HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-11-18, Page 6• MOS EX ..1111/M/Iffill, SM. ,I1♦w11 11. 11I 1 u -- IBEAU GESii � e rptaaVAL Mystery CHRISTOPHER EverpWF.xrlfHn Grtibatstst Mystery Story Written By PERCIVAL CHR TOPHER WREN Passengers by the Appam from La- Ile was obviously much attached to dos tq Birkeniusad, were interested in to the Engltahman. . . two *mode who sat oitle by Nide in It appeared these two had some- Xadetere chairs, or walked the prom - thing on their minds" for dal+ by day, sass* deck is Vows sand coreeent and night by night, save for brief in- dppmpeny, tervale for routing, sleeping, .and play - Tee one, a tall, bt'on:ted, lean Eng- ing bridge, they interminably diacaes- lbeli1e•■n %aet:ittens forbidding, and Ned. or rather the Frenchman inter - at, w weera ons would .nil m his cold man intently listened, interjecting gri Who asset 'used two word' v Wadi discussed and the English - grey eye looking, through or over, meno.yllabic replies. those who surrounded him; his iron.], When the Englishmen contributed grey hair and moustache, his iron- to the one-sided dialogue, a listener firm chin and mouth, suggesting the would have noted that he *spoke most iron that has entered into his soul and often of a bareheaded man and of a .made him the hard. cold, bitter per- PaPer, *Peculating as to the identity son that he was, lonely, aloof and of the former and the authorship of self-stMking, (Perhaps Lady Bran - the iv x IP paw that *endireMi "cartel*" a curie's "tel b it Palm' wos14 'hive gift, grant, bonus. pension, premium word to sae. 131 smiled to bin/sself as 1 ha4 ar se ee oseele of tbs theft eat a tali; iiaie11ss►ft)•• he greedy replied : oeol jewst bike thseR. ?host h It a 1liMerlty. dilemsua, predicament, "But excellent. mon vieux! That hese i fb s that •Lely 5rasdsu ht, perplexity, poeale. would be splendid. It will more me biAo is 1i for mews .saner. - . • Pardo*, *omitted, forgiveness, re- froat writing a letter a x111* bung, and Whae a+ a#erttit, say elil ea+!'' 11.1.14«x, a'� assanesty. Lady Brandon gannet feel that I have Aid" •e 110* .V..ii,i��, tiry. I�up , ixupsztir►srwe, insolenee treated the affairs casually, ami es if oast seem tNA the• labjlet of 'widow, elf/watery, rudeness, pert - of no importance. I explain the Beau Gnats, the "Mae Water," run nos, mueinese, who a matter to you" Inst old friend. derxext, *ad Its aeeret. Slimly rive you Lite doeuament, olid ask yslr On parting In Leaden, Major de Wool to lay It before her. You cored meiBoatioiafs banded a document to Gen.' "Use * word three times and it is that while supposing the document toe L'wr.nco who fsrnemissad to deliver it yours." Let us increase our vocabu- be merely ,a eau erd, interesting aaly a>Aal alas to legato lel' et3eni Lfor, lacy by mastering one. word each day. by reason of how and where it was as to suer development* et the story.l:GCLE9IASTTCAL• iouad. I nevertheless think that she The Major felt that he had the mid- ,Pertaining to ought to have It. just In ease there is elle of it, *sed ha partieslarly desired the church. `The long robe marked anything I con do in the matter. to discover its beginning, and to fol. hi" eccfeaiastieal dignity." "Joist that," agreed Lawrence. "Of low it to the end. MAJESTIC; having dignity et per- . `Beau' Grate never stole the CHAb'Ta11R II • . son or mien; stately; royal. "Noth- sapphire, or anything else: but t eon- aryt•�ttr>r r AyyF ^7`.'C� '1`AKF:S THF. Tigan' but tend.' obe re*grace#ally majest+c that pose, as schyou gay, err docandement alike STORY TO LADY BRANDON'AT PRELOMINAN.T; superior in pow - their names are mentioned." BRANDON ABBAS er. "His manner was marked by a "Certeinly. mon %mi, diad if th As his hireling car aped along the predominant air of haughtinzse," store hoe been stolen. thenape.' eountr'y road that led to the park RETINUE;, the attendants of a might be an inveleable glue to its re. nates of Brandon Abbas. George person of rank; an escort. "She covsrv. Reend-writing. fist /•demist,. n r Lawrence's heart beat like that of n was followed by her retinue of sere sP welid clop,. She multi retseee her, boy golnsr lo his first love -tryst. vents, VII l'Illi tSDAY, NO%. Mite Or ^gew,�1�, EDRoSE 1sj so. Wee, 4fitii41144111iotta. there on over the bridge being part ask if you would oblige by reproduc» of the county system. The Reeve ing same. produced the description of the conn- A SUBSCRIBER. ty system to prove this. 1 BRITISH SEED IS ,ISRAEL "When was Cambria road taken off as a connecting link?" asked Couto ' To clinch all arguments, tate- Sm.cillor Bailie. ly in The Sentinel, as to Israel, I en - .el. n1 Rr..t leti,: latter. t The Reeve gave it as We under- close twelve cis den of Brandon Abbas alone of wont- The Frenchman, nn the other hand, self as to. whether 'ohm nut it in the Had she married him, a quarto of PERFIDIOUS; treacherous: faith- standing that it was never on. Money taro, which no other nation bears. en. knew the real roan end what he talked more of a murder, a di#appear•; 'hands of your Criminal tntnatieetinee a century ago, when she was plain leas, He was in the power of the was available; after attention to the 1,� Judatwo sndu X.ey u twos and might have been; and perhaps half a an e, and a fire. Department at Scotland Yard sine (but very beautiful) Patricia Rivers. perfidious • and cruel king." cannectingt link, for, I -se on other' • " dozen men liked him' as greatly as "How long is it since You beard asked them to get in tole with er- he .probably would still have loved streets (out of the levy on the town (Jews), who have never lost their all men respected him). from Lady Brandon, Jolly?" enquired police. . . Assure her of my anxiety her, though he would not have been ACCLAMATION; a shout as of ap- for county highway purposes, and it identity, and the ten tribes scattered, 1 The other, a shorter, stouter, more George Lawrence, one glorious laid to da albQeiiitaly anything 7 can ;., se- in lave with her. plan;e. '"There vie a ;waving Of was onlyin this way that the $5,000 to be traced to the British seed : Xsnial •i rson, tiocislly •inclined, a tine invigorating morning, as the Appani matter. -•••'f either the iewa1 or Michael As it was he had never been any- handkerchiefs and general �icclama-grant frm the county had been Kot • 1st -Their •standard bearer is a type of French soldier, suave, court- ploughed her steady way aeroes a Geste saharid bis missing." thing but in love with her from the tions."" a or Cambria road, though in asking (Jewish sign) Lion of Judah, unicorn iso end polished. ruddy of face and blue and smiling Bay of Biscay. "Rightn. lnblv," wee the -et. time when be had taken her refusal!for the grant for thin road it had of Ephriam, ensign, Rose of Sharon; brown of eye and hair, and vastly im- "Oh, years and years;" was the re- 'P11 Oren in there one div. Prnhehiv like the man he was, end had sought THE TOWN COUNCIL ,been poited out that Cambria road Deut. 3$:17; Micah 5;8. proved by the removal, before Ida- ply. .""I was at Brandon Abbas for a +t.. aro tierce, T ,ball ,dee -++iii he an outlet and en anodyne' in work did, as a matter of fact, make a con-! 2nd --The English Sabbath as a coo. dem tf a three years' desert beard. week of my leave before last. That 'Beau' Geste binnelf end eeehehel. t and 'Central Africa, Notes of Last Regular Meeting Can- fleeting link, but it was novo. cfficial- enant between God and His leeople would be six or seven yearn ago. I ahnn +h, '$Toe Water' tet same As the car entered the gates and g tinned horn Nur Last Issue ly recognized as the connectins link Israel; Exodus 51116-17, HARDLYSW COULD haven't written a line since the letter ee•,••i"M" swept tip the long, windinsr avenue n1 -'^-- of the county system) which was Vic -i 3rd -The Seed of Israel should be - o# thanks niter the visit. Da ""No doubt, George' ewers dA Norman oaks, he actually trembled. The council was x11 present at the Coria street. Money, if there were a come a great nation ;nowhere is that end his bronzed face was drawn awl regular meeting on Friday, Nov. 5th, surplus coming to the town, .should title used but by Great Britain, Michael 1 C t ' handwriting?" changed in tint. He drew off a dove The 'tax collector reported -the int- be available for other streets. strange name, almost thefar for a "N and put it on again, Angered his tie, lowing taxes paid in October: 1921, ' Engineer Patterson's statement was few small islands at far western ledge," was the reply. "Why do you and tugged at his moustache. $64.02; 1925, ;649.87; 1926, $1,676.58. referred to the finance committee to Point of Euroue, not.only in her title, ask? You don't suppose that Beau The car swept round a shrubbery, So far this month over $6,000 had look into. but in the.blessings foretold, -deer; Geste wrote that, do you?" enclosed square at the back of the• been ,paid in. branches would spread out over the .gee "T • have given up sup sing. my house, and , stopped. at a big parch A request for a large size rubber Committee Reports well (water), England's colonies; friend," said de Beae:jala "But I anal a hospitably .open door. $tend- coat for a Rieman was referred to The finance committee reported he Gen, 49:22. • shall open my next letter from; you ing at this, Lawrence looked" into a the fire eomniittee, follow.. The $1000 1928 bond of the. 4. Israel is a nation that should with some alacrity. (Either this X11: remembered lygne/dam/grit and More Street Lights- %anted G been sold Manufacturing Co. Fund has bo known in history, which sun. 'Blue Water' ie stolen or it is nat. ran his eye over its. floor A petition for the lnatallatlan of through the Bank of raterMon- presses slavery and tyranny; Isaiah treat at a price of $99.00, plus inter- 58:6. Turn back history and judge In either case that paper, in a . dead and ?ratio almost nodding to the two street lights on Cayley street at the est, making a total received of .' ,000., whether Great Britair! bears that , man's hand, at • Zinderneuf, is uni-' suits of armor that stood one on each ;corners of Wilder and Warren :street4. 78,which amount had been Transfer- mark. quely interesting. But if it has been I side of a big, doorless doorway. This`. was •referred to the water and light red to this fund.. The sum of $1,- 5. Israel was to be a maritime stolen. it will be of practical as well ltd into another hall, from,. and .00tid, .committee; e; also a verbal request re- 285.60 has' been received from the people. Psalm 89:25. All Britain's as unique interest: whereas if it ha:; "'high rein a wide .staircase and • gal-;pgrted by the mayor for one on Arth- Toronto General -.Trusts Corporation trade is mercantile. not been stolen, the unioua interest! leries right up to the top of the ur street, near St. Patrick's park; al- as the town's pro rata share of inter- • 6, Israel was to rule over many • will be merely theoretical." house for f th go of th t 4 "Not very practical from the point of view of recovery. I am afraid, It looks' as though the thief and the s ae � NREATH E you correspond with her at all regu- Cold Was So Bad "Er -no. I shouldn't call it regu- Mrs. 1f. H. eleeenwsy, etsymeee, tar correspondence exactly" answer - Soak., writs: -."'I would like to tell ped George Lawrence. "Are you eve that I thick Dei Wood's Norway ` going to Brandon Abbas this tense?" - Par tfyrup is one of tae very beet he continued, with a simulated Yawn• ra+we4dies for a cold. "Well --I feel I ought to so, mon .1 had. seek a very bad cold I eould vieux, and take that incredible decoy hardly *peek or breathe so I went to 1ariyg" scent. but it doesn't' Of in with my Wer drreg st'e .sad anew hist what be plana at a11. I could poi4Fiti' slier, of thought best for a coisb He advised course. but it would mean a devil .of a ane to take lona letter of explanation, and I Dr. Wood's Norway Piro Syrup loathe letterwrittng 'fatigues' more thin anything." "I'll take it if you like." said Lawr- ence. "I shall be near Brandon Ab- bas next week. And knowing Mich• ael Geste. I confess I ant curious," Maier de Beaniolaia was coneeious 4 I most say I •felt grateful to him of the fact that'"curious" was not ex- beeidee Wag ye eleamesnt. to .4ty the word he would have used. relieved sr cold quicker thea His self-renreseed, taciturn, and un - T ever tried. I dossi't emotional friend had been stirred to II be witbogt s the denths of his soul, and had given bees e:it an exhibition of interest and emotion is put up lee yellow such as he had never displayed before three pine. trees the trade ,n all de Beauiolats' experience of rhe. a beetle; large family hien. 111,1111 bite chalrr1ii :on . e nd*y ,01 strongly oppoaed ter troI *bowed Federal Gov nuerotactu then Beaujolais. and added. "Do ou know is ae =es e a o. Never saw it to my know• , a , tom a or a one as one at the end of McDonald street est as 'bonds of Ontario West Shore: nations, but to be . ruled by none. hall one could look up to a glass roof ;mentioned by Councillor Turner; and Fund. This amount has been depos- Dent. 15:6. three stories above. He pictured it ;for Wells survey. ited to the credit of the Ontario West 7, lsre.el was to pasaess the gate and past scenes ;enacted in it, and a; A petition for a sidewalk on'Nelson Shore Fund account. `The foliowi;ig of her enemies: Gen. 22:17. Great jewel and the story all ended together woman with slow and stately grace; street from Victoria to Maitland was Victory Bond interest has bean re- Britain fulfils it.. in the burning of Zindernevf fort; ascending and. descending. referred to the public. works Commit- ceived and deposited Nov. 1st' to the 8. Israel was to be a cite. of re» sad de Beaujolais. i�}, Nothing seemed to have changed tee.. respective funds: !Chas. Blake fund, fusee. Great Britain the home of "By Jove! So it may, agreed in those two and.* half decades ince Mr. Cornelius Spain applied for;27.50; Cemetery r Perpetuity Lawrence, ""Suppose it has .been she had come pert, s bride, and he building permit to shingle building on Fun d, every foreigner. stolen. . IW'Iy wired to yon. eould had visited her after seven ears of s Horton st, Referred to the ter' con'.-, ,827.50; O. W. S. R. fund, ;522.50.• 9, Israel was to a witnessing The Committee recommended the Ali- kingdom. Great Britain and her col- anything- be done about making a exile. He had come, half in the hope mittee, king of the. treasurers statement of •pines 'has been the sweat missionary search there, do you think?" • that the sight of her in her .own 1 Market Clerk Townsend complain. l receipts and expenditures, for Sep. power, sent into int parts of the pet ap only by The T. Whet tnn,ehed "Lady Brandoneve-' For a moment George Lawrance home. the wife of another man, would, ed of lack of light et the . market #ember and the payment of a number world. tlg., Limited, Toronto, Oat. neeiiv tonohed him -to en oxtent had visions of devoting his leave to cure him of the -foolish love thatkept;building by which he, nearly made a 'of accounts. 10. Israel should be- known by any - jewel -hunting,, and returning to. Bien- him lonelyubachelor, • half in.the . mistake in weighing. He also offer -1 The public works committee report- other'name, speaking by another late. don Abbasth th t f h at i would do the ,opposite,' d ,$5 f f Isa d f the •e s o e gunge. • saia 1. MERE Is A SWEET that is DELIcIous N0uIUsHING the position`` servative cs took when' . * 'rye CANADA STARCH CO., -LUMP ErreoeM REAL, tioet. Ile that the in NSO GOLDE SYRU 44 T, tee Doitsli.. supply and",.. t h�ct C1 children ��c would tom. ' wj-�ou "stuffing" them with to o bread.._potatoes and- - astry? You can't build sturdy, `bust, boys and girls out of hydrates alone. They need ►roteins, mineral salts and vitamins in the whole wheat grain. They get Al of them in SHREDDED WHEAT. It. is the whole wheat made digestible by shredding and b - • I , -.11tbe most perfect process ever evised for preparing the whole wheat berry for the human stomach. No one has been able to improve upon or even approach our pro. cess. Each shred of whole wheat is crisp and thoroughly bad. Nottingso good for as thesede loaves of .crisp, oven. bed shreds of the whole � thc** •i + or A as a taloa with. b�. ,Most food for least money eale on wi nee -quer ere o a a or our 'sage Dora from e d a follows: W have looked into Isaiah 28 11 r 1 n am be but re w 1 flove. i f worth tl m --- e r million rants of crystallised hbud R er ed tothe market :the se# a,« Y d {{ gz►1 e claim of Mr.C.Haysfor costs • Ith R.The Stone Ira 1. Thisis alumina in his ocket.. 1 He had been perversely glad to committee.- 11.eeqf, a e_ pThe light wires, a parently 'we Ifr cleaning and - .e, extending afterrn oewer a remarkable feature of nUx national "That will require Prompt'and care-; find" that he laved the woman, if Ons, �p 'were his.residence,` arid, eonsid emblem, the stone of Destiny. or fol consideration, directly we learn sible, more than he'had loved the irernoved by the water and light cont -tering the information obtained, we --re Jacob. which for centuries our Sov- that the stone has gone, George, said girl; that a callow boy's calf -love for mission when they vacated the Arent- : commend that no action be taken on ere! ns have been crowned on, now de Beaujolais, and added: "This a maiden had changed to a young tette. ,the claim. We recommend that trees laving under the Coronation Chair at =routsVrouta more and more In ego ting�rnan,a devotion to ag1orinns woman; maa , - Beenests forgrants to the Tour- 'on the street in front of thefoeowi n Westminster, 1pining d wn from Ire - A treasure hunt at Zinderneuf! that she was •to be a second Dante's fats' Association of Ontario and theproperties be either trimmed or cut tand. Fancy the Arabs if the information Beatrice, . i Toronto Convention and Tourist Asso-a down under the. supervision of this 12. Last, but not least, is the sign got about! Fancy the build'era of the Again and a;rain, at intervals of eiations, and for the taking of adver-'committee; On Cameron at., in front of Tssrael'.. kinship King Edward new tort, and - the garrison: Ziaider- i Years, he had visited the shrine, not. tisement in the Ontario.Motor League 4 of Mrs. Emma McKenzie's' property; the etwe ancestry has iswe ,, traced -in • neuf would become the moat populer so much renewing the ever-burning.magazine, were referred to thefin-,on Lighthouse at., in front of bless direct descent 'from the Kings of Ju Po- outst in Africa, instead of the least fire at her altar. as watching it Hanle 'since committee. Gordon's, on Arthur street in front doh F I' -until the sapphire was found. to it no brightly. in her presence. Nor did; The Bluewater Highway Associa-! of Mrs. dames Clark's; corner of Witt- Stratford, Ont. • is there, I suppose the surest . way to • the' fact that she regarded him so - tion gave. notice of toe annual meet- `exloo and Arthur sts., in front of Mrs. • lose it :Or ever would be to hint at much as .friend that he could never., ing to be held in Owen Sound Nov.; Alex.. Colborne's. We recommend Miller's Worm Powders will clear the fact. . No, we should have be more, nor less, in any way affect '15th, and Councillor Lee was appoint -,that the chairman of this committee the stomach and :bowels ' of worms. so to keep it very quiet and do " all the this undeviating ; unprofitable :septi-; ed to represent the town, on the Tito- t be empowered to . rent the garage that the child will • no more be trou- • searching ourselves, . if possible. meat. tion of the Reeve, seconded by +Cour- dwelling at $15 per month. Mr. Bea - bled by their ravages.' The nnwders Good heavens above us! More coin-' At thirty, at thirty-five, at forty, oilier Sproul. ;cont to get preference. We reeoin- are sweet to taste and no -child wilt plications!" He smiled whimsically. at forty-five, he fqund thathis love, Approximately $100 of the $260 ;mend that no action be taken this fall' object to taking them. They. are George Lawrence nursuad his vis- if not unchanged, wasnot diminish- provided by the town as its share of on the petition for sidewalk on Cam- non-iniurious in their composition, ion and the two fell silent for a space. ed, and that she remained, what she the Blue. • 'Water Highway publicity bria road,from.East to St. David st. • and while in some cases they may " Sinposin that stone had etuslt had beeh since their first nieetin; had Mt been raised oY subscription.] ,� The special comm tt1111 recommend- Carsevomiting, -that must not betan- Leen io the o -Leenthe ocket of a man on that the central fact of his life -not so 'and it was decided to Bend the. bal. ed that the police be instructed to en- pen ars a sign that they are nauseate roof, when it collapsed into the turn- much. an obsession, an idee. fixe, as ance owing by the town out. of the' force the billposters' bylaw. ing. but as an indication of their. of ace below." old de Beaujolais as he los reason for, existence, his sever- general fund, on the motion of Coun-i The fire committee reported having fective work. , sat up and felt for his cigarette ease," eign, and the audience of the. Play in cillors Turner and Bailie, not"before; passed all applications for building c "wined pine' omments hadbeenmade 01111)0'n -fits ref rr..ometi s C e ed to it at rn s ou bur : theatre of hisrite.laste n ou woe Id the jewel be destroyed when the e e 11the meet- Y y r finger. the body of the man was cremated: And, each time he saw her, she' the failure of the business men to as- Inge lteatsing coals of fire upon am enensy'a head. . Dow; • fire affect precious !stones?" was. to his .prejudiced eye, more ,de-: sume the responsibility. Councillor 1 These reports were all adapted. Voile know,' replied • Iaverencee sirable, more beautiful,' more won -'Turner saidhe did not ssee what the,. Bylaws 64 (for oiling of East street '"We could find that out from env Jew- derful. tlaboring man got either directly or from Albert street to Maitland reed", eller,I suppose.. I rather think not.; Yes -there was the ititeenth-cen-,indirectly out el the tourist busineaseBylaw 05 (apnnintine Mr, A. T mac.. Aren't they, in fact, formed in the tury chest in which reposed croquet l And the Mayor commented that .hes Kay in Place of Rev. J. F. Ford on the .1111 1"ltt:�TltvG A'r t ltS STAR1i earth by a 'heat greater tllatn ally mailtts, tennis rackets,. and the. other; laboring men were showing more` public library hoard for the- veers furnace can produce?" i narephernalia 'of those games.. She pride in the town than the business) 1926, 27 and 28). ,and BYtaw 66 (to -• Love. luck and lightning never strike the same place twice. - q .J ""0f course" agreed de Beaujolaia. had once sat or that old chest, beside men. Councdler Bailie said it was;aell in 11000 hand of the Kensington Man and W•�a "You could make as manv diamonds him, while they waited for the dog -;the business man who should pity for j Furniture Sinking Fund - as you wanted if you could get sal- earl to take him to the station and the publicity, as it was he -who dexiv-(three times end naesed. cient heat end pressure. .They are, back to Aerie*, and her hand had ed the benefit, and some expressions only crystallised carbon. -- Fire rev- rested so kindly in }his as he had tried of merchants were quoted as to the tafnly wouIdn1 hurt x diamond. geed to find somethint to snow -••-something amount of business the tourists The matter of enitec+ing sem, !OM' from Mr 'Itumball on the Keneingtoe ; t ' (Mortgage• was a&ain. taken '•n •end "For years I had gas on the atom» T don't .suppose it would hurt any oth. , other than what he might not aay. . brought them. t the finance comm ttee seas nnthnrieedl Opposite to it was the muniment-;. A- re nest from the Citizens' rte- to have the sotieitnr take all ne:ess-, ace. The first dose of Adlerika • Both 111 With Gas er preclaua stoite:t' <••••- "No," he'mused on: "I1 he nem. box, onto'whieli`manyeee_abbot.-emeeeearch_, Institute of Canada for the art stens tn.entlect. helped. now sleep well and all gas Water has been stolen, it is probably holy friar had piit nianv a• lead -seal- council to subscribe to -the --Canada --,The-council auncil then adio reed. __,__^is gone. It also helped my has - wife and sound at this moment in ed Parchment. It would be full of Tax Conference book, was referred to „ r-- =, ,. band.'` -feigned). Mrs }l, lirinkle?y.. Zinderneuf, adorning the charred re- • garden rugs and cushions. On ilea the special committee. ECHO OF GO0ERICH ONE spoonful Adlerika removes GAS mains of a -skeleton" era: she had sat beside hen+. after' leis i A. request from the public library Dear Mr, Editor 0n reading, .the and often brings aatoniahin relief George Lawrence day -dreamed dance. with her, ane.New Year's Eve ;board for the balance of their 1926, look Deer letter in a Toronto paper, to the stomach. Stops that fu11, awhile, of himself, Lady Brandon, and . i..• ei 1 levy, $500, was referred to the fin look at the initiate and the ad-! bloated feeling. 'Brings 1r the sacrifice of his leave to the -note;(To ba continued) Since committee. dress Stratford i•t sound d g out old ing of a wrest restoration. def lee leaven? Nall, If necessary, of his.; career, his whole lift. f""Describe m• a man's day-deem:1i and 1 -will describe von the man," said the Psileecsphee Ne might have de-, !per cent. f the costeof construetng Le s3CilD4t 1r1 En 1• h , s , , e very much waste matter you never thought wash ! More About highways like an echo front Goderich, from a i in your system. This excellent in - ; A letter from the Department of very live" wire that used to reside testinal evacuant is wonderful for ' :Public Highways was as follows : there. Thinking it would be interest -i constipation. CAMPBELL'S DRUG Our Weekly s Enclosed please find our account ing to the citizens of Goderich, may I STORE. I s mounting to $8,404.77, covering ii0 scribed George Lawrence as a .amen- s fx is wrancrete pavement from station -42o - tic and quixotic fool -errant, which heBY , CORN 00 to station 466.54 through your was not, or perhaps merely a' a /wart r ,town. Will you kindly arrange to let • in toss. which he wen. Poewihty the iva have your cheque for this amount I1'hiloeopher might hay, added than as sewn as poasiblt. the d•e,eritolonc are aveennymous, aovil! words Often maned 1 This was referred to the 'finance Chit therefore George Lawrence W4441, •committee, *leo a number of other ac- both). sboth). i Don't say "his manners *re aggra--counts. Ile was awakened from his reverie vating." Say °irritating." 1 The following letter was received bythe voice of de Beaujolais. i Don't say "1 -expect to have tis from the County Engineer : "Queer. flet it never got into the • pleasant tri#." :toy "anticipate" I.'Mr. L. L. Knox, papers, George," mused that .gentle-, when lei -eying pleasure. l Clerk of the Town of Goderich, MIL Doti't say "I *nt cipate going to-, Goderkh, Ont. "Yes. Tt is." aft'raed LaWrenee. morrow" merely to *nines belief.' Dear Sire-,/ have received your "1 *honed certainly have aeon it if it Say "expect to go." #letter of October 20th, and I am ac- hed, I reed my Teles rank ao l Otee Don't say "he was deeply *toted tordingly giving herewith a state• v -w.••,,. weeemet••. . No T eertainly,by, the news." Say "affected" "merit showing the expenditures made t,..,aa ,.....,.. -,e..,, ...t....wt' to, . y Don't say "the trews had a serious by the County of Huron within the Probably Ole domino' thing was never effect." Say "effect." limits of the Town of G.derich Binet etnten et: ,.n " i Don't say *'I ain't," "you ain't," the County Road System was adopt - "bloke like it." said his •trtend. r "he ain't." reay ""I arta not," 'you ed.: also the town's proportionate - .........ea - ax"en't," '"hall 01:11:“M' sn't" Mshare of the general account, which le 111 1 • s 1 et •r'ade an of the costs of reconstruct- --- } • .: bar Ind maintaining former county Siscraietunt. r- . ,1 . the fire a Wages (e, g. Ssltford Bridge), now - as fn "at," not 5* le "atel' siachh.ery. superintendence and other Lisweakt. Preuss eewo lia-g'wet. experniea of a general ttatauve. both es as in "In," asrcent 04s first sit- Tog Oen. Acct. Road Exp. 'Total Co. Islet. Vaseline. Proesineo iiseliedi , the i,is a u.l4 1 as to "h" .r ss fa ",polite," sorra i• 1919 871,65 -- at trot syllable. 1910 1,438.88 bra. ?r nowsee a -de -alae, tael Rilf►,ela tee esaten"rale."•.esfa"nag."ias, e ewe itis 'dewier ae seent net *rat *Abseils. i mg* 1011.i!s Prolix. Nome a aecesst+d en first ifd4 7'7100 syllable. verb eat last sylieeiste. lien. oes.ee Ames* bit gist, not x111.................. s t)11,11il4 ;1141440 >I10,106.16 Wee* Often litimpabtd . 1111111 there has beat expeed- Aieiairaseat: tea a arbor g. Amite- .4 $1 111 es the :oassosetMg leak. madam tete e's, two sea. 1and 6t se fluidised wbkh *Mara; ow L • Ugible; Res. l i the wait Inst wMde elie•eotat�sye_fig� i was 111+1 �_ - _� i. 'l'!`llsisQY. �1se Ors ear se !Gee •rieh. gOe�tt. Meth. IetsiMgs► %eked* sill Nauk b � procure. a I `+et? elltl:iMte ng "Rlls stralsed ' Mnew i. �es�e eiei#w mils fa eliwo Absent Berta. 'tat fastseee. 'hap bora mase part of Nulelet ..Net alma, fee. 1e awe le Group, bevy. tock, mow'. bread 'he Miertw' v parties .f the V.srty. gat Me /mats. w� On was silents peek. tet. *It.r, b er+4. I tlae e•eeaaeae•'lwur tint t the tetra as aaei ls�Mla 'toward. shier N al4. alowaae.,' colts* at Cambria teed sad from I I 111 1 1 1- 1 11 4. rylee. syoeww are suffix** with beets. u es* lewdly get orweed 4talstmodeoryRe�it r t slay ing W l eiobnt reliefMenet 1me..aa has sertla . t. pewee Met as red poops tie ae+t as seen ae yet lssi R.1► yea fed Mee ttw�knot. Ier�.rbrtttbreee *aeon ft warm 1 a' a sere MssltMiriK+isUss. inwku hep *5 Bess tie. ee Mss -11th She OA + 11.MMt Fries Red Aeemsei mode frees w55* ea $32.1I 9.11110 1,.497.19 uy The Best The Plymouth Anthracite Coal is the best. it burns to a fine ash and is -practically free from slate. it cost at the Mines 50c per ton'irhttre than other Coal Nit we sell it at the mina price. Why not have the lest when it will cost you no more. ` Egg and duet $16.00 per too ` Stove- .. » , $16.6O per a! on We a1So handle the Master Anthracite Coll. `` - This Coal differs in some respects from the average run of Anthracite from the Pennsylvania field and these differences should he borne in mind to insure most effi- cient and economic results. This coal is slightly lighter aing and.efore therefore more higher adily temperature, uxeptibleto draftffee bcon- trol. It is ALL coal; it comes to you free from slate and other impurities. It cannot clinker unless forced beyond the high fusing point of its ash It is an ideal domestic fuel and costs you Si 5.00 per ton, all sizes. If your furnace or plumbing requires overhauling. if you require a ' ew furnace or a hot water job or plumbing, let us figure on it. also if ),our furnace and plumbing require to tie overhauled -Give us a call and it will have prompt attention. Everything in Shelf and Heavy Hardware kept in stock. CHAS* C. LEE srI hwaN'� as e a t do'ha df Otero ?hose 14f. lbw ,mss 111. • 1 i 1}