The Goderich Star, 1926-10-14, Page 3R.III
4T NWT isseasoarr
1111, %MIN
11 Ir.0 •,, r IMMIIIMMI 111 -Oche Err i
ror Our Ex
Alley Ar Yip glias ( of lir. Albert Joseph O'Zosrke
A spat wedding took pierce o* i sf Detroit.
hare' afternoon. at St. Jantlts'j t Death e: Jake lie
elvereh yBeath Lando*, when WV; Kr. John ilodde. fit aaswry year a
Mary1:•arae Wells, of London, became Prominent and Mai knee resident
u and county. Bird at his
elder son of Rev. and firs. George .i.
home in London on Friday, Oct, 1st.
Abey, formerly of Brussels, and alga Aboutfour Tackers�e Bu.rk turd morn,
of London.
- Merear•-Plast ' ing, Oct. 2nd. the large barn on the
A quiet wedding took place on Sat. farm of Mc. George Bell, on the
t3tvire��t,October 2nd, 1926, tet the home seventh concession of Tuckersmith.
of Mr. and Mrs. enneth Ferguwon. • lire and had
Landon Ont., *ha
gained such headway that nothing
147 Elias at., A cork( he done to save the buildings or
was discovered to be
big IMO Emily, dunghter of Mr. and *sirs. eantents.
week alemaehsaaa a Harry Plant. 78 Gerrard at., Termite.
.eesadlt4es se that tea *. became the bride of Dr. Edward G. Fsa*rat al J. Irwin
,enlace boll i• Merrier, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. The body of the late' Jahn Irwin.
tg. sad 'ilio lilerarta•, of Seaforth. The ceremony superinteaucknt of the Ssaeika tehew an
ow hi prttiati ii• °was perforated by the: Rev. W. Light- division of the Canadien National
Aged � beteg �• e., botnne, assistant rector of St. Paul's Railways, who died, at his home at
(athedraL Prince Albert, Saak., after a some-
• t auunthrtered oily lir The Married in Detroit what lengthy illness. arrived in (lin-
* °N141114040111010010%.4,411,... . A Yery pretty but quiet wedding ton on Monday' afternoon of last
.........week and the funeral took place from
rook place September .25th at St, the station t(1 the Clinton cemetery
Detreic, where the *oleath burial service was
tighter -ot read by the Rev.. A« A. Holmes, and
s married
to Mr. Juck bGg i
the btride of Edmund P'ereiela Abk-my„ of Seaforth
erre asarlc a s■rie6noopt acaurcrx
PROF. W. H. JACKSON—Inetrnetloq wltsn re 'n. Gertrude. dtt
Bre. Green. of ]3ayfteid, wa the remains were lard beside those of
even in Voice Ciiltarrrt. Organ. 1�r Dr
Crotismtin !lith, of Detroit. They hes. parents and abler membees_ o
will reside in *fat city..-" his family, Mr. Irwin was he eldest
Death of Old Seaford% Resident son of the late Richard Irwin.
Mr, John Tolland, for over G3' Hon, James Malcolm to Be Ban•
year. a resident of Seaforth, passed 1 gutted
k Building Auburn. Ont. • his home on Thursday morn- i to Hop. Jamesq irkclm he
o est week, following an illness dine tomorrow night, Oct. 15th.
HAMILTON -Organist North St. of a year, at the good age• of, 84 r,,I sr -Jowitt
United., Church. Concert player years. Mr. Tolland was born in Dev. I g
end Teacher, i onshire, England, coming to this ----In Amsted , on Wednesday, Sept.
Residence at Mrs. Colborne's,•St. Pat- country as a young man. For three 26th, .1926, at the United church par- Name Society of St. James' church;
rick Street. l years be resided in Clinton, and then sonage, the Rev. M. M. Bennett unit -1 town assessor for years and was long
moved to Seaforth, where he had ed in marriage Margaret May, prominently connected with the Sea -
LEGAL CARDS !since continuously resided. daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. i ferth Agricultural Society and took an
James Jewitt, Ao n ons, to acnes active part in .organizing o•
secretary for twenty year.. He was
also chairman of the local Canserva-
zg tive and president of
RNEST M. LEE. eldest daughteof Mr. g and at Rectory, Lucknow, by $u* theCentre Huron riding for crime
'Se H•aurvlved by brad tvcdow
morning, October 2nd, at eleven and one son. John, at home, and nee
a! ya„0,73.oriinstnt
o'clock, when Florence, daughter of brother. Edward,oaf London; and four
1:. the late. Mr. and
A, 84
Uni DAYS ofFrankTylrof LuBarrtster,Convor, lvotaryCHILDREN LIKE
Tyler, vl '
of Ha era 11 .Ont. Etc. e n .
V.V n C y e g ,
Public. G
on ea ax,
Piano Violin. Gutter. 'theory. etc.
St • lo and re idents. North St
oontinuee h
fee Towne,
sad mer Motu*le tic bride
welling is a OW fret. a ttsissmosd
welt trussed eget et eras
Mae nee eihr small black
with corded
tZewl.Ralatesta re peewit from
$a!► Dedmaat New York,
IIaasilea;a, 3eesbei, LoMoa and CH*.
DOM* 4111, >�rerlerllrk
I1iir. lerodetiek. Sedfertle
a kb, ar fter a ed i
brief then four dabs,
with of the liver. toe
seaerel'years Mr. Broderick het not a
been la tate Meet of health, having
been Pot* ill at these, but had al -
way* rerawred and was able to be
aimed as taaual. Me was at his store
en Saturday but was seised with tier- '"' "' '"" '" '"
Woe illaees that night. Mrs. Broder- ML
I IN I I MINI 111111i II Ad Id
let. who wan visiting in Detroit, was Aaht%id
.umir,oned, arriving home Mond*' 1 Council cast en Sept, 30th, all pros.
poen.. His death came as a great
shock to the community a* +aw were eat. �lalinutes �•ef Former meeting
ewers of kis illness Mr. Broderick ""ad and awe n'i un motion o►
was to his Bard year, twine horn at Cameron and Hackett. A letter was
Hamilton in, 1863, i son of the late then read from Ctunty b urger
John Broderick, of Mitchell, who died Patterson re right.of.way oe' ids
in January of this year at the age of Yea Shore 'Railway tlbject to have
ohghty-six years. Sixty-one years it transferred to county). Moved by
ago the family moved to Mitchell, Cameron and Anderson' that council
where Mr. Broderick grew» let the County. have our claim provid.
hood and went into business with his ed they Pay all coats and back taxes.
father. About thirty-eight years ago The yea* and nays were dulled for,
he wag married to Mies Jennie ltyan, resulting es follows: liege-e-C'amer-
of Mitchell, attd in 1893 came to Sea. on. Anderson, Black and Foolish.
forth, where he had tepee r"atded. Nay1r-- Hackett. Motion carried.
Fe* men hada more active part inSheep claims --From Backwell for
the life of the community. than Mr., $69; from Farrish for $205; horn
Broderick, who held, mane public Harris for 326--a11 order pair. On
positions at various times. Re serv- motion of Hackett, and Cameron the
ed on -the Seaforth town council for following .bills were ordered paid :
several years and was mayor in A. C. Smyth, printing, 32;- The Sig.
1906.7, was a member of the Co11e- nal, printing, $3: G. L. Page, tile,.
giate Institute and Separate School $10.50; Robt. Drannen, sheep velua-
Boards, and president of the Holy tor, $8; C.•E. McDonagh, quarter sal.
ary 360, freight en iron $1.80. $61.80;
The Steel Company of . Canada, iron,
$11.05; J. J. Henderson, rile, $25.75;
Gordon Ritchie, gravol $57.611. serape
ing $5, drawing tile $6, $68.60; Jno.
Kitnatrick.• salary $39.60, teain work
$8.10,. $47.70; L Congram, 'woes,
$54.60: A. Moore, on bridge account,
$380.85; Milton Kitnatrir'k, grading
acrd eeraninir, tell: Jno. rfigert, cent.,
e•nt tile, $43; J. Courtne'', patrelmsn,
$85. On motion of Black and Ander.
iron, the following :want- were made:
Anh$eld urhool fair, ite,5; 1,ucknew.
fair. $15: Dnnganno'n fair. $.15. Move a ,
ed by •Farriah and Hackett and r•ee.
ried that council CAN* R ;)(111113 of $C
to any person 'kit+lfng a dog . found
rhasine nr worrying sheen. On !no-
tion n# Anderson and Cameron crane
oil adjourned re nest (heeler 1feth.
C. E. MADON�9AGII. 'Clerk.
...flee. .. ,, •.
�. R. DARROW. •O'Rourke- '10ml' 1 i J f Ki 1 J the# the
Seaforth xa rf club, of which he was
IA very pretty wedding took place Kingsley Edgar, son of Mr, and Mrs.
'Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Ltc., in Blessed Sacrament church, De. David Edgar, of Culro,a.
Successor to J. L. ;Moran i troit, on Wednesday; September '29th, i Tyler -Cooke
Phone 97 Orrice The Square, clad' r!eh whenMiss Cecelia Margaret Purcell A quiet wedding was solemni d t organization
r Mrs. J -no, the R or the R en e
Purcell, of .forth. became the Freeman Traverse,old Saturday pone a is
Barrister and . Solleltor •
10 King Street .East., Toronto, 2
'Telephones - Main 7793-7794.
e , cltnow, son or
1 Mrs, Tyler and the late Rev.. Henry
PHONE 27 HAMILTON STREET f 1l�1 �•, , j Clinton Ladies Realize $500 for A . - -
• Hospital ,
The ladies of
Clinton realized- Becasee Their Are Teeteless and Are
7 to 1`�lce
about $500 from their hospital bazaar ~ —
Friday, rid Oct.
ay, let. .the e • affair was One of t is in fav-
EYE, EAR, NOISE. THROAT. held to the town hall, which was or of any me ren is that
tealmie and'At,ral Hospital, assistant at Theseveral booths looked agree
-bawahoeeat� Xouolin+etopCtheaunow . little ones thio
Late house Surgeon New York Deb- , •• handsomely decorated for the ecce- it so
Inc for ch
:e tha
Idooretleld'e Eye • Hospital and Golden
the Mother
l",iutrsie rated pet.iateutoold*lead . sloe. - oo s oa a very ,leas not have t• it down the
Pretty, and the stage where tea was at,
Square Throat Hospital. London, Eng. with •C oteeeaNe .served was transformed into a bower Baby's Own Ta t have no drug
mks B a yr er t
a3 Waterloo St S Stratford Tele- thsty sC oraukioee of beauty. In the evening the hall taste may be crush to powder if
phone M.
new there etiteatet tures etioe, ,i was desired for ' dancing. A
baby.desired, and babies them.. 'They
At hotel Redford. Goderieh. on the .haw was another interesting feats are perfectly safe y
•+evening of third Monday -of each inontli. it'eoothe■. heaLr,tbe tollienai!d mem- g
of the •event..
an the following dap.. Tuesday, ',at 1 braeaeaaydleilklathegetsa. �`' tc weeten
. Death l'l
le _former r --
CHIROPRACTIC healing for, aeadsltt , oot ttee.agd dent of Clinton, and x brother of Mrs, Arthu
i •o...•
" note, other heabngekaeteat�e wWok soothe : Moosomingeneral hospital, Clinton, and'a safe remedy .for at -mach des.
• DR. • A. N. ATKL'SON. andobeaitlu,todanipdmaathsrelete►gdabp recently. r. Plewes was born et orders in children. Our little boy lad
e lh ireeractor and Drnaleee Therapist, the indtation sad iiiflaaeemstioe, whit the Clint 0.11 66 years ago. He was near- been given harsh , thaetice but th se
• Gederith :- orgvsalo,lporoah A bad nett in 1-888 and five years later went tablets `worfCed elfeetively with-
Citroaie, Orisme ant; Nervous tttbeases- iito•t!'e blood. rttawlis the sant of fled,, west with •hie •wife •and family, set- out: the. severe'gr• ipinsf., I can reroi.:-
Equipped w;11t Electro-hlaFaetie Baths. tto ons sad a` e, Cling in. the Stanley district immedia mend teem to all .mothers of little
+Eetrnic 'Electric Teeaiments anit t° ovoetenie.„ e. telt' east of Moosotnin, where he con- children." •
Chiropraotie. Creow0dei05 is KeKet'nteed !lahsfact°ry ducted successful farming operations Babe's .Own . Tablet. are Bold by
Af11 belie -2 to 3 and 7 ,to 9 pm tit th treatment of - 1 up to the time•of hes death. medicine dealers' or by meat, et 23.
and eppuintment, r,sa.eptin,r blondes' � � otbee• fol of throat and Vtettlasfer'4ttatsoa � en
. contain r.0
opiate or narco i _tc the
,p.m. O egete endreteetereosobalsseeo61v ed ( of r ewes. Clinten 1 stoma'b and re ca"3e of
btrrnediosiwtlwntaragi(oa,ottbe3e eA Mr. Joseph P wes, a f r r est fretfulness.
ore th,.
�harlebois, P
G`x+tafoFw,toiof►°odnlaim . iri•:ioaeo+, .. have loon
lira. Leel Strong, of Clinton, died in , Own . Tablets e be a •Menthe la atiu e
4Qkd faruill of > Mrs • J Wise of Godelich ' and of 1 I Saye; ' d , abv's
,Inas MGM
NkEwen's Speciab
Freak sleek of llherilif's Jelly Powders Jest la, ...3 fee ale
A geed Tesap s,, 1 George Design, given away with tach 36e.
Mother shipload eI our *Pedal Mark Teo to heal. only. per
Try a pwni It is a wiener.
We grind *or Ne. 1 Bleed Coffee React frisk with your order, tine or
eearse t* suit the trade.
Fluent Beeallna Raises. pr lb
Some tasty lines for picnic:;
sok alarms.
A hood assortment,ot Taney Cakes ,sew*ys on hand,
,.+Just received * fresh shipment of Picnic Plates.
Vegetable* and Frit* fresh from the gardens always an hand.
Geed* delivered to any Part of the Town.
J. J. McEwen
Us* Side Squats
THE HOME TOWN The. Sunday spire, the green, entrant-
ien loved not Athens in her golden
More tenderly than these the dec-
lined town.
Which, lacking muses for a wilder At 20 he is in love with a girl; at
praise a 40 in love with himself: at 60 in love
Lives m their hear„. in still and j with life.
sweet renown.
The market square, the wagon in the A cheap ear affords more peace of
dawn. mind because another squeak doce'n't
The streets like music when their matter,
names are said .
meted lawn—
These he the things on which their
hearts are fed,
—David Morton, in "The "town"
dtwsae. It magas
DEATH, peal ,
toya���• flock if yew floret
etch' QW K acid i
Pratte Roup Tablet*. They 1i'e
quick relief sad ettp the mines
of odds sad Roup. Every mac win
wino Powkry ahsaM kart n.dy to
heal a Powell' oi—*
ear . - '' - ooi lwono6ion4 srtlwns,
byr to x bei f*our Tri %nt !llama''
endThursdayaftemoens and evenings chide ms Medicine ICo.feein kvet e: Ont:
O>floe Hour. on those daub t0 to it *Mr. iraepiratory dissena►, sad, ia:e>cadlent for A pretty autumn wedding took'
-ally: up-, the ■eater after colds piece at the. home of Mrs. Helen Ged-MA
Lada in Attendance:
ocb fu• D.'loney rct'wad<'d if ar/ cough °r • des, Leopold at., Winghatn, when her,
lteslddeaee sad OINee-•Cerner of Soule is relieved suer taking soar'. niece, Mary Isabel Watson, of Wat-. spa
et. mai Britannia Road. • - : lag to, direeleog■.. ; .. you , erloo, was united he marriage_ with v,' .bef.
AUaC 'ION$BIRIDTG ' - C>,eemaholl Co.. %heeded. lbvonto . • Norman J. Wettlaufer, Kitchener. derful re
' � Sitiell-BeRsraey JUICE,"
ightAS• GUNDRY. SKINNIER 1 A "quiet wedding was solemnized at x ep of Chit
GEMNG s+ 1x.30• on Wednesday, Sept. 29th, et
. Live Stock and Ohara! Auctioneer, - �t the St. Andrew.'ss I Sesbiirterian manse, bad a atom
Hamilton Street,: Giode'trlt •a 'C14110414;
inghalrnl` elan' M'isy E '111., •eldest p brie-, a d Mr.
sales made eyercwhere ate ellerfftrte '4`, AY uigl�i ittlpm;eiAltwee so
n me for not having ritten
to thank you for o wen-
ts seared fII RB
ites Mr. " . .ernaey,
well • Ion mall cat-
e. "1 had about-
s a person could. '
reaey.- in fact my
I was ole duty. for
spent, hundreds
medicates rind
t rime relief,
paints after
,, ; a tntr..of Mr, , ane . rs. $aiirduel
---�-- McBueney, was united in ma r:tare three months
made to glee _yon °satiefeettdae • f 4
Farmers' pale notes discounted.
ROBERT RORE-R`I:SON. - Auctioneer. Elea* Elias SI. Goderech,
So Must be Dom and Boner to R. (Greg) Shiell son of Mr. and ' of dollar"
ew w c • 1 would s
Loelcka-Banter ° e'ati`ng.
will conduct and •arrantee env Haile os Hollows is the Cheeks and Nech ff The ° marriage took place in. St, liter tt
a morning,
give It immediate: ' attention.. Farm
Solidi a sPe°:alty. - Tens of thotsoldids of thin, run daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Robert dos
down. men—yes, and women too—ate • Hunter, and Mr. Alpert Vinton I
NOTARY PUBLIC. lam• getting discouraged --are giving up Loucks, eldest son 'of Mrs. 'Loucks c
saethanit ws e , y
Hight lei —Q h k Mrs.Robert��Shiell. doctors s
Growing Deeper Every Wee![ Paul's church f3aturd y ' JUIC
See him. or drop a card and he will- Oct. 2nd of Letitia Emily, . elder prix •
Die latest methods to' get best results.
an to f ever ening able re take .,ea riot ithe late Mr. A. C. Loucks, of In
Ji. UAlWIi. ,
- NO'1'AIW PUBLIC . All such people can stop worrying
General •Conveyancing done - and start to smile and enjoy life right
Good Companies Represented now for McCoy's Cod Liver Extract
Phone No. 2yg, Gotclero, 0M• Tablets which any druggist will tell
eeteoRn :. E. GnEEtiSLADE• , you all about are putting ffeilh an
o goldsby the Rev. L. C . Harrison con-
Aesh and look healthy and strong. ducting the ceremony:
• CONVEYANCING AND NOTARY. poet* of akinny folks every day. ,
eouraged,r gained 11i pounds in five
-` ..... IIA>slClk ':- weeks and now feels fine.
- We all know. that: the livers of Cod
clU#LL1 1. MUTUAL ,FIRE 'i\SUR- Nit are.full of vitalizing -leak pro•
ANCP: Ctl.tpea. driving vltminea and these -same vit-
eue _ amines -of the highest class are found
FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN Tirol'-- in MdCoy's Cod Liver:Extract. Tab-
ERTY INSURED. lets--�snger coated and as easy to
Value of propertyDewedup to Jan- take as candy.
uary. 1910. $3,0l8,97.,.00. And this *hews what faith the
OFFICERS—Janes Connoley, •'Pros►- makers have in McCoy's for they
dent, Godericlt• Jay. Evans. Vice-Presi-
deat, Beechwood; T. E. Hays, Sec..say, if any thin person don't gain et
Treas.. Seafo)tb, least 5 pounds in 30 days your drug.
DIRE Men, elver. glee 1 give von oil move c.—
wrin. Constance• George i' atetaar"tuey. shock proved too much for him. He
"fessitersanith; John VMS, airlock; any live pharmacist anywhere in was bprn in the year 1835, tieing fur
Bolen Bele►revaiire, Mato lhagan; Murray=Nora or South America. ie
tjjb nn, BruW fifty yen years a resident of I:a;-
• Bayne& but. One woatan 'tired Weak and dis-
bort with
er Per?eiflc g
!so had const stion and
ble. I started tak • g HERB
and you can. imagine • v rep -
joy when atter the fl r few
My ,condition began to ire» vee
now on my fodrth bottle. el
eat anythinir without fear of ge
iris or indigestion." • '
For sale by CAMPBELL'S DRUG'
STORE, Goderich, and . other drug-
gists. - _
Early Tuesday morning, Oct. ,, Aathaae Overcosse.--•Tete.; triumph IOOtill!CN LICLU51Yl NAIflaBdlfE
in St. Paul's church teinton, the (ver a,theei lieu wee/vedly come.
:au ar
ii1 -11(1/
- oif smoke
hove odds are handled by
marriage was solemnized of Marion Dr. J. D. Kelloggs Asthma ler medy The only Hardware on the Square.
Louise, youngest-danghter of fir, and era■ pre••"d tt,y meet neeitiee lee " `•v'
heirs.; H. 3. Hibbs, and Mr. Gordon, the victim of asthmatic afteeee °gee
LeRoy Hall, younger tion of Mr. and ever known Letters reesiverl from
Mrs, G. E. Hall. The marriage Gere- thousands who have tried it feeee •,
Cony was conducted by the Rea. L. doubt ooh which leaves ea room fir
C. Harrison. The couple: were mut- doubt that here is a real rPmedY.
tended find immediately after. the Get it today from your dealer
i eremony left, on a Motor trip, amend Comp thinrys leaf a t **. while i'
Lake Heron. On their return they doesn't m�•nn men.
•w7 reside inClinton. e r e- inns e•oe•'•
groom is .a- member of the News -Re- ,•.,a our
will 'd C1t Th bid Deckled but that nese.�Mi�
Your opmtcn of a man isn't
VWcard staff being a son of the• pro- n,,."� if • you are, gene. , p
prietor. of him.
The Late William McDougall 1 Yet 'the average man who h*sn't
The death took place set his home any religion is glad his wife has.
in Egmondville, en Saturday,Oct.• It your friends think you ltok ell
2nd of Mr. William McDougall,in right it doestn't matter what the mem.
92 S 1
DIR' 0115-i1 le �fM` dor z'4ea- hes nd year evela we les sego
forth; J. G. Grieve. 'Vein l ale• Ntri• nd or ly 60 cents for 00 tablet.. Ask he fell end fractured his hep and the
w Toa. ieaderleb; Study But be sure to get McCoys,, the mondville and sixty years ago he was
` original .and gemm�e♦ •married to Miss hltzabeth Ando: sen. - " '" •
rot says. -
Quite often it ie the man with the
longest arm that catches the longest
Leitch, Clinton. Wap.eth. ,Chesney, Sea Good
forth: 13. HinChleY. 3'psy th tal.�e.w Surviving are two daughters, Mrs..•C.j
Policy Holders
tale 'pay their assess• A. 'Stewart, Portland, Oregon. and'
molts at .R, II.. Cult's *tore, ',ioderlch; Miss Nell McDougall, at home. The 1
A. J. Mortlnhh'e Clothing Store, Clinton; funeral took place on Monday after -1
er J. H. Reid's. Bay noon, Oct. '4th, to Maitland Bank
cemetery, service being conducted by
Relit 1NSlt MANCiCl Fier. Dr. Larkin, assisted by Rev. W.
Have it attended tie ray theA. Elliott, Long �,tech, Cal.
Brooiuv Brog.
?antral &atom
oramei3 s000did
isle iw i- at3�N Ae day.
Mathieu ,h{,laaiaray
RAWMNat MOM. FM( NksuiliuKE a ,
Establishedc.tablished 1$178 • Saturday, October 2nd, at noon a
wedding took place in Knox Presby -
Need 0 : D OeK. • terien church, Goderich, when Bev.
Harry L. Sa111a4d, R. It. Pio. 3, Pm It. C. McDermid united in marriage
oriels, s.; Wm. • J. Thoatpeon, Attica Jesn Ower, elder daughter of Mr.
gaits, phew. divictv►a ---.0. `mr, 1 e -- orgithaY -..:•.d'-Mr:.. 1'f', els •Lirelen;;, Eresdviete,
tilt••lielens; W. P. Reel, IR. It. Clinton, and Mr, Thomas Franklin
— Luckn.w' 11 L. Seibold, 'phone - Rsthbtarn, son of lirae ltathburn and
*Orli, Geilerlttt; Alex. NieiseiuMt,the late Mr. A. Rathburn, Sombre.
4kseat•; 'Am. Watson: Jae. Girths. - — r lir. McDonald Gibbs, church. organ -
It. NA 4, GedWas. W. 1 date played the wedding ruse!. The
sae Athar*i Tito Orttll% IL' - hide, wiles was !liven in marriage by
i Chow her father, weir* a erne,* roma lee
'f. cairn in Wes 4* rose shade, with
,dAOC. Oatt.- p , ��r and smocks of gold and velvet trimmings
TEM $T , T. G. ALIEN', sod Mende Isatin shoos and base to
Tress. SsrrsiuT• -_" ,watch. Bee only Mend ornament
W..rb- , II -_.--... AMMOwart a bend' elf' cease tulle. She car.
Misery w friss hist. vee 1 y *4 lilies. it. Starlet Was held
J. , Whir
GN Ontario �a irastgwet of Oph+•tia :ares Bund
_ _ _ '
Tarter at "'Ero*disear, the bore.. of
' Children Cry -
Ali oldie promptly attyttdsra to the bride's parents, which was taste.
sissy or night.
aA* O I I -A
ailecorat*d with a profusion of
Pet a14t*1M1t Sowers, ferns anal whato anti
rumors Pherson: Store; MoosMAWgeld streamers. After the innche;ci
Mr. and eters. Itathburn left by nr�`or
esity, owlet
"tStfy" t4fr4 'TO KEMP,
A .eOo .
woes Yin) H0445AG . 1111e,
HEAT Fel.l(C TO Ws? HER.
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