HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-11-04, Page 1e • ,e- or-ere•-e-eredalete"
T":".;.„. •
• •i•
Lame $44,; sioalkEtse
OF SON WI- tio
lempotaiA.r,far gaisief
UMW Pftiall AT Ti* fru
I • .
-rwrimP77-7471,. •F,' wry- la,- •
4 ,
presed dot
WALTZ* 701111M, Polgisher.
No Sate of Beer by the Glass to be Allotio Proposed Legrislation, He Announces
1 Sun Life Assumes Co. of
Enjoy the Even-Thle of Life
;Mehat will be pm,' eondithin 4it age eixty-flvet -Will yallrg be a lite of
drudgery and Alependenee upon other*? Or on the other hand will it be
one ot rest and independence? Hy Investing your mone,y in early year:,
111 Life lasurance you may he gnoranteed the latter. There lo ii;, oafer
Inveatmeut, no surer .protection.
1. R. LONG, lAttlet Affiat
• „
1.11INTERS TAKE NOTICE. -No hunts Vff oF THE C01.1ftT tip ItEvLs-
, -1.4. ere Or dogs allowed to trespass ""'" loN; TOWN OF 0011111114IL .
an west. balt of 1..4 le, reoucesslon
4440.4.4444 ,
• west Ayawnelosn. .n1. order or AjED. TAKE NOTICE pits'', the Court ot
wu,,,9iss,.., Dengabnon, Ont. „ ;Revision of the Town of Goderich will
---:,-4:.%;,-„..---z.:•"--s-,--ss-,7:7.--'...;...-....--"-7-*°"---`-- 10111.1 RR •Iipkt sitting in the couneii
'elianiber. town ball, iloderlet,lor the
• . STRAYED • ' t . purpose ot hearing appeals against the
-• 944SesStnolit roll tor. the Town foe the -
STRAYED. -Prom premsSee .of Arthur year 1026-1927. on Tuesday, November
' -Ostler' Ivialannd C°neeso1on.•1.4". •Otli. 1026. et 8 oteloek in the evening.
boroe. on Saturday aght, October 30th, All parties Intereeted are requested
• two horses, a sorrel and a brews), with to attend.
-white fates, Sorrel hos brand SE on - ..
•ieft hind quarter. ARTHUR...P.1%DM. • b. / 4 10;10X , ,
TOWU Glerlf.
' . z....- . ....--s.":".. -...-•.'::.:.•''S7S.,"--- '--.-- . Doderich; • Oetober 21st. 1926.
eiefeR SALE
order .01 North and Nelson Ste. VOR SALE,-.0arage. complete, 12U7,Apply to W. IL JACKSON. ^ Delivered. W. A. CHISHOLM',
To. SENT. --.7 roomed no0c. 011 MP* PRIVATE SALE OF HoUSEHOLD
Georg Crescent.sUltable for t,Jflij May be seen al
stuairtamilYs APPIYUVB0INeliST• any time, Property of A, RANDALL,
SIENTS, Itru. sr. David. st. •
fl'10 RENT.-iled brick !muse. VOA SeLE..-A of second hand
-4-4- corner. of Wellington. St. and Brit- -1.• lumber in good condition, on
mama Road, modern, hot %valet'. heat- Temperance Itall site. Apply to B, .0.
in. Apply to J. B. Knight. sjuNsmstts,,
•••••••••••• Op•XT•11••••••••...•
FOR SME.-BrIck reskfence on'corner FOR SALE-Pour,I.eieester'ram lamb*.
10t,, boutliAveet oorner of 'Nelson also PIVe'rVM lambs. Lan be
St.. and and Caninek% iloati, at reasonable gistered. .J, W. ,SALKELD, 11,11. No. 2
Paeticulars from :R. e, floderieb- . .
OW, ° • -
OTICSALE.-0xford ;Elam tambs, ;deo
NE OP.SALB.. • Ewe' Lambs. Apply FRANK I.
. VetuNc. R. ft.,No. 5. Ooderleh.
Resident* pf 3odite Ellioran, situat- 128, Colborne Idunietisal.
ed on the cortier tit Nelson and Church •
Street. In epleeditt condition. Ail. pioi) FOR Upright
Modern conveniences and up -t0 -date 'Plano' Inc sale. •APPIY at THE
modern auspi In every was, For fur. .f.J.1, LCE. •
ther partleOlarat...0,P01Vrlo
• BAYS Ooderith Or. .oiee• iv • • WANTED' • .
L _
etely0CR, • WANTg13.--linergetto. 'mane over, 2e, •
. - • With .ear. to represent a forge
TAI(P NOTICO THAT -4. The 0)40011 growing concern, . experience mincers.
of t,he Corporation of the• Town glary: we train rut ApPie Boa 50,
of Oodericit 'Mende to eoostruct -
local •IntprOvernent twenty -foot wide -vvy.s.siTED NO11( --.Salesman for Your
- concrete pmement on: Huron Head* elletriet. Pay Wibekly. ESCIII;Slva
between' eValnoteetreet and • Dritallnl! stock and Territory, 'We grow the
18,10,4341.•.A0Tadnrnantndacneeenebetzea'baly7;114. reltigat, -Keel: we sell. and delh•er froth dug
Hardy "Canadian Trees, Nursery 600
.07111e,'.••4etreellxiCaall111 Dond And seres. Establislied syirs.
And 11114040 te sPerialte„sraSese -a Part
of the cost vivo the Jena abetting dire • - 'eeeypetple •
ectly eni".the work. 2. The estlinated t
-ceoeteo.fotety__oer___,tent of 'the work Is sust.A.Ekter Len, zityrity.;
eeiti2. of tvbieff.m4T le-tieleeemtidetry •
the Cerporatheee`The estimated spisdal vo.prns, was. 1926 NIUNIC3PAI.ITY
The speeed aseesetner, t i • OP THE TOWN OP GODEltailt.
f.i4;,, g orrintre
eeeeele oo • eeet•and-The oilaafre: ont •
rate Iler foot •frontaie 1.6ft tent" '
tee; 1=141 COUNTY.OP .
vent, t s tonetruction.. . •NOTICE IS' HERMY GWEN that 1.
• • • have; emelt:Med teeth Seetton of the
apifssr the work !‘s 11 Opt avail to f r -
',Arm. Velerel'Ilist Act and :that h 31 ave poslAd
Dated JIL.Goa• grieh 2701 day of.- all at my -office at the Town Hail, Mole-
(it‘f*bel\ i"4"' •''. one the twenV-ninth daY of (lel-
• - • * -" • --• ober. fete,. the 11:4 01 all persons ens
EStATE AND INSURANCE titled to vote In eke Mid niudielpality.
• ,• at both elections for membees of the
THE ARMSTRONG.aestf. ESTATE'and Legislative Assembly• and munielpal
Resoetome AGENey- 'Momenta -In the -said municipality and
.•the Mt. of all persons entitled to vote
oinnleinat eleetione•oniv in the seed
Perms, 110t1SOS find Lots In Goderieb Moins there for inspection. •
• Life (Snit Lae). Accident and Aglow- •11 .
mobile Insuranee.. • ' murdeinality.- And that guel, list re -
and vielnity .for ssale. • • And I hereby ;call upon all voters to
A•laetre numb& of houses and lots in •have immediate oroceedingf to live
Goderteh and vieinity. many these '
co") erme
for payment if rired, Solar on the 'being the tOtb ;kw of November, iteee.
paying rent. -Ask about them. Clerk of Town oforkelerleh.
_ . TOWN WPWos.ksowledge with gratitude ths *DAIS.
cial assistance to the extent ot $moo
rii.ENKIN41 .11111;tN SAI,E, iiP
furnished by the reorganised Iteltford
L ' fp tteeletheels 1111-NreCHE and 1,3e• Bet
Eliters. waralag (Mom - breach of the Wometea Hospital Ali-
en'. Mr. George R. Muldoon. of Etrus- 'aviation. . .
denee, Nelooa street. tiodorieli. on _
will oell he nubile auetien at 1411. ro;.1- 1114fiesopilftior bluielbsi fitPfailtectimi4"totctiorning apawls* 80.4Cluirge oreentlawfal Kmalog
.. TUESDAY. NoVEMBER itti ° mon* anyone, 4 WIL Ceasitt` ' Trial of a shame of twdawf'sullY
eaunneneing at 1 eet leeloek eliarp: . of Huss% for liowth- Heron.
tau; mattegeny peeler tome: 'I peeler keeping intoxkatiag liquor for set,
heel*: 1 extension table; i writing. North Harem U. F. 0.'e Will Not on Sept. 10th agelnat Ilowat McDou-
A ionall table's: 1 ptano dole; 1 Pat Camdkiete let Um Field gall opened in the mu -Istria -et' court
nearer on semi; 1 commode; 1 bed- At a. sparsely attendee convention yesterday and was adjourned to Sete
romn suite: 2 wash Amide: 1 coal fel -
Moe: SMill' pietur..4; t create, wicker: of the U. F. 0.'s erf North Huron et urday.
1 ellthrs, e0OO 1 doll's olrrillkel I dohl'In WInkhilin °a IneGilaY it Will d.cle144 Ceettrilattleete to Special Building
horse: 2 rifeboards: I Iditehen lanh'ill 1 not to Place a candidate In the field F ad, Alexandra 14 I 64 •
wssiling si"n4it 1 "84 ini4s• "ice"' ' f r the coming Provincial elections. cowl 4 use,pftii ar OS II
iKtNi: i flet Or wales: 4 Ditehen eliaire: °
4 roekina Male: 1 mune; 1 eoel oil Gift to Hosolts1 Aopmelated Saltford Hospital Auxiliery,
cans: 1 %enterer barrel: 1 kitchen nom:
I 12 -Tont lathier: sealers: 1 grineptonee The Board of Goverrteirs of Alexsn. per Mrs. L. M. Lemb...8 100 00
4 teethes home; i garden lower 1• spirit' die Marine and %moral Hospital sc. previously acknowledged... 6514 62.
level: 1 30 -ft. tamarack pole:1 chamber
set: 1 3-hurner emit oll store: 1`. musk, . . Follti -.
'a . ' $11414 02
eghinet: some oil cloth. striated: 1 ...yin -
flow flower bench or Stand: i +toed VIDI'N11.--A stint lc money. owner IL 1. A. MacEWAN,
shovel and -etre: i good snow stinvete a: tan IlaVe Mlle ni proving proper- • • Tremetreo.
and other things too numerous to men- - ty and paying for ds advertisement.
Wm. - ,. ; .
. 11. E. GREEN. at WI Itee Drug Ste_re_4.. Cossey.11eerr
Everything reust be solo. as owner is -
'17.-e-ee....-e The marriage of Erma Hoerr. of
ON$ OPEN Chicago. to ViTilliam R. Cossey, form-
ii9N4Lf.'• town. ....
. T. nt1SnAllITHS°11.7•(cr:1.2 . /,erSeDr.eeTklal 4/0•44tityPiCtit„ l'%‘eVellearee Coseey, cv,,No .forcr.miterallyiwwayeshceorend, utcooteir;
erly of Stretford, anci son ef W. J.
(111101:ENS AND INCleitellilla
bering, lienutY
trioaor'sairt3nirtenti:Istildalin!‘sr‘.1,14PB:fleteknit.allY:1:1.1.:(11,:il‘aht:11:1 ., Bp7Imar.etkeheolnf c,,Ch.hil.eccasoggeoos.e y0 citse blei ro 1 'vl Oaths; i 31t972,n6t.
eall for free. eruitl::ettuivrt: 1:1071:1. . clairnIlieWr.1111) the Rogers Park Nations!
Service at Soldiers' Memorial '
WM sell by Publie Auction at his farfn
two ntiles south of Goderielb, on the , EinS' St' -‘v" T""fit' ,..-
Bayttetii Hand, on . . ......... ---.... ,
The local company. of the militia, * . o.........................- . •
THURSDAY. Nov. 15El. 102e. • ' 1110TICE tO CA81)1111046 , the headquarter a staff and the veter.
comenfereing at 1 o'cloFit elMept - ' a will parade to service at St. and 68,000 of wheat and the Altadoc lid the rental the commissioneee-wat
me h errals; vie 'George's church at 11 a.m. 81,111tlaY*
2 useful, farm horeee: 4 geed) young .40.4)1.44;E: To .eeleaoloas. na, ,
Y.5 on the way with 00,000 haithele of be charged for storage roont at the
ing beifers: 3 calves; 1 Moline tractor
persons liavhig elalms against hie Ss' service will be held at the Soldiers
ehnrch service 1 The 11. B. Henna unloaded 105,000 month. The Saitford electric line et
Nova /st IlEa•HO•O GIVES JP lal Nov. 7th. After the mite, and 141,000 bushels of whet. National Shipbuilding plant at -$10 rt
and plow, in perfect condition: ; pin.
(ler; 1 mower: 1 seed dent; I set of disc- t a e tt *I r sanderson late of ti c ea or e "etstern served through Galeria, without a
lido the Village of Dungannon, in the Cony- Memorial in the, Park.
• - Bishop Williams Becomes . ' ' Ifydro Ciimmission stated that ;15 11.P.
harrows: 1 set et drag harrows. 1 . The 'Public consda Flour Mills yeeterday. • separate meter, and a letter from the
wow and -pulleys: 15 one of h.,,,.. A only verified •to' the tindersigned on or
nu er, AN I e 4 rro e • all il:f tit .
‘0141:111:47411;r:g. t.g ..:Still,%1,;(1::t",fili 71-ig ER: . t ' 1 11 ran, deceased lo send the same are Invited •
"" 4 before the 13th day Of Novembee. ifitti Report of Hag Shipments for . Metropolitan _
• would be allowed from the Goderich
after whit% date tete heeentore will Meek Ending Oct. 28, 1026 Right Rev, Daeld VVilliams. Bishop hill for the Saitford line. Adjust•• '
2 500-ehlek brondera coal: I • ineeba- .
,„e proceed to distribute the said eetate GOderieh•-frotal hogs, 26; select of Huron, was chosen by the House or ment of some chnrges and other rous
er_irit Al)(110,°•WhPlftVLee}1411Cokrenn i:..r,141.1'; Pgrnifoeneiryarostgtelti• rilistltvwfrevPileltill;!.t15, bacon, 0; thick smooth, 17. .111cGaw--- Bishop:1 of the eccleetasticel Province tine businese was disposed of
year old: 200 'White Leghorn -linnets: fe then •sitall have had notiee, and. that Total hogs, 104; select bacon, 48 ; of Ontario Tuesday afternoone fie T
twirerril. MI from a goOil laYing they ill not be debt for the Proreells
strain: 1 itivesof tiers: 1 cream senora- thick smooth, 04; heavie.s, '6; • extra Archbishop of Huron and Matropole. , a Cheek Up On, Radio Interference .
of file eatate socidattnitrs untoeidieptosehtiaTi eneori leilatlenityet....
tor; A eloiritrel Collie dog. well broken: 10 lio begs. 1. Huron tan, He succeeds Archbishop Thorn- A meeting of the Goderielt Radio
other artioleit Ina, numeroos to mention. sr of whose
Tolaishogi)s, 1725; select ba- loe,. of Algoma, who resigned a short Associatton on Tuesday evening, Oct.
pik..flonvreiroettnitring moat he oisimeed of ae h' ve been "eelv"'' - - ' .. .
Doted at Goderf.eir-thts'7.sird dal • ot con, 521; thick smeoth. 96;,ex
tra beml. time ego. The appointment was not 20t1t, in `Magistrate neld's °nice. .
is giving tn. feeminve - oetobpr. 2026. - .., ,, ,
4 feed- unexeected, AS Bisbee Imams .n.ns which was attended by abort a mem*
vies, 9:'shop hogs, 74; lights an
;, TT:MTS.-Alt sums of RIO and tinder, Hays a itAYs. • • • •
of radio users, developed into eame.
east): over that amotint 7 mentlik` ere-. Hamilton ..;,:q.:, Goderich, .Ont. ere. 12. . , • the senior biehop of Ontario and at.
dB, will be given on furnishing onprov- , . Solicators for the EXeentors .rif it tMng a nte experience meeting, Ter -
though there have been exceptions.
ed 'beet note.% A diseount sI. the rate . now sentinel E. gendarme. vette.. Town- Comervatives Meet foes °flea comparing notes as to .the
Stotheea, Dungannon.. Dot servatives of Goderich held in the has been the custom to elect the dean
of 6 •nre. cert, nee minion allowed for --- :eel/feel le•-•;eiiiiiiii and .TiCeiZ. At the meting of the Liberal -Zen- By his ape dillicultiee they have in the way of M-
etro. Jall'ISTON. /T. OUN'I1RY A SPX. • .
east, an ereatt omoonts .. , _ of the Horse of Bishops. .
terferenee. A letter from the rsdio •
, Proprietor, • - Auetioneeee. veyrio,e; To ottEieteolto. • • • town hall on Monday evening t o pointment the Dime,* of Huron be-
inepeetor's °Mee steted that a trouble
.....e,11. 11 .2. Cioderieh. • • • ." • • 10Willg• °Meets were elected; Bbtenfort: comes the Metropolitan eee, and the
through the north-
. • . archbishop will continue to reside in 'ear WAS 'NAAFI*
Al.,.0.10,:i t.,ALE. ok Lwr. nom. p ,c:r,OsooToisOpi;toetelloEIR41Pgs'V, AseaetiV0,41,,iNthttitili acierlyitprielastrtsindt, Wm. Campbell: prem. leceldon . . . west part of Western Ontario by way
. ,
, Blackstone, vice presi- ' . • of Owen Sound 1,1111 would be in Code- e
POt tiNvalttS, 1.ittiLtiVIV4. IIIPti, ASIIk:K43,.. tege .i4fte?1,1111,:rti.goilnellt,lieeti,Vg . gr, dents; IL T. Edwards and Reg. Sher- Carter Scholiast*,
. ......_
Michigan. :- ,,, • Delegates t attend rich in the Course of a few weeks. -
A. or. Stur- We ore . pleaeed to note that the This Is thesecond ear in Western On.
voln setr xtb.;.piesibmiiti,,,,.A.Guytitionorfyitt il 13: ims.ing. pitit.41.teAr,‘,0.4'1..teri4s,..0;11heviiprtootdiineede dm;f1;.secretary-troeaturer,.
'riding first and second Carter seholarships terioe another In the 'southwestern
coo. I. westew.,awaylosh notelit, ., no. offiearynttonloh,etounosenrvctio,e4stamog .,,,iirdybzro,rri; convention ill Blyth the follorring•dey- for tbie Year Mane to G. C. r, stud- sectien being too busy to cover the
on • - . .•.•tee iittt „Imo No,,,,e-eseer.. eteleefaeter,,,veire appointed also. , .. ila enti the first going to •Harry G. \Vest 'whole • territory. Some discussion .
- a . IIICH4EAY.-eNOV-AItit 026;e''''''''' \stroll (kite- the Admilefeettliele alit 1;
ecoeuneueing at 1.O0 o'clock eliaree; ;peed to distribute the seid eetateamPen'iti - andjthe • setend to hen 'E. -Witter. teak •p'firne-ern the securing of - an In.
xorClieuirtioncitildto atoitiihdownayltoa,d to ,
• The third .seholarship for the county strnment to locate the source of tvou-
leerses..-1 brmen giectioa '1;yr:ire old; the persope . entitled. thereto. „ll:1\ Itlir _
1 grey .filly. 3 years ,cde4 1 driving filly, roomed only tn. the eurims of -wham she The to made of the:goes teellarry M. Greb, Exeter. The ble by the local association. but it
3 years old; l'bee mare: . years. old then shall. breve had enotlee, announcement
value of these scholarehips is, lea, was •felt diet' even With such Ari In -
1600 lbs.. all Well broken and tolod and OliP will not be liable for the proeeeds
°14411°I. addition' to the Provineial Ilioltwev;
_I- .,...•e;.$100; 2nd, 460; Ord, 340' strument tbe local aseociation irneld
Onk_4._:_ir_olLgLey gelding colt, 2: Years•fot Abe 'estate sodistributed lo any. per- 03rsOcln a 529 mile." ef readway.. An During the twelve years in whigh still lack the suthority to dent with
old; 1 driiang nees(4-11- Tem ojd, Its El..__sots_of_yallooe elaklas_nollee shall not •section of road of most interest to
liter Dickson:. •
Cattle. --3 ourebred eciristered Pelted' •• P. It• DORHoW.• ' • -
then baveeheen receive'. --• ----• -this countyeifeetbatatetween Clinte12• awarded-Goderiehecollegiate Institute the departure of Mr. Jenner GoderieP
Arum •eoWS. all young. due to tgegten . . • Goderieli. Ontario, and Elginfield, *ear London.
taken az tdit---orthe- poi-hasoo-radio license issuer and it was
soon: 43 head two-year-old steere - . Solleitor for Peatl • AteCortniek . taking over 0 this,.pieca of read giTette--; PaPtle have .
provincial. sible 86 scholarships awarded in thie decided to recommend Mr. Jas. 'Care --
*our. 000 lbso 4 Mod steers, i eeae, *e • -Admiiiieteatrite Or the I.:slate of Goderich connection by
old: 12 2-Yearsold heifers: 2 goo.d 'Young Magdalena NfeCortnick, Deepastel HigliWay to the'east and south both, '
county 7 fleets, e seconds and 4 rie. All radio users shauld tee that
taws, about due. • Dated at Goderich Oct•oher 26 1924. .
pips, ei„a old .sht;epi_d pigs r,, . _... ........-_---- J!....___. -- 'Via the Hut" "Id and the
. London thirds, of a total. value of 51220, out they •are possessed of the .proper lie-
weleht about 150 lbs. 4 pigs. weight • . Aucnox sittEs ' . renit •• . • • • of the total value of $2400 of ell the ense. . . .. ,
about HO lbs.: 21 White. Leghorn hens s -s -........s.• • . scholarships awarded in tido county-- ,
ewes. - • • --. - a very good •record indeed. Mr. \Volt. CANADA -STEAMSHIP 1.1NES-•••
1 year old; DO good yonng breeding AULTION. litnx • cd, • .„.5PECIALi,y Recognizes Sentence As Just
yeer's oats. . • ' -
66110e...thaw, 2a0 ,hushas 0"ast ,0THE:g.licItic&.1.111":),Nt.T'SJ:ity.,'.. oteneo.equo. oe and . . Goderieh, Nov. 2nd, 1920. one of this year'e winners, is a son of
Implements. -1 McLaughlin cotter! .At Mr4. I.auder's Apartments 'alelhorno 1 d Winterr. aWest,
W. G: Lumbe desires to tenderhisMJas.Mr. W.
.,agsns. reTatecfatnhaedov.efstamosnts Liiineest,hat:
1 Dio. 4 StasslYs-Ilarriti manure Spreader, Aperttnent. Hamilton St:ron' whe•••have
grateful thrulks to the many ft':
teen oises, nearty•new,hoin kind.nees to blin ter, of •Goderictt. ; . follows :
. Menesetunrt Canoe Chile Elect Officers
Gleniffer Ashcroft
Formerly • •
nearly new; 1 jOceeing (Ilse drill, thlr- BATUMI:kV. NOV.N. 1315 While in the Goderach• joie and writes: ' ,
the farm is sokl, .
Everything must be 'disposed of as
grappanom in wicker enfle yotb records am prepared to take it. I have asked
2 Sacnineintel o'41elnaMnaenrcelanoot .141;30d-.%.,010.1: I "I recognize ray sentence as just and
The annual election of ofticere of
W. D. Matthews Brentweod '
else seven months' reedit on furnishing, IneludIng 2 chairs. 1" settee, 1 large tern lie hes, through Jesus • Chris
approve.] Joint notes.. A discount of .stand, 1 piano lamp. 1 Pallet' holder. 2
T EIC11.9.-.Grain. cosh. Everything and record I older: 3 . . , God t f iv • ' d 1 k
Christ who on Tuesday evening, vrith the follow -
the Menesetung Canoe Club Watt held Gienenah
W. Grant Morde.rt • Donnscona -
the rate of 5 per rent, per annom al- jardinler baskete, I flower basket. 2 gave His life for the. 1 accept ing result; PresideM, D. D. Mooney;
lowed fne roof', candle holders. 1 living room table, all promise t et
h II ' 1 •b h eePtte ll'ailat
e wit e wit Vice president, E. Pridham; cameo. - Huguenot
Se..1.0 (TARRY. T, OCNIHIY & SOX In solendid rondition: te ettshione: 1 the slays, bVea unto the end." dere, Jas. 111aeVicar; vice eonlino* ja4:1: Gi IiirCartY . Ha it .
-400000110101101110 • • 0104 • •1111111 1 I 1 0 • 0111,,
To the Eledors of Mirth baron
On the let of December you will be *Owl to elect a repriefebta. .
tIve.to the provincial Legislature, and as I ant a candidate, you haxe
, a right to know aty peeitioe and view*.
There are 311$11%1 COltilUlt10041 subjects to thood--Governtrent
Central vs. 0. T. A, the oduratiotud adedni Mon at the Province,
• Hydro -Electric drain, and Ilighwey matt . But -Xr. Pergelon
: says that the liquor goestlete is the main issue. That berm the cese,
t wish to state that I ant opposed to Government Control as outlined
by Mr. Ferguson. Government Control should mean a restrktion bt
the output of Herat instead of art increase. Government Control, to
1* effective, ehould be in the hands of those in sympathy with temper.
ante legislation ani not of tholes controlled by. the liquor interests.
Government Control may mean revenue. but it is st the expense of
the general proeperity of the Province. I hello'. the 0.11. A., as en.
darted by the people on different ocrnsionm and by large najorities itt
° North Huron, should be adhered to and strictly enforced. I believe
men shoufd be erected who are in sympathy with temperance legista.
tion. r.
Hydro -electric energy should be distributed on a more equitable ,
basis throrghout the Provfnce. Revenue derived front liquor should
not 1* applied to highwey expenditure. Premier Ferguson's township
'school board hitt is not workable and should be withdrawn, Supple-
mentary grants to teachers' salaries should bt based on length of set.
vice, einciencY ant qualification, fOections ehoutd be held at :legman.
abie thnes when the viewa of the people ran be'expressed. and once
expressed, •us they have been on several occasions, should be resoeeted.
the Carter scholarships have been the question of interference. Sine
on- errnrs or omissions correeted no- ;
are vere tow In prier. and • eoreilez to I'm the bet deP for anneal
monthly paymen pion: about.same ate' .• L T" X.C)X.`
A few fine. ,nrooectien. good loittor.s •-
Town vorPOratioo. townettio toe for •TOPeO aeLle DP 7.thierilw
About fifty Wens iisted for sale. PHDPERTY GODEMeli.
and few acres land. just Outside tiie EXECUTOR'S AUCTION SAL
• sale very , FOE0t. • .N1
ezce.iiefirviraltoo-t0-•-bay-4,-. Wm. just
Proprietor. , . • Auctioneer', rocking ehair: 2 hanging baskets and W. G, LW/
otheerdantsete kewfive dolls: books, in-
t-186AT s.A.LE oP Tfik: ...tufting t leather boond 'dictionary: a WinduP Of the Seag""tt
E. • 1 c 1 ns t ey pillii jir. tinrediumresotlutee: • •
. 0 e ne en mum; Maitland Golf atib . - auditara-a. W. Fraser and L, L. Gwen%
'By. dare
•• H. Robertson and James Donaideon; oteneann .
Melierttild; executive. cOmmittee-W. -E. B. osier
Wm. Weir; chaPlaln; Rev. IL C.. Gieeebea ..
• Prescott
Renfrew ,
tionalle :thole(' white enamel Irwin -mot land Golf 'Club Were Played between mentioned In Thr Star at the time, Glenlivet . . . RSeanskva"tclehewatt
s6.1.tritieng,sMileritefsescitra. jalvtielett...t,.4siinrizatitelez.
R. Fr. Campeau and Mr. T. Roy wereeeleeted at the last reguler meet-
henelt and wirker rocker • thts is li !eve -Patterson,
.Mr. Patterson winning out. ing by acelanta.t, ion.. .New ntembe.rit
The Junior Auxiliary of St: Geor-
mium: i' new Simmons bete • ma ttress
tv suite, ••3 Jim sleutes; 2 Wiltou rues This WAS She last of the trophy come up to the • limit set by constitution
been added, and there is a wart. ge's church will hald their annual
fito1 goring: 1 dreseer; j jaw: i•eivetr: Reid was' the winner of the Ellie cue. ing list. t A committee to take charge
petitions for the season. Mr.. IL le. have
bazaar on Dee. 4th.
.firol ,...011,i1811•400flor: i "fop: I elbtlirtAnd, as a rea y announced, r. or -
I' basket: 1 single Dent 'bed. maltrees
. •The. Valerie Helpers' Clime of
maid linoleum eteeve3tit 1. hall miner .old Young won the Lloyd 'trophy and committee for the month were ep.
I dM • el • of the NovenO*r at home and a bouse
\victoria St. United' church will hold
abent 12 *deo, ? linen eirphrefe4144: e miss ,Edlea- eymietes the rose howl, pointed, The October ballowe'en at n bazaar on Saturday December 4th.
.1'f -either nillows: 3 large temente', 4 : 1
Mew • reserve the dale. . .
„read,: I bee set eureestiter ei, ene raunnurgn, ecotland, on Saturday.
tors flannelette :blanket . i bee _Thee "roe." _Mr. Hugh Law, left for home was .held successfullY lest _
. .
Thursday' evening.. The Ladies' Aid Society of Victoria
lerolderea soleeel. dreseing talite ...live, -
dresser rover and . over curtains: .12 wain Cargoes of a Week County Will. Finance G. C. I. for nSutrtiUvfihitaendl•occhiuvrienlig wdiinlIneh:lodnititirdelny:
lateele: 12 pre. pillow eases: towei.o The ' Altadoe discharged. 200,000 Nov. and Dec . ' - •
Nov. 8th, from 5.30 to 8 port.,•in the
oilcloth loal4: ellin"14" mit': ledh bushels .of wheat itt• the Elevator on Arrangement's have been made by
lire,In'elet:3:141431'eaorlsi:1,1nellkint te..atirenn'tb,!;';. Friday last, and on 'Saturday the Pin. which the county will advance $1,000 •
. Sunday School room. Please reserve -
doe 145,000 bushels of wheat and 67- to meet' the G. CO T. expenditures of the date., Admissien 50e and 25e. •
Weer: 4 towel reeks: 1 leleehom, Poo 000 of barley. Yesterday the Ren- Nov. 1st and the Warden is agreeable
t tees,. toil arta board; 1 onievor lea
eetel: 1 banyan: i onebee yarmo. it.*A*
1 4.1.11nropr. on ..,,,,sr low (Alm: ? ,,t •,.... . ., _ Fitt mllee.. am, ill Il.... -Auetiim Sete
voyle unloaded 160,000 bushele of ' to the same terrangement for Dec. 1st, . . , • . , ..
tek. owe,: idlithen . utensils; apanilc. oat scatpings and 57,000 bushels of Ordinarily the county prefers eot to et Live sleek. Horses, rettle.• pipe,
wtre• emit box:•••1 new fefrLf.eator: 1 oats, and the Brentwood 148,000 kelt- pay anything on the G. C. L account, elleep. Penney. (train and 'Iroplemenis;
eovitel 'trait'. and nem:rens other erl• els of wheat and 48,000 bushels of until Dee. 15th when the municipal ;et!
, .TEltele.- cash. terdey with 80,000. bushels of oats hard financing for the town, which toty ,1/4 sii,N, Auplionpprs. '
but this would make it eR'1,,•1;t7iih:t:i1,::',(,k1,11,1?‘:1i,i4e‘'%t11,t1:4'erAlijii
1'4'. i'vurvt11174'.m"f 11,,5' dhu'r.e.e'd Pr flour The Maplecourt arrived yes- taxes moo in,
es %tee i ewer 1.1 leaven: ler ealenolla '
T. treNtetV 4. 4.41V. .-.:-,..--- .---.-- - - ------...-: was asked at the last council meeting TililtSit VV, Nov. Mil., it;tezichm etre
T jANIKS en:MANUS' IttAittit weed!' f d t
nbev very ebertp and eaey term for The' e:xcutote of the Estate of Tilos 1.11.:11O. • o. Holland beer stein; e wool :mole sue
payment. •• • . • • Horns will offer for saieeby Pubile Atte-
A farm to rent. ' e .• thee by Thomas onnsry & sun, Atte. itoriti.0.1 :noir LIttakrentzisrtorenAlole:d,ftrInnin. lairoast and oveiregfrtainer-tereeeep-etheeatterovoculleconmetittott at Mait. and the treasurer, T. R. Rundle, tie i
Last Friday afternoon the finals In Knox. The secretary, H. L. Watson,
Two good blaeleemtth• Mops tor sale. tioneers, at the premises. on -
Kolar business. • SATURDAY, NI IV_ 615, at t.30 ii,m. ; Wine Towns11111. am •
Two lintels for sale' good buildings Lots *N..mbers 3. re 7, a 32..13. el ;eel TVESIAY, NOV. 16th, 1024, •
end busineee, at bargain prices. ae, (.11 Huron Road, Seymour Survee, in . cattle
thelee Days: 'Wednesdays and Sabo- 'be Town of eireleeleto • soitable for eommoneing at I o'clork sharp:
days, or any /ley oy roguest !miming PuToses Or market.gardening I bull 3 :Oaf* Old, II01310111• purebred.
Every evening after eix o'clock.
II NI 11 ' shade; 1 couch rover; 0 pairs of eltr.
• Ate. red br ek house, in good repair dam' tests 4.3;.. purteired cow &
Per all particulars see • • :11 (111 new stable, also houscooll fur- yt,ars • old, doe i•Ith: I trehred
• 0.44•414041110.0
- • - diture and effeets, and a quantity of cow 6 years gild, fresh I mouth; 1 pure.
. ,
J. W. ARMSTBONYI, , hay. bre41 cow, need, due Dee. 81b; 1 pure
The Real Estate will, he euh.teet to a bred VOW 6 years, 4I5e Aptilt 1s1; 1 pure-
Ace llrogairlo "Id 1° flea' r ler% e 1110usehold 'furniture mid heed heifer 2 years ;Old. in May:
Store, Square. P: 0. Hos, 80. Goderlett.
eitteets sole for cash. Heal purebred heifer, I year old: 1 purebred
• ' • Estate. 10 per cent. -deposit. end the heifer calf: 6 heifer,' 2 years old, due in
• balance In 30 days. Por further. Men- June; 2 heItere 1 year obi: 3 heifer
mation apnly to 'llie Anetioners; James flews: 0 Durham IsftWt1 Und 4 ware,
eieRride, Exeentor. Ooderleh 11. it No . fresh lime ot sale; i 00W, agett, tread:
0, or Hays & Slays, liamillomsta ilode--.1 rem 7 years old. due Jan, lithe!, eow
Met'. e . 7 years obi, fresh: 1. !meter 3 year" al,
. . HAYS & HAYS. . fresh:1 rOW fl voars elil, supposed In lot
itial Estate and insuance - • Solicitors for tin, Exeentor. 1 cow 1 yeare oel. fresh; I cow 1 years
Hamilton St., Mnlerici, In calf:1 eow 5 years old. doe Mar. iStI
TeDUNDRY A SON, old. milking: e rows 1 years old, fresh:
i • Anelioneere. • 'oe i heifer 1 years old. nrilkittg: 1 lew 0
0; F. CAREY & SON, Limited
• IVIasenie Temple Building
iPtIONIL 2341
TheStanified of this office is SERVICE as comtrte
In every detail as we can make it. Our office has en
equipped with this end in view, and an ry directed to
anrinentber of the staff of Eve employ bus, will re-
, cenre instant and courteous attention.
1* .IrS trell11: row A aloes due
.) Dee. 10(41: 1 (sow 3 elears ohl. due Jan.
2 %ears old, milking, supposed to be iii
mill.. hpliff.eR yilirrt old, milking
flue last of 'Mamie
Mb: 1 eow 3 Yearti Ohl. fresh: 2 heifers;
• Horw.s
1 ailed foam 3.100. lbs.: 1 feehtitte
YPars lbs.: i drivimr here. 7
yeare oh1, •Leotl not.: 1 lifetime mere 9
warm obi: 1 peer of farm mares 3114
0 years tad. -
If men, omit in'ewil Landis: 1 KIM
131111). telC013101'
Implements, Mr
manure sere:111er, lks.ring. nearly
1101%. Merino( binder. 7-11. .911:
4 Deering inewers. 6 ft. ept; Sloraosnlek
;Wilt 11-hor, warty now : 2 Slassey
iterris 4,0041 ;trills: 1 Deering hay rake.
1 hay !natter; I team tram cultivator: 1.
sInxl*Srumor; 1 stet dises.,SPoStieV. •11.
'Ilse: i alert roller: 1 rifling (+meth
Coekshutt: 2 Fleury ploughe. 21,1 neat•
ly new: Pie harrews: 2 sots sloodeo
heivy: lbeavy w:wrons: 1 light wagon
. with ptalforrn: 1 light slehth with lio"..•
_ ififl dotible itarneas: get a'nele bar-
- reek: 1 set seatee. SOW lbs.' Isiotai without resume tie te • :tee putting ill 3"
rl..)194 2 ,,;Irs,
Eters thing - will be sO141 re.s..te.ely I TUESDAY NOV PP Y
neee. heevv: set Mid lierneee• 1 hey
mho': i leaver erinestone• e furter. 11 963. 1426 impregnated. Several .110PlicatIons for 711.14:: 1:41
4,10,0: 1 mark miff,. 6,4.01:0": w.111•Eil tolltl11161P11, ' 110, melee lael4•04, water iervken tvere granted, ;wilt& ,t.telediK, tIcte!"'r •••19til, Thor"
_ %ming: IN tonne doeke; 701. fon% 'b"" 14 311 "1" 4" 1 4ter'1 t"r" All • at 2 p. Ing one for the MacKay Halt on North , it, bor nut ,;,„„..
friends .of the Libei.ral.Con. street The letter front 'the town ereeele. . et 11' 1111 4.31
TERNIA _Apt iowm, 04. ago find no, scit,. ; , •111 14 ;,•,.4 4,-.1„..tad • servative Mt' or 1 US Follett.% are v Meer MI* 1411; me 1.. I
ihed-eleee *V Onetime tote Prednetlett end eo eons, lifeee'• council with reference to lowing onlel
AUCTIDN SALE DP mitre teaVie .19.1, •THE , •to advance the money'needed tor the Hen 45 of Jaz irittotelhoialneriettstlio,
111' 111'
, tiberal-Conservativa .0 C 1 until the count grant would Hiee, al
eelved Instrm•iione to N'll ilY fliltille ASSOCIATION come in. The tewn levy for G. C. L l„ttu:'74 s''Init i"r 111::;11`1:11'• 1:3 t4ost4:1•J'n: : it el :
auction at Pairhohne Farm. r.:,:1111;11. on
efetuneneing at COO o'clock sharp: ,
111PileDAI. Noe,. 11111 o the used, so ;that the Warden's willing- lieneere.
incYgo earl: .14 .141:4A1Piellit'''ilf.t. RD! is":". ::Ij'11:19,. fiNritii:1:0'11:1.e1;41:.:11.111:1.3:19(.111;Ao:liSib:oici:ItiNI:r.'
\Pertinent:4. Hafnilten St. Sale to emu-
itimo ov He..!tox. . „eaponuudr np toryseeltsi relieves
:wile as*: rt yhaelf: eeatto wds yet , pr orrfa se ilidaeivam:
'roe undersigned anetioneer has l'o•
come, bred to freshen front Jantun'y to from IS'eember to Mareli: JO Ibilsb.in
* Durham cows. br's1 to feesheit• NORTH
(Ontario Legislature) , borrow the amounttheG. C. L board tlitiltilitiltprestr:rieesIN. f ir :Sinn' & SIM Ale!,
will hold a t etiee(siusirteod.edvamee the money from the
Skeen: 2 Jersey eows milking; I Mlle T I' E et it A, V.. Nev. bah Oise:Teem
.iirater and Light Commission , ede er yarti, steel. and Modem We.. ilt
. : to Bey Gas Mask , the McManus Farms 2 miles front Dodo.
1.;:grirm 11411rraelr 1. 7...114.11,i're,t1t44! . for the puroose of nominating a'• The water end light commhusion at ':'il;iiiiiikeleitalthtt• !:;,totie'Vlsoirt.a.r1.'.11.egot
,.r..; 1.1..,:fig 3 %KIN. bri- t b. freewill he candidate for the Provincial lesgie-' the meeting on Thersdey evening last eteNt.e. e, • To. Tee et. t
repro -tee. . t. e ;
boilers. 011114 3 ti*Ur4 iii ammo. • IL i decided to purchsfee.* •gate mask for. sem, auetteneero
protection in handling the ehlorive
February': 2 Jergo• grade bribe% amene 1sture, at the
3 evers,esoringing: 3 Ilootben•Angtia - TOWN Rau,. weyelie, ou.
IPII.Angllg PIMP. 6etillP11 in Aprl :
Jefises heifer, rising teals. sj•ritrasee:
Voiti • f.‘44r th•el qramint ton ote„tbd. lost Intlie In lettbr fd In • ;1..at-cs aro, cordially invited to be preser:t. that certain pert of the town in which teite •ef Pities. Anettn. hot'
iisirt)n investments,. .641 ltnited veers diosmint ner eeot, 31"'
erystlit on fiirrrwhine „emote,' 4 ,, ,, .• all frolli t.ilr 11(.4
Ade. wilt be 10+1 1*,4%.*' Gig gave the King. repeat's may be eoing on in the water !.*
'ROYAL BANK BUILDING VISIiitA 'shut off from wster supply i Al Winaktio, utt Wo.13VsfIXY.
he ,40,4 thr." pew; 14:04zrov.,J,,, DE. ARMSTRONG, Gerrit. Pres.• plate' of. rte hns sometimes been done.; N"%eniher 'll/th;• worm' Hen.
oderich stutting off the whwee • Thi• 1110.0r it It ilko Mee.. fe.00s 1114'
tpropria I A:I.:set:vs( *a. tjj-",setov, 3d R\1 A E1.1,110TT. toPritv14, r. HOLMES, G
., ole t vine re.
' ferret! to the eueerintendent. • An. re"/,•!e'Berty:: r lIntts., 1,4 ts.r„1:..rt j.:151,1
AnelIoneers 1, Proprietors. te. Pro. teat. ether letter from the town iv vueeil ,,:.