HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-10-14, Page 2mow*
mulleOrwil l.wn. JA, 0.1L010010Aellift=11011 itI ewwl4Ymili
Superb in Flavour
EIVIINFele amp is a1111►sw lienagisR. Auk ft.
III imam* f.t r
OCT011iffit 140k DWI
wwe.eeneew Bete e.
aniseeyr nae New York rues was amid-
_ vel to xis Ristla the vermtk �-
nisg, wheat Mea oder seeases to the
Male eff Jsies sakaua, whew fi
ewes split (rear tl re hie bare is
said Waist easteoi was
It was a snootiest eeleakt
to kat Oat stoat heart sad the Most
nae,.�m�ot AUL viral $&S,Cw sad a
- merits eimtr*.�atsrkfp hanging in the
balms, Stet ffiexaader was wool ts.
Fades Telly Laaaeri, a "rookie"
alnaoat roans **ib to be , d
the great 'aleuron ]attsbsd tee's son.
sera, eaflpowed on the pow right
arel that hes .serried bh. throvith
sista* major league asanpsijtns, and
struck out kis ouch to retire the side.'
PA the crowd broke into a frenzied ChM
uproar. Alexander is 39 years old, his, 1
gaunt, and weather beaten. end his
pezformanee is the most colorful ..,,,,e,,tt y�a.,
event in baseball for .many years. McEwen. Clem Merrill, Donald Smith. cedes) my in
The St. Louls National Leegue team Graydon Nell, Alien Neal. C.lass 8 of ate
see -sacred with the New York Amer.. -Yen of three, cockerel end two pul- Beats'
leans for the full nine same', of the Lets -parols 'Tyndall, MMarjorie tide. tote *jl ehemseh
7,41/0/11114W ' T series, evenine up on the eighth game Ewen. Clem el -White Leghorne- - with splendid era
* and., with "Big Akers" assistance, Dna Welsh, Harold Tyndall, Helen I felt so ear gone
Fifty Years of Wheat
Sad by �
NW* 111.4a witk tea lot.
w lief..' in fart
Terser 'IiieeR #er i Up the flirts'
will tinea
arm wast strong wove* you meet
make tae retort yuureett. tot. toa
hulls younielf by refusing to worry,
by tatting the proper rest, ',beep *awl
tett-of-door' exercise. For aaedieine,l
take only . I r. Williams' Pink Pills
width promptly build up the Mood -
and thus feed the starved, frayed
nerves.ealo of extreme nervone exlsaus-
ti•g motored by tits use of Dr.'e'evil-
liataa' Pills is that of Mr R.
baro, Oat., wko
Ago Mreal +hires I
doctors, but
was grow
tinge. I
kris in foreign affairs. The pact of cinching the honors in the final game, Welsh. Glass 38 --White Wysndottea whether I lined or
Le1S Arno irhich made Great Britain Ilisbeazel ertia In Liaiellgkt --Lloyd Adams, Roy Vodden. Clans 3 of my mother
This i thk. niv isaryinart event tr_ an of the Rhine, marked Germany is, •tremendob',ly stirred 39 -Rhode Island Reds• -Raymond a naue renewed
ofhs ut beth annMPort n-. ofi an_ event . a the policeman b - the ,cireulelatancse of a grandsc.n Townsend, Lloyd Adams. Class 40•- By the time I h
outstanding importance in the his- a new departure in`Brltish illniemacy. of the'etc Kaiser having participated Feb' of tbrea U.- P. R. -Carman Rowe -I wan time I -
tory ,of Canada and of the British,I For the first time in history, England in the recant eArmy manoeuvres as a cline, Harold Tyndall, Ethel Hoggart, and was able
R'tupnre--the jubilee of the prat ship- dim been explicitly sepata►ted from Lieutenant. and the incident already Faye Iiindaay, Hazel Hoggart. Class kept on Mkt
menof wheat from 'the Canadian her Dominions by if treaty. has caused the resignation of Gen- 41 -Any Pete -Helen VieIah, Edna able to go 0
'West. It was on Stieler 12, unto Much interest attaches to the pow gal. Von Seeckt, commander of the $aundezcock. Earl Snell, (tarry Iter-, of solus t
that the late L. C. Steele, a TGronto thee of General Hert,:or, Pa31rie Min- Reichswehr. The German • League Holds, Vera Saundereock, Roy Vodden. second wee
rain, left Winnipeg with 867 able to later of South Africa, who within the fo the Rights df Man demand that Class 42 -Beef Calf -Epi Snell, gained `
of Red Fife, all that he was able to demanding
last-few months delivered a speech the young man, who is the eldest son Cecil Shipman, Roy Elliott. Class 43 pounds.
obtain in the West, shipment being demathat Great Britain join in of t former Crown Prince, be Crim- -Market lamb -Res. Ball. (lass 44 fo leve
read iia Red River States
teo the east* the'deelaUni Dominion independence for molly prosecuted for *rearing the un- --Bacons Hogs -Earl Snell, Geo. Rad-. sib, fc
head in the United and eaat� Union of South Africa. Since yform and usurping the functions of ford. Class 45—Halter broken colt-- wontl%..
Mord through that country. his snivel in London, however, Gen- 'an officer. One of the e, ntfltand:ng Will Pepper, Ed. Radf: rd. Clans 46 . et
What an amazing growth from the
emit Nertsbg it said to have modified ,Repu+blecan newreeipers makes the --Agriculture) colt --Ed. Radford,
modest initial shipment of 867 bush• .h m h t Hi
els. pu�rchaeed from Messrs. Higgins
and Youngest 85 cents a bushel, to
the present exportable surplus of an,
proximately 400,000,000 bushels
handled by a thousand elevators
300,000 box cars and two trans -eon.
tinental railroad systema I
Back of the 867 bushelsk the
romantic .story of 8 single grains of
e wheat from which it all started. In
. 1842, David Fife, a farmer living in
Otonabee township, Peterboro Coun-
ty, Ontario, received from a friend
in•Glasgow a atnall quantity of seed
wheat whib+h had been secured from a
boat srrivine from Dantei(r, en the
Black Sea. •Not knowing whether it
• was 'spring nor ..fall wheat Mr. Fife
planted i,1,out hal, the ° send els to in
the spring. It germinated, but did
not mature. with the exerntloe of
three grains which rinened. 'These
were earefully kept and planted the
,•followinat *prime telt i the sestet that
'there woo enough tined en *ewe '
email retch of armed. Mr. Fife Mee
tributed some of the grain to 'Meeelexhbors, who .. reported 'spte�'i'rlid
yi'eld& red by 1860 Aanante+• Of Fife
'wheat had been flint tn. the .Went,
"«e Particularly to Wlac�bnsin and
it was not. however, till 1880 rte
18I2, when the Imildinnof the C.P.R.
Teri the Influx nfsettlers that Red.
'Fite was planted in a .quantity in the
Caansdian West. but. in 1884 the grad-
Ier system wean e•vtr'nliehee ',teed eel
the percentage of Red•btf ife in the
poen. red u'e►nn thet four leferi n hese
,*+•own the• remits/aloe of,Caneda', h- Xsaibel lMlstxtoaald
Western provinces ee .proditeereproducers of The daughter of Ramsay Ma
hour wheat'. V aid, ex -Prime Minister of guru
Ale -w .:4,8SM tar, Weenie Sflurerlere, tains, le exp ted to atane efor tee
Doig pion Crre•'tli�t� jr+,�ee sen eri. in the- Libor interests in :the
mentleg to 'find wheat, that would__ '.neral •electietto a . • ..-
peewee/1 re,. ell flee h ornitsiee of Rea,
fife hnteweetd a iteture earn''. a nqN^.• z' ,trhe Chime* $itnatioa •
' Aimee by histwo eons. Dr. A. P. ;Additional British warships,
eannde' . ra,d tee mottles E.. Sere- cluding•ynn aircraft carrier with t
epee. :A4'rr rnnntk.* exnerimeree ty bombing and fighting iliac
with !gain% frrvw+ rea1..Nirts of the have been ordered to Chinese waters
*nwlra a .++•pec of t+,..1 Fife bind Hard as the result .of the int/resented anti-
Red Cslen't a. 741fndisn. wheat. pro- foreign feeling in that country. Torn ;CLINTON RURAL
•"d 41:0. t'+e 101 ' t" 1003 A few getting by civil casts; the various Chinese • ' rSCHOI?I.. 'FAIR
that wows. prnntnd 'the went year tend factions seem united in,hatred of•.ten
a ►1 -.....nig. t foreigners; ' articulnete the British, One of the Last of :the Series Mon-
a � . as was p stn �( statedChina'sy anday . Week
iii viewn so e+r a • s stars up" charge that Von 'Seeekt was "made Will Pepper. Class 47 --Apples-•-- tha ks to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
So the Africancr of a ;leaflet' for h tow
he the goat" of the affair, as he had ob- Roy Vodden,, Beatrice Snell, Bessie am a no'rmel, healthy woman. I do
South flag which the tains ppeermission from President Von Corey, Billie Jenkins, Roy Townsend, not think anyone troubled as I was
Union Jack would not figure is still Hinderbueg for the young man to Gordon Redford. Close, n -^Beene- can find a better remedy than Dr.
Canadamhas no grievances to be serve in the army; Marion Forbes, Madeline Pickett, Williams' Pink Pills.
aired at the Conference, Premier fetrifle Breaking Up Isobel. Lindsay. Class 49 -Muffins -1 If your dealer does not keep the
King said, just before sailing from Much uneasesess was caused in • Lloyd Adams, a •.ta . Eine, Evety'n pills you can get them by mail at 50
Quebec on 'Saturday. Canada, he Greet Britain by• the sopors that the Nntt. Mrrga+•rt Fear, Mellon Mettle- eenta a box by writiner The Dr, Wil -
stated. was renresented B 1 Gl ' S0 ^oek li 'Medi ' C B k'
Conference as a full self-governing pumps, would be called "out to join the des -Addie Bayle>Y, Lloyd Adams,
we,hh, , i - stave off defeat. " mperor" Cook, mond, Isobel Line�++ay, B cud Pick-
move *
he pills I
and made
a nearby at
to ',ieite myse
idly from 103
continued taking t
1 months, and it is i
me to express in word.
they did for me. No
self knows the tortures I
from nerve trouble, and no
You Will Always Find
Cut, Style and
no re-
take care care -
Dr. Wil -
At this time
I did no: sere!_
But the coax- -
other relatives -
try the pills.
a few boxes
und. Aa I
elt myself
Our stocks of Men's Furnishings for Fall
and Winter are Nifty.
The Leading Tailoring
and Men's Smart Wear Store
pills Phone 219'
pos. . •
tobe t d at thesafety men who operate the pit non, Marian aY Y. ass - ams cane o.. roc viae, +aur.
and shall tette it ou
recommend to ell • ur
and on our. re•
dian National Ra
nice. Efficiency
thusiaem on the
h h
clays. '
."Again tha
you have do
greetings o
strikers t a a Overate o Vera H. Saundercock, Hazel Van k.a ACROSS CANADA ViA C.N.R. Once s
nation within the British Common k n last de ate elf rt to
> to
to New a
Club, • better k
crossed C
a eerier
0 followed almost immediately by d Wal
other counties. Discorraged by flay, Harold Tyndall, Tean 8,11. Clara Canadian Nat •nal
months of idieness•thousends of •min- 53 -Candy -Marion "Bayley, Roe Vod- route across
ers are trooping back, to work in al- den, Margaret Fear. Alma' Carter, satisfaction wit
most every coal district. Hazel Vats Egmont,. Clara 54- reovieed r a
Tien. C. f3. H7atan Dean ' Lurch--HeeeI•, Ver. Egmond. .Marion , dean Nati nal
Bayley, Alin Carter. Joe Carey, the follo
on. Charles S. Hyman, who. Was Gladys "Seundercock,. Faye Lindsay. of the
the class 55 ---Patch. on Gingham ---Isabel her e. 11
as Nott, Isabelle Ashton, Jan Cnrnieh, of the t.
ur- Hazel' Van .0 Egmond, Alma Carter. ' "May
a Earl Radford. Class . 66—Button-' rineing
• holes—Isabelle Nott. Class 57= i r'iation
Handkerchief --Crone Vodden, Mader rerun
ed line Pickett., Donna Welsh, . H. Van l Z.eale
Egmond,: 1....Lindsay, Carl Radford. '''"••'
of Class 58 -Darning --Donna Welsh, i . f -
n- Carl Radford.. Marion Snell, Class
nt 59--Tatting�Reta Fear. Class 60-1
l_ Guest Towel -•-Isabel Lindsay, Irene'
Vodden. Earl Radford. Dena Tyner, •
+ Vera Saunderoock. Class . 61 -Any
model in wood-Melboi;rne Ball, x �[[ HAIR'
nt Grant Snell, John Deeves, Ray Town-, :TO DARKEN
is• send, Agnes Carbert. CIasss 62—Six
th named knots --Melbourne Ball, Har -
5. old Tyndall, Jean Forbes, Grant
secretary of the miners union, how. rtt Clans 51= ea
Iver, is strongly opposed to this step Fear,
e r, babel l Y n Fgmondgotel Madeline- ''Fall chess
and it seems unlikely that it will beATT.
taken. -In Leicestershire the Miners' Pickett, • Jean Brill. Class 52 --Cur- way tp p
Council decided to Call off the strike, rant tarts --Lloyd Adams. Carl Rad- test atche
t t. f 11 ford, Marion Math.son, le+abel Lind- of Eneslland *
ta•-•Reece �Vr
• North Side Square
pleasure to
ends in New
that the• Catn-
aps stands for
ot all the ofll.
d Personal E
ng you
for u$ a
half of ;hie
for;* all that
'hadn't been kiase
she's been kissed
d Rugby I teen. .
wn as the _._,..r•.- ..._ .
ada en their
f games and
the best clu
, they chose t
ailways as ie
Dominion. • ell
be- aplendi• ervico
reveller • • n Cana -
a in pressed In
wr . en on behalf
e "AILRiacke"
aneial Manager
rd our •
• the reenit're
"A11-B1ack" Rug
ore+. ,flee,.*1
este of crossing • Can
lam of your railwave.
'We wholeheartedly' "comp
u on your transportation foci
nportunity. of
'ncere appre-
service ex -1
f the New
had the
a, per
t six -
b six-,
'Lindsay, Otto. Sleeves. Class `63--
i-' Patch on grain bag' -Harold Tyndall(
Carl Radford, lass 64—Bird house Loek voting'- cane gook tee
a--Melbouros•: 1ti1,' Sega Lipdsay.: Natural Colic; Weer arid
e .Class e5•- .Ma of ,Townships --Lloyd' Attractiveness
d Makin, .Ino. Lindsay, Edward Deeves, '
g Alma .Carter. Class 66 -Map of Old -
rio••.-Ra ownsen
Ashton, Florence .Smith, Agnes Mor-
ritron, Alvin Vodden, Hazel Hoggart.
Class 67 -Map of Canade-Grant
Lindsay, John, Deeves, Isabel Mc-
Knight, Marian Forbes, Margaret
Carbert, Elizabeth Morrison. Claes
Mon -
T.1 fee r11 rf 10411 he iron from t 1 I lir �ti Teeed East 69 --Writing, .: "Indian Sumraer"--
this Alantin" wss x n9' 111 a ams .spokeemsn sit.;let League of Nations _ "'
„e•,ee eemee" Ten "mere 1fe+er.J Assemble when `he charged that 1,- One ford Adams, Margaret Farquhar,�1 a-
this wheat, . the. grow. 'world-fihnons 900 titillates were killed when Bri- was t j� ld lit d bel Ashton, Lorne Ellie. Cissa e0
Veroris. eroduted al e'en that taxed•.tish grnboets bombettled Wanhsien. and Tuesd ?oat ha the Writing, "Lead; Kindly Light"--War-
O.. •"nrgtnr capaetty of the enure 'Inc bombardment is said•. to have fol- Sinton Pubi ren .Whitmoaei Vern Saunderenck.
eoutitty,. moi, wed ee ettsek by a British relief tnchools of . turr nd' d' i Marion Snell, Ray Townsend, Fred'
Grebe Semen Sister of forty 'men who undertook brought together Merrill, Reta1Corbert. Clnd, 71_ •.
The= mare& of science is steady te- to release a number of British displays were' tt nd the parade Writing. "Recesaiona1 "--IaabeI Lind.
weed the Goal, of the lengthening sailors held as prisoners by the Chin- was one of the,beee. The prize win. say. Marion ie !MciEwen, Babel Mc -
of the human span of life and the a1- ere. The vent/ party had seven men nem in the rural section ,were as fol. 'Knight, ht, Elisabeth Morrison. Grant
leviation of suffering. London de -1 killed duripg the.fighting and as they lows: 'Lindsay, Grants Snell, Marge ret 'Car-
spetcllee within the past few days Withdrew they were subjected to heti- Clair I--Wheat-John Demmee. bort. Class 72 -Writing, "One Thine
tell of auotesrtful treatment of incl- •�v rase and mbsehine gun fire from Close 2 -Wheat, SheafeeJohn Deeves, at a.Time"-»Jean Cornish. Fay; Lind-`
pieta blindness', by ultra -violet .rays. both banks of the Yangtse River. Roy Appleby. 'Clare 3 -Oats. 1 qt. -
frit', Elva Snell, Isabella Ashton.
turd a Saskatoon ,rosea. Dr. George . As• yet no detailed official statcmert Mormon Pepper, Jean Forbes. Ed- Florence Whitmore, Jerre Morrison.
1, Cameron, is credited with the des- of the affair has been made by the ward Deeves, Bert Garrett, Carl. Rad- Class 78 -Writing, "October's .Party"
covery of a drug 'which emits ac• British Government, but since the ford. Class d --Oeste, Sheet -Edward ....Isabelle Ashton. Clams 74, ---Essay
cekration of the heart action, lure- subject was mentioned al Geneva. he Dams, Bert Garrett. :Class 5 -Bat- ..--Elizabeth Morrison, Marion Forbes,
dent to tide a patient over the eriti- Chino* hare released the British . ley. 1 nt,»-Alden Crich. Frank Gar- Jno. Deeves. Class 76 -•Pencil draw -
cal period of aback following an oper- ships they were holding, impres+r•d *eft, Lloyd Adams, Graydonn .Neal,, ins Lloyd Ba• in, Jno. Lindsay,
Mien, or in the cafe if a serioa' a1. tllt,doubt, by the tethering of British Gordon Radford. Class 6 -Barley. Margaret ,M'.rr n. Addie Bayley,
sera . a pneumonia er typhoid. force ! ' .. Sheaf -John Lindsay, Gra on Neel, Dena Tyner, Betel Forbes. Class 76
The Imperial C.nfr tore t A Veteran'. `nares h Frank Garrett. Close 7 Id corn ,-pater color "drawing-Agnef* Ow -
All se are °entreat upon London Grover Cleveland Alexander, cast -1o*,eara-•GIadys Swi Allan bete, Melbourne •ball, Gerald Brows.,
ae-the Fel** Milstein and ether de- of My the C..b National League Neal. Baas 8 -Field co ;.Q stalks• hoed Lindsey, Madeline P ekett,
Iagataa freta the overseas Dominion* team in mid -abs on is cttditrd with Allah Neal. Class 8 --Sweet Coen- Harold Truesdell' Class 7fi--Weeds-�
Onta y Townsend Isabelle
the hist 0t tee school faire
at 'Clintoni. On Monday
hood d six' of the
i +stn ct
displays. The
CAW,* tether for the Inmelia' the Tivielehag of
t* teres eees. The big kkiir tattuss dot the mine the • bases,were
World Series for Alma Carter, Evelyn 'Nett, Bill Rad- Hazel Van E anond, Herold Tyndall.
esasls. ford, Margart1et farhert. Cisme10--. eteetorit McEwen, Margaret Fear,
were out,' Soy
as II -8°Y Ban ' shim' -Erin , 78-Ontxberio Weed Marjorie Seedh -Marion
Whitmore. Clens 12--I. C. Potatoes Bayley, Hazel Van Esmond, Haroid
-Margaret Levy", Beatrice Snell. Tyndall, Stewart Farquhar. Hoy El -
Ethel Thempeon, Carman Rewelifie, 'lir , Margaret Merriam,. Class 81 --
1 -Harry Reyudids, Royyoot. Claes Forest leaves -Hazel Van Egmond,
1 Me potato's t. Clew. Will Pepper, Elizabeth Morrisote,
Irene Vsdde Ethel H sett, Gerald � t Fa aha* 11(arion liteyley.
>b ogc �te*dar m
Brown, Margaret borate . Marlon ' class 54- .Parader- - 9o. 5. Mullet. No.
li4athearbn Glaafl '14—••D Potatoee-- ' h� No Statile •• :1`0 8
4 Toekersmit f
HAW 1T rt. Donne *elide Grant Teekaramith: No. 2, 'genion; s r. No.
ll[ tris A I+Ieihorrna of Reat•scitation--•
Lhtdaa , �r, 2. Class SS --Art
hall. Fred Morrell. teem *!e --Man- Hazel Van Egmond. Marion Iieyity.
golds-Marjork McEwen, R'ili Pep- Dona, Welsh. Gerald Brown, Berry
per, Cliff Pepper. Harold Pepper. Al- Rereads, Jimmy Reynolds. Public
tin Vodde d. ' Margaret C,orleitt. king-•-MarIon Bayley. Charlie
'Ch1;as 1I-Turnipw-Swalie Pepper"Merril), Iva Nott. Choruses -U. S.
('lasx.17-. +eta --Alvin C'a'ter. Jack
S. No. 2, Hellen: S. S. No. 5, Hul-
Hende Elva Snell. John Lindsay, lett; S. S. No. 12, Hallett. Mouth or-
gan aeleetions-Marion Mathesoe.
iseetearro elesehei Fore.%% Charles Is o..,e„n Lima.
Grant„ Snen. John Deers, •.
Margaret Fear,
< tell. Agnes Carbert:'l
rick. Class 21 --'•Ogle
erlt, Marian Sown, Margaret Farqu-'
her, TWA. Merrell. t7aas 21 -Ant-°
ers•-••larntelee 'Snell. Jack IiMwb rson, jtlf i
.bio. Lindsay. Fred Morrell. " Eldon �>r
O'Rrles. Mee 11.8wret Petite- Mew Melkaurne Rett. Isabel Saw+dereock. •
Withert Lever. Clete a:11a.. Closer .13
i'hioa-••••Marion Snell. Merlon fro« -1
he•, C11.a 24•..7tn,, ....i'ean Slap. !
eterl t eist lever. mewl :kite, Feeeel
Neal'art, I.ilokei leeeerh.. (1ss' iii--'
Afrh"ui I4arie nkh izt.es*tel Vrn P.tr•
"nrnl. •roar. fin nigh. T.sn Wnsi*er.'
Cheek e k dell --•('eases yes-- Ethel 'Theenn-
re.. 1«nen "rile -e Claw ''%-fees` -1
t1Mir--iyilsl Uedssy►. Clime 28-.-
Freeth M!�--IsobeI Kerte,
ltoafriee 7eh+e11. - hear mee Mel:Mee i
Wee Ceeter. time "t.-{ie.how--
(i1al,x gaam irr+rt•-a•. Ma''trrt lrer.
"Ib"-. i -- - '- Reel ('ie.. •.t .
Coese-r._ reef even stew •' a•. Mrtrw.'
irytr.:., isre'•rtr (t -.-q : i. •Ptele•1
Vern 8-nethraaee. Cies• 3A-801711.
ploorr_._Criet Peen, MOP* /4- .
dsaa.. DewedHerrin I(*raid
(;rione l vest
MISS Meet Meg bielewee. Clam Tee.
2i--Pullet•--Aarehl Tynds 1, 'Marjorie
Nott, Class 19-, introlise yes, Fool Mor.'
raSet Sweeter-
s -Olive Pick.
Common garden sage' brewed into a
heavy tea with sulphur added, will tura
guy, streaked and faded hair banti.
fully dirk and luxuriant. Just a. few
applications will prove .a revelation if
your hair is fading, streaked or gray.
Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur rec-
ipe at home, though, is troublesome.
An easier way is to get a bottle" of
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound
at any drug store a11ready for use.
This is the old-time recipe improved by
the addition of other ingredients.
White wispy. gray, faded hair is not
sinful, we all desire . to retain our
youthful al►pcalrance and attractiveness.
By darkening your hair with Wyeth's
Sage and Sul hur Compound, no oeae
rant tell, because. it does it so naturally,
so evenly. You. just dampen a spouse
or soft brush with it and draw this
yourhair, taking one small
strap at a tune; by morning alt gray
hairs have diatippeared, and, after an-
other application or two, your hair be -
coma idoily dark, glossy, sat sad
Just Received--
• A Shipment of
for, the Colder
eatherMen's Makinaw Pants in
dark grey or black, in
sizes 34 10 44 ,'rep. • $$. 5O
for $3,95
Men's Heavy Cotton
Lined Pants. ,
mole of heavy Ccttonade1
fangs with heavy Flannel, •
six:', 34 to 44, reg.. $3 50
for $ 1.95'
Orange Lily its 11 _
eertaiit relief ' for all
• disorders of women,
I1 is applied libealTy.
and is absorbed into'
the suffering tisanes.
The dead waste mate
ter in the congested
region is • expelled,
giving immediate men-
tal and 'physical .re-
lief ;
e -lief; the blood ',repels and nerves are toned and strengthened,
and the circulation is rendered to normal as this -treatment is
based on strictly scientific principles, and arts on the actual
,location of the disease, it cannothelp hut do good in all forms
of female troubles including •deltey (dean -painful n,emstruai-;
tion, leueorlhoea, falling of the womb, growths* .and -ovarian:
troubles, etc. Price $2.00 per box, Mich is autf,eient for one
month's treatment. .A free Trial' Treatment, enough for 10
days, worth 755, will be sent FREE to any suffering woman
who will send me her sddrese. Enclose' three stampsand ad-
dress: -Mrs. Lydia W. Ladd, Dept. ‘,10 Windsor, Ontario.
Sold By Leading Druggists Everywhere
�1. Remarkably- Low Prkk
mode postible by
Price is•ra barrier to, your owning a Marshall Spring
Mattress. This superb, new comfort mattress has chang-
ed the sleeping habits of generations. Yet it cos t.ir lefts per
year to own than the ordinary stuffed mattress.
The many hundreds of highly resilient` prings in the
Marshall Spring Mattress give even, gentle support to
the entire contour of the body. Natural even boder sup-
port ensures complete muscular relaxation, an essential
.e rte to true healthful sleep. .
Peed ful1 of rowed and vinous. ;
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