HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-10-21, Page 5TIVIIIIHRerlif.,OCTIMIMSii.ti:lll& • -
•••••...6....01.11.1•10.1. 1 -
COI Was Be lied
IlleakMoo. R. X t'etee , ltegtstaee,
„ writes: -A' wwMt like W tit
yobs that I think Dr. Weed's Nowa,
Was •Iilyrup is ass of the my' hest
imas tier fee a eoieL
'ked amok a very bed tend I staid
hostas steak or breathe, se I welt to
ward is mod eskal kis wise he
lloseglit Wit for a told. .He advised
sae te take
Sr. Weed's
Mad n moot say I felt grateful alt kis
for, 'besides being very p1eaettat to
•take it relieved sty eeid'pilaw tksn
anything elio ever triad. I don't
think say tae aheeld be witkoat a
bottle of it in tke hoarse."
"Dr. Wood's" is put up in a yellow
wrapper; three pine trues the trade
'mirk; price 30e. a bottle/large family
.aiae 60e.; put up may by The T.
'Milburn *Co., Limited, Toronto; Ont.
PROP.' W, II. JACli3ON Insltuttton
a. given in Voice. Culture., Organ,
Piano. Violin. Guitar. Theuty, etc.
Studio and residence. North Street.
C. HAMILTON• --Organist North St.
United Cburch. Concert player
and Teacher.
Residence at Airs. Colborne's, St. Pat -
trick Street.
1;'. B. DARROW.
Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public-, Mc.,
Successor to J. to Killoran
Phone 97 Office, The Square, Goderich
Barrister and Solicitor
10 King Street East,' Toronto, 2
Telephones Main 7793-77H,
ltraEY E. HOL111r.S
► Barrister, Solloltor. Notary
Public, Conveyancer, Etc.
Dn..F. J. i3, k ORSTER, • ,
Late House Surgeon New York Oph-
thalmic and _Mural Hospital, assistant at
Miooreiteld's Eye Hospital and Golden
, rWaterloo S . S. Stratford. Tela
phone 267. •
At Hotel Bedford.. Goderich, on the
evening of third Monday of each month
till the following day, Tuesday, at ti
Chiropractor and Drurylesv Therapist,
Chronic. Organic and Nervous Diseases
Equipped with Electro -Magnetic Baths.
Electronic . Electric Treatments and
4 hiropraotic.
toonce hours•• -2 to 3 and 7 to 9 p.m,
end byq +appointment, excepting Monday
anti Thursday afternoons and evenings;
>Offlce 4loUrs,on tthese days10 to 12 a.m..
'fads' in Attendance:
'Residence and Office—Corner of South
lit. and Rrilangi* mead._
Live Stork and General Auctioneer,
Hamilton Street, Goderielt
Sales made everywhere and all efforts
made to give you satisfaction:'
Partners' sale notes dlseounted..
Auetlonerr. Eldon St., Gederieh
wilt conduct and .arrange any sale on
title latest methods to get best result•i.
:.See him. or drop. a Bard and he will
gRe It immediate attention. •Pain►
Sales a specialty.
`_�. I
General Conveyancing dons
,Good Companies ReDceeentei
Phone No. 298. • Goderich, Ont.
natiofield, Ont.
Value et propertyInsured'up to Jan -
nary, 1910, e3,0S8,975.00.
OFFICERS --James Contlollt•, Press-
dent, Goderich; Jas. F,vans. Vice-Presl-
dent, Beechwood; T. E. hays, Sec.-
Sreas.. Seaforth,
DIBECTGBS--•t7. P. McGregor, Sea-
Cottlt; J. 'G. Grieve. Winthrop• Wm. into the blood, attacks the seat of the
.Wrin, Cnnstenee; George Me6artney, trouble and destroys the`gerana that lead
IfaeLerstnitIti John Ferris, Iiarlock; toconeumption.
,John IBennewise, l;roadhagan; Murray Creomdeion is giutranteed satisfactory
Q;Ibaan, Brueeileld. in the treatment of chronic coughs and
AGENTS—J. W. Yeo, anderleh;ands' b hical asthma, catarrhal bier
iLtitch, Gunton• \,m. Chesney, Set- chins and other forma of throat and
forth; R. IIinehley, Seafnrttt. te�1h sxtoy dialeasee, and excellent for
wonPolicy Holders yonn pay °they assess• bub h up the system after colds
at. It. 's sloths store,Store, i; o• flu bions refunded if any cough er
A. J. Morrish's Clothing Clinton;Glutocold is not telieved after taking accord-
or J H Reid's. Bayfield.
1 11111 11111 II 11.1111 11..Illll Illi I VIII III II 111 11111 111
Nis, Beat heat Lamented at Bayiteli
A meat interesting• event took place
at the Bsyfeld river on Tuesday af-
ternoon, Oct. 12th, when quite a num-
ber of citizens tratltered there to wit-
ness the launching of Louis McLeod's
new boat. Deeorated with beautiful
Large Rags and on her bows purple
heather and plaid ribbons of the Mc-
Leod Tartan. with due ceremony the
fine new heat was christened "Helen
McLeod It" by Dr. A. Newton -Brady,
as he broke the bottle of wins on her
bow. -
A Drysdale Wending
On Monday last at the R. C. church.
Drysdale, Rev. J. E. Gersrd perform-
er) the reremnny which united in mare
riaae Miss Irene. daughter of Mr.
end Mrs Peter Corriveau and Mr.
Tree Ltlfnorte, son 'of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Laporte, all of Drysdale.
Mr, and Mrs. Laporte intend residing
in Detroit.
Barn on Bronson. Line Burned
On Saturday, Oct. 9th, the barn on.
the farm of Mr. Paul Masse, Bronson
Line, about three miles southwest of
Zurich, was burned and Mr. Masse
lost all the season's crops with the
hnildieg. Mile)) sympathy is felt for
Mr. Meese as his barns were destroy-
ed by fire two years ago and he had
just completed rebuilding last fall.
Holmesville Anniversary
Holmesville United church held
their annual anniversary on Sunday,
Oct. 10th. Rev. Arthur Sinclair of
Hensel!, took charge of both, services.
The church, which was filled to its
capacity, was beautifully decorated
with flowers. Special music was fur-
nished by the choir. The special of-,
fering amounted to about 8175. The
Henuesville pastor, Rev. Mr. Kilpat-
rick, took the services in. Hensall.
Death of Former Clinton Collegiate
The death took place in the hos-
pital at Hamilton on Sunday, Oct.
10th, of Wilfred E. Rand, of Brant-
ford, a former member of the Clinton
Skinny Men Can
Do Thelame
All weak men and women.
All'nervous menand women.
All skinny men and women.
Can grow stronger, healthier and
more vigorous and take on solid need-
ed flesh in 30 days .just by taking Mc-
Cod Liver Extract Tablets four
times, a day—sugar coated and easy
to take as candy.
And what a hit these flesh produli-
!Collegiate Institute staff. Mr. Band
'left Clinton in 1900 kit Ire had visited
there on several occasions aims and
always kept in touch with old Weals
of that town. He bad bests a wc-
cessful teacher, seting as principal
of the high schools at Carleton Place,
Arnprior, and Vankleek Hifi, but ill
health caused his retirement corm
few years ago.
Fortune -Crony*
A quiet but pretty wedding took
place in St. Michael's church, Blyth,
when Miss Violet Cecilia. daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crenyn, be.
came the bride of Mr. Louis D. Fore
tune, of Detroit, Rev. Father Gaff-
ney officiated. On their return from
their trip to Niagara Falls and other
pointe, Mr, and Mrs, Fortune will re-
side in Detroit.
An East Wewaneeh Golden Wedding
Sunday, October 10th. marked the
fiftieth anniversary of the marriage
of Elbridge Clinton Smith and Mary
Agar, and on Monday following the
occasion was happily celebrated at
their home in East Wewanoah 7 y
their family and relatives from var-
ious points in 'Ontario. Mr. Smith -
was been in Norfolk County in the
year 1847,. end Mrs. Smith in York
County in 1851, They were married
a+ ,Mitchell on the. 10th day of Otte
ober. 1876. by Rev. William Hooper,
pastor of the Bible Christian church,
wh+rh meenization /letter efltliater
with the Methodists of which this
aged couple have since been faithful
members. After their marriage they
resided in Norfolk County, three
miles southwest of Simcoe, where
they remained until coming to East
Wawanoslt in 1914. The family con-
sists of two sone. Mr. Alonzo Smith,
'it home* Mr. Clinton Smith, Peters
koro: and one daughter, Mrs. John
Somtere: also two` grandsons, Elmer
arra Glenn Somers .who, nlone with
relatives front various nnints in On-
terio, enioved the festivities cn Mon-
thly. A'-mee throe present were :
!qr., sod 1' -s. �'V'm,. Atkinann end
deuehter. Whet. of ltriltr„; Mies At-
osoeen. ('3letlenia: Mr. 1', J. - Annr,
K. C.. wife end mother.. Toronto- Mr.
anA M"q• (`lir+nn Smith. Peen*hrt•o:
and 1'011014'g from Simcoe, Mitchell,
Steffe.'n.'d "ft' " emote,
• Huron County Plowing Match
The plowing match held at Walton
on Thursday, Oct. 7th, by the Huron
County Plowing Association. was a
wonderful success, over 4,000 inter-
ested spectators being kn attendance.
The matches. were ,held on the farms
of Mrs. William Murray and • Adam
Sholdiee;"and were keenly contested.
Twenty teams competed,ewhile there
were six tractors in the tractor class.
James McLean, Richmond 7111I, was
.fudge. Alex. McKereher, veteran
Wroxeter plowman, was not only, the
oldest plowman on the grounds, but
winner of several • prizes. among,
them 'being the open special donated
by the fobt. Simpson Company, Mr.
ing tablets have made. One druggist 1MlcIie' cher was first for ltitrh cut and
tripled his sales„in one week, first far best crown in this close.
Everybody knows that from the Poltei�t• Doig, Seaforth, second for
)' tTh co” aid first• fee best finish, and;
livers of the' humble codfish comes a, Alx. Brussel, third for high :cut.
first class vitamine that is a r•under- Other , results were: General pur-
fuI 'vitalizer, flesh producer and nose, free-for-all, in sod -1, George
health creator, 'McDonald. Molesworth. who was also
Millions of •McCoy's Cod lover Ex- first for best crown in this class;. 2,
John ai ave: a so rs o
tract Tablets are sold every week d J h L dl •Blyth, 1 fi t f r
thousands of frail nundown under- bast finish. Gdnerat purpose, men
weight people are 'being helped. 1 to 25 yams -1, Bert Hemingway,
A box of 60 tablets for 00 cents and Grey township. who was. also first for
if any skinny man or woman doesn't
best erown and for best finish; he was
1so winner of the
3 silver cup donated
gain at least 5 pounds its 30 days— by the Beek of Comeeeece for thio
money back. Ask any druggist any. class 2, F. Hnvden, Molesworth; 8,
where in America. • . William Mitchell, Molesworth. Boys,
Be sure and get McCoy's, the orig. 16 to 19 years -1. •Clifford Machan;
ural and ,•genuine,.and don't"forget :C••anbrook: 2, W. J. Dennis, Walton,
there is nothing on earth so good tc who was first for best crown; 2, Ross
melee backward, listless, urdertveight Cardiff, who was first for best crown;
children grow strong and robust. 3, Percy Smith. Seaforth, who was
second for best 'crown: 4, Clifford
•`-- I Howett, Blyth. E. R. Wigle, M.L.A.,
donated specials for this class. Sen-
' gle driving.. plow -1, Albert • iydiatt,
B • E • Blyth, who was third for best crown;
i 2, William Speirs, Morris township;
1 3, Robert McMurray, Belgrave, who
was first for best finish; 4, William
0 l
MZeMurray, Belgrave. Tractor class
—1,• .. Gordon McGavin, who was drat
for best crown and finish and winner
of .the Massey -Harris and Daly, ape
ckals; 2, Sylvester Fox, Brussels; 3,
THAT'UANCS oN Walton; 4,Lawrence
Edward Roland, Wal o
Ryan, Walton. The youngest plow-
Chronie coughs and persistent colds lead man was- Clifford- Howett, aged• 18.
to aerious trouble. You cad stop theta now He • was the winner of the T. Eaton:
with Creomulaion, an emulsified creosote Company Special. The best plow
that is pleasant to take. Creomulaion is a team on the grounds was owned by
newntedicaldiscoverywithtwoo foldaction, William . Mitchell, Molesworth. The
it soothes and heals the inflamed mem- prize list totalled $350 and this did
brans and kills the gertn. • not' include specials. 1!( collection„
Of all known drugs, creosote is reeognired takenup by tnree Howard township
bymedicalanthoritiesasoneofthegreatest girls to help defray expenses of the
healieg agencies for persistent coughs and match, netted 343- President R. L.
colds and other forms of throat troubles. McDonald, Cranbrook, and Secretary'
Cteomutaioa contains{ in addition to moo• L. E. Cardiff, Brussels, were respon-
sote, other healing elements which soothe sible for the great success of the af-
and heal the inflamed memtmnes and atop , fair,
the irritation turd inflammation. while the `Plowing Match at Plenaell
crebaotegoeeontothe stomach, issleuthed •Under the auspices of the. Exeter
District Branch of the Ontario Plow-
man's Association a plowing match is
being held today, Oct. mist, on the
farm of Mr. Win. Welsh, of the Lon-
don road.
Wingham lire Sold its Jerusalem
On 'i'uesday of last week the Acro -
Cushion Tire Co. of Wingham eeceiv-
ed an order from Jerusalem-
ing to directions. Ask your druggist.
+(,reomutt ion Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
EIRE INsvlicAl�lctc
Have it attended to by the
Established 1878
Head. Office : Dungannon, Ont.
HHarry,L. Salkeld, R. 1L No. 2, God.
*Mich, )pres.; Wm. J. Tliotnpson, Aub.
tarn, vies pres.; directors --Wm. lilts
t11Zui14n, ,St.Helens; W. P. Peed, R. R.
:No..2,'Lueknow; H L. Salkeld, 'phone
• +•61'Jr11, 'C)aeler1rh; ANY, 7(tchalson,
Lucknow; ''Wm. Watson; d"as. Gfrvin
R.'lsio.•C; Cederkh; Wm. I Thomp-
won, Auburn; 'Xlns Griffin, R. R. No.
7, Lulcknow; glias. Hewitt, Kincar-
Sdiae, Ont.
T read. Se r1!
roues View
the Leadhlp
funeral Directors
flllbalmerg •
Orders esrefnlly attended ^ to
st s 1 hours --night or day.
f Children. ILETC$EOry � 'Ia�
J'. R. Wheeler
Funeral Director and
Go'der'fch, Ontario
All Bells promptly sttsnded to
day or night.
Ptoses: More Sea; Bose* Saw
Wingham Church Marks Silver An-
To mark its silver anrdversary
Wingham United church ie holding a
' series of Meetings beginning last
Sunday, when Rev. E. Pearson, B. D.,
of Dundas Centre United church,
London, preached both morning and
evening. A congregational gather-
ing was held on Monday evening.
On Tuesday Rev. G. Telford, of Blyth,
spoke; • on Wednesday, Rev. F. W.
Craik, Corrie; on Thursday, Rev. A.
1 W. Barker, of Brussels, and Friday
i (tomorrow) Rev. C. F. Clarke, of
I North street United chrreh, Goderieli,
; will be the speaker.
Drowned in St. Clair River
Frank Serintegour, the 25 -year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Serime-
tt pour, of Blyth, was drowned on Oct.
t lath, in the St. ( lair river while duck
hunting in a canoe. Besides his par-
ents, he is survived by his widow and
one child who resides in Blyth.
Sodden Death of Winghata Man
Mr. John Monk, an old resident of
Wingham, passed away suddenly, at
his home on \%'ednesday afternoon.
1 He had been around town in the
morning as usual.
1Sellers-Harris 'Nuptials.
A quiet autumn t.edding was sal.
*mired at the Kippen manse, 'by
Rev. R. A. Lundy, ay. f,,.'r"r ea?r t' in
Brawl*, w.ten Mies Irta Olivia,
le 1
111 1 11 11 111,III,e01,r111• ury1 91 1 11 1111 1
1 11111111 111 11 11111� �ll�
11111 111 .11111111•.11 r _ , T
dt] k �tcmw
st. dlitenghtGr'esy.. and the
HIver Morris. bemuse the bride el
arper Rey Lail% shiest ma of
Joel Seders of Morrie. and the bate
Mrs. Sellers.
Laski/ow CeMM•aw«
Lueknow eeiiebrated the re -opening .
cf its newly paved streets by titian
a banquet, i to ti p,ass, and by held.
leg a street meshed at II p.aL, yes.
terday, Werbeeeday, October Nth.
Prises were foe best tactic ees-
tnitwe, ate. 7Street dancing oe three
blocks started about 11.90 nt. rile
GuelphJoss Hut ten , andlie fillip's Buescher Boys , Orchestra
of London. six pieces, took Part. The
Lucknow Bram Band; the Lueknow
Orchestra, several pid time fiddlers
and pipers took part. Short addres-
see were given by R. C. Muir, Pro-
vincial engineer; Hyman Irwin, pro- WORLD EVENTS
vimlet engineer; Major Tolmie ex-
M,P P.; John lay*, M'IP.P.: Wm. (Continued from page 2)
MacDonald, ex-M.P.P.; G. E. Stephen. . -
son,' county engineer, and Mr. S. L. dirt punishment if he failed to tarry
Squires, Deputy Minister of High- out the program assigned to him.
wens, elan gave en address and ofll-
ebony declared the streets open to
11 I 1 III 1 III I 1 III It 1 1 ,. ,..I n • u e.-, -
11 111�1�1111 I not ••111 1 1- auk,' A111•11.I�IIIt•a _I � _JIIlt111•JI..1L....., ■,•1.,\RJ11.
An Matte Tragedy
traffic, 1 Relics of the ill-fated Franklin ex-
Bowling Trophy Bach to ; acknew �1 wr into rrought Arctic
o Edmonton a few
days ago, having been picked up on
The Joynt bowling trophy, which Adelaide Peninsula, ten miles across
was lost
by L k ow w e s I t
t uc n bo l r as Simpson Strait from King` William'
August, to Southampton, and won L
back again, only to bei again taken Franklin;ar bandooned hiaektwnrrahipg
away. this time .by Kincardine, has the "Erebus" and "Terror." A hum-'
been won back by r ucknow players ' an skull; pronounced by alrthropolig.
once more, feta to be that of a white man; a piece
Ittensall Hs. Fire Truck; Zurich of navy cloth, a fragment of shoe
WantsOne leather and part of a sled runner,
Zurich Herald; iThe McDonald providing mute evidence after three ,
Chevrolet co,.- of Hensall' and the quarters of a century of the t)•agie
Lorne Tractor Co, of Ingersoll have battle against hunger, cold and ex L �a—►t� --7
been successful in placing one of haustion, will be placed in the mu -1 To safeguard thechildfrom dam --
their combined chemical and water' seum at Ottawa.
an that worms cause, use Miller's
fire fighting Worm Powders, the medicine par ex -1
McEwen's Specials
MHO .w
Freest stook of aherirs Jelly Poadere lust in„.......,...,•3 for Vic
A good Teaspoon, Kiam Georgi Design, give* awry wittt each nae.
Another shipment of oar special Black Tea to hand, only, per flb.. ,Sic
Try a pound. It ie a winner.
We grind our Nu. 1 Blend Coffee Bean fresh with your order. tine er
Foam to suit the trade.
b'inest Seedless Raisin. per lb
Some tasty lines for picnics ;
A good assortment of. Fancy Cake, always on hand.
Just received a fresh' shipment of Picnic Plates. •
Vegetables and Fruits freely front the gardens always on hind.,
Goods delivered hearty titter at the Town.
J. J. McEwen
South Side Sgaarr
:nevro1et truek. This is a very ef- No day's news is complete without cellenee for children. These powders
Relent outfit, one that a town the size its story of a raid by armed' Bandits will clear the system ,entirely :stimulate of
of Hensall can be proud of. and an -pay-ro
outfit along this 'line is what Zariehguardian in worms, will regulate and
also needs badly. eters- led the wayIn a use ma- wormswill encourage the of and 'll healthful
an merican ,city. Chicago Range the organs injuriously affected by the
Chess and Checker Club in Brussels chine guns with which to mow down operation of the digestive processee.1
A meeting was held in Brussels on' their enemies in the bootleg liquor As n vermifuge it can be relied on
Thursday evening last to organize a bt sinesi, and the thugs who speeia- for its effectiveness.
chess and checker club. lize inn• hold-ups were quick to seize
Two Youths Injured' upon the idea. In the centre of Eli. I "Didn't know it wits loaded," is not
Seaforth Melva; About two o'clock zabeth, N,J., a manufacturing city a good excuse for shooting off the
Sunday. morning, Oct. 10tht. a1 'Hit near New York, eight men in three mouth.
touring car failed to make the turn
'"'automobiles and armed with machine
at the corner just west of Harpurhey guns opened fire on a mail truck, ail- - - AVERTISE• IN THE STAR,
cemetery- on the Huron highway; and led the driver, wounded his essist-
as a result Jack .McCarthy, son of Mr. ant, a nfotorcycle police escort, and
and Mrs. 3. A. McCarthy, 143 Nilo an onlooker, and escaped with re -
street, Stratford, and' Frank Neilson, giatered• mail valued at between
son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles- Neil§on;. 3150,000 and $300,000. The amat-
55 Ballantyne avenue, Stratford, are ing feature of such raids is the im-
in S'eeforth hospital seriously injur- pretty with which' the bandits ap-
ed, the former."the driver of the car, pear. to operate. Using stolen cars.
receiving injuries shiest the face that' they usually vanish from the scene of
resin ed in the loss of his left eye,• their crime before their victims. and
while the latter sustained a Broken 'astonished citizens have collected
jaw. other three Occupants 1' their wits, and almost invariably
the car,The Walter Hall; David Wrighto, they make a clean get -away.
and Elmer Chprry, all' of Stratford, • Predict Ontario Election
escaped, with minor. bruises. The Toronto newspapers of all political
five young • men had left.. Stratford! complexions expect an immediate an -
Saturday night, on a hunting trip to nouncement by Premier Ferguson of
the Bruce -Peninsula, and Were pro- a. general. election, during. the first
ceeding towards Goderich; when the week of December. "The major is-
-unfortunate accident occurred. The sue upon which the people will be
boys did. not notice the turnintime asked to pronounce," says The Mail
and the car skidded into ,the ditch on and Empirt (Conservative) "will be
Mr, Holland's side of the `road, bump- the continuance of doctors' prescrip-
ed over a driveway. and upset:into, tions under the -Ontario• Temperance
the fence,' It was badly ' damaged. Act. Local Option privileges are al.
The two injured young men were un-• so rumored for those municipalities
tonsciaus and• were taken. to Mr.. which may desire the sale of beer as .i
Hackett's house and later removed to a . beverage within their bottndaries.”
the hospital, where at latest report The Star (Liberal) sap: "Pre -1,
they: are progressing as favorably as eller Ferguson ;will declare for •a
might be be expected under the circum- - icy by which those who wisle to, buy
stances. Jack. McCarthy. halelbat: the• strong liquors may obtain them from
sight of his left eye, but it is not be- Government stores without the for
lieved that his right eye will be af= orality, • of, a doctor's prescription..
forted,. There have -beer -several' - ace- -Beer-and --wlnebe sold-or`imtela'
cidents at this corner during the past
couple of weeks without serious in-
jury to anyone, although telephone
poles were broken twice.
"H7:RB JUICE is such a wonderful
medicine," stated Rev. E, A. Saes,
popular pastor -of the M: E: church;..
Windsor; Ont. "It has done me so
much good that I would indeed' be un-
grateful if I did not request -you• to
publish. just what it has done for ate."
Continuing, he said: "I suffered
terribly from indigestion, constipa-
tion, headache and a feeling of full-
nese after eating. I could not, sleep •
with the terrific vie pains, Nothing
gave me any relief : until I tried
HERB JUICE. The results were
truly marvellous, Even after the
first few doses my condition seemed'
to imnrove. After taking two pot-
ties all my troubles have disappeared
—headache and constipation are a
thing- of the past. My appetite liven-
cellerat and I get a goad night'+- rest."
For sale by CA1irBELL'S DRUG
STORE, Goderich, • and other time-
i ugists. ,
Say it -with flowers,
Say it with sweets, •
Say it with kisses,
Say it with eats,
Say it with diamonds,
Say it with drink,
But to gather the coin,
Say it with Ink.
—With apul wits.
After 10 Years of Asthma l)r. J.
D. Ketlogg'G Asthma Remedy ore I
the only relief for one grateful time,
and this is but one case among many.
tittle wonder that it has now bloom '
the one recognized remedy on the
market. It has earned its fame b•e.
its never failing effectiveness. It iv
It's Grandmother's Recipe to
I Briny Clack Color and
Lustre to, Hair •
and clubs under a local - option
clause." •-
Dr the• general election.. of: June• 26y,
1923, when the present administra-
tipn came into power, the standing of
the• partied- was: Coneereatives: 7T.
Liberate 14, Progressives 17,.and
Laborites • X.
You fig Wife Afraid
To. Eat . Auy#L ag
"I wasafraid to •eat because I ai.
ways had stomaeletrouble'afterwards.
Since taking Adlerika I can eat and
pee tine." (signed) Mrs A. Howard.
ONE spoonful Adlerika, removes: GAS
and often brings surprising relief, to
the stomach. Stopl that full,'' bloated
feeling. Removes old waste matter
from intestines and make:: you feel
happy and hungry. Lxeellent ter '
o b stinate constipation. C A HP -
tot vt5tRt
You can turn gray, faded hair beau. i
- tifuilydark and ,.lustrous, almnattover
nightif you'll get a bottle of "Wyeth"s"
i Sage and Sulphur Compound* ateeny
drug store. Millions of bottles of /this
old. famous Sage Tea Recipe, improved
by the addition of other ingredients,
are sold annually, say welt.known drug'.
gists here, because it darkens the hair
so naturally and evenly that no one can •
telt it las been spplied.
i Those whose hair it tunde it gray or
becoming faded have x surprise await.
ing thein, beraase aftl-r one or two ap-
phcations the gray Lair vanishes end
our loeks become lnauriently dark and
This h the age of youth. Gray-
haired, unattractite folks aren't wanted
around, so get busy with W eth's Sage
and Sulphur Composted t.$-nisl.t and
you'll be dclighti . 'with )our dark,
handsome hair and yew* youthful ap•
pcaraniA witlue a few days,
1' At7Mi6 ! T"c I l'RM '
What if the early Colonials had
ignored Paul Revere's warl:ite--
etel„I iii :•toyed in their bode
'tV hien-" 1«u rode thr •ugk , tine eight
Calling to them that the I/riti'li
were coming?
'What if you should igtta)r • the
Pleat Folks' warning?
You might have to stay in viiur
lode for the rest of the winter:
(get in yotr coal supply .ww, atrl
ire prepared for any emergencg.
Ent Gy, t C°kan Opal
Phot►* 98 • ---- Gods►rich
Get her back to
w o r k. Moulting
hens don't lay
eggs. Putri'ratta`Peeltry.
Regulator in the feed and hens ggeet
thevitatitr to hhrry up the moult. aind,tulck-
t> set ts.ck to true ,xp. It Para to ural
A Power a( its; pres.••-Dr. Thomsa'
Eelectrie Oil has is subtle power of
its own. All who have used it know
this and keep it by them as the most
valuable liniment available. Its uses
are innumerable and for many yeses
it' tins' been prized as the bunting lini.
menta for• mare zein beset.
People with bronchitis, asthma,
and lung troubles benefit very
much by **log amongst Pinar
trees. ' W7tyr? Because their
breathe thoItrsitby aroma of the
Pines. Peps contain • beneficial
Pine t'fisew esMrargetberwith other
medicinal( iingtedlents.; awl for
25e. you neer Mein loft() your
home a veritable Plae [swat.
When a Pep is phced Ira, the
mouth+the• ni or eerences arse turn.
ed into, basilmoors. These
are• bre*asset to the
Iungsethroat trod bronchial tabes
—not ew ainverd down to the
atomachlw:Wlrla,isnot ailing. Try
also nddon aoaosol; dltalare.
Students May Enter Any Tem
Why not attend the School that has the Highly
Qualified Staff
The only School that teaches real irl•actwcaf. Satsi-
Hess Training from start' taw finiek
Where High School Students ands Teachers arc- taught
specialized expert training in Business Administration and Sec-
retarial Science and are sure of a good; position, vapid promo -
,tion and big income. -
Stenographic, Conunercial, Secretarial, (`rltn.r'al f aftice,
CMI Service, Commercial Teacher's (;tsars:: and Special
Courses arranged.
For fall informatiO write to
B. F. ' TARD,' B.A.. Principal
Phone 198
In order that you, too, may enjerlr the full delight of our
quality teas -if you have not as yet tried them. these out-
standing quality tea values will he found in all our Stores
.this week.
English Breakfast
Reg. 73c lbs
Better them most 78c teas
RICHMELLO Reg. 79c lb. 75e ib.
A Deligktfal >rhltd.
D.S.L. BULK TEA Reg. 63c1Ib. 59c ib.
TOII,,ET PAPER (r ) 6 rolls ° CENTS
$.opt. $.t,�EEN LI bots.
Doom POWDER 141*. tis
ift= MATCHES 24 L
Theta Pekoes in .Reel for oaf week [w et Batt w! lists grasser 1 AO -CD
11 1 11111