The Goderich Star, 1926-11-11, Page 7•
Soc. m14
Ili tory imam
iny Spat
Cos141 let Sleep
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rs. M. A,. Gapes, Deeatvilla,
Ann, writes: -'41 am siathag ye%
Wu letter te let 3 on kayo tliir pod
1 hive foetal is year asees.
Setae tine ago I was very seeress,
*sale not "deep at ts:yht, erten bad
diary spells and palpitatite of the
boast, slid lima so rue slows 1 eould
not do my housework, but just leave
ireisaything and sit down.
2 *peat s lot of looney maim, mrd..obs from the doctor, tot it did *et
de sse say good.
• yot a f rhea told mo to luso
owl' after wing a. couple of boxes.
1 k was act the nese woman. I began to
/eel so much better, and after It few
more boxes was in perfect bealth.
1 always recommend them to all theme
.1 know vile areaufferiug from heart
Milburn's Heart au a Nerve Pills
hare been on the minket for the past
• &I years.
" Priee 50e. a box at all druggists or
deelers, or mailed direct on receipt of
tztecir, VAT. Milburn Co., Limited,
•We and florse Ling
flask Stables, Eta.
Montreal St root -
:apt off the Square
shwas Meet all Trains mini
Passenger Boats
Passengers calledeor In any
Part et the town for ell
trains at 0. T.R. or C. P. R
Prompt Service and
Careful Attendauce,
Oar Livery and -Hak service
I will he found
., in every respect.6
es..6 ee.. •
Your Patronage Solicited
, . T..5WARTS
Phone 107 • Montreal Street
Sunday. Afternoon
Sly ZABEL 11Alf1L740N, Godoich, 014
0111101111111411610W Ionswanams i111111110111 IMINIS*111.111111411111 W WeallOWW1101711110
Great Gad of viond..pot! all Thy ways Ged renewed his covenant es ith
Are worthy of Thyself --divine; Alsrehistn, and there he built an alter
But the bright glotiee oe arty grace to God. It was at Schetesem ate
Beyond Thete otber wonders Wee: Jamb called rpon there of his kouse-
Who is a pardoning God like Three hold and sit that were with him to
Or who has grace so rich and frets' give up say strange gods that were
Samuel Davies. in tbsir possession; and "he hid them
PRAYER under the oak that was by Sheds:an"
We thank Thee, Almighty God, for (Gen. 35:4. Sheclient was also a
great leaders like Caleb and Joshua Place of remembrance to them for it
was emir there at Mount Gerision ths
who were ever ready to declare them.
selves on the side of right. Grant they had renewal their covenant with
that in this our day more sue* men God when Joshua, soon after entering
may be raised up to guide the sifters Canaan, had read all the words of the
of state and ehrreh that the people law before all the congregation of
may be 'brought to decided move. Israel. So now at this same plat:
Joslauie spoke to them in God's nun
tion of Thee as the one living and
true God. Amen. and reburied the history of the nit-
S. S. LESSON POR NOV. Mat, 192$ tion. Through it all he tracee the
Lesson Title -Joshua Renewing The lesdings of God. He mentioned God's.
Covenant. dealings with Abrithem. Isaac and
Lesson Pessage-Joehea 24: 14.2re rael had been delivered fm Jacob; told how the children of Egypt
Golden Text...Joshua 24:13. ro
y t e hands of Moses and Aaron and
In the precedipg charter is record- then, step by ster, recounted their
e4 what Joshua expected would be
his farewell address to thtriumphs over their enemies and
e children
of Israel but, God having prolonged their final peaceful settlement in the
promised land, Having thus outlined
his life, he made use of his renewed
etrength to again exhort the people God's gracious mere aver them Joshua
to faithfulness. exhorted them to be true, saying
He gathered all the tribes to Sche.Now, therefore, fear the Lord, and
chem and called for the elders, heads, serve him in sincerity and truth; and
put away the gods which your fathers
judges and ofecers of Israel to pre- served on the ether side ef the flood;
sent themselyee before him and be- and in Egypt; and servo ye the Lord."
fore God..It was a- solemn iteeembl .Toshua was a groat leader for hel
gathered at an historic spot for She -
did not merely exhort, he declared
chein was, the resting place of Abra.
ham when he took his jimeney front what he himself intended to do. In
Ur to Canaan. and there it u'as that order to encourage them he made this
solemn declaration; -"hut as for the
, .• and my house, we .will serve the
Rub Rheumatism or •
.Toshua put the rods of the'r
fathers and the gods of the Amontes
Sore, Aching Joints rt'IT,041:httV'angt•T (Z11:ftc1.74aelim0:
we* las$006041. dud*
for sow
tho *'id a.m.! rilki
Moo oa we
of the seder
• •••• x who
fliriatiaue led h�
pegemneeed. We die est a vet
enseuelestle welcome. for Um Peoria
ape afraid of Isere/cation,ll ties
thee swoop i
rristivss the
tee soma rad listern's! eager{ to the
message. An elderiy woniant with
kind face, sumeuted with asecb eorivic
thin to the ntessage. and brought be
daughter. a young married woman
to the Memsahib, She implored tor
not to ea away without bap**. tbe
girl. Si said it did sloe matter about
herself as else was old, but the death
ter must beronte a Christian, The
girl wits found to b• ready, but eis
did not wish to bertha, her evitheat
her hushead. Be was totted and
brought, and was also found to be
ready, and there in that enlace,
e where most of the people were very
h he
e, t y bravely took theft" VfillrfE,
and the girl's face shone wfth Joy an P.:
peaee as we left them.
Then on we went to another village,
but the man we wanted wet away-
* ver,y common disappointmert as we
make our rornds in the dixtriet.
It was now getting towards even-
ing. We were tired and hot and
long way from camp, but the preacher
insisted that there twee a, village
seven miles away, where two Chris-
tian men lived, and where the eeople
had been often visited and taught,
and he hoped that he would accept
Christ. Our bodies yearned for rest,
but our spirits yearned for rnit, so
on we went to the village. Surely
the Holy Spirit, too, worked mightily
in that earnest eager crowd of men,
women and children, and they could
not be held back. They literally
flocked into the kingdom. "And be-
lievers were the more added. to the
Lord" twenty-six men, women and
Oosiatteli Lam Chsh for the groos.
maks to this schools of froased seeks
.1 tin, Moral Cods for Youth *Soh
haw Items plated lo tho town schools.
'At Vittorio school ths prissidliut had
y kis pupils commit tbe Cede to mere -
tory, rad 31r. Wm. Lone. a member of
Is Limn Club who hod ;its CAW
fnusied, offered a prior of 1$1.00 to 'hi ,
moil who world One tears the Code
a by heart. It we* neon oa a Thursday
. that the Cedes were placed in the
r et hool and tlse following day two pup.
11 were ready to recite. They went
up to Mr. Lane's office Saturday'
naming and Grater Ibsen, the first
to arrive, received the 11. The ether
, one who had learned the Code was 1
! Marto* MeLetin but she arrived at
coming eye.
f ¥r. Lames office as the winner weal
definite choice. It • was a •selemn
. hour; it was Deeisitin Day. The pen -
Rub Pain fight out with mall pie responded to hia appeal by say.
• trial bottle of old : ing: "God forbid that we shored for -
"fit. Jacobs Oil." . sake the Lord, to serve other gods."
To thist'ney added their reasons,
_ , going over again the history of God's
Rheumatism. _it "Pain", only; Net dealings -with them as outlined by
One eele m titty rtquires intemat
treatment. Stop drugging. Rub sooth.
Joshua, adding; "Therefore will we
ing, penetrating "St Jacobs On" right also serve the Lord; for he is ou
God." Dr. Parket., in his People's Bi
ble, says that Joshua, on hearing thi
declaration of their choice, said in ef
feet: "What you have now sal
amounts to little more than mer
swards; you forget that God is a hol
God and a jealous God, and you at
tmeaking from impulse rather tha
from settled conviction." • Then • eh
people replied that Joshua himself i
mistaken, and they have really mad
up their minds once for all to sery
the .Lord. Se be it, then, said Jos
bra -"Ye 'are witnesses against your
selves that ye have chosen you th
Lord, to serve Him." The people an
awered-that is even so, "we are wit
nesses." Then said Joshua -Then i
' one final word 'to be spoken. If you
hum made, up your minds to till
course you must put away the
:strange gods which are among you
tio taint of idoltry must remain be
hind. The people answered: "The
Lord our God will we serve, and his
voice will we obey."
4 So Joshua mase a covenant with
the people that day, and set them a
statute and an ordinance in Sheehem
And Joshua wrote these words in the
\ book of the laW of God, and took a
great stone, and set 'it up 'there metier
an, oak, that was by the sanetuavy of
the, Lord. And Joshua said unto all
the people, Behold this stone shall be
a witness unto us; for it hath heard
TAON'T leave it to a friend to remind all the words of the Lord whit+ he
A.' you cf that bad cold! nowt go
about opt eafrienos dthg infection among your our spake unto us; it shall be -therefore
bs •a witness unto you, lest ye deny -your
and. s
own cir.ile., -To banish rims God (verses -25.27. It' is the con- . • •
into your sore, stiffisrmng i9,int$ and
mutcles, and relief- comes Instantly.
"St. Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rheu-
matism, -liniment which. slever disaf-
pointa dud'ainnot .the' skin.
• Limber ntit Quit complaining! Get
a. small trial bottle of • old, honest
'Ste .Jacobs Oil" at any drug 'store,
and in just a moment you'll: be free
from rheumatic pain,- sor.ettets, stiff-
ness and swelling. Don't suffer! Re-
lief awaits .you. "St. Jacobs Oil" bits
relic/fed millieneeed 'rheumatism suffer-
ers in the last half century, and Is just
as good for sciatica, neuralgia, lull-
bago, backache, sprains. •
The foreruniz, erof colds
and grippe.
Heat and inhale Min.
.ard'a and rub it on the
throat and chest.
The great preventive.
• '',
-Central India Torch.
The fleeting at the Ventral School
Under„ Discusslon-Pupils Learn
the Moral Code
The heating the Central school
has been proving an expensive pro.
Position, meth indifferent results..
This seationivertain castings conned--
ing the smoke pipes were renewed.
These were badly worn out and pre-
vented n proper draft being secured
and since new castings have been put
' in much better results have been ob-
d talued. However conditions are not
e, altogether satisfactory yet, especially
Y in the matter of the cost of,operating
e the system, 'The chairman of the
n public -school board, Mr. Jas Carrie.
e at the monthly meeting, Monday
S ev'g, Nov. 1, raised the question if
e the time had not come when the
e board should consider installation of
a steam heating system, not for this
' winter but in order to have the mat.
O ter in shape to ask the town council
- for an amount to be placed in the esti,7
mates next year to rrovide for a new
s system. No action was taken on the
seggestion, but a motion was passed
s that the janitor at the school be in.,
structed in the proper management of
the furnaces by the school manage-
ment committee and that he be TO-
• quired to follow their instructions.
The Central School principal's re-
port showed 85 boys and 97- girls on
the rolls fop October, with an average
attendance of 84 boys and 80 girls, 93
ner cent; Penny Bank deposits, $58.29.
The Victoria,school principal reported
181 boys and, 175 girls enrolled, with
an average attendance of 165 boys
and 158 girls, M per cent.; Penny
Ttlirik deposits, $111,57. Mrs. Redditt
taught one- day as substitute. Non
resident fees for October $15.
A vote of thanks was passed to the
ie !
The Fall is this most sever, season
of the year for tolehi-one day is
,•warm, the next cold and wet, and un.;
'less the another is on her guard, the,
little ones are seised with colds that ft
may hang on all winter. Baby's Own
:Tablets are mothers' best friend in
preventing or baniahing colds. They
•act as a gentle laxative, keeping the
bowels and stomach free and sweet.
,An occasional dose of the Tablet* will
Prevent colds: or if it does come on
suddenly their prompt ese will re-
lieve the baby. The Tablets are sold
by medicine dealers or by nail at 35
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
An excellent protection against
worms can ibe got in Miller's Worn
Powders. They render the stomach
and intestines untenable to . them.
They heal the surbeees that have bee
come inflamed by the attacks of the
parasites and serve to restore the
strength of the child that has been
undermined by the draughts that the
worms have made upon it, and that
their operation is altogther health.'
giving. '
•Why all this fuss about n queen:
going to the United States ? Canada
lis full of them.
Clean Kidneys
By Drinking
Lots of Water
TakeSalta to Flush Kidneya Ita
Wackier Bothers or
1 Back Hurts
. , .
Eating too much rich foOd may Pro-
duce kiduty trouble in some form, says
a . well-known author.ty,1 because the
acids created excite the •kidnees. Then
• they become overworked, get sluggish, -
clog up and cause all sorts of distress,
particularly beckeelie and misery, in the
kidney region, rheumatic twitigese severe
headaches, acid stomach, constipation,.
. torpid liver,. sleeplessness, bladder and
urinary irritation. '
• The moment your back hurts or 144-rieysmen% acting right, or 11 bladder
bothers you, begin drinking lots of good
1 Water and also'get about four 'ounces of
Jad Salts from any; good pharmacy; ,
take a tablespoonful in a glass of water
before breakfast for , a. few days and
your kidneys- may then act fine. This
famous salts is made from the acid of
grapes and lemon juice, combined with
lithia, and has been used for years to
cloggedffush kideys
them to activity; also to neutralize the .'
acids in the system so that they no • ,
longer irritate, thus often relieving blad-
der disorders. - •
Jad Salts' can, not injure anyone;
makes a delightful eilervescent lithia-
water drink which millions of men and
women take now andethen-to help keep
the kidneys and urinary organs clean,
• thus often avoiding serious kidney die,
and s in the direct and most eflec. je et ure of interpreters, Matthew
.tivt way. you must taise' PEPS. .,
-. • As Vary. dissolve in the mouth Pelt's occasion. aoshua ordered the ark of
'i1IIC OF P$"- -- - ----,-- - •- - eYouereisi ease_ eerie, the breetheahle
USE - , " . ofmt„olies.,tmg,tmvorettmesorenes. - grit Making • it SO at that thYle: and.
to chest and *wigs. Make no mistake!
and ii.thitturiniicit. sno eno the -danger this was done to grace the solemnitl",
'rhey c:ear the thirat and vir-pattnagett •
that attended.._._
end to strike en awe upon. the people -
ary of the L,wil," the presence of the
give 8(1 powerful healing and genet- God to beebrought by the priests to
N 1'wrist} fumes. These •A us breirthe Into Shechem, which they say, was about
instant direct ccritact with the inner -
✓ ten miles frem Shileh and to be set
most reeesece of the the, t and lungs.
. down in the place of their meeting,
. ' Peps soothe strengthen and in. which is therefore called the sanotu.
• vigor te the entire 1 reathing system.
' HYDRO ILECTRIr medicine in tablet form. . •
'. ' Ile set up a great stone ender an
oak, as a monument of this covenant
The Peoples Power tand perhaps wrote an iitscription up-
; on it, thus making it to speak and - '
thus, becoming' "a witness unto you,
- lest ye deny your God."
- Then the assembly dispersed, never
to meet again under the sense great
leader for Joshua died soon after at
the age of one hundred and ten, 'The
great num diet; but "The throne, 0
God, is for ever and ever,"
Henry tells us, that upon this Ale at
Cook by Electricity
Wash by Electricity
Iron Sty Electricity
Cheaper than coal or wood
- An Electric Vacuum Cleaner
removos tile dust; a broom just
,inoves the dust.
We guarantee all Hydro Lamps
for 15cio hours.
- Walk in and sea display at
The Hydro Store I,
tee haute *M QUM
tire.tiohhtiiiiiihkqf oh drForiir «put *Wu
tit 211e, borer. confoininr: iniverjachrird
rortrits. XII/N1 /a4MaiiIrri 1.14•41v.r,y 4014.
Mrs.Braat Suffered Seven Tears
Finally Restored to Health by
Lydia E. Piakham's Vegetable
Hamilton, Ont -"Por two years
fainted elssioet daily and was so
weak I could nee do my Work. I
would he 'sick fer twelve to fifteen
day* et a time. This made me se
reek and feint that I could not be
trusted globe lit such times. I was
troubled this way for about aorta
you'. I found a. booklet in my mail-
box telling of the Lydia E. ?inkhorn
medicines, and my Mahood road it
And insiltod that I take the Vegeta-
ble Component. I kayo boon taking
it for six mouths and Unbind to take
it year, as oiciosoos Pia SW Miele
Minna I* enroll a day. bore
not fainted shoos I took the first box
and I hires noticed a t.fissia,g of
timo hotwosti Mich porh4 loot
month &din hare* to go to hod.
elo my own work mow, oxemptiuy tho
washingsuad tisk Wm from the itroutt
and ths ehlldrsn 414011 bother me
like It di.i."-hdro. Joist K. Ilastur,
29$ Jacksost filass. Wase, liamillou,
Do you know that hi your ask*.
borbood thaw aro wawa who fort
Jost Me Mrs. Resat dam afoot Lydia
F,. ?inkhorns's'. Vogodaide Osospouvrtd?
newt Wel.* hero triad est tido iron
bow* sad mikado mooldelme sorthavii
folos4 siattod to *Or meas. o
We were eampea by the Pingla
river across from the village where
one of our preachers has his head-
, quarters. Tho river ford was just be -
I low our camp and roads stretched out
in four directions. It was a beauti-
ful spot, but not very quiet, for it was
the time of weddings, and bridal pro-
cessiions were passing night and day -
with all the pomp and noise that ace
eompaniee these.
We had 'just a week to visit the
Christians in the surrounding villages
and to examine and baptize the in-
quirers, whom the "Preacher" bad
taught and prepared. Our first visit
Was to a village where a man and his,
Chilly alsoimoort Sunday
Goderich 840 a.m. 2.20 p.m.
Clinton 6 25 a.m, 152 p.m.
" Sesforth 6.41 a.m. 3.12 p.m.
" Mitchell 7.04 ii.111. 3.42 p.m.,
t Arr. Stratford 7.30 efatt. 4.10 p.m.
1 " Kitchener 8.20 Lin. 5.20 p.m.
" Guelph 8.43 a tn. 5.50 p.m.'
" Toronto 10.10 a.trt. 7.30 p.m.
Motu) ning-heave Toronto 0.45 am,,
12.55 pen. end 6.03 p.m.
• Parka. Cafe ear, Godrith to Tor.
Altos mit morning train, and Toronto
to Godorkit $.05 p. train.
Through coach Golicr!ch to Tomato.
C•zwa Pliootagrr Anil Tkketa Aguish
In k. Tak turroxod
Light Weight - - 35 lbs.'
Medium Weight 45 lbs.
Heavy Weight - 55 lbs.
Extra Heav3rWeight 65 lbs.
BnintfixrdnoeibitCaLlsos•gi Brantford,ontsrio
Stook Curled, Inforniotlon Furtilshod and Sorvico
on Brantford Roofing rendered ley
W. M. McLain,. Gir•derich
1 • .1
Why Every Farm Home
Should Have a Piano
The farm home is no different from the city
home in its need of "Some Music Every Day.'
Music is a recipe for happinos-the piano
the greatest medium through which to obtain
that pleasure.
A Piano You Will be Proud' Own
You will he proud te, have
a Henry Herbert piano both
for its purity of tow: and
its handsome • appearance.,
lt is made in our own factor.
les and with our gusrantet.
5ce and hear it at any of
our branches or dealers,
"Some Music Every Day" contains information
that should be read in every houschold---farm'
or city -whether you possess, et piano Or not
.0411.• Ma. mlis. bodOW *ow. .1•Qhm. 11s... lawman rror
t'�1t T 1•11. FS COUPON' le Ts A he 11.1
..•••••, mems. torowl Log wood 4=0 limy meg* lammoViloimi era 1•••••••11.•••••• .0.61 bit* Ir.. oar
230 Yongc Street - - Toronto, Ontario
please send me your booklet "Some efusfcEliery Day" ,
ooled 14:
Goveramsnt "control" does
not cure -these -
1. BOOTLEGGING :.-."Uootlegging to extentof 5,00 cases a month.. . in and'
around Vancouver." -The Nook (an Anti -Prohibition paper).
"Bootleggers handle twice as much liquor as the Government stores." -Vancouver
2. FLA6SK. DRINKING taii-,The Sherbrooke D• aly Record, Elpeaking about con-
ditions in Quebec, says: "The hip -pocket flask is an institution to a greater extent
here than in ,Ontario.'
3. LAWLESSNESS OF YOUTH s --Andrew Blygh, J.P., of Vancouver,
describing the state.of affairs in.British Columbia under Government "Control", says:
"Any night, cabarets are operating with 50% of those present showing signs of intoxi-
cation. The dance halls are a public scandal with young girls slipping to the back
alley to get a nip from the flasks of their escorts."
4# DRUNKENNESS:di... There have been 851 names placed on the Indian List in
Alberta during Government "Control", the majority of whom procured liquor without
5. RECKLESS DRIVING:- Comparing Montreal and Toronto, Mayor
Duquette of Montreal stated: "Montreal has registered twice the number of automo-
bile accidents with half the number of automobiles."
4 What WILL cure these evils?
et The libnest, sustained enforcement of the
Ontario Temperance Act.
Vote for Your DRY Candidate
24 *1~ Streit Zest •• Tomato
r ;is