HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-10-14, Page 5THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14t'1 1 r. e
Lots of volume, along, with that softness of tone that
makes you like it.
13,000 given away in prizes by Brunswick Firm. Ask ns
about details.. New October listoI Records on sale Oct. 2nd.
Brunswick Records play from 2511 to Soct longer than other
makes. a
Miss Me Robertson give the ad-
drle and hiss Esther Hume sang set
ss t; • tat:sued Poise mime
_ the annual tkatakaffering meeting of 1
the Blyth 'United church W. al.:. tit Ate, only sot of M. ii.s.ebtth
Tuesday afternoon. Adam ants the lute gr. ren.ta Au.,',1,
On Sunday last Rev. 'R. C. Metter. of Goderiek. The regi.. L..►..u4
mid conducted -anniversary services Rend Dean Hawkins, Utlk iate.l. •L..' '
in aheswater, end in his absence the bride woe a gown of ,umewa"11 ta,t-t
pulpit of Knox church here wile cc• feta. trimmed with gold to •.payee et-,
cupied by Rett. R. J. Campbell, of portion, with large picture her Let
Toronto. snatch. Gold brat -ailed shots a:td
The regular meeting of the Arthur *tckings completed her cu>.' u°» •'.'
Circle will be held on ;alionday, Ott. Ike tarried a shower bout of yt•1-
18th, it 8 p.m. Miss Adelaide Nairn law and pink 'mums. labs. J.ennett
will have charge of the meeting. Cowan was her cousin's bridesmaid.
All members are- urged to be present moi'. John 'Cowau, brother of the
to arrange for the basilar. bride, attending the b"itaese • ,•".
In Knox church the services will be Following the ceremony a 1u'., hetet
conducted by the Minister. Subjects was
hsrw served
t the home
t cels p et'-.
of sermons: 11 a.m., The Apostolic til arranged with the wedding yak -
Getting the y
Plowing;o abbath Scheel .acid in the center and on either ride t -i.
Bible Classes at three o'clock. brass candlestick'• with pink ear.
dies. Immediately after rh,' Irn^a-
1 1 Ven. Archdeacon Jones -Bateman eon Mr. and Mrs. Adam Deft lee meter
preached Harvest Thanksgiving eels. for their •home in Goderich. Mrs
PAST MASTERS' NIGHT dal and Wor, Bros. lar. Hunter and mons in Middleton's and 'learns Adam wearing a cocoa flat crepe wit);
•G L Parsons took part in the core- chillies •on Sunday last and e co m- small het to match. and op colt of
WorkltheFirst Degree d y' . After the closing of the lodge ad- field. Thanksgiving services at Bay. Organist H° C. Hamilton in
••, Njffht In Excellent Style Tuesday. j0urnment was, made to the assem- Brantford
_ My room; where refreshments were North St. United church Sunday, Mr. H. C. lieltnilton, organist of
`�''a served and •an interesting progun Oct. 17th. Rev. C. F. Clarke, 'pastor. ;forth street United church, Goderich,'
t'I Here . as a itla 4 aticndance of ' 1Q a.m., Fellowship Classes,. Mission
• members of 11faitland. Lodge,. u5, of addresses followed, the W. ee Bro. Band. and._11ien's ('tub. Tapia at ill • played in Colborne street United
A., Fear A.'!M., on Tuesday night and �rr•Ifay presiding:. Those vale Club, "Debts we can never pay;' in _church, Brantford, on Sunday last,
addresses were W. l3ru,• and in his absence the organ eta
a number of brethren from the sister T.H. Mitchell, W. Bro. R. J. Megaw, tro°uced, by gr. Gerald Newton. North street was in the capable
lodge at , •the esiio inb for the Bro. Skinner (a frequent visitor to Sunday school at 3 p.m. Public wore hands of Miss Mary Clarke, the pas -
event has ets�sohijrht. o�A,ftel'ntl'beeae egulstr the Lodge), Wor. Bra. C. ,A, Robei.- ship at 11 a.m. and 7 pan. tor's daughter. The .Brantford as-
t,usines;ss of 'the ledge, Wor, Bro. Dr. ° son of Morning Star Lodge, and Bro. Baptist churehs Oct. 17th, Services positor • makes the fallowing com-
Gallow was. _the
to preside tie Wore .tint d MaR. Darrow;. one of the newly-ini- n versaryxt d'servioe Dat and
lahtnight m At feature of the services was the -
ing unday will preach of the ai- faun tweed with lynx collar.
a`hipfUL Master and the other offices
were tilled as follows' S. W.,• Wor. Wore. Bro. 1liegaw had arrived
B J J McEwen• J,\' Rt 1'G home from his trip abroad with Ivies, No• room for the crowd that came at Goderich. at the organ. whose musi-, ____ _P
a' Wor tiro. gave a e o 's i pis ' , .; ' "to
. Bre. S. t", McDerilud sec., visit- s11 our friei,ds for their spl.ttdicl help. rnt,•'t a "nccrrsnr to Mr;' Gan ge C.
R. J. Megaw; S. ' D:, • Wor. Bro, T. various countries and cities he . i l
Mitchell; J. D.. Wor. Bro. C. K. Satan- ed in a very interesting and enter. Especially the Auburn ehoic.fur their' White. . Mr. Hamilton has mate on
tiers: S. S., 'Vor. Bro. J. Galt; J.. S., twining way. They had good weather presence it was greatly appreciated. /extensive expel itm "a havinn• been
' nee., IGee, 'heelless,. e..eh, for .both trips across 'the. ocean and The .United •church, Vittoria St. and' with the original "Gypsy" Smith in.
''Foy• Bio ;• +were male to take their Place at 'the Union, Pastor, The Rev, Selby Jet- Imp of his, many estmpaigns across
Wor, Bfo. H_ B; M.: Piehbourne.
H h
ecro.R the ocean tht;y saw niteh of ship Service; 11 a,nt., •Victoria St.. bated to the Philadelphia. Etude many
\r a hacl splendid services Iast Sunony, preserve of Mr, H. C. Ha"ntilton, of •
"Wood's Lavender Line"
of LADIES' UNDERWEAR arrived this week
We are so well pleaded with the "LAVENDER LINE," that
we have decided to carry their full range of Lingerie
as follows:
Lavender Line, Silk Knit
Lavender Linea Silk Wool
Lavender Line, All Wool
Lavender Line, Wool and Cotton
We would be pleased to show you these lines before' you
purchase your Fall and Winter Lingerie
•� °r• �v a d ni ht and the financial objectee more cal attainments were highly tppre- -
Bro. L J.
Dunlop;; c•1tlaplam,' War, vlegaw only the same in ening, n g
few f his m 'e stuns of tea than reached.. We sincerely thank crated by those whose dtty t. is
table Mme 1, Before . oln. Person 10 a.m., Victoria St. Bellow the continent.
Threes candidates•. were received into
for every a h" ' ; ; e e1,- -n1ar1
• alesonry* and; the work of initiation New York which proved very inter- "The First Volunteer; Mission Land; articles` that have been weu spoken
being (lane in very excellent and•. ini•: (hate,. 3 p.m., Victoria St., Sunday tsuhuol; ^f: hrr'dea rrrencrinr many works1
pressive form by the• hast masters, . In London they had a eomfortnble 7:.pan., Victoria St•. "Our• Protestant for choir and quartets. At the con -1
n meds Veidltion Wor.t th A. • 1Chry hetet, but what impressed one about Heritage.' 2 n,m., Union, Sunday elusion of the evenine' ter vie, he
* Y the old country hotels was the lack • School; 3 p.m., Union, W.M.L. thank- gave an organ recital which included
of the heat we are accent -awed to ;on offering. the following numbers: nh'rToeture,"
q r•this side of the water. The heating, I The annual t;hankoffering- meeting by Field;« ""Minuet in G "Minor." hi•l
,.such AR it is, is Provided by flee pia-
of.the ltnox rauren Auxiliary .1vdv�... Mozart, First Movement from the
STAtNI��iRnINR es wh;ch are not even modern so « Military Symphony. Perin, see
v2/6 be held on 'Lueeaay evening, tae
5 -TUBE RADIO v that whilo your face may be roastiit>; tltt t ti o'clock, nt the icctute
guests were seated at small tables,
adorned with baby ""stunts." The
bridal table was decked with bride's
roses and white tapers iii crystal
holders. After • a three weeks' motor•
trip through the East, Mr. and Mrs.
Hough;will take up their re,idence. on
Main street, in Plymouth.'
his . own arrangement. of she eo•^ll :
mole back .is freeeing, The imme^se
K'anmwtn of Toronto known hymn. "A Shelter in 'the Time'•
rmount of slattern imnressed Mr.
' of atheist."This ,nap ^ 01E4'11 41,ilet.
will address the meeting and a moat- tasy which was• s
Coast toCot st— Megt;w, but a largo a nnnnt pf--it iQ
cal program will be previclecl. A so- Plendidlt treate9.
Idle on account of the real strtke, "rd sial hair haat will Mee njoyed at 'the •'DloteYh.lteid I
merlcan verse s c . + o a
No Idle Boas A 1 which •r tee 1' A v f ord�ul invitation i:t Thfollowing f o h et l
Atlantic carry fuel enough for the
c ose. e y
The Maple Leaf Cha .O.D.E,°
Rummage Sale, 0 • rer r' . and
Th Jrnh'r Auxiliary
ge's ch will •'hold
baza on Dec. 4th.
. Nicely framed copies of the "M
al Code for Youth" have been placed
in the a. C. I: (2 copies), Victor}h
school (2 copies) and Central school
c•c,,,,, b'•. the Godr,•ich Limas Club,
The • r m T e IJ i tial Lion Win. Lane providing the frame'
extended to the. congregation. to be Free Press ropers to a inal►}r,e tall The annual meeting of :the instrument and hes stewed to its Imre
• merest locally. 'int evens en's 'Hospital Auxiliary will be held n Rilver plate Ina Abell.
venience of members and to the pro-
per functioning of the Le Wativs :ta-
senibly. They are to be found elem
those' winding corridors of wintai the
visitor obtains only a fleeing ghter.
The roost in whieh the tefeph.u• I,
installed is lull of bustle and activate
when the, House is sitting, for it i:,
here that the representatives: of the
Press and News Agencies ,tinnserai
the shorthand notes of..ept'r'che, to
which they have listened whet rested
in the gallery above the Speaker'tt
chair and to which this room has t o -
cess. In one corner. a tele'„” al,h in-
strument ticks • away, and it twelve.
a. Post Office Official awaite bellied •n
small counter to deal with ioessar; •'�.
1 The roots iR panelled in oak. end
' table at each side of which the P•'."
representatives .sit. In this mien, 1,••,
been installed London's 500.000th
telephone. It is n st•+nd'n•il not}e,•tttl
• I) • Eng'Lteerllt$r $s trip both ways with cormeouen* ^^ present Please eserve the date much t
through ifs centre is a long nnr•row
\tom -I
r duction in the amount of cargo they Although elle weather was unsay• took place on Monthly, Oct. •,th lin the Assembly Room of the Itimi me "This iR ten 5n0;QO11 1'010 1.0.1A • ;• I i. I •
Sees Co,-slimifei ten carry. which helps-tn. mt"trn ihn al Rural 'L arery meeting
Lhrysanthemyxrts' • in brunzL and Temple on Saturday, October ]lith, Connected with ten London Tele. ' sr,.
wa surprised • n tn' n 'r• i to a nen a woe' is em• is i e T d t 1 i h i
O locks nn 11,0 Thames r}vel; hut..r;w great success, 1liorning prayer'• rya
enquiry Die found tent thee. see said and Holy 'Communion admimst- 1 vmg sroobemkof file lnf,*ples d�it( lib attend. tpp ort rent ht ter nnst
ten on y •wi in pas conA e
of r•e^„r• asses y
The Oil of the People,• ••Many ilio
have conte and gone, but Dr. Th .n:a.'
teneetrie On continues to nutmtain its.
position and increase its sphere tit
usefulness eaeh year. Its sterling
qualities have brought it to taw front
and kept it there, and it c.at trigs be
called the oil of the people. Thous-
ands have bcnclltt•d by it and rv,ru1ti
:use no other preparation,
Tire Tonle and
Vegetable+ Laxative
• Sure Relief for
25e and eats
At Druggnists
. `'
cost ,of hvin^ hioher Nie Mesvnw ora e, the ora e yelloly tones together with palms / at 2,30 pan, Everyone interested in eh Serv;rn AO ,A+•',, •111, tL", }.111 1 r «• .• r \, ••'•► Io" 1..
a + ft d that flee-, held at Gerrie last Wednesday was a ferns and tall ivory tapers n t thy' h i* 1 k d Ilv invited to
20 BLO(?R' Sl`: NV.. TORONTO
Frank Dalton
Furrielr,• of Galt
will be' et the
Universal .- Milliner
* ., ,on •
• lines, With hunt, sleeve::, nes ay, c.. , p • l "
• ,nn nn R en v1aPS ave nr+ ••^s ,
' b built 1 within thet 1 ered.. by the rector, Rey. Inn -Jones, h M M '
• assisted b Rev. Rvra •
increased ab^ut'145 per ern'.
i1'n'intr the come Per;n"t '11 •l1 ..1... i �.r..... _
1 Dean Hawk•• w ere iss Margaret Lte1d, . daugnter h1OL;'I'iD HYGIYr�} s' Phones in Ontario and Ouehre have . --
A veal- to Paris woe merle but yr. ins. The W. A. met aerwards nt of Dr. and Mrs. Wesley J. Iie+'d, and-
ass ',Sheffield Houg syn of lilt and
s•-•'44, .'His 'wi,nrij esesis). Jt is .n.4;,...; terestmg. address from Miss. Bandit- spoke their marriage vows ' at 4 Dental Health Day,. October 20th •
ty city, •he said,. and the habits of the on, returned mtssienery from Japan.
pennle are the some. Ths 1,10.1 ;;, She spoke about the.sad'conditions in.
1liegaw was not • favorablj*• impsesnrd the church and listened to a very tn- yrs. Edward C. though .of PlvmoutI Some Notes of the,Object of Ontario
o'clock. this afternoon; with Rev. Ai: A large number of health,.eslt' -
William T. Jaquess officiating. . Go- A Wonderful Home Treatment
which they '.sta ed. while apparently that country and how much was being this staddardst entwined with smilax, tional, service and welfare orguniza-
y P f1n' ler L, ; I;ne nt' \',Il'IPn" ul
a firstclass hotel ,tu ging y e pen; d b th .' n ri s to help these e the satin ri bons forming the •
joining .with•• U.h+•Ott ;'•rs, r,urniutr yo•r+ +r,vrrr.
who were staying re. 'n a tar earl gest r.. -tu.
l h t l' d b th one y e missio a e P tions are Jo n ng t n u tit
pl . h 'the had th 'People Mrs Carrie, of Goderuh,
which led to the itnnrovised Department of Health in an effort to• , I„ wild,, w"tl Irl • \vii
seppliep all : brought in from the agoke on the decision of the Domm- altar Miss Reid who was given in present ' -to the Heal the p n'eff of for I I '
front. through. thea dining . rem nee . ion W. A. to .. 1 Fond
raise Jubilee
. vn ' the prevention of dental diseases ore
the year 1'J35. Ti the marriage by her fath v lovely
the Ontario Dental Health
theb t t the m $50
gar a e wen ou . same
way; , e., was ,
which was not - very a a-tiline, afternoon Miss Hamilton' spoke again
straight. a gown of, ivory satin 'fashioned on d O't 2(ith 1'J2G Competent eteni
. Wednesda , Oct, 20th
with' a full ling of
.1�eur Coats
Fur Repairing and Relining
is also done by Mr. Dalton
• WEEK OF OCT, 18 TO. 23
11 111\1,t
While one might,get'tea or coffeefor. and Rev. Mr.. Shaffter, of Wrnt�ham,. Godets of Brussels lu 'trimmed th, health authofit,es all de,la.e_ bh.ttj w nt wii • , •t .u1.1 ,1, a 1,. / 1 lol,
eakfast if ole wanted it f6r other made.. a • fe ks 1 ` +�
front of the •skit' and ,A, cascade of mouthsainfection• is detrimentel to .al+u t+ 'fie ens•a • 1,,+,
wRev.aA. L.SG�("larke,00f >' ,• .tai I. , ,�., wl\,t
nd Rev. S.: S. 'Hardy,., of olio sat• in ff11. from the neck=line in health =anci some Rtate that the int ' n111"4‘ • :a1 i. t ;, flit• '\lull""111/
versa' arm 1lication' of the UWE of cion- i ,
txnderich, spoke an ea n- .ystill he lkh will oyes'' a rrductu>n..,o
meals 'there 'was an extra charge of wry week,
3p francs. Food Supplies in France Ph the back to beIcw, the bottom of the a f 1010 11 ,11.1 area
11 left. tit th nigh- k lace,1 i I .• I•
banded in satin and ornamented with "' r
1Vlit • '11X' 11111 'lilt. ' 'I'1 .:,Ions . .1n 1 \ R,• t i !•i
Mr. t\ilkinson;• c, •s:'• ;1..1•t,uua•. •1„it-t•1•.
r r •
Irardenias and lilies of twr vat o ,,•r11 iu� •,a'1lt.0 ��II1 "on s,
gar to our i ease o sanitation, , e ley The maid of onor, Miss Ruth gram isr li din nu .. " .""1." '
Mr. andts.. ego i not
• ting bprovided g n 6
getting land really dela reel Mr. Megaw mad, In ed in ecru lace Bei picture hat of, the mouthare urged.
London a
tri ,s
1.1!. 11'
, t1,0'in
.., Ire tile' medic' •..1 eel
uui'n1) .
are• a expose o e ate, not Cal, lYlental and Spiritual." Rev. L. skirt." A cap of Brussels held 11 1 11 \••
log is wrapped: Bread. tomes rn `C• Harrison,'of Clinton, and :Rev;'A:, in 'place the. tulle veil, which wee twenty:five per-. cent in preventable . t
long narrow loaves about a yard long diseases. 1! 1•ei
a •
(unwrapped) in armfuls and all nth Sunday school work. M . br , uet 'vas a i shower . of t idestablished in a day.and it .. useless' r. su lies are handled without re- organist of•St. George's church, God- i'. b t drawl* up +a long contplicntrd ern.. ass..t1n 1•+ a .111.1 i,r I'"• ail
d `d f oris a •1i r m or a a 1//
M France
yo w did era teldain • t. the S comer S hoar to b 1 will t
vel in France beyond Paris and get- held in • St. Thomas next yeti
Tramper, of Exeter, spoke on a 1+ 1 n 1
and as oiled as not these are -carried A• p clusters df orange blossom ( Her ( Habits of coireet I i,
. e ''• hmadean p al for a good at t • es,
P� ' f th f disease
The :Martin, of Goderich: Ont„ cousin' because the Public wi not carry 1 ' 11i:.nl..'\\'li by 111.1 .,- :a1 1'
of the bride . was awned in 0r n •e into effect. These three simple rule.:
ark to London,. seemed like ladies. of the church mast -et ,diet, thorough chewing • t
g' home. 'The scenery in Eng bountiful- repasts, which were served .bodic n,• muds with .It tight'sleeveless' of the food and careful cleans. ig .nP�
the' town hall Ther1e was a large bodice and Ir full circular skin. band- ' . ' d
and a revelation have had
only delegation Sun fromGoderi1 ye}low' haircloth was trimmed' in 'law right -kind of food 'has mural to
c alrle.
al •lt 1
F i hr t
v dental g
hisi est' e . C. with c n
aorn`n i R do e
h•tv undo m •1
thathecould. e dOn S g
w' washY
wish. velvet •i b rn ed fr m the
Dens e. i b on d o
1 good tat -
d lb •
v bread, : t T.n ked•ler heat tr
re ,car with him. to drive abort. Lives Clarke, who attended he right side to ter left, with the,ends fruitR, who.
• peer elan •. Pe' Vieited:.: .• I week,,h• •-confel•ellre in Toronto lag falling to the 'Bottom• 'of the skit, ter 'and milk are ,very much butter for
In Scotland the bcautifnl * eshl"n- b -ought a measrre. of the in Slippers and hose to matcht, the gown our teeth than •pastry, jams. 'sugar
tial rite of Edinburgh e.nd. the Y'ity spiration' of that` great gatheritur to a shower •bouquet of asters and .And candle Chewinx Mot and lout -
the of Glasgow..were .visited:' at'r' ems his'conland
gregation. The call t . >;ht santhemums in shades of yellow,�•faoclp and. chewing then, ..+11 I, obi,
point .in helmetalso were vi:;.ited.. world• service was emphasized, and orange and bronze, tied with ge.uye •beneficial.' The .rough ficodtt 1iibilin:;
! Arriving back in New' York Mr. the need 'of the world• was strikingly to match the fiowers,•eomp1eted her against the: sides of the tante
• lvlega,v experienced the: un
;,leasttnt brought .out in statistics of the great c n etu'm e. The bridesmaids •alias them clean. `Too much of the food wie
JOHN GILBERT .1 nese •of having to stand for Ik n's proportion. Of the humeri family who Alice.C. �Iirethman
4 end Miss AthednC eat nowadays is soft and na}'i'b nt'
Eric Von Strotieim'R Riper -ria
• .�.,
spit four. hours on the dock be(or� lee
tan neither woad nor write. the };teat Hough, a sister of • the bridegroom, sticks fie the teeth. f'llewinn r • ••-
,, could get his liana baggage, very'clite proportion who are 'beyond• the resrh •were gowned Rimi)arly to ter.' mnicl of
'rises the the
and keens hews healthy
the- Wido n. of
The •M F.n ...where the del'sr Was t.ne are actually without corer ,ayeswho
don, it . 1 Y P Dred htffon and carried bnuqur+s of
1 ,he
' • decent from his experience m tens are ac ual aid, the great number a Of honor, 'only an yellow. and peach col- blood pouring through all .•s ire .in Dur' *menthe Thr ,.tms •
An unusual tale of European' Court of'only..1 few minutes, and`on'acctrot enbsistenee,.end so fort+*, Whet ini-. chryschiffon,
nthemums and asters. Mar- thus kept. hard • and health~.
L°f heightened b kl' humor •of the time wasted in ytghiis wey they p, •eased Ni, rtarok waft the magnttudn t and J t Ri h d twin The teeth should be cleaned at least
a ti lavish staginc• did not see much of a w York of the ret h t t p Co erns of the bride, served as flower twice
t e ::' sparkling
t '
are ane c m eon. \
„ r,r tic@ a r,,.t lila g s day with i .h,,,,,.h .,eh.
n avis - the Way home. • With the • hnini,line ..thorele of the u• i^ .,.r#c ' r'•
COMEDY I . Another' interesting 'addles was vreatness of the task an l • the un- girls and wore • srpple gr en geortrette enough to reach 1.e,.,;, , „„til, , ,
•y`OVEq T1iEIiEABOUT$ ;v that by Ben. Skinner. .Mr.�Skinnn: , limited ornortunit\ gm. 'se••'•u•d, The dresses; trimmed with tiny rwfile1 of --mouth end,, ve•.,i, e -e- ., ,• � ,1i
.,5umissioro pricers on. the. above .is . teeeetree who. tte•.a11'•:trio% to gt•eo:' ,gather•ine',...iA11,r.1 n•^^ r'13dr taffeta; 'Their hates were of yellow ere ullo h I'#'"d every in^nl -- ,•••-,
_ i program: make his visits to Goderich eeincid•' pnnaibh• by the. generosity of n'moue hate ',Intl.•rml velvet rihbn•, in green
4 tlts 33c' lus-2c tax 'r'. . of jiustnttss men w•1,o fi•tn”' eel the and their bouquets, colonial in . de• move rd demi Dan` of the t.;ere, nod
Evening tit p :with _ meeting- night • in • li siti:+nd ellen, wc' ^ of Yellow mem and baby's
Childseq'18c• taut; 2c tax Ledge: and. es he' etated,•lte.bas Anein Roof . alt .trans'*oats iavl• melted.:-the:'breath;. Airs' _Reids • goon l a �dviRe AR 1°. Pepper •methnrla to ,r-
at 15-- a }n1•ge number of. the pest 'most^'s maim floor anal n' }near nr t of ter chantilly lace, in rase and cream over afore end nreverve tie^ni tt^t* I.. o V(-
M' AdulsTurk. u of the. Tedge :carr,n up th'au7h ten second gallery of Mil"ter Hell: n1 d
Adults 23'r'nluitis tax aft}cote choirs • When he first •'sit- th"at 'a ••group of etalons• •'lee s1,nt1laa a chiffon slip of the same shndea, end by Goderich •dentists 11^t, 2Otis,
Children Ilea plus lc tax f black t' and lace
e,1 M., blond T.aih'a Wor, Ben. armee,.
�i• :are the advantage that would• come her hat was o c c s=a ,n "D.(iNDON 500,000"
was ie, the senior wsaedesee as ee ',lee were of the • Awes f•'••nt tee. She .tarried O.pheita roses and lark-
BrO, •• kroner AR V,elter 1 , ^"` isle lest an: � Rne if L+'a. ler `n neV 1'e"t I.ordnn F•.n .. }lag just, Dilate
est Maesonu o qrs in Ontarro n tion m++tented nn v , ar a.,; . nn►^ 0th tele hone. r ilei
in the course of hie travels, anrt hr of the outstanding. addressee tVveneat gold lace, send her boAlfre wet of was setually cannrctecl rp • c,•c nt ; ,:t
JACK PICK1r'O1ID r always hate tlomethine Intercatin+* +„ +he •pnthnrint' were torched linen ;by American. ,Bearttes. Alfred Cnii• .the Prn s Gat)ery of the }'c1a r ,.t
in a picture full 'of sure-fire humor, say when he is Balled' upon ,in krait- etre (lattice to.,e wry t0 eptiverr p me noble, Jr•, of •Kalamazoo, a Rugerl Commons, which, strange to ssv, 1:••�t
surprises and first rate drama land Lodge. ides of the 54041' o•f +been annd of the Mr, Hough . as bent "man, while dJ)r not hitherto been provided with tc le -
""WAKING '(TV THE TO►easy" . I Next Friday nie'rit the tiialaise r1r ipai*niturin n'f tee Apia of snrvicc op- Slcinnei, of. Pee bfnine', Ta:. and' the phase service.
pity. is visiting Clinton lodge tea Beed a to the T;nitrd r mon. ' Wesley G. Reid, a tr•other of the • In that impressive build'les r.hit•1t
bride were' .,'sheep. 13oth Mr. Con. we know generally as the . Ilan; of
whish orrssion a hen uet w111 h« ° 'c' •°tied 'thi'e'f .
q successful supper and entertainment Ver Atilitary.Aapdomy and ter erns- even ntrinberR cin not Frerlunnt. Such
FRIDAY and SATURi1AY held) and to bath 'hoer• ethre tnvi- the following evening were held in
t t' to the (' derich h„etht'r't ]i+vr ronneetion with the Goderich Iiltptist followed oherceHmony. At ten tithe lar tact vitifetenf cep ark �tof the'. con-'
VidE15NR.SDA'Y 'ilrid THURSDAY:q h } lO d' { f h t1 iu was spur, Mis. Hough wore rhe t g :lied ltp
1 d 1 P h i1i C'1 k s chiffon, with a hat of goal cloth.and600.0 0 p Th ,
Ithe fnllowtna Ftid•+'• the Gannd. Mne- Highly successful 1larveat IIonut sable and hie Skinner were ',rant Parliament, there are 'mare- `7
"HONEiI' INJtTN ter •in visiting Mitchell 'Deist 'no services on Sunday _and an equally
step of tilt h,idegrcoi}t rt the taut- which visitors notice see,
JA a been received. 0 horse On 'Sunday the pater
. photodrama 'of marital discord • i age O Vim ms cause. use Millerhs
ing . on the subject of '"Tire Barren 'Worm Powders, the medicine par ex- „
"IF MARRIAGE FAILS” ' cellenee for children. Thea Fig Tree,"and in the evening on ..t,
The Pacemakers in another. ComedY ccs will clear the system entirely "The
Harvest of the Sea" (the Parra-
Matineits•---Tues. it 4.1
1 To safeguard the child been dam- b" (, E•lliott�ocitpied the pu int at
in C. Gardiner Sullivan's sensational a. gboth servers, preaching in the loin..
OIL 1614
- Results
Sr[t itY •
rtwaMrnaxto to
ettwi rskeirl:isrltthem o.
PHONE•• 486
at r
Quebec Coad Stoves aid He e
Stove Pipes and Elbows
Stptys lit in arty wind
• S M P Beacon Lantern NOT
'cies` Prfte. on. Paint
B'JR tEjc B, BA'CTERlE:.5 - for Telephones, Radio
t rr It 41,;i and Ignition Use
Alf. Tebbutt &Son
Sat at 3.00
'The Dempsey vs.. Tufney d
, . coming..
worms.. will retrulate tend •stimulateboys'
the organs injuriously nffe ctetl by the the tnorninjr service a qus•rtctte
worms, and will entourage healthful
the in' Walters; and Howardotimet nn,
operation of the digestive processes. Bert • Campbell Wilkens) ,
. is 'Asa vermifuge it can be relied on took part in the music. and' at , the
for its effectiveness.
of the draw ht of fishes). At01.
omieai Tra rotio'
Jar E;can )upsr
evening service the Auburn B tptist
•„_ church choir led in the music. At
"�="`” `""" -"y '` this service the church wee crowded
•• to capacity and some were unable tc:
find accommodation. The church wag-
agf 'very prettily decorated with flowers
and fruits. On Monday evening the
social event was very well nttel,ded.
It was *a birthday party, each out
being supposed to give a cent for
eachf.year of his age, but as the pas-
tor puts it, there must have bc•eti a
ijudging octogenarian
thelacontr ibu-
tions. After the supper, the pastas,
Rev, V. C. Elliott, pr sided during
the rendering of .the ptram, which
included several selections by the
Taylor's Corners 'school children re-
citations by Mrs. Robert \�`iison,
piano duet by the Misses Howell, so-
lo by Mire Holland, duet by Mrs. F,
C. Elliott and Mrs. t H. Ilu:nl, •r,
sad, by bits. Elliott. peels•-ti,a' }w
etre ant•,• eteirtettr' 1e'eitatinn•1 by
Wil 1'r/bnston and reutEng i
Lula Croft,
• Everything in Priinting, front
a Ticket to a Book, at
- r .
CHEVROLET Coupe, for salesmen's use and. Chevrolet Utility
Expecte Trucks for hauling and delivery are -speeding up
badness for tllousends of firms in Canada. Careful ov.ner records
show that Chevrolet pays for itself many times ovedln`1
operating costs, in freedom from tie•up, and in longer life.'1
records prove beyond doubt that Chevrolet rare and trucks
vide the utmost economy of transportation in commercial
Ask, your Chevrolet dealer to (Dhow you the reports of a
Chevrolet owners. They may suggest ways in which Chevrolet
can speed up your business end cut down youe costs.
Tie Seneethmit Chevrolet in Chevrolet history is selling
at the Lowest Price for which Cherreletehas ever been
sold it Caraia.Ask about GMAC Plan of Deferred Payments.
]Iroaduter " $40 Coupe 010 Smilax 1020
gpert +t 710 Coach 11110 La ellias Saye* 1170
Tearing 040 CeoeasercIsl Chassis !iR
art "7111 Utility Express "
All Priam at Fateful, reams intro