HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-11-04, Page 7•
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•••••••••• .••
mixeminiem....mmoweenrimpsomoinumminup:inumwormillitaliDAY OV EMU
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114111"1111111111111161141111 61111.11"11111.11111111.11111111."1"." Alliii"1"1111"."111111.1111" THE TOWN COUNCIL
Fisati-Paliestits • SundayAfternoon!'
Seism of Break ity ISABEL lialAULTON, GeriaricA, Councillor Lott Urgel $ o'clock Closir.9 cf Restturants on
Sunday Would Put Godericti in Village Clats
Wile 7- Ce teeing, Beagle Nom
Iamb. °kooks. Alta., weeps: -
"About three yews ago 1 bail a. ere
vows breakdowss felioweel by begirt
pelpitetica and eltortsess of breath.
I touts' rot staid ths least bit of
oseitemeat or Mary in dein my work.
• jot bad to be quiet is everything 1
ems doing.
At leat 1 decided to take
estra atter oae box I wax steep.
lag better at night, and aloe having
less• difficulty its breethieg. I cote
Mimed with the remedy until I had
'taken eight boxir. I eves putting on
Bode eating and enjoying my meals
better, while my heart bothered me,
very little, in fact, hardly ever."
limet and Nerve PiTh,
regulate and /stimulate the heart mei
strengthen and restore the whole nee
emu syeteat.
Mehemet Heart and *Nerve Pill
are 50c. a box at all druggists and
aaaasionainineavesusentonsaieneseaaaaaileee remsseessenearia
Forth in Thy ,nanie, 0 Lord I gi.,
Jity doily labor to Pininse;
Thee, only Thee, resolved to enow,
In all 1 think, er epeag, er do.
The task Thy vtiedom hath assigned,
0 let nrie cheerfully fulfil;
In all my works Thy presence find, -
And prove Thy good and perfect
Charles Wesley.
Almighty God, help us to under-
stand the meaning of the gift a life
whit which we have been blessed.
Thou hest entrusted us with solemn
responsibilities, enable u* to under-
stand their meaning, to feel their
pressure, and to respond with all our
hearts to their demands. Let thy
blessing rest upon us for Jesus' sake.
Amen. •
Joseph Parker, D. D.
S. S. LESSON FOR NOV. 14th, 1926
Lesson Title-Calet's Faithfuliseas.
Lesson Passage-joshua 14:6-18.
Golden Text -•Joshua, 14:8.
The •eilden of Irani in 11 their
desert life had kept tegether as one.
body but now that the land of Canaan
was entered and conquered it must
not be left desert. They Imust ds.
perse but every man Could not go just
desdreir or ..,.,n. .1:...;., • - •
Trite b'y The T. Milbum Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
•Wu and gorse Liver
flack Stables, Eto,
Meivereat Street
just off the Square
'dunes Meet an Trains and
Paseenger Poets •
Footmen gen called for In any
• Siert ot the town tor all
trains at G. T. R. or C.F. R,
. Depots.
Prompt Service and
Careful Attendance.
• 11..
Livery slid /leek servIce
• 'Will be found up,.to-date
. In every respect.e
Your. Patronage Solicited
P hone 147 Montreel Street
whore he Nearaed.
Two and * half tribe* had ehosen
to remain on the east side of ',olden
and the other trib:.•s were to be elven
them inheritance by let, as the Lord
commanded by the hand a hfoses.r Mc. A. J. MacKay Appointed to Public Library Board :n
But before Elmer, the priest Jos- f
hue and tee beads of the ten tribes. s Rev. J E. Ford's Place
began their work of distribution Ca- ,
leb, aecompanied by the heads- and.
great men of the tribe of Judah, Lip. Tee eceuler emit:let of th,- .own 1 .. Peewit mete than it had got back.
council ve.- .vId vi t -id ZN" Vvenielv, The Meyor commented on the itr-
peered before them and reminded Oct. 1501, ail the members iereeeet. bitrary action of the eounty council
Joshua that Hebron had been prem.. A letter from the G. C. I. board in throwing down Cambria road and l
heed him for a pomiession and there•easked for the prdvision of ;1800 for feel that the county syetent et finan- •
fore it /should net be included in that Nov. 1st payrnents and OM for De- ceng as to such ramie was in a clatotie
forwhich lots were to be east. Caleb eember let payments,. The town condition. Cumbria road connecteifl,
appealed to Joshua to confirm his e uned had already paid over very the Huron highway with the ramie ,
cletm, saying, "thou knowest the nearly MI of the levy for 0. C. I. intr. to the north by the shortest way and!
thing that the Cord said unto Mores poses, but as the county does not pay Victoria atreet connected up BaYileidi
the man of God conterning thee and its- share of the upkeep until it re- road -with the roads north of (Me.
me in Kadish-barnea." He then re- eeives the county rates, the town is rich.
asked to finance the Collegiate in the The Mayor mentioned the matter i
beamed the thing he had done in 'MY- meantime, the board having no bore of the county equalization and point -1
ing out the land and reporting fewer rowing powers of its own. --This was ed out that there was no urban repre.i
ally and contending against the ten referred to the finance committee sentative among the valuators. 'rhe
men who brought in an evil repott with power to act. council should endeavor to see that t
He said he acted as it was in his, A letter from Mr. F. R.- Darrow the town was given a fair dea1.1
heart to do because he followed whole made an offer of settlement of are Councillor Bailie said he did not think,
ly the Lord his God. For this Reece rears of taxes for a client on a sere there would be much change made in
ban basie. Their client had had no the town's valuation.
had commended him and had swore
to him saying, "Surely the lanl notice of such arrears against the Councillor McLean suggested the
property he bought and was given to putting of insurance on new horse'
$400 Grout to Cost ft. New Stable at Fair Grounds
Protect Yew Simms. Cottage From Fire!
leaterwritars giro WW1 lassorastms retro
oa insisuoser cottages rooted wek Braatiord
Amt Slates boretime they ars Sri nude:4
est casuist Ito tad
by II or
fiyiagerillsrs. re
linintforti litooflageatiagieit Brantford, Ontario
Stock Carded, Information Furnished and Bowler
on Brantford Roofing rendered be
W. M. McLean, Goderich
whereon thy feet have trodden /she I understand all taxes were paid. The stable put up at the agricultural .
baby Fewer babeeett.les use now.being
Tattle the modern
bo thine inheritance, and thy dill- forms dating back several years grounds and a motion was adopted , '.:sitn who are smart olough to maw
dren's fcrever, because thou ' hest had accumulated by the addition of to insure the building for ;800. ! money sometimes lack the. sense tes Le". You egal,--'
wholly followed the Lord OW God." . interest, and the offer was to pay the This; building was erected by the enjoy it.
time that had elapsed since the prone fer wax accepted. -• ' Preeident Dr. Whitely-, who waited -ro easier liquor is to get th? bard -
PUT CREAM IN NOSE Kissed each other again and itgait‘
A honeymoon pair on a train
hold, the Loi•d hath kept me alive, as walk-on Cambria, road teem East the coun •
ell meeting, was successful in; .e. -
eeee• red to the public works eommittee. ••t etieu towards the cost of the build -e And again and again -
Cal b th fe ed to th 1 n taxa plus the first inteseest-The of. Trotting and pacing Association atul A HONEYMOON idelERICle
imp e Ma es is, was made, saying, "And now, be A petition. for a granolithic side- on the finance committee juet before er it is to drink.
Stomach Feel. Fine he said, these 'forty,. and five • street to St David street, was refer- getting them to recommend a grant. • And again and again
Siniple buckthorn bark, glycerine,
ete„ as mixed in Adlerika, often helps
stomach trouble in TEN minutes by
removing GAS. Brings out a stirs
prising amount of old waste matter
You never thought was in your sys-
-tem. Stops that fule.binated feeling
and makes- you happy, and cheerful.
Excellent for chronic constipation.
Adlerika works QUICK and delight-
fully easy. CAMPBELL'S DRUG
Being hurt at times isn't half so
painful as going through life afraid
• to try anything.
even Pince the Lord snake this word The following appheations for ing, their report as. at first draftee,
AND STOP CATARRH And ;again and again and aria.
unto Moses, while the children of Is* building permits were -referred tsi the 0 mir recommended only $200. The -Author Unknou n.
rael wandered in the .wilderness; and fire committee with power to act : ownership of the building reets in.
Repetition makes the etewd take
noe,•, lo, I am this day f e'er- mei From S. Robertson, to erect garese the town. ' l Tell' How To Open Cloged Nos- notice. One adVertisement in the
five years old.e •In spite of the lapse on Eldon street; from N9. H. Farrow, Councillor Turner asked if the.; tills and End Head- olds. paper or one Amine: in the window
of years he expected the Promise_ te erect norch and verandah on rear police were having any loads of coal
should be made-good.ene be urged hie of eeeeene building on Toronto street; weighed on the market scaleftttob i 7 et only a start. Folks nisteeettot meet
fitness for entering on his prow:feed from W. J. Johnston,. to make addl.. the correetheas of the weigi e
reealt 1 etald'ouinfechleafl4neoirn eatt;tfaetrvrirments. Your on; the first time. so toll them again
inheritance as another reason why it tion to -present dwelling on. Piston givenebse eealerss eeed, 4w6- OP' Y1:81"ju?„ Your clogged nostrils will ,open. The greatest publicity .rnedium in the die.
will be gone. and Again. The Ooderich .Star is the
should be given- over to hiin. hurtle' tte et Ili Tel" "That" eli 1111-1"v d
0 A street; from__ Gepe Will air passages of yotir headwill elese and
""-- garage.vincent eee ; front 1 et on over e po ce, e 't an a -1 vou can breathe frt.‘ely, No snore dull- triete Use it to tell theM again mut
eel, headache. no hawkine .snuffline again and you will make the people
Yet I am as strong this day asee was Mrs. Switzer, to re -roof kitchen on wised he had full authority to see :
in the day that Moses sent me; as we Victoria street; from 11. H. Reid, to that the proper protection was given moue diohaii,„ or dryami; no gra Mite notice. - • "
strength was then, even so is my te-roof bark kitchen on West street; the public..1g ing for breath at night. They are happily married if they,
strength now, for war, both to go out from W. E. McLean, to re -roof store Councillor Turner asked as to the Tell your druggist you want a mall can share without complaint the duty
and to come tn." Baying time :weer- • ••d d�11 ng on East street; from house on the old garage property ad- woe of tars cram paw, appty • ly . of -washing thellivver.
ee jeshua of bin fitness now that he • Chas. Nobbs, to re -roof dWelling on ioiniog the tottee, hale This Should little of this' fra rante settee tie cream • e '
was actualiy in Canaan he again Victoria street; from Mrs. Nora Mc- be decorated and . occypied by some in your nostrils, et it penetra e through
Angle- n would be available to receive every air passage of the head; soothe and
Intosh, to reroo we nig on
claimed tbe land in which were the
• Anakims who had caused the ten fire ealls. e heal the swollen, inflamed mucone Meta -
sea street.
Applications for the rernoVal of The Reeve pointed out that a com- brane, and relief comes instantly. TRAIN SERVICE to TORONTO
:spies to fear that they could not be Shade trees were referred to the pub- mittee had reported on this and had It is Mat whet every cold and catarrh
conquered. As he then affirmed the lie weeks and cemetery and parks been asked to get tenders. ' There sufferer. needs. Don't stay stuffed -up Daily melt* Sunday
were able to drive theta out and Mee committee. • was not Much use in decorating till a and miserable, efee. Goderieh (1 00 a. tn. 2.20 p.m.
• sess the land so now he declared that: A -letter from 'Messrs. Rays and tenant -was got, so that the'decorat- • . Clinton 625 a.m. 2.52 p.m.
Seaforth 0.41 a.m. 3.12 p.m.
" Mitchell 7.04 a.m. 3.42 p.m.
• Arr. Stratford. 7%30 a.m. 4.10
Kitchener 8.20 a.m. 5.20 p.m.
"Guelph ki,45 a tn. 5.50p.m.
Toronto 10:10 it M. 7.30 p.tw.
Retut ning-lieave Toronto 615 90.M., •
' ' 12.55Thlfl. and05 natl.. • ,.
Pettier Cafe ear, Gede.rich to Tor-
onto on moment; train. and Toronto
to doderich. 6.05 p. tn. train. - •
Through 'emelt Goderieh to Toronto,
.F. LAWitENCit & SONS ,
Yemen. Passenger mW Tickets' Atlanta
. "Phoue. '
"if so be the Lord will be with me, Hays with reference to blocking o ire, could be made suitable to Min.
then I shall be able to' delve them sewer causing backing up to the re- The public works • committee was
'TS ROMMITIC ore." He had all these years wholly
followed the Lord so that' silence of Mr,m
R. C. Rays, sr., asked authorized to handle the atter.
neither '
the assumption by the town of the Chairman Sproul of the fire coin
STOCYstrength of body nor of spirit had le- extra cost of 'digging caused by mittee said- some Coal should he got
. inforrnation as to point of forethe fireehall and the stove should
. dined and Joshua,. seeing this noble wrong
eonnection.-This was referred to the be repaired. Ile was authorized to
- .. ... heroiespirie 'wilting to choose the df - 'public works committee. . attend to this.
'Actin place, blestsed hini"antl gave him • • ‘ . .
Hebron for an inhejitance.- • • lot+Pr, from the billboard Gainers
when the resolution was adopted
Corneillor Lee, • who was absent .
'Caleb rendered a most' hazardous with reference to tax impossed was re -
and important service to the 'nation fthe speei
erred to ed committee. - chansring the restaurant hours, said
A number of accounts were refer- t_o close eating pieces at 8 o'clock on
•Sunday evenings would be to -put
A. World Search for Rare
Medicinal Herbs.
It is not tommonly known that
• countries so far • apart as China
and Spain, Japan and England,
and Tasmania and Prance have
to be searched for the tpecles of herbs
• • 4.4,41.•-••••• • 4. •
used in the manuestaure Of that world -
fated healing latent ZAM:klUli. The.e
• 1.erbs are many of them rare and costly.
They heed tohe gathered just et the right
. seasorrWhen their juices:and- medicinal
contents are at their, very best,
Bitthe in minarci's ana •
weirin water, rubbing
the sokitiqn into thei
aching Parts with the ,
fiNter .
Minard's is also splen -
for spriiins, bruises
ciuidstrained ligaments
The Peeples Pewee
When he claimed the fulfilment of a
Promise made to reit -to the tinance committee.
him so lone before. The finance committee recommend- Goderich in the village class.. Very
. The driving out of the Anakim was a ed the Meer (if tht. .h.1.,:. n, - . frequently he had sent people up.
formidable task, one that .most. men fort; reported that the ;1000 Domin. town to the restaurants who arrived
would have serunk from undertaking ion of Canada. bond of the Buechler after regular meal hours at the sum -
instead of pleading for .it• So ;AC- Sinking Fupd, as authorized to be mer hotel and it world be a black eye
for Goderich to dose the restaurant(
cessful was Caleb that the lend lied sold under Bylaw No. 26 of 1926, had
.restefromeegtre He proved that..nn, ')"'l handed to the Bank of Moetreal at 8 o'clock on Sundays. The motet.
e tes-- ere. et -the -best market- price; 1.A. bus did not arrive till 9:30 and any
faithfulis who. hath promised; he. ie
a Meal. He quite 1 Th
Gd ib --Star's-----
ported, in providing funds to meet the g" -e- odd- b
Baeehler debenture payment .of $2,- unable to get
,06.06- due Oct. istothat the funds agreed as to the removal of curtains
' WORLD MISSIONS h t B k from the compartments in restaur- .
• -a.% able to do exceeding abundantly above
all that We ask or think."
• .
ee•OrAe eelsescv .
• .114.,"
• 1
Gathering medicinal
herb,' TO pia WO
iant•hak is the true successor of the Warfare, too, 'we do not went instan- treat be 'transferred to the Beeebtee to as havIng been sent up town to the
herbal healing balms of Ancient home; ces of •the same spirit. We eetall Fund account in the Royal Berne, restaurants. at the summer hotel
Couneillor Lee replied that the sum -
with this importantadrantsge /ant Captaiti' 'Gardiner -clutosing irem which acct.unt the annual
in addition to its rare herbal composition, Tierra air ..Fudgo us hie missior • :emits are met; recommended that the
pay- mer hotel was catering for meals at
regular hours. the restaurants for
some $582.51 in a special account in Councillor Ciaigiet and Councillor
in militaryeannals then a soldier eel -
funds were now re.quired, recommend- the latter asked why Councillor Lee
• difficult of. posts. In the spiritual
There nothing we admire more but the* there wes a sinall balance of • ant'.
ee. Bone of Montreal, and aa these I tuner both spoke ip opposition and . e •
enteering for the most hazardous and
4 I
dththe f d the B•kfM eel ?este feed +hese people he referted •
has twentieth-centtny mechcal know- sphere just becatise the people were sten of $35.05 be accepted by the
ti s•••••• e- as payment in full of 1921, meals at an hours and moved to
ledge and manufacturing still, to bring it so ferocious. the climate so repulsive, yes change -the hours to allow reStauranttt
to a pitch of perfeetion. probabh never. and the work* difflcult that no one 19.
o be open on Sunclay afternoone and
. 1023, 1924 and 1925 taxea, as
equalled in the annals of healin
weremstered against vaeant lots 41, 42
fferent medicinal Atialtties in else wets likely to take it up. evenings the same ae any aher day.
Inc d
• and 43, Hutchison Survey, to date;
Zam-buk are healthfully -balanced_ The_ _think of the second band who went recommended that the sum of $400 be 4 was pointed out thil could he' Met
. . soothing with the eeeieniehmi. -it is • ions had been starved to death; SIMI Pacing; -Association towards cost of with when the amending bylaw was
heating side with the ontipprie, the • out after Gardiner and his tempest-
, paid to the Goderieb Trotting and
penetrative yet not too stimulating, and . „ . et c in arse stable atintroduced and the matter was there -
grim . fore allowed to drop. ..
still more after thesee-ere Mat4Sa. •e t' g h theA • 1
superfialanwellings, sprains and pains. d b the natives,
simply by full control of the building. rennet/el Craigie both spoke of protecting the
Councillor Turner and Councillor
has just the right lubricity for removing ,
ere y_ __
of the third de- tura! Park, the town to own and have
Thtis'Zam-buk is it melte, reliable,' tachment who were moved
and highly.concentrated, medicinal ehe consideration that the esese was
ere Co. debenture payment would young people as their object in advo-
cating early closing. •
that the annual, Kensington Furni-
dressing always readyea instantly soothe dimply so desperate. We think of , e
unction, expel deep seated chsettse, and tole me eebieb fir Nigh on hand. and recommendi The Mayor pointed out that par -
Inertly be due and there was not suf.
pam, swiftly allay swelling and infiam- many a young missionary turning
e that the $1,000 Dominion of Can. tints had twine resnonsibility in over. -
he might lead at home that he testy this fund be staid and sight of their children .and that mere
grow new healthy slut Moreover, users away from the comfor
. wh,ch.eione came, fro, The knowledge go where the need is ,greatest andthat the. twee/eery
the . chaneing of the houre of eloging
of Zem-buk have perfect confidence . • oda as held by
the sale be prepared and passed; re-
hylawautharizing_bview_woeld accomplish nothing rnless the
npt an artificial ointment composed of Master the greatest possitle merviee.,ported that . the local improvement were- enforced He eskee
I t
. that it ma refitted herbal preparation and light IA bettest, and so resider tohis
Cfouthmillor Turner who as chairman
e s eciel vommittee had the rver-
poreelogging fats and crude drugs. A erowd of -noble names moms to our todewalk account was now over. • lice in hie. committee'a
Rtght of the po
Zam-buk is invaluable in all itching. recalled/On-Williams, Judson, Mor- drawn and recommended that tee en- }mode. if he had given the police tiny Special Clubbing Rates with other Periadicals
inflamed, and diseased conditions of the rison, Barns, Patteson, Keith -Val. gineer prepare the necessary cod -re- insrutions to see that the present
caner.' Bennington nee eleleaY-men 13orts on walks already ednstructed hvt--------- forced, and Cm/manor may le had on application
whit.t its swift antiseptic healing
The Star and London Rte.; Press. ..... . $0.75
The'Sta and London Actitertiser • o.75 .
The Star and The Toronto Globe.. ....... 0.75
The Star and The Mail and Empire .. . .. • . 0.75 _
The Star and The Toronto Star.. .. . .. . 6,75 •
The Star and The Farmers' . .... . fo
'the Star and The Parruly H.,rald an.; kVe,ft:1:.. ktr. ;
• The Star and Saturday Night-- 5.5:k .
lite Star and llod and bun 3,90
renewal 3.85
l'he Star and Montreal Witness
• 3.50
The Star ar.d World Wide renewal '4.25
itew-rr. 3.85
! The Star and. The Catholic Record
T".fe.: Star and MCLean's Mattazine
minces it, the ideal first-aid dressing for an additional
burns, watch, cuts, etc. it is else, the for whom the Anakim had nolerrors,
Ilemoeusnttoth!'breevlaidoerrofweled; and recent- Turner said he had not. e. e • , • • wee, • 1 ,
,,, 1 at ft t. :It 1 Li.or I honk. 71 for any inors,ta A.n.
mended the payment of a number oi The Mayor said he had faith in the
seething remedy for piles. Of dealers but rather an attraction; but who, '
everywlfire=5Qc. tbe box : 3 for lam, or serving under another Josue. differ. fathers and mothers and faith io the ., '
Zatn-bulc Co., Dupont St., ToroutO. ed from Caleb in this, that what they police to see that proper ,vonditions
desired was not to destroy these fer.
in passed ale
The fire committee reforted hay- were observed.
• ,
TO WOMEN ncious Anakiras. but to coneuer them
by love, and to demonstrate the powee pegrrnpits referred to it ting on of a license fee on rename
The cetnetery and parks committee. ants, subject to the license being ettn.
requests or building Councillor Bailie suggested the put. 0
• of the gospel of Jeetie Christ reenmmended. that the cemetery sex- celled if proper conditions were 04.
OF MIDOLE AGE change the vilest reprobates into sons ton's report for September be filed. served.
The speeial committee
recommehd- Councillor Bailie 'suggested the
• W.gG. maihis, 1). D. ed that Mr. A. 3. MacKay he sp- putting. on of a license fee on re-
nointed a member of the Goderieh staurants, subject to the license being
When Asthma Conies do not de- Free Public Library Board fie the cancelled if proper conditions did not
snail... Tun at once to the help ef- 'limn Red atead of Bev. J. E. ford PreVail•
fective-Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Aethmi reeesnea, The Deputy Reeve raised the ques-
Remedy. This wondethe remedy will • The Public w ries committee reeom- tion of peeper stabling for the. town
give you -the aid you need so sorely ewnded thet.Mr. H. B, M. Tichberne touts now that the weather was get.
Choking -ceases, breathing heroines be rbond gee, ting colder. The team are not nowelieved from indemnity
natural, end without effort. Others. en the town in connection with the kept in the old stable on account ofcomplaints • To fix u winter .
tly,usands of them, have suffered as '-fteeline nonin *Yid mak ini west torsi n0te. Ad ° ""r -
yon suffer but have wisely turned to street, upon a new bond being given ennpordnrgroagefropertiv would
' this famous remedy and teased to tv Messre. A. was authorized to :eke
l'ebbutt and Son: four coortirmaintgteee
eemensias ' authorized by e
suffer. Get a -package this very day.
,..e bylaw lidewalksed been conetructed. on Elgin of Mr. Stotee's barn might be rented.
ts. • ming. p inted out that part
- - P1.011110, from Waterloo to Wellington The yet neil then adjourned.
etreets. nn Elgin avenue frem Wel-
Mrs. Wilson's Experience a.
Guide to Women Passing
through the Change of Life
Hamilton, Ontario. -9 hale taken
Cook by Electricity
Wash by Electricitymastoid bot4 thsa of Lydia. E. khk
Troll by Electricity V tall: donlsi
CONVENIENT, cuAil, pound sold I can-
not speak too
QUICK highly of it as I
Waist the Change
Cheaper than coal or wood of Life and wars
all run-down and
An Electric Vacuum Cleaner " litarverfberk" TRYSULPHOlt AN stroor. from Norte to victoria AVERTISE IN T STAR
lington to Wellesley street; nn An -
14./4/4.4.4* +.44.4414
rern4ves the dust; a broom just 1
Rad and the1 AN WLEMA SIKIN stroet; on Artglesea street, from Vie- _ ,
We,ginarrantee, oveklhardlymove.
- 'These s'.epc'rtS weep all lidesited.' -"I" •
• died. I was very 114/Clinlit, it00 Night
pains in my back ' steeet to Canibrist road; and ow-
* mo*s the dust. •
wer• so bed I I ieg to the lateness of the sewn that
I not a friend Yrouble Abbott 44)iree ft rue
I LI very gad at Callas Little and Overcoats. it moretcement sidewalks be eon.
for 1500 . times
Walk in Anil see display at on earth. I riot ears If I lived or
The nerve advised that the week
.did hot go oat wry moth. A irierid ,
fiery, ittcliseisg resew. ri _be quickly 1,1w enanw°1'tel Irl it .101,1;,iti T.lot. 'AO
I d . Tiun aeraruts vrirri'nd :1! overcome y applying IferitheaSniphur, ,. leave t ss over till coin eatner trete
waa iri bad Aar two months, I began attise of its gym destaretng properties, The rienlity Reeve scented infory.t..,1
siuthori?ed i -t, Nelson street Amer be
Amy it;mt 4;tt lite *ate eireof goair on with at .one.e., Tile, setter
The Ilydro &"ore titivisenvrit:bbrtzfLois,F-
Para w*Pkia 14414 tie retell'. eal eikelares a noted skin seetialist. Bee en. '
• 'to fool "mom attr_9,1 titis sulphur preps!ration mstantly brings Von r,• to the menu& of re, nee ovee.
firot 11476"P. 111D111 IIW114' ease from skies irritation, soothes and able in the county treasury for the
wuit ;;Ietholtottsit and lave ;Lire nrc!tiodsneynsgenion.
roe 'the. got ' about Pm troidlebwit 1eltroot whibut 4_itity. Sufferers from ski* w"e deeided that the clerk write
tiesk tee berlOY eir UN". trawl& shoos obtain a StItall jet of the county engineer for a, statement
thede OVIW 30Yeenk mots lifttAgsst, 471 Wilms fitreet.. Romeo mentbo.sophur feet% my
(the Reeve giving thr information in.
Ataemo Wore
saw weir letters frost weenett fox rt melon hoe te relieve the
ferment ------------
, ..1i .tv,t tr. 1444%
Hosilioso, ()Marto. Rood droglkist and Inle it like eael ' rrund figures that the town had paid
„ bold by druggists ever-iv/biro. c crew. . into the eounty for jnod roads $3,000 •
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