The Goderich Star, 1926-11-04, Page 64
wW' w "• ..mow.. .....,..+• .
The Greatest Mystery Story Ever Written
FIRST READ THIS the mere hurtlred and two that one
maser Henri de Beau$oleie. teem- disregards: for I remember entertain-
ing• that the lonely fort et Zindeeneuf ink• the wild idea that perhaps ' lite.
has been attacked by .Arabs takes hie Ing man was shamming dead among
comnrsndant to the rescue. Arriedrg these corpses. Moreover, I remember
there he i,+ startled to find men prop- Sc•'ing round from corpse to corpse
Ped an the en)breaurea--dead. Inside end questioning them. One or two
be finds the conmeendant dead -with that &seemed extra life -like I took by
a French bayonet in his been, and the teen, and as 1 eihouted at them. I
s note crushed In hie hand. The note shook them and pulled et them until
is signed by Michael Geste, and ed- they fell to the ground. their stiles
mits the theft of "Blue Water" -ea clattering down with them.
valuable sapphire, owned by Lady Suddenly I heard the feet of men
Brandon. Next to the dead command. sent the stair. and polies myself to.
ant is a young officer. Later, when •►ether• The Sergennt•1♦ia3or and the
de • Ilrsujnlais has left the fort the half'dazen or so of legionaries name
body of the young officer diaannears. on to the roof.
NOW GO ON WITH TILE STORY i managed to make my little speech
And then I think my temperature , on they stared round in amazement
went up two or three degree from . the most amazed of all being the Ser.
gnat -Maier, who gazed at -the smear•
We to ed pool of blood where the body of the
° souroil'ieier lead !alai:
The two Americans seerned'psrticu-
larly interested, and appeared to be
""0 it,- I looking for comrades among the dead.
When the baric brgias ea echo an ' When would one of the men salute
pain it is a sure sign that there is , and task resr3eetfuily the first of the
something wrong with the kidneys. hundred Questions that must be nue-
Sidney pills give teed to zlinst them: "Where Is. their effieer'?'
weak, painful arra# 'aching barks. ' And what should I reply? They
Mrs. Rot eie'tven, upper Woodstock, could see for themselves that the Ar.
DT,13., writeai—"I ran highly recom- ole: hoe not entered and carried hien
mend Doan 'a Kidney fills. or, l ethaps their minds were nee
I suffered' for years with a dull, fell n€ the ouestion: 'Where is Jean
nasty baekaehe, went to bed with it «te, Trumpeter?' for the other slues.
and got up with it, and the once tine to formulate itself, • "
relief I could get was to Iran back n
agaiaat something hard, 1 had matt' nn reference to .lb' d;,e-
I only used one box and pert of appearance of the truntpet>sr; but I
another when I got relief, and now knew that they had seen him enter
feel Iike a new wornaaa. . the fort and had waited, as odid, for.
1 bare four little Firs, do all. my an astounding 'quartet of an hour, to 1
own. Work an a .large f*rm, besides., so him come out again. They had
two men to work. fora' watched me go .in *tone. at the end of
at that time, and had seen me emerge
Trico line. a boli at alone. • What could 1 say? •
With Backache
all . dealers, or mailed
direct on receipt of It seemed to pre to be best to say
rice be- The T. Mil- "nothing on .that subject, so I sad it.
bunt Co. Limited, After a- few minutes that seemed
Testate, Ont. like a few hours. I bade Dufour take
• the men round the outbuildings, and
Clean as Chhia
&ro t Steel
Sou in atoms er i r,L'J
gotta mom. t►eou.rer; Ca 'RtiMa! Sia '
'Above Goods are Handfed by
The Only Hat,ctnare on the slime:
i�� ;ie131�a•`•
strains owtiy WU/ft
,tilt trail •
To teeny ester sunny Csi;iornia the tnofttaat eau
strut aboettl onto of the d 's fusions Soma Fs croft.
rzondoent testes...
• The mew am— extra has --k the guest sod fast.
est oft s Sausdr Fi CalMotalatrabos. OnIy two Wel.
sees days on the TATbeols rissadNae.14,1926.
620.00 iota site fro Mt goo alatiid $1.00 host
Uses City. Pix lfuasr1l--ougicef ' cos snit—arid
ighanabis Lila at It superegad
at truttrstp it It rise world
Prig litervity Chia sad Diable cow est** rete die
• • • •
Yes it. west es take die r1mpisLr rr� dire bog of pesifi
i static Ass +t,
Ake sa. at O
I I I11
h -e r••,rrh them • 'r• k to lbs ass a.
As r desapnrlred. i,•a . d ern tbi
eteir. I called him bsek and w •svgs
mime together. S'neu" . nawui:>• ear
amid the saute v order. •13'd yo•i twee
R '--sad each of us knew that the
"other knew nothieur stout it !!
I laughed loudly. if nor, merrily, and
the Sergeent.Msjor pr odwced the testis
of a lifetime; in length and original•
sty, remarkable even fes the Legion,
'Quite so, Chef,' said I. 'Life
grows a little comelieeted.
'I'll give s compticated death to this
farceur, when I find. ' growled he 'n
es I motioned him to bit off. 'Blood
of -the devil, I wilt!' we
He clattered down the stairs. and.
soon after, I heard his voice . below. *e'
as he led the group of men aeras the
'Not much here tie terrify the great
Blutignac, hen?' he jeered.
'But there is certainly something
all • 1 1.' J� �+ � IMO r..rn w ww....-.:w.
Wal back Ise Vaia. to eartk, at an old fim-.
A rialto cracked. again and again.
Trots the sound the tiring was to.
wards us.
7M Arabs wore upon 'us !
Far to tit* right and to the left,
more riots were Arad.
The fort blazing and the Arabs up-
on us !
Bullets whistled overhead and I
saw one or two flashes from a distant
No Otte was hit, the fort being be..
i twain us and the enemy. In less
•t time than it takes to tell I had the -
men turned about and making for the
nasie-•- au pas 'ynrn*stique—'at the
j doable,' as you earl it. There para Fifty per cent. of the world's en A safe and srre medicine for a rigid
r shorid have cover and Water. and if aesiraeea is due to poverty.and the rest troubled with worms is Mather
o we could only hold the devils until to prosperity. Graves' Worm with,
were nicely between era and St•
,, Andre's Senegalese, we would avenge The agency that giver the fairmer Na otliera co-educational inetitu-
here to terrify erre, my friend.' ab- - - r. the garrison of that blazing fart. most relief is winter. riot equals matrimony.
They are ,grand soldiers, those Leg.
served to myself, and made my Mayr �, rannaires, George. No` stetter troops
back to my mule and the oasis. Georg,« It aieeruetl to me that thin = .
In tact, I fled. ' t ideal of the sergeant -major's was not'. rn our army. They are to other in••
Well, George mon vieux, what da f ni' .h .better than that ot• waiting for Pantry what my Sppbis are to the
ode obey and ou think happened?
cthe rt like id the ambs! i ne the a pre ire mye' the. Senegalese. ould rlaee you
heave + to see tother heme double, sIt teady as on par.
pr did they refuse and'sueeessfutiy ate- "I can only haps i should have had': ade, back to the darkness of the oases,
f3* me, secure in the knowledge that the courage to act as bravely and as.; every man eeleet his cover and go to
the others would not fire on them?" wisely es you did, Jolly,", was the mei ground, Ilia rifle loaded and levelled
"Teo are alive to tell the•tule, Jol-! pII•• i as he did so,
was the reply. "That's the main
"On aecur is of the imnortanee of a
eflanklWei,Y, • tiOVEKBEtt 4th, 1926
7. WOR•/•i r/WeiC VA1 a good.
"Oh, i am no hero, my friend; , +aur camel vedettes rode' in soon
smiled de Beaujolais, "but it seemed! peseta light, r, Two pf andetwo re oaf these had
des -
the right thing to do. I bed not in
pert of it to you, eery George, eh?" any way provoked a mutiny indeed,! Mare returningn rifle-flashes
to the oasid s think,
smiled the Frenchmen. I had stretched a point to avert it -I, •
"Oh, not at all,, old chap," Lawrence 'arid it was my .busineaa to go •straight! burnt itArabs had rushed the fort and
hastened to say, with a somewhat ahead, do •my duty, and abide the re- In a few minutes from the first'
.guilty smile. "Simply an account of cult•
the fact that you are spared td But it was with an anxlors heart buent of afire, the whole t place was 3tid.
France and to'your friends." silent, and apparently deserted,
that I mounted the mule again and ,Nothing for an eniemy to see but . a
"I thank you, my little. Georg;- cantered over to the fort.
I had thought of going ona camel,
for it is a strange pyschological fact,
that if your /meters have to look up
to you physically, they also have to
look up . to you metaphysically as it
wee... If a leader speaks with more
eeethority from a mule than from flee
amend.. and with moree weight and
power from a horse. than from a mule,
would he, net speak with still •more
from a camel?
Almost might you be a• Frenchman,
said cls' Beauiolais, with an ironleril
bow, "But tell pres what do you think
happened? Did they obey and enter,'
or 414 they refuse?" ' •
"Give it up. Jolly. 1 can onto .feel
sure that one of the two happened,,,
replied Lawrence.
"And that is where yeti aro s•reetr.
my, friend.. for neither hoen •nes ".
continued de Beaujolais. "They nei-
ther obeyed and enta.ed, :nor disobey-
ed and stnyed, out!"
"Gana Ln" dl" ejaculated lietvrencr.,
"What then?"
And this time it waft the French-
man who s•.»ggested a little • refresh-
ment. •
"Well, 1!"s.:s the •nst 'event' ee
that reninrkable r+r,,.« .. mint cher
(emerges," r^anmed d'• .Beauiolals a
little later, . "A very appropriate and
sifitnbble--one -too, 'A delightful
nh n•ai- eetertainmerite--•rnncltid'ed
with lire elite; ae the reeetrta of
tee- oho es • , „ie..'
' F et se's R+Ne-°. ' , -ce Th . dr.
Yoe zee!?" asked La'^, enee.
"No, my Georg*. 2,,,thira' to sir°•+i:
+t• .J•t-t fieseio ke. V orkson fir;'. ;e" the oasis a big, dark island upon
1. will telt roue .. ,
• :. its the men, statues, inscrutable . and
I let the moon get Wel re. end th"n still.
sent ere servant. Ash„net for the See- 'What would they: do? Would me
neant-Arnim-, lied hade that good. fel- next words be toy last? Would. a
low to ,,. aide the men as bsfone with double line of . rifles . rise and level'
the f"rt o iaundred pnees in, their rear, the3nselves at. my.. breast, or would
the bare isoit. escousdgnn rho . rlaht t>f that-eaeouade,• upon .whom.everything
the line. depended, *hove off' like a machine
This Harty wr►u"a eithe.` mare, into and enter the fort?
the fart n,• n'u • If ri"x--t1 one the "' ' As 1 #laced the men, I was acutely
trelaieider +* rrer,l 1 n+ rrprwi t,) r rwlt'- interested, and yele felt Tike as specie.
form and Rhnnk th'.,n 'where thhv tor, impersonal and unafrair. ' 1 was
steel!. f rely-te'air.,.:..! `N 64.,. 4in1.1•
nractiea'1` '`+ f',n " +.n'•cn •R the *II'
about °t0 ness a fhone dXA , e
depicting the fate of one llenri de
burning fort, and a black brooding
oasis, where nothing moved.
How I hoped they wouldswarm
yelling round the fort, thinking to
get us like bolted rabbits es we nub -
ed out of )t. It is not like the Arabs
tomake night attack, but don f s
they had been hovering' pear, and the
fire had brought them down an ns,
Had they eon us outside the fort?
If so, they would attack the oasis in
tiie morning. If they had not seen
Perhaps—but 1 felt that I could do us, ,anything' might happen, and the
more..soinehow, in ease of trouble, if oats prove a guet-aaena, with: the
I could dash at assailante with sword burning or burnt -tut fort as the bait
and .revolve?.; 1 am a cavalry man of the trap.
and the arm° blanche is my weapon. What were they doing now? ..The
Coid steel .and -cut and thrust, for oto, firing had ceased entirely Probably
'f 1 bed to go down fighting: You making their dispositions, to rush us
can't charge mid use year sword dna suddenly at dawn, from behind the
camel, so I compromised on the mule nearest ..sand -bills. Their • game
--blit how I longed, for my Arab would be to lull us into a sense of se -
charger and•a few .of my Spahis ba- curity throughout a .peaceful night
hind •me! It would he i .fight then, .and. come down upon us at daybreak.
irsteadief.a_murder. like a whirlwind, aswe slept:
It was a weird and not unimprea:: 'And what if our waiting: lift”
sive scene. That sinister fort, silver caught them at fifty -yards, and the
and black;, the Irozen waves of . the survivors turned to flee—on to Lite
ocean of sand, • arty illimitable ailver rziuzzles of .those of the Senegalese
It was another' impreseive scene in
that weird drama,' George, A big
fire, by moonlight, in the heart of the
Sahara, a fire watched by silent, mo-
tionless meter breathlessly awaiting
the 'arrival of other players on the
(To lee continued?
(Continued from page 2)
trust be ei;one in the 'battle for
But, then, prohibition, toe;, has fail -
eiree Beaujolais. quite probably his sea
n Titin --uses-,
• • ,,,;,r ,..�; +."� (thee
Tine , !ron
oped that, even more than 1 hoped everyyi and Aegis ago ithe Sins stir
., iiia else !: s, ' ry i ..If they to .see hiom 1 m survive the play: Inas . vice efts heard: Thou shalt not
dict this nz ut• e• ale,„„,eseeeeis hf � eorge Lawrencas e a glietes td struck
Shalt we repeat thesemlaw be -
n bite� t ,' ' ees+t„ d eei: •••a yetttd be a matclx, cause.'they eawtinue to be broken -sin
�a•r••n«,.'• ;,... •thy Y+nn �,•.:w'�:inned 1. "I Cast one :more look at the g"lgr- with fearful ways as' we know well?
:,- ee t ,.,x.•,.1..4 i•••• i Takotu, raus moon and took a deep l'reath' Shall we not riather empbasiae them
nod-•• escort of isle Seeeealeee. to if this wus my last order an nate . as never befere, sure that the ideat of.
'went comm meette'f. :11 `hay did .fi of it should be worthilytgiven, in a voice honesty and moral eleanlinesa lures
Dile •••••e+x• .th•+''`asioned obit deep, clear, and firm- Above ail firm. on and call* up as no lesser law
And. as my , mouth :'opened, and my
eers ween to carne a : ae,.n to me; aridexult? do?
we would .eeen•t I to s-'il our ees lower Saw moved' in the stet of speech So by the economic advance of the
1.,' 1' -„f,e� tt.. ...,,1ens>nirl nt•e#int+ -;1 believe it ;dropped, George, .end world God is ceiling men to absolnte
wed ., • , iws'bis w +e'r:. of She nry remained open.: sobriety,' 'by ecientitte investigation
e'en ,•• •„',t .
,e•., "a: aril there'. was a Far, from that enigmatical, brood- and
mouth reeve; increasing* knowledge. Ilse
ghost of n: chance that we might tikht , fatal fort—there shot up* tort is riling eleoholic beverages utterly
our way into the fort•and hold it, but inti
hire• of (Samei cut„and by It clarifying Christian con -
it was infinite” more pcob•zble that 'Mon Dieul Regardez" setas .the sciefce Ile le condemning a traffic
we should b' i•idlll"d where we stnod Sergeant-Maior, stud pointed. 1 be-� which steals in• the soots of men.
'Bien. mon Commandant:s•rid Du- Zieve every head turned. and in the Tinie wets *hen the Christian con-
four; tialuted, and then. hesitst "r1ect_aitence j heard trim whisper,. a kfee;temeed..not..the evils of sure.
imely,'Might I presume to make a re» l'Snirits, ghosts, devils!' era, The London =Missionary Society
,quest and a suggestion. May 1 stand What brought me to myself sharp.. lent out its, first mia7sionary to Trina -
by .nr,:end Ri stignnc stand by me-» lee 'Yes, imbecile!' I said. 'They dad with instruction "not to seek to
with the • rauzzlc of my eevoivet Perry tnate'hes and indulge in arsons relieve the slaves from then' servile
ni;aiinst hie liver -'t being clear that - Quite' noted incendiaries. Where - ie conditions, but to *Ord them the eon•
at the elieletest threat to you, Rastig• R I taena I?that betause it was solations of. religion," By and by,
neer digestion is. Impaired. if' he per- though, the cumulative force of a
knobs that just this will- happen, h3! featly. obvious that someone: was in clarified Christiair co'rsreirenee swept
also may rive stood itevlce to his, the fort and had. set fire to somethingaiavery into the tett of all men's :on-
friende. ' ' highly infammtrble. 1 had been . its dem lition. So will it be in. the ease
- 'Nothing of the sort, Dufour," I re•! the place .an hour er two before. of -the, liquor traffic. First it was en -
plied. "Everything will p•raceed 'nor- i There was certainly no sign of tire moleisted. Then "the consolations of
malty and morally, until, the tet ' then! and this was a sudden rusk of religion" were given its victims: We
themsel•es `behave abnormally grid , flame. thought we did all that wits 're 'tic'
improperly,. We shall lead and toms!% As I watched. another column of if we rescued some of the perishing.
mend soldiers of France t;n:il we have smoke and fire burst forth in $ alit- But the conscience of Christendom is
to fight and kill, or be killed by mute, ferent place. - ealtitig for more todai,t. Europe is
ineors against the officers of France a 'Ile is tied uo back there, niton Conn awaking. Britain is girding hereelf
in the execution of their duty. ' Pro4 mandante replied Dufour. for the fray. The' Stetea•to the south
a:eed; • l 'The forbidden crtipaudine?' 1 ask» of us are in the thick of the fight,
Would yr have said the "erste, ed, ; We too are lining -hep. Thenemy
It was useless to detail a piontptier `has wrested Quebec, British Came
�,,,, ."" Y,iair. '1 squad to rut the fire out, We don't; bit and the I'rairte Provinces from
With Alt the
• •Advantages
of both Range
and Heater
air floine.
Grata adjustor,
to.Marlow Jtrotror.: '
Cosy Homo reiptr.Efiot
M wild oiraotata' most hoot
at toonatiatloost.
It heats—ittssaks—rt bakes
--15ovides flet water• -•Bairns.
can)' fuel—Moderate ins price
ae Cosy Mme *II comfortable beat a
large v00211 11'2 the elydt;st weather, and the
grates may be adjusted for sew firebox
for$umnus'. rt. haen, ianntookkritsurface
' and ie intexcellent b aker. Its appearance
will delight any housewife who tabes pride
is herkitckcn,
Xtburls"*Uidndsofferel,.13451er toy, food
'door and an extension Yad packet that
takes21 inchwood« ItTadeitesizes saitabie
foe spy kitchen,w itteoewittraaserer.eritba
*t watet%attos•7raee�usr..
Thor Vocal/ Hotness 1w vie nierfirt stave at a
very moderate prices Mew itx end see it
Happy Thought. firottwcea, tomes pair far
thesneelvesyn fueImarthtbetramitiL
JAS. C. CAR,RIE, Goiderich,- Out.
� I. 1•are t+otae and hydrants in the desert,: us, detugiug them by drink as entitle
AN You know, 'When a piece barns, it er *none devastated liaise and 'Bel
burns. And, .mon Wm* haw it burrs F
mby pattnrn thedry head of that rainless de -ll. Ithall they win old Ont•GRAY ilAIR DARK t sett'. 'This putt mould t e gone, even hink not: , ii
[ if the men would enter it, by the time ;Our fathers tti". their sgraeres have grana.
3 we had got our terrpoonf"lrir of wwateri Their strife past, --their warfare
1 It's" Grandmother's Rocha • to , from the earls. And, to tell you the ash
• Bring Meek Lasts' *nd •7. truth. I did not care Now soon. or Now" But altcrner trial* wait. the race
Lustre M Nita. . tompletely It did ter.:' ! Which rise* In their• honored place,,
This fire would 1* the funeral pyre a+t moral el Inrl`.lith the mime
y of there bralve rnen. '1t would keatpr Azad felly at int"
ewi ostia.
''sxWattsraattifut .twat: 'sleek ilf dark, :'uw fools from�thair snlcidat mutiny.. So it be.; •,,i1n C-od • o`.yat,rreiefM; .
glossy hair dal only 1* bad by barer• ! It r� M parte' ttie plltc+e ef'iriyrst,ni ire gird It'd'
tier eoetting fight,
we a rrrixterre of Tea sand 5a1+• A Inti erttatiy ft "wadi strove ray lite';
phut. Your t� is your charm. It •a military rspzrtatien, *rid tics new And, strong in pilot whom cause
wren tor ewers" this amen• WMsr► It fort that would aril* in Mr plaice 's
Wow tisa tray er ' • it se tort that veined arise in its plies In coaflkt with snholy powers.
ansa or tort et
> seg. would non be the loganted, hated port are grasp tine rwapaaas R�i has given.
trsiaaassasrr ifs a I"w`• son, that this plats. 'email Iteateirfortiat'l.'he Idgbt, and Troth. acid Lanae o11
er a't kt was propots taut he v! btcn for time who, had to g*rrd-1
got lei• son 11
to �at r rooms
1 Paye tier order to face shoat. and .R SO ±est
t St is oast
't m got laiastr• tlstrsi to Word at ea*. The men:
r -
for t(pr. airwid wak'k It born, *ince�ii*• •,
mord torrid be delle to sari It, p"s f Yt1r• aaiftrtera rat only 7rrt iratsrt. ]
• efea they we*1d reatfae that leeerrws* wet+ i, w1 i*4fm>r relief hr r wni iasar tits `
aria! mosey y is r eiewlrod for potting.* bend- renal- bed bl„n.l etrrttaatfen f* the
34 teat ee fire- aesd awrearnt whatever lawet h,Kri. ()Maw owl seer% fowl
own get to rims eat or .fo fhb', An Imkrnet reww dy twat hr,`
rs h
lie ' grim this• iisl'i "Await sea ism nerd.. Ile. e.r.,Atear•tt'a, Hoer ator, a
Awe*. 1st VS*? /NO Aat7ott m tempt.I etstPito
w nwaneWil! ass Why!! #Meed try hoe as rfv toes f:r gate*.
rfliwi. +•t. son Wing ?POO to lits s ifpl'se .
tiellA �. freed abookli der s�erl. itis• Levi ( sow t* so int of storey
le - r'y tie apse wtarrArt ee Imam aid IM srM IM � witA �11a
uy The Best
The P131110uth Anthracite Coal is the best. It burns
to,a fine ash and is practically free from slate. It cost at
the Mines SOc per ton more than other Coal but we sell it
: at the same price. .Why not have thebest when it will
Cosh e QL 00 more..
Egg and Nut... ,, .$1'6.00 per ton
S.tove... , .::.., .$16,50 per too
We also handle the Master Anthracite Coal.
This Coal differs in some respects from the -average
run of Anthracite from the Pennsylvania field and these
differences should be borne in mind to insure most effi-
cient and economic results. This coal is slightly lighter
and, therefore fuses at a higher temperature, is freeburn-
ing and Therefore more readily susceptible to draft con-
trol. It is AlA,,coal; it comes to you free from slate and
other impurities. ; It cannot clinker unless forfed.beyond
'the high fusing point of its ash. - It is an ideal domestic
fuel and costs,you 515.00 per ton, all sizes.
11 your furnace or plumbing requires overhauling.
. If you require a new furnace or a hot water job or
plumbing, tet us figure on it, •:tl'so if your furnace and
plumbing require tri be overhauled. --Give us a call and it
will have prompt attention. -
Ever,ything in Shelf and Heavy Hardware kept in
stock. .
The Hardware at the wharf
Store Those 22. Rouse 'Phone lits
spread it Eead Fbr 14j•
rot cum,* ordaat 11.111111. 114$