HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-10-21, Page 3sd*JIj .•Ot"4 S3U !1.'t11011
.IIIIAlj1WI/,_.InuI. 1 .. w -i
0111010 motwar ,
Cold Was llo Mod
Mrs.. E. E. Oreeawa ,
wooW llketo ton
yes thatt sPleas
I tbiek Dr. Weed's Xeres,
a iss fee a e ed the very Mat
x leas-
seek a very bad sad 1: seed
:lordly aetk or beagle, se I sant to
emir d is rad asked his what he
liatireitot foe a cold. He advised
ate se take
1!r. Wood's
Mead 1I oust lay I felt grateful tit hies
rfor, 'besides being very pleasant to
•take it relieve}' se eeld guiaker thaw
anything s ever tried. I don't
',mask say one iasewld be without a.
'bottle of it lit tke house."
'Dr, Wood's" is put up in a bellow
wrapper; three pine trees the trade
tnsark- price 35e. a bottle; large family
:sine '6004 put up only by The T.
'Milburn 'Oce, Limited, Tomato, - Oat.
PROF, W. H. JACKSON—Instruction
et given In Voice tlultere, Organ.
Piano. Violin. Guitar. Theory. etc.
Studio and residence, North Street.
IT. C. HAMILTON--Organtet `.Orth St.
'"A• United Church, Concert player
and Teacher.
Residence at etre. Colborne's, St, Pat -
trick Street.
11. DARItQW,
Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Pubilo, lite.,
Successor to J. L. Killoran
Phone 97 Ofllce, The Square, Geder!eh
Barrister and Solicitor
10 King Street East, Toronto, 12
•f'elephones Main 7793-7724.
DUDLEY. 11. HeeeelEre
Barrister •Saltoitor, • Notary
and Nays
ked From Our Exe
uilu u tl , 11 II 11 II i i1 1 it • nn ul i III III 1 I• 11 I
i 111 1i111,h'il'l! Ills.! 111111I11 II WI 1110 1 it 1t
youngest dategbtsr et Krs. Illiteris,
16th eoncessiont Grey, and the tate
Oliver Harris, Weans, the bride of
Harper Roy Sellers. eldest sole of
Joel Sellers of Morris, and the Iate
Mrs. Sellers.
Iasekaew Cal.M•atfee
Lueknow celebrated the re-opeaing
+ f its newly paved streets- be tieing
New Heat Launched at Bsyleld Collegiate Inetitrte staff. Mr. Band a banquet, $ to B p.m., sad try held -
A meat interesting event took place ' left Clinton in 1900 but he had visited Intl' a street carnival at 8 p,aa., Yee -
at the Bayfield river on Tuesday af- there on several occasions since *ad terday, Wednesday, October !Otic.
Oct. 12th, when rte anum- always kept in touch with old irienals Vises were given for best comic ree-
ternoon, qt�� of that town. He lead been ass- - hereto, etc. street danehig on thrsrt
of citizens atrg of d uiere to wit•blocks started about It,ntf p.m. The
Issas the Iauaschiaagf of Louis 1VIcLeod's of the
teacher, acting as principalGoelPh
new boat. Decorated with beautiful of the higgh schools- at Carleton Place, McPhil ,Test esnd. rex tecerr and
large nags and on her bows purple Arnprior, and 1 ankleek Hill, but ill McL'hillip's Buescher Boys Oahe
heather and plaid ribbons of the Mc.health caused his retirement eons!.of London, six Preen? took part. The
Lead 'Tartan, with due eexeniany the few years ago. Lucknow Braga Band; the Lueknow
line new boat was chriatened ""Helen Fortune -Crony* Orchestra, several d rim. fiddlers
pipers took palm Short eildres-
McLeod II" by Dr. A. Newton -Brady. • A quiet but pretty wedding took sea were given .b R, C. Moir, Pro-
vincial he broke the bottle of wine on her place in St. Michael's church, I31yth, vincial engineer; Hyman Irwin, pro- WORLD EVENTS
bow. when Miss 'Violet Cecilia, daughter villein' engineer: Major Totmie ex-
MacDonald,A Drysdale Wedding pro-
of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cronyq, be. ]!i,P.'.• Jahn lord, 1V P.P.; Wm, (continued from page 2)
On Monday teat at the R. C. church, came the bride of Mr. Louis D. For- ex-M.P.P.; G. E. Stephen-
Drysdale, Rev. J. E. Gerard perform- tune, of Detroit. -Rev. Father Gaff- Ron, county engineer, and Mr. S. L. dire punishment if he failed to carry
ed the reremnny which united in mar- hey officiated. Ott their return from Squires, Deputy Minister of High- out the program assigned to him.
riage Mise Irene. daughter of Mr. their trip to Ntetrare Falls and other ways, rest gave en address and all- i
end Mrs. Peter Corriveau and Mr. points, Mr. and Mrs. Fortune wilt re- dally declared the streets open to:
An Arctic TlrsgsslY
Trefle Laporte, son of Mr. and Mrs. iude'in Detroit, traffic, i Relics of the ill-fated Franklin ex-
Oharles Laporte, all of Drysdale. An East Wawanoeh Golden Wedding Joynt Bowling Trophy Back to I pediti were into the Arctic of 78 years-
Mr. and Mrs. Laporte intend residing Sunday, October 10th, marked the Lnscltirew' ( ago, brought to Edmonton a few
in. Detroit. fiftieth anniversary of the marriage The Jaynt bowl} trophy, which days ago, having been picked up on
Barn on Bronson Line Burned of Elbridge Clinton Smith and Mary ' Adelaide Peninsula, ten miles across
Agar,. and on Monday following the was lost by the Lucknow bowlers last Simpson Strait from King William
On Saturday,Oct. 9th, the. barn on $ August, to Southampton, and won Land, near the point where Sir John
the farm of Mr, Paul ;Masse, Bronson occesuon was happily celebrated at back again, only to be again taken Franklin abandoned his two Alps,'
Line, about three miles southwest of their home in East Wawanosh by away, this time by Kincardine, has the "'Erebus" and "Terror." A hum-'
Zurich. was burned and Mr. Masse their family and relatives from var- been, won back by Lucknow- players an skull, pronounced by anthropolig-
lost all the season's crops with the ions pointe. '►n Ontario, Mr. Smith once•` mere, a white
building. Murh sympathy is felt for was bern•.in Norfolk County in the Hensali Hee Fire Truck; Zurich of enavyy that
cloth, a fragment of shoe
M. Meese as his barns were destroy- year 1847, end Mrs. Smith in York Want's Ohs' leather and part of a sled runner,
ed by lire two years ago and he had County in 1851. They were married Zurich Herald; The 1Vl'eDonaltl' providing mute evidence after three
just completed rebuilding last fall, at elitoeell on the-iOth day of Oet-
Holmesville Anniversar ober, 1876, by Rev. William Hooper, Chevrolet •Co.• of Hensel' .and the quarters of a century of the t1•agie
Holme'wille United.church held
pastor of the Bible Christian church,
beetniesueceaaful Co.ractor ofIngersoll
ane sof
their annual anniversary on Sunday, with o,;shnihodist hatter which affiliated. .
Oct, 10th. Rev. Arthur Sinclair of with the Methodists of this theirfifighting enginesc t in Hensel'ater
Hensel', took charge of both services. aged couple have since been faithful Chevrolet truck. This -is a very ef-
Phe church, which was filled to its members. After their marriage they ficient outfit, one that a town the size
capacit , was beautiful! decorated i e dell in Norfolk County, three oi" Hensali can be proud of, and an
with flowers. Special music was fur -
sovthw^st mf Simcoe, where outfit along this line is what 'Zurich
nished by the choir. .The special•df- they remained rntit coming to East also needs badly'
fering amounted to about $175. The ��'awannsh in 1914. The family con-
Ht.4niesvilte pastor, Rev. Mr. Kilnnt- sits of two sone. Mr. Alonzo Smith, Chess and Checker Club in Brussels
rick, took the services in Hensel
et home' Mr, Clinton Smith, Peter- A meeting was held in Brussels on
Moro, and one daughter. Mrs. John Thi:rsday evening last to .organize a
heath of. Former Clinton Collegiate .Somers; also two` grandsons. Elmer chess and checker club. '
Teacher • and Glenn r Somers who, alone. with Two Teethe Injured'
The death took place in the hos» relatives from various nnints in On-Seaforth News: About two o'clock
pitai at Hamilton on Sunday, Oct; fere), PniovPd tee festivities cn Mtn. Sunday morning, Oct. 10ths. aI light
ford, a former member of the Clinton Mr. nee `?•tee. Win. Atkinana and at the corner just west of Harpurhey:• guns opened tire on a mail truck, k'n-
McEwen's Specials
Fresh stock of Sheriff's Jelly Poudere Just in.. , , . • .. -, . • • .3 for Eie
A good Teaspoon, Rise lieorgti Dttsigu. given away with eeett '
Anither shipment of our speeiet Mack Tea to hand, only, per lb...$k
Try a pound. It is * winner.
We grind our No. 1 Beene ,Coffee• lean fresh with your order, tin
coarse to suit the trent*.
Fines. Seedless Raisin. > ib
Some tasty lines for pini s r
A gond assortment of .Fancy Poke, slew* on hand.
.gust received a fresh shipment of Picnic Platte.
Vegetables and Fruits- fresh front the liatJens always on hand.
Goods delivered tie any mote et the Town.
battle against .hunger, cold and ex. .-..•
haustion, will be placed in the' mu-' To safeguard the• child front dam- i
seurn at Ottawa, ' age that worms cause, use Miller's.'
Bandits Udng•.Machlne gums !Worm Powders, the medicine par ex -I
No day's news is complete without cellence for children. These powders
Its story of a raid by arnned: bandits will clear the system ',entirely of
upon: a bank or pay -roll guardian in worms, will regulate and stimulate
by the
an American city. Chicago gang- the organs injuriously affected
ed way in use ma- worms, wi encu res e healthful
sL/ a eI . MSI, E W en
sters< 1 thetheof and 'll u g
chine guns with which to mow down operation of the digestive processes.
their enemies in the bootleg liquor As a vermifuge it can be relied on
business,- and the thugs who specie. for it8 effectiveness.
lite• in hold-ups were quick to seize -
upon the idea. In the centre of Eli» i "Didn't know it was loaded,'' is not
zabeth, N,J„ a manufacturing city a good excuse for shooting off the
Conveyancer, Etc, near New York, eight. men in three .mouth.
HAMILTON STREET 10th of Wilfred R Rand of Brant dee. Amore,: there. present were ' touring car failed to make the turn automobiles and armed with muclifaie AVERTISE 1N THE STAR
' dquahter. 'Whet. of Nfdtn„; mass At, cemetery on the Huron Highwa ' and led the driver, wounded his assist -
SPECIALIST — -- rata^n, ('meconin: Mr.. T. J. Aerie: as a result Jack :McCarthy, son of Mr, ant, a nfotorcycle police escort, and
_ WOMAN K,GC., �ui£e end mother. Toronto, Mr. and ,Mrs. J. A, McCarthy, 143 Nile ape onlooker, and escaped with re -
Dl#. F. J. R FORSTER, .ONE THIN lg an.t NrrC, ("li..+nn a•,ith, Pp' �rli�rn: street Stratford and Flank Neilson • gistered' mail •valued at be
J� q $150,000 and $300 000 The a
EYE EAR; NOSE, THROAT. end retntwns from iuicoe, Mitchel', son' of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Neilson;, ,. , maze
GAINED 10 POUNDS 'Bair•,, and ei-hon ” "t 55 Ballantyne avenue Stratford are Ing feeture of such raids is the
pvntty with which the bandits ap
Late !louse Surgeon New York (ph-
thalmie and Aural Hospital, assistant at •^ Huron County Plowing' Match in Seaforth hospital avenue,
injur- '
ilooi$flelds Ear Hospital and Golden IN 20 SAYS The plowing match held at Walton ed the former -the delver of the car pear to operate. Using stolen cars•
Square Throat Hospital, London, e,
on Thursday, Oct, 7th, by the Huron receivnig injuries about the face that they usually vanish from the scene of
,3 Waterloo St, S. Stratford. Telethieir crime before their victims'and
County Plowing. Association was a resulted in the loss' of his left eye, astonished citizens have collected
wonderful success, over 4,000 inter- while the latter sustained a broken
WI •
ested spectators being in attendance, jaw. The other three occupants of their wits, and almost invariably ..
phone .267. rlrb on thekluriy en.Can
At Hotel Bedford, Code they make a clean get -away+
,evening he of third Monday of
each month Deo Tile ame The matches were,heldron the farms the car, Walter Hall; David Wright, Predict Ontario Election
1111 the following dal , Tuc iLi} s at 1 £ William m Murrayand Elmer Ch all of Stratford, rd
with `aio 'h Toronto newspapers of all political
CHIROPRACTIC' All skinny oven and women. cams competed, while era e young had 0 1 d
Can grow stronger, healthier and James McLean, Richmond Hill, was the Bruce Peninsula, and were pro- a• general. election during, the first Reguletot in the feed and, hens t
i need. � th.vMaiitY Ro hu u itis oouli,1.1x1 irk+
d, in day.s4 p only
a All weak men and women. o Mrs. i is Adam and'erry, r o Get hex back to
Tun. Sholdice, and were keenly contested. escaped ma r bruises, The pap p cat ssork.. Moulting
All nervous men and women,
Twenty t th fiv out men h d left Stratford! comp exions expect an immediate an- hens don't
were six tractors in the tractor class. Saturday night, one hunting trip to nouncement by Premier Ferguson of eggs, Put Pratte Poultry
DRUGLESS alt. more vigorous and tae on sold n, fudge• Alex. McKercher, veteran ceedung towards Goderich when the week of December. "The major as m' d "i""
e flesh 30 ayss't st by. taking Me- Wroxeter plowman, Was not the unfortunate accident occurred. The sue Upon which they people will be prang b.ct tb Myler cap. It p'e't'° ver
h1' rector and Drngte„s Therapist, Coq's Cod Liver Extract Tablets four oldest plownian on the grounds, but boys did: not. notice. the turn: in. time . asked to pronounce, says_ The Mail
C: von• Goderich
eelee.• N ni uses to take as candy
1st' times. a day -sugar coated' and easy winner of several prizes, among and the car skidded into the ditch on and Empirt (:Conservative) "will:be.
them 'being the open special donated Mr. Holland's side of the road, bump- the Continuance of doctors' preserip-
by t e Root. Sim
t tironte, ewitrie and Nervous se h meson company, Mr, ed over a drivel y' and upset into tions under the Ontario -Temperance
' Fq 1p¢rd +vit9i Flratro-tikiCrnetic Babas: And ghat a hit tldaese. •fleandruggist Produce A1cT�. rcher wets first far high cut and the fence It was badly damaged Act Leta' Option privileges are al
til ctr e
otic •'Eteetrie Treatments ' and ,tog tablets have made. One
ruggis fiet' for beet grown in' this Bloss. Tlie two injured young men were un-• so rumored for those municinalitiea
(hiropraetie. tripled his sales in one-weei.,
Rolveia Doi., .Seaforth, second •for . itonscious and, were taken. tn. Mee which may desire the sale of er as I
Mice hours -2 to 3 and 7 to 9 pen., Eve ybodg knows that .from the eesh.,e;'. elle first fee best finish, and, iaekett's house andeater removed to a beverage within their botiadaries '1
end by *PPolntinent. excepting Monday levers of the humble codfish comes a Alex. Brussel,, third for high cut, the hospital;. where at latest report The Star (Liberal) says-; ,::`Pre- 1 �" " -r-,- r" -n, r^: i_ .
and Thuredae afternoons and evenings;
etece flours, as these days•10 to 12 ata. Rest class vitamins that is a veneer. C'rber resorts were: General pure they are progressing,es favorably as mien Ferguson will declare for, a poi
wly ful vitalizer, flesh producer and nose free-for-all in sod—i, George 'night be expected under the circum- icy. by which those' who wish. to, buy
South Side Stigma
4—AIL 43M.
A Pewee elf its O r*. -Dr: Thoma'
Eelectrie Oil has le subtle power of
its own. All who have need it know
this and .keep' it he them as the most
l' ' aver
i es Its uses
• !ga'l'e 1 niment i asbl
n ea
are innumerable and formany year!.
W fins Neem pri3iailau••,the leading lint-
meat fin" maws sand billet.
25 4
People with bcanchitla,sethraa,
and lung tsioublee benefit. 'eery
much byte liming amongst Pine
trees. Whyte Becssuae they
breathe tl*is 'ea*by aroma of the
Plum. Pt:iro cantata beneficial
Pine t1ssnues.eagctlrer with other
mediclnalt- lh sdtcnta.; end for
Jac. you map Wing into your
home a veriest*" Pipe forest.
When a Pep fs pad f.a the
mouth•the•plo emeacessee turn-
ed r into, tisane+ • fit Thera
are' bre den
langai,throat al d bronchial tulles
—not swallowing down. to the
stoseachowlikeibleine ailing. Tey
rh,sp.Lotr raeOW,coesgh.bron
eic_ $n bos,.alilldeetore.
''lady !n Attendance.
t health"creator,, " 'McDonald. Molesworth, who was also stances. Jiaak, eteClirthy,• hate lbast. tiie • strong liquor may obtain.therm .from
Residence end QMee--Corner o South ut Millions of McCoys Cod Liver Ex- first for best crown in this class,- 2, sight of his left eye, but it is not be. Government stares without the for-
te. and 7tritannii iload.
• tract Tablets are sold every week and John Laidlaw. Blyth, also first for lieved that his right eye will be of-. reality, • of - a doctor's prescription,.
"tl• ei sated of frail". rundown- antler best ---finish Genergt purnose,•• men fated.. There have been, several! wee Beer and wine will be sold in hotels
weight .people are being. helped. 1e to 25 years -1, Bert Hemingway, cidents at this. corner during the past" and diets -emitter-,_ere ..i, t option'
best crown and for best finish: he was jury to anyone, although telephone In the•general election of. June• 25e !.
re • township. G
0MAS SUNDRY. A box• of 60 tablets for GO, cents and 5 p' who was also first for couple of weeks without serious in., clause,"
Liv Stock end General Auctioneer, gain. at least 5 pounds in 30- dale-- by the Beek of . Conreeece for this tion came into power, the standings of
lflamlilon Street, •Godorirh .: money back. Ask ate druggist any 'class; 2, F. Hayden, Molesworth; 3, PROMINENT' GLEITGYMAN• the parties. was: Conseirvatives. 7T
ales• made everywhere and all efforts where in America. William Mitchell, Molesworth. Bays, MAKES' STATEMENT' Liberals 14, Pi ogressives 17, an
anode. to give you sastisfscoun: d t M Co 's the orig. 16 to 19 years -1.' Clifford Machan, -
Farmers' sale notes discounted., C anbrook Vi, J
Dennis, Walton, if any skinny man or woman doesn'talso winner of the silver cup donated poles were broken twice. • 1923, when the present administra-
Be sure an get c y R • 2 "HERB JUICE is such a wonderful. Laborites 3:.
anal nand •'genuine and 'dont forget who was first for best crown • 2 Ross medicine," stated Rev. E. A. Saey,
Jed ar i who ,
• • there is nothing en earth so good to C diff, h was first for best crown• popular pastor of elm M: E: church;.'
Attctloncrr. Eldon.S*.. Cailprkh make backward, listless, ur rweight 3 Percy Smith Seaforth who vsa ,
w.:t1 conduet and arrange any sale on children grow strong an
• the latest methods to get best results.
See him. or -drop a card and he wilt
r, it immediate attention, Faint
Sales a spc•
B W�
Wee. BATLfti.
sese" General Conveyancing done
Good - Companfed Represented
Phone No. 295. Goderich, Ont..
• s ••Witness• Ont, "It has done me.so OV WifeAfraid
tat h dthatI would indeed' be
grateful if I did not request you to
second for best crown: - 4 Clifford much.
in ee ' un- �s �+ it�•_.
1 Howett. Blyth, . E. R. Wigle, MLA., g ll0 Eat y'thing
donated specials for this class.. Sin- publish' just what it has done for me." "I was \afraid to eat because' L al-
l he said: I suffered
Co n a
Albert L d
lett R
w 1 be
1 driving, y
p had t f bl f
----Students-May-:Enter Tile
Why not attend the School that has the Highly
Qualified Staff
The onlySchool that teaches real Practical' Busi-
ness news Trainitng from start dor. finish
Where. High School Students andi ii eacltw are taught.
specialized expert training in BusinessA,dministr'tiotr and Sec-
retarial Science and are sure of a good! positioinn, rapid promo-
tion and big income:
Blythwho Was third for best crown, terribly from indigestion, constipa- ways lac s omac i.trou a s► terwatrd'. CQUR
2, William Speirs, Morris towns hi tion, headache and a feeling of .full- Since taking Adlerika I can cut anQ
p' �,+I „ a t M A El: •d �t" t `' Commercial • Secret
Robert McMurray, Belgrave, who nese after eating. I could not sleep i one. . (sago " ► rs ower Steno' rap is 1 anal, `'rett.tral Office,'
was first for best finish; 4, William with the terrific gas pains. Nothing ONE spoonful Adlerika.remove:i GAS (;i.'it �eryi�e, (:ominc.r•Cial l eactiei s :titin •and Special
coogll.0R co McMurray, Belgrave. Tractor class gave me any relief until .I tried and often brings surprising relief to Gcatu'5es~ arran,ed
--1 Gordon McGavin, who was first HFItB JUWTi. Tb results were the stomach. Stopf that full, bloated
feeling. Removes old waste mutter
for best crown and finish and winner
of the Massey -Harris and Daly, ape- first few doses my condition seemed' from intestines and make t ;me feel For full information writ* to
trete marvellous. levet afte
r the
H1NGS 0 cis-is;'2,,Sylvester Fax, Brussels; 3, to Ian»rove. After taking two lot -happy and Hungry, Excellent for
T11� 1 Edward Roland, Walton; 4, Lawretice ties all my troubles Have disappeared Phone 198 B. F. WARD, )!%.r Principal
Ryan; Walton. The youngest' plow- headnch and cons ipation are a o ELL' tic'--conatipaitian•'•-.'-..-C-ASI''"
•lII t' oar- BELL S DR.I:G STORM.
,COINV;"Yf 1NCING AND NOT.UtY, Chronic coughs and persistent colds lead man was Clifford Howett, aged l.,q thing of inc past y apps its as
't3s'r field, Ont, to serious trouble, You can stop them nowHe .was the winner of the T. Eaton cellent' null I get a good night's rest."
' with Creomulsion, an emulsified creosote Company Special. :The best plow For STORE,
'INSURANCE ' that is ole cant to take. Creomulsion is a': team on the grounds was' owned by , . oderich, ar•d other res• -u;•
newmediraldiscoverywithtwo-foidaction, William Mitchell, Molesworth The 'gists.
Me1ZILLf►P MUTUAL FIRE INrCii • . it soothes and heals the inflamed mem- • prize...�tist totalled.,;.$ 54 . and• this did ADVERTISE ! : i
ANC CM:PANe I beagle and kills the germ. not include specials. • A eollection,.
eA ISOLATED TOW'S ROP• 1 i thoritieaasoneof the greatest • girls to help defray expenses o Sat it: with sweets,
and match netted $43. Prem Say It with kisses
t taken upb three Howardtownship Sayit'
Of all knowndrtags, err�soteisrecotynired y f the - with' flowers,
RJR 's I'. = : to Ica au dent R. L. i
lig 1'X. INSURE!), healing agencies for persistent cougSlis a , ,
%alue et prnppcity ineure"l 'up to Jan- colds and other forms of throat troubles. McDonald, Cranbrook, and Secretary Say it with eats,
nary, '1910. t3.0i8,975.00: Creomttlaion contains, in addition to (1(0 L. 1 Cardiff, Brussels, were respon- .Say it with diamonds,
°rPla RS -•••James Connolly PresiSay it with drink,
dent, (:oderic�li; Jas: "nn"'"" 'Vice )'rest -tote, �� healingekinenGc whirh aiocitlie Bible for the great settees of the af- .
Vice -Presi-
dent, Beech clrood; T. E. hays. • alld beol the inflamed membrane* and stop. fair. But to gather the coin,
dices-., eaforth, the irritation and inflanunationr while the, 'Plowing Match at Rennin Say it with Ink.
DIREar'A D. F. Merlregnr, sea• creoeote goes onto the stomach, isabeot•t>ed • Under the auspices of the; Exeter --With apul,:,.ie .
the earth; J. G. Grieve. Winthrop; Wni,, into the
taro%r ehe test
► tMt he District Branch of the Ontario Plow- •After 10 Years of Asthma lir. J.
Write Gonstenee; George J1enartney, man's Association a plowing match, is D Kellog=g's Asthma RemoteAsthma ir. .
erucletrsrnith: John Ferris, Ilariock; tocoitstunption+ being held..,today, Oct. 21st, on the the only relief for one grateful user,
tT 1b6 ,SeStucese, iir0adhagnn• +Yiurray Creonoaileion is goiaila�titceei satisfactory faxen of Mr. tt',,. Welsh, of the Lon- and this is but one case among inane,
�. Little wonder th t
iGlbiwrts, Brii Ili Id. in the treatment ofchronic.. corig as and
don road. n , it has now beeotic •
AC,Eti1`S--J. W. Yeo, Gnderirh, Sana ookls, bronchial asthma, catarrhalWingham Tire Sold in Jerusalem
tY,efhh, •Clinton• Wm. 'fttean:y, elaitia and other forms of throat and the one recognized remedy an .h1"
forth; R. liinrhtey, Seafartatr, ,story diseases,and is excellent for On 'Nestle of last week the Aero- market. It has earned its fa,ue b^
1'. liey Holders can pay re, it erie i; �" •its never failing effectiveness. It is
maat� at 11. ll. i,utt's store, �.ioderlrli; building up the system after colds Cushion Tire Co. of Wingharn .ece}�'-
A. J. Jiorrisies Clothing Store, Clinton; or file -Mono/ rtfui'ded if any cough or, ed an order from Jerusalem. ,
'or J. H. Re�id's Bayfield: void isnot relieved after taking accord-. , Wingham Church Marks Silver Att-
--- =. Ing to directions. Ask your druggist. niversary
I>ItIC U — -.cit.---
IN5-- 1C (;rtomuhnon Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.1 To mark its silver anniversary : !SAGE TEA Da Y
Have it attended to ay the sm - Wingham United church ie holding a ..
:series of meetings beginning last
1MAtY WAWANOSH AltittlA4 Fife tN1NINAN0E 00 Sunday, when Rev. E. Pearson, Be D,. i
,Hens: Office . rLondon, p
Established 1878 of Dundas Centre United ' church,
• Dunannon, O preached hath mornin
6t0011611 arcs.
g and
Wawa& Salkeld, R. R. No. 2, God.
evening: • A congregational gather- . it's Grandmothers RReclpe to . i I /
Ing way held on :Monday evening. rriny "Back Color and aJ `-'�. - "'�=
What if the early folonial:i had
Craik, ,
. I'gnmrcd lean! Itevcrc':4 wara�intr-- •
141011r11, •Gsskrich; Alex. Nicholson, i (tomorrow) .Rev, C. F. Clarke, of You can turn gray, faded hair beau- ; „d lied stayed in their lied a
Lueknow; Wire,Watson; pias. Garvin ' 1T;ort)3,,street„Unit rt church, Goderie i, tit hl if 11 ctt lustrous
ofnW+yer,i's �`WHgn a:i! ,a;tsde .thi°.a°tuRH „tire ,aright :,
40a, l or; Caetb m G Wm. R ThR. No. C will be the speak g
mon, Atlliarti; Tim Grillo, R. R. No. Drowned in St. (;lair Inver i Sage and Sulphur Compound”' atone, falling to them that the Ertti�sia
I. Lucknown; Chas. Hewitt, Mincer- Frank 5erirnegoaar, the 25 -year-old drug store. Millions of bottles of'this were coining''
old famous Sago Tea Rriipe, improved What if you should is;nc,t'.• flan
sire, Ont. son of Mr. and Mrs. Larne Scrinse- by the addition of other ingredients, Heat Folks' warning'
THOS. MOTHERS, T. G. ALLEN, gour, of Blyth, was drowned on Oct. are sold annually, sad welt-luaown dru(t-
'j`Cee *. h t the 'it i lair river while duck
Td :10teic j '1.6 "Rt�S! l
1N"TE aR 15' coo 'NG •
h res • Rim J Tlaontpson, Au On Tuesday Rev. G Telford, . Blyth, .. •
tern ,1p •, ' Lustre to Hale
turn, vice pres.; directors—Wm.
., Rav, R. spoke; on Wednesday, Rv. F. W.
the Leadlt11
indenel blre6ters
tltld es abahnerrs ...,
Orders carefully attended to
s,t all halal night or day.
Quillen, ucknow; l L.
R. R.
• - f'rat'i Corrie• on Thursday, Rev. A. •
No. Z l ueknow; It L. Salkeld, 'photce i W. Barker, of Brussels, and Friday
llecrtrtsx9►, vt , u . + gists herr because it darkens the hair You might have to stay in your
hunting in a canoe. Besides his par- so naturally and evenly that no one can 1,,•d4 for the rest of the winter:
ants, ht is survived by his widow and tell it iris been applied, fret in yot r coal supply clew, ani
one child who resides in Blyth. a Those'whose hair is torah* gray 01. be pret acrd for. any eniergenea.
Seidler Death of Winghem Man becoming faded have a surprise await-
Mr, John Monk, an old resident of ine them, hearse aft r one or two ape
Children Or
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Director and
. Goderich, Ontario
All collo prromptiy attsndid to
day or sight.
row: $Hoc* Sel; Hoare WS'
Win harp, passed away suddenly, at plications the gray leer vanishes end
his horse on Wednesday afternoon. or locks become luxitriently dark and
He had been around town in the A a tifu s the au15c of youth. tray itUttelee
morning as usual• haired. unettractii,e folks aren't wanted
Sellers -Harris Nuptials around, so get IMISy with �Wtetl's Sage Fot ( iii 1 Clean Coal
A quiet autumn c edding was s, A. and Sulphur Comftoutel t.,-ni.+hd' and >l a lir MUSTARD ' ��
' rmnited at the happen ntanie, by ou'lt be deligliter. witty Jonr dark con Ki
Ilev> It. A. Lundy°, a f, :1w r pas,, -,t in namisornewhai x and yattltful sp.t
Brussels, when Mies I.'t_t Olivia, lel*.* 98 Caacitria% 1
In order that you,, too, may enjoy the full t3ctiEht
of our
quality teas if you have not as yet tried them. these out-
standing quality tai values will he found in all our Stores
Mails weak. -
English Breakfast
Rbg,'. 734 Zb.
Bettor thesis most lac tests
2.ICHMELLO Reg. 79c 113.
A Delightful Buie
D.S.L. BULK TEA Reg. 63c. 59c lb.
trolls ° CENTSIOILLT'1AP (Y. tii ) 6
'De.I POfmAG PO ar loots.
�MATCHES le 241•1•601,
nese Mises la eine fon woo wiik frees shite al this paper 1411CO
75c Ib.