HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-11-11, Page 3FALL HOUSECLEANING SALE SOAD wh N aaleaa 10 Bars 49cti Ceti, Coanfort, 1'+aro t, F e 10 Bar* 5 l 4I AMMONIA POWDER OLD DUTCH LEA f=Z Pkts, 15' 2 iinsiir CiPitiSOO 3- Pei Rib,. CHIPSO Qr..223c CHARIVI ar 9c LUX im,,,Vr 3 sit 25c Washing Soda 3 hot 25c ri;; iw SOAP 10 it 69c r rn;.USH 33c TEA DOMINO eskifeie Rreakfa.t Style 69elbe TEL/MIPS 33c DOMINO M o Biscuits 114 r.ar�aeG`� i , AIM! Jurists Pancake Flour 18 RICE St. Claerge's z,apuw►wa a it MS. MILK 2 Tin 19c 25c Thou Priest is e•eet fear ewe weois frees dais of IM. Msptr t • t �i • .1 e . ..�I. 41LI +r.••••-,..Iwi...• 11 . - -.. Ili.e. 1 11111 1 1 1 1 1 les!. ■ 1 111 ,11 ■ 111 I• N TAIUKSDAY, MA: z* .111112101 Arra riasY 111.0.1111st D'. s Mersey Phis tin* Mas. Bewdre. L. Jiferpky, Menti► Iassaiik, N$., writs:.. -'•$orale time age I took a strike sold pad it settled oa any Irmo. 1 eeekevere palate iy s mf chins mid woad • hamar beer it. tine day t friend told lee to get a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pise HTrep, sa I got a bottle anal after I bad takes; a ample of eeees my maga seemed to be getting better, se get the seeoad bottle tad after I ked used that 1 was completely rid of ray trouble." Prise 35e. a bottle, large. ftmilf alae 60e.; put tap only by The T. 1[ilbatst Co., Limited, Tomato, Oat, • MUSIC 'DROP. W. 11. JACKSON—Instruction 1 seven in Voice Culture,* Organ. Pia*o. Violin. Guitar, Theoay, etc, • Studio and residence, North Street. H. C. HAh1ILTON-a-Drgaralat North. . Si. United Murcia Concert inlayer and Teacher. Residence at airs, Colborne's "St. Pat- rrick Street, LEGAL CARDS 1t.. R. DARItOW. Barrister. Senator, Public, I;to., Successor to J. L. Killoran Phone 97 OIlmce, The Square, Gnderieh '' RNEST M. LEE. Barrister and Solicitor • Q 10 King Street East, Toronto, 2 Telephones Main 7793-7794. • DUDLEY E. HOLMES Barrister, Solioltor. Notat•y Public, Conveyancer. Etc. PHONE 27 HAMILTON STREET • SPECIALIST DR. P. J. 11. FORSTER. • • EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT. 'Late House Surgeon New. York Gph- ,e• thalmlc and Aural }Iospitpl, assistant at Moorefield's Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat. Hospital,' London Fag. a3 Waterloo St. S. Stratford. Tele - Thane 267. • At Hotel Bediot•d• Goderiela, on the .evening of -third Monday of emit month • 1111 the following day, 7uc' sit ry, tt 1 •• Death of raceme haesela *salient Mary Conor. a former resident of >Arusseals, widow of the late Janus lfeLaaebU1, passed away at Fenwick on 'Saturday, Oct. 30th, in sur 87th tsar. The deceased went to Brussels *aid worked with the late David Ross u a tailors's. and was married there to James McLauchlan, They lived in Brussels for some years, later reev- ing to Wingham where Mr. Metauek- lin dkd. For many years the de-, ceased lived with her daughter, Miss' Margaret, in New York. About three years ago she moved to Toxon- ta, and later had been residing in Fenwiek. Died in "russet* Miss Alfie Curry, second daughter of the late Thos.Curry and Mrs. Al. ke Curry, of Brussels, passed away Tuesday evening from pneumonia. The funeral took place on WPdnes. day, Nov, 2nd, and was private. Miss Curry is survived by two sista*e be- sides her mother. She was in her 40th year. Granddaughter of Reeve Geiger Fatally Injured Ruth Geiger, aged 31, daughter of Mr. and :Mrs. Edmund Geiger, of London, and a granddaughter. of Reeve Geiger, of Hensali, was fatality crushed in an elevator at the Mason & Risch Co. building in Landon on Friday, °eta 29th. STOP CATARRH! ' OPEN . NOSTRILS AND HEAD SaJli Crum Applied in Nostrils t •file erea Head-Colfls at Once. «ww...».-....-.w»►:w-......,....-............«.,,...... If your nostrils are clogged and your heed is stuffed and you isn't breathe freely because of a cont or catarrh, just get a *mail bottle of Ely's Create Balm at any drug 'yore. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream into your nos- trils and let it penetrate through every air passage of your bead, soothing and beating the Inflamed, swollen mucous membrane and you get instant relief. Ahs How good it feels.. Your nos. trite are open, your head is clear, no snore hawking, snuffling, blowing; no more headache. dryness .or struggling for breath. Ely's Cream Balm is auntwhat sufferers frons head colds and eaterrh need. It's a' delight. t CHIROPRACTIC DRUGLESS PRAG7'ITIO.E1t. ' DR. A. N. AThI SO•ti ' Clrit'otlraclnr anti Drureless Therapist, • • Goderich Chronic, Organic and lame is Moneta, Equipped with. Electr0-tilagnetie Bathe r:I'etr'nic Electric 'i 'l'. tments and • Chiropractic. Office hours -2 lo u end 7 to O. .p.m. and by appointment. excepting Monday and Thursday afternoons end ;ev'eninns: • • Office Hous on these clays 10 to 12 aha. Naas. • • Lady in 'Attendaure. Residener and Oitiere-Corner of South St. and nri!attain bond. AUCTIbNEERING tHOMAS GUNORY. Lire Stock and-kenrrat Auetidneer, Hamilton Street, Goderich Sales made everywhere and all efforts made to give y"ou satistaetioit. Farmers' sale notes discounted.. ROBERT RROBERRTSON, Auctioneer, Eldon. St., Goderleit will conduct and arrange ani' amie on the latest methods to get hest resting. See him. or drop a card and he will give it inunediate attention.. Farm Sales a spee'ialty. NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. wet. BAILIE: . NOTARY PUBLIC General Conveyancing done Good Companies' Renresented Phone No. 228. ' Goderlch, Ont. --arrEOitGK-tr- fE-EXSLADE,----0 • coNVEYANCING AND NOTARY. % . 'Bayfield, Ont. INSURANCE • • IVIe :ILLOE, MUTU. I FIRE iota. ?ADI AND ISOLATED TOWN PROP. •r.RTY INSURED. Value et property insured up to Jan- uary, 1910, -EJ 018;873.00. • !'FFIGERS--.'tames Connolly, Fresh dent, Cioderirtt; Jas. Evans, Vice -Presi- dent, Beechwood; T. E. Bays, See.- Treas., Seaforth. DIRECTORS—D. P. :1iealregur, Sea - forth; •J. G. grieve, Winthrop Wm. Wrin, Constance: George Meflartnt'y. Tuebersmith; John Ferris, Ilanlock; Johns Bennewise. Broadhagah; Murray Gibson, l3rure11c1.. 4,riEN'r3•--•J. W. Yeo, Goderich; sandy Leitch, Clinton: \Vm. F;Itesn.y, Sea. forth: R. lllneteey, Sratni'tlt. P.•liry Holders can pay their assess— ments at It. 11, t;utt's store, '.oo lenses; A. J. ltorrish'i. Clothing Store, Clinton: or J. H. Rein's. Hayfield. rum INSURANCE Rave it attended. to ny the rMEti WAINAlIOSS MUTUAL FIRE BtIURRANCE CO Established 1878 Head Office : Dungannon, Ont. Harry L. Salkeld, R. R. 140. 2, God- ericb, pros.; Win. 3. Thompson, Aub- urn, vice pros.; directors—Wm. Me. Quillen, St.Heflens; W. P. Reed, R. R. No. 2, Lucknow; H L. Salkeld, 'phone 000r11, Goderich; Alex. Nicholson, Ltleknow; Wm. Watson; Jas. Git'vin. Jt. R. No. 4, Goderich; W. 1 `,t`helatp- iota, Ateburn: That Gritz, Et. v.. No. Lualuaow; Chas. $.vitt, Kincar- dine, VIOL STOTTEKU, T. G. ALLYN, Teem Seltekary. li ii I.ii ._ .I.. ,._ Relief at Last ! No longer harassed by smothering, coughing or choking: lCillakea'Fablets.lntic MOM. THIS wonderful remedy was din% covered by a noted medical doc- tor while with the army in France. KILLS the most obstinatecase, of. COUGHS.COLDS, PLU,ASTHMA and BRONCHITIS. Will not •tIf- feet the weakest heart---fs: perfectly - harmless, sod h elf Dnipt,b kl.oer R•finde& if Not Sstaf.ste,•y, BEWARE THE. The Late lira. Kerslake. Mauer The loath took place in Exeter es Saturday. Oet. 30th, of Mrs. Iohnrt Kerslake, who passed away at the ags of 70 years. 1 month and it days. foU.wiaag an illness of * couple et weeks fro* pneumonia and bright's tliaease. the deceased had Men a re. eldest of Exeter for the pest ten years, having moved to Exeter when she and Mr. Kerslake retired from a farm in Usborne. Death of Mr. Rory MaeCbarlei,, Lueknow Pollowink an illness of more than two years, Mr. Roderick MacCharles, an old and esteemed resident of Luck - now, passed away Friday morning, Oct. 29th. Mr. MaeCharlss had been SCHOOL REPORTS strength throughout the past ,summer so that his death was not at ' S. S. Net, 1, Generics Tewnithip Honors Iii <, Pass 60aa. Sr. IV. -- Isabel McMichael, 87; Lena Craddock, 85; Clayton Laithwaite, 13; Bernia:e Moore, 71. Jr. IV. --Joe Dalton, 75; Margaret Fry, 73; Phil Bissett, 70: Orville Oke, 82; Marion Lamprey, 57. III.—.Edward McMichael, 70; V'Iolet Cooke, 62; Everett Craddock, 52; Harvey" McMichael, 50; Thelma Fry, 45, II.—Arthur Hicks, 65. Sr. I. Ethel Cooke, 75; Frank McMichael, 70. Sr. Parr—Ruby :McMichael, Tom Cooke. Jr. Pr. --Betty Fry, Gladys Parrant, Tom Fry, Ada Farrant Valeir Craddock, Arthur McMichael, Hazel Moore, 1. M. LOWERY, Teacher. Westfield School The following is the report of S. S. No. 6, East Wawanosh, for the tests held during September and October: II. Year Continuation—Elaine Bam- ford, 75 Evelyn McDowell, 72. e 1. Yr. Continuation -••Madeline Walden, 68; Edna Walsh, 62; Harold Vincent, 61; Ray aliment, 61; Alice Govierc 60. Sr. IV.—Norman Rodger, 15; Bennie Walsh, 72. Jr. IV,—Edythe McDow- ell, 75; Margaret, Govier, 55; Mar- jorie Campbell, 50; Thaddeus Gower, A quiet wedding took place at the 49; Orville Tunney, 47, . 'Sr. IIT. -- Walton United church manse on Fri- Herbert Harrison, 71; Jim Thomtrson, day, Oct. 22nd, by Rev. W. J. Maines, 65; Ernest Snell, 62. Jr. III.---Nich- when Miss Mary E., eldest daughter olena Thompson, 72: Jack Armstrong, of Wm. and Mrs. McCall, was united 69; Lloyd Walden, 64. Sr. II.. -.Viola in marriage to Archie J. Young, sun Govier, '72; Jean McDowell; 67; Mary of Mrs. Mary A. Young, of Hullett. • Ann Gower, 61, Jr. Ii.—Harry Moss, Poplestone and Gardiner Dissolve 68; Kenneth Campbell, 63. Sr. I.— Blyth. Standard: The firm of Pop- Mary Cook, 70; Alwin Snell, 69... Jr. leetone & Gardiner, :general much- 1.—Ned Thompson, Sr. Pr, -Eileen ants, has been dissolved by mutual Walsh, Bessie Moss, Jessie, Moss. cons,pnt and tIr. Gardiner of the late Number on roll 31. firm will continue the business. The E. S. SOWERBY, Teacher. late firm entered partnership at Exe- S. S, No. 17, Ashfield i ter n ther e a year, 1902 and in January The following is the report of pup.. of 1006 purchased the business in ifs: ee S, '8; No. 17, Ashfield, for the Blyth of the late 2. B. McKinnon, month of October: Jr. V.—Hugh Me - which they have successfully conduct- Whinney, 87 i. Sr. IV.—Taek John - own, 70; Nelson ed up to the present, It is worthy of stop, 76; . Billy Brown, note that this firm has Passed almost. Hack, 45. Sr, III. -Margaret John - a quarter of a century without change stop, 7;; Billy Brown,' 70; Nelson which. is much longer than the usual PeJean Johnston, 64 (ties). lifof he e of fiparrm artnerse ahips.mong Boothur mebestmberestis- arson and !e II,—Russell Dennis. 71:, .Benson t,grown, iG9. Jr. Pr.—.Ruby De ni.5, zeas and it is regrettable that' in le Goldora Dennis, latumber on roll 12. tiring from business, Mr. Popiestone Average attendance 10. and family are liable to leave Blyth. 'M. I. ROSS, Teacher, Seaforth C. I. Won Meet Champion- Junior Room, U. S. S. No. 8, Ashfield, ship for leptember--,nd--October..:. The first annual meet of fhb Huron .,Jr. IIL—Total 610; pass 366—Helen Iloorteld Skews" so iflesseity Age who bane loditesies aE paaestsui srlt«rt slw s ensiles et eelehreseil cosatuNriT KAT t IbTi ,u rDOtoo Sy rum at ear ossealste winds, she monis fele bum* llaaMlla Mliesdeueseri for phis lobelia. E. C. ROBERTSON Goderich Phone 13$ all unexpected. Besides a widow, he is survived by three sons, Donald, Poacher and Duncan, and one daugh- ter, Mrs. Neil D. MacKenzie, all of Lucknow. There is also one brother residing in Essex .County. DorrenceaSimnaons A quiet but very pretty wedding, took place at 11 o'clock Wednesday morning, November 3rd, when Miss Lily Marie Simmbna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Simmons, late of Brighton. was united in marriagewto Mr. G. Edward Dorrance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Dorrance, McKillop. r The ceremony was performed by Rev. T. H. Brown, of Seaforth. at the home of the bride's parents, Huron -road west. Weet-Bremner A pretty autumn wedding was sol- emnized at the manse, Brueefield, on Tuesday, Nov. 2nd, at 2.30 O'clock, when Rath Bremner, elder daughter of • Rev., W. A. Bremner and Mrs. Bremner, was united in marriage- to air. Thomas ColinWest. son of Mr. and Mrs, T. E. West, of Woodstock. Young -'McCall Athletic Association, held in ,Clinton Anderson, 412;' Claire Pentland, 402; on Thursday, Oct. 28th, after a cou ple of postponements. owing to bad Anna Reed,• 359; Amy Young, 267, weather, was a: huge success. :Mit Sr. II. -Total 565: pass 339—Wilma Treleaven, .466: Marjorie McDonald. Collshell, Seaforth, competed, Exeter and ithtthe 409; Marjorie McWhinney, 412: Mil- t t sates competed, and dery p the died. Anderson, 247; Gertrude F'inni- fact that the day was, not very pleas-- lean, 197.. Jr. II. -Total 5.40; naso ant, a crowd of several hundred spec- g24 -David Nivins, 251; Alma. Niv- tators enjoyed the fine, program of athletic• events. Seaforth secured the nasi s, Agnes Young,. 169 Carman meet championship, winning the high- VirhyaHaines, 134; Mary Ward, 26: Pert est number of points in the junior, in- 177-J , IQ. Sr. T.—Total 295; pass 177—Jack and senior boys', and the 177—Jack Parks, 242; Verna Ander- senior girls' events, while Mitchell son. 241; Beth Parks, 206; Jimmie won the junior girls' championship. amen, 200; Myrtle Caldwell, 173 G. Abney, of. Mitchell, showing parts- eularly good form, won all junior ``�� RR , girls' eents, being a fair: margin. c�cio The baseball games excited keen in- terest. F,xeter defeated Clinton bY i-HAN im 7fienfArruns � to 4, lilt Mitchell .defeated th by �� p IO a�losely 1•onteeted 'bssleetbalt game Clinton Persistent coughs and colds. lead to serious trouble. You can stop them now with Creomulsion, an emulsified' creoebte thetia pleasant to take. Creomulsion is a clew mtdicaldincovery with two -fold action, it aootheit aid heals the inflamed mem- branei and inhibit; berm growth. • Of ell known drugs creoeoteisrecognim'd by high medical authorities as one of the greatest healing agencies for persistent coughs end colds and other forms of throat trouhlea Cteomulaioneontains, in addition to creosote, other healing elements which soothe and heal the infected membranes and atop the irritation and inflamaimtion, while the creosote goes on to the stomach, is absorbed into the blood, attacks the meat ofthe trouble and checks the growth of the Creomulsion le guaranteed' satisfactory in the treatment 01 pen stent coughs and° colds, bronchial asthma, bronchitis and. other forms of respiratory diseases, atxl is excellent for building up th:ttztem after tpids or flu. Ivfoncy orf cough or cold is not relieved after taking aecotding to directions. Ask your druggist. Ctcomuleion Co, Li nited, Toroato, Ont. 4 Bo9ll6ll Bros, 0O1i071OH co the Leading funeral Director's and Embalmers Orders oare•tully attended to at aril hours -night or day: • tin Cry • 1 1. ,&. Wheeler Funsral Director and Gvdericb, Ontario Alt sidle proatpe% attsrae:i to d„y or nights. !Maas: Oen *S$; Soma *5W 1 proved victors neer Seaforth. • . Aikenhead-Taylor Melville Culbert, 143: Willie Reed. 125; Melba Fowler, 110: John Ward, 47. Primer -,--Total 440: pass 264 -- Harold Finnigan. 324; Jimmie Ward 319; Malcolm McKenzie, 301. "A" Class; total 171—IDonalda 'Jones, 178; Lois Treleaven, 163: Berth Jones. 124+-=Viola..-.Maung,.-LX,lLe...Bailie Mel Clure, 96; Albert Rivett. 93; Jean Ward. S8: Alvin Reed, 85. Number on roll 35. Average attendance 31. Th. marriodx, taok place at St, M. M. DURNIN, Teacher. Paul's chatty, ('•lietop, oai .1kin, t'.clay*. MORE OLD SUBSCRIBERS Oct. 21,1x, oe Leona, Lillian, eldest daughter of Mr. and 2lrs. Gecrge Like a Letter from Home Seaslir. 'Taylor, of Clinton, and ClarenceJames Cox, St. Agatha, Man. James Aikenhead, soh of Mr, William 1 Aikenheed, of Stanley. The care- Mr. (a \v. Sturdy, Il. R. No. 1, Ciotl monyc was performed by the Rev. L. erich, is another of the early sea. C. Harrison and was- witnessed. by scribers. to Thc.-Goderielt Star tarot' only a feud intimate friendse whom we have heald in' connection Death of Mrs. Josiah Rands with the content we annoi n'ed epee ea A very regrettable death occurred ly for the oldest subscriber to thin in Clinton Nov. 3rd when Mrs. Jos- paver. .Mr, Sturdy says he has liven iah Rands passed away. She bad subscr-bing for The Star since !8(i1 been in ill health for some time and himself and that this paper wag in hl; father's home before that. 'Teat means that Mr. Sturdy, himself, has been taking The Star for 65 years end his father, the late Mr, (h' isto- pher Sturdy, must have been, in all probatlility, n subscriber from, the first issue. Mr. William Campbell, of town, is "nntlatr who can claim to have taken The Star from its fir:.t ise..e. Another veteran subscriber is Mr. James Cox, now'of :tit. Agathe,Man., who writes as follows : St. Agathe, Man.. The :Star Oct. 19, 1926. era who have taken The Star for a number of years. I subscribed. for The Star in 1882 while batching• In North Dakota and hire never missed a year since. It is like a letter from home to me. Yours truly, • JAMES COX. CALIFORNIA AND PACIFIC COAST TOURS When winter comes, thePacific Coast resorts from those in • British Columbia south to those in Califona nia, offer a ;pleasant ehange from the more rigorous climate of the east. California has become ferrous as a winter tourist region because of its excellent climatic conditions, its var- ied and magnificent scenery, the pos. sibilities it affords for e11 kinds of outdoor sports and recreations, its splendid motor roads, sea bathing, etc, Canadian National Railways of• fer a wide choice of routes embracing rail and sea trips., 'Travel one way through Canadian Rockies via Jasper National Park and Mount Robson, the North Pacific Coast Route to Vancou- ver and Victoria. Seattle, Portland, "Dail certainly was pleased ! ". "As soon as Dad read my last, letter, with the news of My appointment in it, Ale jumped for the tele- phone. . "I felt likea million dollars when I heard his voice, and if 1 can live up %to the things . he said to me, 1'11 go a 1oni.way." • -There are manly inspiring moments when Long Dis- tance is the onlyadequate vehicle for our emotions. As in the case above, the proper word , at the right moment has a • great ap- peal. Let Long Distance 0 speed your message of in- spiration when it will be most appreciated. it was decided that she ought to have some teeth extracted. She was given nn anesthetic and the tenth were drawn Lut she failed to rally and quietly passed away. A pleasantmedicinefor children is Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. and it is exeeltent for driving v;ormn from the system. Peoplekeep en smashing ree cal: -m all except the one made by Rita yen Winkle. GAINED 10 E01ND►� IN 22 DAYS l Dear Binet,-OThave just read tract you would like to hear from subacrib- That's going some -but skinny men, women and children just can't. help putting en good healthy flesh when they take McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets. Chock full of vitamines- the kind that are extracted from the livers of the eod--the kind that are a' real help to frail, rundown, ananmie, skinny men and women. Try these sugar coated tasteless tablets for 30 days -if they don't help greatly get your money back. One woman gained ten pounds in twenty-two days. Sixty tablets, six- ty cents. Ask any druggist far Mr. t'oy's Cod Liver Extract ?'*Metas. Dlreetione and formula on tech box. "Get McCoy'', the brat -S gal nr. 'I ge stint KIDNEY PULS • 243 THE ODERIC'H VitatVc.tits We CAi2�,Ftx.1.. ttsiSPECT B_ tterw LOT 011 r., yet. vyc AND NOW MAI Wt- SELECT )YOUR VANIER''S COAL - SuPPLY . If you had to go direct, to the mines every time you wanted coal Wouldn't ' coal buying be a task'?' Even after you got to the mines, K you possibly wouldn't know which i,t coat to choose. That is the big thing we have' done for you. We have carefully selected the • pri►per coal for different kinds of II furnaces, ranges and grates. All you have to do is to 'phone No. 98 for it. 1IL II I I, 1I McEwen's SpeciaIs AlNOTHIOt IIMPONINT OR 4I11ER '3 JELLY POWDIDIS TO HAND Jelly Powders for 2:s, ea a i4*ss Fruit Ms. Our Special Blend of Bulk Tea at 59c per ib. in S -ib. lots. Try this tea, It's a winner, and is 16 to :t): cheaper than the package tea. 1,4'e grind our best Corse fresh for your order. It half; given satisfaction for years. We have a large ff-ounce bottle of Vanilla, or lemon Ex- tract for ... .......... ... ....sale. Also a large 1 -lb. bottle of Vanilla or eating Ex- tract for 50e. New large washed Brazil Nuts, this year's crop. just in at 25e pot lb.. 34 Bars of Soap, McEwen's Special for . ..$1.00 Palmtree Toilet Soap 49. pot doom Redpath Sugar per bag, the cheapest price it has been for rears SPECIALS IN DRY GOODS Blankets, Underwear , Overalls, Shirts, Socks, Mitts, Gloves, etc., at right, prices. - Goods delivered to any Part of Ike Tow*. ad�..11.. J. McEwen PHONE 46 south sin. Saw* San Francisco and -Loa Aggeles. Any agent of Canadinn National 'Railways will be pleased to furnish full information regarding these tours. Don't diet. The thinner a - :;ire is the 'easier something gets it. Your .Home Medicine Cheat.— Among the standard household rem- edies that should always be on hand in your home medicine chest, none is more important than Dr. 'Thomas' Ec- lectric Oil. Its manifold usefulness in relieving pain and healing sickness is known by many thousands throughout the land. Always tone Dr. -Thomas' Eelectric Oil for reliev- ing rheumatic and sciatic pains, treating sore throat and- chest, coughs, burns, sealds, cuts, bruises and sprains. attleotst Phone 98 --» Oedlse icb For Goon Clean CJAI How quickly the bride's sunshine is eclipsed by the groom's moonshine._• SULPHUR CLEARS A. --'PIMPLY SKIN Apply Sulphur ae Told When Your Skin /realer Oast " My brealdtat out of the skits on face neck, arms or body is overcome quiet*. est by applying ilcntho-Sulphur. Tat pimples seem to dry right up and go away, declares a noted skin s • Nothing has ever been found the place. of sulphur as ,a pimple ra- mover. It is harmless and inexpensfr•.. Just ask any druggist for a small jar of Rowles entho-Sulphur and use* like cold Croom. :;. There are manj ointmert but ONLY ONE amBuh THE GREA7 HERBAL SK/Nt AL/'l SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CLINTON, ONTARIO Students- May Enter Any .Tune.__. Why not attend the School that has the -Highly Qualified Staff The only School that teaches real Practical Bind - nese Training from start to finish . Where: High School Students and Teachers are taught specialized expert training in Business Administration anal Sec- _ retarial Science and are sure of a good position, rapid promo- tion and big income. COURSES Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial, General Office, Civil Service, Commercial 't'eacher's Course.., and Special Courses arranged. ` For full information wit* to : 4 B. F. WARD, B.A.; ' Principal Ii Phone 198 • s 1