The Goderich Star, 1926-11-25, Page 2Full of Flavour
iia► tri»' s cice'pt exinteua teal bulk ten,
Sovereignty for ' Dominions
Out of the deliberations of the
Premiers' Committee u the Imperial
C..onferenee hes Come a report that is
using %tiled u a charter for the var-
lors relf-governidge dominions, by
which they will become t.Aoanpletely
. iiatonomou* states 'within the Com-
rnonweslth of Nations, with the King
as sovereign and holding the same
relation to the individual 8orninion :n �
heretofore he has held ter threat Bt
becomes thele the Viceroy of the Kink
than the agent of the British Govern- I
A committee el experts is to be
appointed to study the '»'elonaat Intros
Validity Mt which at present pro.
vides that where a dominion statute
conflicts with en imperial one the irn-
ptriat statute shall govern. This ha:
resulted at times in some irritarioe
and the work of the committee will be
to bring the Art more into harmony
with the spirit of the new pact.
King's Title Changes
The report recommends that in
future treaties the British ministe. t
shall sign for Great Britain instead
of for the empire, with each do.nin-
ion signing for itself, Canada signirg
imniediatelyr after Great •Britain.
It recognises that in foreign rela-
tions neither Great Britain nor the
dominion* Could be committed tc
acceptance of active ebligotions with-
out the definite assent of their owe
_ In the change recommended in the
king's title' the term, "[United,. King.
dam" dila ears The change, it ir'
kite b i tesla the meas. mil r 4 'pi
• 11
w • absent to tra p e Mai to teat'
nape. The s thigh isa
severely daseysi. he will he use-
able to play again fey sow* thee.
what Ills other ors wane to ins
Iain. The •report does not indicate explained, is necessitated by the Ir-
rave constitutional departures so ish Free State becoming a dominion
Much as it crystallizes and applies Subject to ills Majesty's approval the
principles of self-government which new title will read: "George V, by
already were recognized, if at times the Grace of God of Great Britain.
Eoinewhat atebulously, „Ireland and the British Dominions be.
The dominions are to be given pow -Bond the Seas, King, Defender of the
er to negotiate their own trestles Faith.• Emperor of India."
through their own plenipotentiaries 'Proba'bly the most important con.
without reference to any other dom. etitutdonai develollm.ent the report
inion or to Great : Britain, and the recommends lies in the methods ce
Governor-General of each (dominion communication as between the Do-
minions anal Great Britain. It vaas
recognized by the committee that
there had been great improvement in
recent years in communication by ca-
ble and letter between London and
the Dominion capital% At the same
time it was felt that more could be
done by way of personal discussion
,M the. Governor-General now be•
conies the representative of the
Crown, and not of the British Gov
ernment, tate 'Canadian delegates pro-
posed, it is understand, that Britoil,
have special representatives at the
'Dominion capitals who world be ir.
position to present the views of the
British Government. The probable
development of this- idea will be re-
presentation of the dominions as be.
tween themselves. -
Envoys to Dominions
The report records that .all repre-
sentatives' at, the 'Conference were
impressed. witli • the desirability. ns•
closer personal touch between Great
Britain and the dominions, and also
between the different dominions. But
the question of its direct representa-
tion at the Dominion capitals was
deft for the consideration of the Bri-
tish Government.
The immediate change in con inuni-
cations which the report brings about
is that eommtanications between the
British Government and the Domin.
Sam Governments no longer pass
through the Governor-General but be-
tween . Government'' and Government
In other words, if the, Secretary of
State .wishes to. comunicate with
the Canadian Government the .eom-
niunication would not ga via. the Gov-
ernor-General, but direct to the Prem.
ler as Secretary of 'State for External
Affairs. ' • '
c l MOTHElkrdad, •cis or birother . a gift for the
Andre family.
Radio is an ideal gift, for k combines pleasure
with learning. There's awealth of good entertain.
tient-in the air diet is yours at the turn of *diol.
Don't .mist the fun.. Drop- in and tunein,..
*OW* radio and we'll install it so that you hear
the chimes on Christilldas mora.
Try'. An Atwater Kent
Telephoto* 174 W for RatUo Satisfaction.
Britannia Road
Unexcelled Collection
drafts, coupons and othr "note.
titbit instruments" wherever payalale, are
iollecteei for the account of its customers by the
Bosh of Montreal.
ilesielea its awe thew Eos slams is Camila, the
Bask has is: awn epees int the iirtowoisi paeans
of seml3ya,�ws�dL-Smutss, Great Beluga, irreatoe,
Moder, Irl,- 1 R.. aatJ
thrasgbeat the world, ambito/ k to eft prompt
tell tiperai hie colonies' *orrice at all tears.
Measuring the Brain
Following closely on the discover,
' o£ the. "Death Ray, by which, it is
e! claimed, armies and towns can be
wholly destroyed. and the "Visio-
scope,' which will enable one to vie-
'uahze scenes and persons miles
- away, comes the invention of the
"Dianoseope." This apparatus, in-
" vented by a Gertner', will accurately
• size up a person's mentality, and de-
termine the vocation for which one is
• most fitted. The machine, works ou
the principle .of passing an electrode
i' over the subject's head which the. in•
ventor claims establishes an electric
contact with the different nerve cen
• tres of the brain, variations of •which,
are registered in the instrument. If
this machine can fulfill all the inven-
tor claims forit. there will be no suchh
• thing as .following the wtong voce-
' tion. •-
Baler 'wAttacked by Horse
The Maharlijah' of Ratline, India
while playing pole against a local
team 'at Allahabad, was without
warding attacked be a stallion pony
of the opposing •team, The infuriat-
Ilene bedewed.. wIth • ,� �_
licestopiaying. To
kill the lice, take the affected chicken
• by the legs and sprinkle the powder
in the open ;either*. PRATI'S LICE
KILI.*R it Frr,rtea,sloa4nkrtIeg a.d aon- kilo tue tire. Mkyescit+Nr.
11 11 111 I IIII 11 11 III II 1 11 1 II II 1 II 1 11 11 1
ere onci Trane I
Num Mut of shorthorn stock
sensed by the Prince of Wales at
I, his ravels near High River, Alberta,
were perthased fur the Kirkwood
1 Farm in California, according to an
ennouneeneent made by Prof. W. L.
ICarlyle. manager of the Prince's
6 Canada's largest 'muskrat ranch
ss now bent eetab:ished at Swan
Lake, about 40 miles west of Ques-
net in central British Columbia.
There are about 4,000 muskrnta on
the farm row and it is estimated
that the ranch will eventually have
an anneal output of 50,000 pelts.
Prince George, youngest of the
King's sons, who will cross Canada
en • route from Hong Kong to Eng-
land. He has been serving as lieut-
enant on H.M.S. Hawkins in Chinese
waters., .
Chinese Pirates Active
The Chinese pirates; who have been
very active against British ane
French vessels recently, have now
vented their rage on the Japanese,ac-
cording to the latest report from
Hankow, China. The Japanese
steamer Sin Kiang Meru has been
seized by the pirates and $23,000. tak-
en. The • captain of the . vessel is
being held for ransom.
Modernizing Jerusalem
• Jerusalem the Golden, the famous
city of generations, is at present in a
very bad state'of dilapidation. Plans
are, however, being drawn un, and it
is officially announced that the Holy
'City is to be remodelled and provided
with all the modern conveniences
The historical value of the famous
landmarks will not be impaired, Ac.
cording to plans Jerusalem is to be
divided into five zones, namely, in-
dustrial, commercial, residential, su-
burban, and historical, and one of the
main features of the remodelling a'ill
be the new system of ring • boulevards
and parks which will be laid out. •
Fish. Decorations in Church
The. 1,000 -year-old church, St. Dun-
stan -in -the -East, London, England.
was recently. the scene of themostex-
traordinary Service --the annual .fish
festival. For these unusual services
the church was decorated with thin,
ty-nine different kinds of fish, Mnelud-
ing cod, shrimps, prawns, eels, hali-
but,• winkles and herring,;; After the
services,' which were attended by 4
large number of market workers, the
fish were distributed amongst the
hospitals.. • -
East Indian "Reds" Deported
The Communist rebellion at the Isle
of Java, against the Dutch East In.
dies Government, is still raging, anq
latest reports from Salatigna an-
nounce .then over. 2,000 arrests have
been made. -anti several hundred com-
munists 'deported to New Guinea.
Disturbances have been prevalent foil
some time in these islands.
German Settlers Coming
Thirty German families are to be
settled on a, tract of land half war
between Winnipeg and Selkirk. in ac-
cordanee' with n plan completed by Dr.
Fritz Schneider. an editor' and bar-
rister, of Hamburg, Germanv. The
sum of $125,000 was »aid for the land
and Dr. Schneider will shortly return
to Germany to arrange for the de-
.narture ;of the first batch cif new set-
To Stage • Wolf• Hunt
So great has been the havoe
roueht by wolves in some parts of
orthern Ontario that . the Govern=
ent has announced `a wolf drive to
• ver five,.,townshins, and has asked
e co.operetion of wolf hunters of'.
e., district. Snares are to be used
• tensively, as they are said to have
even more stressful than either
senting or roisoning Sheep in great
ntbers have been destroyed hv'
bold nth iirlis season�ki td' ~untisaat=
Limits Number of Priests
A committee apnointed by the Mex -
n Chamber of Commerce Oto Mex.
. Chamber of Deputies to report
on the Question, recommends that
re ,be one priest far each 6.000 in-
bitants "hiit would pilaw" foreign
lonies to have a minister for each
t for a neriod of six years. After
time the foreign sects must ac -
a Mexican clergyman or do: with-
Hari Winter Foretold '
Snowy owls, whose natural habitat
the Arctic. region, have been re-
nted in considerable numbers in
tario, New York and the New Eng•
States, giving rise to the belie a
t the coining winter is to be unus-1
Ily severe. Several students of the
bits of birds recall that on pest oe.
ions, when these huge owls have#
south beyond their usual limitsi
winter has been long and ex-
mrly told,
Canadiaw Celw In Bell•Metel
remier Mackensie King was an int
steel spectator at Croydon last
k of the tasting of one. of the
at bells of the carillon to be erect=
i in the n t'"*rli mint Buildings. Tower" of Unto the
lten metal the Prime Minister toe.
a C*nadian tent and an English
Two Acclamations* is Ontario
ere were only • two acclaatattona
i the nomination* for the 112 seats
i the Ontario Legislature and 24:1
are seeking office. Zion.
McCrea. Minister of Mink, war
Interned without opposition in Sod-
. and W. D. Black was declared
ted in Addington. Both arc Con-
It Tootles* for ltaelf.--.lir. Mormao'
Cie Olt needs no testimonial of
i powers .they tbaa itself. Who-
evertries it fee rwsM sr evade, for
s er esti ter sprains sr
her M is the Barka or body. '
knew tint the a ediciae promo
and sac► anstrateiee. Mks
Oil is in general wen
The S.S. Emperor of Port Mc -
Nicol, pu'�•ha;:ed by the Canadian
Pacific Railway Company and re-
named the S4. Nootka, sailed front
Montreal recently for Newfound-
land and will thence proceed to Van-
couver via the Panama Canal to join
the Canadian Pacific coastal fleet.
The Nootka will be operated on a
cargo service between Vancouver
and Skagway, Alaska:
Edmonton. ---The first plant in
Canada, outside of British Colum-
bia, for the freezing of fish, poultry
and eggs under the Otteson process,
will be operating inI tliist city by '
mune 1st, according to P. Johnson,
managing director of the Johnson
Fisheries, Limited. His firm paid
$10,000 for the rights of the -ter-
ritory. The initial capacity of the
plant will be fifteen tons a day.
Victoria, --The new drydock just
completed at Esquimalt, Victoria, is
the second largest •in the world and
only 29 feet shorter than the Com-
monwealth dock. at Boston, This
giant dock, hewn •out of solid rock,
cost 16,000,000 and measures X,1150
feet long, 149 feet wide at the top
and 125 at the bottom.. Its depth is
49 feet 5 inches with 40 feet of
water in the sills at high water. •The
dock will. take the largest ship
The shipment of Canadian apples
to England and to many centres on
the Continent is expected to be
heavier this year• than ever experi-
enced,' according to J, . R. Martin,
manager of the foreignfreight de-
partment of the Canadian Pacific
Express . Company. About three.
years ago the practice of, sending•
Canadian apples to •the Old Country
as Christmas "gifts became popular,
and the shipment each year' have
correspondingly increased. '
Facilities. at the Eastern Public
Cattle Market in . Montreal have
been augmented by :the addition of. .:
a new export cattle building, which
was op&ied recently. , This nevi
building 'is. considered, one • of the
finest of its kind on, the continent
and has accommodation for. 50 ear -
loads of cattle. By the arrange --
meets of 25 rattle chutes on each .
side of the'main alley -way, a train.
of can be unloaded at each'
side of the building, •
According .to the western farmer'
a.feature•ot the present ycar's•her-
vest was the use of "combines"-
the cbmbiee reaper and thresher
now being made `'by' several imple-
ment manufacturers in this country.
One. farmer using this outfit -claims
to have covered' from 35 to 50 acres'
per day at a cost -of 45 •cents an
acre. He says that they cave the
cost of twine and about nine -tenths
of the labor of harvesting. The im
plements cost about $2,000.
Taderiog loaf Tic:.
The ioallotch T
For real satisfaction in
Men's Wear you ce n t
beat BLACK'S Hand -
Blue Overcoats
Our Ready To- Wear Over-
coats in t,e "Guard" style
are going over biig..
Real Satisfaction in our Men's Furnishings
HATS --The Brock, the Waltha nen and
the Horton, at $6.00, $5.00 and $4.00
The Leading Tailoring and Men's Smart Wear
'Phone 219
North Side o@ Square
r.�,...�--r1• _,G
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CJ.G.C. Radio London Free Press will broadcast
a ten-minute Election Talk at 7:45 p. rn. Mondays,
Tuesdays, Wednesdays .and Fridays and 1.45 Thurs-
days and Saturdays.
JOHN JOYNT, Conservative Cand-itte for.N.rih Huron.
Students May Enter Any Time
Why not attend the School than has the Highly.
Qc:a.tified Staff
The orgy School that teaches real Practical Busi
ness Training .from star=t to finish
Where High >School Students ant i'eachers . are taught
specialized expert framing in Busineff Administration aiid Se-
ret-tiia.l Science r.i:d are sure of a goof position, rapid pr.omo-
• tiott and 1big incoa' e
Stnograpfuc, Commercial, Secretarial, General. 011ier. ,
Civil Service, Commercial Teacher's Course ai.d Special
Cours. s arr^.n ed.,
For full information write to. -
Phone 198 B. F, ' WARD, B.A,, Prilncipal `
A preliminary conference, the re-
sults of which may be of the utmost
-importance to the Maritime Prov
lnces, was held in' the Board
of the Canadian Pacific Railway at
Gently at. the invitation of E. W.
Beatty, chairman end president of
Windsor street station here re -
the company. It was attended by
Hon.E. N. Rhodes, Premier of Nova
Scotia; Hon. J B M.;Baxter, Pre-
inter of New Brunswick; Hon. J. D.
Stewart, Premier of Prince Edward
bland; E. W. Beatty, chaicntan and
president of the Canadian Paclite
Beltway; A. V. Sale, Governer of
the Hudson Bay Company; Colonel
Stanley, of the Hudson Bay Over-
seas Settlement; G. W. Allan, direc-
tor of the Hudson Bay Company;'
and Dr. W. J. Black, rreprmenting
the Canadian National Railways.
Old l ' atirsO ` «..
C*Sa'O,c I A
Just received a shipment of
Mean's ani Boys' Witwi4trssk-
+sirs and Lortellaristoka
Made of all Wool, in Fancy
checks and stripes, all sizes.
SM+a PPAtt, $3.4$ wed
Boys' silts 28 to 34, At
$ 4B' +eed OM
You can get these at
Faster and Finer
, iittert' taFe de*Lt1Xi
Daily beginning November 14,1926
Leave Chicago each evening
Kansas City next morning
Arils Los Angeles in morning
Only two business days on the way --
You remember the once.a.week Santa Fe ds.
Luxe, operated a few yea ego—the fiat and
ONLY extra fart train to Southern California.
THE CHIEF will be a finer train sad operated
Extra fest only $10 from defrom
Kansas City.e ma
i�aaaa• You speed through
wo dsdand of dm lissome Southwest, along the
old Santa Pi Trail, in luxury and
fortshots* routebbit SANTA FE AL
C a and THEAng les.
ted—blither' read valor amen '
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awl 'Wats
• 444 Ira Moe
Want bet .r° etas fibs as ► extol lore