The Goderich Star, 1926-09-23, Page 7INV1141DAlf. Y+r!'r'l 11, 1•tlt ••11....•"In�u..,.�-....rw.•....._. to nap, • wrsltw« Aftera Suess Hight *ea s� is iws s ft& by theles whose math basin . try drama, aigataares, shdrhig awl els o 11a its woks p is a+oraing feeling es tired els vrkea tliew went to bed, eau kava their doh pewee Ob gibed, ze�tresieg sleep beak Mrs. A. A. Iikda sr, lug* B. writes: --+"Two rem see, Ober hemlet hard a mum axtaak 44 pin was left to s, bedl rim gidawns. I+U' worms were all bretaea op, T e>4e3t1 pest sleep :id nigkt, but weald Use tram side is side tat41 swain AM*. It would feel so dead tired 1 *oral not fent Bloc getthsg al? e.t all. - S undaycig ft rnoon 1. Ty LSA tE FIAxtLTON, Gedgetek, carte. a 1 LMrtrn INIIlasrtet ISNINtwstra EENVIONI NNEINESINEMINIPOWNEEE IDN!! spoken good concerning is:ael.'i q Moses rata amour reason for- gw- . mg the invitation but he did not state' it unt,i Moab declined to atruuapany then. Habab knew, as we say, every m At our array it i head : foot of the waylying between the Weho shall dream at skrinkhj, wildertess and the -promised lan4 By our Captain led f and although Moses had the cloud and Forward through tke desert, the Villar of tire as guides, he diet not Through the toil and lights deepree human eyes as 1* said. i Jordan itpws before us, - "Leave us not, I pray thee, fora': Zion beams with light. much as thou knowest hew we a:e to: Henry ,Alford. encamp in the wilderness, and thou ; , PRAYER ' wetyest be to us instead elf eyes: 0 Eternal God, who hast created Wheat first the invitation was sive;: was the renfete of me to do the work of Cud sifter the coupled sultingi to himself t anon them.., mariner r and men and to serve 'ince m but with the repetition of the' #neita• - this .generation, aaccording to my tion was the assurance that geed capacities; give me Thy grace that 1 we,•id come to him from dehavah, Forward! be our watchword. Beeps and voices joined; Seek the things before us, Nota look behind Burns tke fiery Hilar. Titr 'file OWE tr• J. C. iiutrelnaan, of Ohio. introduced DniVGrocers end esad Stores MI WI /'A. rlw14�i i_ illi I� ■.r t [ OVUBR000 ! ONE IERIOCE MIMElatClw,- anicrkas rem mom Program Is Wag Made. Nut Farther ateopeestion With tioverls (.cat Meet IW Mes Keseat. tCuatribute4 by Ontario Department et Agraeuttur.. T* runt's During the Fact three sears there hu been considerable iuveetigatioa 1 work in connection with the treat- s'meat of American toutbroed and Dr. • a solution. composed of aleohal•tor- riaitn, which has been used by matey beekeepers to kill the spores aid SPRING CROP OF CALVES geinntheas 'cueingdrawn comb' Araerlezuusedby tethe laculad -broes, In the late winter and early *MineHOW T4) RAfIII+I BMW BEEF (lilt of 1124, Prot. done', of the Ducttd- ligula MILK. *logy Department, conducted a nota• may be a prudent Apender of stay "What good •oocyst Jehovah ^hall •des time, so that I may best prevent or ,,.rte *ia, the same rill we do unto F;x rriments at the O. A. ('. AiAott ber at laboratory experiments in tone resist' all temptation, and be proSt- kh '„ p neetion with the treatment or Amer - able to the Christian Commonwealth; it was no indication of lack �•f you Can Da the eillkiri;I. Sell the arae ibufbraod infected cotitbs. 1'r and by •discharging all my duty, may trust in •the pillar of the cloud as a Cream and ban lino "°°4-1 e'40t. Jonea used a number of well-known glorify Thy name. --- - --------- - - . urge Habab to accompany thenar aerlcutturw 'reroute.) • couciusionawere that, so far as Amer - Many S. LESSON Fruit Ott. 3rd, urge The humanelide-Medd-Vein out the _ .. _ ..._. -_..'re ! t Man reeder" beet cattle re leen' irlbrood . .-_ ' ofa ern r • Lesson Title -Israel Journeying spots where water,, fleet and pasture Y b ot P f ware c ed; th Toward -Canaan. - night be found and the localities in• fer to hand -milk their cowls and, witb spores were very hard to kill. Prot. Lessen Passage -•Numbers 1O;fl-36 tested by roving bands of robb:'rs. the growing demand for young and Jones found that a solution ot for - 1t was the general directsen that ware bawdy -weight beef, the question of Golden 'Text -.Numbers 10:29, raalin and water, its well es alt ohol- • indicated 'by the cloud. Then as now the. possititlit o The camp of the children of Israel the leader was justified in taking ad- Y t making baby beef formalin, gave positive results In had:been ;pitched at Sinn! for *'whole f vantage of n*+v human knowledee unci on skim milk is a live one. 'taf course. laboratory teats and this former *eau. year, less ten days -from the:thxrd sagacity within his reach, We are no one 'will argue that better baby tion was much more ecotoniical then month of the first year of the gcinlr 'not told whether Habab went with beef cap be 'made with skim intik - atcohoi-formalin.0 from Egaetni til the twentieth • of , Meeps or returned to his own lard' thaw with whole milk, but many be-. In the summer of 1924 Mr, G. L. the second month of the following" and his own kindred 1 .Amen. true guide that led Moses to ask and (Contributed by Ontario Department of germicides and disinfectants, and lair •Jeremy Taylor. Eyeing read about Your Metres i - Heart and Nano kills ter . jest malt eases as mine I got emu end tack theta es directed, and before I had 1en#hod g�rrreeee bgxes Y began to net at night, %oda sleep good, and my nerves soon got all right again. Price 50e. a box at :all dealery ,or veiled dime oa'of price ire I OD" T. D" tet d, Tomato, 'stat. "i". SWAP Ts gala and 'florae Lively #ack $tablas, Etc. Montreal Street ' Jut oil the square rim. 'SEVERAL FIRST-CLASS AUTOS READY FOR SERVICE -GET YOU ANYWHERE AND WHEN YOU WANT TOM' THERE ; oeeete aloe; trate' is. Passenger Boats Passengers called tor In Bmei odrt of the town for Ill. trains at O. T. R. or C.-10, ft, thepots • Prompt Service and Careful Attendance, or .Livery and Hack -Service will be found Up-to-date 1n every respect,$ Your Patronage Solicited` T. SwARTS 10 Mor real.Stre Phone 7 ' t aft 4 The re , etoftot The fo rttatit d# and grippe.. Ieat aind inhale Min. Niters and rob it:oai`the throat and chest.. { „ Tiriigreait pi<aveltixe. .l1 r USE • HYDRO ELECTRIC The .People's Power Cook by Electricity Wash by Electricity :Iron► by Electricity CONVENIENT, CLEAN,' QUICK Cheaper than toad or wood An Electric Vacuum Cleaner• removes the dust; a broom just moves the dust. We ,guarantee all Hydro Lamps for (.Soo hours, Walk in and see display at The Hydro Store -: • A: TO R IA Motto otto nod Mires rills Uilrt rie r Owe r' 301 farttlifs Awn* home tIoe llatero of year; This was a long time of in• - lieve it impassible to satisfactorily Jarvis, and in 19,15 Mr. G . L. Jarvis Each forward movement and each tinier calves at baba' beef age..'lad. activity, a testing time, a time in rest of the Ark was. rude a season and Mr, R. Ai, Pugh, of the Apical - rest theq were being fitted to enter of `prayer.. "ltlee tip, Lard, and let weight without 4whole-milk tor mut turn Department„carried out a num- into the promised land. They had to thinebe scattered: d let of the feeding .period. 1 enemies sea else an her at experiments In the apiary us - earn that divine leading and human, them trot hates they floe hefnrn +hent An experiment with four good -ndeavor had largo hand in hand. In Return, O I.oril 'unto the many thong- gratia iSbortharu Calve' by a pure- ing infected combs which`. bad been -.' 'le ninth' chapter it is written over ands of Israel," Moses in that` bred bull and fed oar with skim mills treated with varlouastrengtlis ot tor- ; ever that according to the cote. ir prayer recognized that +'•� tv-'^- , cave us Rome rather valuable result". melba and water and alcohol-lornxa- �n'�s. andthe ac ord+'hghto the ccommein nd- ' and ' happiness of the children of Is- nary The and F b uary t i1924, ann d wee the a uthlerswep, eek plac udL ons, from reel consisted in the rontinual•pres. onset of the Lord, they. ting time seen . of God 'ming t there. Their just about twelve months e yold9and'st t Th s eexperlmniientawill rbe lconduci d To writingof area testing time ere safety, was not in numbers, though 'Alexander McLaren says that the they were thorisan8s open thousands, an average weight ol.approx3matelYagain in 1926, ;stationary cloud made , a static/Ian; but in ere #avor of God resting ypon 800 pounds each. They graded The results of the apiary merle camp; the • moving cloud net all in !p choice handy -weight cattle sad were menta, tour far, 'how that there ba -.teen. No nihtter whether ' the and abiding with them. • ifoflowin, FAIR e1ATES late' ` a j11 N l UTAN N - I ! - 111 { r The folloxtng are the late' cf the �jlwl Ai tl ,school fairs 'to be- held in the &'t'unty Gerrie--Sept, 25th CRAlN RV1 0 TQR - Walton ---Sept. 27th Dat1►y 'txet►pt Sut►slay ifie Goderieh Tp. -Sept. 28th Relgrave-Sept, 26th • Dublin -Sept. 30th. - Clinton -Qct. 3 and 4 '_ ' r --,•:a•... ...ie.... .-�..._ Mrtef�a+tl 7. (i4 arra. 3.4 i' nit Tete, cheapness of :Mother Gri"r,•t' •lir: Strattfoni 7.iit) a rri, 4:I(31(:iii: Worm Exterminator puts it within , " - 11itchener 't=`20 ;I ' fi.2OO p•tu. reach of all, and it tan be got a -any " t.t�dlph 8.45 a nt. fi.50lian. - druggirt'r," 'Toronto 10.10 a in. 7.30 pen. �memoa •.• Rtetut ping-~-teeave Toronto 6 41i a.m. New > - 12 he p.m. atul 6 Ori p tn. 1st re carr prow** ., Parlor -Cafe car, Goderieh to Tor- ' weem. eeeeleeet , .into, on morning train, and Toronto to tiuderich O.U5 p. m• train. � strut `Sb' through welsh Goderieh to Toronto, weep1 '(lyes�•�s�,� (aur aae ttfesitb>;, ., i`. F: LAWRENCE he SONS VeeemerFrse gait a esesk. ' '('awn l'essealrer and LAWRENCE Agents el.eetttxeitta.awl►r,.„aeertewlalRwweerlt .. 's'hot+r• s r2.20 pm. lave. C:ntltli ich ('i txl a in. i C,iutuu 6 2(i sem: `2.fi2 p.m. - t4etl.forth 6 41 ern. • 3.l`i2' p,ur. - I time was 'long or sholr<t many days'WORLD MISSIONS' cnaetton raid not exhaust pdtienee, , One African's Achievement euickly recurring changes .did •not. The story is told by "Dan Craw- very . choice batty beet- - in carcass. a very serious danger when the. bee - They made a .daily gain per steer of keeper Raves infected brood combs 1,961 pounds, a profit aver cost of for treatment with either alcohol feed of 464.85 and a profit of a54.66 • formalin or formalin -water soiutions.. hsome cases American -foulbrood as reappeared in. some of the colo- nies having treated combs. - . Destroy A,lk Infected Coelho. The •Departwent has conte to the conclusion that It will pay the bee- . keepers to destroy all brood. combs infected with American toulbrood tor theae reasons: a s na. (1)..If the beekeeper keeps infected combs tor later, treat- ment, his own and ale healthy colo- nies. in a' radium of two or 'three miles are in danger of :becoming. ane fected;. (2) the cost of the equipment and solution Is prohibitive unless a thousand or more combs are to -by treated; (3) we are not yet satiafied that• we can treat infected brood co b with 100 -per n , effective - nese. @ nese. In view or these facts: the -De' Partment, at present, is urging bee-. keeper' - to destroy, • by. burning, alt • infected brood combs. • , The treatment of . super' combs; used , over • an- infected . colony, - Is somewhat' different.', In these combo there are' no /wales. of •,Atiaerlcan foul - brood present and .our. experiments show that these combs can be 'effa tively treated witb a 20' _ per cent. for-mathav Ater treatment. - Eradicate. -Not Control. - With the positive, knowledge that beekeepers con effecttirety treat all . super coni s,:which have been used over infected -colonies, the Depart - meet is changing its method of apiary, inspection work, and loot year• an et- • bort was made to .eradicate, not con- trol,. American foulbrood in • - the counties of Hastings, Peterborough, Northumberland and prince Edward. The 'results show- that 6,003 colonies were examined, .617 were found ,in- . tected with American foulbrood and • the contents of these- infected colo- les were destroyed by burning. This burning of over 66 colonies in these counties might appear to be a serious loss, bait crust be remembered that a- colony; with American toulbrood soon ceases to produce a surplus of� honey and, while it remains, it is a menace: to all other healthy- eoloniee in the vicinity: Once• American foul - brood is cleaned out, then the bee- keeper can go ahead -and keep -bee% more profitably: and more ecerat iiic- ally. The Department hopes to -bring,! .other counties into .that clean -ftp t•;wi- paign in 1926 and gradually widen the campaign until the • whole pro- vince is inchided. To make the work,. as• effective &+s• possfbie, the Poul - brood Act has a. quarantine measure which will prohibit a beekeeper may - frig any but'combtess bees or inspee'T ; ed healthy colonic* lnto those coun- ties where a clean-up 'of Amcricen foulbrood has 'taken place. --Apicul- ture Department, 0. A. College. Attrectiveuess of tho Country Home. Ar -boy atone early years are spent in the -Country will fondly rt•a.:eurbe-r his youthful experiences and animal companions. Country lite • to tile young lad is a lite riche with happy associations, and so different to rho youth of tho town boy whe- liar bee deprived of the green fields, the for- est and the farmstead associations. The "'Ontario faro boy i$ alert, eager, questioning• and he will face the direction of most vital interest as it appears to hio•-the city, if it ost breed longings for repose. "At the ford" of'ICamba, a full-blooded Afri-1 of calves. ver all cosWe w edpleasedl:Orteed -ommandment, of Jehovah they en- can of the Ndau trible, who has mpro- with the results: These were good 'wattled. and at ,the commandment of greased from absolute illiteracy to a cattle, ilnish.d ready for mar7tet at Fe ova they journeyed; they kept ;Columbia University degree. The - the popular weight and grade, had he charge of Jehovah. first printing that he ever saw was on given good market. prices for feed At fast the sign to set out was a pack of playing cards that came • consumed and had taken trctically Dive and tit d ncxtlt to» , n ey jaurneye from the coast, and by studying these %gv ,whole milk after tho $rot three the wtidr±rnon. of Pomo led o:a he taught hamseif the figures from weeks of age. There are some. pos- tiv the ark over which the cloud; hunD:l one to',ten. utter he `vent. south to aibilitles in title direction. but good In verse' 14-28 is given the order; in,work, and an American missionary beet type calves are necessary to start which the tribes marched with their there who taught native boys in spite with and more than the usual care »orate standards mid appointed of the opposition of the Portuguese, In feeding is necessary. It would not "fiders at their head', linen the whose policy is to keep the people ig- be advisable to try it with ddtry-bred `•' -e came for them' to make ' camp. norant, took him into hiss home as a •stock and certainly care in `feeding `t'°c�C tribes so arranged themselves house !M►y. Trete the idea of that and dousing are essential. but It looks 110+ +he, a>k. was in the eentr-.' cultiva Hnbeh. the brother it -law' of li'Lneeegoing tooaliv and especially beefto .make fairly 'good baby wee with him, at. the. time "the cloud his. wife, going forlive .in that Enver- , beef from skim. milk c theyey' re the ems taken'' no from the tah'rnnelie.'' 'blacken area the .sake of the •right beef breeding if are fed right -Wad i mod e t ire the stable, prefer-. vision. k p. a 4i1 boys, gave him a�`new anion. g , +he testimony," and he was invited Heknewthemust have some secret ably in.box stairs. . by Moses to accompany them. M'elwe that' made them different from all The Detre veal Calf. "n this invitation told Habab 'Flu"'Flu"ether white people he had••ever seen. . Experimenta have shown that y Were going' sand wItY"thev wn When .the American missionary left dairy -bred steers and heifers are not' ►Hing. • 'We are iournev4en• un+o i'hn for home. he told hie hoes • of a. min- suitable for beef production; ao it be ,lace. which the Lord "i+ir1. Y will. *qv(' ,ion in Rhodesia,;and.'Kaniba ;walked ` comes necessary to dispose of many * youao . R. 1n1d h•." Oa '260 nines to reach there, Hiscantle- . calves from commercial milk-proilue- evritatio;r Wei: Theme. :. We _velatleit fey .ands'aiuiiitioii far more edue,iint:Ing herds as" well as cull calves• •trom ''huh ``' '1 '~" '''" a ""'""-- led his missionary' to" secure work for , pure-bred herds. Moat people 'do not like to destroy much calves at birth endow try to veal themeoff. . While a dairy -bred calf . does not make as good veal as a beef -bred calf, it he is: to be. eaten at all be is more likely to meet expenses and more nearly. suit the consumer as veal than as any other kind of meat, With a number of Calves iii our own herd -- Holsteins, Ayrshires and Jerseys--wo 'found they averaged 71 poundseach, at birth, that in feeding for seven weeks it took 7.98 pounds, of -whole Milk for a pound of gain in weight, and the work showed that the best way to handle such calves la to give them whole milk for the first three weeks. oftheir lives and get them on the market -as soon atter that as pos- sible, or, in other words, profits drop week by week in feeding.. whole milk to an average dairy -bred 'veal calf after he • is three weeks of age, at which tend he is marketable. Calves. should, however, be put in the best possible condition' if to be marketed at that age, as poor veal injures the market for all veal. ---Dept. o! Animal Husbandry, O. A, College, The Big Co -Op. The Big Co -Op, can fix, and •force buyers to accept fair ,and uniform grades; can establish its own brands and maintain an exclusive market for them through advertising. The Big Co -Op. can develop new uses for a product; can find new mar- kets where none.exlsted previously; that ` ea- le ti-...., few +t+ ,./,.1,rrn.. or •the 'boy by which he earned nnnunh to go to Hamoten •r„,...1 "" oznP.•+'" �•� .1{�Q' ft ,,,C ,sw i {ern --Institute,'V•ir}�,litia, - wilt do thee go'-rl fer the Lord. ""Earning hiss,living" all the tirt+e: he • ' - ' ;took'a course in•carpentry and then -- , went -to Columbia, where he secured the coveted B.S. i t . education. IIsi Ivo rnvsicans'Recommended' whole ideal in eeekine this education. rias, been to go back and develee his MAgf"t:3lfl fir Dyspepticsown ' people, • btt not necessarily ' on Western lines.'. . "Take a little magnesia after WHEN YOUNG GIRLS • meals" is new a favorite: dypepsia GROW PALE AND THIN ;ireseriittion among. thousands. •The '1)r. Wiiliaths' 'Pink•. Pills Should he •enson for' -tis lies'iit the fact that Taken to 'Enrich the Blood • emetically ninety per cent. of all stomach trouble is due to acid which When girls grow weak. pale and irritates ' and inflames the delicate I thin, parents should not neglect these mucous membrane lining of ' the'`` symptoms; . to do so means danger. stomach and makes natural diges- t The girl in her teens cannot develop tion impossible. ' Medicines, drugs ! intoro t supply t womanhood h. -' without an in end m diets all fall simply because they , her veins; It is the. lack' of this that do not remove the acid, the cause of .s the great trouble with nine girls ill the trouble. The value of mag` out of ten. Dr. Williams' . Pink Pills nesia, which is . neither a ' medicine have- :achieved world-wide fame for hot a drug in the ordinary meaning their remarkable blood•making pro- ,f these wdlls, lies in the fact that! perties. In these pills there is vigor - it neutralizes the acid. ' Of the many; out health, with glowing: cheeks and forms of magnesia such as the oxides,! anarkling eyes for every weak, pale Carbonates, . milks and fluids, the! girl. The value of the rills in cases ',est is undoubtedly Bisurated Mag-' . this kinn�diy ifred Rrby+th Be ar"" i.t `eerie, a teaspoonful or four tabletsif . after ' Httmilton, Ont., who satement ays:-�-"About oliter i eals,i ins( tly, ch in a neutrralizess thle hot e acid, into ot very rs bad 'health. Iest d took herto 'tops tide fermentation of the food a doctor who advised baving her tens can usually' find a salefor low grade and thus insures painless, natural. ails removed, saving this was the - product", without damaging the mar- iigestion. Pure Bisurated Magneisia "seat -of the trouble. We had thein ket for higher qualities, ' "an be obtained from any.. reliable r removed, but itt did net help her. and The Big Co -Op. can make sure of druggist and stomach : sufferers she seemed to have ahanrhect se much the credit of the buyers, and tight tirouId give it a trial.it, poison from the trorhle Woweh^ .11d fraud; and'can establish retail out- n.ns• nick on • at all. . She multi neither lets for its products when necessary. eP+ n"- sleen. end who' fen,► Can do' The 131g Co -Op. can blend and pro- s inke did not dleeet. Then" she (level- cess the product, and collect the pro - TO. WOMENit „ a a• -pd He moth thee len,++ Iter •.1;,, s+ fits thereof. •ii�rht, and wen+ dawn in weirrht t& 911- The 131g Co.Op. can demand and `• .,,t h . ,,ngDt•tt"" ^' °'i to r" •e tYit+* Secure better railroad service, and Of MIDDLE AGE ,lents trinA eo mere +hane.q "vhf• nn+ ire cheapest storage and insurance a-. 1). 'tt 1i:.. C* n',r1- P4tli " f [+,•t rates. nee epee. -n ee glee cal +ire see- The 131g Co -Op. can sometimes dell end 1'Y she b -"a to ,•Um,.n a,,,...,,..,. the Product direct to the manufae- w. _.. r Experience '*"ant"' ho enn+inue(1 +t+ 11 e , t' /ii' tUiEr; expartei, or retailer, reducing Mr& 111011Il Jc�z+XpClIe11Ce a „lila fn*. rhe -^ +. • 1 is nn.•• +I/. speculative danger and eolecting the •.i. „e ,, .:a�1e,.,.,;, +•, ...... intermediate profit. A single farmer Guido to women passing •..,� •-''.,• red 0" and r'pnn with all ben ora small Co -Op. can not do this. through the Change of Life old -Vele >v,Kn~Thefin r+••itnntn ihe verified by reeehh^ a .e Hamilton, Ontario.-"Ihavetaken evnteSie4 her rn44tened from alt health severakkottlesof L dia E.Pinkham's to nnrfeet henitli " pound and 1 can- 'kern .there pelta Ven can ,cent °t"-•'••• not speak too •••e:1 nt, ra^ w {1e.• fro"i Tan else wtr•t, highly of It u I Vents' Mortieinn {*n,, itrnelmille. Ont wa siatthe Change n+o nn otter' the srexter thrill and oppor- a. AN AIt) '1`O THE STAPLEa tunity, or the green fields and melte dows it they attract with sulliclent force to satisfy the pulse of youth. The appeal to go or the it.ipul:,e to remainmust stir his blood and pro - raise a victory. Attractive homes cur - rounding.; will hoid till youth as a magnet and reduce the pull of the far away and often imagined oppor- tublties of tho city. • Make the surroundings of -the country home attracttve, wilt human Mutineer and the beauty of natural things, that environment may exert Ili strong laduence In retlLting the ostk on 'the land. -.-L, rtevseon, sato of Matelotett, O. A. Mato. egetable Com- If Your medicine dealer dues int of allru°-doowwn ife aml wand Circle ''i IU1 M'AIME' i bad no appetite. Wheat, per bush.....' 1.1 to 5 1 40 1 was week Buckwheat; trial sick, sad thanper bush. ' tier to 70 in my back Bogs _ ..... 12.50 to 12.50 ret so bad 1 Oats, per. basft : 40 to 40 oo��dooddthardlymove. , peas, per hush 1.45 to 1.60 tires "T' I nee n a friend aid Barley per bush• 45 to 10 vet carols. 1 .. • not Dare if 1 liyed or Pattie, ordinary.s pot died. I was very nervous, Mo, and cwt. .... 0.25 to 0.26 did nets* (tit teed' Inca. to friend Cattle, export ..... 7.00 to 7.50 advised me to try a bottle eff Lydia E. (tier cwt.) Pinkhatn's Vegetableser d, rattle, Choice. Cwt.. 4.50 to 0.75 I did. ' ISM* ns a iiarrt'a ae, *ads". - Lambs, per ewt..., . 12.00 to 12.00 ways works'! heard zolo . 'rad hairy Butater....... 40 to 40 was is bed tau' Imo frlsttth . l . F 4gcx, per dot 25 to 30 ado feel 1' tstotaasra all 1 twit efttb Family f?lonr, per crit 3.0. to 4,00 inset astee.es eke La'*a L F'fttk. Patent flour, per cwt. 4.75 to 5.00 m's Liver Fit. I sea wining.* Bran, per ton;2 b'i +.i 2:: .04 about mower loose* Sherta', per too .. :.:1.0(5 ter 3.00 'peak too highly of rawer"• -lanes, . inewliebas, es I (wenn I y, per tent 11.00 to 12.00 Ening Wn:,aotr, 411 WAroa Street, . ■It1 es. • • • • .. t)s1 to OA 1imrstites, Ontario. 1rAtattw*, per els..; . :; "its to 2.54) $e34 kY *Mir* everywhere. C I etrerYwhere. When Fencing ,Mouth°. Land :flick tho Posts. The up and down pull exerted on the staples used in keeping wire feno- ing In position is often no great as to loosen and extract the staples holding the wires to the poets on higher ground. A sagging; fence is worse than useless as it tempts stock to go over and may cause there in- jury. Alt wires may be kept tight and In place by simply cutting a shal- low notch In, the post wines the wires are - to be held and thea resting tho wire on the shoulder it the notch. The post will them sullied the pull whether up or down, and the staple r can do its part in hclding the wire ` +pre best( � o kill Canada this.' is to the post, all that a staple is intended 50 ofd, �i.. Stevenson. !Area.des is to use a short rotation of three for of Retell/den, a A. Collage. _ or not more than four years, suck as - a grain' crop seeded down with red or sweet elover, left one year to pats - One of the best eerie is:'ernift ! man(. ture or hay, followed by a hoe crop Oinks to take on an empty atomaelt and sown with giatn and reseeded. is kreekfast. Timothy seed may be sown with the elover and it may he left In meadow When a woman gives ftp a geed Si,rlt two yearn. The flouts plant dors for a pocr man it may be either love Brost of the work in mothering this - or lazinem ties and in being cut n a 'ft -a • , will 1* very hard tee tletrae 1; - ,r in same cases a change of c 1ina lt4, hollow, water gets in the stt 1e needed because the df;et°; • :^ d tag dre.ay, of the case. • Protect' Voir Summer Cottage •From•rtrc! Underwriters - girt' lower insurance rates on. summer cottages roofed with Brantford Asphalt Slates became they are fire resistant. and cannot be ignited by burning shingles or • flying embers. 19 , r Yr'Arromerraor r r► rL�i.//waria0 r.Amur ,c rri. • I:iICI .,.r ' swltsr swrrara q ,/rlrrYllaastntraeasr . Srenttorld it00%i1► Col ilatilttl •Brantford, Ontario Stock Carried, information Furnished and Service - . .n' on Brantford Roofing rendered by . W. M McLean, - . . Goderich 7"he +Codgrrclt Star's CLUBBING LIST The S •1•i,c S 1st' , •''1 '' S S • '17%. Star and T''e Siar and Star and The Star and The Star and The S tar and London Free 'Press::. , . 56,775 - 11! and London Advertiser` 07,5 "+tatr are. The '1aro lt(t (,lobe:. . 675 tar ant `flat' Mai; afarEmprre.. .. 6.7 ti lar and The Tctront;, Star (1:7 r+ t.rr ;td The Farmers' Sun 1.0 - rhe 1°nn;rly Herald and Weekly. Stir. :; 00. Saturday Night • 5,5' The Cathol;2 Record. - 3,75 ` Mele'e's Magazine. ....... Rod. and Gun 3.90 tar and ,Montreal Witness... , . , renewal • 3.85 new3.50 renewal 4.25 - new.. 3.85 The Star and 'World Wide 1 i • Special'Clabl irg Rates a'Ith other Periodicals may be had en application - t' " •t; rite, ;. ; { �' ::' ,,,e 'r"ay• 7t for any inff,rfaatto,i. yanking by Mail - _. The security afforded by Province c:)nt trio Savings •• Office,together with the facilities extended by every Pot • Office in Canada and •• other countries, toake it possible for 1 everyone to deposit their savings in this Bank. Interest is allowed, compounded half -;early, with full lleckin ; privileges. 'rife confidence the rural communities have :,h(,wn in this the of Hank, is indicated sty the large increase in deposits, which are i 110W Over $21,000,t0(. �. Ail deposits are guaranteed by the . government of the I � • Province of Ontario, • Remittances should be Inade by post Office money order, i express order or registered letter, and should Ise addressed to your nearest Branch, where they will receive prompt attention. Province of Ontario Saving's Office Head Office : 15 Ga'sse's Perk, Toronto I i" Torente Brandi 011leee ('or. Ilay and Adelaide Sty. (.ser. University and Dundee Sts. 511 Danforth Avenge Other Branches at Ifamilton. St. ('athsrsneft. St. Marys )I►esnbroke, Brantford, Woodstock, Owen Seurat Ottawa Statortk. Walkerton Newmarket awl' Aylmer. - • 4 •