The Goderich Star, 1926-09-23, Page 6PAGZ StZ
throne* the ~sta. 1111.'
1 Taliimasee bland !tt his mem le
bet ant atter to surrey ewhich Fx Freak lief ii� had bike
sad the *Meer
bad been
wounded --so raw the fMet aerelwt.
Those who had gene u far as the
Barracks, returned with a faadi'ul
tale of a simp is the snow and of
as 'Reek's single-butadai conquest of the
/'RAPT'* XXX. (Weathered) hieetelf. however. was n, t la evidence. two fugitives. TM.. conflicting re -
Dawson awoke. on the second Ir"*tently rtp.eulatens becalms rife. ports were confit* and mos
morning, to behold a long queue of Here was * sensation indeed. and set the town so aslapr eeilsy ewild that
fur -chid miner* waiting outside the when the second reinter wu identified It awaited. fulee • n the
Gold Commissioners dice; the town beyond geestion as Joe Meeuke „ +1x- mteet feverish impetiestee. One thing
took un an electric praline. s. this eitement doubled. Where wu Rock" only was certain -•-the lieutenant had
e=igniried bigIthings; it gave german- Where was the other fugitive?? again made himself a baro; be had
enie; it meant that vewson was to What, in the name of all that wu pat a new feather in his cap. Men
he- A shout of relief issued from the Such e
Business picked up, the
the world's first ehteee camp, unexpected, had occurf'ed' lifted glass* to hire and to the Force.
is �t;:e efficiency as this commanded
came thronged o" es >ry come -'Snots crowd when the tiaras drew in folder their deepest respect and admiration
of gossiping thronged,
as eene:::i. ;mere the bank aid Rock sat up, waving * Pierce Phillips, of course, was the
began a considerable apenee-on in mittened hard: the shout was quirk- most saver member of that welcotn-
clafine a n Frenenmen'e dealt; t'1'a*'r•tl- l\ 1'tl8'toae ^" *!t" t �a)l-ers-cn saw what Ing throng. At the earliest moment
ants planned larger stocks for the �` ]coati :t d MQ('askey was he bore 'Poleon away to his cabin,
next Beason; tl;e price of town lets d tv 1•. and there, when the last morbid cur•
dorhled, r •" "' , t• ° ' * r` ra:ne the iostty-seeker had been shaken off and
Late that afternoon through the . *"fele-'0. " - ""`t "1 e'i along. the dogs had been attended to, he
streets ran a cry +hat 'tone "'v °'dam and +'on W +t) to tite Barracks, beard the story.
foot -free man hurrying to the river- ''""nano• 'fns dets'14.-norrinst hues. "You dont get no more worn••,"
front, "Reek -Was a nine," In •� tims mien the returning travelers. 'Poleon told him, with a ,mile, "Jou
jiffy the vantage -points were crovei.`Joie -Mc(askay,-- ofcourse, was keel de Count."
ed. Sure enough, far down the Yul;.•setechlf'ss, this ordeal proving, as a "He confessed? Really?"_
on two teams were approaching; with i.matter of fact,scarcely less trying "Roulette rigger' it out jun' right:
the smoke of Dawson in their nos. than that other one at Sheen Camp By golly!Data de ,marten' tial!"
trils they were coming on the run, when he had run the gauntlet. As "She is indeed. But .. Frank?
and soon the more keen -eyed epactal for Rock and the Freten Canadian, What happened? How did you. man-'
to n , I II II , no I I nn■in a np
")•few'•" he "lily lit bird etre *.stir,' iiowels•- Ass ,Wry for
HU. ebe iseerro. •l
be berm" the other remind
s sera'iwDataw tLoeyfoefrt ranMir.e!
a cheeiag vela Piesetr exclaim -
1 feellash' gel0dtt' bwtak " sd: "You're a yrrace, Duet, aeui I
">ihe'd ,creta eEawi for that." beat forget! A prince!'
"I +gee' go; tat' iter• rose aa' are is lilt was gone; the cabin deur had
liralir *his ars din f'renciratan's Hill, eh? *],naevi with a crash. 'Poleon sank
' glad boat dal•--" to a ,sat sad with a long sigh bowed
"Ob. ..e hen!" Pie'. tonitis head,
changed abrarpti . "Of courrcese I dide- (To be continued)
n't tall her. �t's cold; it's off.:
D'you think I'd permit--" The boy a DAltlRp TQ D(1 1OM11 THE G
choked aIle] starentered. "D'you ire- Any real follow wants to grcw. A
sem for a a u s that Yd let you go desire to gram ' is an acknowledgment
tfthroughpit position like that? of inap.rfect knowledge.
t understand s
Y you made it -to To grow. a fellow must do some
#et me away from the life I've been thinking. Most folk are afraid to
leading. It was bully of you, but- approach the thinking line. In fact,
well, hardly. I'ni not that sort. No some get a headache the minute they
I've laid off the old stuff, absolutely try to play the game.
--straightened out. FYI) lived.. ten Some can't think enough to work
years in the last ten days. Wait and up even a second-hand headache.
nee. 'Poleon, I'm the happiest, the It is a fine, thing to approach the
moat deliriously happy man you ever game of life in the right spirit
saw. I only want one thing. That s Which means, of course, that we m1 st
work and lots of it --tire harder the look mutters square in the face. We
bettor, so long s., it's honest and must admit our errors, our sins, our
s'lfwYe+necting. Mitt d'y,.n think ignorsnces, our mental inertness, our
of that?" st{}nidity.
"W'at I t'ink?" the woodsman Once we are mentally willing to
said, warmly. "i t'ink dat's he hes' admit such thin¢*, we are on the
news of all. Mon ami, y eu Trot roads that lead to growth. We would
rancher nay -streak in you as Frt•Zich- never grow unless we recognized our
"tan' Hill. if only you work 'im hard. vveaes.
But you need pardner to get 'im out." We must search diligently for a
He winked meaningly; "I trues* 1Tersonaknesa'l improvement. All great
tors announced that they could make neither had. much to say, and as a aoue-• -?" mebbe you . fin' dat pardner, eh?" inventions have been attained by uti.
out 'Poleon Doret. The lieutenant result sensational stories soon spread 'Poleon hesitslteds There was * Pierce flushed: he nodded vigor- lining one improvement after anoth-
A new Speed Service
Long Distance calls while you hold the line
° .TTSERS of Long Instance are finding
our new high speed service a re.
warkable time-saver.
0 n'o i
the majority ty Qf calls to distant
Cities the Long Distance Operator to
whom details of the caul are first given,
at"once•endeavburs to establish the 'con
nection, while the calling party holds the
line. The result is often only a matter,
of seconds. A constantly increasing
proportion of Long Distance traffic is
being handled on this new and speedier
basis. +;
Extensive changes in along Distance'
equipmentt as well u rearrangement
and lntensrve training of our staff have ,
made this new service an accomplished
ae �. fact. •
]Your co-operation in making careful
:notefor future use of distant numbers
.,y.�t�ooumay have occasion to coal is always
b�dpful. Eut whether " know **dis-
heilia-tant number or not, the Bong Distancei `.. -
'Operator will do her utmost to get the
party you want *has yoK ]sold the #ueli
m Almost as speedy as a" is Biel 't •
verdict of many who have used this ,'• '
slew and speedier Long Distance Met.
y •
reason why he did not .wish the de- Imply and leu hed :n the purest, els
!toile of that affair an the upper 'Forty frankest joy. `�o 'r o Baer.
Mile to become public. Joe McOas• A partner -life partner. I-- She--• ju*ed by thought processes. m- I you need
e was a ou is aco
I about his outraged rights, hie citizen.., I'm^-Funneething, I've never said a multiplied the evils and misfortunes one.
e J y u e a good gue The world has never yet been
key beginning totalk loudly Oh, my Lord! I'm overflowing I It " lack of thinking which has the wife
. anal . i.._r . - -- - — - — i
lines from ideas furnished by his
former experiences.
As we look over these characters
of ours. we are impressed with the
need that is there for greater im-
provements. We must tear down to
make way for better traits and truer
principles of conduct.
Never feel satisfied. That means
But when you tear OA, Always,
be sure that you have something bet-'
ter to put in the place of that which
you ' demolish.
Let ideas guide you, But ' keep
them fresh and new. Don't be afraid
to drop worn-out ideas.
1 Ali Night With A :hawse-Every-
ene knows how ,attacksof asthma
often keep their victims awake the
whole night long. Morning finds him
wholly unfitted foe a day of business,
and yet, busineee msu*t stud Ins car-
ried through. All this night suffer-
ing and lack of rest cam be avoided
by the prompt use of Dr. J. D.
legg's Aatbma Remtedy which posit.
hely does drive away theyattacks.
Whether the cora be of old or new
growth, it must yield to Holloway`s
Corn Remover.
Bsyfleld-Sept. 28.28
a shave enough to ask 1,
Mitchell --Sept. 28.292Bruseels--Sept.' 3O -Oct. 1
u need one, you need : Zurich -Sept. 30 -Oct. 1
Dungannon --Qct. 7-8
I'W'ingham--Qct, 7-8.
if y
hip, international law, and such in- word to her; she doesn't know-." of the world.
, comprehensible things --but stronger I "Ho, ho!" cried the elder man, Humanity can never be hurt by -
► by far than any fear of consequences "Oh, she does know, of course. If Ween setting their minds to the task
to himself, remote at beat, 'Poleon the didn't I wouldn't feel as I do, but of thinking,
i felt a desire to help his friend, the -we've never actually mentioned" it One often sees splendid buildings
Pallce lieutenant, Rock was deeply I've got to prove myself, understand'? being torn down. Seems like a
humiliated at his weak failure in liv-1 It came to me of a sudden, struck me shame to raze them. But greater
ing up to his reputation• he felt that all in -a heap I can tell you 1 tawbuildings are to take their
t � ,
! he had cut a very sorry figure indeed, what . a fool I'd made If myself, is part of the >zame of pruRreas'''r
and, although he had undertaken to What n damnable thing thence is ire better for it after the
conceal that feeling from Poleon, the anyhow! It 'makes yon, breaks you;
non' ones are up. It is more eeonom-
town will
latter had read him like a book and carries you along' and leaves you down when a betterment is on the
had secretly made up his mind to give stranded finally, then sweeps you o'1
full credit to the ' officer, eliminating again. Fortunately, she's big enough plans.
1 himself as much as possible. There to understand and make allowances. Scares of buildings have to. c1`R1n
was no reason why the actual facts If elle weren't, l'd die. I 'wouldn't down, But in their place will spring
should be 'Made public, so -far as he want to live and not make good. It's beauty and greater efficiency.
Dare to tear down.
could see, and once an artfully col. ' ecstasy and it's --pain. I'm frighten-
ored aceount,ot the exploit had gained ed, too. at my own unworthiness--" Over And ivei she inventor tame
currency, hock could not well contra -1 Abruptly the sneaker's voice ceased down; only to rebuild along newer
ical in the long run to tear them
diet it. He. might. undoubtedly and he bowed his head.
would, make a truthful report to his! 'Poleon wet his dry lips and essay.
Isuperiors, . but' ' "Poleon determined ed to speak, but he could ftnd; noth-
that in the eyes of the hero-worship. ing to say. Of course Roulette wee
ping peonle • of Dawson the fellow: hie enorsal to undeestand rnd main l
should still remain a hero aril steed ' '�'ilewanee fns onv human shortcoin.
for one hundred per cent, ,efficiency''--na• Ch^ "-^1+114 sanest• the mntt
That was Quite SIA it should be, 1 1 1...,.,..1 .+4n' wna+ el..,w;'•ehro ,nf cele],•
It was not difficult to distort the And it was true. too, that love came,
rne, story enough to reverse the roles he eebidd'' rig had inure ed thee, to
and'. the nffirer had played, and, when! his Post, It "it' pretty hard to
hn bed finished, pierce wet loud in et•"11 r..'^+' ^'4 1end n svmoatheti'
his Ionise of the Mounted Policeman a^^ +' this 1'7^.1-." d?vii: .4; took an ef- -
"Well. thirsts happened here. too," fort' to maintain a se il". to keen a
the vou'th declared. Suer!nc'lv : he '^roes'•. ^r^T^ upon Phillips' face. I
told the store of Louie's. derived a -e. The big fellow -wag trrnwin.' wcr,•.*
fession pf f
roving that he had been the *sr fi'rhtint himself.. It wonlri
,I.4.4.,1'nf e-eio14heeete ` enneeireee* he•n miller to get away and to yield
a fa+n,)ua abaorp-�
serous of their suspicion; their doubt. ^a". "r''•^ r''"'' t 1'nl' ntr T„+4Tir hnw-
1 had talked ton ranch. Then. inn I came to this countye- Inokintr for
"Believe: r+'e. IMS. e1.4 i+ lee, ^ll eeee. to his rnieery.
out so well," he said, "People- didn't Bu+• vii+h a to tee•'.
actually :worse me. but T Hoot "^'•- tion in his own affairs Pierce resum-.
the Countess and me.. It was fierce!. that hen;erted. coed er bed, was mart
Appearances' were strong. I'd -h ir.� of r stare r'lay. 'Give been two neo-'
gone on the staineede, only I :didn't pie in one -the fellow whn did thing -1
`= have the -heart. -"You've heard about .'anal th'. felintu whn iook0'1 nn .a"4
that, of course? The 'naw strnkn?" apnlattdec .-.-.cter and apdience_ it
When 'Poleon shook his head the' wnt tremondnusiv interesting 'in 'an
young mates eyes kindled. "Whv. finical ■net of wily. god T lotted evert' -
ere* was that beastly rumor about r'ifn. +h' h 'm advn"er'•n r,vnrvthir'e
man,' he broke out, "the. town's thing down mentally. I" was ,i+,•n';k-
crazyt dippv! It's the biggest thin. 'ion op with experience. iJnder-
ever! Frenchman's Hill. it's called. stand! -.WEST. the whole • thing leis
> s e v come very a
Got that French Mire suds nI• bedifferent. T m
"Some French feller 'mak' •lt'ckv rot in the reellery new. not ie giro •
strike. eh?" 'Poleon was not greatly theatre at all not actino A d I
, , interet+ed, "Where de place Ise thank Gad for it. T don't imagine
• "It's a high bar /somewhere above least,” • _
re �,a a .„a s enchman? thin .I make myeself plain in the
11 Dorado --a mountain of pay, gravel Evidently he had rot; evidently.
Qy$pep$'a .
For 48 Y�
Ilea loss,
weak •toniaakss r o a ormbt, b Retorts/lutd
*edition so that the food no
Imo st distran, but is tb,..,
+dig+etel sad arniiailated,, sad a..........
sow to partake of all the wholesomeShed .
> Ind w1Wogt fear of say' taw
pleasitart alter ofsetst.
ie arssofaetared pair by' The
Re =babe s 13a *beth Ilene rte,, (ley.
-an old river -bed or something., too,' lids auditor's mind had strayedlit
"�' The as it'
' ilssetrer y y s where.all the gold cane slightly, for the latter said..
from. the mother lode. • You can see "I *'pose you t'inkin' all at once
s1M.T. ntamorail COMPANY' CANADA,. it right at the grassroots—" 'bout gettin". ruarry, eh?"
'Poleon started and his mouth open. Phillips puled; he uttered a panicky
ed• then he sive* Tiis head. denial. "Not yet! Oh no-•! That
"By Gar! Dat'* fonnvr I seen It, I've thought about it a good dee!
gravel up dere, but me -Pm oniucky. --can't think of anything else --But aft
Never I quite get not'in; always I'm it't too early yet. I'm in no position; Ng
, c . n y when 'noder feller niak' I st make good first.' ' , .nti•
himself enough to explain. "They You mak hood.
Sekction of .,.. ilii r Cattle Breech
17- t . ' 1' "k* u Shows h • Pyes. That makes it hard.
R dancing eyes, born to still
!. or why its too early? Mebbe
Pierce . still meltaged to " control dis gal Goin' tale" lot of fun in heap 301
were shooting dead timber down intra "I wonder-"
the gulch and they wire the snow off "Sure Orig. ` All women is lak dot.
where the rim Cropped out. Iry hap- You ¢oin' t'iu�C of her after dis, not
paned to be staked ground right yourae'f. Shea got money-"
there." isrce's excitement, the odd "Oh
nicht in his -'?
Poleon a significance. *',Some "Wil, you ain't broke. my frien'.
Frenchman had taken it up, so they not wit' half interes' in Discovery on
called it Frenchman's Hili,' Frenehman' Hill." ,
Doret'a blank, counfounded stare "Once and for all," Pierce protest-'
---tautsed--the--sneaker- finalleett . illnrf_ed_in extreme egitdtion., "I tell you
nut: '`Good Heavensl mart, wake opt 1 wont take" it. My . Lord! that's
Pm trying to break the news. gently generous! You're' a princely' fellow. i
that you're a millionaire -the French- .Dorete but ---the most you ran give mer
man of Frenchman's Hill. I don't is a job. *York? Yes, ;I'll eat thnl'
want you to faint. First time in his- lip."
tory a miner ever left his claim and "All, right. 'We talk •'•.bouts slat
another fellow came along---" • 'noder tam. Now, rnebbe so she lax
Doret uttered a feeble cry and rose hear de Tates' news from you.
to his feet. "Ma aoeur!" he exclaim. Dere's nlenty for Minn' her--'hnut
ed. "She's got claim up dere--I Zoe McCaskey are all de res'. You
/stake it for her.; For me, I don' care can. spoke now, ink bones' mein. 381
if I los. mine -plenty tam I come Strpre! Don' You *'pose she's wait -
jus' stockiest as itis; but if dem feller in to bear you say you Love her e,' sr
jumto her group'---" An' how you goin' mak big success"?
",Wait. wait! There'% no question By Gar! 1 keeck you out dis cabin
of anvtitin¢ like that. Nobody has if .y_ou keep her wa1:tle some more!"
draped gone claim, der beide either. With a civ. half
d ,,„A, ?,;,K vv •w «,::.:J, cot iw, r..k.ilany e<a.w.e
]Rainy a ma►: who !t a"'.': - -' .c' •'n1,•'' »,at .1 ` !'- t le ntiart•rs, ("'t)ntine
vte the breed of doily E'i1';o that 11 1 n ins t r'nl.e•ituK brillb l�e.•p the ante
will select hen seen Zt. ^;e rt etx in !tow '•t,•an. sic, „1t a the hI.!s. thus len.
:making his decision ny tint ,mitosis 1•rrt;ng it+ ban ]Aute qualttles trail
.of a par'tletetar breed that her has' makes the heir ley to the body. The
arise in Subtle. . • lanket net t not he expensive bat
The individual breeder ;ecur* tt 't *inert ae 'i.'1 e.n wwureiy,
greet deal of advertisios, a8 the, re. !:very tlatry animal that is to ber
eult,et exhibiting at seers. or in of- exhibited shot:it have the hair
Tering hood animal* at pubnc solos, e•llilped trnln the enttra boay about .
It *heal people it than:,: to ser ant, three weeks 1'rett,r'ts to the date of
know trio ktad of ator k that a main la the show .'r rsb•• This will trek rid
breeding and paves the way for fro,
tare hoseels.
it la eseentiat that special tare and
Attenttr * los siren dairy animal. tar
la .dvattre of tbo limo that they are
to be exhibited or fedi. ltxhibiting
.or *OHM **►stale 'untidy 1st their
'orrery dee clothes Is poor advertising
,nand anti these at a disadvantage
when the ewepetttlea let keen. It
of the e'11 hair end allow a hew.
wen arnw'h t 1 ''•r'etap which will
creetly Imrrote the 0peeaamee *ad
increase the :+enifyr raiw of the
4 point 'Mon evertook.d in the
pr"ltrett,•n of a data animal fee
'An* ler wtl.• Is that '+r tratatng to
!eke and Atoll property. An un-
fralned an:mai meant dtsfiay Ito
Kon 1 rnla`•t tee soloaatrose tL it rota.
!altar. mould weeks to int a dairy .,�r, rhe r!nrrs et the att*tdaat to
,distal to *trod sh'rw conditio ant . r+ t'•i: :t properly. A ttttts that
wftnt saphetlrse to Arnow tic Shaw aS. en ^, each ,aie * tratwif►tt to hand*
Ore as leen to Mune 'far ad*. nr"1'erly will yleaeees erect and wa-
tt to harortaat that the scary ant- 1•5rraeernent at the show or sate sad
mal to be .rtbibited or sold ' be to fad r*�,.r e:lo llwawetaf *tem
,sews trait. A Bred eeser * et A-fr►1
ewe Isentemes (thole tb» ..carat tr hie* 'rev.• maul t►te.eta lis=
WARY aunt * ,•cell* eatneary tlrst• oft AN
why,. 1a the m.'R K ewe
eats to atnste, 'tersest. tralontharna fees to rheas* of as alwlhalt! *tune
411117 eine
as tunas limb* mom said yrs min 'n r roatrti*e. tar to =at Net
Haled *acrd rtamavets. etas *west ^hen '' •ttede, tar tat
*1* x
'see a ae .teem the HM; enc 1e1 le .-% , ere, oh ,•,a >r erstdA own UMa' at
eeeetHoa, N donna* ee N/ar..t t,.. on• •merit .re the Ow a�tf-
thr• amwtmi *005. r'e **wino ti" (fr, Iwo «/I .etlaat 1� 00 tet'
esea wilts& to 1*.' aa. %arm +,• 1 +r.t.rr:' ra ^....Paw, 00. alb•
AVE to dee tatko h A ewes* nos ,neap • Torr, t * eh'•. r we tae J
Oat >a dept loss ear r M' a• 't• t ' tamerh•tett ; ta::..e Merle,
•.',eerSe tee,.
of irepldatrel.
he law wouldn't let 'em, I wotriler half of exultance, Phillips crushed
if she knows--- Why, she can't know! his can tenon his head,
I left her riot" two hours ago---" notion . to- ._-.-I- caw -lamest any it: any- I
"She don' know?" how, I rat, shv snnu'"h so she'll on.; shook hit head. "She dope_ deratand. Gad! 1 will! I just need -1
n't dream. I wish Pd known. I'd ed You .to stiffen me un." Fiercely'
have loved to tell liver." he wrung the woodsman's hand, acct,
'Polern Dont taxed dxedlts curi- forgetful of ail *lee but his new de -
awe. at the streaker. He nodded hie termination, reeved toward the door.
head. A :►eeulier, set, hopcle a look "Thanks for ell you've done for me.
erupt into hitt eyes; • his broad *hon ,. old mnan,. and all , you've offered to
dare sagged w..rite. lie had travel• do."
ed far lord swiftly on this. young "Frenchman' Hill is nice plate for
man's affairs: he had siept• but llttfet
and nn' a treat fatIsue mastered .
him. Oddly enough. too. that fierce., ��m �makes
eewentnitw desire to see -Roulette t � ,
� �
witch hsd hourly renewed at hlm war
SOW; all at once he flit that she wee
elad% the lam Person he wished to
Stomach Feel Fine
face. This watol/rretttt, this smalinesn. Shtt* bpektbcen b.rkreytoritto,
grid himself; it wottsld s • lie aa• . as *,fieri is Atllttrllaa,. oftps
thee lie w►altM find the strenstah to we k un b1e In TZN ,*Matic* by
to tar whit kis emit/mere smile, hilt raassaviaff OAl . Wags gut a sire
meek 1tti place. New, however. he Irclailtirsine nit ed nail wands minter
woo estiaty. eheertees, frlehterted Tn ?•art anus tilmeiest was is y1Srr syn.
the rterctent of tufa new thing. it Sept. Stella thpt felt, bioktsd feeltag
cooler l►sre bat nos significance --it i Nese mow Yost happy std eittwrttd
ork she 'world have no farther neer] . Adore* worts] eleye 'Z sad d�lot.
Ow. wet sal right. It wee fall ' CAKPZgLL'i DVJO
ew side s mat he had wales. MIL
ee fee. Wt.e rusrest. taat
a os caw, et Wag hast at times Isn't half so.
this 'tutees hive? 'I v psratlt a Aar- PINrlttl as gulag times* iifte *MU'- w srattshrt.tla to mar tide syro, . b hey adl rg.
Deed 100* rot ♦ i +td•lao hire*• -
he sossler.•eresel Mansel! Seethe *ea
hen Mo nisei woo*tl•e+'• ,Malec *No ! wtlw
wheat that PltlUips lad been within �„ ►
tbtttaaat Viet he lr^tald 1e,ee hie °sister." ilaseenore far dem* t:ettsdlictiett.
Bay The. . Be$t
The Plymouth Anthracite Coal is the best. It burns
to a fine ash and is practically free from slate. It cost at
.the Mines 5oc per ton more than other Coal but we sell it
at the same price. Whyixot have the bestwhen it will
cost you no more.
Egg and Nut. • $16.00 per..toaa
Stove... ,.. .... • $16.50 per tap
We also handle the ;mister Anthracite .Coal.
This Coal differs in some respects from the average
run of Anthracite frond the P'etitxsylvania field and these - -
,differences should be borne in mind to insure most efil.
Cient'an:d economic results. This coal is slightly lighter
and therefore fuses ata higher temperature, is freeburn-
ing and therefore more readily susceptible to draft "con-
trot It is ALL coal; it comes to you free from state and
other impurities, It cannot clinker unless 'fora," beyond
the high fusing point of. its ash. It is an ideal domestic
fuel and costs you 51 5.qo per torr, all Slide:
1f yotir furnace or plumbing requires evet-hauling.
If you requite a new furnace or a hot water job or
plumbing, let us figure on it; also if your furnace and
plumbing require to be overhauled—Cave us a call and it
will have prompt attention_
Everything in Shelf arrd' Heavy Hardware kept in e
The Hardware at the wharf
Store 'Phone 22. , ' a... 'Mee 123,
itiN itiMMENE41 MESIMOIS 30041111
Announcing the Arrival
of Our
Fall and Winter Coats
We have now on display at our store a range of samples that
afford unlimited variety and makes selection easy. • -
New notes of the season are introduced in these Coats, the
Dolman Sleeve, the Bolero effect and many original touches give
these Coats individuality.,
Matron and Misses styles, in lovely new shades, as well as
conservative Nary and Black. Some are lavishly trimmed with
Fur, while others are plain.. "
Al added feature of this showing is, by purchasing these
samples during this display, the saltie 'styles will not be duplica-
ed in this town.
We would appreciate your visit to our store.
Royai Rea4yTo4Vear Co.