HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-11-04, Page 4rmus peak
Thanksgiqm Specials
In the Newest Ladies' Coats and Dresses
and Men's Suit* and Overcoats
Ladies' reacts
West Style* in Sotin Suede, Needle
Point, Veleheen, Lueteeeno
Cluussoloottle, Crushed Plush, Cordell*,
ebr., trimmed with Opossum, moon;
Squirrel, Sale and Mendel.
Ladies' Dresses
Latest Styles is the Newest Shades of
• Olaret, Cold Nets 1u*,, Auto=
Loaf, Jag,* Green, Rodin Brown,
Peony Rod seWl Sandal Wood, in Gem -
getter, Crepes -back 3.ti0, Flot Crewe, eite.
sons, lovely Evenissg Drosses,
Men's awl Boy's
The. newest Volk in Mees
Coitts. A good range for
men *ad Loy* in ell the
' papal*, shades.
In men's *ad young Mies
Suits we are showing 'the
latest styles and materiels.
A full range of Men's
Gloves in Capeskin lined,
Suede, Figshin, the
well-known mikes.
UR ISPAYfrAZrDL-anrvrs
SOON --Watch for Announcement of 'Date
We hove mode errengements with Alma. well -1020.m Furriers, who aro makers
of Fore to Royalty, fore diapky Of* large rang. of their Fur „Goods at our
Store. Ift the meantime we Wive 1 number of Fur Coats in *tock for your
insPeetion. . • .
PHONE. 418
JP1.10,11141.1M1. 111 IIPPP1popp Nip PP
• 1
O. T. A. is maktme ebbs; WM* es Hon than .vosy otber *Ad the Literal
boasesed. will keys te win *ens eess. party had achieved nothing in ties re -
dusk* it is anything bof itiri' itt gard•
pretreet. A. A. agram, president of %%stern
'I ant satisfied that V the sleets** Ontario Caimervative Aesoeletion,
will 'etern Hon. Howard Fergeston gore a brief but "rowdy" address, in
end his Parte to Power anti snow them whack he said the Neer lessee hail to
to place on the statute book* the ego- be fecal, but if the Fergueoh Govern-
posee legielation the province will ne ment could have gone to the people,
* good deal dryer then it ever wee upset its record' alone its candidate!
under the Ontario Temperance , Act. Might well have kicked for an steam.
1 (Applouste)s. •
matiou in South Huron. .
Mn Trewertha avis tidied on ot the'
°stark Net °Dry'
opening. • •
Becks Goversonsese "You heve in /Ontario " lie wild,
•am heartily iwitthe "manufacture of liquor under Govern.
"I n Accord h
Gswerrottent," he said,
eand / have ment license in distilleries and brew.
' been used well by Premier Ferguson,omeenMs Cabinet. and Itv the rettelik. lettslostS°lYs undernagYoUvUerhnameventlegetintdrinhl,
doctor's preecriptione. Anyone
South Huron, In 1025, when I nag hY
(Thiele's:I very severely for voting for eiriengaget
t sme
it. through
rosueddhbcoitio.n, tnwie geharviand
the amendment to' the Ontario Tem.
persnce Act, sponsored by Mr, Male, the sbort.eircuiting of liquor -
it was stated by a number of people rnenta. There is s fourth way: We
have in every county permits granted
thet 'of course the next thing you°
,will be voting for will be government abnyytobeneinwthaondeoltveruaelonDee
control; the Government will throw P*wrtithr" n nt2r
T1 exa
cent piece, for manufacture of beer.
When it is said the person who votes
everything wide open:" I made the
statement on a, number of occasions
1 I
eve opine , Printing
and Enlarging
present, ia voting for a 'dry' condition. S
TRll.Dzug tore
thet is not literally sorree. ?dr. Bedford Block
,, e Goderich
that 1 would not vqte for government for maintenance of the 0 T. A. as at
control rntil it was voted on by the
people. I said the way the Western
Fergvson proposes Met we should i i
Provinees had sone and the way the
I did not think there was any doubt
in Ontario! have government control, Ile does
Its otosray ayopeuo‘pshettiPo hanyve,.antle inteyysvoit
vote had been reduced here
when the• next vote came the people
when they go to the jolts on Decent.,
of Ontario would esk for government
ference in voting on it on that day e , h
ed to frame legislation according to When it is tharged that the Govern. You InlitSt ' eat some wheat each
, .
control, and if I were -in charge at her 1. Some people say there. should ,
be 4 plebiscite, hut is there any dit-i
Toronto melt the people isked for
governmerit control i would I* pleas- - r e'er•er
i—itisi your "staff f life"
went is breaking faith because it
. 0 1.......41.11
1 1
. ..
ow do you eat wheat?
the people's wishes.
Asks you to vote th that manner eat'.
wen eve that is taking it very narrow view. i
"In that way have made state.
ment has seen tit to brink in a policy ----1t how' \445 you tat it? it
ments that cannot veiy
"The govertunent control policy, if
down on end today, when the Govern -
It conies into effect, will be founded
should be the whole wheat, not
on that•in force in Alberta totlay.1
or government control without the
They know by actual experience What I
consent of the people, it has put me
the benente or demerits °tette pontrol
out of the Dunning, but I nave every
system are, and we find Judge lqur-1
eonfidence in the present Govermeent.
do trot supersets" there was ever a Canuek)f a woman'
tsProhYugqaullr'in Onterut and lopg eon -
in Ontar.o that ha give °
meted malt the National Covncil of •
en the people as winch good leftists. women, and other social and chart-
dtleofinettanodt, assi6g0000dmobuswirthaeo: they
r wk po ottdi
table organizations now support, the
control Wan, although when it wee
, Once bas- been emetically brought forward originally she fought
out.. •
Enemies at Ottawa
it tooth and nail. It means the site •
• . of liquor absolutely controlled, nd it
, a
°The chief opponents sef the preeenz does' not find its WAY into thwhands
Government are those who hien, of boys and girls, as under present
brought on the preselst situation. We conditions.,"
fill all nom that the O. T. A. has been
- breaking' down; there ist po doubt of Mr. Ellibtt
that. Anyone who goes about cite George A, Fenee, eeou. L. A., re_
ED/TORIAL COIlMENT BLAIVIETKING GOVERNMENT 't Cliriton, who in '19'23 retriaved
:wpm.. • •••••••••...w •••,*
FOR*. T, A. BREAKDOWN Soutll Unroll from the ti, F. O. ebl-
bee brought about by the King Gov- tha, a colleague In the Reuse, who, he
• limn and hao since represented the ever opened UP nada toe rem run" standing committee on, agrieulev'd
s It is significant that very IIttle
Lete S. Huron Member Retires Ilia riding. Reports in the Opposition nine- and everything in that line •as • and member of the. special agricett-
reasoned critieism is heard of the Supports Gate -Reeve Neeb the press that Mr. Trewarthe was at odds: has the Eire; Government, and Yet teal Inquiry committee. He conette
Ferguson -•• asettienietration. True, Nominee ,the very people who put the King tulated• the convention on its choice -
with the Government over the. Ism -
some noisyZwriters indulge in a sort ..,_e, . liquor police, were not emliirnied in Government back e few weeks ago.
one the worst critico ee the Ferguson. of a candidate; however. • Mr. Elliot
of blanket denuneiation, merely be- (Free -Prose Report) his address to the convention, 00 revievved some of the Government's
mete Mr, Fergnson hapeene to be a neer/little the oattitude of the Ob. the other hand, he sseolIe Praloe of Government (Apelaupe). The Rink activities,. suchNorthern Ontario
se Conservative inst,eed of a Grit, butitario nrehibition Union last -winter, Premier Ferguson end. his Govern- Gm/natant ermined. the people -it emsejoement,„ aid of agrieulture, linen-
• • that isort of ring oinks ott weight: f f ba kin ••ti: tither I Pro. went, The ettember said. that when ' •
just the starchy center of the
wheat 'berry whictkwe call "white
flour." The mineral salts and vita
mins so necessary to health and
I nokmal, growth are hi six outer
coats of the what berry. They
• are all in SHREDDED WHEAT
and in a digestible form. • Each
shred is baked crisp and brown.
NO one has ever been able to
• •n avor o g. , woe' 'clean up .the •customs deenet, did retrenchment, and now redue• tion •
•*: Thinking people. for the moat part, greseive or any ether kind of candi. some or his constituents. eriticized his_ ment, but 'set -week while in Toronto of taxation. e •
a member toid me of a carload of He explained in detail the working . improve or even approach our
agree that the Ferguson administra- date, offering, rather. than vote fee voting for 4.4 bee i leet year, mid ee.
tion has beerea- most efileient.one. ConservatIve. George A. Elliott, ee. elm d he woe be found voting for whiskey,. vented
at n20,000• billed out of the proposed system of gov- •
xvell.nish impoesible to get a _ed South Ilurote_Constervativea the-sureti_them he would not take that: pecUliar Part was that•it was travel- sary "before crimmunities formerly un- s r
endeteten, reteind. government control met, he had •
* • M.L.A. for North an" from Halifax to -,New York, but the
ernment eontrol anti the steps neces- for kt •
eciding process nta ng
. thoroughly satisfactory solution a -convention' in llensall lest Friday that course unless the people had named ing lee Port Cotessene amt !lad come der local option. eould obtaht permits • - -
h bl
rig with theltsentetion in order to get in tomer, the peopre on the issue dfreetly,,with.••
-----t-!-)e-slilat,----Zie-gi-eZip-ene-titeeeople Re iitnenignt regent -4 ant" attenent Was riot going tit New 'York, and clown ••itt 'dry' counties?" .--i.--i
AVM .1* willing to give the Fergusonipetee 'estet4 and "dry" labels on Gov. 'himself .bnanci by the Promise Pren-- right well what, would happen tO• that Hot explained that persons who had tiel• digestible. ‘--Eat- win& milk--
OUt "R plebieciteelflo Tren'teetha "telt Wise who live- On timehordereiteow roe -meet dethe emiteece, ana--eloe-tn.
the liquor problem, and there is room embitioutt politicians were tieing ail Wore* upon that system. The- all ' the way through Maritintee for sate of beer, . 1' the whot.e W eat grain p ata e
for honest difference of opinion as to manner of camoutlege and misrepre. Prilne minister having appealed to and Quebec, Anybody knows, that • "What will hold the bootlegger
eroeostils a trial before condenirting erinnent and °Prosaism, and urged loustsegeren, and declined to allow his cat.
permits could buy from the nearest
h d
or as a ot povri ge made by
them. - the eleetere to read Premier r'Vergue. name to go before the eonvention. "In Huron, from November 1, 1925, dispensary.
on'i statement on the liquor issue, W. Ti. Consitt, Musa% peesident, to September 7, 1926, there have been oen case a man en et dry district •
It is a pity that neoreef the corn- Be direful how you vote," lie saidof the.association, was -in the thaire 1.118 criminal prosecutions reel fines '3i wants liquor,'" suggested another, end It eot 4 4 •
ment on the' temperance situation "No Conservative member ist going to and addresses were delivered IV the 11995 imposed, but of O. T. A. erostent- ter. Ingram answered tbis query. OrXi.dallig the biscuits itt water or
conducted on the plane Adopted turn asomersault over night spd go teal:dote. W G. Cleedele. of Toronto, tions e have had 92, with fines of cue is entitled to get a permit," he .
Sunday night, who, senile leaving no suelt men ast Sir Jamee Whitney and St. Thorium, •prnsident Virelitern
by Rev. S. Jeffereon, in his 'sermon milbaek en the record 01 the Parte under rrovincial orgaeizer: A. A. Ingram,
is$9,490, and yet working they say the 0 A
right.„ said, "and may either go to the near- -
. T. .
est eispeneary or /send it ' : Great for youngsters whett
cnuht as to hitt own eonvietions as to his successors, who gave this province
the hest policy. gives Prentler Fer.tall the reel temperance legislation it
ruson eredit for "rtmost leoneoty of ever got. Liberal governments in
belief and iutegrity of purpose." other provinces of Canada have
brought in government control hut, We
Ono would imagine by some of the•do not hot' them condemned by Ott -
The details ofthe proposed temper- tare) Liberals."
*nee legislation have not all been The party banner will be carried in
. -worked out. If enough therough. South Huron by Alex. Neel), reeve of
going temperanee Conservatives ere Stephen township, who was tendered
elected to Parliament it may be that and accepted the unanimous notnina.
tbe legielatton will provide for many tion st a welt attended convention in
restrictions before it emitted. the community, halt last Friday,
ene--e-- Ire entered munidipel life in 1914, and
° The newspaper di:matches there has *erred on Huron County Council
. those show that the Liberal. partyels from 1019. Actively identified with
by no ntearia the•rnited party pn the the Conservintivireentieee hiteluite- *ever.
temperance ,ftituntion *bleb thosel el times in reeent years been proposed
. who are exploiting the sympathies of as candidate, both for Legislature and
O. T. A. supporters, primarily for the House of Commons. .... ,
*Ake of party advantiere, would hovel ,... Cam* Smelt Premise
es believe. - • - I 4Re tweet* Nelson W. Trewartha,
I WISH to announce to the people of
Goderich and vkinity that 1 have
taken colter MR. ROBERT TAET'S
ready to do on aorta of Electrical Work •
and will ,cafry a full line of Supplies,
Accessories and Electric.") Goxla. Let
at, figure 0* yk.
Y! wor
-11-1111.--11.711." .
Prompt Collections
AMONG the innumerable
advantages of using the •
res " of the Standstill -
Bank to mike your collectionS
by draft. is the efficient prompt-
ness with which you may clout
tranctiono by placing the details
in our hands. Owtng to excels.
tionally favorable arrangements
with oar velem* agents, we are
able to handle collections at mini--
mum rates through oar exclusive
Gel'oirf)ite ex.818;11$Z.noarlit BusY 144w order and in until his' that purchase will be in-
uiott toasted and served with butter
Middlesex. Gordon Reid, Western Both Mr. Tresexteltsteend •
Ontario organizer, and numbers or referred to the •fact 'Hutt Huron
Mr: Meth dorsed the beek titles permit and
ten el vomit and liquor will go back to flie
the riding executive were else invited full of prisoners, mostly persons con.. hoinie by registered mail, or sorne?.
to the platform. vieted of hreteth of the 0, T. A., while other inethnd thatdy will insute him
s few yearp Atto there was so little eft getting it, and noboelse," ' '
The uttoppeeee 'Choice of Mr. Neel> fde the county baotile that a delega. The meeting cloted With elven for MOSt 00 or least ?non' ey
was received with applause. and tion had been appointed to meet Perth Mr Xeeh-
cheering- Ins speech efnehnowlitin- Council end discus* a joint institution
ment showed him thoroughly at home at Stratford., • '
on a public platform. Dealing with
etlTrewartha Rho spokewarmly
the liquor issue. he nal& "p$roonal- of Premier Ferguson's work on be-
e '
1e, 1 am satisfied that the Ontario hide of boys, '
TellItterillee 'Act bt numerous ways W. G. Cltsidalti congratulated the
has accomplished a world of good and convention upon its candidate end Mr.
yet circumstances developing in the Neel) epee his speech.
'brought a situation that is admitted, that the coneervatiotve party is 'wet,' -- --
course of its adreinistration *have tee great many Ri& hove the -wee
not alone by the Conservative admin- he said, "The .anly thing the party
Iteration, but pest adminIstrottionsa to hits Alone in OH election its to try to
a Ontario Voters' Lists, -Act --1926
be very herd to cope withe-evil effects better the- O. T. A. We have had an
growing. up, some might sty through three diffetletit governments end eeb: • • • • -_
.. . - • • rho Ontario Election, December 1st, 1920
publle platforms, day L atter del.,- trol it will be e greatileat better than • . .
1.4 . 4.e , , , •
When they try to pkture this Matsu at present and any rewenuc we get . • • • TUN N'trilug that UM sittings or the nevi/deg otheere ter tee purpose 01 •11.•vent• complaints or appeals A nit
as *et' Or 'dry' 1 would like somebody out of it the people will get, not the tegerd to ute Voter*' Lists. to ee usee at the pending eleetion of a Inclhher of the isegssialli•e Assembly rue eault ur
.. the electoral Itistriets of Ireton Noetii, and Ituron south; will be hem too the t4 494 municipalities 10 fialit les,.
to tell me which side of the picture is bootlegger.° •
going to be the dry one. Under eon- President Consitt said that Mtn trees. at .the following limes and Plaeos,, mentioned In the Selteettle below, with .11111 tramos or the seer): Of Ile 1ee18-"
jug emote. for ..a,e1 monicionry, mat the last slate tor making cotneleints or app.ols to the said 'eerie
ditione which lutve existed during the. Trewertha. being e man of honor had •
last few yeers any person wideetwake to keen his promise net to vote for e • ' . • • RITRON NORTH'. „ ,
. Lost lee::
the O. T. A. "1 am not. going to, put torneysi.genersi trying to enforce it
it that way, but believe opposition! and none with success and fielitre
is growing in the press and from under the sestern of government con.
and ambitious enough to get out and severnment rontrol bile Ha added, • eitutieentlity •
Hate of Sitting Piaee et Sitting Time ot teatime:Clerk et lievissing wheel, rue
Ara. and tit whether or not the had teit4ed more temperance? legisise .estitietsi "PowesitiP Nov. nth Towuship Aslifield Hee) a.m. E. eitemnatee Teuentow ,xist. ent
as I
satisfy himself as to whet conditions however that the Conseevative party nontpleinie
Markile-t- -
' ToNeuselp Thee temew to, fem. lire. llelbeehmbul, flisierleh Nov 1st
44:(tolrlii:eir'kt'TW.Tiviist:1141)1plip NN:Vt):VVV:: 1144!14111 TOVOSI/IP Hall. tiorrio 11.30 ani. eine IL EL Wallo.r. °eerie Nev. teat
Towniship Hale Mine lie a.m. .1. H. tear, extol Nov, litit
• morels Towieohlp Nov. gee Townehip Hate 'Aloes 2.06 een. Alex. Mart:WW1. k1110.rab
. .
Wrapped or Unwrapped.
that nice, nutty brown that
appeal* to the eye as well al
the Palate.
11,. BAK Manse*
aid SIMPIrmile
• •
Try Oar Whole Wheat Bread
and Fruit Bread
1•I• 1 1 I
PROM 114 mal snorer
Turnlierry ToWnshiP Nov. ettli Town.ifip Hall. Bluevaie 1.30 p,m. it. neniekshank. WInehaie Nov, tete
Waw. Toweelep Nov. 13ilt . Foresees' Heigrave 2.00 pee. Abe. Porterfield. Beigrave Nov. tont
; W. Wen., Township Nov. oth Ham W. wfiwanosit 2,00 pen. nurnin Plillime, toteknow e Nev. ersi
limier:eh Tf1All NsIV. 0. 10, 11. la serene Hooter. ontlerieli 10.00 tette Miss Mita W014), ttoderieli • Nov. eth
, 1 ot. lith
nritseele Village 'ettiv. Intii Town Hell, Onisesels .1.0n pee. A. If. Maesionale. Brussel.; ;Rim. tete
Meth Village Note 13th noinstentitv lint!: Myth ilea .1.11.. eas. It. ;timid... )ll 1', Ni , Ir
We,:vetee A 111:.040 Not:LAU Tett is !fall. W roxeter 1.00 e.m, troll lisiRer, wea:tt.ter No:. ilmt -
Wineham Town • Nov. tent Town lisle Wtnehant- • 11.06 leo. W. A. Hallman wingten e •
Pale 34 setting Mao of Sitting Time et SHWA V&A if Revising officer
ruwrwidp Hall,e Zch Hea
n .m. A. P. Hess. rieli GiNarnpl..41.1,ntilst Har Townthip Nov. Mit
tionunli'v limn letneeshero 2.00 pm,. John FingIgul, Lomleshoro Nov, usi shao Township Nov. rith •
! !;;;aferith Townstfts Nov. MU
larnegie TA. Hall. tj.eaforth 2.3n piii. aohe MeNay. Seaforth No. 2 NNInis.v. !till:
Holmes' Itall. liohneeville 1001';1311. ii. (L TIIMI41,41111. 4:111111a1 NOV. 2air
• A RIelitilop Township NoR*. 1110 •
t:Able Towirship NOV. itth
Thwn/411/1 11411. ‘.11rnit it.:401.11a:11:1014,.. „Ili.. rl'E:,:timhirs:rrisoCi‘ore.‘‘iiril.itsosNelliZiti si,;.1:xsii::,..:eetellitthillt ,
bro0 A.m. H. Ts. Maophersori. lillnion N.Ns..ki:.* fir:rthit
DOS a.m.. Ames per,l. Ravflelst
2.301 fin:. Henry satratur. lionsitil
1.041 p.m. e. .l. Witein. tIenterilt eete, ter 0
1.04* p.m. &SIMI. P•nlior, Exeter Nov. IA
11.63 a.m. .%loaander Murdossh, llenstall' Nen-. 1st
Mr. Cloirleg Ilosaer. ra, Croun Alitasit•v: is Nos Ifteviathis +siker tor the MiusteltuklIBH.sif 43,406%0.1%mm eel.,
Ilene TownsitiP its irill Ituron. mut nu, monickaoitysi or ms. Tfmt, of clinion, Virago sit B101,44. .'net Tewneep
114 thliTh1
.atitteilitirsillio lievhsina tHileee tor all other ls-Inteirrloir 4 In North anel Amite Huron,
- An ,,, prro",so. eidLod if MVO In Pliatiiinf. the voters. tie.. 4e stseortam mit Dolt isenwis 51,„ r sre,ei,e, ent4,,,,,,4
;•• abikto- sot nut apply. eomplairt or appeal. he lia‘e No Itstine• of the time of setY "thee Pee'vws entered .oi or reni...-e.s
ANT. nicrur," ?ter Notion that snob aonealst must los 1%1 nolire :n 1% riling la,tto. oreartriifki
‘111111‘41:1;144.:"r :::;.44.! '‘:::".176:11.."":"."1".. fa:114.00. 711111516.:1:711Y.17:111nrift.inriMertexatatietIRAemt !:111%...;P.rfinf:Irli:litt711.10111..e.elrri rif":ItswirstlikviiR7r .fiRt:riatilrl:n11:,.7o.:
Is -1-1 11 Geol. se-tt OP thd sin of °crofter. R. Vb. 1k .
. s: .
4,.$1e0b00, T.,qao4gh411. ‘0%, ,, Mb Township Hall. 4.redlron
VON', • Ifitili."Bstootle141
l'shorite Township Nov, lblit Tuuleillilp Hall. Elim: -444'
. cement Town Nov. .14h Town HMI. Cilnion
- szesforils Town . ▪ lilt Town Ilan. Aetitorilt
Nov. Mit Town Hall. fitivfirld
Peeler Villa*** •Nov. VliIsa Halt, Exeter
IINtsall Village l%5I • Itit Tmen Heil, Henson •