HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-11-11, Page 1• " itry' .4 p4... 4.•1t ON* • ... -4i 11I iii io Set Semilie 1 Aaswim*, m i a a a a t , ia Ma I. hotooShir ariiirseadif Jo /cwt.• rigresatads * il STAR ADS. GRT RISULTS . , a.. Illagyslium GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA; THURSDAY, NOVEMBER llth, 1926 11111Pmma".11.11"1"Pilm*WALTICR NAPIVG. Publisher. 7:..:•-..,1 • _ rv 3 Maio. Awe goads v..6. Mail • Er THR STAV Salt! 61/00X0 VIAZ 001•111.110,..04.0.101r "LY:Ine•••••••••••*0 P ror Mr. JOhn joy* the Conservative)tandard Bearer in North irlimin But Reserves Right of, Freedom of Action ola 14vior Question yme•••••••••••••••••*,1 TOWN TOPICS imuttIV,Z4 H.theStrill Tri!rifirtkel-, AUCTION SALES . cf„mnix4; At.4.1.00i s‘i.b; • Flaw Sun Lilo Assurance Go. of Ca a Enjoy the Even -Tide of Life -1 uUr etattlitiotr :It age sixty-five? WM emirs be a life of drudger,: and dopentlence upon i•thers? lir on Ute other hand will it he one of arst awl ludependeneet By Investiug your money hi eirly year.; , au Life ineuienee titi may he guaranteed teeter. There Woo safer = •Inveetment, leu surer proteetion. *noon US e.. UNrERS TAKE 140TiCEee-No. hunt.. Delivered. W. A. GilbeildLef. enetzert,N, rot tenni n .mm111 laying Will be held on Tee a evening next ivory ailk crepe de chine with O•hn- H. R. LONG.* Olstritt Afoot 1 . INV' STo4.1i. I ••••••••••/.• iskai several reading* by Nis* Ellis, or rapLeteteaTtie .VtI . unstarf lasissetiaa nay. lord RAM tit Aaii Pi .0.V. H.ta. LEGialita • flaticaleae Aati ileleatmats. ----- -- , i Brigadier -General Armstrong will 161441g-Gleeel ' be in Coderich as Tumidly, Nev. eseds: A very pretty autumn weddini: MB. 4 IF,1 1. .14 OINSToN I, for the inspection of tit. local min- took plate as November drd, at 6 ' o in sett by iluistie Attellon ...d 10.: farm atary units, width have been drilling:at the home of Ur. and Mrs. Albillt, tWo tAlleti SolIth lar lithicrielt. on the ifor some tiros pest. !Good, • Maitland eoneession, Colbotne, leateffeal Bowl. on • Revert a Rog Shipment( for 'when his eldest deughterf Mary, was; e • allieltsDAT. NIA% lath. it14.4 i week Radler Nev. 4, 1924 united in reerria to Mr. Gleclitone, . eonmonteing at 1 &clock sharp: i Gerich-eho 29 les. • %elect Grigg, of Goderig, second *hied son a useful farm horses: ; good younodTotl g. of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Grigg, of: mm yea ueines; 4. rrog 1404 04.: 2 !awl • bsieors. 8; thick smootis 21• hicGava- anon. The moniony was per - Ing heifers: 3 ealves; 1 Moline teaelor Total hogs, 1371 select bacon, 44; formed . by Rev. Mr. Poulter, tiC and plow. hi perfeet condition: 6 bitt- thick smooth, 76; heavies, 9; extra Benmiller. The bride entered the, dee: i mower: i seed thine I set et :Use- heavies, 2; *hop hogs. 2. Huron, harrows: 1 set of drag harrowe. i ps.rlor on the arm of her tidbit*: to County -Total hogs, 1270; *sleet ba• the strains at Lobortgrires weddher walking plow; 1 winter; 1 -set it light eon, 416; thick smatrOli709: hemTir lea. h 1 ea bY r ler 8 le ar Good, sleigh:4; t "crittY: t reagfiffi: i tpr r"rk 76* extra heavies Ott hop hogs 20; ," . Pr" v ' sre now and .01 0, .ia.vt 1 0 0 6.. ... t ca.er.trt..aw o. the bride, and took cutter: 1 wheelbarrow; f18 anatingTniil lights and 1,4 1 ,; her prime under a large white hell- :$00-ehlek broodere. 'Teethe- Children's .Aid AMAMI Akenatt hanging from an arch of evergreena FOR SALE tors. CIO end 20o 'erg: elieeen erldes: The annual meet' ' *of the Chit. decorated with mums. Ti bride WARNING • la-rati.;;*-(7errar•-•lete -.4re17. 4.;5„cacreorahle.:8200: Vialenteelaelaolgill„kig; ; dren's Akl Sbelety Huron County looked lovely in her bridal dress a 11 era or dogs allowea -to tresPass strain: hive or beset 1 eream seoara. at 7:80 o'clock in Victoria street Un- mings of (silver lace and rhineatones West Wawanoota By order of 0E0. j2 lumber ea good conditloii, on other artieles too numerous to mention. will be presented - oecond hand and- the election of roses and ferns. Durinx the aignime or,, west boat .or Let hie Sioncesslon 4, ram saate„a tor; 1 Omen; 1 Collie dog, well brolieri: ited. church, when the annual reports and carried a beautiful bouquet of i s, wtrAicEN. Dunganuon. Ont.. . Temperance eltall site. Apply to 13. 0. Evervibille must be (nstln%ed ty. officers will take pine.. It is expected of the: register Miss Minrue Good, WANTED • WINNINGS proprietor Is giving up farming. . that Bev. Capt. Buckram!, an Angli- sister of the bride, sang very sweet - e a Tvitaire --Mt sums of $10 and teeter can minister who is keenly interested ly. "Because I Love You." After Pi s. .t'S. A . 100B SALele-Toting - „ eash: osev that amount 7 eimetlis' umerm••,,e1.-eiouseware wante... cirftWEN, Plonle - dit wilt be Oven on fornislting spprov. 0'1" 1 Children's Aid work, and also Mr. congratulatiena dinner was served in a b* not r Zr. tow . Hugh Ferguson, •of Stratford', Chil- the dininie room and the evening WY the month. Address at STAR Ota rich. ell loist notes. A disemint al the mte MOH. • - piAso Fon sAhF,...-41Ood. tpright, of a per cent. per alumni allowed fot• dren's AM °Mc er there. will be pres. spent in games and music. teeter the • AVAN•rED.--ettneraetio -man over 23, Plano for Apply at THE • emonn :a • en o address meet leg. bride and groom left, for their home I oath ear,- to represent a large mut aoprooe . eiiireSTON, T. altealnia• •4S: Sox • Maple Leaf Mints in Goderich amid showers of confeiti Prnprietor. Audioneers The Maple Leaf Chapter, LO.D.E., and Recut wishes. 'The bride wee the cash on credit t t the i •ar(Wing concern, expeeleaeo maws- --ea • --• • ALTC•TiON (w (1vp-TLFI, stmEp Wednesday, Nov. -3r411,; in the public ful gift& She else reeeiven tniseel. ditstrIct. Priv wetly,. tattle:Ye months ago, a brocaded %ate' Japan. ee. .M11. ERNEST TOWNSIDATI library, ;Miss Saunders, the regent, %ewes and kitchen shower front her • f d OST.-Eitiler lett of the storee .4 have twa evenings at the Moder Pickard•Glaaier , • • • torie St.Mrs. •Melainley • (nee Miea brought home from, St. Catheripee • sary; Ave train lou. Apply BOX 50, LOST -Agit -FOtigir . 11. ts. Goderiete • S'PAR OPPIOE.• . - • ..... held iti regular nienthly meeting reebelent of manv handsome and pee- - ANTANT.ED NOW.r.4.1alefAilai) reir eo,ur L nr lost. on. 'the street, . _ eresming. 'lhe •Chapter is planning .alen o• Rua :and .Terrliory. . grow • the •. n1' 1.4tote return to Milt.' i` t eel o • i To the Electors of North harm On the. let of December yuu will be asked to *lett g. repreeet,ts. tive to the Provinchil Legislature, and as 1 sat a varsdislote. 3r -It a right tO•know my position aid views. There art mane contentious subjects to be erttled-Government - • Control vs. (1, T. A., the eduestionta administration of the Province, Hydro•Electrie Ohara, and Highway 'matters. But Mr. Fermin). says that the liquor questior, is the main issue. That being the rmse, 1 wish to state that I am opposed to Government Control as outlined by Me. Ferguson. Government Control should mean a resdrietion ht • the output of li.tuor instead of an increase. Government:Control, to be effective, should be In the hands of those in sympathy with temper. once legislation ani not of those controlled by the liquor interests. Government Control may mean revenue, but it is at the expenae of orfferent occasions and by Urge majorities in tt/elugeneral.prorperity of the Province. 1 believe the O. T. A., as dred by the people on dien- North Huron, should be adhered to and strictly enforced. I believe men should be elected who are in sympathy with temperance legisla. • • Hydro•eleatile energy should be distributed on a more 'equitable bags teiroughout the Province. Revenue derived from liquor ebould not be applied to highway expenditure. Prender Fergusonai townehip school bonen not workable and should withdrawn. Sunple-' mentarygrants to teachers' salaries Should be besed on length na viee, efficiency sed qualification. Elections should be beer at mason.. able times when the views of the people can be expressed, end once eapresaed, vitt they have been on several occasions, should be reseeded.. C. A. ROBERTSON. 4 r las ns rue I undersigned a sen 'Theatre( some time in December. The A ouiet .but verY pretty weddInglivilliams) will be with u$: 2 p. last week, coming by motor.. We ors stoek. we ilea and deliver :reel) thiaasereaLIPFE, note +Bedford, aud recene by imbue auetion et (lounger alrummae sale held recentlwa se gy s very Mule Canadian Tree& Nursery 600 reword, tiat•n, Clintan, took place on Saturday, Oct. 30th, atUnion.-Suneloy_echool; 3 n n Union, pleased ta know she was an for recov• acres. Established -ill Trars:• \Vette e • •••••••••••••••••••••••., successful. R was decided to put bat- . ered from her accident na to- lee able to PELIIA NURSERY CO., Toronto ..., 4 - , SATgurakY, al0V. KIM ri.447hip linaleuin on the Hoer of. the ' Ontario etreet 'United cherch parson- worsh p. e •Ont. . • imatx 30.00 •ro moo pEo DAy. rommenelnat ? pan. Mi. fol age, Clinton, when. Edith E., young.. Rev. C. F. Clarke, pastor. Services make the trip,. lowing l children's room at the library. Plate . , ,, glass was p aced on the dreasers and 44.....e.t d.augh?!..o. f Mr.:and Pars. %Adam Peppy, aellonve. lath. 12246sisealp•Aie.iante; byMitas ElideyeltheWitiattlye„so•zenzig -HOUSES FOR SALE OR TO -PENT Many posW:ons now open. Earn MVO. due to freshen in De" • ewes. a sow,. and 11 eomez' pigs enamor, oe unnton, -meanie the bride aus um ea. a . 0 ta t time \elite* learning. Mutor -farrow cows, nallk,ing good' 50 young c•• d 1'011116 table of' the Maple Larif room at the Club, topic for discussion, VOlvz rn. Ray, was a hearty visitor at the DtlsotaljE. PDPPPITY l'Ittl SALE' P-gelruties Bric.klaYing. llariwr- hos ital The Chapter plved a at Charles Elwin Pickard. eldest son , worship; preacher, Rev. Dr. F. J. Whitely was home from Toronto for e Jr.e.0-11 sALE,,,,,AF/dy. J. t;.:„ Write or 1..ati for mir five. Imola taunt of 6 per tent per annum allowed 7th. let. IIEMPIIILL SfaiouLe. aor- for easta Grain Cargoes of the. Past 'Week . very charming in a .becoi.nina frock of sunset taffeta, with silver trim- Union. 3 tam, Sunday School, 7 e , Oaten, of the Provincial Prohibition the bolidire i . . • he fo low ng were Thanksgiving ••1••`- Bedford, obourg St. f.nto. . .147MT. lia.1.%341.,:t• ell=1•1.4". %fa ' htu pure . corner a North and ilasOn. Sla• Mg. -'"i3eaulo" .Cultinee tor ii.idiese TERMS. --6• montiorereeft mean on wreath on ;themonume_nt at the male .of M. told mese Fred Pickard, of .0,wier. 11.ve.Pc. pridhagm. 11 *tome Public E. Whitely, Huraelitostd. Min Olive ' parents,. an rs. • Dely tilted time team to quailt:i. Punishing bariltable Paper- or a di', orial service held on Sunday, ,Nota -Goderieli township, The bride -leo:Iced APPlY to 'W. IR, JACKSON. ' .• • owing grain nargoee have s silver shoes' and stockinga and p.m., evening service. Ivisitore at the borne of arr. and SRL rrO RENTe-7 roomed 'house on St. bee nloaded the .past week at the hat Xt.:: match. She carried a beauti- ee. ......aeee A. J. Wilkins, Glouceitter Term: • • AlluTION SALE ov sPECLemee Goderieli Eleaatori Last ThirsdaY ful bonnet of Onhelia roses, caught. •r Pr Lib tgE4 1%.•ORPW• Mr. and Mrs, Amon Ball and Walt •1.• t; e 0 rg tlreseent, suitable for SALE email family. Apply HURON INVE;i1*- YriDiTr•t. 11.1!. • tr.topy, ---------A • • • • - • • • - • . • -• ••• la with Wirer ribbons. Miss Irene.- Di. Mary -Toni was un from Town- of Evergreen Fierme Mr. George Dim. tin.' mituw riatNIq111VIA And :the- Brentwoled • 150 000 b sire 1 AI I 7 ' • • •• • .." Le .'. an aX; aat 'Caark, of Stratford, metre a very to. son and son, of Anburra also Mr. t le ap ecourt, 8,000 bushels (tate Miss 'Mary Parsons was home from George Dawson,. Sr., tsr .Auhurn. 1.10ysE TO itaNT.-Bed black house,: . ' ''''."."t7 gt r • urday, the Atladoc, Ifilakeebrrehere of pretty bridesmaid dreesed in old rose , e I Mr. and Mrs. Ogle Reseal' and son, corner of Wellington St. end Beit.taminty o to 1.‘,. h'ile 49 •Apa'rtnieni. lionintnn. St.1* nn' ' - an ' i At Nita TAndetos Apartment4 'Colborne d 57000 b h 1 is t 1 us e a w ea • ast Sat, ' FOR SALL-Brick rt.-Wet:lee on e „, Me- 1 Labiniq (Trend mano and stool, ft. ,.., • ...I wheat; on alonday the• Principe., 69,- Tororito. amnia 'Road, moderrt,.., not water heat -i Ilv virtue et a writ a Pert qATI'R11.A*14-. NOV. 13tli oats end 141,000 •bushels •wheatz on georgette and carried a bououet of , o Ki gad, birs. George ' imp Apply to 3. It. knight. • ' t. • ion ou . o e .. honied out of His Maieeteas First Divis. C rt ts lb County of •Huron Sate to eon:more at 1.30 p.m, OPhelia loses. • Mr• Allved Glazier' Stratford Normal. • Mi Ed II Ps na orney wiis Boma erom Eldon e -n • ".•• St 13t't b j. R ti et. raeoneba.-Nolteat. titeateet of J. (Alvin trip. 1, 1,7. .. i , le i ee, . face." wittareeneie man, She Rev. C. J. Moorhouse per. ilimilswedit corner of, ;Seisms,' o le lands end tenemepts et George , „rap ilano .L.n low , nrice. PartirolarS front••1;4. ii..DAR- (4,,ludisal el bUts, ihe',ettee. I :r fern e s wheat, mar the tariadoe with 244,.. frk t to the bride was A rope of pearls. iGeorge Memel Is' defendant. Needham, Pinkerton; alre. Walter t me nirected and delivered 'against Sunday, the Novadoe 105.000 bushels brother of the bride, gated as best - . • • - ... . • IPIWP ei.L Lionel mamma nas mime from Retake, Kinlotsat Mr. arid arra. Allan Toronfo for the holiday. :Rol:admen, Kincardine tp.. spent Sun- aeliss Leola Hem was home. from tiny with their parents, Mr. lead Mrs. Toronto for •Thanksgiving. ,. - .R. Itimitell. Walla at., Goderich, adso Thanksgiving in St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cutt sRent ix* ignveresiairn:didniaeeuw.gatporeo,rt: illatIreitilobnYs' Spatannk'llenY; Miss Jessie 'Stowe, Detroit, ware ait toms with their children. Their ThmaniekesgiGviwneirnvicsiotothrmi.noeto.wwne.e home: haada are now used in playres riirds. Ifrom Toronto ter „the holidiry. e , , , I . ' an an} 1.4 " aa ''•• which J. Caleen Cutt is 'plaintiff °an ant raw unde140,000 busne fernied the cere.mony. The groomat .01 OP. Torres o rattan': Di°9.busbe? barley 7 ' '• • ' I haye selze(Pand taken in exeeution aland, piano lamp, j pokfer 14, dor 4 000 /MIMI* of Nvheirt.,:and the Sask.. to the bridesmaid a pearl bar nin and 4 Ai 11 a 111 the fight, 11110 Interest find equity lardinier luittkets. 1 flawer basitet: .e-ew n. With 4.0,000 bushel's. flax to the best man a diamond tie pin. NOT/CE OPeSALB. • • •• • ••••- • . 4 • • ' 1 rAndle 'holders' *1 ' •01.1 Few a nurrgier One Hundred -awl+ eoeking eliair: 2 hanging ReSidenlie Ad Judge. Killortm. situat. . baskets allitIffesoeic EleCtions. ei on the corner•of NelSon and Church -r other plants: 2 tewtle. .0114 !soots:. in-. *Street. -In condttifea Au vcs'enw,r,t,ven. g mobonaurfi oe ired.emption. In, to, and out, of Lie , 11. ok room tante. all and 76,000 of wheat, :ore awaiting After the ceremony the bridal party embae% Tint 1% In splendid condition, rusblinro 1 unloading t rda returned to the borne of the bride's nareitte. Me and Mrs. Adam Gloater, officers tor Frederick street, Clinton! which- was ea)aa-X". ea A.. verve prettiter -derarseed+111 Oink. end + ;tors. .CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE,. ir a e. r the breste eh , friend's arid relatives sa down to a .e.- • Th St r ibis 1 h 411(3 to -date -eel:, la thf. ot the...cluditte. t•leather boiint1 dletiOnary: a The lannual Medic 4 , avadeito jou#40,..4a,tommaig4,..ipoi,;.tur,. trOunti of Boron, and PrOVIACt! a On- sylentild lot • of china, and stitlery:„. 1 'Maitland.jodgo, eritt• ' etiNillnittirlto'"Ndtheriiiiireittent•g-Tt-orriktivtiper--Aittivq- Id' -it ., as e or, oes modern' .eoueiprieneee end up, ar. tuaht, when•• Mrs. MeNayer is visiting her daugh- A.nti Freeie for autontordie radia. wars Ileeted. white. and where thirty-five let their te Cay ey Uri- particulars apply o t ItA•1•5 one of on aere...hr ,the earoe more shade . rout% cover: 6, Pairs oi- Pure 1VIcKaY VA Barritters. hte.,•Godshit. Ont. s T. co is tains. rods anti met, t 1 r s•air, 3. 11. ‘roa.i iii:rttretrialtf"wa; home - REAL. ESTATE ANV.IN'SULtNCE shall 'after' for Pala. at roY Dillee. 10 tion helleaameman S. W h d • allv choir... white enamel • or SNI1114:11 Land. ant Itt ten CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS • - 016-061111 Ireneee. 1)44' 1041) omit- , Bro. L toleyeJ• earty we ding topper.. Tho evening from Port Stanley for the :holiday. 1 ,t4prinaa. dregser, ladyts dressint table; Wo BM* E. O. Meperrnid. chalain; was silent yerY 89elaIlY, Mr• 17"d . • , • bench and wieker eneker Mae is o ti,v,.. Bro. IL G. Reynolds, treasurer; w. Steele rendering some very suitab le is. snitel; 3 Jap similes: 2 Welton roes -Broalt..T. Meow, secretaryiellte.-A.-solo-r-vehicirewere-Yeey-much enjoyed smell: t new Simmons bed. meat's!, T. Kaiting, tyler; Bros. IL J. A. Mace leiter in the eveniefr, amid ehowers nod snring: 1 drrsser: 1 tsb1.1 i chair: Ewan and L Li Knox, auditors. A of confetti aid good.wishes, Mr, and 1 basket; 1 single Iron bed• mattress number of visiting brothers were ill 11 P l- ei attendance, and some of these as t re. le evil left for their home In end Porliio: 1 dresser; i table:1 chair: well as the newly -elected officers and Goderich, where they wilt residia Maid tinoirenn taan314; 1 hall run er about 12 yds.* 4, linen minim:mils"... 4 feather. nilltswsY a large comforters.: 2 ()there were called on for Ternaries at MEMORIAL SERVICES I - fle el ti la nkete• ' i liell the ocial time. afterthe1 f epreeds:"1 bed sot emisestiner. et -pin, the. lodge. The, joint Anstallation ofetbeni comuenr-aa st A ' . Itroldered ,spreed, dreesing Vibe.. enter- Maitland and. Morningstar lodges next. s'•-• --eaearllortera MacEweel were Thanksgiving visit:me, The Janitor Auxiliary of St. Geor- *THE Anmstnom HEM, ESTATg and pleb. Wednescint• th°"e1411"1 .nr INSElltAlICE AGENCY.. December..1920. at the hour .ot twelve Life (Sun Life)e iteeldent and -Auto- B. q. nEr.gorms " • ---.. • a thF.006k ,fl000, mobile Insurance., • Sheriff, 'floret!• itig bargain centre' for 'Ural Eetate, - Sheriffs Offlea. Godeirieh, • - A good place to list property to s•ett: ,,August.ZOth. 1925. , *4t fine Place to locate prOperty to bOy. , ....---:.••.:r•-•\ - ' Large 'number of preelertiee now list.' , Nex.m.ti TO CREDITORS 'ed to seleet from. als.ny of them very ' low In price and easy feriae for 'pay. NteTICE Tie CREDITORS. . merit. Goad houses and' tote „complete l'," --- .... • for SW: $7000800; Ma i tli1/50; Ritmo; .N'oTiCh: 'IS litlitEBY. OIVaN to all *1600: eretto: stem! eta. . glow; Al.. Persons tioN'ing violins against toe HO" eoo: $4.30(4 a2300; 8,3000, eta, I tate of ameuel E. Sanderson,/ late. Of Some good Propertiesjusroutsid,, the lite Village of Dungahnors,•in the Com7- corporation. a few -hit them pracii7cally ty of Huron, deceased, to send•the some In the town but ioWnslilii 'ins, witivatill duiy verified to the,undersig,uctl on ar j4 '9 buildings and a few acrps oi befote the 13th day of NoVember, .11120. . • 4 trtte the F'tecutor% will mid. latives in Woodstock for the •Mr. and Mrse Lann_a7y v.isited_re_eitheeee7acian weeklChristnms greeting cards, including lines at iifArtmitmetseaptiosenrailel: ill:: - Miss Rita •Worsell, Blyth, • spe•nt have already Mled ode orders- for rTaiicha,fiksgiving at her home in Oode-eenese and eon be grad to helm you , • ;look over 'clue samples. Printed vela Mr. arid Mrs. *fee IC. Saunders weee your name and address et moderate liolidey visitcas in. Woodstock for he prices.. week•end. M H J A Illactwan and Mrs ANNOUNCEMENTS •drossc.r rover and over • eurtaing: raonth will this 'year beiseld in Code. • Staff and Veterana Attend in Dundas. ge's• church will hold their annual seeele: 12. nrs. pillow eases :, . towels • ,...1 . Sip. Georges Church beefier on Dee. 4th. - • • . mats: rag mats:'I Bissell (town sweep- On Sundae .• * I tan , mot ning aet ve veas - Mrs. C. A. Nairn and Mrs. It, C. , , Hays, Jr., were in Toronto for Reserve Seturday. December. 11th; nitetoth mats; Chinese mats:• botb.-rich. An elnergent .ineeting of Mait- land Lodge be held on TueedaY, ' for the baking sale by the Ladies.' Md. shetr. 3 towel roel4•44. 1 telephone Pc& Charge et Victoria St.' . I west. Ira. and board:" 1 mirror aro Rev. Mr. Rayaraes ;Rayisits partuer n 0'14 fur"n+ 'nf A• enninanv . th g' II ' • It' d '. ' e : uron Regiment; ea quartere a -Thanksgiving. er„' new: i iron board: 1 Ynen hamper. Nev. 23rd. for conferring degrees. of the. Baptist church. - The congregation of Victoria 'street MrandMrs. Ernest Platt, or Port itsitaerffviceanda 't Vsett.etGanesorgaet,4threbunitieehn.lonrinadi Colborne, Visited friends here . ever The T.Vomen's Inetitute :will, bold Thankegivinge, • - euchre and dance on Thursday. Nova.a United- chtiteh were. delighted to haVe the •Goderich band heeded the proces- Miss Marion LOA and air. *Ernest .2ethe in. Oddfellowe Hall. Tiered* ' aeood teeek bn gprooeed to distribute tee, said .estere reed: 1 hall rook: Quelsee'ranv. new: land attached, • , .• • 1.1.'4' aad j)arth ;ter" titled tteret6 !loving 2•Intrner ote StOVP mut -wont. ? thee tete alateta kitehen pa.anite., tarot. $1300, . • among persone. en , ' regard onteeto the claims tie_wilieli mires lane. moo. then shall have istol notlee. and that ware' ertsl.bov.: 1 pew refrinara14,r: Caorl fraire lionse mut barn, rt(.. 314 • • • • 11 ev will not be ilahle for the preeeeds l'IMPrrillti ether •art. Irl."(1 trail* "'le "Ill 14" nel'I's - f the eetett eo distributed to. atti Per' 0"• E'er' 141'. 1111" 14 ii r41‘;'( *) for eSunday and Monday At b tle oil dinner es being held hi . MOO; Weise and barn with 10 aPrPR: (? ' ' 1- !' r eeemee mons uotiee shell "lot asiy:71fst.ltica.aets,111, leatlir:: for Ca. lifirula ser*ices on sumo , . • . 0 text, "They shall beat their swords in- Miss- Strang, Kingsville, and Miss A. Parnell lievise•lrot beer, with 30 eeres alma i e"11. n the congreirations to plowshares :Ind tatir sneers ,into Grace strung, Guelph, were home SL George:It% parish hall on Tuesday . - • '' • -• • . • 'biro •bi,en roscoheil. T. rit NOM" it %eye, weet large and at the .eeezung eervice nrunine toolcs," The subject yam over the wok end . evening, Nov. 10th. at (LSO pan. The aragion well. ell nearly new, ..le aeres oet/tflohtPeirlAteekpd.Nreh this naafi day 444. . . . • 1,*cry fine Ionise. -horn. garon•e„ etr..1 . the church was crowded to canacity. thee nf ieeeeneelonel reare but the speaker- will . be Rev. Canon Gould, ' of fine hoot .0760. • • - • • I HAN'S 4.. flAs(sr• . . -. ;Tail's 04.1.. ',/,/si,Etil,;/,1‘,54:---„rit:‘•FT(le-t‘11.°,-nr;174:,- The thew was augmented for the oc- speaker pointed out that 'Meanie- Mies Annie Polley, of 'Brantford,. iGeneeal Secretary of "The Empire end the M. e S. alai t. hi5,. . A few of the levied farms eentraireee- - hart:num st. nn4014vii, on't kli, :t‘mrts 0. mir.mxN1.$, aee•asion and they .,gave very flee ser- ment must be of all the nations. For ds tent t2ieEholiday,tit the home of .Mrs. subject - sere buildings and other ineireral - . aolleitors for tile Exeentive of ,, ". iiMill vice. Mt- Reycraft was alwari a- one nation to disarm' would be folly end. and _unel all the •could ' trongn, ast stieet. Admission 50 cent* t. • eveil inteited. le norna. sttloa: 15 (toren t .. • . .1 ,ll„,„ tr,un his sermons on Sunday .were flue ad- 1 .., e nations agree Mies Laura Syraite Was a. gueat at Molts. walar enrols'. mune Moiler. . the Semi?' E. Sender:ton 'Estate' "". . - • - - ... • -thoughtful- and -forcefel preacher GUNDRY'S. SALE.REGPITE. R .1''t. • r 11.•,- 11' ' a - dresses suitable to the season. It is continue to be +he method a aettline nu atfivroinmaif-"he .6oved -viai-wouid-theeNorth.street..Unitea ,ehoe_eh par!. ,_ TiwitsilAy, Nov. tithe 41 *1111.. '.eir,-.. a2s00: $3 aeeee. eleira 100 ocr,44 *WWI. \allots 11. Disber and Thos At 'thr AteNi•lous Part 8 4/07s. nr+000: 3110 eer4.%, MON rtn si-t•a,licroT14',.t.: Tis• GREDITtniS.. . ' i norm. Teeenebtre en . . • . expected that when -returns nee all in international disnutee. The music Mr. and Mrs. Howard Robertsen nee e„ie „f Farn, ...41,„.k. inretenientei sonage during the week. leo aeree, teem: ion 1,ri, "moo: tool ._,. „ :..Stothe l!tiogartnon',•_41nt ttoitori, 1 nil if. .aiie tetiore 114,1ti, 1,),,, POO: Inn ofers. AVVI: 2fin eerea fewer •-as . ,--•-• . - TrESDAY, Nola 16tia teat. • . it will be found that the -full amountwee oporopriati, to tho occasion Awl and family, Stratford. weere guesta of abe. anti many raters. ran be Porch:egad ioi vem• •,:fmv -1.0.-o pc•rsons having helaints amtinst tht•• Es. 1 - - ' 4. c.Atoid ill'inese fon..°,4 ' NaTicle, IS 1,11;31gBY IIIVKN to all' conimencinq at i (eel ADO ' ' • offering will be received. On Mon- that are nrrayed in white relies'?" Mr. and itria. Vidor 'Belt and Mrs. menet. al 1.00 0.111 HRO. JOHNSTON* day evening the Thankseivin dineer I•What are these Rev, 3.,E. and Mrs. Fora. • - miles+ smith rt nodiefeh. Sale to corn- . . tams t sun_ Pri,orli.tpr. T. 4.4 '.1)111 ,..,,, ,s'o.v. MSC - al Farm on ilayneld Road. to.‘;O ock sharp: . asked for he a special 'Thankegleing ineluded the anthem, 1 buil 3 years ,o141, Iletstein, purebred. .• • x After the ser ce in the elearch a Will , of Warkerton, spen ri r, vi of .eayment if . rogitZre(t., Ask obent pia. or stuadaiene .i 1111 %Ma oft ' .- • • - It ' tat 'f I telt I the etat (1" a tertamment nroved 'a ven'v fine, Public serViee was held ut the .sold- day with eelatives in, town.. a • • P.'• ..tbon. lie , v 44 se so . n • e•.• s ..001re TIavq. Wilinc:44,18.4m one settle. , \ licIihritii.. IT.K.4k.. 11.....i.ospd ,whi, • Mi., ; 1 &TO tOrlS4 • i• Mk` i iPlirf.brell row $ an en - eiA 1 RDAI, any. lath, -Aurtien' Kilo . deel. or mar ear' lee renueet; • leavine prienertv within the Prininel. . . . . -ears eiti due Jan Vali' 1 Purebred sneeess. The meal wes excellent ee4 iers' memorial in the Snueee Rev. I, . .. . • • Miss Stelling has gone to Los An- „f 11„114,. purneeigngs. - at colborne • •• '. ' • the attendance•I P 1 • e WO8 arge. or 4. Y. ka.Beyeraft, of Branttora who was gelee to spend Oa winter with her eeertnieets. iramIltmetit. •aaie to cons- their former pastor,Roy-- !done Lee,.. Toronto, were viiitors at the 50e. Good . musk; tonere. Reserve craft, noot of Brantford, with them Roe Mr. Hardy prenehed from the parental home. the date. eventntr after eix oelocle I a (Item to send' the same ittslY VOrl- b• For all Tilytlelltartt sen o . the iindenaigned, on or bet r."1 (!.nw' tin" 11"1.; 814/1 I PIO"' W. AriatelTRON21. • ' !the letti day of November, t9211. ahot, tired POW years.-thte SOO 1st: I pure. bred.heffiv yPat's told, (hie in May; nfftee 111**t in 'ar'414 .eft.:1tibleat tiOtO Allininistratrix will411 • • nurebred.liegeL I ye:kr .•14+; 1 purebred ' I Store. Square,. 11.• il. Doe 8O, Goderieh. 1 14,',,....6'pesnns entitled' '111eretii. ' 11.1‘leg tilitp.'e2414.11"v,14.184rn2,,,,Yrt.sr,r,11,!1'...,1- 'llei,114..nr atandmes. In qdcirttort to +blq live.- nett was sung. , . • . -.. regard only to the f MINIM Of Witiell•slie ;ftuivo's: 3. Thulium eliM14 5 and 6 y aee • . • Sale of I.arns Stork and Insplesuents, at ' then shall hove had justice. and that • WM% SnIOS be Mrs. Itarey Pem,1•14•?...1.• 1 The addrpt,s. was givael by ReV. II. tleSsrs• "I'sveith. nava and rzneat the AleManto4 Faritsn'2 Miles front Mole- fircrsol‘ivIziaNifi',1orfq. sale ywelTitlivt; j'4 4'' ii,•:•';;414(!litl....1".!.1aS_Gr_tlee, Smiley, little Mise Hee ;(t, MeDerima, pastor ot nnox 4' ).• Pritchard,e Woodstoek, were ablitors iriv,;411.14,,i11,1ittei 1441:4tc;•••chislgrlitii.1311.2ks..r1;),V10: LA : • ea 44 If I . MinP9SPI I) .I, :'"' . ' -.2 1WhO spoke eloauently of the saerified in Goderieh for Thanksgiving.. . - 'tor those who fought and died in the e Misa Emma Wallace, of Norwood, MANUS, ProPrietor. T. OrtNIMilt it, • she Nciii MIL ne liable- for •tbe ;outwits • . AUCTION-eACiS : fit thP ('41 do' SO fiiitiribliteir In , ail per- 7 yeere 61,j, ii.N..k.: I 1,,;a, ' tii ' • II er yi4ar,s 0 ... • . then nave' been received. lo i.alf:.I emv 3 Years obi, duo mar, isi : ' CLEARTNI; Ariri-lo'N'---S-'-AT7""-K • ,grent war and of the challenee to us spent the holidea at the home. of het • • • • Stye Auetioneere - • son of whose etalms notice shall not fresh; i e v a v v it I t 1 F. it DARIROW, , e • ';.-Vi'of the present hour which their sacei- .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. aVallaee. l'111litY. N",,Y. 1911..1-4:1farM2' Alle,Pon sale of farm stoes.. also t(r21) rord Real Estate awl Insurance nollericio Ontario i cow 1 years old, fresh: I OfAV i YO411"!4' STIOai. ;OW Penal 'till. 1-• - . ts AiirPiiitstt'f1triN iir 1110 1•54tAtr. (it N.,..irs (,101. fresh'. 4 ,,,!,rv g ,..i'v's (Ad. ,infi, Mt. 'RAND% PITItiAtill ince Issued. r VIP Stratford . :S. A. - band. which • 'wee in town for the day , assisted in aanuktrshgteivr: al tut 12. mi. 3, E. 11. 41ollsorne. DAN - touring. ear, etonmencing at 1 owed,. 1 • big visitors with`efr. and Mrs. Joseph Wr. Preld, WO. Propti!etpr. T. titIN- • m.gsrfldtilitnount4e)ulitffeell,ffeevezrneldThd SOliellor for pearl .•;kiellonni..k 'old. soilking.:„.2 cows 1 y.ears 4:141„ rc,....41.' IN4; CA11. .1.244 :Sitsid.it.... i itit's & st1N. Atietioneens. CARD OF TlfANIiS • • ' 'Horses '. 1 day guests at the residence of 'Mr. 3. Th,•Nbirivk ramity iipAre to tiCIO4 4411 P Hume. - . • . • Mende. . strialthors -and •WiittiliP4 'tar llorsts.--1 Meek mare fe pave eta trhapter and a wreath by -Inc Maple .. : , . nroctram afterwards the peetier,. Fete supplying inehis former Pii pit in Vic- et...er ma, wen young Diana. 1,30 sharp. MRS. 14,NIVDER. S. Jefferson, oceupIed the choir. The toria street United church fiv the dav -"a" feature was the address by Rev. Mr led in the openime nrayer. after which Metter& 3as. Wallace and Chas., le . k1/4 ON, ...Ise '141 ivietrevi /N: " • A . usneers• ' ' Reveraft on the snbieet "Miariedee- the hymn, "C. God our help ago3 Ituenber were home from Toronto • 1.1 it f r the holiday 11 k 'Y. \II'. IRlh Inspor.ston J. W. CRAIGIE .Ntaaasiena stecatinfek, oveAsp.1 loot: efi‘s. am, In, wilt p, eir„ enrol r 1 , the epee • • • O. F. CAREY & SON, Limited INVESTMENTS anti 1NSURANeE . 4.Di 1. • • • Bropley. • 4,11 at 1 (hut. 'veterans, and a bououet by Ahmeek am I iard, o ater ore were 43t1t 1 .eit'W. a years old. tra,Sts: 2 Iwifers 010. 3. 'Colliorne, IL, 2 ware tompieeel to he in vitiDAY, NI W. 110111, Wet • , borer:4 a • year,: rim. teclicluct A beautiful floral emblem wit% Al - h I'll' f W I 'posited by the Headquarters staff an•I Mos Ruth Hilliard and Master Gra,. duo last of "Alarrit. ° l',1•111111*•11141tItt ..iinpos4 41 to be wtth foal; I bay maceCharter. . . . awes mare • .400 1 ts.•. I .,01411ror lo V•NICA Obi; bav mare In tr4 After this the Last Post was :ami.t. alre and Mrs. pale and .on. of - Ana their '1.1.4.en'i sad bereavement. Masonic Temple Building , 9 years old. sheop..4 " II )flounce( v e 1'1'31 hv shle allra",;041 le ed and the benedietion wee ewe. Hamilton, were visitore at tbe home I Aft% am, mem. ,wrn. aro ere. 0 of North 'St. United chime . h , anMphersn. Eagle's father, Mr. Wrodtia"my lib:inlet to, many kind fo'erstis and 1104411. years old, DX) lbs.: 1 drivina. horse Mils •YeaN 0141. 1.200 1.11rivisor mar.) 9 with ?Half i• Meek denim: lint's... t•-• lb Re C. F. Clarke Pastor years old: i pair of farm mare.. 8 and idol: bay nor-. . wish te express their sineeen GODERICH ONTARIO 'PHONE 290 1..1 nue, 4100r11, Goderieh; Alex. Nicholson, Lueknow; Wm. IVateon; Jas. Girvin. R. R. No. 13, Goderich; Wr/4.5 Thomp. son, Auburn; Tint Griffin, R. R. No. Lacknow; as. Hewitt, Kinear- dine, Out. THOS, STOTIIERS, T. G. ALLEN, Trees. lerritary. sommai YPNEY OhiltAr-on Or7 SVR .0 Pt i A Sheen Pine...4a ;do „lima 15 11.e.• olge, ikevio et. ire dee. • • it ewe4. wool: ill rwe roil v‘re144 1.1-1 Pigs about AO lbs.: Na THE CHURCHES Th m etin of the W M 8 IMplemeols, Eta - in* ii.u.r**/.4.*****•?4, , eferearlee. la...rimr. Tim frit - funeral DIrestdre :I" • 1 "1441" miwers. 0 ft. pot: 1 Mell000tteli . and Embalmers difil. 1l -lie. 'pearly new: '2 Nf,t‘Qpv lamb, Leicester. Mrs. W. D. Worthy and daughter ,•11101 for their expressiens trf sympathy • in mot to fi try.-111to pullets: 7 younc; ley for the bast tem weeks, returne(11"4"4" w1"' "11W gave ur twit. Elva who have been visiting le, anees; higts: 1 gm"! 1,1,7111.; 411Xil krY a Knox church will be held home last Mon y. Will Aeheson wag up from St. An- . 'Berets Veal &MR: ihh.l.iltat bay rota:. Orders carefully latein4 baY,loador: 1 team corn cultivator: single Arline.; `set thses. Nfassev, ith all hours • . T d N 1 collie Poo 9 inentlts, ; 14111P peelit...4: I Caille.-o brin.111. cow to 4'44N 4041.4 Mrs. Wm. Wallace will have charge flth, ;MO p.m. ,Miss Gordon and drew's College, ,Torontoi tile spend the BEADLE. 4418 holiday at the honle 6 IS Paroll Tata tie Me. and Mrs. !tarry 18 74 WM, a son. in the ecture room on ues ay. ov flget4;s101114.1‘311: itugil,..4141! of 4h!..titeetting. th Salv t' A s t Mr. and Mrs. It. J. Acheson. 1., I, ,r54 1,0 t; ,401 wont 3 ewe A e a KM rine a Mr. Ana Mix. Abrams and the Wise alt Pearlier,. , ind )b1 61 iltoss a ;topsider 4eall Lisrabottl • at,mtes: r.qt heifer* tt vo.o10c4 d eel Ethel mai TAura Parrow•motored Nov, 8. Mr. and Mri.g. Thow. 1). Nov opeishlitt: mirv pionirus 21 1„... team feat", el e e lidtjA d h S;'ff C Goderich and were seuests over Sun. s CI r.rtioll: F. 14.:ny: 41..bavy '.4 1441,114 1011.S4r2,1c1:1; 4414. 11 41 :4141411, a fitittli/"4: e..4 p.m 91,‘eleretary for the London Division. (Ia. YMrn,a3iit•idr"lbnInrds•ME7E3M. Wille.rrsraZeriarty. vtr. -N11.1)418o•le)othor ic hz..• 1‘. 'IP 3 1,1,4 itt I. 1 volts cow p.344.11111 'C. Sparks, the young peoples sg7:diseyt5se'guhnoodiskYsttil 1; In Knox church anniversary Ker. by, of Hamilton, were visitors at the PftfilioNisr.tiliittl101, iiNfiaDen41131441seilvi hoine of the foanier's brother, Mr. W fine.. re. 'Miller, Newgate st., over the holi. 69111 Ittors*. 91niek onto. 4,-e‘linit,;•12111 -1 I by Rev James MacKay D of New SIY. and Vire. eameron and ehil. Ilk hobo Isum•o"1. of Wilt - 3. E.lll1 4i iiIt .114.:4:V4 1* conducted next Sebbeth da a 44 nitsF nd IN MEMORIAM vices will Funeral Director af'"'"". Es.,r,fhimf ..1 st. James' ehureb. London. 11 dren, Jean And Donald, of Toronto:14.0.11 til• eat? %tea eeurer. ‘cottit f.o15. •• Embalmer linv:•ann Intsitpio . :le Prefab -4.a 1.4 tea ••-iiitatel, fOO114 rif 010 and unitii. TIMMS. -411 ..otinkt .4 Alit allot ond..r ;RovRev.. James MoteKov, 11. Da 7 0,1y4„. soent Tbenlotgivane with erre, eaeeeallovenaler little tee, lineKeY, B. D. Sabbath erces parents, Mr. and 14_1. Brad. InNA 44.141noss sun eitino 114 ssts* over II at soussint fon menthe' eapar. TArger affit.1111t4, it ni0.11,0•• 1"4'" School. and Bible Claases at o'elock. ford. `l'e.lr4 ot sorrow omit dom.. Goderich, ontairnr4111, 4404r.te;risliiiiniw„ ripiartsvP•1 feint! 4.1. will be eics•ft for1144141.14 4t. t , „. Miss Miesley *Me ThatikgitSvirt, :tfunsork laves osm•1404,e41 ‘oste ilea? O4. 1111 Wird no44.4. A 111.4.,itilif a . vie oral al. snugevent.. Whieli 4;n(1 etahniel eine ir la • 1.414.0414144.44 t11.11pPli flit* riQp (al ',mut rum,,inick. ppm, e„? „...1.41 ef,,,g1 Aural. Pastor. The Hey. Selby Jet.' f'qt."-.'"1110"3. NI•ms PresiNett.r !14.) ivir•tettt011. Eft0rioniint %lit 110 841 O4 'awoitnti ferson. 10 a. .m., Victoria St• Pet. .."644 etil••""1 "las t`i"""le • NO* O4O*1411.41 I. 4 '1O4MOOli t All calls prompt' satin; nri..1,.* 7138 0001041 ifs 1014)4. )4/19t,x1,11.. tr. lOWNItin tlift1itittAt '11. A.1%. A/Isctoria miss riuritallh slid Dr. Messina 131 10 ('(0414 0).411 6'4"e W''''•'!"rt (Ley or night. 144 Is ‘14.'.11 %%N. T. 441- SI HIV st `41.1A; 1°t* -1.4446,1'. 4449* Altell st. "Llfe's Rieh Variety;" 7 p.m., 'i, h. Toronto. the 44.4 'we're ie. 1.4 1 std. Pb0.011: SUMP 333; Kean Propril or. AsieflOnficri. R., rt. No. 4, Goclerich. toria et., Sunday school; 7 p.m., Vic. Mrs, Peter Sinethvan. tisiblrots 44 1 •