The Goderich Star, 1926-09-30, Page 4PAWN 1 II1 11111II,I IIII0IIII,. IIIIIII IIII 111111 1 1 .III III IIII I.II .....a morins ,A...I_IL. wow. THURSDAY. seer :YIZZ ) . Lad r1111114MWOMOMMONNOMI.II 11111111 1., 1 11 Men's and Young Men's OVERCOATS 11" t ' have just received a shipment of Men's and Young Mon's New Fall and Winter Overcoats. in the sesson's newest shades and styles. They come in Navy Blue Chinchilla, Fancy Grey Tweeds and. Barrymore Cloth of different shades. They may be warn with or without belt. Come in and look them over. They are sureto please you and the prices are right. MEN'S UNDERWEAR We have a full stock of Fall ,at;ti Winter weight Linderwe ar, in Cavo-p:e ce or combination. We carry -the follow• ing wefl4aiown makes: STANEIELD'S, PENMAN'S ,i"95", TRU-KNIT,: ADMIR- AL, etc. ^' PHONE 4>r8 ,i LADIES' COATS We have just received a new ship-. l e nt of Ladies' Coats in the newest materials and styles. You are invited to cane in and look them over. MILLINERY A new shipment of Lades', Misses' and Children's Velvet Hats. A. CORNFIELD PHONE 418 LADIES' and MEN'S WEAR "SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO 9110P'' WEST SIDE OF SQUARE GODERICH, ONT. ° 00001:10 �, e. 1 those months." By kstng the above. ebe b • p your municipality' would collect 'the fieahseriplsuat 'i'eaYuiy minimum bill for nine months in ad- '1'wo pallors a year rtricti4 c+l, vanee, and provided 'a cottage were %awe. Suhseribers in the rulte+l. occupied for two months, bills would States, Piety Cents additional ter peal are, • Selmer:hers wilt tall to r 1,iv�e' 'Tic Star regularl.l ssnil :orifi: a rave; h advising- the publisaers'u'4 s•1011 tt>• I.(04' isiblr. 1n requesting 41" elaua1.4, or ;ul• dress both the 4)141 And U4.44 ad4ire ,ra i+houht be slava, . Rates mealier. unit, and with to advise that ROBERT MacKA'ir.. ed that Paul Hatfield. M.P. for Yat- . ren ere on e or nary as s or.. those two months,. less. the .,minimum monthly bill. • • • • • In another letter: from the ,Hydro Commission it was stated: \4e understand that your Commis. 'Mon have considered replacing the existing pump and motor . with a MacKay Hall. I am satia,fied that MacKay Hail will serve a useful purpose, as it is built for tee peupie who I lie.pe and believe will inane the very best use of it. III IMPligir gvehoSitaiteBatti Liberal Cabinet R.tore Is record for brief tenure of (Ace in After being in office for 74 days Csntsada sines Coaalederatiom in held the Meighen Lawry" resigned on bee the Brown -Dation erlinletry of Saturday. and Rt. Hon. W. le Mac- ttl;S, which lasted from August 1 to - kenzie icing and his Cabinet frame. •Augu t a. dietely took over the reigns of goy- Tasaney New Chaaapiers of Min anment. Yellowing is the personnel The championship .crown toppled of the new ministry: from the brow of Jack Dempsey on PRIME MINISTER and I"RESI- Thursday nitrht in Philadelphia and DENT OF PRIVY COUNCIL—Right now adorns the head of.Gene Tunney, i Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King. the twenty -eight-year-old fighter, FINANCE and RECEIVER -GEN- .who met and defeated the seven- ERAL—Hon. J. A. Robb. year champion, To the astonishment JUSTICE AND ATTORNEY -GEN- of the sporting world, which had been ERAL•-Hon. Ernert Lapointe. his - hefting four to one on Dempsey, the RAILWAYS -•-Hon. C. A. Duninfng. old' :Champion proved to have lost his INTERIOR --Hon. Chas. Stewart. form completely and except that Tune PUBLIC WORKS --Hon. J. C. T'',l- ney did not secure a knockout, he out- liott, distanced his opponent in every one AGRICULTURE—Hon. 1\•. R. of the ten rounds. Dempsey WasP Motherwell. broken creature, with blood covered TRADE AN coMMEIZCE=•:I•IO'tt. face and one eye closed, when he James Makolm. eventually left the , ring. The new ' CUSTOMS AND EXCISE --Hon. champion belongs to the United. W. D: Euler. SOLDIERS' first made him - in army sporting circles, LISHMENT AND HEALTH- -Hon.After'the war he took up the ring as Dr. J. H. King. I a profession because he found any Robert a A impossible cure. I M M I ORATION—Hon.other work i'mposs b to se F'orke.• I chance offer,from a sporting club set POSTMASTER -GENERAL-- Hon.' his feet on the way that led to chain - .P. J. Veniot. pionship. • MARINE AND FISHERIES --Hon, P. J. A. Cardin. SOLICITOR GENERAL—Hon. Lu- cien• Cannon. SECRETARY OF STATE—Hon. Fernand Rinfret. • • LABOR -Hon; Peter Heenan. In announcing his Cabinet, Mr. Xing n e u to no .cabinet; aano+ntmont lied been made from Prince Edward Island. ""Prince Edward Island: has. not been over- looked," he said: ""I hope, within a few da}vs, by means of a re+irp•anize- tion of certain f evernment denort. menta, to have that province repro. seated in the Government.". The portfolio of National Defence is • exnected to be allotted to Lient- Col. J. L. Ralston, of Nova Scotia, who is not now a member of..`the House, but for whom a. constituency likely could be found.. Jt wile b•eney- I cannot close without commehding to yo#ir gratitude all of'those who have so graciously helped roe, and particularly the board who have giv- en much valuable time and. *evoke to produce a creditable hall fur the peo- ple of Goderich. KODAKS FILMS Developing, Printing and ,Enlarging H. C. DUNLOP The Rexall Drug Store Bedford Nock • Goderich, After the crime he took his own life MEICHEN CABINET with a bullet from his gun. Nearby SAVED BIG SUM on another farm lived a brother and sister of Ross Little, the slayer. Result of Economy Ninedays a e . ft r this tragedy, the police received a Tetter from .George Ross warning them of impending dis- aster, and they rushed out to the Little farm. Under the snow which had fallen they discovered the body of George Little with 'a bullet in his face and evidence showed that the wound was sell -inflicted. Not far off, under the covering of ;)Snow, they also found Myrtle Little, killed in exactly the sa{me manner, and . evi- Maekenzie Ki g poi t d o t that t 1 deuce there also showed that she had fired the bullet into her own head. \\`hile the neighborhood was still aghast over ,the horrible events, news rause .-from Bield, a community near- by, that a second sister, Arlie Little, had attempted to take her life by slashing` her throat with a razor. It is not known yet whether or not she will recover. • e... Florida Distster~ ` The loss of life in,the•Florida dis- aster is now estimated to be not over 860, with another eleven hun- dred injured, some so seriously that they are not likely to recover. Pro perty damage is believed to be as high as a hundred and sixty»five mil- lion .dollars. cents; one week..la cents. •,t•;trautreu .caliy no saving in this respect, as yo el adventure thrillers, You need onl Though .Mr. Mei¢hen. nersonaUy '"EMPE"ROR COOK'" Mr. Massey for' Washingtoli I credit of the Government" was :less positions 2:, to :a0 per rent,.e;�ir,). rant will be billed on the amount of power, ! k.0a copy of Flank L. Packard's was Premier for 88 days, his minictvv Cook Secretary of the Miners' .The first definite announcement as than $3;000,000. During their Brief' p c p PY, r A, T. , S e Y POP.lam later cent.' xU'a• taken by your pump, which will be new novel, The Red Ledger, til be was oat really constituted tit! JulyI Uri n 'of Great Britain,. who is 're- to the appointment of .a Canadian•. Period of office, in addition to raising . Patrons of The ,,tau wilt. please note the same no matter what sire motor thorou hi onvinced that he is su 1 andthus had a life. nf. 71 .dnvs. to a e. agreed to anational=Minister to Washington was made by the .cash'1eaerv.. froths 000,000 to that all, eitatwes for the entreat (ti,.g Y c p :4, t. u ported to e v its connected to .it, The existing snot: reme in his .field. , When you pick upThe:ministry' of sn •Charles Topeer plan .for settling the coal etrike tha Premier King after taking office last' $S7,pOQ,000, the Meit;hen Government of The Star anu s lilt in the haat4l. of inn is aid out on capital account to the nu last•: fhlui 't ti •td:l,' 414,nn, ur> or is very high in both efficiency and a live wire you Want to lets buin 1896 lasted only . 09 days, but the., otzld embody wage rates.fixed in Saturday: It was hila intention ka fill ph•, printer'er t 'power factor, even when operated at you can't; When you pick up The Red different districts and a re- this post without delay,, and Hon., Canadian National :Railways and t Local ,ra trrti display !tai it is our opinion that` your require- "I Yearly •ulntrart .alt�,lay ld>ertts i .ti, '"THE BED LEDGE.11" • mouth -Shelburne, wot'ld be appointed' .18 centra ter Incl) enols 1nser tion, .uta or znents cannot' be met by a, entailer, to the Senate, thus making roam for paper; six 1uontltte contract, ,0 esette • pump, and 'as'to changing the present: If any doubt exists in. parr mind as Col. Ralston, :but he was. unsble to secnre the consent of his cpnstifuer`e, three months,.21 cents:_ one nil s,ti,, Y3 motor, that there would be practi- to who is Canada's greatest writer . • Ottawa, Sept. 24.—Hon. R..B..Een- nett,`minister of finance, gave notice 1 R few days ago' that the two.:;ear four per cent. notes, amounting to $35,000,000, dated October 1, 1,'24, and maturing October 1, 1926, will be ' paid in cash. IInterest on these two-yeaz notes, it is announced today, will be paid at par at any branch in Canada of any ' chartered bank, or, a he option of I the holder, at the age y of the Bank of Montreal in the Citt of New York. Mr. Bennett, in' a 'statement issued today, says that it has been possible , to make this reduction in the dead ' weight debt of the country by impos- ing the most rigid limitations upon !expenditures during the last three months and by preventing smuggling, [thereby insuring the collection of the ' customs and excise. duties and sales , taxes' to. which the country was en - i titled. I ' The retiring government will 1,•ave -, to their .predecessors $57,000,000 in cash in the.bank. On July 2, when they took over from the' Ring Gov. ernment; the cash in banks to the �raeli 'Week. ,'possibly construction of • the Welland Canal Legal and other shuttle a+icrrtise- a. load of 125 to 100 h.p.. which is the.( T.edgex you can't drop it till the back „ � a` ward of Glta rlebois. duetian lit wages .and longer hours. Vincent- was the man for it, mints 10 emits tier Bate for nest in- ice- load :leeched len ed rate the pulitp,'cover comes in sight and the 'tension the Orchid,"of work. Hon, Mr. King eves but no formal over $118,000,000 i and one of his.most valued resist •.,appointment would be made till he'These figures are iedica'tiye of what Ion n lI resits per. line der eget) :1.41' \'ye" would be pleased' to give. our as-i.is relaxed. Those who have lead the sc4 uettt rosyt1'.'. I. 1144' n'+++1 b; t Pm` .aiistanee in check;. over anypropos- Jimmie Dale sCories will din this ants, who has an uncanny wadi cf h(nap- Oc n ztes G. lin • had an opportunity to. consult with can be done under an. able and honest l g p p i fin sea It • peril! ;kale; iviebt. huts to a niacin, ills ie a ma be made by .cam- later book he same ri in e - peartng as a rest u ng angel when em sof the Brrti Government administration. p ; . , ,•....... .. o ..., y.... any t m g pp g ev pt ish' most -hes- it f th 1 d'ffi It• m i liusinees WIN s oaf r1s.11n, s ,end un+t, r; SA 410.00 per year. ponies. in respect to ehaltging your fun utilities of underworld int? a young' tCanway in is' mos , s iti :eau J 1.- ^roil i cu res=*during 'the coinin'"' Imp'e"tial (;onfer- FC,'�r:\5 '.. i -- _. �y a „ . �...... q e d tlguh he g .• i'pomping erjulliment, ;and• adventure that made the earlier..a p ,.eludingence,.• Advrrtir,eri.. nt'i Iti 'l •iil,nnv \scant :dolts redieaments but is .the Atlantic shtppmg.rates have been erica each. hu success t t e attemxits to know her history or roan' increased fifteen per cent., etfeetive S i ne anted. ersiele$ Woe; tta; $'e ha . over f 1immediately. ' Shi s 'frorx 'Canada Chinese. Reedits on Rampage . 4 +tme o Wanted. • i, s for, HALE AND HEARTY AT S> V- 1x#,000,000 copies of his .books have per o life. • PX Homes for 414 or nolit, 1 a nil t So exceedingly rare is a filet class mist now carry coal for the return Despatches from China report that TANOARDINE Sale sir .11i. tt�tst, .art cli 4},fur tial :, t'tc., ` E$!I'Y-)SIGH'%". YEARS OF GE been sold, but: the similarity . ends ' bandits sacked :and •burned the city 5=' IIIE RADIO $75 •cc," -'tri ht bise :i5 cents rantseventy-eight rs' there and we find in the picturesque! adventure with' -a. touch of .mystery stip not lyse .watt.. eight Ibises , To live to be sea , interesting A Race Track Investment � of Shekichen, Hanan Province. insertion :; - threw•, :ineertians lar 't, of age and :enjoying ood health i 1 figure of old man Clsarleboia a char- and an honestly,g Y ai Linn ge_that I recommend this one mast i12an-of«War, ti racehorse -famous slaughtered thousands of the defence- Lesser efence- I, ii 'r a,irc 4 tlsirn.�itr in Kelm. pat [ n 1 the ` proud boast of Mr. S. B. Birley, acter'entireh new. to the world•of tic k ax ' a less inhabitants and carried oft -Tree- Coast to Coast— alblnet9•r :owes na•tvra _irp„ ,. 44101'p tion an unweakened b a too a heartily to you: Fran Pack d h}s on the track six. years ago, was tan.. "insertion, ,.,s y 849 Church' st•, Windsor• Hot ever, • d y f m' sometimes . bead callgd a . 'mans off the racing field at the 'a a of man Davies, a missionary. Mr. Da-; w,-, Idle • a2.►..e,i ins,:tout, 10 i 4 arts p, a i t+allttl•at laaaa , i „ i ene a fi g stated Mr. IZI 1e g having contraci, ter resp nt p . y, for .p. non 'stone i .il ar acquaintance. author; ` bat I ,cannot 'imegine any three and- placed in the Stud. It is -vies is sand to be merritanis iT ! 'th col sot»titian .etonnaeh ' The. story :opens with young Saran-. erIng' & la' tin • t Il r •ts4lnt' t lin at night and had severe pains tot B oyment in 'The Red Ledger. t h d d 7 scaly, Man-of-i�ar has. earned for his the shape of Holloway's Corn Remov?. : . „ ,,. , .small of my baa I SalES Cas., ,�11It11tCt�l r\+;arts;;., nartta, vt.tli +at1� t , it., tat e . tried vertiser who claims to be • in his d'ebt. ., •,.r L relief.' At last I t tl r \ i OU r 'nes V 411 r i i '4.401n, , �, � , C Uwe, >+e' , t a. t t 41 t.....1 it ,.L r ..141 .k •en ere( wi 1 hind, who likes naw that with nils carnia s owner over a million an tee -guar- ex is within reach of all. . t when- ` , d rs. .He was tri aIle +dvcriiriny;, ,> cents ,,,per :atolls tt tines , a , s $way unci otedly• finding a personal one rasa, woman or c reported, S' Corn cripple the feet and make and ,n cti (1nis an+i•tl)+na•icaicirt ostia:• and kidney troubles. I was.re t1EAa thrilling tale, failing to find cm -D En lle he notice in a newspaperaakin him to on the'track;aitd the sale of las pro- walkin� a torture, yet sure relief in. • .a u . , ., 4 0 :, , k. tried many meet-' communicate with an unnamed a - .4 tliar •rd •ti•rotelin v '• IIERB JUICE and the results were-As-Stranway s parents -have recently f R1T'TT•&1Y.__ _ end +. } gi Acr4liiuli i5•u,l+'t iI .' ' ala'! ' Cilltrrlrti i. patonishing. Now, after taking .been killed in a motor accident, and EMIGH.—Many friends in Goderich enunihir, 'HERB JUIG`la only a short time all himself, at the ago' of twenty+ -four, f h E h f 1 who used to leve .'1'1141411°0 .ldvrll itl and Job vvurk, of m 'troubles have disappeared. 'I left 'bewildered and without funds it o the Sols mi Y f o£ task. • ill' d th oldforfivethousand dollars.' a. •er:t4)uad A 8 yNine �wgrds •that seal a man'e loom: Already six of his oifsprine heave won eTI�i .wll-nt�ake their ltotne with the'1 outstanding fame ttt race meetings: bride�s•rentm: f i Y splendidlyd feel ' looks as though someone somewhere here regret to learn o the deathCanada Leads in, Prosperity /r knows of his condition- and is r epa - eat well, ail ! tr tme. an ' Miss A11ie Emigh, youngest daugh- wonderfut all the. time. e I 1obligation,ter of Mr. John lmigh of Blyth, According to figures:published: by, .. c ' �' n '1. For sale byCAMPBELL'S DRUG ed to fulfill! an e d though Clinton . hos- the United, States National Bureau THURSDAY, wlrP7J.!<IBhI$ 30, 10. t,. , whet the someone is or what the ohs- which took place at the' !STORE, Goderich, and ache:.. drug-. � • t ! which she had been r'nwa s staken of..Economic Research Canada due. •st thir -six ears .die en- : illation. is' entirely beyond St a y pia to i a a while en the pa tY . y , sista. ' knowledge. • . for. an operation, passing away lEI'liDltCl. COX SAY NO SAVING'liY = • He1 wthe enquiry however under the' anaesthetic. Much•syn►• jeyed more consistent prosperity PliU PUMP CHANGEOI•'.. `` 118E'l' litE: A ' 'o3atiCAY H I.T, i #o to sup a qu y h vethan any other . nation in the world, •w - 1'U:ill' AND ,t1t0'TOIt As a bu • I remember glow u lot of fe an out+af-the-way court in nl,e �f with is felt with her aged father, WIth the 1J. S. standing next in line. ' . wiS the quiet backwaters : of New York, with whom she lived. She:is sue - Y n used to other in my lather sed also by'two sisters Mrs ,4 E. , Following. in order. came England E alar lee tin ' of the wa ` are and: I ea At the n i; g t Will You Share in the .Prof is •Boom Mininga of the Present , 0U will if you act quickly and take advantage of the. present h better ' grade listed .C7► e e de Z ase the b t unusual opportunity to pureh . 1; stocks, All in a -;position to know state that the whole north country is on the eve of the greatest mining development: ever known. A wave of buying has come into' the 'market that has created, and will con, tinue to create fortunes. Production records . are being smashed; and many new properties are entering the producing stage.. - We will be glad to place at your .disposal our unexcelled facilities for the execution of your orders. or offer suggestions on sound; list- ed mining securities;• based On intrinsic •values, and most likely' to sell at higher levels. with wonder at their known to few of the hurrying thous, •via , France; Australia,' Sweden, The as nda who daily passed its entrant°. Bradwin, of _Arapgrior, and Mrs. Jai. Netherlands India Argentina 'Japan• b' ter and light commission last Thurs-; talk. Later in life a coterie. ��f' ur A door is opened to him silently and Jackmon, of Letb ridge, Alta, and by Germany, Italy and South. 'Africa, day four aapidieatians for electric, young men met in Gordon m back by invisible means and just as nips- two brothers, William .Emigh,• of - razil. stands. at' the bottom of the ,rang' service were ,Passed. These shop.,' In this way :the germ va. terinuslh closet upon his entrance. A Grand Valley, and Arthur Emigll. int of seventeen nations involved in were fr.,in. Mrs, Annie Farr, Newgate! sown in my mind that some day I voice down the empty hallway caells. to'. While. in Goderich Miss Emigh was the statistical survey.The author, street Ili Harriet Horton, W. F. A,1 should build a meeting -house for ling him end he find himself facing ""a an active member of 'St. George's of the repots paints ot that political • : leaftel end Wm. Tebbutt. ! the people. We are noW on the ave clean-shaven little old man. in .a red church and a member of ilae choir tabilit is reflected in the prosperity A letter from the General Accident' of receiving the fruits of this vision velvet smokine jacket, his. feet ;note- and in Blyth she.took. an active part of the countries, Those pcoantries Assurance Co. as to• boiler repairs : in the erection of MacKay Hall. 1 ed 'in red leather slippers, his, scant' in Trinity church, having 'beets' organ- where political opinion is calm stand i`tvas highest on the list, while where re. afternoon, e d d aft 1 a'd .bo� Monday h Blyth Y k 1volutionary ionary needed was referred to the engineer The construction is rot exactly MY frinee of hair surmounted by a red let for many years The funera I to attend t a n o. idea but we have a splendid 1 a• skull can with bobbing tast<el And Held in B Yt on o ' 1 t movements are frequen A letter from the Hydro called at- and I have accepted their opinion. so he first meets old Charlebois. a Itev.' Mr. Hawkins conducting the the prosperity aiiffers .proportionate rich commission in charging rt)n>Xe' in�lkinat tea ambitious to give some time1 PHALEN. Atter an. loess of Religious Trouble in Argentina users tai minimum monthly bill of 32. thing to the people of Gaderich,j„anted in the pi,ndaroua ted morocco about a year's duration Ellen Pollard, K was AS rents gross per month This ranted in this suggestion.' brought from to huge steel cafe their sed awry on Sunday last having sur- has developed in Argentina, The following letter from the HY- tr butioe of a niece of furniture, a which le+t to a•n.h a series of breath- Th deceased was born in Goderich errcan republic the trouble arose d had h d b o r- tention to the practice of the. Gode- I One mistake f th *cored they made Watt, ;perfect strayer to him, vet from that services. lye till. the last entry had been hal- . it The proper' o'milai••tum dsinestic rate tinder the eircrmstancos I° feel war- , covered ledger which the old man widow of the late Darius Phalen, :mss- Trouble similar to that in Mexico i d Ar ntina between ratio- will be accepted in future< that it anyone wimobil es to rtakc,a 0011- l wa\,K . iohwd in a mutual purpose vived her husband about six `years: state and church. In the South Am- bl be - is Commission ,ase to billing of auto- lea a lighting fixture. err ainEd Owlet less vnd0rtakin+*< ,e.' a+urely have a lived here a all her life She i cause the Pope would not appoint to mer cottagem;wa. received and kid x;4..1.- wr or any other uarful article never been reforaled i►�•foese for in the `� survived by a family of three, ore! a vacant arebbishoria any of the ' .owes' that would make the Hall more, evening of 1'te .life Chcritrbga4 ter. an» daughter and three sena, Mary (Mrs.! 't tee men propose y the govern- ment n In connection with the hille,-, •.,a ""homey,". it would be much *Pete- . tent on settling ,those debt*. on both McLaughlin, of C reemore,. Ont.!; anent `under an old custom. Each of mummer .cott a, please he ad'•ti.d ousted. ' eideit of the account, which had at- James' and ]:rink, of the Goderich the three were ignored in the choice that the follovn ruling of the Com. If the Tin Commandments were erred during hien (erta,.r days when l a d Brass Ca '- and John of Tor- � made by the Vatican and as a result !mission should be immediately en- obeyed there would he no '1• •d C 4' forced: "Summer cottages will he t"" r. red if hi a anionic building the billed at 75 per cent. of the yesrly following tt:ree C's were observed minimum bill payable in advance, there would be re need for ruler; Meters will beread at the close of the, Kindliness len 1* 11 Cheerfulneee season and a bill rendered for the Arab/Hon thrives on Cleanliness, months of otteupance at standard 1'-osnerity 4twelle with Charity. winieips), rates, credit being given Therefore Chcerfttlhr-st. C"ieantilae•s for the prepaid minimum bill •for and Charity sire the oneeworde to friends. were few and iilwishrrs many ' arc o: and by.two :brothers living 'at • the Argentine Senate is preparing to. end l+, the settlin» lief the theme of i St. Augustine. The funeral was held reject the. edict from ?Zoete. tun tato. a rrntd-fir4• tangle : of e11n- ofi Tuesday mornipg, Rev. Fr. Cam- . , Coal Strike Total' Failure nine and reenter cunning fraught' au conducting the services of the ' 'The British: miners' strike has with "eril and excitement for all con. church at St. Peters' R. C. church turned out to be a complete failure corned. land at the graveside in the R. C. cern- in spite of the manic months they There is a stew -ally developed love etery in 0 -Aherne. The pall bearers have held out against a settlement. story i'lvrtving Stranwav and a were Messrs. W. Murphy, M. Finn, T. The miners' leaders have said that , beautiful illusive tire known only as Page and J. Healy. Mr. John Pha' • the men will return to work under IV.. TO RONIO OOR ST R , 20 sr, , ',We will also forward a copy of our weekly ”"Review" Of the . mineo, ' as it is issued. Use the.eoupon below. Send it in today. MORGAN' U. KEIUIERER Members: Standard Stock Exchange 29 Melinda Street -• • • • •''Toronto, Ont. $il'SINESS INF'OR1vtATI AN important pert of the honking of the Bank. 1'1 oMontrealis the holiness information tondarod mailable through more thin 600 branches is Canada, andthrough its own offs s� or aotceepon. dentatmpals of the woad. At the Head Office in Montreal is a Foreign ewhich.in dada touch wifneign bsin* and 3 ie• information toctawkanot*v 44 BA1IK.OE MCA I Eita �illi`ITr~edJAW4 lbast Aosta iM antras 1111 111 1 . _ a.asatsa.• • len of Buffalo brother of the lat•i eh Air. Darling a en; y of ar a a4a it r ung completedre- pthe deceased's son, and Mrs. Norah garding a national waste agreement. 1 Phalen. of Detroit, were here for the The h agreement of 1921 whilcertain Phalen; Mr. John Phalen . government is doubtful of being -•.-. funeral... -- -...•-1 table to induce the owners to accept HENRY.—As watt noted in our last i the proposal. issue the death of Mrs, W. R. Heinen"Punch" Springs a Surprise took place year. Monday, deemed Sept, 20th, in. Interesting, and at the same time nat 56th y id. The t, was a. amazing, is the newt front London native of Middlesborough, �a orks.lirfi' l th, most ;angland, her maiden name being 1 huatntorousPunchrthatapers, hasfamous decliofned ll Emile Ayton. Her husband and same i henceforward to publish ndvertiae- of the family preceded her to this menu for the sale of liquor. The country and in 1914 Mrs. Henry ,loin- ment refuses to make any ed her hueband. After a year in 'Ser• imstatementanageupen their action. About vie and a year at Eincerdine. they • came to Goderich..• which had been the,same time tames news that the their home since. Mr. Henry and a alcfiholic habit in Great Britain is on e firstling of sive st :viae. Charl4►a V., of J the decline and that the sale of whim» key I:ineardine: lairs. Wm. Jehneton.^ and other spirits has declined. Richard.Hobert arid Miss Beatrice. i though ,herr has been an increase in nli of oderirk. Four sisters and s+" the ase of lighter wines and beers. rot r, it r:ngland. "ale,ti Mee inmate?* Stiferiag Fran, Weather !The funeral Wea held on Wednesday' Farmers are suffering enormous of lest week from the family meal -dosses through the peculiar weather ° dens• on arta r in Caa>k da at p sent hast beim *n•'rices. -And the pall-her*eras were i e areas of for malacca* ' :tion • ' re rt *If. Manitoba Deportment. " d4+rt+a+n Cha!+.itarMe and Wen. sere+• � � <-•„+1 C'. V. lir r. lair4s, ''Mit. It of AKricaltarr :sports dattsaireaa aae COUPON Gentlemen:-- . • . 'Kindly prate my name on Your list to receive the Min- ing Review each week, without obiigation. Nome Address An Opportunity• of . ; Lifetime GREAT SLAUGHTER SALE: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Light Fixtures ' Wall Brackets and. Chain Drops Irons, Toasters, Grills Toaster Stoves, Hot Plates Portable' Table Lamps Flashlights, Heating Pads and all kinds of Electrical Appliances C b la road to Maitland - iv , the snow a ran have • rretmt+rrv. iter. S. S. Hardy, rector t�t - 1 of a'. Gtortr*'t4 church. conducted the pls►yring "havoc with ihr, craps. Hail. Must be sold regardless of price tan hilae been delay: he worst in earn* Ni Thos.Anckrsen Alex Hen • parts. Many p p i t*•�n. 4•, tr.. atwl' ditu tet. Viakt. loner -14°4n' :Sale Starts Friday, Oct • ist Cireeedinr. were here for the Eimer• A ;Felony of Suicides , ' • , •t „'roe taw «0:341 Whetter; were . eel en* •*•nit Mr. and Mrs,. Jsm+ras Mel.' A shocking story has come nut•nf ion 1<ineatdtee: the employees the *West cencerninir a famine of •',e .t1Meicolei 'arr„dtere Ca.. 'Kittear-which three members herr emniuftted rstt..e• the Cisdrriele Organ f`sttaaisaint *Weide sand a fourth loads. an at. text, t� P11ri:. Office 1 end MeaploY es and the Signal Print- tenipt'et it. do September 1 kit Roes i Ott e4). and aemainyo scud Printeeaaa tittle. a termer in the • district shot i Mary Lir, L.O.R.A. anti wounded anise of gala neighbors. w..•........�,..... far to the value of 1 bearvt n'lllion RO T TAIT "' '+est Street g • .4