 2iitth inst., under the heading
lIshed is this issue .f The Star, is on- ELECTOR. 2. The old license system was '`Blames G. H. Ferguson for /karate WHAT OTHERS SAY
ly what we could expect ficom a male Goderich, Nev. 24th, 19213. Government Control but every. one Defeat," quotes Abe Rev. J. W. Low -
of Mr. royeve *`terting- honesty and THE Voi E JACOR'S -
knows how the governments 'dbuld ry, Prohibition candidate in St. Gear- A Splendid Record
Iojralty to principle. 1t is conretvable -not control' the traffic: There"is' no ge's riding, as making the following (Satut4iav Night)
he might have stood to BUT THE HAND mars proof that a new measure will berdif.= atihtemeat.aat sa meeting:,in.Sherboltrnc
Rain a few
ferent. Any reformation of the lig street United church : Even the bitterest, of Mr. Fergus
votes from those who favor, Govern- To the Editor of The Star. tior business has been med. by force '"The man who assassinated Sir on's enemies •lust admit that his rule
suint control if he had not comae out Dear aline... Wlndly print the follow- from the outside and from fear of lose William Hearst, politically and every hes been marked by efficiency and
ao definitely egainet that polity, trot nig thoughts re aiding the election on the inside; not from one iota o1 other way, was the 'honorable or die- reform, and that the enormous With -
Mr. Joint is not the *Ott of Tuan to
new pending. Vere err many .odor' c ha n ge of principle. The liquor bust. honorable 0 : Howard Ferguson," Hees routine of the p rovince ,
to the present issue, but all are agreed ness Ls the selfish monster atm.The Star must surely have none the times greater in vol*me than it was
try to ride two hotees, and in hire that the Government is .Melent end 3. Btcatum the 0. T. A. has not I Rev. Mr. Lowry an injustice. .I know in the days of Mowatt, has never at
those who are oppd.eia
d to Governer>M has done weil in all departments of been enforced, Mr. Nkkle's own i Mr, Lowry and nothing short of epos- any time since Confederation. •been
tenitrol have a ranikkee who nae only ''lis public service, and deserves, on statement le it ran be enforced, but itive proof will convince me that he better conducted. At the same time
pledges hlnteelf not to *upport that their mord, the confidence of the be also says he could not rely on the' used language with reference to the the sadly impaired financial condition
Government to aid him; This is 10 Prime Minister of this gfeat Chills- of Ontario has been rectified with no
mussinceere bet who principles the makes rule of his life. things during
been p
ut a innthel back- strongnsoiWhytruut t aside the St O. T. r. A.i u digProvince and so hsolateeso lybwith and
increases l iberalin taxation.
Party Net a Prohibition
'There is no Lassie as between the gtronnd and the temperance people before It has been enforced ° ? foundation in tact. The charge, how- Party
have chosen to make the 0. T. A. their 4. Because of the silence 'of the= ever, is so unfair and so falai that it
10« T. A. *ad Government control In ,
twnly bas..f attack on the 'Govern. self»terlseei Idberty League sod Mod is my Baty to contradict it without
the riling of North Huron. Probably meat. aied is this ease there is onip ernationists. Why are they. silent '' i delay. No Prime Minister ever had tionhepar1Uety, Liberal
b alriothi off
the rwast outspoken of the 0. T. A. one question, and that is as to the They must be satisfied; and I have R , a more loyal and faitt ft�l colleague The
will take rare that it never shall
C'oatsrrvstil►eet in the riding hint been brut method to be pursued 1* trying Astir strong suspiridn that they are: than ver In in Mr. } harder
or n. tir 'hr becaake car provinces where Jos
111r« Williams Campbell, and The Tor- to better conditions and checking tire, bac of the present move of the pre- urian ever tnognt •1 haxtler or more un• «
bootlegs** and in all ramie of doubt mien tellies tight for a leader than Mr Fer strength lies are definitely wedded to
(Saturday Night)
ditto Star with characteristic seal .T`o't
as to what to do when we take slek. Li. Because' Goveetnment Control k- guson Sought foo sre in 19in. ,Net , (40vr•rnmrtnt•rontrel. Yet everywhere
party advantage has been parading we send fora specialist, in this rase not the Platform of the Conservative only his loyal auppam t, politically, but we elnd Mr. 'Sinclair despite the di •
raw semeamesammee
Riker's Syrup of Tar and
Cod Liver Extract
Riker's Bromide.Quinine Tablets
Twos well^proved Remedies for Coughs
and Colds.
Sold in Goderich by
The Rexall Drug Store
Bedford Block
A splendid meeting in Mr: Joynt's
interests was • held here , last night.
Mr. Joynt was supported in very able
speeches by Mr. E. R. Wigle and Mr.
Taylor (Lucknow). The information
tame out after the meeting, which
was news to • some of those present
that it is the Dominion Government
which issues the permits for the make
ing of home brew and not the Provin.
tial Government.
Mistress (to new maid) -"Nora,
you don't seem to know about linger
bowls. Didn't they have them where
you worked last •?" -
Nora --"No, - mum; they nuastly
washed themselves afore they come tc
Mr. l,asaipbsll's *opposed defection o doctor, who knows better thin we party. It is Mr. Lc.rgu.ora .And his • his many personal /tett of kindReura sent of R •considerable part of hit
tram hie party in the effort to lento a - do what to do. Associates who have broken ;marts during the trying campaign of 1919 legislative forces, trying to effect a
In the ease of the 0. T. A. we Lines: and as 1 ser it, every Conserve• , will ever be remembered by twee. political understanding with the pm-
iaeewrnwrtit away front the support of *h..id act, similarly, ani leave the live ought to vote to get rid of a urate' I have known Mr. 1:erggteson inti. hibitionist candidates of Mr. Raney.
Mr. .loyal. And at the nomination matter to there wit) know, or Should
*tainting in such a position who haft, nastily for many newt's sod know him Mr. uaeiair hss never even sa t a
to be an honarabNt end T ' gen. �' Ma he 0. T. A. as gaud legte
aa..tte Mr lteberteon the 'liberal know' In tike cane the Government betrayed his trust to hos awn party a upright
11i.1i, the oldest Conservative in the * neer R y Niel or believe in some of its planks .
wisdom of a majority .f the br[gthtrtat *trnngrlvl 1 can ser its► salt'/ttiats for
May I add that the Ontario Tem. fertunr he *h)rld ir:rwh.,17imkiNex,e'f,..rdn-
aiillaegr,head%srrt.atlt[r,,laynt,Zieatl trtrateti wLthpower inteilects lr the ewaway and they the party "skew the present leader leperRnce Act cot,ld neva have bceirCitta: say, what we all kasw, that the sect ,Rt oast of the leadership. enacted, had it not been fur the ftan meshes.,,.aederiek Nov. Mri, Told. has failed of its perpsel aro needsr d. serumae of the ineeo*i*tenek, wholehearted support, Able assistance. Bxnr Ll.wiaaat If ltergaseie ieateaBaying road Lir. Jieee!aleynt'a start. 1 e , • ata. Evn Mr. Mikis ad• of the prewent prrnmr Ln dealing and active ro-opertaation of Mr. For. (Saturday Night)
ostiae la wlirirk he states that hr lee *ttted this where he Introduced his with the ligror question. Te rnv tea. Prior' to the *elision of 1916 It is abundantly (-leer that if the
Control, aa4 4.4 borer law, fee he said if *t entativtet mind, not t ontly has Lie broke, sir while 1 was illis Tod, and moble to Ferfraeion Government ie beaten the
leirrcher.. legrat as alt boomobi. were est dere ts* relieve the 'Relation piedra to the people hr his former re• Rttswdtosaypeaiik dlutles, he or*•, doi.Inant factor In the * orator will
tale, r _• .ie s. btdtatM. [itr saytag the 0. T. A. wort **met ' - cord bit he has isded the. veontetr oe 1'n'°Il"d II k1 taact and Iayingg beMr.Raney. He, not Mr. Sinclair
oft triIaaseis�eIts sreRettaeewt.y will stake the cabinert which will err•; ser twrw R. redaniontto s.r+purter he i'l. that tis...f gsae t de raisin•thrvoter*neOnrtari.b tight]art gridttfadneiniatrativereapowsibili-
bie rrw eats g!a'saaatro� is haa4p hien Tit 1eeMr k what is bust t1s it ours. The raeaaure. Ikteswilii.asIkiiornrC RweMtshss that Govern• And further. few .thatatblarlay I litre F.diter, 1 tvsnnei �+ saes )!r"swi to ttitLl tor*. I)eseaatineprwinr.wanta()-CAMP'llleZL. isnot carrel ws.id lie a. improve. *re how any pertnut who vested sertin*t , lids any fri.dd« is a a a.* with a return* to the kiwi e t sdMIaletr*el w
�•a iha1� aleis lbaai a f��the lamay it krw`�tingg Gnveremeet Control la nrbwtitt,sd tt birth am*.t psrbiie tai rt *in- whkh prevailed to (?maria friss*bee
wadidatee, ei*In ed that« Wm. Camp- exposed of to r a do n bf the' ffnd itlatrrests of Conservatism tieman, sipdttriotifriend,a !nyal al n. bytheth" htofkhec d
1ga/s * hiteaa obssrrse taad *woe lathe. tela to swept
their ;the
prank M ()rtnb" orf lfi. ear .wry isaoku athniwsa **non of 1111! to the senting of
stherwi*r now end M reesitatent :tow assrrd v"' s firs 1'."srr eRd 1111:!! It is a s girl* palest}...
god Ma smear e , arra 1�dre- wog, lay 'Mas how them responsible I tru1t and rraar OM Tire renewer «oriel be .SnM�tai. on myA Owlets**. rntrrta;wioe.wt will i e
g w!a be ewe a tilted Tai the To M 'the 0 and will Ise defeated. ter only iw his ae„
f trite M 4 solum *So wick them are ue. feet' eta 1' Iwo the wwhatie", ea tf►r' part if I psrMMItteed irak5lleird heti la the eb*roit at TS►y4rf's Cwar'n-
eM the eontrsl dsf ttl e. liarsr Previnee trine the evils of Govern- w sa arntdiuie a 'sobs re r. raw eft DeeeRtber 21st Th. chief
or ` Tosyl art rely meet (*meat as .e.r in "titer wart*. mte* ie obs M11i.L t -.sad ser of .see isatmr* of the program will be s
i�f si y • . �a11
tbe tor, ales' shw for the t'a.ssrr•vatlrn►� trssaw
fsam . esiimiiim
tad a pieerktn it presented by the yens*
party. Holly *Wee that there err p
4/M11. a110•11r�.1jib t *4
reit- ,p r
. et
, n
eft r.Ntise ria._. -ea"'
Pay -in -Advance Subscribers Are
Receiving Handsome
It is not the end of the 3 ear
yet' but quite a number of our
subscribers, attracted by the
pretty calendars we have . for
1927, have been paying in ad-
vance for next year and receiv-
ing one of these. They are not
for -.general distribution-" but
Back subscriber paying in .nsl-
vance will receive one. •
the table."
Mr. and Mrs. G. . were
and faros
ily, of Toronto, were in Goderich Tear
the week -end. -
However slight a. cold you have
you should never neglect it. In all
pogsibility, if you Igo not treat it in
time, it will develop into bronchitis,
pneumonia, or 14041.1 other serious
throat or lung trouble.
Mrs. Dtarlett Gee, 1L.R. No. 1,
Simeoe, Ont., writes:. -"I caught ts,
severe eold that settled on my lunger
• And turned into bronchitis. I tried;
mane different remedies, but they :111
seemed to fail. I then got a bottle of
Dr. Wood's.
.and after the firstfew doses I four•#
i1,•ondert'e:l relief, and before I bac;:
used the r, hole bottle I was completely
vd f
velie,� , 1 my `rouble.
Price .e. 'a bottle; large family
size 60e. For sale at ell druggists
and dealers; put up only by The T.
. , Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Out.
Women and Misses
At a price that represents Ithe season's outstanding
values. Choice of fur -trimmed' shawl collar and
cliffs furred notch style collar - and cuffs,or
I. Y
furred dawn front' to the hem of coat, lined, with
Crepe De Chine or Satin De Luxeand interlining..
Sample Dresses
Including many afternoon and evening styles that
are found in dresses • priced much higher. Select.
from Georgettes, Satin faced Canton, etc. showing
wide girdles; bioused ' backs ` tailored`- styles. and'
fitted hip lines,aetc., beautiful color combinations
and light shades for evening wear.
Royal Ladies' . Ready-to.Wear �►� v 'Wear Co.
Phone 500 W East Side of Square
IWISH to announce to the people 'of
Goderich . and vicirfity that 1 have .
taken over MR.• ROBERT TAIT'S .
ready to-do all sortsof Eilectrical Work _
and will carry a full line of Supplies,
Accessories and Electrical Goods:. Let ..
one figure on your. ionrk.:`
,1 1111,111Yvki...---
Wrapped or Unwrapped
that nice, nutty brown that
appeals to the eye -as well as1
the palate,
Try Our Whole Wheat Bread
and Fruit Bread
,_,.._ II , , I .1 1 1 1 Mil 1011... ,.. , „