HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-11-11, Page 2..11110w.wrr.R Iwo e 1 Mea rl....••,.-M.w0w11
Have You Tri
fciaist iqs ar>rwsnee Sinsess. tar This it =f roar e1 KIM
psi et /tockhdee My►•-bfari� f�1M Mot-
Pwwioad tiu few idaasglse word* Sod 700Is ' fog. Mrs. O. B.' t!tirsws, Yrs. Jas.
that onkel in *tarring: PrUasassliblir dry, thea. Uwe* Wiisom. V....
Astrid of Sweden road Crown Perone 'Wiwi lienar beemores "M� • bait church.
Leopold of IMlgi*rR. It suet have -ad iar+tiss rete �sw.ir Iowa= t';
Ilia. , Reim, Mrs. T. AndSrsoa,
been with mingled feelings that tee yew. iw+war lunge .+.vel+ryateeti es dela;*. 0. L. Fencers. Mr. Aaderar+k.
veteran Burtcemaater. Carl Lindhst- wove ,•este, the Week pat vel yes 1"ratt—AsMaid U. T. W. 0.. ',baud,*
ea, presided at the ceremony. fol. he to% biota* rad dusty mei TT. P. W. O.. Mrs. Walters. s. v. G.
is know* as an anti-seotsarchiat; in' heap year hoer *Moe sad working !Doone. C. E. D. Caner Smith's Hill,
fact, has mors than acus. sponsored 1( rrveeriy by rasing Mrs. Finlayson, Mrs. Ferguson, North
makingbill in Parliament making to abolish 1 St. Unfted ehureh:'•Mrar••fiarney, Hiss
the throne and substitute 1 repot/icon : Ilinallessii Wbfteiy, Mrs. Gen. Drew, Mrs. T.
form of goverment in Sweden. "'It '"""" Andersen. Ausasu•n 'Women's Institute.
have oto hesitation " he tool "swipe t dories demeans IcklAleis+e• yam", slat.. Cceke and 8asdriehss--Goderick
Township UnItact cberrb. North St.
United entree $t. George's rhumb.
Victoria St. United church, Home and
Behoof not. Lueknnw Anglkon Club,
Lucknow IVon en's Iautftaste, Lock -now
Presbyterian church, T,ueknaw Angli-
ten choir. Knox church. Arreeek -
Chanter, LO,AA, (, N. R. employ.
trot. War Veterans. Toys—Mrs. Dan
! is ha a class br itself. .Alai for $ter
• rap ,AJ si t''�ftlti
Swarntr Dropped Into Aline ed
bon foundry specially construct-
ed far the work. According to the
"There ars 160 orphans in the tittle head of the. Enttiish firm, who is now
batrilet of North Lake, near /sheet*.}n Ottawa, the carillon will lend the the United States the Count rind: .. .. _ whiten vacation in Florida or adenine
Ing, Mich., as the eesult.•of a. mining world for perfection of tone i%or many. Countess of Earoiyi acid later Shap- parties is liable to three to ;,en years" the Gulf Coast.
disaster of as most unusual kind. years to come, and with its 53 belle, ural Sak1atvela, ,Communist member.- imprisonment, • You'll never regret such a holiday
The Barnes -Necker iron mine, iirhich will be equalled in sine only by the of_. the British Parliament, has now_ Any of these ,runes are to be tried a _,the climate, the people you meet,
Zee* employment to praeticaly the carillon of Park Avenue Baptist: been invoked to prevent' Madame by as special eeurt presided over by a the sights you heel --all will far exceed
entire adult male popplation of the church In New York. The largest Alexandre I€ollantay from passing General elf the .„Almy, Ala Force, or your anticipations,
when,e 53
endt tar• a partial o the t o
extendedundertons, h rte f Staters n
ude 10h n s i' le
beeni hs nto son has ne n
d wey pa ia. M s I r
t h11g i t Milit u
'settlement, abeR s
lerF sc
are all in piece there ,silt be more her way to Mexico, whither she #s Bring the golf clubs along --and the
s swamp. Heavy rains of recent gmade Minister of internal Affairs, tennis racquet•-�-and your bathing
'a weeks bad added such weight to the than 100 tons of bell metal in the being sent as Minleter to Mexico from which gives him power, aa head of
resit. There's fishing, shciating::Taaht-
volume of water in the *swamp: es to tower.- Soviet Russia. Her passport win re- the Italian police, to enforce then inyr and niotor-boating.too. '
per reporters, "ie uniting two young
folk when realty law owls other.*
Astrid dou not become Crown
Princess of Belem Wilkielly until
after tip church ceremony in Arm -
.Away 'Wub Stix' Collars
A society pledging its. member, to
*Weldon stiff collars even with even«
into dress, le barns formed in Petite
Either the old fashioned stock or the
more modern soft collar may be sub,,
atituted for the "starched atrocity."
Woman Ambaarador Debarred
The same law which debarred from
write,:—"I was ached for about
two years with any beer, orad ethane 1
would get, vp in the neraing lay
tnspae mid be motel Lad I deed a
bed tests in my seoutht ws*W take
aick1nor! feat and pi
A. Mead advieed sews to vie Milleas
Lara -Liver Pille so T f,Mrt four 'rials
of thew and when T had Swished tate
lest I ea* trstkfnlly soy thisy did tie
Price Mr. * viae at alt defilers, or
netted direct on receipt of price by
This T Iifilbtirn Cn,, Limited,'d'ortutto,
If you would golf all winter or bask
in the sun on warm sandy beaches, or
motor for miles through ;smooth,
orange -bordered highw*ys, take your
Into the*heft, A Convict With Brains fused bytheA I C } G
an wealth if he Cammuniatic aetivi les. Who t.ikesti. Taxes, Anyway.? Border there' are hundreds of resorts
�ea+use it to drop ntq a a , earns us Anterleen
onau • en- measures. From Jacksonville to the ?liexicnn
fng death to the 51 miners at work a Many a criminal, it has been acid eral i Berlin on the ground of her
thousand feet below the surface. A would achieve fame a that will help to snake your holiday
'N s theen f thefirst p
marks the former site of the swarms chenncla that he expends in his d The end of the British coal m•rier i for boli h Federal ea to suet all pocISestbooks B•,lA'TTgNAI, LIVE STOCK plied to
Now is the time top Y0 ardor at
ter a Suit or Overcoat, where Fit, � sod
Finish are guar.sM `
Our ileo -to Wever Special Order
Departments are Knock -flats'
A real selection in oar Mens. i:'dr'r a.
H:ATS�—The Brock, the WaIthausin end the
Horton, at $6, $5 and,$4.
Chas. Black
ee Leading Tailoring end Men's Smart 'Wear
hone 219 • North Side of Square. ti
gaping hale. 340 by 200 feet, now Kut, the same energy into productive ]Elope to Settle Strike Winnipeg
€» . ► meeting of e. Dominion -wide cam• perfect and hotels and boarding hoe. -Corns cannot exist vThczt Hello-
dose riot. ,; Palen or a ai i qn o the s. l.� ..•-... Y` , � ,va 's 'Corn }tem neer ass •az}ap ie
and ie will. be weeks before the ova* forts to acquire That which stellae is near, after a hard light er income tax. The movement has been Any agent of e"anxdian Nat}anal EXPOSITION y
kindle of quicksand, muck and water rightfully belong, to him. There 15 foram the owners and the miners them, because it noes to $he root and
is Pumped. out and the bodies of the ""lied" Ryan, for inetancea a "lifer" tel which has lasted six Months. The of tiRteld by the Retail Trade B12reau & � you c itinerary',lbe aisles giving The
dates of the international Live kills the gaavvth.
deed recovered. Kingston penitentlarrr now about a Government and the ownete ere fay_ Canada, ; en twelve _ speakers..Stack exposition to bo held at Lhe,
Pioneer Snrgeon Deadyears old, who has been In and out of 't,ritbIy impressed' wtths the misers, armed with the fullest information you ail other inioxnratioxi>you require. , . d have been
many prisons• since he was e boy of ides of an arbitration body or another an �sld espeetas of the income tax, arcTHE , TIRED OUT' WOMAN to tons the cayntr . It Is Tanned to -
Lhict.go i3niaa}stack yai s,
MSN set far Nov, 27th to Dee. 4t.�es.• B. � # �r. P'in RL11 AI
according to' Secretary nanag 1 Quick
PIlls to Regain Strength ducted tits greatest of all agricu i Leo
Dr. John Wishart, who died last
plan for national supervcaton of ells.
twelve Thief, gun*man and bank y p
'Irlrendes,at his home in London,
Dn« tr r bald and
between Sydney, Needs the Kelp of Dr. Williams` Pink It. Heide, who line successfully con"
feria, is said to be'the first men on robber, with excepts trent a, militarTs 'Wet . agreements, and settlement as d+1.S.. tend Victoria . tt
n a.: o. �. t
o cNorthre f .
c nt'aatea t `be r i a
# 1fe nc opinion
But d r es of.
B there are e , over a
h' d`t rwdiseredit Ryan For the la t few w k there has
anal shows for quarter t d t banish any
trs Tieaai-Bald les uar-
he °'f America t prison in England, and from K sa expected within a few. days, •
nh ad g
perform ,an operation for appe±isdlctston, to• is era ref Cao lock for iasteady.drift bank to .work • on"the arbiect. Fearing that aboli- No mother should allow nervous cawntury,the approaching session will an ee o crone back It gives form quick
ria. Modern rse by
accepted as a het invented which a pis being andbthis s rapidlyincreasingso thai tion of the income tax would mean dii weakness to get the upper hand of be the Most completely balanced e>, misery . x s' ,back„
mail bags fax patentaction even in old, stubborn acuses.
ei*tter, 1 cause by then present snore- eau ht. Brlg.-Gen. W. S. Regime, now about three or four thousand dee increase in the tariff, representatives her; if she does worry will mar hex. }aibition ever staged In its illustrious Nem -Reid is a'ta 'tandem tablet that.
ato l is vered. almost 4101,60p -tient omt- itpf the 'Canadian Council of Agricui- work in the home, and torment her in
as ti .be covered almost from its in- Superintendent of to prof for Cans work returning to •lye.• pits -deity. The 1 e ati fn a mind and. body, The monotony, of. history, removes blood congestion in the lower
i '• 's i Aida, will endeavor to protect the in- workers in: the great coal fields of sure, ai as In ae lion ' (I Wile g, the average housewife's daily toil is bowel ttie rause of piles. It bend
ceps ora, by the van af, one hien life. vection which lightens. the matt bag Wales and Yorkshire are still boldin); ,vent on record as opposed to :the ser chow h. to costae de cession buC there The . Last Authma Attack may ovfuT relief qui:lcly and safely or
Born On a a Wean Guelph, Dar. Wis.. of P
by about threeeverters of a. pound out, but if these negotiations are se- peal of Mit taxation. aro other causes, as every melba really be:' he #sat one if prompt costs nothing. H. C. II(INLGI? and
Talars taught"school. for a time, sand burin the d}acaissiaax the af#inan measures are taken, IDr:.T, D, ICeI
'later as' a ebi "s surgeon, saw:'earetch by: the abolition of ropes, army and cepted they will *II be bsek::at, work :: , g-,. , known, that tend to weaken and make , d will safe: druggists everywhere sell.it with
P g ' steel, bars. .The Post Dike author!« within a week. was freely expressed that this form.her nerves run-down. A change and loge's Asthma._: lteine Y .
of,the world in voyages to Aunerl}a, . ar -„:a .., have been ort the look. • r•. -..a. Peddlers Arrested K' of taxation was "a very fair method,,". 'rest might improve h r health,,but guard you. It will penetrate to the this guarantee.
South Africa dna South sxmeri4u. --- o much a'iack, which: std s eller of narcatiC and•that there would be little chance best of all for i passage '
Hess manybattles between e tin years for The we f peed
` at ilk arse:• • • hstst lead 'IA 'tome startling discoveries< ax e
heal m:tnv interestii;sir et+arieas of n i
$r wit eat b the 1retwe n au r r laded women is ,i. smallest broncaa ass$. a and br azg
t ebeiteyed,`watl defy sans attempt drugs in Detract titre, months ago of tariff reduction, were the income course of Dr, Williams Panic rills. about a heaTtby Condition. It ahs yea.
natives and Europeans in Africa and i is s' t 1#ft d The Pills mark nary bI ad rich with 1 i d ft
CHILDREN'S -MD SOC %1 TX Heroes throve. h -permanent
- d hod
t f
These i s e o , a re ieves 'rind its Cont nue mad
0 . en i ,
the elements of which the body and has a affect, we not
loading of shine by sieves, under Mrs. Mcrbaiaaic Sant far Trial inspector Omani who.. working -In
h I4 h
Mounted Police.
It tool( fiver weeks for the prq nein. conjunction with the ounte gang o ce, . il"he value , of liar. Wiliiam.s' fink getis ons amour rem, y ay. COATS. its .
viclol ts clave-tlrivertr. :/'ram Iger till in the case of iri a break up.a an of The advisory committee of�the • t ha a •ere and commence' it$ use? Inhaled as •- `.
1910 be 'else Prafesaor of.Surgery oat eery hearingeef evidence es etiempt get R Iiuran, County Children's Aid Society Pi}ls when he blood i:x w k nrY .a smoke os va or }t is :e nail effectir.c. Made of heavy i OYiTit
the University o We I Mrs. Aimee Semple, Merheraon and internat'iontd narcotic drug distribu- i.ery, and the system sundown is ,� ,,
i cense f ,tern Ontario. met ,Tete edeas aft010000, Nov. znd> .
her, mother, Mrs, Monier If needy :teras, hold to include• one or more of ahawtt by the experience' of Mrs. C. vTDIG1�STICTIY AND
duck, ' • S lee -Skid lined!
The moth of, i�hro>Krea+e: f mer Caenadianav, who Ir'eret Charged the Windsor Attlee Department, ar- th be present.A ex , , CONSTIPATION GONE *nista S V S 1 -
ar e d Be e�
r in
p'nr ill
s --• e e nn e
n e s
entit w ver em _ members num-
y '] or t.`
ick an U.
R. Gc i' d (In
W. 1
a accounts were
>+ e t
# un slie
od sa B fa th
whet b. .
r ev.idene. of fisc rapidity. t L !b 1e with conspiring to rested Sergeant Bert • tiawkawort}i says: gl fi „
•local superintendent mentioned .sever- use of Dr Williams Pink -Palls I WAS Under.' greet as tin and `in untold] round belt sizes +�� f0
With which the world, changes x s ,mono+facture evidence it support of
ahpv-n by tho advertising' matter: atpa ,a.kidnapping story. And it is said. to.
gearing in any news»aper air anAga-:bawd cast tile. twioawamen $100,000 of
sane. A Canadian editor found a few a fund contributed by their, thoussupds
spare inornents to tit down with at big in supporters.. Both vete bound over
WIttn$1.44 ae>o, * scrap of rapes; and. et pen for trial before the etiperior�court and.
it t n k t aa: he° found ar I hat ono bI ata
lta� a ala
� nra►ckica}ly all the evidence wiU_ have
216 ivat of a toted of 350 columns of
to be taker, aiga►in, :.
• "We weleoi s the superior coutt
trial," Ears. Maherson told her con-
•greeation. "Nothing: but. complete
1, 4 1 I 1 vindication enn .result. for truth must
• it"riumish,". _ �Durirsg-; tltc!:-.interval that.
advertising devoted to articles which
s�vere not in existence fifty years _ago,
. Rotor care+• and eceesssoriee cams 049.
i re first. with 11 columns; a eetr e
a liaise era far the home were*
• s.eond with. 23 columns, and radia.. must' elapse before the trial proper
-with its. arceasories, :whoee nfancyf can /vain, an intensive smell le to
can •bee remembered ;blr children still
In the public t o/molt, •third With .2(i merle for Kenneth Ormiston, the
ca]utnntw. omegast s farmer radio operator,
fort et fur Yuetory 'l*owe>F who is accused of having occuinled
Some day athe . next s.=st(icrn cottage with her, at Mount tunnel.
eluting*luring ten days of the time M:ra. Mc.
let'Ottawe„ probably in February, the Pherson'rlairns to have been ']n the
fleet. Tread will ring out (rani the emit. ll- hands 'of the kidnappers,
lou which is to be intttalled In the Vic •
tory Tower • of the new Parliament
Buiidine s. The bells have been . east
at Croydon, England, and tested in a
Quick Relief for
If you *utter from torturing theur
matte pain*, swollen,. twisted f ointas,
and raker intensely became ,your
system le full of that deugerous pols.
on that makes thousands helpless and
kills thousands years before their
time, thou you need Rheums, and
seed it now
Start taking it today. Rheums
arts at once on kidneys, liver, atom -
itch and isiaod, and you tan ssineereiy
excimer: "Good riddance to bad rube
pe eple, tic most skcpticel of
skeptic s right in this city and in the
essentry 'hereabouts, tiles* the doy
ti ai H. C. Dunlop and other, drug-
~ offered Rheums, to the afilicted
at a smell price and gresrantred
moral refunded if not satisfied. If!
volt hare rheumatism get a bottle of
Emma ma Many.
This cut is front the latest photo -
grafi:: of the Minister of Immigra-
tion and Cotonisetion and is an reed -
kat likeness of Mr. Forte as he is,
A Sieiailat Antons Kies*
Before an assemblage that included;
Orw.nga Lily is a►
eerrtsin relief for alt
disorders of women.
It is applied locally
and is absorbed into
the suffering tiessesa.
a'•'fbeee dead waste neat -
ter in the vmrruteid
1egiost is os expelled,
- �t immediate men.
tali and physical re-
WEI tike Mod vessels sad "erre% aro toned and strengthened,
and *irrigation to rendered to aerate as this treatment is
limed afar scieasrtiik primei$lan, and mats on the actual
tineas eet'sthe tunes. e, it eennet hep hat do good in all forms
.1 r is iaeit asiisie delayed *and painful mesmerises -
Ow bij jam, et the w.*b, growth sold ovarian
tjalrj�,, Me. Pride at, per box, whiek it shaft for one
i• nonliVe Dmtamit. A free Trial Treatment. enengte for 10
iZ Moet* aha, will k strut FRB' les any erlieg weans
Lydell mod da !� Wed 1$ Installer, ()ata ia. p* arwi ate3
` ler►�ie11ii :�i� •:Ever.
one of the trusted
officers of orf the . e i y u •dew alt could herd -
r : misery I was .sutFering'fxam stomach `
a}: sada_ d interest which were die• camel to y e n n d u a d_ a .S
farce. Ernest Halts former' Constable, walk. r e trouble, indigestion, terrific gas paint* �� t '��
cussed stud Advice iven, it was de- ly acraas the •flea , As th {.
• mother eat~ a V ung e i r n the •. .
1' v d to be the "brains'" of the 'ring.the S0ciet3 •„ on esday. Navelnber , condition w one . f eerie ss ass. and 'could not sleep at nig t.. ` flan a
tee myas v u n
IBtli; at fi,3t1 an the evening in Vic.,, 'ern .: thin s without an • suC-
Mc fc
Election of adore s will take lacextraordinary medicinegave me e ftl a t k n re -a eattraor
place,was ,cis an a ha naw cloths in dark t e
This soba yd aI d:�
;not been taking thea milli;.. very long asrinedaate redia« Evora after. tnkatrg
.. and bl�aWn +elzecks l,
an Fred Be ex -sex esnt Michael gact constipation, I was losing -weight r
d >rg,th f o h lel a with d pas MEN'S S . MACKINAW
tided, to halcl'the annual ice tin of
i the f` emends ter Toth
t'a s at a rete a two
Martin, who was arrested is s be- q d
+ usual haiisehold duties to per ane COATS
Mussolini Entrenclece Himself I had seen Ilii. Williams Pink Pills teeing m y y Madeo (I *lea NYa,..te
tanto St; United church, Cgderich. advertised and decided to try.thelia. cess I heard of RB .,J(7XCE, le
Premier 'Mussolini has left no
to establish sh
P -
ur n {a efforts a ii
un n i h flea
t ed� it
Frt win: given and. se
s bealsoad sea s
the k'ascisti Regime in such a. manner by outside spec kers on the work of before I began to feel better both in only one beta% the gas pains.digap- , it
that it will defy. all the efforts• of itr the Society. and mind, 'I continued. the use Feared, also the constipation• I hat _round belts, sizes 36 to ''
enefiaies to.rob it of its power. Ata . The following' ca tr ons aye 'bodyof the .pills for a. +eou rle of months, aritd sleeai-splendfdtyr and wh it is morng n ibuti h e l . z am uttin on weight at the rate of �r
recent meeting the Cabinet Council, been: received since the Taste manthl And now feel, like a new woman, able P rifting erg
rl' .ri performal householdduti s enc Pantile per week. My liver is • Special
. as.5(l
over. which he .presided,. app +eyed x f .re ort ata aregratefullyacknowledge-fa _ t . l my•. duties. ,•
a long series of envergeneay measures eel h.. r o s; e.wouldnot. be without; the: ;enols mi.. --active ,and bowels regae w „ [ . '
ofgreat severity. include the C s Ee fs. H. It ones, $16, the house and I recommend them in 0b statement
in. every., way.
They Eileen wry..Thee. se; "ti(t, ,fele,, Ex- ell rundown, peon e. r This statement was made by SG, T.
death penaity for anyone. attempting etQr, $5; Ministerial' Association, $G: pr. t%1iiliai e, pink, Pills are 'old by Carson,, popular and well known
the lire of the Sovereign or the head Mrs. M. A. Sperling, $1; M. Robins, ,t}l dealers in medicine. or will be sent building . contractor .:residing at 305
of the State or anyone .guilty of tree. $s; .Toho LinkIater, $2; Mea. 1 , W. by mail at 5fi cents a 'box bv. The TIC, Elrn. Ave., Windsor. , I
son, .espionage: or armed rebellion; Gerrie,,. 2•_ Mrs. W L.. Horton, 5• Williams' Medicine Brockville. ;i••or seise by.Campbells Druez Store
, , rt , $ , illiams Meal cin Co ,
and call for the dissolution of all par-- Goderici:l Women's Institute, $ill, Ont. .and leading drugg.ts s everywhere,.
erre attainpting to recanstittate such f`ruo era except the blooming ,idiot. Ton
can tell' which one vans the saint,
at $3,95 and $4.50
You can get them at
-� �a
ties, assoaiatiens or.organitation.a op -Shower od rich and I,urknovv
by G ehave Saint bank e
I the a a t an account ,.f Ya
t .'An.
Fascist m
s tot c a e es or al flaw
ed he t g y This- is the off season f 1
�memento. n Instil tc�13 •` warts of
W ne a5 u
`t; mitts; tawelsr 10 lbs. oi= banes,
The ExciusheAgency For
After marking many cexrntpe r'isons and thoroughly investigating
the merits of of au Brothers' Paints arta Varnishes, we, ate convinced
that tom► are supercar in quality and more economical than any other
Paints we have met with in our business a xperieetx„e„ We have there.
fort been fortunate in securing the Exclusive Agency for Lowe Brothers'
"High ,Standard" Paints stud Varnishes and are now able to offer our
preeerlt and prospective customers better an sa antl value in their
lit purchaaes.
An expert Decorative Deportment is maintained by Lowe
Brothers from. which information about your Paint and Painting
Problems can hes obtained Five of Charts. This service includes Color
e for Iasiririr et Oota icIe Decoration and Estimate of Passim
,Meal sae $oar Real I mod Efficient Service iri your Paint
Problems. .
Alf. T�bbutt & Son
. aralaMttlt os 111 1 mitt
A Complete and Fresh Stock
"High Standard° Liquid Paint—for Exterior Sus` -
ids elleot(srtin aushabre"FIat" Wiatl Eli at t�=yFoi Yll ri r-
Pyre -Lac, the Improved `quick drying Lacquer, dries
in think minutes.
Mord-Drying Floor Paint—For Interior Floors.
Neptunite Var fes for FIoo rs -Interior and exterior
use. Withstands [Boiling water, acids and
• severest use.
Neptunite Varnish Stanne-.-,dor Floors, Woodwork
Furniture,. etc.
Auto Mos* Varnieh Collor. -Por Automobiles, Car-
- riages, Baby Buggies, e.tc.
Uuduro qtr -Girona Enamel and a full line of
Sundry Products,
. or - 0 I imrr•-.w t:.•
_ 4 p ith ir�ieer tasteiaagar. Oara tar eeTVA Alf asarerctiy.
Mew, titpport„ Moccasins, Gains, enc..
aiiT`i, T
i>itMiCeer fee every newest mer +rf
Wart Strut Harawarrr. w 'non* 486