The Goderich Star, 1926-11-04, Page 5THURSDAY, NOVEMBER ete. 1914 .01.m.1•••••• 'sAni, Sale axess ion SATURDAY NIGHT, NOV. 6th I wormed teem #179,00$ tn 1919 to eve S400 000 last year, isenvortione for drwnkosesess ere*, from $.008 900. Bootlegger' "There is a highylorganised lowly IOW ' .0111111.91000•1111•1•Wamia • r ; wee la Ma lead the pregvara had at) it ehisagod maid a lit*. nati. . w= necdrapegoodu, a ws geseeeemandpeasiriet. itsme.at the, • tan at the organ played Mr. Wilsee's steespeseaaimentg. stud la a eager ef the eisorue numbers both piano and organ accompaniment was given with treed *feet. AMONG THI3: CIIIIRCHES , A missionary banquet will be hail In et Gesorge's parish hall toe Tues. day evening, Nov. lgth. at $:20, to be addressed by Rev. Casten Gould. awe- eral veretaty of the M. S. C. C. In Knee ehureh Thanksgiving s• rs 'este will be condueted he the min- leter, with special mote by the eh the Subjeets of sermons: 11 stame "The Gatos of Thanksetleing;" 7 p.m.. "God's Wonderful Works." Sahbeth School and Bible Classes at $ o'clock. North St. United church. Servicee Sunday, Nov. 7th: 10 *.m.. Weems Band. Class meettngs and Men's Club; erbject at Club, "The power of * smile," leader, Mr. J. W. Moore. 11 a.m., Communion Service; 3 pm., Sunday School; 7 p.m., Evening Ser- vice. In spite of rnfavorable weather. the annual bazaar 'et the Arthur Circle on Saturday last was a good success. More than the usual number of per- sons had their supper in the tea room and a good meal it wir Some of the fancy werkjemained unsold, hut the proceeds from the bazaar were near- ly equal to the best record of other years, Victoria St and- Union 'United church. Annual thankoffering at Vic- toria St. with the Rev. Franklin Reycraft as special. preacher, 10 a.m., Victoria St., Fellowship; 11 a.m., Victoria St., Worship: 3 p.m., Vic- toria St., Sunday school; 7 p.m.. Vic- toria St., Worahip; 2 pan„ Sunday School; 3 p.m., Union, Wor- ship; 5.30 p.m., Victoria St. oteMon. day night; dinner. 8 p.m. Victoria St., address by The Rev. F. Rey - craft, with local concert talent. • An impressive ,service for the set- ting apart of the members a the sess sion of North etreet United church was held on Srnday mornine last, , conducted by the pastor, Rev. C. F. Clarke. assisted by Rev. J. E. Ford (assbciate pastor). The quarterly communion service will be held next Sunday morning', and the elements will be distributed to the commis-- cants in their pews, in place of their going to the communion rail as %vas the practice in the former t ethodist church. PEOPLE WE KNOW ''- of bootletagers honeyeeasesing the whole of Ontario. Adulterated drinks • were widely sold, musing the death Jusr RECEIVED . early this year of 10 people. Over A real good quality Writing Pad. Empress Lttter Pads $30.000.000 worth of Heuer is Wei ea- entally in the province and not one - 4,, quarter of that legally, while the , lumber of permits lisped btn.e for home brewing is double the number for the rest of the Doininion." 1 Briefly reviewing the administra- i tion of the Government during the past three years, Mr. Monteith told I ef Its triumph through a program of unceasing economy over the eaadition of financial chaos in which the found it in 1923. Each department was 1 marked by its achievements in the way of practical and advanced pro. grams. As an examrle he told of the progress!, unparalleled in decades, which had been made in education. Pots of emu/Airy schooling had been cut down and the numerous • "frills" had been ort off, leavine more time for the study of the funds:eels.. tals. Primary !wheeling had been ex- tended to children never hitherto reached in lonely settlements of the North. As an example of the sug- gestioncoming from the premieres department was proposal of the town - 1913 1926 ship school boarcle, which would do •away with the cases, over 100, in the province where the salary and time of one teacher was °taken up with the ape Valos Sale Priest 12e each SEE THE 'QuAtmr Lunen sod Gillette Razor Ammonia Sale PriCe... 23c Reg. 20e Sale pike.. .124 vino& Castile Pace Powder Soap Eleaya. Price Reg. $1,00 17 8 (Name —...25c Salsa Nice...50c 8Wle Nke...17c l'llotatil Oman $2.50 value Sala Ptice. . .06c s Tooth Brushes Values to 35c • NEW AirIPLIPHO'NIC • More than a Phonograpla Reg. $125,00 Sale Price.. . ..$98.00 • STRINGS For Violin., Mefele, Banjo,• 8at4jo-Ukele, Mandolin, and Guitar Instruments CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE , E. R. WIGLE NOT RV FIELD standard bearer should be deferred to , a meeting of Which full, Mice could TIERS PRAISE be given, . an such meeting will be P4°-• held , next Tuesday in Blyth at 2 • BARrs OWN TABLEMS • Nominating Convention of North "Huron Conservatives at 1340 Next Tuesday education of fewer than 10 children. '1°1°c1c' Mr` A. E. 11°Imes' °f G°"1°- Ales. L. M. Brown, Walton, N.S., rich, being appointed secretary, pro • says:—"I eannot remelt -tend Baby'e Declining' the offer of the were- tem. to give noticenf the meeting. Own Tablets too highly. I have servatives of North Heron at the con- dal treasurer, was present and gavw eni"ts ee se„.;• Baneae Wigle gave as his reason that the cord of the Ferguson administeation. sands of °thee 'withers who have mous nomination of the Liberal Coe. lion. Dr .Monteith, the new proven- found them invaluable for the ail- vention in Blyth on Tuesday, i E..an able address dealing with the re- testimony is the same es that of thou- nrosnect did not look so attractive as On the temperance platform of Hon. nsed the Tablets. To rse them once r. R had when he had announced hirse MFergusonPerguson he said self as in the rtiatning for the nonan "Government control I believe 4:.o' he 'is a sure guarantee that they will al- ways be kept in the home as long as asten.. • So recently as the meetingthe best temperance.legislation avail- , there are babies or young children to held in Goderieh in Mr. Macelwanable at this time. From our study of 'e lax - interests in -the recent federal cent-. the problem we knnw that all the be cared for. The Tablets are a liquor that is legally ieanufactrred ie ative—mild but thorough in aetione. paign Mr. Wigle had stated that he which never fail to regulate the atm - was to be consumed. The Ontario was looking for the nomination', and at the meeting in, Blyth Mr. Spotton uo.vernment. can 'have nothing' to do ach and bowels; relieve constipation and indigestion; break up colds end with nermitting or prohibiting the evidently had the sentiment of the ' simple fevers and mnke the dreaded meeting back of him when he spliced pmnufacture or with home brew Per- teethieg easy, In fact you banish all Mr. Wigle if hp wnuld aeeept the un- nuts. But what the Ontarix o Govern- ment will do is tb bring every quart the miner ills from which little onea animous nomiCatiom Mr. Spotton . suffer. The, Tablets, are sold by produced uilder control and then go on tied he himselfewould not .cansder it.medicine dealers. or will be sent by 'Tuesday's meeting was little advor- with yOur education lerough the mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. eisee, many chairmen knowing noth- therchese Sunday schools, societies 'Williams Medicine Co., *Brockville, ing about ite AS. it .hapnened 'e` nd clubs ef the children of the pro- Ont Armstrong, the president of the asao- ' moos and you will rid this province ciatton, has been nn his boneynnon. of The cancer, that is sapping the life TOWN. TOPICS and the secretary has :eeen in host& of the temperance cause. for somweeks notiei "This is not a 'wet' or dry' cam- • e and ce the meeting did n&eet amend generally, paign, as our opponents try tc; make Stratford Mile Chorus so it was feltthat the ch out" claimed the speaker ere you Visit Goderich Again' study this question honestly and thee- • There was a good audietiee in North oughly for the next two weeks • you street United church on Tuesday allieenr Goderich if they must have it, bre it rich they Made a very favorable im- the open when rnen can 'pelf here, -to occasion of their first visit to Godes and carry it home openly like a map, pression and many Who .heard them ' If you•have any regard for your sons then were anxious to enjoy their singe nd daughters you will help to beiee in again. In the main the program will say • that the proposed Goverti- evening for the return' 't of ment control policy is dryer than the Stratford Male Chorus under the dir- . ,T..A.4 Bring the traffic out into action of Mr. Peter Wilson. On the The new Winter Millinery me an t into the open This ,secrecy of was a new one this time, but some • d *ailing seems to have a strong ap-• numbers -were repeated. notably the peal for the young folks. In many part song, "Mollie Darling:" with so - places -a 'young man can hardly go to lo by Mr. J. Clarke, and this number a pat y ese ays out a flask in Iv as again -thoroughly enjoyed. The street Goderich gilts. trimmings. 'Velvet leads in the. display Fabric Hats. Satin Hats have a Metallic 'touch. • • Small Hat"aglow with Silver and Gold, ',brighten the 'Winter Costume You are cordially invited to inspect our stock MISS MacVICAR • Kingston Street Itodel Theatre WEEK OF NOV. 8 TO 13 • t •11101NiDAY and TUESDAY Americsee. greatest actor JOHN BARRYMORE, with DOLORES COSTELLO in one of the greatest deep sea plc- turee ever produced. The story can - teems the best and worst of men aboard the vessels of the %haling. !Beet See "The Sea Beast 0, Miss Margaret Strange was up from Toronto for the 'Week -end. Mrs. .Jos. Elliott -leaves . tomorrow to spend the winter in Hull, Que. Mrs. George Stewart was a recent s, TAGS PtVl A NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED OF Ladies' Jumbo -Knit Sweaters The Best Colors are Cardinal, Fawn and White Also a Few New SILK and WOOL SUITS At Special Prices This Week PHONE 86 We are now carrying a Complete Stock of PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS THE NEW QUARTERLY and MAGAZINE ARE NOW ON SALE F. E. HIBBERT CANT STORE RELIABLE GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICES. ni . Miss Laura Price is visiting her certain morbid conditions meat ex- lief that Adam was really a Seota- brother, Mr. Martin Price, in Detroit. 1st in the stomach and intestines to man, and that if ;Scotsmen rule the and Mr. and Mrs. St. George Price encourage worms, and they will exist world, it is because they deserve to. expect to spend .Thanksgiving in' that as long as these morbid . conditions and really menet help it. eity,,,, ' permit them to. To be rid Cf teem Mrs. Wilfeedeleilliard, of Wateric o, enespare the child suffering, use Mil- ls visiting her mother, Mr& Robert. lerei Worm Powders. They will tor-1Greo Rejoicing By - eon, Waterloo street. Mr. Hilliard, it is expected, will be a Thanksgiving Ideek'sttrotahlengdtigrer'iwyrt'm r, fab:-. Rheumatic Cripples visitor hi, town, orable to worms will dimappear, and elra A F.- J Naftel and sson Mr J the child will have no more suffering CuthWert...Nafier.'4 ifeifitx"," have from that CRUM ' been visiting the past week in Gode rich: Many friends were pleased to meet them agajn after an absence or about fifteen years. Messrs. Jas. Donaldson, D. elee. Mooney and Horace Fisher, of town, and Mr. Patterson, of Fordwich left - yesterday morning to join a hunting party going north from Toronto to Black Road. Dr. Mabee and els Philip Carey also are away on }mot- inge•excursions, Mr. Carey going to MacGregor Bay. • The Oil' of the People.—Many tees have come and gone, bet Dr. Thomas' Eclectric„011 continues to maintain its position ;end increase its sphere of usefulness' each year. rt.* sterilise ., HOOT, MON The bagpipes, We are told, are very , ancient and appear on the soterturea and •coins ef Itebrews, Greeks and; It0818T4. A- terracotta of 200,E. C. found at Tarsus, in Asia Minor shows a player with bagpipes. We suppose this will help to eon*! firm every ',true Scotsman in the eed e..— GLAZED STORM, WINDOWS tee elm numee amine meet; stewing frelsekt pale rest of storm weehmse reale' eemse, anv size. eele 110,1.1eaY rest- P.SNY LIMITED, nee tem P. Munition. 'metres If So Crippled You Can'tel'ee Arms or 1.egts Itheuma 'Will Ilet You or Nothine to Pay Get a battle of Rheunin today and wear a satisfied smile on your face to- morrow. It's a remedy that is astonishing the whole country, and just, as ' good for gout, sciatica and lunibago as for rheumatism. It drives the poisonous waste treat the WM-es-end Muscles—that's the secret of Rheum's's success, But we diet ask you to 'take our word' for it; go to II. C. Dunlop or any drugeiq eind est ass bottle of Rheum Weds; if a doesn't do os we promise get your money back. -It be there waiting tor you. qualities have brought it to 'the' front - and kept iteheree and it can truly be 1, called the oil of the people. Thous- ' ands have benefited by it and would visitor with her sister, Miss, Middle- ton in Detroit Wi d use no other preparation ,anen sor. • • .Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Munnings and • Mrs. P, Carey were in Ayr on Friday BRIEF TOWN TOPICS last attending the funeral of' Me. A surprise party t000k place at the Elms, an uncle oe Mrs. Munnings. home of Mrs. Chas: Cooke, Huron - Die 'Cameron G. Gordon, 'Of Edmon- Road, on Monday owning in honor of •as Gladys Grindrod, whose mar.. -tote-Altoeisvisited teat_ week at the ' home of hi a cousin, Mr. DonaldFra- ser, East St. -M-rs earne Mile of Mo t H ilton, spent the. past, week with her time. Mies Grinciroil was the reeip- .• riage takes place next week. Some twenty-five friends of the bride-to-be s e, an am- presenta hada very jolly We have been appointed °authorized dealers for VICTOR NORTHERN ELECTRIC, Come in and- lunch to the music of the radio, A full stock of: :choice family, GroCeries always on hand. • • Help the boys in. our "Popularity Contest" ' Buy at HARRISON'S daughter, Mrs. Arthur Spring, Maple lent ,CASH:AND SERVICE of many useful and beautiful 40"s.-- • Itis pocket. These conditions are true more widely than you belietre. We've get to do something about it. • All the Western Provinees have had the sante diffienity and they met it with a vote for Government control, which they . have had now for four or five years. ; And, please note this, not one single province of these has even an agita.. tion to return to the prohibition law. Temperance Question leader, Mr. Peter Wilson,. RAW' two numbers, solos from Heindel's '"eSam- son." These were "Honor and Arms" and "How Willing My Paternal Love," which were well adapted for his voice. Another solo number was by Mr. Vic- tor Mennen. "A Thousand .Leagues Under the Sea," which was much ap- preciated. The Brunswick Quartette Messrs, F. K. Crease. J. Roberts, C. Vivian and W. Russell: gave several numbers very pleasingly. The chor- us sang with good expression but it was in the stirring vigorous numbers where their fine volume of tpusieal sound came out most attractively of all, perhaps. Mr. II. C. Hamilton. organist of the church, gave a very fine rendering of several organ !wire - times: including Haydn's Military Symphony (First Movement), Men- delssohtes Scotch Symphony (second • 0 "The temperanee question is a mat ter of personal view," stated Die 'Mon teith, "and it may suggest to a loea Conservative that he should nppos his party in this eleetion, lint firs consider this: • I-Tave we any right t put our faith in the Conservative par ty for. what it has done, regarding temperanee tegialation in the pest ? In 1894 Sir Oliver Mowat put on a plebiseite -for prohibition, which hi! a ma iorit of 80.000.He put it oi the shelf; Ine1898 Sir IVilfrideLettr ier called a nation-wide expression o onion. , There was a majority ,of 35; 00. He placed it in a pigeon hole Istic1 j. 02meSsiriCvsehourngeeyltese did the some \ thought' the 'neo pie reepired some legieleteep to sta. 'Mize and make: nermanent temper- ance opinion, and he introduced loess) option. Thus the first man in tee nonvince to nut on temperance- legis- lation was a Consereative. The 1041 option three-fifthe dame is what said the foundation for temperance in On - Win. It was backed up by eduen- don, the only thing that can teach people' and prevent them -from using and abusing alcohol. Prime Minister Hearst gave prohibition as a wartime measure and the people voted in favor of it with a majority of 400,000. "And has the act in reality ;Me - e1 movement), Variations on "The Last !Rose of Summer," by Dudley Buck, f el Overture to 'William Tell" by Ros- anct Deem and- Fantetree-from—the- - . sine . One carload'of. the Stretford visitors had tire trouble on the way ' to Goderieh and this occasioned some delay in getting the provram started, and as two -members of the quartette GLEN TRYON, in „ eeeded?" he demanded. "In 1919 thel doctors' poreeriutions were introduced "LONG PANTS" and from tent day entil today the act 1 'Matinee Monday at 3 p.m. has "born losing. 'In 1920 the support Admission to "The Sea Beast" will be had dwindled to 200,000. The act Eveitings—Adults 35c, eltildren 20c was winked at and unobserved; with chie violati.ns in all parts of the province. Matinee Monday—Adults 23c, droll leic. revealed by the last plebiscite, and It was 'mune favor to an extent only when a law has tot the peoplees'eup- WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY port its downfall is eeptain. Some RN -TIN -TIN say the Government did not try to ht 4he story of forrIt Ares *ad fer- enforce the act. If there was one oeloaa 'w,tivra. A ocii,id , drama of man in the province who could have ' enforeed it. it wag Hee. Mr. Neekle, raids in the cattle country THE woLvrer wee spared neither expense nor effort "THE CLASH 011." to faithfully adminiaterimg the set. 111/'',ALTER BIERS Yet, milk tlw coat of enforcement "I. REHR FACES" FRIDAY and SATURDAY HOUSE PETERt ANI) ba a stapeembtes.stery tif life among the laisherjoeks whit a climax yen sweet eat Wu a'COMBAD 0 CENTURY COMEDY "BV878141; NO611- Dim PATHE REVIEW NiabiWNO $s*. 114t. at 2 0.11N. Tattstey Omura.). rht90. WANDA. HAW EY 1 • Ouch! Rub Backache, Stiffness; Lumbago . nub -Pain from back with arnall - trial battle of *Id . "Itt. Jacobs 011." • Back hurt you? Can't straighten up without feeling sudden pains, sharp aches and twinges? Now hiten1 That's lumbago, sciatica or maybe from a strain, and you'll get relief the eminent you rub your bleb with sooth. psnetraung "St. Jacobs Oil." Nothing else. Jokes out soreness, lame. sips and stiffness so gelieltly. You simply rub it on,yout barA and out comes the pain. It is banulass and doesn't bunt the shin Limber up! _Don't. *uteri ,Get a small trial bOde a old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" from say drug store, and after using it just crate, forget thig you ever laW backache, lwribtigo or 4ciitfica, "berAtie plAstyklixt5g lever hurt or rause any misery. le never disapPolists and kat bean rec. eieressiadtd for 60 years!, Auto, -MacDONALD GIBBS 4TH YEAR IN CODERICH" CHOIRMASrat KNOX reacher 01' Piano, Organ, Singing COMMERCIAL SPANISH • Instioldittal nub's Spacial , roltatri for Claw of Throe or Mare in Sp a 'Ark osisolommeroweammemlamostamemlimmlemmumalmour • ▪ — .stre e ;see: • Avf 11• '41- 1,1sitvA 1 hanksgiving Specials Month of No;ember opening with a flood of Seasonable erchandise at Economy Prices DRESSES Silk Canton Crepe Dresses, beauti- fully trimmed and several shades. Thanksgiving Specials at $9.95; ° Sample Silk Frock; Excellenlsavings are offered those who want an exclusive Frock at very low prices .$1150,-$12.95 and $14.50 Balbriggans 20 in the lot, all shades and sizes if; to 38. ' Regulae '810.50. Special at $5.75 Cloth, Flannel and Hornespti n Dresses Regular $6...50 to $14,5o, SpeSial $3.95 to $1O Beautiful Party -Frocks in Taffeta and Georgette, at very moderate prices. Blouses • In Linette, two grades. Sale Price Sale Price $1.00 Blouses Of Silk knit, good range of colors Price • $2.75 t4isee Silk Scarfs • So in -the kt, all shades. Regular price.'$I .75 and S 1.08. Sale Pried 85c andr$1.00 FUR •COATS Several sample For Coats on dis- play at remarkably low prices, als9 all kinds of '-alterations Furs. • MILLINERY fiats of Felts and Velvets, all shades, smart styles, reduced 'as low as nearly half price. COATS 75 in the lot. Ncedlepoints, Mar- vellas. Duvetynes. Velour. Sue - dine and Pinpoints, fur trimmed and beautifully lined and inter - Prices from $11.50 to 2i2.50 Our advice ls-ait early choice. Royal Ladies' Ready -To -Wear Co. es. PHONE 500 W NY4. .• 1;k