HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-11-25, Page 1• svitimelwat•the ntsehere of P1�alai gsta � . MSS LT THS STAR ,IIH ,E�Jt. InpAlAll anut ti IIA9m94.„MII sortm,,' Alit! UCOND YEAR tar GODERICH, ONTARIO, CXNADA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER Z., 1926 s ... _..,- .NextWedneaday Night Returns Throughout Province WillBee Bull n in 'T` ►� i Windows TOWN TOPICS d,>r (es o()o busheitt �f barley and }AMONG THE CHURCHES 1i101)9tl of wheat), the Home Smirk - Waw* Greet* See the Conessk a 4.60' Soria 410.1 *their Ar estl1. LI:N—Ossid. ityrG..is lat M..liirmte PriemA i THE STAR OCE e tt AI.T! It NAFTEL, Publisher. K. Meeting ceofO, B. Annual tits �Canada' 'The annual meeting of the Huron POLLOWl:1iG LETTER OF APPRECIATION ECIATION FOU ONE 4F (WW * PO .H:11 HOLDERS SPEAKS FOR ITSELF - etikelly peek et my sincere thanks: for the prompt settlement yon made ie lb* matter of my late husband's policy. elite second premium had vaty ewe been paid« and altogether be had veld only (18.3.00. Tour cheque for se.0110,1K.-+ of t nlely'al 1stanee (iia I ani left with -one eight oue and a -1144f %Tars 0111. 'I1(L Inv ray that any married woman w'ho is Indiftrr- • eat about her husbannl bu 'lne Inssuran'ee isr Midelng a fed mh+t:tke". eee, e- H. R. LONG, District hawk - .. WARNING FOR SALE . Old Boys' Assioeietiou of Turontc will be held in the auditorium of the ( iii, C. A., 10 College street, on Fri. day evening, December ;,rd, at 1 (•••'clod;. Were Relatives of the Khan Robert Kernighan, better known as the Khan, who died recently at his home near Galt, was a cousin of Mrs Henry Montgotiiery, of Goderich township, who spent some week$ nursing flim before his death. Mrs (Major) Beck and Norman Kernig- han, of Toronto, were also co z ins of the deceased man. Jack Herald Wins Cross Country Ruin (147,0110 wheat end • 44.006 barley), In Knox church the orrice* will be i the Laketon (2.51 G *heath this conducted by the (Minister. Subjects Saakadoc (177,000 ;Heat and 55.000 of sermmns: 11 a.m.. "The"Rich and • rye), the Saskatches/an (35,000 ser. Pour:" 7 pan„ "On Being Offended.", ley and 77,000” wheat), and the Franz Sabbath School and Bible Classes at • (135.000 barley and M:),000 wheat) ere. 3 o'clock. AIU in port. Last Finlay the Midland Raptiat church, Nov. 28th, 1028 King unloaded 191,000 bushels of: Large congregations each Sunday ,. I wheat at the _Elevator, on Saturday night. Join the crowd. Evening; the Prindoc 105,000 bushel* of whites su Ject, "What is Modernism 7" rand the next day, the Coulee, from •Come to the Bible t"lass inr the orn-t Chicago 108,000 bushels. frig. W. U. albday prayer mnice(- i W. C. T. V. Prayer Meeting Drop in the church on election day.! f on n recognition bay North St. United church; Rev. t'. a In recognition of 4ir. C. A. Robert- F' C1arle, minister. .Services Sun» son's strong declaration in favor. of day, Nov. 28th: 10 a.m., Aiissior • the W. C. T. U. is g,�ng him its ace. 13and, ("lassos ands Ion's <'lub, sub- ive support in the 'election contest, our t t the Club, "How can we keep •At. the meeting of the Union un.Mon- our thoughts pure. leader.. Mr, W. r day afternoon variotae arrangements Pridhant: 11 °a,tn., Publie'Worship in connection with the campaign were The•Present Crisis; 8 p.m., Sunday made. On the day sof polling, Dec, School; 7'p.m., Evening Service. 1st, there will be an all -day prayer Victoria St. and Union "United sleeting in the Bapti#h church from 0 church. Pastor, ,The Rev. Selby Jef- o'clock a.m. until the idose of the polls terson. 10 a.m., Victoria st., Fellow- and in the, evening a union .prayer ship meeting; 11 a.nt„ .1 ictorix St 1 sleeting. will be, held at the same "`The- tineearehable Riches f Christ" church, At the closing of the ra,;er• -(2) •"The riches of His grace;" 3 , r.n • ,.• p i. Victoria Sunday meeting in the evening the election Pan.,St , and y school; 7 Jack Herald, son of Mrs• Herald. of 11:+1 Bi1S TAKE NC/Va.—No Inuit- CiAlteetle FOB, SALE. -•:t Preston Port- town, wha is attending St. Andrew's err' or dogs allowed to trespass NA able Garage, galvanized iron. Ap- College, Toronto, .was the winner in on west half or Lot 10, Coneession 1, ,pby to MRS. ascan IJ\V, \ictorl.i et. the cross-country run' on the 18th Wee Wavvanosh• By 'order of t4,.O. inst. in which seventy-four boys of the S. ' 1i,lr t'N. 'Dungannon.. Ont. VIM SAU.I•,--A ,,x of - second hand- college participated. The dit lumber in frond condition, on was three and a half miles onset= • , Temperance hail site. Apply to B. C. C$�R� OP >lt�'VYSIQN winners time was ' 22 minutes and 42 ^^^^ 1 11t N v1rG+. seconds. Jack receives a, gold medal ' 'i•.\ t) ' ` : FOR �:�i.i:,- 1 new and his name will be inscribed on the +� y'HE, . II 4�E , I lit' , • . 'v(Yrtc'F i fie ecbv given that a snort and 'ntodean Greenhouet, Jt+ i GO, Wallace Cup. VI Tl asp held ptle,rl4nt to the untariu [ land. Goderich Lions Sea or and acidiesses. A general invitation Union, Sunday School) 3 pl1t:;-Union returns will be announced and there p.m., "'The Signs of the Tones". ---(2) a t under glass, also large work raunn and i VisitSeaforth will be an informal program of music "The ;Rulers lit the World." 2 pan, 1;n a••r aux} also lar ter acre a an . .rf tttt' t•atity (Dort of the Camay o[ Reasons o }, ` !. is extended. {{ 11:= ro ut the Townie:; hall, on the estate. Wire. W. JE NKI1" , Cllntop, by the Goderich Lions• and their ladies �y r �• �y 1� 1' :Ir) as day of November, .1426, at 1:30 pan. Bea InG. . . - . who attended the. social event ;otters in The states ��j���},� �a j� to hear and determineVoters'ttI lsttf. FOR . SALE. --A limited number of Thursdaybhen night. th as foTe served last mews and ...missions,,•h.lr the A ig 'Dinner .'f the Munhep ashy of -West tVo vanosh High ..Class, Bred -to -Lay, Dar- in the G. tit' V A, hall and a program- from a 1200 -mile motor trip. He was ' a :.'ries f.ir+t Art, by ills Honor. the Judge , ' ' for resile .The (*losing of an Avery enjoyable time was spent • Worship. Dr. Clark Returns From Motor Tri Get your Radio License at A. Teb- • Dr. Clark returned'on Friday last butt & Son's West St. £,:r Mi:, red Rock Cockerels. ROBERT 11. of „excellent t quality los given:- Die- called from home by the illness of The Junior Auxiliary of St. Geer - e, at Wept \\'awanosh 'tits 12th REVELL; Ridgcrest Farm. 7 trfet Governor Alex; R. Morrison, of his daughter, bliss Retta"Clark, who ices church will hold their annual (try of tovember, ie26: _ Landon, and Oen. B. Anderson, of the for the past four years has been nurse bazaar on Dec. 4th.. Intl IN PHILLIPS', :�i CE OF 11IEETINr International Chicago, were in at; on the City Board of health, Toledo. Reserve Saturday, December llth. Clerk of West \V'awano$h, tendance A dancegwound up the and the motor trip was taken for the for the baking sale by the Ladies' Aid _ itftf:t: d)1'' �[E:P:TiNt', 1)E l:ti'It ' '11 JSES POR SALE OR TO RENT NMI" u•►l. 4n? benefit f h health, and we arts of the Baptist churcl NTY (1011 earl, (r` evening's proceedtsgs. ill 'u Ai F, ---House, Stables, and tole NOTICE: -The Councils of the Cornor-- Major-General Armstrong- and is staying with her brother, Rob, in hall Friday, Dec. 17th:, Team cries(, Apruy Capt, Lawson, of London, were rn Pontiac, Miele, for a time until failDon't ver, In the Town r f God 1 or meet In thee. Council Chamber, (:lite- town on Tuesday for the rnspectton of 3 forget the Bazaar of the ed R • Wit,. C MLINNINOS Ooderic s Neb. at 3 o clock in the afternoon of restored to health 'a From Pontine toric Helpers on Saturday, D 4th' • ens o her a , p 1, Inspected the Military pleased to know that Miss Clark is The 'Salvation Army entertainment 1. now much improved in health. She will be held. in the Salvation Array Nos. 26..28, 29 and.30, lteid's Sur- attuu of the. 4:auntV of Heroic ,will ' the . local military units, A. Compeller. r y, ec, JC+i1N '1�Illtrt\'t:.E, Gilntogr .... Tuesdaytthe 7th day at December, i426.. d d f bl J F S p dy•-they Brave to Detroit, .:South 'Bend, in stare nett to Hunt's Hardware' 4 OUSE .coli S<1I.E: Apel; ,i. 4, All accounts against. tht... County must nn er eoinman . 0 a or .. tru y Ind., Chicago, LouseviUe` and Losing. The .Women's Institute will hold a lleri . 'Bedford. Cobouree eat. Lt its the h vncis c f edtn (.lel a nnaeettnr LieutsYEr Erie Wilsoers ns under the at et hrf ton, Ky. At Lexington Drs .Clark euchre and dance on Thursday, Nov, elan Monday pr ee g • t $ , t saw the famous Iia rt. Stock F y Farm 25th, in Oddfellows' Hall. Tickets qv BENT. -7 'roomed Iloilo on St, of the Connell. bearers .under. command .of Sergt of 4800 acres and ha ;tlae pleasure of ti eo r •g eat Crescent, snitah1 for ' (;l';O. W. 'TOLD A Y, McDonald; onald; • Lieut. -Col. Beaman, the 'looking over the 1I(> horses, one of (thee- Good music; lunch. Reserve :poll family, Apply HURON It\V1'SP unlit, Clerk, officer in commandofthe Huron Refs which is the celebrated Man O'War, date": •„ „ . �;T; 7S ;au. (,+c leriolt,- • Nov. 20tit; 1426. invent, was Present also. 'Capt. hunt valued at$62,000,the most valuable Dont meas The Eagle and the ' of London; was here t6 take the clan horse in thSlue xasa region • Thur Lloyd ,Hamilton comedy hi Model - Horn fro nmsf i. -lied. brick inose, ANNUAL MEETING OF HOSPITAL sification of the signallers. The in - corner of Wellington St. and Brit-. ASSOCIATED,. annia Road, modern, hot water Heat- + spectieg . officers seemed very well pleased with the turnout and the waY • ,.t.„.•.'Apply to. I. B. Weight.Tee Annual Meeting oftlle Alexandra- the officer., and men had their work. VCR CALF.-Hricl: t cstdeneC on corner .Meir00 mid (:coos} Hospital Asso�cia- _ i' tion will'be held. in the (:auucit ;&:ham .A - Surprise .House Warming . lot; Soittitsvesrt corner got \ lson,her. Town. Hell, (:'udericli, on Friday ` -A'fortnight ego tonight. Urs. Rhy- et. and Cambria Dead, at r,'a-nn,nbie • evening, Nov; 26th, 1926, at 8.00 o'eloex prick.. Particulars tram V. ti,. 1L1 - ,p; m. It is specially desirable that as ROW. _ _' ` _ • rearm un attel►danee ,3.9 possible should be (1tran};erl and all rnernaers of the 1 L ,--1.-i-• A '� AND INSURANCR is th' neral public. itkAl, �r �B Assoeiatton, a o v. Ke OA's: It>:Agi '.3C.'i't'E and are urged to .itten.l an(t intake this tlae Ilk; NSt Li %Yi 1' i•r.d;: letter day of aur ot•••aniza on /.*,''1t,41tA1iC1: AGENCY. : Ih 4 'i. J... � \ T. (. Ct;iNNON, . I i itiXB;sui'ttSi e. • Secretary,. Life (Ili, Trite),.hcq)deat,ma1lr .Pdgktargon' centre for Ileal l: idle, • STRAYED' lac' to 1',a'ate property.ta'bnv. t 1lt.�Yl':tl -Cane* to the farm, of the ataen t r (..leg's number of nrcprrttess only fleet- undersigned on or about lovrm• ed to 'select front. LA1any- of thent tory bee 7th.a smell yearn/1,A. heifer. The love in price- and easy terms for Pay owner may'hrave same by provliee pro -- Went. Good houses and lots complete pert., paylnx expensesand tasiiitr fo 1 tr700: !1003 $1000; sewo► n; si , mane, iesev(.: 1,.%41-1:Y, Cretv:r.. t�•. 100: 1x1600; 51[300; 51300; �`2,- ,.•:_ A good plan' to list -property iu .srtl: 5 no(); 4100i $2500: 43000, etc. • ! . NOTICE TO :CREDITORS Some good properties Just diutyich hire ' .,.. .�: esoepor stion. a few of.•tliein praelwc tJly °11CF To feitetie'reil S in they town hut township tax, with all . ue4e$Sarr lirilidintrs and a few neres or NOTICE Is hereby given to, al Pfersons 1 1a attaehc . }saving claims agalest the •.leetatc of -Goof! beiek lttoatse and barn, I arra .4 incise. .lose lr 1 , ivtin; late ►f the Town Iar.3. $11:0:. ):ad= :+"afnr'th in the County of Huron; teem/ fearne hnuerand (earn ole::r1e deceased; ta'sen(1 the same duly:. •verified steles lnnil,'ttt''011., tn: tho .ultdercigned,°, cm or bei'i1re the -Geed frartie house .witit ts'. heel's 10th day. of 1)creniber, 111`26, after•vv-hich *MOO; 'house' and barn, wltl'ii 10 scree: date the Adnlinl,.tratur Mill' proceed to 1te lee and barn with 36 acres. $301)(4. distribute this .std estate 'among • the Very fine lioslse. barn, pear tae. etc..t persons entitled thereto. •havinls regard artesian vvfil, ell nearly Pew. •3 neves only to the claims of wheel tie then of fine land. 93700.. I, .hint +have held.notice. and that he will A few of the listed farina with ncreti- =not be liable for ,the proceeds of the Sas: buildings and: other : Impprove i.esiate so distributer( to ouy person of tn•:nIs. vval(•r supply', some timber, 4%1104e el oris notice shall not then,have iv*� cl located. 1F, :trees.. 82100; w seers'befit received. 100 200 143 sere e, era:.1 acres $2,.00: ilkacres.fiN00: 100 0('rrc: $3000: 10x1 te•teres ii0O: 120 'ler.'. • 81t.',il: 200 a+'(.'O 4X00: 200 afrrs, $9000.a11,1 plane (,►termMoat oat cot Ismer "arms Cxi 1t,' pnr"i'tased (3n ver__ 'epee herrn..: of payment if re+itr.:red. f(s1: alwr t 'thee:a •Aller, flies: Wednesdays and Sa}Ur•, r}n.••;. 00 any day toy request, . •- .cry+ ev'eninir.etter sir o'clock. i'nr all .1►arLienlars ewe J. W. Artele' 'I40N(t, crtti:'e noshtirs: next to' Gene .t no. Stns, Square„ P. 0. 'Dox 80.0ot1Crielr. 1' It 1)A[tRrl tiA, Iloderteli, Ontario; I Adn:';nistrator Id' the above Estate NoTleE TO '6011E ornate. .a Mel it'E, 115 hereby given 1 ; act • net, sons- having -Clothes against U, Estate of "S[ury- Hussey, late of the Village of { kintall, lu the Geurity of Huron, Widow de'eeased, 1.) eend,tlic sante duty veri- 1 tori iu the undersigned, r'1L ur (.earner • the bill day of ilt'crn;brr, ltr26. fates' vvl+i('l1 -date the Executor- wilt proceed In distribute the said . aCptr anruug flee p'rkuin:l en lied .thereto. having regard wily • to the 1 lainitl et wiriest--}su-ldlrin-- eliati have had n'oi.e' end }hat he will • RAIGIE not hr li.'hle fur the err"seeds ,1 the n V also saw the or>> atlas `'`Old Kerttnel're the •sus nn Deethesetanid 2nd, under. Home," forty miles south of Louis- i c pie Leaf f'hap- ville, and many other sights of inter- . ter, .1. 0.: D.. . ort. Dr. Clark says 'the roads are Anti Freeze for Automobile ihrlin very well marked, at the entrance of tors. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE'. each County .a sign indicates the new nes, who has.' recently purchased county and gives the 1i fs and mates CARD OF: TH:1,NItS • from Mr. •Gould and taken up her re- along the way. In this way it is a1:- M 0 d'esir,' Ibrnnatn the tnerl':uin nf• this sidence in: the house on Elgin avenue' most never necessary to leave' the sir paper to e•gnre:.s our 'gratitude t0 all Host to the .residence of blr, and hies. to get your directions.,; 'vvh., so kindly ('spreesed•th.lr sympathy T. H. Mitchell received' a surprise • Mrs. McKinley's Visit to Victoria -St and rend'ere'd .title servtcesr In our sad visit from abont a score, mostly o•I Congregation t rr.►voment In lite lows nt our• Kau an•t t►rntber • her country'friends, who came with .. The many friends of MO. -S. ,J. 1'Ic, :;r ; v[r, and Mrs.. Nelson '1 strotr rot g arlttPlilla Af xvRgetalsles.«at i -and eel-�Cialpy Circe stiles ili''"rtlatrts), ev3tlgut and Fondle.'. her up nicely for the winter. A vera list; were delighted.' with her. visit to . = happy sociiit time was spent by all Goderich last' week in the interest of DIED until a late hour and both Mrs.. Rhy- The New Outlook' of which she is the retel'lreON.-••dn Colborne Township, nas•and her visitors'enjoyed the•event representative in' this section of, the, on ndtv:r. November `21st, tti2,;. !Al- to • the full. . During the evening an Province. 'Thirty-nine years.ago. she bells Davidson, in to r ii3rd Tear. address was' presented to the' hostess held meetings on many of the .ncighe Wee•(ih:1':-1n (t.idr'rich. on Senn - All her'many friends wish 311s. Ithy:- boring circuits, and great numbers riay, November "Mil. 1920. l.en:(. Ji net nas much happiness in her new home. were led to Christ under her minis- f)airveY, beloved Wvi+lt' of •�li•, Loftus Huron Lodes Elections Next Monday try, many of whom continue to this mesio trorsray Night day. .'While laboring in Victoria st rMeeir(►N.'tlJl...:U \:+pane.', on 1'�rille . church thirty-five years ago she was November t0th: 1+`21(, ,Allan I,r'r►nard. t Ne :t Monday night 'will be third:g• • Materianald. en his aeth year. night. of nominations and election of 'largely instrumental in earring the officers: or the ensuing terms, - Both heavy debt which. was then on the IN MEMORIAM herself,and she has been back at an- lielen tr,,riende: b, snuck rtatighter ;slate' so distributed 11 any • person of vtllirw' olantis 'melee shall not then have been received. rived. Real estate and Insurance 1 : P. -B. DARROW. 1�oderirh, (nrlariu. '/ 1• • Soliditor for the 'said E0r'cutor. GRAIN Ask us for quotatioffs on the following Exchange WINNIPEG GRAIN WHEAT OATS — FLAX -.. BARLEY 1 HICAGO GRAIN - WHEAT --�- OATS -- CORN - RYE We give service on the Gratin Exchangs ` Past Grand C. A. Reid • and :Fast Grand Dr. Clark, who have for many. years' filled the offices .of- recording secretary end financial secretary re- spectively, with' great.ability, ate seeking to retire from these.ofces at this time. A very interesting discus. aeon an some points of .Oddfellowship took place last Monday night and as a question' drawer . on ,any point of church. giving a' large contribution It i' D DI. I% -in 1,.v}ne niPmoraw, f nfversaries and services many times '.4i and Urs. Jana+14e.J.�l,.vsh�rrlitkl.ltvo sidee- On Sunday, wetting,. • . Nov, ;'ears age) November :nth. 14th, she preached in Victoria street :•-•1�:sITNF11. Mirela: AND ill:)k church toP4 large and appreciative = audience, many of whom. were from "^ _ other churches. Her'sermon' was de- p e withher d-. ' powerand, ll. fIv ed w t i of ime w BAZAAR ct I tinct''don on salvation and sin, reward AND Oddfellowahiri is announced for next and punishment, a heaven and a hell. Monday night another interesting On Thursday night she took charge Yf'ome-mada Bakin Sale y >z -I sleeting is assured and 'a good at- of the cottage prayer meeting', every. • GIVEN BY tendance'is e•'cpeeted: one present tailing some part. At First Winter Cargo Has Arrived that meeting three persona testified Victoria Helpers g to being converted in her services be-' of Victories St. Church The first of the winter fleet has ar- twoen thirty-five and fortyyear.. Aga,. rived in Goderich harbor, the .steamer 1 On Friday she left for Hlmesvilleo O'�vett Brother' a 100 -footer, which has .take op her...work there, followed toy Saler ay, Dec.,-i/4th gone into whiter quarters holding het the prayers and best wishes �3 cargo 201000. . of wheat in manfriends. rr • Strings for :musical instruments of, Store Nextto Hunt s Hardwsre' of h�' Afternoon and Evening storage for the Elevator. The Cana IN • all kinds at •CAMPBELL'S DRITfe �cv: NTIIIr,-- 1ntique Furniture. Pie, 8 - TORE.' . + • titrr,a. Bnrtks, L Vilna Frames, Toys, Brie-o-hr;ae, rte,lk.oits sled en enml- 'mission or by :(11(41 111. 1't' 111.1f. tlur-` „qty_ ;drop;... lints IIt's 4'1( roe AN7.1Yt'E1► 1cJAV.-.•-S.ale,lrnan for your r}.'Itht.• Pay weekly. Evrins,ae toek and 'i'errilnl'e.• AVf, grew the sloe% we sell 111111 +lflitrt' . fresh dna /lard% Canadian Trees Nursery • (4)4) news Ert}aio,eli'd ') years \reit.' PEr.11141 vt RSEat't 1.1., T "rmi:o 2. Ont. ET►;-•4att'.t,tRl.'n art:n ;tn1.•••i1, i' haat' Mae ay each- of 1`:1. per dozen. Unuh11' • , os ,.• •r• , ►•r r rr- r ,•.1 (ill lff 11.11. dozen, 332. +t1i11' I'E:9-1l1"1"I' ,1/4 :44 IN. %VO4 Street Ita1.11 :te,.. Phone leo% I eh). itt`F E 1iL'4 Petr ti'i11'' Arnie 4100e. incxnerirurert 1)101) veiniest. 'Write at one,. for free catalogue. explaining hmv you van earn while learning Garotte Wine, it:tt)eee Welding. Darier. in :lull pair fires...ho r, Ileutphili's Practical schools 163 King West, 'ear.'rlo. .lent}1is+,t(► „tel- s --;tier; Huron Investrnents, Limited. :., .. ..' ROYAL BANK BLDG. •.... GODERICH, ONT., sH 1xIFF's s:11LI, 'HONES 00445.. ....".,......r..•...,.,....,, .,...N .,..tat. Direct wire to all imams" Stock and Grain Exchanges.• INVESTORS Have you received a copy of our November offerings ? Lia la t am bonds to s rtlam, Govern. hilmicipol, froom Government eat stand Corporation YIELDING PROMS to 414 PER CENT. ' A CO1'Y WILL 'BE t LADLY MAILED ON I IQut sT ' We will be pleased to give advice on any Bonds you may now hold, both as regards Security and Market (Price. 0. F. CAREY & SON, Lirni 1M Tam R&D. 'S '-1LE: HP 1.111)4. >1 ;County nt Ilur•rs, to wit • By virtue of 0 writ of Pied Peeks i,surd out of His Mnjei:ty's E3ret Diets. 'e ton Court of the 4 i.ntity of Mem •iii4 to roe diroetrsl and. deliteced 144041; the lands snit tenements of a,e'iae Me - Nall. at th.' writ of 1. a:;lulu Cult. 'n which 3. Galvin Cult is plaintiff anis George McNall ti slrf"'ndant. I lave soizerl and '11 in ex+c'rrtiun , :dl th,' right. title. Interest said (quite" 0f rerl•'niptroll. • in. lo, and nit( "f 1110 following }sone and premises. 'first is to Kitt Lot number rine lliin.lr•ed uw1 Twenty':4•'ven. •'u elle eteliein'rl(i'i '='n' %ey. in the Village nt BIN tie 111 the " Comte of Menne:mil J'0.,%100.' ,d ten•: t 0i0. enotainiter 1.v a.1too o,(,teinent unr' lrsWf;1Rtt. of an ser., 1,e tit,' e•vue i,l•o',' rr 1%1tife It i.an+ts iuuI 7, re r:r,eul•t. I shalt effer for male. at my little.', hi the Onset Hninis. In tier• T•.wn .,f feel. - arleh, on I.Vadn edey. the eJelill. d.s .4 ,December. 1f1)'. at the Ilene c.r , at $hr el+irk mien_ Csatieriek11. rr •Mn rate, }I:,''.lw„ oh•'ritt's trill. r 1:,,,1,•r:rl., August am. incl. • __. To-the-Electorso-n •On the.lst of December you will be asked to elect a representa- tive :to the Provincial Legislature, and me I am a candidate, you have a right to knew my positio', and views'. There are many conteritiOn4 suhjeets to be settled*Goverreeent Control • ie. 1). '1'.:1., the educational administration of the Province, Hydro -Electric z.frairs, and Highway matters. But Mr. Ferguson says that (tie liquor ttuestior. is the main issue. That being the case, wish to state that/ .et opposed tv Government Control as outlined by Mr. Ferguson. Government Control should mean n restrietion'ilo the output of liquor instead of an increase Government Control,to be effective, shouse( he in the hands of those in sympathy with temper - ante legislation and not of those controlled by the liquor, interestsr. Government Control may mean revenue, but it is at the expenae of the general proeperiti, of the Province. I believe the 0, T. A., as or:- dorsed by the people on (Direrent oceasions and by large majorities in North Duron, should ba, adhered to and strictly enforced. 1 Mike men'should be elected who are in sympathy with temperance legisla- tion. hydro-electtie energy should be distributed on a more equitable basis throughout tate Province. Revenue derived from liquor should not he applied to highway expenditure. Premier Ferguson's township sehool boar4 bill is not workable and should be withdrawn. Supple- mentary giants to teachers' salaries should be based on length of sere vise, effielen(y x:•d 'tualitication. Elections should he held at : carom. able tinieos Schen the views of the people can be expressed, and once expressed; is they Have been on several oceasions, should be res»eeted. Sime the abrive was ieeu(:d, the Premier of the Provineo, lion. flexor,' Fetgusort, has materially altered his own manifesto, though that :nau'festo v:a. }rut forth os the result of the most carefut cured. elation. Even so, with all hie latest changes, I am unalterably me. posed t., his policy on the temperance issue and to any form a£ Gov- c':':n,si>nt Control or sole of lf:iu"r for beverage purposes. I s&.snid abs•,lutely for the O. T. A. and I wilt support tt11 -MO1 Amendments to t'ie Act as will stake it still more effective. In the ab•o -1 declaration, ;Meted in all the }capers of the RIdhig. I trust I have elide my iroeition elear, and I h:1 e netld.t; to'add or retract. I appeal for your ;atrpr'o:t on the 1st clay of December, 1920. on my municipal record and tet}retftnee, and my oft -repeated• stand .+p the teni;terante question. C. A. fOBlRV0N. • John Joynt Issues Manifest� to Electors To that Electors of the North I"tidlngi of Huron, Ladles And Gentlemen:— Ladies *Mod Gentle,nen.: A* iaa4 Independent Conitervath•e can. didate for re'eleetion to the ProvinKiat ]legislature, 1 has* aolirit the v'atea ands sup4$e$ of the electsTh sty ridiwg• I regret my handicap in receiving my nomination at such a late date, making it impossible, on account of bad roads end weather, to see the electors in person, and therefore isane this rnanifeeto so that you may lutetii}pan1irAbinaar ,ear te„,,<.r As I see it there is only one contentloee re estiiee before the electors at this time, vie.: Government Control'. The stewed of the Government on all other legislation in. trey opiiaiitsr;nl olid cantos with 'fl►e 1ioilesr`approval' ot''ttle• electors,.a • My reason for aczepting an Independent nomination wee he. rause of the fact that I um opposed t� Government Control, acrd *Ili not support it. 31y record of the past' oven' years• is Before' xnun• I have taken the most Advanced step in the Interest of the eke - tors of Huron County in securing tower and' more equalized' rates for users of Hydro light and power: and' shall' ever contiinms su, I have always been and will continue' to be•au'ardlrnt' sup}metes ' and advocate of the most progressive legiel*tion•an. tile' interest tri treasures for the benefit of agriculture:. Regardigg Township School Boards: Thin dbes not appeal' to me and I have given it no support whatever: and will allvays con, linos to support any measures that' wilt t'end'to lighten- thebtird'e�a of taxation. I am a,suiiporter of the (iovernmeneis let[1sl'atiirn reilbrlh,r thee, Automobile' License Fees, and also the• removal' of the Amusement Tax. •= It hes alweys been and will continue' to be my. mottle t r supe port all measures that tend for the betterment of the -people of the province, and, melt particularly for the people of my lielbyed'ridunt of North Huron. I appeal for your vote' and inftuence•on Dee, let. • 1' am, Faithfully Yours. • JOHN`JOYN'l':... Witness as to this signature: D. C, Taylor. At 'the °Mete! nomination: meeting at Wingh*tn on November. 20th, Mr. rroynt gave Isis reasons for supporting the "Pour-'h'our". measure as follows ".ill my life 1 :havetl)een a profound temperance men and a teetotaler, and have never lost an opportunity both by, precept vote and exampie•to-further real temperance, Being an Independent thinker I kept an open mind and listened attentively to the prow, and cons In my d'earching for a proper, One conclusion ° in the mntter. it did appear to me that the manwho understood .it best must be the man who satin the 0. T, Alin its minutest' working de- tail.. -the man whq, daily in his office listened to tales of sorrow and pleadings of 'thoseaffected by the various liquor concoctions. Irl this. man -Hon. W. F. Nickle, Attorney -General, .1' had' complete ;2onlidence as an honest, upright, real temperance man: Tide' I''our-point-Four. Bill was his Rill, and when he pleaded' with all the earnestness of his soul in the interest of true temperance, I lieltev- ed him and voted with him for same," Mr. Joynt then' read the following paragraphs from !lir. Nickles speech delivered in the. House on Feb. 17, 1025. These are but two paragraphs extracted from`'h tl}rty-six page address ap• pealing to the members of the I.exislatuPe to .support' hie Four, point -Pour Bill in the interests of the 0, T. A. and permane„t real temperance (A) "The other day, The Pioneer said,: and' Bald wisely, "Th • basis of the problem is avarice and appetite:" Nothing could be put more succinctly. The breis of the problem today is interlace and appetite. If you 'analyse these clt*racteristtce of humanity; you would realize the proper study of mankind' hi mon.. Generally 1.am, stating that in'nsy Judgment the peopl4 of Ontario 'today who want liquor ere becoming whiskey and alcohol drinkers. ram try- ing to.tell ,you. Mr. Speaker,' that I am convi'ncedthi*t unt'ess eeme relief can be •obtained against this ever•growing tendency, the.On- tario Temperance Act is bound to be destroyed. The pendulum 11 ..._,naringing..�,against....the.... lntuio... Tnmperanoe._;$ct„..-a.nd while ---.the movement was caught at the full of the tide in 1916' grid 1919, due possibly to the emotionalism of the war. today it is almost at the ebb of the tide; and are is temperance map Lam satisfied that anles.t something in done torelieve the stress, the Ontario Temperance Act is doomed th, be destroyed.' (B) "If 1 had the power, some Godegiven gift by which through the initiajion of an Act of I':trliament I could sweep away all the pernicious effects of intemperance, even by a declaration of r o 0so: but I r ffzt as t aid on evioas eco- prohibition, would doru sa s I d. ,I1 p stone in this House, that the public man must be a practical ideal- ist. He does not live in a world' of romance. lee is dealing with human beings and the conditions that surround him, and after gig• Ing careful consideration to the deveropment of temperan.e senti. meat in this Province, to conditions that surround him, and after giving careful considerationto the development of temperance sen- titnent In this Province. to conditions that faced the honorable ex - Attorney -General, and that Ince mc. and will face those who may succeed me if conditions remain as they are today. 1 can reach no other conclusion than that if some redress, some easing, is not gm - en with reference to the Ontario 1'emperan;e Act, the Act, much to my regret, would 1* doomed to extinction: because I believe the people of this Province are being' driven to becoming whiskey drinkers and drinkers of illicit liquor, because they are not .1.12 to get a beverage that is palatable, 'refresl'ine and at the •came time non -intoxicating. (Applause).” "In conclusion I beg to say that Mr. ;