The Goderich Star, 1926-09-30, Page 61. Pe ? .e.• .• PAtIlt XX • • Ja••••••••• • THE GODEEICH STAR everything. The town was ringing eSometh:ne e eu s:en t knew and' • ti -t his name inside of an hour. lwuki /lever eases+. lie Lata,1 SLY?* FALL FAIR other breher. Weer; at he stareel ; Of courts, 1 went to the Barreeke.I:unbowed fi...iti e.t.a. tillelbe looking for you. I'm ease h"in °Pe" howihk"*" ebs Pest" tee'eve Cake pleat -Mite Livineetorel hack, I saw the lieutenant and -he te ed: "Ye*. another benseer. I nee 1 hint for **teething altegether diff -4 rs. W. A. Logan. 'Single piece told me the true *tette." - lustre work -Miss Livingster, Dr. J. 1- •Poleon stirred uncomfortably. l!n1.10 hut r'e laughed bil,1"14''' Grieve. Collection, 5 piece eeaven. __,,,, es„, ‘%nat dn Ye* think st a gni -w-_,-;. tont design -Miss Living;ton. Mrs. "fie swore at you roundly* and doesn't know her own Wad? vi me Totter. Cellectien. 5.plect real:Attie t said he'd take it out of your skin as lets the one man. the rood man, go deeignze-Dr. J. Grieve, 5Irs. W. A 'i soots as he was able -giving him the away? She deeen't deserve much, Logan. credit, He told me it was sell who CHAPTER, XXX. (Ceatlatte411)., ise.• the more ureeesrable became his did it all -how you followed those does she" ' FLORAL EXHIBITS ".Ma soeur! *neer!" the b - It wee over ; he had done his ism thoughts. TWA %OHM& was playind men over the Line, alone, alter he eat Bloom For * long while he remained there t leks with hira. Enough of it! Ile Eleyed out; how Joe A:Cast:FT killed felines erled• hearselse htel en all *tremble now; he could have Asters, 10 bleorns one variete, one inert, hi* patient, haggard face bent. :met get out into the lights; he must is own brother in trying to kill yeu. his eyes fixed n the floor. He f_el% hear voices and regain the nutstuarY But the viola thing is ot afie now. a believed Ilinna4f demented "elv fry telate-Mrs. W. A. Lairant Mies A. sosmithing in Esultiteet'e face. "Y u Gillespie. Asters. 4 colors. d blooms 1., vcry old, verY urti Wag IsP4 sod we of hireself through eontesst vet* WM herd -it- seet cam e beck. Yqu're of each color -Mrs, D. McCallum, 13th r I f think te was unbearable- people. Perhaps in the saVons, the .. fithte a famous character in Dawsen Who; la. fie, "..-td efied ;ma a chill hadrestaurent,. he could absorb enougn tonight, 'Poleon dear„ whew ith this Mrs. L Wright. Colleccion dahlias -eon A. Gillespie, 5Irs. D. Laidlsw. r . + lees tie. 'owl 1-0 rouied himseli. laughter to mak, safe .the nioe,IterY t and with Frenchman's Hill." Gladioli. 4 spikes -Mise 3. Woad. emit, Mrs. D. McCallum. aSweet Peas. display, colors shown severe:e- lse-Mies. D. 51cCallurn, Mrs. 'reefer. Collection 'Xinniats-Miss Giliesgie. Mrs. Telfer., Roses -Mrs. J. Wriglet D. Laiellaw, Mrs. J. Wright. Earl Caldwell. Table bouquet or basket -Mrs. Telfer. Olive Wright. Collection annuals. 4 verietese named -Mrs. Telfer, Mrs. D. McCallum. Collection perennials, 4 varieties. named -Mrs. A. Gillespie, 51rs, J. rime -him? West's die eon ettyin'1" "1 mean Itiee-you, .. Whe else could I mean? Ite slosesn't carts for to note that it had grown dark,. Mau- i he purposed ; perhaps it would en.. "Ho! flat Frerehmare HIV the me. but fer another, and I'm -oh, ,so glad. iftst,y, thin wettid net, do ; there was' able him to sante a grin upon his man broke ant, hurrldly. /t s he ir tee ii,alblent .Ot PARC WA to Levi features. ,Soortrr or inter this very evenina he But his t -.melee., re; futile; in sp.v, bout dat'",., - , es'prise faus. eh? Pierre told you wh„ ye., 1,„,e, ei. ye, ee,„ A.,l? .,... , . ".":- ---e- "Mon Dieu!" 'Potele gasped. "For must go to Raul •,:ta anal r ohne' :•,o . et he,te.:4 eo 0e -telt fr ea neoseeeend, "Pierce?"• The girl shook her bead don' -i" MS ery was ane of pains of reeemeh; he dossed his eyes the a joy1,41,1 •••4‘,3q hit erm poen aga.0 bid hinrielf unobt-e4:ve17.ein a corner' vecrtuly. , while he strove to stilt his unseeing know. That meant mire- seal 45 ,te the fleet place he entered. I-te• was: "You remember .1 stake two claim . feature*. He opened them with a more effort: it Would take ell he kid , Mart, wounded, cid: to death: he lenge- one for •you, one for me. By golly/ M him to -.wryioffaril melawhile; eto ernaotte.whera end be ma soeur, you're millionaire.' snap when a smell. warm, tremulovs ' t . d eee •iir .14. 1 "I remembered, of course," Rou. hand closed over his. the more ho let Ws mind tit c41 tu:on ' eleee with his nein. ,. "You wouTile't mind if he called - . Ti order tent lie m*elit tit.. soon-: tette said, 'faintly. "I-' she closed roe his mister, if -if voU celled ese- I FOP 0 !•-tt011 slunk tot t unon the street. Itl over. - At- first I -didn't understand. ode, a" h ble erect er be fro' t; do so. he two finallY her eyes. "I couldn't bf;lieve it, hoW- son,,ohe.„, gap. wre.id vim, dear?" W ht COLIC PIS (NUNS ,wmAid 5,00n be time for Roulette, where the strike had been made: then p' nor, itinorant feller. I ain't • - •- 4 1 to go to work. He would get it I couldn't credit It I thought I was Pot Mote PANS IN1 TIE SUMO "°"" "*". ° drearning-" re treed. Bet sees -de hes' man in' • all de wed' would love you." 1 Begonia, tuberus-C. Cartwright). • Cap In hand, his heart beating "You dream' as much as you can," #41to dome hut he emn't Say so." Mrs. D. McCalluin. Besonta, coliec- Thoro's Nothing Itquotio heavily at the prospect of merely 'Poleon said. warmly. "Dey all come Roulette esesteeed. e'Come, • must I lion not less than three -Mrs. J. Eern Watson. Verde Watson. Mite • seeing her, he mune on noiseless true now, What? Everyt'ing come tWright. Coleuse-Mrs. W. A, Logan. Leghorne-Setat Pairscrvice. Lily M. . soles to her door. He, could hear, out nice, eh?" saV it for 'him?" One last nroteet the Mime voiced. Mrs. J. 'Wright. Collection foliage Howard. Maregret Quinn. .Tom Hag- Piles are eauaed .by congestion o • THURSDAY. anntustra so. 1111111 EDROSE tea" TEA rson. NM= Craig. Evelyn Wielitluall. Parteepe - Hazel Itlehsrds, Ruth Straughan. Beth ehebbrook. Isabel Stewart, Irene ('ole. Marlon Quien. POULTRY - Coekerel ®- Isabel Nethery. . Earl craig. Lily al. Howard. 'Marlon Quinn, Lorne Snell, Belie Roberton. Belle Itoberton, Lorne Snell, Millar Rieomond, Marion Quinn. Earl Craig. • MANUA • maaaa `••••••• • 'AMIN .11.‘ • Par •na• • Marjorie Blanton. Clete Watson. Bor. den cook, Alice Leith. Andrew Sloan. An •other pet-Jaek Leith, Everett serimgeonr. Hervey Davis, Mary Ana,. Gordon Clayton Potts. 1 • LIVE STOCK Spring Iamb, market purposee-Tort Ross. Harry Caldwell,. Oleo ritirser- vice. • . L TRAINING • Hazel Cowan. Pen of three -Lily M. ; Milking ;stool - Ralph CaIdwelL leeward, Earl •Craig. Louis Deer, ..,_(Continnelteeep page 71 Mar*ii Quinn, Ralph "Celdwell. •Bar. roe, Roeks-Scott Pairserviee. %Mice Flap._ Leith. Marcella McLean, Elda Watson, •I s Go Quick f , She uttered a cry when she saw l'Yesonv dream has come true-Abat wpm a „.,-eio..4q almelitoe, reveang Mrs. W. A. Logan. Geranium, single etruesame (Imre Brut/some Isabel cause. That's why salves and cut- 14,peelal-Helea Telford. Annie Mood' in the lower bowel. Only an her stirring inside, so he took a . Rouletts opened her eyes. They elite, Pet reneleeteel• men. I scarce- plants -Miss A. Gillespie, tir,e. 3. gete deep breath and rapped softly. I were shining; so. too. was her flee, ly read ma wrii.o. Bo •ii.11......” Wright1. Fern, any house varietY- parr, mete weeeseeses - Deep internal remedy can remove the. him standing there; then a sud- Is, my hIggest. finest dream. I'm- enore-e twee pea eose.esee reeet-0,1in bloom -Mrs. J. Wright Beat one -e• ii, • . e tery. , ting fail,• Dr. Leorthardt'a Hem -Reid, den pallor crept into her cheeks, a the happiest girl in the world, 'Pol. B, t r d e wets, reeding Iesi elr.1 house plant in bloom -Mrs. R. B. Mc. - ' - 1 so o e i . a harmless tablet, -succeeds, because' e u e e r constraint enveloped her, eon.o, ' od et ti,q PIMP "14 11,0'10011"h rrn i Gowan, Mrs. J. Wright. Window box PETS nevertheless, she put both her "Ma sour!" the man crried broken* retiree te he the meokout" veni -Miss A. Gillespie. Bonging basket Pleeeits---Wesley Taman, Leonard hands in his and drew hint across ly and with a denth of feeling OW ni ainnkxto (10.11. P. xtr:th 9 ehowee; -Miss A. Gillespie, Mrs. W. A, Log- Shobbrook. Clifford Taman, Tom Hag- strengthens the alfeeted parts. Hem.; the threshold She said eomething even Roulette could not fathom. "1 wee, 10,4, ftv4 0.M drle, neer...4% aerl., an. Collection snap dragons, any gen-. Lorne Snell. Cat or - kitten- Raid has 'given quick, safe sad laet- delayed so long, knewing all the 'word,' to see dot light in your eye,tu.st Robinson, Irene Ifrunsdon. Ruth :ng relief to thousands of Pile Suf- ferers. It will do the same for you . 'Poleon's ears were roaring, but , give mY life to hear you say dose lifting hie }med.,. see ,,,T,t 1,,,,ailjf; his color -Mrs. D. McCallum, Mrs. W. A. .rames Laidlew, Lily AL Howard. Er - and to hear his story? Ile could not A silence, throhbing, intense, f 11 arms. Then .es Pee. eks.. fir•-. suel Logan.' time that she was dying to see hint No price too high for dit." SPECIAL PRIZES lielborn. Domed McMillan. Rabbits or money back -IL C, Dunlop and underotand her embarreoserient, her between them. Roulette felt her _0... :er!clie,rdtiliiieheorerbeir4:44., ,..s 1,1,,act $,Lawcrag!Zi0:: .jas, Dodd*, pair of shoes, value -Clayton •Potts. 'Harvey Davis, Hazel druggists everywhere sell Hem -Rad With * eeeelle-s. 1••••ncrry- ",••• "f $4.50, for beat agrieulkUral teuzn-E, lvon. Benson Cowan. Dog or pup- with this guarantee. shyness, the fact that she seemed heartbeats swaying her. She open- e„teay. .,,, keee ia.o+ It wee akin to Toll. 'R. M. Mat -ay -95 lb. bag . it relieves this congestion and hurt. Royal Purple Calf Meal, value for 1 eetrel, I'm turkey' out wit' travel- ntideehreer bli!esere?.Netenrosreuenedselssearneecl'eeDr, 'nele" ile"e" "-refried u" ''' els serest embreep. "Pon' prort.3 -no best herd (1 bull and '''' females) 4,.. ie." he ileeetred " Pat's hordes' trip and she had to wink the tears back ,Th„.„ e. i„, herlered her V11 be Shortorn cattle -Lorne E. Ellis. R. rt has bee* is uss for over 80 i ever I mak'. Yoe hear "bout 'im,, into- place. . • ,• M. MeKase-Tin of Royal Purole vest rare; its action is pleasent, Pid . I 010.-aheet how McCloskey tell do "Ma soeur!" she eehoed faintly. 441 wPlrern' "eiee5104.:d."' f4(71.4: tuna n time ilm,- try food, value 21.50, for best collet- ra' Tellable andeffeetuel, mil tidier i terthee love to hear you say that, dear. It . fore she rale -4 uee 4 .TM., less to his. don of poultry -eV'. Anderson. A. M, tomes promptly. I Roulette nodded. with n curious has grown to be a caress, tre-lose,, "Don't areept e substitute l' . I've THE END. Brogden -$2.00, for best foal, horse The genuine is put up only- by The . . . 1.!! ettared .01 t, or mare, Class 2 -Gray Bros. A. li wh,nyou -say sll mila about it, the on her Psfir'st"Iini-I to tell you*" T. Milburn tro.. LBul imited. Tenet% Ont. eew Rod; inn down those fellosve.".4 "I know." RHEtimArc suffEREks Erskine -$2 for best pair Barred Reeks -J. Somers. R. IL Robinson - ;-.a. • •••••••••.•••••• the One hatter, value MOO, for best Mny Obtain Relief by Enriching agrieultural horse on halter -Mrs. .7' Blood Through the Use of Dr. . Wright. Harry Wayraouth-e1.00 * Williams' Pink Pills ' fo b'rd ari ground in pultree-Jr.e. • ess e sery - "--- • Fairice. sor .---e es• es. -re In the days of our grandfathers best baby beef (not Watson eligibBrele for rheumatism. was thought to be the xistration) lst gnd .... ..". unnvoideble penalty of middle life McGowan, .7. Brigham. Blyth Agri - and old ate, Almost every elderly cultural Societsg-For best three ' person hed iheumetiste, as well as horses from arty municipality. either , , many young people. It was thought • . e ,.. 3 - i +hat raeleyeeere less due to exnasure $6, ' to Cold and dnutoneSs. agricultural or heavy draught, let, 2nd $2-Hullett, V. Wawa:Les:a _ k i‘. r treated vrith linimenes end hot, annlit- and: It W331 Munn Bree., $1, Class 0. Section 7- Jno. E, Ellie, 11. Dodds, 1 gallon mo. cations willek smnettnies tIve tem"- ter oil, Claes No. 8, Section 2 -Thos porary reef let tlid mit r'mave the 1 Taylor. Archie Radford -$2.00 for • . -trouble, ,In • those, dsYs thsre were beat -mare -add eau,. env emse.....--Uee ,, • : mom/ rheumatle crieeles. Now med., Bros. Howard Brensdon, lee toe 'col science rosslerstands„that rhounta- 1 commercial lime for best heavy tiern is a disease ef the blood and draught mare and foale-Gray Bros, MOP - ' that With geed red bleed anY In" °I. Dr, Cielboroe. $2 for best fosl, horse ; " • • woman of ellir ote eln d''f" rb`""n"- . or mere, Class 2 -Gray Bros. 'Jas. _ . . - tisrn. There ore 'now ninny elderly R. Cutt, $3.00 lor best gelding or I. ; THE CANADA STARCH; ale IsIMITra - 11191/411gAle %.4,11 tI people who •heve neeer felt a twinge fitly. class 2. section 3se-A, Reeking 'stews .. . of rheurnatierre because they have Blyth Agricultural Society, two eel- s . • $ ... kept their blood in good condition, and. s there are many who have eoequered ;e - t hogs of the baeon avee- (weight li...kidijakilaraliagewsktedmaiwitssigadadmiumo it by building up their weals, -watery mg every year more widely of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Is becom. blood. The blondemetehing . onaktiliowaties i atone i_eG:J.:w1-,tradrt::latersdr.10(1Cra4!416,,I$5.02s..0001: pills has robbd rheumatism of its . ;:soff3o0ea AtAm CO'01PERATION MEANS CONSERVATION" • • seeseeie. • . •rune41 bythe Ontario Department of Highways to secure the oh-oPetaltion of motorises in Abating. the abuse of tho roads of ass:14'040M pleasurable. By so doing you will greatly assist the traffic '* patrol who operate for everyone's safety -who • Lave inctrutior.s to enforce the law rigorously. Ontario is Alme utumn Splendour terrors. At the first sign of thin. Joe • and e -la 'of " 'hest LU heavv draught' tont-Grey Br' lle OYnt, M.L.A. foe Noeth Huron impure blo6d nrotect yourself neniriat $20.00 for hest agricultural teem cif the ravages of disease y taking Dr . ,mares or geldiegs, co-nf 'ed to "echi- Virilliensq' Pink • 411s. Thev li biters resident in the *Whir of .Nnridt, 'helped thousands -1 you give thairit7 Ru -on. 11.%ilenele!"illelii•-erefoeed zerkoll'r. qtfe they villitrGhellsa,ern• Catesdian • 13 Wink of Cenrieree. Sliver herd. • .,. Their valueos of- theismatirn is proved by the statement • No 1ent- ots51,,rw.hOFZIvagy;17_.134aftne:I. ii;liolacrikustt,o,nteA„L'hillanta.°14.3vsoe:reteobj3, 7-4Fr'uiE:t5. Ella: JTJDGES tell you of the' vronderful benefit 1 t/Pr1ve4 4'"nnl'th'? "" "4 Dr. wIlilain''' rnins-D. Cantelen. in e s t I e letanufaetures-Mrs Pink P111'8 / suttered. rnteld agony I G D n DATA. CITY-OvvELLER, where did you sar-a. spend your boyhood days? Was yours the privilege of wandering through the fields and woodland where every tree and bush had been painted by the divine artist? Today you. say 'tis but the heak:fianii of a dying year, Then it contamed all the mystery of an enchanted palace. Ontario's highways lead you to the land of yesterYear-over white roads flecked with fallen leaves, patterned here and there by checkered shadows of trees. Field and hill- side are gay with fiery sumach. Maple eves atlarre. backed by the darker ever- 7.hrottel tblo lovely panorama, in every direction, • leada 0”,tatio's splendid system of highways. You 3:e entitled to ettjay them, they at* your*. Keep In utind, however, that upo you will come the cense* of maintaining them in proper condition, Spceding eats airily road surfaces. It 'arnilke your pocket -book for "both motor and road upkeep. Moderate driving is far more economical and • •;•:se1. , • • .." le IT k eeristwe attsetlost to sit material mei Ism set estlyTir=i, that aloe ties avireetliarit, ilis prise Meas. • • • condition. 'rhe +rettble left me inmate. from rheumetism led e run.dosen i Start; Tara.. • HorJ t:es-. T. Cherertare Oroe. a. able of worn of nee kind. end for4 Cattle, Sheep and Swine -Thee erisv!eoes .the essistiree of a cane, i Ladies' Work and Ate'eejack Dun- t „epee, &met aeetore.........._ • part of the trme 1 w9s ungble to me Eenderson, Glencoe. das. Markdale. and also other rmeedies. that wereorre, commended. but did 'ter innfrows • 'ha BLATT( GSCITAITI, FAIR had -about giver; un hoe" of gel -tie -9 R ',maps. eit.ee e frheot odr4s0d na* Oats. sheaf-V`era McDonald. ectia, ttat Die Williams' Piels l'Ill'• I 'Ile Cole, Wheat. elm:if-Lib- Howard. .tbitg ...AO 410 14'41.11t ,. +hat within fear Donald • afelfillan, Wheat. quart - months r avee as well a men v.; ever Lily Howard. Barley, eheat-Haned 4, COnnbigilarna Mildred Core. Barley. eoinnlete wreck whet+ I began Usi, eir tituart - Harold omningenm, nod beam,. 111•C‘ venal 0,nwori •Altalog nt+rt i11111:(117inneltalneelin"nlietiett:9'',13;1"It4 ttilip''t 1.rn'hiNftr -- Conlon. Elmer Sontera. Garden yore eoen. 3 etellesesstena Munro. Arthur /raig. Loelsa ..c rawforti, and I have heti rev eeturn el +he trous - n r • - Belle Ttobertson. feathleen Logan. Isle !Osseo. t eel, eel- eseesnient hoe- ire.vo.4.0 „ en "'t ohf,.,..r.etesenh tho4,nzein: from ipmy Clarence Wooden, N'ormen ' Griffiths:: Soy berms, pint-Goratin ("aldwell. e tic,.‘ea„ I a, e... ...„,,,B „,f. ee, a Soy berms, sttear-elordoe Caldwell. box -Norm Tee Dr. Williams Medicine • rtooTA.A.NI) erEGETA,Tmees x Co., I:snot:vino. Gni.; D. potatoes -Edythe Ileitcom, Myt- h ----"', ' Hs Taylor. Mare Lockhart Glaeses . se es . ...e * leirtner, Norma Caldweil. Denson D. Kellogg's Astern* etell.eoY vilir re Cowan. G. M, POtatees-Rildie 'MT- Alkee the Misery with welcome relief. lor, CItteton Potts. Bertram Neebnie. Inhaled as smoke or vapor it leechee Audrey the very innermost receesett of the, steroid. eltorntlitxiti. tiv.erte%tt Scrimgeour, bronchial paseestes and toothee them.' win Heti, Nide WatteolretatM°virs-relrlle. : ttniami'lle" el"geg "d easY breathing Yonne, Mareella Met T li returrte. If you krtthw m welt kow „e,,,,,,,,e, , sein. IeS e this remedy would help you as do. ,,,....--. Aary Pear. alangels-Lopae Ranking. end Longman. -Infra*. thoueande of gratefel usere. there 4 ERE! IS A SWElEti" that is DEMSTOUS NOIJilISIHEIbTG h Buy 7 e Best i .,.. ... • . The Plymouth Anthracite Coal is the best It burns IA . • ..to a fine aSh, and is pra.ctically free from slate. It cost at the Mines 50c per ton more than other Coal but we sell it , 6 at the same pnce. Why not have the best whey it will t` cost you no RtetrF. . - ,.. Egg mail -Nut. ... ...$1 6.00 per ton ' .; t, . Stove."... . . . ... . $16.50 per tan • We also hardle the Muter Anthracite Coal. This C,elal differs in some respects'from the -average ' run of Anthracite from the Pennsylvania field and these differences should be borne in mind to insure most effi- cient and economic results. This coal is slightly lighter and therefore fuses at a higher•temperature, is free burn- ing and therefore more readily susceptible to draft con- trol. It is ALL coal; it comes to you free from slate and . other impurities. It cannot clinker unless forced beyond the high fusing point of its ash. It is an ideal domestic . fuel and costs you S 5.00 per ton, all , . If your furnace or plumbing requires overhauling. If you require a new furnace or a hot water job or plumbing, let us tig,ure on it also if your furnace and plumbing require to be overhauled -Give us a call and it will have prompt attention. _ • ",. Everything in Shelf and Heavy Hardware kept in stock, CHAS. C. LEE • The Hardware at the mime: SHIP BHAtinota !mums's° meld HEATING • Store 'Photo 22, , Haus. 'Phone 112. , -• •;_e„, THE. MN. G. S. TIENRYs ' , ILL. SQUIRE. , • „mod be , olriouce in your home to. Munro. Vera • McDonald. Iteets-An- .,- • Misister el Ilieltemete - -- . Dspeteatinistsr, • aight. Try it. 1/ '."; rile Craig. Clara Honking Fere Wet - ewe Meet 'Cowan.- Edith toelatart. Special -Purchase----------- 72 . What's be of the old fashion. tamiard Shobbrook, Turnipe-Clif- . 4„ t tre. 4 ri gone:t. :elm ineieteti on helping with ford Sitoberook. Et•mseit Lyon, Gorse _ . ' . don Lron. froward Leslie, lettle lilii. ' _• -op- .1 Coa . •.. Samp e oats , • . , aeattemieleat Tremossuesse I 111 i.II)11 1 • law. 4e:1rrote-11ugh Cumming. Thel. nia Caldwell. Earl Craig.. Franklin Xechnie, Isabel Cumming. Cleta Wat- son. Otilons-Itelen Telfer, Annie Barr. Annie strangban. Wilfred Sand- Iosis Imerle. Woo 64 olls•aigems eri=lt vessimoblik:! *k alirre•bot wiudi o. to prar yew* 011ermist *wise. awe tlr.• hood of lb* res•411 011ower•hol a144 4its•miumi Joe _wawa *b• woliZ *sot maim unmoor; e• mor•tli so yeivridial. 5•122s3 it 4,.Thi"."ItilLts."4"Vismetatoer °4141= earm.- Iwo' i•111 Aik a34.t iniwalt; Aer=tir=, CF.1111111 Huron Motor Sales 14 STOP RHEUMATISM The styles are, of course, the latest word, and alt are 1 . warmly lined. lqatcrials are Needle -Point, Pin Pointe, Mar- • yells Suedine and Dtivetyne. Collars Ilea Cutts of American Opposq,m, Thibetan and hfandet 'urs, and all sizes, BEDpEppER• A Smell Deposit Will Hold they of These Coats , - SILK and SATIN DRHSSES to clear at When you art naming with rims _ maim so you ca k hardly get *MINI _ just try Red Pepper Rule aid yore *IC,. have the quickest relief ksons, tt)eung kas such commented/ PIM* itating heat as red peppers. pretest reicf, just at We al you apply Reit Pepper Rab you feet the tingling heat through sad through. Frees tire bleed h three mittutes it warn* tire sore spot / circulation. breaks rip tire emispeutirm-, and she old rheumatism torture is gime Roulet Red Pepper iti ls. smog frees red peppers4 mots little st"sew dreg hanhego. heeksehe Mir 110144 gem- GttaletS: eft& the ft fee *me sr weeks. s la them. Alum fameatit retie *wake yea. Ile are ar get dm reartiat. with dm *OM Uwise ea OP* pachege. $9.50 and $11.95 Specials in Cloth Dresses, and the useful and orale Balbriggan at •4195 and up. We will be did to hare you see them 0 oyal Ladies' Readyato-Wear Co. Moose 500 East Side Square 4 • "e; 4t-