HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-11-18, Page 2pell1111111111 1010.1111•••••••••••••1"0110... THe'ReDAY, NOV. 1$t. peals INIMPIPINWINPONIVISOMPIt. ••wwwwwwwl, GREEN TEA It kw* the *toot olatilicianass fl.vour. Try it. Tom Ago001 131101111“11014 P01 k Par et Oct. PI/11. OIL USERS Wand. have reineterl beast -iest She toeco-- - Ueere ag "1,_ tonssitr.d.4.4tel di TusaikrIng rt11 sikeeveries lioeisttrinesseked Ili. m- v• -----,e--------.-- -- _ _, - . .,.... ' neilikink New Yerk. es'i- is vat- -----aOweares"1” 111.154 albe kw,* wan" and kis ate& of vs , la- As actual esee.dllha waig' bee "'a" b"" AW141. V air °1111u a° ien$113 lilt; roadmseasrwrikirthalaratt.tillimsonaelvol tivemyeepertkavy irs hill kaenne Corn Dm, which num aPerared he wits invited to listen thews hew various estimates of' tai A.m..... entrance to tisk dwelling is nuide ' president of the Society, presenting shown to be ridiculouely short of the The Too -Notch Tast boo fogad in the wfidest part of * some matters end rhea the gentle. d an oil shortage. The repent as clearly %ask by human hands. Tim - to an address from Sheriff Reynolds, . available oil have repeatedly besn • through a *mall hole sufficiently him with a fine loather snit ease as a mark, and there is no more cause for 1, throvgla on his kande and kw" .', tel for their eolleague. Idr. GOode alarm at present than there has be 11 en at Tiddes Oarge ta permit ens pertain to nakir , mark of the good opinions entertstin- at `any previous griod, the report ; foetid several arrow heads. supposed ti i t be • on rom i s ginning • and hCia- una: ww astasaassaasa easily so persons tiring and effkient services are hefty diction or petroleum has steadily ir- creased from 11,900,000 barrels near the end of January of this year to to be the work of the neolithie-man. The roof of this dwelling is formed"1.?5.45"led. fe284.000 barrels on Oct. Illth, and, in of two large bouleers weighing about major Joiwoh Beek was home from addition to this; i nervosa in static 40 tons, and the entrance has five Toronto for Thetas/whine and a few prochictioa, there are hrndreds of . . granite slab* upright with a cross- -of his friends, learning that he would wells being drilled and capped await - Mee. resting on the upper iserts. It pock up his furniture and in the ing a favorabie time to unloose their is more than likely that Cern Brea meantime take up his residence M golden Rood- The report .. cDo 04Mseaulos /lino Workers Lose Fight the queen City, hurriedly got to. ret±ttee_ A.1,u.eleir it.o..c....theo&rdthefeDoiininr-: I IRIEVIIIIW still holds many valuable treasures lacked in its bosom. • tether and tendered hint a bouquet wee"' ° e"°1--- Petroleum - iiloisolini a Nightmare i chief, he elainis, will plunge that whok The Anal chapters are Wog wyit. evening. The "call to arm " was cent authoritative statement 34 to the stituteisseted in 1925 is the moat re- in the Colborne hem on Monday rrke cleemY interior* in which wet.' has been secretary of the or anis Points oot. The ily ayerage prtfr Grave convent is evident in Preece world into war through his efforts to ten to the great cool strike which has spontaneous and noropartisst etroleum reeourees of the country. was ect generous end en - miter Mussolini, and French newel*. with dominion over all this territore and disrupted the industrial life of thusiastic that the Meier was so well and consideration of all known face thought, painstaking investigs on per* reflect an attitucie of great ma • over which the Camelot Once held the nation. The definite beginning not of the end come when the nth -sere' de -.guarded Hutt he could have had a tors by the most eminent experts in knee towards him, together with die- swliea including England, but whole regiment of soldiers for actual each producing field in the corntry. like and fear. Turkey is even more Scotland, as the Roman conquest legates voted to recommend the at- totheI nd of , reptant* of the coveenmeneo roue warfare. But this was an occasion In their report they state, however, panicky in the fear thet he will sude rtever wile extended a I proposal*, 'The settlement will mean of such genuine good -will toward an *vomits for their interchange of* Veteran Politician Deed that, due jee the nature of the occur- danly attack them, Thai probsibly cakes and kilts. longer hours and decreased wages honored citizen that no one from view' with neighboring countries for ounde Joe Cannon the grand old rent* of petroleum and to the proba- bility that the greatest part of our and Turkey over the astivities of It re-ostablish the old Ripen Empire tost Great Britain over $14,00,000,000 the reapose It was made only after mare for the neon and the complete .disap- youth to the patrierch had augbt but pearance of the national' principle in the kindliest and most sincere feel - arranging the conditions of work. ings of friendship and love. Hi* re - Huge Still Seized sadence in this section for nearly half An illicit still believed to be the it century, his military, municipal, most complete and most elaborate political, society and social rank, all ever found in Canute was seized .by combined to make this notable gath- Moulited Police and Federal l'gelse ening one of Most pleasant ever offices on the outskirts of St. Thom- held in the County of Huron. The as, Installed in a building hosted the London, St. Thomas and Pori tables beine cleared about 10:15 lay- ontaniey highway, the eon is *aid to or Tilt took the chair, and Dr. Case, represent an outlay of 420000 and of Dungannon, the vice. The apeak- it* capacity be 1,000 quarts a ley. ere were B. B. Gunn, M. P , G groun League of Nations." an "Aelatle man of American politics has passed the purpose of creating *way at the age of 90 yeare, after 02 Britain believes that Mussolini will years of political activity. Cannon "'Peet the l'"Ene of Nations deals. wee a Reprblican, having joined that len regarding any trouble in the Near fleat, but Turkey's fear may lead to party when it was first established and he died steadfast in hie iaith. mune action which will give. Mussolini He WAS known as the "czar" of Am - owe, to attack that country. Un- eriesin politics -a stalwart of the cloubtedly the sitvation is a ticklish stalwarts, a real commanding general Awe and France would be in great of the old guard. His rakishly worn &faculties because of her friendship wide hat, long-tailed coat, his poker for Torkey, and the desire to prevent games, and his outspoken language, any Italian mead dominance in the made him a great subject for one Mediterranean Sea. A new order issued in Rome for ;twists. Prince to Cross Canada the arlorlikation of Mussolini, or thee makes compulsory the lifting of hate Ge°rge, sailed film Shanghai °II 'child of his brain, Fascism; or both,' Prince George, fourth son of King t k f th r o November 14th. en route to England reserves is yet undiscovered, an esti- mate of this kind necessitates an un- derstanding of conditions which could not be brought to light even by the moat careful possible survey ever tho entire United States. It is estintato ed by this distinguished committee that, in the preront producing area there is definitely in sight something An old -tinier is one .,who can re - over five billion barrels of crude oil. member. when it seemed tunny to call But we recover probably not more two people a family. than 25 per cent. of the oil that as in 1 For real satisfaction in Men's Wear you ccn't beat 'SLACK'S Hand. Tailored SUITS and OVERCOATS Blue Overcoats Our Ready- To Wear Over. coats in the "Guard" style are going over big. .Real Satisfaction in our Men's Furnishings HATS—The Brock, the Walthausets and the Horton, at MOO: $5.00 Pnd $4.00 CHAS. BLAGK'S The Leading Tailoring.and Men's Smart Wear 'Phone 219 North Side of Square 1 Windbreakers t th No More Asthma. -Dr. J. D. Kel- ttie ingeo the neighborhood the character Lan ed the sticoholic Worn from advertia- Mayor Tilt,G. P .B1 • C Lane, voulity Crown Attorney se ounty Clerk c an pumping. It is esti- atta logg's Asthma Remedy sounds the death knell of this trying trouble. It Great retorts and"condensere prevent- Cameron, M.P.P, James ire 1 fl°wing ger, P. M. Humber, W. Proudfoot, rels that are now in eight have been mated thstt when the live billion bar - stops the awfel breathing. It gucahrodkeingand painful against night building, and a twee oreanization Dr. Taylor, Dr. Macklin, Blair, ^-e." removed from the present producine cks and gives renewed ability to of the business concluded, 1 a the rum -runners and bootleggers was area, there will still be in the grountl sleep and rest the whole night long. *ions tarrying Fasciet Raga pass and is exPected to arrive at Vancou- R, W. in this area over three times as. much res DotyWTM - WAM •' ' • Much Is claimed for this remedy,. hut through the street*. -Foreigners as * . - urney, . . demi, oil as our tote past production has by a trial. If you stiffer from as- t linked u .with the venture A r sts nethen• g bet what can be dentonstrat- ast natives Inue obey t is liee k.. 0 ' 40", aa, mg pected to follow. i. of highly placed personages ere ex- W.4 C41110014 Robert McLean, Ex- brought to the surface. Thus at eathma try it and convince yoerself of ver about November 29th, When he • The Prince joined ILM.S. Hawkins. as A Wall Street Man's Hobby Mayor Butler, T. E. Durnin. Wm. however. it has been lessereeeapeentlin wen t b. I will journey acr sa C d • others. At the iiroper thne Mr. A. Cameron, A. M, Todd and several to develop new producing than its great value. and Ignorance of it will pot be Aceipt- from St.'John on December 7th rid as an excite* for its non -Assert -I to. use new methods of recovery arra 1 ' ante. When the number of torristelSecond Lieutenant 18 months neo Mr. "Barney" Baruch, who etarted 7, an new s one of II,L Todd of The Star presented a we have been dependine unon new Th ere are millions still who cannot y, pert cuIsirly. during and him poen considerable of the Fa; life Esist, $ervice in Hone Kong the money kings of *tall street, has as a newsbo d beautiful gold headed ebony cane, us discoveriee to simply the inereased dance, but few of them realize it. I That visit Ital 1 the winter season, is taken into con -1 well of gold f demand. Generally speaking 50 per ommissioned Sir William Orpen to. as purse rem theme. . eleteration, this Arbitrary measure and the Yangtse Valley. He has en-1cent. of the production today is drawn Na arid sporting life of the varioug reg. Mr. Churchill, Lord Reading arid est and affectionate terms. _ that average less than a year in age. 11 M in. term•I with great zest into the social paint the portraits of Lloyd George. present- The Major replied in mod- frorn about 4 per cent. of the wells would appear to,oPen the vow to Westing potesibilitiess arid cornolka- Lord (Cecil for his private art gall- ons. 'loot. and Is a great favorite. It Is rnderstood. although it as • Y . . . . h ler . Sir William's fee for the four DR. CLEGG _ADDRESSES LIONS , ZhieraerZt. °f13aeynortart lieleNtvodoisrperZuactitoPni Plle surterers ean onle get Uttleki -- here in endless spectilation iie to portraits is said to lip ;40,000. ON THE CRIPPLED CHILD . .over five hundred. times as greea ar eate and lasting relief by removing Om: mart Mussolini is destined to play ungt Rbeen tioffinetahller annhoureea, thati, Ib nese t e Prince o • Rive-DaY Week a Silecese - the nresent peodueber erea. There eause--bad blood .eirrulation in iliol he future history of Pt rope, end - le erl et A few h« is rewarded as the Wales will Visit Canada for the Dia- After a short -trial of the five-day veTryheinGtertleinhgLeiodedsreCeelubfreheelardpra. mond Jubilee celebration next year. week the Ford, Company find peo- lute already been explored and Icemen lower bowel. Cutting and salves (Noel' to have oil an area snore than half of 411) this -an Internal . used. Dr. Leonhardt's remedy must he Mist" of the Ir hle, On pro- nenOjteld, al non -denominational preacher accoraiere to cable despatches from duction Just .as great as on the old on oemay meet itteo. . De. ciegg is 1 -t th de a t d le 'harmless tablef. suefeeds because it Clegg, of Landon, at their luneheon the present producino firm whipb on. of Canada, hes published a ore ,Pilesi booklet three or ur editions, in whien. he seta forth this belief, The Farteist , Massey as Canadian Minister (if but by the Opring it exnected that CriPpled Children, which has been in The face of alature shows now a anew -lire sell litn-Itnid with tuis • Washington by an Order -in -Cowell the entire organization will be paid exietence for two years, is an off- lavish use of a vanity box. guarantee, throuehout the length arid six-day basis and is proceeding to the connected with the work of the War strugthens the _age(' ed parts. Ireni• operations. This fact atone is Massey Officially Appointed . crease the pay of its workera to thesnrance regardine-our supply o*f .(f( 'al la *ratt P'1 • "a' H al I I s w aie f l,re*ord torlfl (1 officio announcement is made of six-day bases. The inerestee will go don and his subject was the "Crippled Memorial Childrep's Ilititatal in Lon - for many veers to come. . a e am as mg ie Iii 0 e su prole. effect gradually, by departments oe It will do tilf" same for you lir 11101wy the appointment of the lion. Vincent into is lid." The Ontario Society for h k • • • -------- -- passed y the Cabinet. The Govern- 5i/C dare wages for Rye dot's' nit. shoot of ltotary. • biuch Valuable in- ich already has run into WHAT IS "TOR NATIONAL?" ment hold that the position should be - formation has been secured as to The National is the train par ex- , Ailed in a dignified and proper man- SUMMER HOTEL STARTED calm* that serves the public of ner, and. Parliament will be asked tocrippled children. For instance it Canada between Toronto and all On. vote $50,000 or $60,000 for the first TWENTY-FIVE yEARs AG° has been found Odd on an average Plr10 points, and Winnipeg and a11 Year to cover office rent. salaries of Turning a the First Sod Was a Hie- dren per there are about three crippled chit- wiesjorn Points. . the Minister and his ataff, and other thousand of populationi toric Occasion, After Which Work Fifty- per cent. of these can be eure4 The National implies association eenentoonoe, erhar *a Caraldian Xsitional Railway' Sfore than half the work perfo'rmProceeded Rapidly. - and 25 per cent can bo so far restor- -ed as to 'he able to earn their own - odd& means that the patrons of thise4 by the British Ambassador at Summer Hotel Bylaw carried livelihood. And only :about fifteen olgoresee train are sure ilt every. trite Washington . relates to Canada, mut (From The Goderich Star of Oct. vet comforts provided in the Canadinn the-Conadisii envoy will assume e.on- 26th 1901) per cent. are hopelesaly incurable. The National heaves Toronto every The vote on the bylaw to loan $10e very great. The eaoriontk saving to eoelety in re- Natiointi's own euperior wee- eiderable of this burden, There ere ' eke such imeortant questions as the ..,,, storing crippled children is therefore day In the veer at 9.00 p.m. and .ar- Chicago Drainage Conal. St. Law'- 000 for the erection of a summer ho- In primitive days thecripple who rives Whenfrepr at 10.00 a.msecond enee waterways. power develonmente tel took place on Monday. It was a was unable to look After himself was day. The National travels via the on iriternittiorod streame and some- one-eided contest so faras agents left to . perish; then cante the age elsorteet vette to the event and carries piing ennetantiv. erropine up; feud and rigs were concerned,. the pro- ;been! theewas mwaderitlittee ob.w!esetexopflw,i fineat eouipment including standard these will be referred to hini. • ° motees alone having scrutineers and aroid towelet pewees; rers and eolonist rare. oleo dining elect and radio- eliciting sympathy. Reds Active in Java conveyances. Front start to finish as' a means of . . the Dutch Peet' Indies recently, in foregone conclusion that there would And it was only in more modern „..,...teeeo renmatement.oeseeeation Commridat rellellion. oecurred in thei.e was no excitement and it was a libeeey rmr. which se e I ho sands of Japanese be a large majority for the loan. ' v ra t u dren thatworkfor the erippled thil- ren was taken up.. Wand of Java a governor and assist- thenflaonintitlse paarrdalyaseiesi/deto attenda were the The National insures speed, com- fort and eomniete eatiefection. . ear Reds took part In provinces of the The .4.•ote was 410 for and 84 against. -me Arent of the Venadian National ant-governoe were assassinated and First Sod Was Turned chief causes of erippling. The use Railways for full informatim several polteemert were killed. LI (From The Goderich Star of Nov. 1st, ef braces, plaster casts, massage and ettereisirig in most cases produced a 0.0•••• — - Had Awful pains waenrde Tklgradnufinag hatfOn Mondaii last with a little core- cure or a great improvement and en- ing.. Consieeretele damage was &once tunnythe first sod was turned Oor 13r in ten per cent. of the cases was it to In Her Back property and especially to railway the new summer hotel, and it ose necessary to resort to surgery. tines. - • 'who want to see how Manager Smith eauTeber eud 4uloineitseetojefe thevej very voiintetes rias is hustling operations should take a milk and it, wits'ositber surprieing to - walk around the grounds these fine learn that 40 per cent of -the average days. The, proceedings were inaugherd of cow* would be found suffer - united with . Mayor' Wilton at the ing from tuberculosis. 'To have a plow handles, Editor McGillicuddy herd certified as free from tubereto of The 'Star wielding the whip with Ionia was thus rather an expensive proposition end the more usual. meth - greening the tines and Mr. IVIitehell giiitli perisiiiiisive touches no a hint od of ensuring freedom from Infer - to Bob Johnston', team that the work tion wits to have the milk' pasteeriz- was now about to begin. The fur- - ed. rowThe work of the Memorial Hospita resulting from the combined ef- l had been myth intproved since the in - forts was, well, not quite as croaked troduction eta teacher as the interest as one of the borne of A. M. Polley's of • the child vies secured in this way Dorset horned Atop, but it served the and his cooperation helped greatly rurPor,e, and Tom Brophey snapped in making a cure. And the teacher his cantera that the historic scene was paid by the city of London while might be preserve.d. Since then the patients were accepted from alt the ground preeents a busy scene anti dietriet1 and fifteen to tiventy-tiye pee cent a the mitients came from other Yeaterdsty the MASOIVS began laying the foundation which, it is expected, munieipalitiee. will be neatly completed next week .eiEs3CL°htifn-Dtr4. the Lions, Pre11 bit. if this weather contimses. Messrs, this beirng ten: 1144Quenis; Chief.euup Niles* tie kith/wee get out of ogler the beak 1* sere to beronni affected *ad dell pains, sharp peins, quirk twinge' ail e.lst to the fact that the 1446,0* aced etiolation. Mrs. Eaterprke, writela---"After in WW1 baby ens hem 1 bud *weal oaks in my hark, sari °odd *et sleep at night. - v4 • 'I could hardily do my housework, oepooloily waahlag when 1 had to 1bead over the tab, Sarl mil *0 moth about Doen's if= Pine, is yoir aloskaar, - $ t 1 *told give them a triad. oi I get three Nixon and rebel* / bad ihriehed tbe third ie. I rue roupletely •lor hillosilt at sky sowide. rife* 5.s. a Ism at all doslork or mined diesel ea nfreelpt of piss by Th* Jill. tont 10s., Limit tad, ifsesass, Oat. 1 suithartrara of min! 1 strarriza Wi.litZtes. 1*=41* $t., Msetrsal. 11ess 4,4* streszth, tsokilki* Weary, was sty de* 1st small tame *awn • Zawrilktk. Iktrov new that thew Is astbkir en earth is swig tbk ard herbal bestow. Skies * Illted Ott ipmel oftirtigit Waft witit tiss=raZitaz.lisk karma sow &soh Arl• Uka Magi* RaWdill'A New Rater Sahel and Swaffield have this part of the work in hand, and the huge plies morning, with the advent of a son and. heir that , of stone and sand on the ground give An invitation was received from en idea of the magnitude of the the Seaforth flub to attend a ladies' buildine. The dimensions of the con,- night in that town on Thursday, the bind south and west fronts are nine- 1Pth• and one from the St. Thoma.r. ty by eighty feet and forty-two feet Club to attenda district meeting Joseph Stalin, now the dominant deep. A verandah at kart twelve there on the 19th. _ factor in Russian politics, has *ban- feet wide will run along the two Oa ek g dotted the slogan of "World Reyolu. fronts. MIRY $ Cid Wit Wrist Ukiah Fine Fee i - the present at east, he is *odd to be* (Prnm tat Goderich Star of Oct. 23,, .! in complete control of Soviet Runi4lote 1901) l Ma lindvslostispetikids Una" and has deviate:I to slow down A Diener at St. Joseph Communiet propaganda abroad. For —AND -- Lumberjacks AT SPECIAL PRICES Just received a'shiprnent of Men's and Boys' Windbreak - eta and Lumberjacks Made of all Wool, in Fancy checks and -stripes, all sizes. Special S2.95, $3.45 and $4.95 Boys' sizes 28 to 34, it $2.45 and $2.95 You can get these at M. ROBINS 71A-Ittset*.ee--•e; owe itei The most famous shrine in India taws, arrived in town on tut Inspect-,' ,Are Seger Coated and Reay to Fames* Simko Deepelka the Public Works Department, Ot.ff, Children Live neon &meet They _ the Krishna temple at Dwarka, has g in-- tour and, in eoleimection withTake as Cady , been broken into by burglars, whoi - Engineer /trough, exantheeds tire works, On Tuesday Engineer J. IL Roy, of ••••••1•1•1•....1. evaded the rnilitaorkg guard and climb.1 ta *ft i0,04 w which surpoundeIrenneeted with Ake rebuilding of the les your deity, Mother, to see that the shrine. Vahsaide ancient orns„1 government dock and the lieenenharjhe frail, peaked. skhbr Youngliter meats of the inivile of Shot Xriehtut ot the harbor.. Afterwards thtug *TOWS up to be strong la holly, keen ----------------- ' all° in MIMI and robust fa hottth. the roost molar Hindu thrty, wore, stshon. Thad* heeled, betewelkd^ the improvements, steamed out of Fecteoetod from the livers et the bracekte, diamond and erarrel eat. i port to the reautk, and the Ilayferki Iiwoe moileat ell of n°14,bastlith. wellfht riags, _rid sandals encrusted with - pier was rieweill, then the trip was otoothd ae' *holm' vitamvaam mit °4°" to iks 'TM"' tog anchored POW. distant,. trots the nine digrareat JAW** Mehl armlets i eentineved to fit. Jerrech, where the' aro tvoload is Iik.coria- 0;4 Teen re. of ever WON.. The nude street- shore see the, esamoor oad -r3, i trivot Tidilotor which ar***141.1 Oar. r* of tire temple is Ike *totals Idell. I ... . .,2";_, inaelate aft ever North and Swath the beiletr I66 feet front the 4 ,-'' ,oaddle4,. ..„11 I* ...,* ist.t..'`.,,°._.; Americo. and the whelk le arrreanderst' '''''' "'a" ww.."' anw """'" "".. Neter% know aisst then and so pdtgrionagt to the shrine roar . Awry/1W* ts Corer Peri,* 1:40wailifittalkOtwoo houtaydfloWer. 40007.41,The tris 140a* ainituil osiaoaalem Issabodayaltrwayili woo* to fur. yssir. weather waa direarabk- and the Sabo beeped* ski poi The mestere method of vieltiog was sareeek, The party haying 0.4.Polook ilit aree. Ilinaltr Soh es tliset Perlekkifiera liteassioorosPiaito is *aids.:3; whir croodated of the easisseere moo. tlw• 14'4* I'' 4 N"' tusympa. W. L Nock& N. te. 110641rs. Met ere%114 Ws". "1" mkt" i° " Ism as Ina. 14*. D. Ideellirerkke amt St ---.1"11".1 the "ab. 41 Tairlegil• lai la at l'am Itwerte. et town. mud the St. Areeph alith 1.0 caul& spire to the height of I keen was el‘eet Male"' deffilet 16'14616*s say dtzeZ sad It your AU - bet Over 110.0141 riarradries so sk time •Natio eniortehred thou at drat sod up sot tee um* re4reartiliee emu the aserost railway. he geed a meter Alost tar. bat. Parte brehrded W. Coatis. Rev. rms. lari-10+0 A emir giddy -ro leer and iodises, etsrossissrts Laaseeideas. Ilasatreed. 1 #i 4. immed 00 fise.r wsy se trmlorSONMANNOA. W. POW* ead IL it la wo A be a whole der J.urroying Proieeitoteees to lir. Osseo sad Melee etreale Sred ke sod get en ate net pleened t after thh-ty book. Mod ralned nuantha and Is e await you in California showers her gifts with equal lavishness upon the entire family. She gives health,joy and all -year play.- • grounds to the children; variety and the stimulus of a novel experience to men and women alike. California is a magnificent relief—a gallant adventure—dovetailed into the *Gude labors of every.day living. daily'Santa Fe Trains to California Delumo.orctiturssiost.--trrivel you,sbooset Aii•Osnta trains ate, exceliset, but The Chief is new—superb-4 train with $10' erns tare from Oblialu—$8 &oat KAMM Citr—and words it, because Gast and tester. Only two bulbul's days on the way. No extra fats on dee other %Mgt Fe troths& WW ilea, anew 111 dimwit el pew soill oisa saw! *n feklow we* rawest skalwit.TizalsosItte.ss lot t e 4.