HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-11-18, Page 3e; l III .el THURSDAY, NOV. I1g1 Salm Illsdr; we Paws Mr. B. O. i� praise ise'aw,tW $ tow ane labiarelieved am et hI Js thee HI *a dbae‘y trembled wit's. iad ire ea my sleek sad SIM* 40. *7 sus at the scan time, sw't. fogad so aeleary.I mar � lame fat earls sdrerti�sed aid tb.a bt I would try it, sad I as pleased en may that after taking eau bottle I got rlonr of all of stthrem.. wIt elao made me feel better and 8.11. r8.' is pit ep only by The T. Nilberst Co., Limited, Tomato, Ont. rh• MUSIC DIOF. W. II. JACKSON -Instruction Plano. iolin. Gn uitar Theon Culture, Organ, Studio and residence. North Street. T.T.. HA:ViILTON Organist North St. •�• United Church. Concert player and Teacher. Residence at Mrs. Colborne's, St. Pat- rick Street. LEGAL CARDS PkkedFro.n in Ireigaaaaests Aaswstrsert Mrs. Melvin Creels, Clinton. an- nounces the engagement of her only J1tt� ter. Ivy Irene Plaw•.e, to Alton . oluattoa, eldest on of the tette Join Johnston and Mrs. Johnston, tse•n�arriege to take place in Norma. hen Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Breckenridge announce the engagement of their Youngest daughter, Edythe A., to Mr.' ,-Arthur K. FieW, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Field, of Wingham, the mar- riage to take piece in November. t Treats to Gassy Hesse Clinton News -Record: A number of people have been thinking lately of the residents of the Huron County Hoose and have been providing var- bus tracts` for then. The Women's Institut* of Crediton sent a donation of clothing; the Young Psople',x Lea. gue of St. James' church, Exeter, came up on Tuesday evening of last week and gave a very pleasing musi- cal Program, afterwards providing a treat a candy and oranges, end on Wednesday evening the Sunbeam Trio of Hensall came up and rendered a program, followed by a treat of candy and grapes. All these little *tten. tions have been *ppreclated by the residents and by the management. Gibblings.Shobbrook A quiet but pretty weddingwas solemniz at the United church par. U. R. DARROW. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Etc.. Successor to .1. L. Ktlbrau Phone 97 Office, The Square, Goderich t t RNEST M. LEE. Barrister and Soikitor ° • 10 King Street East, Toronto, 2 •Telep1tanes Main 7703.77;It. DUDLEY E. IMAMS Barrister, Soltoitor. Notary Public, Conveyancer, Etc. PHONE 27 HAMILTON STREET SPECIALIST 1DR. F. J. R. FORSTER. EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Oph- tkhaimie and Aural hospital, resistant at alooretleld's Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital. London, Eng. .,3 Waterloo St. S. Stratford. Tele- phone 267. At Hotel Bedford, Goderleh, on the 'evening of third Monday or each month till the fotlowisg day, Tuesday, at 1 it!i:m, • CHIROPRACTIC DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER. DR. A. N. ATKINSON, Chiropractor and 'Dewiness. Therapist, Goderich Chronic, -Organic and Nervous Diseases Baths. Electra-Magnetici3, t • t9. wi t R ui ed El ctronic Electric Treatments and Chiropractic, Office hours -2 to 3 and 7 to 'J p.m. sod by appointment; exeeptlu Moeda)* and Thursday afternosne and evenings: omee flours on 'these days 10 to i2 a!m. Amity. • • Lady in Attendance. Residenee and Ofice-Corner of South St. stmt. Britannia hood. ,. AUCTIONEERING 1'Fd0MAS GUNDRY. Lire Stock and General Auctioneer, Hamilton Street, Goderich Sales made everywhere and all efforts made to give you satisfaction. Farmers' sale" notes discounted. noBERT 110BERTaaaa, Auctioneer, Eldon St.. Goderich will remind and arrange any sale on 'the latest methods to get best result.; flee hire, .or drop a card and he will sive It immediate attention. Farm • •'Saks a specialty. NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. COLDS THAT. • �7�7Jf. R.tILIi . If Kidneys Act Bad Take Salts saaat;e, Londesboro. on Wed.ee�sy eventng, Nov. 3rd, by the herr B. Stell when Vera Irene, yono ea; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John 1i. of tie 3rd eoeteeeeion of ullett, ieestse the bride et Mr. Per- i ey John Gibbing*, eldest son of Me.' and Mrs. John G. Gibbings. Mr. & B. Stethers Presented WIthl Case Clinton h"ews-Rrecord: ]fir. S. it Stothers, who was a citizen of Clinton for eight years, being distriet repre- sentative for Huron Caunty with, headquarters here, and who now mai copies a similar position In Essex County, was in town on Tnesday evening, when as many of the mem. berm of the IL F. 0, '41ub and the Huron Central Agricultural Society as could 'be got together on short no. tire, took the opportunity of present. Ing him with an appreciative addreaa and a cane, which they hed purchased. some time ago but had not bad an on- nortunity of presenting before. Mr, G. W. Layton, secretary of the II. F 0. Club, read the address and Mr. C. Cox, president of the Agricultural j Candidate Brother of People Society, presented the cane. • &lath Perth = Clinton Mr. A. A. sColquhoun, who was chosen at a convention held in Mit- chell on Friday to carry the Liberal banner in the coming election i Both Diamond and Mount i�J.�� This is what you buy with a Robertson Diamond Ring. Every Diamond is perfect and of very tine color. The Mountings are the very latest designs and exquisite in every etail, Bach .presented in a lovely gift box. E. C. Robertson DIAMOND MERCHANT AND JEWELLER ' Phone 136 Goderich - .Ontario -�+t; ha nature in Ilseilla imosragueg raper te. 1 The ladies' gerarfsete of flitesh. M..- dates Herrington and fare ttg, His. i s •t Tayl.: r mai Seaters, then favored tthe atsitesee with a number, "1ne Shepherds' Care.` At 44O the outatandiny; 'poke, of the day. Mev. F. W. Gilmour, B. A.. of London, took ekarsce of the nteetirg. being most her,ttlly received. Mr. j Gilmour being a vety fluent speaker. held his audience with a *lent talk• ` :II; left many helpful iiuggestinne .tnd M gave the young people every 'scour. t, agement. The main thought of Mei address was gdving the young people drat place. and he urged that the, sinister be present at all meeting's to' Idiscourageencourage and a plift them in tinter of discouragement. After a short, dire s cussion Mr. Gilmour closed the afters noon session with prayer. I, At six o'clock all repaired •o the basement,' where a banquet was given by the ladies of Carmel church. Thr. inti the tea hour the nominating com- mittee met, it being the ministers and presidents of each society. iAt seven (*leek the evening meet. ing ng was opened with Hymn 254, led by Cermet choir, Following this the i report of nominating committee was given by Rev. McFarlane, of Clinton. i as follows: Hon. press, Rev. 17. C. McDermid, Goderich; rtes., Dir. \V st. Weir, Goderich; vice pres•, Ma Rena Hudson, Henaail; sec., Mies - Louie Herrington, Blyth; treas., Mr. Harry Strang, Exeter; council --Miss Helen and Tuesday, July 24, 25 and .'•6. AI aIeDermid, Goderich; Miss Eleanor is a South Perth is a brother of Mrs. Eli subscription 1 t h d been ctrctttltt .McEwen, Clinton; Mrs. R. Y. Mahar- SouthzabetKennedy, Mrs. M. T. Carless and well signed, but the omeere du en, Henea]l: Miss Hale, B, A., Fester; singing hymn 373 Mr. Foote brought and Mrs; HarryFitzsi ons of Clio. not count on needing to collect any Pres. of Y, P. S., Seaforth. one of the most .help#ul and inspiring m l money as the treasurer has over 41, 000 in the Bank from, the list Reun- Mr, Wm, Weir, the president of meeting$ to a close by pronouncing McEwen's ��� ,1 a or POWDERS TO NAND �' �► 3 Jelly Powders for Us, awl* its Frssitz, tilt. v Our Special 8knd of Bulk Tea at 54c per 1h. it� Try this tea, it's a winner, and is of to nut, t,..ce er than the package tea. We grind our test Collet fresh for your order. It Ila, given satisfaction for 'years. We have a large R.ounce bottle of Vanilla, or l.entor• Ex- tract fOr 25c. Also a large 1.11+, bottle of Vanilla or Lemon Ex- tract for. New large waslte� Brazil Nuts, this year's crop, just alt at 25c per I. 24 Bars of Soap, Mcl;wcn's Special for ...... ..411.0e Palmtree Toilet Soap 41e par sibs Redpath Sugar per tag, the cheapest priceit has been fu years SPECIALS IN DRY GOODS Blankets, Underwear , Overalls, Shirts, Socks, Gloves, etc., at right prices. Geode delivered to any part of the Town. PHONE 46 J. Je McEwen Mr. George Bell, a former resident officers were elected: President, D. Y. P. S. of Huron Presbyterian Pres - of Goderich, and for some months of c. 'Ross; vice president. A. C. Backer; bytery, was then presented by hie MISS L. HHERRINGTON, Mr. George BBeltDied Suddenly ion and Sports Day.• The following Goderich Y, P. S., and president of the benediction. Mitts, South Side Squats Corns cause much sufferin r, but Holloway's Corn Remover Oen a speedy, sure, end satisfactory relief. Sect etaty,, i Ouch! Rub Dackache1:. Mother Graves' not require Clinton, died suddenly at Wingham secretary, M. Black. treasurer, G. H. pastor, Rev, R. C. McDermid, and re - Says Have Not dean prinking sued took place from Brophey s un-, D. M. Seen• •. meeting was then given over to the to make it effective. It does not fail Enough Water . dertaking parlors Friday afternoon,' Wingham M*stufactarer Pauses new president,. who very ably conduct. to do Its work. l the 5th. The deceased was 64 years Mr. William Gunn, president of the ed the remainder of the proi?ram. • on Wednesday, Nov. 3rd. The body, Samba; executive-tf, L. Kerr, R. F. ceived by hearty applaese. After Complete in itself, Moth Backache Often Mean* You . was taken to Goderich and the fun -"Downing, Wm. Backer, W. Gillespie kind remotes from the chairman the Worm Exterminator does , the assistance of any Other medicine When, you wale up with backache and dull misery in the kidney region k may mean you have been eating foods which crate acids, says a well-known author- ity. An excess of sth acids overworks the kidneys in their effort to filter it from the blood and they become sort of Paralyzed and our kid- neys id- neys get sluggish and clog you must relieve them, like •you relieve your bowels, removing ail the bpdy s urinous waste, else you have ba kache, sick headache, dizzy spells; your stomach , sours, tongue 'is coated and %bee the weather is bad you have rhetunatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment, channe..; often get ore. water scalds and you are obliged' to seek relief two or three times daring the night. Either consult a good, reliable physis . clan at once or get from your pharma- cist about four ounces .of lade Salts; take a tablespoonful in alass of water before breakfast 'for a few days 'and your kidneys may then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes. and lemon juice, •combined with lithia, and has been used for years to help clean and stimulate sluggish kid- '( neys, also to neutralize acids in the system, so they no longer irritate, thus oftep relieving bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive, can not in- jure and makes a delightful, efferves- cent lithia-water drink. Drink lots of soft • water. • , rhey hill all cheatCOLDS& FLU Couuhs,Asthma d Bronchitis AtDrug$tores LLAKES NOTARY PUBLIC • General Conveyancing don? Good Companies Represented Phone No. 298. . Goderich, Ont. (1 EOIIGE E. GRE^EtiSLADE: `"' ". .'"' ---- CONVEYANCING AND NOTARY. 8aytield, Ont. • INSURANCE 0cK1LLOP MUTUAL FIRE lNatUit- ANCE COMPANY. Y41RM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROP., ERTY INSURED. Value et property insured up to Jan- uary, 1910. $3,0i8,015.00. OFFICERS -James Connolly, Presi- dent, Goderieli; Jas. Evans, NW -Presi- dent, Beecher ood; T. E. Hays, Sect Treas., Sea forth. DIRECTORS -D. I.'. 'McGregor, Sea - .forth; J. G. Grieve, 'Winthrop; Win. .Wrin, Constance: George McCartney. fiuckersmith; John Ferris, Ilarleck; John Bonnewise. Broadliagan; Murray ,Gibson. Rrucefeld. AGENTS -J. W. Yeo, Goderich; Sandy. !Leitch, Clinton; Was.. Chesney, Sea- /orig.; R. Hinohiey, Seaforth. Policy Holders can p57 'their aeeess- :ments at R. 11. butt's :store, ',oderich; Morriah's Clothi Stare, Clinton; or J. H. Reids. Bayfield. nom INSURANCE Have it attended to ay the •siIEsTWAWA1M$11 MUtWIk FIVE Yang* AEE C8 Established 1878 - Heed Mar: Dangaassen, Ont. Harry L, Salkeld, R. R. No. 2, God- +ericb, ren.; Wm. J. Thompson, Aub. ern, vies pres.; directors --Wm. Me- 'tZnillatt, St.Helens; W. P. Reed, R. R. No. 2, Leeknow; H L. Salkeld, "phone ,d0Q41, Goderich; Alai. Nicholson, Lucknow; 1 M. "tivitrA%t; Jas.. IL R. No. 8, Goderiels; Wes. f Thomas- eon, Auburn Tins Grillo, 19 t. R. No. '7, Lncknow; Chas. Hewitt, Sieger - dine, THOS. STOTHERS, T. G. ALLEN, "Treas. - Secretary. ROIOPING, FLOORING, STORM WINDOWS of age.• He tvaa a brother of the late. Gunn -Son -Ola Co., Wingham, passed The Blyth ladies' quartette then PROMINENT LONDON MER • - R. A. e1I, of and had. Orly t h' h e Fran Me," 'Clinton,suddenly away s its home on sang, "Conte Unto which was left that town about •three weeks cis tit, at noon on Wednesday of lastsCHANT OFFERS GRATITUDE, prior to his death. Plans Improvements - cine to do Jul me what HERB JUICE. deriver "I m st an lidl confess I 'did not iVoodstock Summer School:' He believe it was possible for any meal - week Mr Gunn proved himself n ollowed by a splendid address I v ASr. good business man since moving !o 'Jerk D1cDermid, of Goderich, on The u cant Y Mr P. r..xuruiner nes taken over the '• •• �••-••• ^ -�•• ��^-- -- _,._ was business of Poplestone and Gardner, particularly loved by all the man in pointed out the education has done. I was on the verge of a Blyth, contemplating making quite hie employ. He is survived by his from this school. for every organize- nervous breakdown. l suffered from extensive improvements in the store widow and one eon,. Carlyle. tion of the church and urged each so- indigeation, sleeplessness and had no building. This structure is one of Body Found of Man Drowned ciety to send a delegate. appetite. I was losing "weight rapid- erected oldest in Blyth, ' having been November, 1825 The Carmel choir rendered an an- ly and. was at my wit's end to find bxected over fifty years, ago. On Sunday, Oet. 31, the body of a them, which was followed by Rev. T. Rome remedy that would be of some Dies While Driving Away Doge . -man was found at the lake shore 't W. Gilmour, who took for his subject help to me. Finally, I heard of Mr. Simon: Deitrich, of the Babylon' short distance north of Grand Bend, "Modern Young Norte and their CM- HERB JUICE. I cannot epeak high - the waves having thrown it up on acs " stressing the point that home 1y enot gh of it. After taking only Line near Zurich, stet death.on;Satur- day, Nov, r,th, Suddenly. Between twelve and one o'clock in the night the beach. Coroner O'Dwyer of Zu- training with family. worship and two bottles, all my troubles Mata dm - training was notified, and, the corpse was dl influence was more essential to appeared. My appetite is now good, young lives than harsh criticism. Mr. Mr. Deitrich heard some strange dogs removed by an `undertaker to Zurich. g0 i my weight has increased and 1 Blaen 'molesting his cattle and he proceeded News of the finding of the body was ,Gilmour is a '"talented speaker and notmalle. It is the most wonderful after them, protected only With a sent out and on Tuesday following takes a special interest in speaker young pee= medicine for indigestion, constiracion, two men arrived front Port Huron _ nervousness, a r. shovel, and as he did not return, who made a r trtial identification I sir •and their were. For vale by CADi idTl.I.I,'S DI:T;G al...i.. an at once given and search t made however with no results until from pieces of clothing which still I bliss Ruby DlcI.eod, of Goderich' P• STORE .and leading druggists oversee where. the following morning when his .body remained •on the .body.` These pieces ( sang in splendid voice, "Open the was found in an adjoining neighbor's were taken back to Port' Huron and Gates." field - death being due to hear fail- were there identified by Mrs. John Rev. R. C. McDermid moved a vote ure. Young. whose husband had been oris-, of thanks to Mr. Gilmour for coming: PGIe-Durst sing since November 22nd last year.: to the young people at this time and Xoung who was an optician at Port' The home of Rev, and liars- G.L Huron4 went .dark hunting at the n '!also to those who helped to stake tbe- Gross, West Wawanosh, was the lake, and after shooting ` a duck he day a success, This was seconded by scene 4f a, PrettY: wedding at three attempted to get it with a boat and ; Rev. Mr. Forte.. o'clock on Saturday, . November Gth. never returned. ! Mr. DlcDermed also extended an in. Edith"Amelia, daughter of Mrs. y vitation to -hold the rally in Knox Durst and the late W. C. Durst, of WM. WEIR .ELECTED PRESIDENT' church, Goderich, next year, . After Colborne, became the bride of.Mr., William -Henry Pfile of Hensel] J.V.eTh Y P I S ' t' 1' toss o sating. The bilde Sunday Schools of Huron Presbytery; • p �p p wore a becoming gown of blue silk Cf the Presbyterian church held their' SULPHUR SOOTHES ranee crepe, whose beauty was en- rally in Carmel church, Hensel!, on vanced by a corsage •df lily of the Thursday, Oct. 213th, with the Presby-? valley.. ' At the t'oitciusion of the ter- , emony the happy couple ;left on a too- terys convenor, Rev. Jas. note, pre-,, for trip- to Kitchener, Niagara falls siding. The afternoon session was e oung sop e s orae ,es ant a G Mc' and Toronto, the bride travelling in a rust colored creperomainefrock .with hat to match and fur -trimmed silk velour coat. On their return they will take up residence in .Hensall A Gooldeh Wedding A very happy company gathered at the William Elgie homestead, on the i skin s ciahst, eighth of Tuckersrnith, on the after- These young people ere 'deeervin,, 6 Thisnsulphur preparation, because of noon and evening of Monday, Nevem- every `encouragement. Excellent re. its germ destroying properties, `seldom ' bet Sth, to celet,rate the fiftieth an- Ports were given from all other soeie-, •fails to 'quickly subdue itching, even of niversary of the nrarriagts of the ties represented, showing' each alive, fiery eczema. The first application. father and mother of the home. They and very active. Following then" re -1 makes the skin cool and comfortable. are a very young old couple --Mr. 1 ports lViiss Hudson, of Hiensall, sang Rash and blotches era healed right up. Wm. Elgie and his bride of Elft Rowles Afentho-Sulphur is applied like L (ars who y a solo, which was much appreciated. Hannah Traq airya' They enjoy formerly hit. Wm. Weir, a Gcderieh youngl lyyharmlesst cYouold rcan obtain eam and is a rtsmall 0 respect and esteem of a large Circle man, president of the Y. P. S., gave a jar from any good druggist. of friends and acqunintances and the very uplifting address, showing that _____..-ees, i- loyal love of an unbroken circle of --Four-almost everything in the present day; - i -children and . •grandchildren. etirer-h-sd to stand a challenge. Our church years ago 111r. and Airs. Elgie retired had to do so; our young'pepple need - UGLY ,ITCHINO SHIN opened at 2.30 o'clock with devotional' The First Application Makes exercises. The first part of the meet.: Skin Cool and Comfortabte ing• consisted of reports of young people's societies, Hensel' giving an excellent report. Through their ac- i • If you are suffering from eczema or tivities they have purchased a corn- i some other torturing, embarassingskin munion set, piano and ., hairs and they , trouble you may quickly be rid of it by are hoping to redecorate their church. l 'sing Menthe -Sulphur, declares a noted Persistent coughs and colds lead to serious trouble. You can stop them now with Creomulsion, art emulsified eteosote that is pleasant to take. Creomulsion is a :new tnedicaldmeovery with twofold action, it soothes and heals the inflamed mem- branes and inhibits germ growth. Of all known drugs creosote is recognized by high medical authorities as one of the .greatest healing t�eneies for persistent ccoottg�hs and colds and other forms of.1 hteat troubles. Cceomulsioncontains,inaddition to creosote other healing elements which 1 infected meinbraeea rill' hen the ect soothe a and stop the imitation.and inflammation, while the creosote goes on to the stomach, is absorbed into the blood, attacks the seat of the troubleatid checks the growth of the germs. Creomulsion h teed satisfsetory in the treatment of persistent coughs and colds, bronchial asthma, bronthttis and other forms of tory diseases, and is excellent for buil up the a •stem after colds or flu. Money,refu if any rough or cold is not relieved after taking aecarding to directions. Ask your drugged. Creomulsion Co., Limited, Tomato, Ont. HALLIDAT COMPANY. 3'fiil. P.O. Videx Clis hire iesa. Ort. Children Ory FULTRIVErS C A BT.0 P I A. BrODhdll Gros. OODERICH ' the Leading funeral Directors and Eters Order* oareaully attended to M nil hours ---night or daft. J. „ Rs Wheeler Funeral Director and ]�atbalmer Goderich, Ontario MI i; ails protease• nttlh led to dal or night. !hoses: More 335, Hones Sett' from the farm to a home in Seaforth but it was fitting that the celebration should. be held in the old home v.•here they had spent forty-six happy years and in which their good work is being carried forward by their youngest yinn and his wife. `Mr. and Mrs. Robb • Elgie. The other members -of their family, Mr. John P3gbe, Mrs. John Forrest and Mrs. John- McLachlan. are all settled within an,.hour's jour- ney of their home in Seaforth and there are 'eleven grandd'hildren to brighten the days of their eveningof life and to keep them young in het. They were surrounded. on this orrn- sion, by all their children and !tame. children and also relatives and friends from Stratford, Detroit, Essex, Exe- ter. Heitman. Kippen, Varna, Sea?orth and Mitehell. - Wingham Boy M. B. 1'. 1'. Mr. Emmerson Bennett, son of Rev. M. M. and Mrs. Bennett, was nomin- ated as candidate for the constituency 1 of N. Huron in the sixth Older toys' Parliament, which convenes in the Parliament Buildings during the Christmas week. As this was the only nomination received by the ie. turning officer, H. R. Long, of Gode- rich, Mr. Bennett was declared a t member and will represent the rid- ing for the rooting year. Lived Almost a Century Mr. Andrew Gray passed away at his home near Bluevale on Tuesday afternoon of last week in hie 98th . year. Deceased was born in Daly, Aryshire, Scotland, on the estate of Sie`f7ugh"tlrnfititon antieeafite ilea' • this section over sixty..five years ago from Pennsylvania, where they first stop- ped when the family ' came to this continent. ° Proposal to Extend Wingham. Arena —THE_his-___.....,._ ._ . to do so; and he was quite sure the. • ypung people of Huron Presbytery could Mr measure up to the hest.GoDER/c H. Mr. lack iVlc1)ermid then alma in splendid voice, "The Ninety. and Nine." Following this the reports ,d' Sun- day Schools were given. In Exeter - Sunday •school many 'workers left last • June but others rose up and +•nbun- teered to fill their places. Godcrieh Sundayr sc o. L h i spoke as lull n f . n net y two classes, one f';r young men, Collegi•:te students' lige, and that for young women about similar age, these clas- ses being both organized. Some of the Sunday schools passed eurplue • Wonderful For Indigestion! • When your stomach feels bad; when Gas, .Sourness, Nausea or after -eating pains make you feel miserable --•a single dose of pure Bisurated Magnesia will . bring you Instant Relief' For. Indigestion, the prompt ef- fectivness of this *peeled non-laxa- '(}sere is a hospitable tive BISURATED form of Magnesia about swill -heated store is really wonderful. Even the most obstinate cases quickly res Pleasant and inexpensive to Ask your drsgglst. tAT a NO MATTER WHAT YOU ARE. SeU-ING,THE 1•IuATrot.KS r s i.csrh nl ARE H BEST R You ,FAN NAVE A movement is on foot to have an extension built to the. Wingham ar- ena, in order to make ample roars for three sheets of curling ice. Some wanted to build a curlers' rink, but i the ether proposition! seems to he favored. Bryant* Will Have Old Baya' lie. miss in 19x37 A very enthusiastic meeting Was held in the Btruasels library hostel rooms recently when it was' vnani- f moutsly earned to have an Old Bnys' Reunion in Bruise!' next year. Th dates selected were Sunday, Monday KIDNEY PILLS feeling pond.: '('hat' - makes people want to tine. :otne in and buy. if your sales fall off in the hitter 'Winter weather, Warm up the atmosphere With Heat Folks Coal. And watch pint, c�roc*is of �.tiStoliisiS grow. , —con. TIE.— _< I For (itity;t C!.'tn J. 0. MUSTARD I ARD cOM NY Phone 95 --�- G Merle's Stiffness, Lumbago Rub Pain front ok with trial heals of old "tilt. Jacobs 011,' j . Back bhurt out f 1? Can't et. ft':feo ! aches and twine' �b S J That's lum 04 • v a 6 baro ,r r up wit ee ten"' II 1 a" s � dee,,1' from a strain, al. , a .. 11‘.140s' •),. '4 moment you , ° t!1 yaq`d 7 hr �: ingr . e q i2 u i Nothing else, tat �_ 'fin,,: `41;1'.:' re ' nese and shfl'ness t ' rim i rub 't on t?y s comes the pain. �m ; doesn't burn the `` . Limber op! I small trial bottle o,. Jacob from s Oil". an�. after using it just once.; , ya that you• ever had backache. r , , ti or hevesIdellahurt, or becacause sn use yourm :4' l'^ Y of It never disappoints and has • onusseaded fpr 60 years' ; .,-sees__ _ ,. ._..,..,: SCHOOL OF COMM i0% r CLINTON, ONTARIO �, Students May Enter Any TIS Why - not attend the School. that has s M;, Qualified Staff The only School that teaches real Practical Bus! nese Training from start to finish Where. High School Students and . Teachers spcciatized expert training in Business Administration ; rt.tarial Science and are sure of a good .position, rapid pi -u • tion and big income.' - COURSES Stenographic, Commercial,. Secretarial, C enerat Office,- Civil atlict,Civil Service, Commercial, Teacher's Course.'' and Special Course% arranged, For full information write to" • . } Phone 198 B, F. WARD, B.A., Principal \V 111 ID 01111,I1Y t It reie 1 A WARNING—, Take our advice and ACT NOW! Buy your winter stock of potetoeis from the nearest Dominion Store this week. ' owIeg to the estreretr rstsrorehle weather miaowed dile Frit, the potato crop has beer body dowsed by a dsc d W. • With U4 i iewiede. we kern sal8 as.. very exteeitve coquinas and live bees able to weere some lint Clove Priors ltdwied Y f whiter w - week u[ Y. Ny wild w. OW to this aaPPl Wired Grade "A"Potatoes, you Ordy • .t tYew W our stat! CAI her ei••ppeerr twtatwy, but our advkt Y W .rete sow •send this week. livery bet k isaraat..d.. tIOTI CARVULL1--xw1 0401041 10 0 oft frNea.d fire., oto frog memo Ault aria Government Gtraidc"A" $!rite. Edward Mand(whites)417 4+ apl Q y. POTATOES,. .' ACT NOW! y as 3•ou -e Cutspo FIG speeding -up Butterfly Brand Choice Quality Hmats or Oakville MINCEMEAT 2 lbs. 29c Sp..r.t%r r1 Coffee 47%. . 4110•0•40 ests �$ ome stf;:.iut: • t•Iooked 'any (Pi I✓ os, h Frsib, (lireSoww Y•` MILK ML 2 Tiss 19c PEEL 2 CHERRIES % `ter 32c • C• c , t ta,r-.r' 1. CHEESE - vy i, 25. 1116:1i2 Hp. H Y rtr•moil • ti' rtiogetsw'r Nuts 23 t«. _ ,utast. J*L.LY MANS GUM DiltOPS '" CliMapiair raws *woo dorm. /a t. if ;my tees soF•oe J 234". TEA 69 s . 2151i. I 7Jewwt..rfae. '"'.»'+s+« a ,CATSUP' 22C CALIFORNIA Dol►rattitsiew'.4wuislil 1$ uuwt LIMA qqIL c SAFETY heels.' c BEANS Li " t, MATCHES A" I ca ►w .0 -