The Goderich Star, 1926-09-23, Page 5mismeseseremq sseo*snAY, tllc>eilijlt ti., 1, . s
aeu..e, 1 , w ON 1 Y 11 tom 1111111111111 1U 11 11111„n1111•.1,
ailed OTHERS
?hi e11n11>• .0.0111, 101 •' 1111, HMI NINNY 111111.1...1e1• 111M1. •_ INI,•,•,. •
try Ram* ilea*„. tkst t Mt—i`aael L..gber, Twainif<!
TMs 11s. d� 1fM b. arwaris! ►.r c•arrls bent were.,
seelkitsSisdislaIJia weeds "II *'clock" $ousrth, iteelra RILL .l &.„--les-
g the words "11 arts YrrIncster, ter co ytn•NYtaay.
• Ila = tileraad, as that M!!dree Utlawz. 1amIr1 Triesti, t
- degas $ of 1i4 21 of IMS, a Harr hili. Rabe iteriaeton. ealI*e-
beltw ne r+sgttritW wiettlanillg "Ili" true . ' pieturee-Eraser* M Tarty.
and e�} aolff! refreshment., Asa rood: lase[ id Y.i k, Jae. Farris b, leen
"Ota Su Ila arch place shall ifs nun.
o9ars, *Sr shell anything be sold t•outherLTit)xsI
therein. liar shall any parson be ace- I'nbik• Ss..akitrt•- fidlth Karol[. rill-
plied with eatables, r. „mot a .at or wry Hardy. Jadttl+,g Claatl'.1IMIeelnr- "
entertainment. except between the lire ua H
henna of 7 o'clock j the sears and o -('amine Steareos. Lames*
eleven o'edcek in the „,,,,..1._. and xittiatl• Troy ltrriascou. chive„[
beat tba twitter be ret.„red to "tit; Hriudl,•x• Murray Herds. Parade • -
mayor, the clerk and the solicitor to A. 8. Na. 7.
have bylaw **waded or * new bylaw
e(Jrawn acrorditti�lp, , In spite of the many n'ru hay be-
aj the discussion it became cetaae devotees of alt, lite sinez of
evident that , the intention was to
close abating places at •11 o'clock ev- buwUn has not su eired in oderieh
MAW this season taar'e „ilea than eve
any eyreast .and the „motion was ac- r
cotdingly cha;C•e
ad, gut as the discus. °h « ave beery interrtstod In live [name.
n showed that the motion if it 1'o uch as that the bowling• cIuit hittt
tihrnt through world prevent the inv.
decided to have tine part of their pre-
• itis of ice cream in restaw•ants after Il�1eertY en Picton street which, used to
be used as tennis courts got into
1 Ballie's own motion to refer the mat. aha for bowling, which wi 1 almost'
`' 1 ter to the special committee to look double the present accommodatitn.
into and report.
. [Continued iroiti page' 4) •1' ethi li[altality avenin the winners in
• the totarnament wtre. Edwards and
Old Market :���al� � be Wrecked and Scales Moved
Dunt. Phyllis, Horton, Wearier Ten- Carter mond. with F Hunt and C 1
11, it was decided Again on Councillor..
The cinder; wilt be removed ,and the
ground got into shape for seeding at
Y " ' to Rear of 1�pwn 'Hal F.
. , . •tail.•.--Margaret *Mitchell, 1 At the local bowling tournament
Lulu Jewell, Norman Duret• eaten- on Monday, Sept. 18th. Fred Hunt
RESTAURANT HOURS UNDER DISCUSSION • : 'Iola—MemFeagau, Emerson[ Durst, and Jos. Brophy. won first, and Ed.
- Arnold Alliu. VerbeIul.-13arnld• :ate- , Cowan and Tom Taylor second, and
veils,. Vesta Taiib. Benson Fulford, 'this following Wednesday Reg. Shar-
1VIOtion to Reduce Proportion. of Cost of Pavement Fay. rliit'ord Durst. Cosmos ---Mildred Sal-. man and Jos. Brophy were, winre're.
• soars, Framers lteLarty, Eric Quaid, On Tuesday four pairs of Godericli
,Able by Property Owners Laid Over
The town council met regular The cemetery and parks committee Mimic Prsintmer, Lulu azel Croft. Lyle and
a the Lucknow
J:is. Parrish Clayton 311Aian. Phiks bowlers took
. —Helen Jackman, Tiernan Fisher, tournament, Messrs. Brophy and '
ini � pa Jewell., d Hrrye.:Swaflield *ilei[ .,.... ..._. _,.....,......_._..-,_,,....... ._,_.,..,... .... ._,. ... - .�..
._ lIA • 11ee111r111
Ni .,Arrivals its
imam.—..., ..,,..,...1
Fall Dress Goods
Cut Velvets in several shades.
Chiffon Silk Velvets in 'files
new shades.
Silversheen, Silk and Wool
Dress materials in Dress
Plain and Fancy Dress
54.Ilach All -Wool Coating, ins
Fawn, Blue and Red. This
material is very suitable
for Children's wear.
A complete stock of Pictorial
Review Dress and Embroid-
ery Patterns now in stock.
'session last Friday night,. the regular • recommended that John. McLeod be Lawlor. Gallardta -- Christine Iso- Giesler, Hunt and Whiteside', And "
. meeting night, WI the members pies- allowed to remove basswood tree bertson, Frances XicLarty, Salprglosis Newton and Toole, hunt and White- The veterans of Goderich turned out Capt. and Mrs. Inkster in their sad;
en « z , sidesflin. full members in., honor of their de- bereavement in the death of a loving
Rev. J. E. Ford wrote resigning hat! requeeted, , no action quet � 1: «� 'se r' r
tion on the'Public Libra„ on ac- len on the request of Hall Rutledge Laurette ellek, Evelyn. Iit11, Sadie Toole second in the reecond event, sets Lary honors at the graveside, mclud_ The Colborne school fair 'eras held
post' ' y. e9 �• " on Saturda • the weather being fat
t from his plain Maitland, cemetery as --nary 1L[ssest Harvey loon Bore won ret in
the first event t" „ted comrade .and carried out miU- sen and bruthe
e o t d and that t' be thik- a from home arden—Fred Bloch, pair of blankets and Newton and W 1
count of wishing to be relieved of the for permission to place a concr'e'te alnnnings, Orval McPhee, Helen Bis- of stemless steel knives„, , ing the sounding . of the last Pnst .and warm. ) A:large crowd attnded, l
dctie's it involved, Thio was refer. slab over his two lots in Maitltt4id sett. The following day twelve Gaderfch and the thin:• of a salutes over tae • The exhibits were flrst•elass encs a
red to the special committees. cemetery: . 1 . POULTi. Irish triples. Mesos.
plavprgment �w*rt► at the Senforth tanrna- !° services ', CthMcDegmidn�osne good s orfs program was provided The public works with
ave notice that the 'National solicitor
ed having received prices on cements •tvcs":r:leen'etson.* uouluen, imre(ta Edwards and Showell: Ly1ie McDer'• the :-•�*•»• w-••-r----..-
g t y .Kerr b rlieklin Hor nit jean
ilott� on■...,,,. ritual also wa�u carried out, i Wirt. Tum' in therge. The school, pasr-
tarium authorities.' were appealing •for 'sidewalk construction:.from'the i ;- Matt sed Cr^rate;. Powell. Scott aril Mr,
in ori local dealers and ai a:#nom them Orval accthee, Pori I.trsvlor, Pullet Bowman. and T. end A. Teivi”. and Among many beautiful floral tribute[
against the decision ills Honor s man-
Lawlor, Jean Hopiton, Orval G. N„w+,,,,c The. last mentioned �•:on..were emblems from the.citizens of
Judge Lewitt in the Etue matter, and.ufacturers, and reported havinar ors efel'hee, Loretta Kerb 1�'ta klb Hor
third.ri +� Luck ;. Lake, from the Ma'sonic Lodge
that the appeal would likelycorns u dered a car of cement from the Alfred , i ' ••,p ,prize. nyrexware ' Y a
in the Appellate Court.iToronto Rogers Go«. Llai, toil.. I ee of tl"irt --. aeon • doll ne , t of Lucky Lake and 1'rotll'the Cana- Marsh; S. S. No. .5, won the public
some time within the nextthreeor The market committee recommend-, 1 measem slur,*[,; Jean. '1 i td t • ay ,' _ir, ' dian Bank of C ametterce and iron speaking contest.• Tho day[ being
e t'h . Allln, "Mite I.egbarus--Yisnt dons- LJUrt WE ' O the Veterans of Goderich. The pall- warm.• the ice cream booth .att.:wc11
four week*. . was referred to the ed the wrecking of the market build.' Arnold Atlh1, Naai'mai '; Durk. Mian V. Luxton is visiting# bearers were memhers both of tile nee nixed and the ladles did .'Yell at
Mayos', the Reeve and. -the Deputy ingand moving the scales to the lot • 1111111' �'ctnn(h)ttes tioleo>i • aioutden, in Toronto. e 'friends' Goderich :Veterans and of Maitland their lunch counter. •'
Reeve to consult the. Solicitor at back ofthe town hall, at an Gorden, i alioeque. slurred hacks-» ''
An. offer ,from Contractor Brazier aPpraXimate cost of $150.Miss,Maty Clarke[, hag,beeln visiting Lodge, A., F and A. M., Mesar*. lt« A 'sgrpriae gathering', con i t.n>A
to purchase the Maitland road Flan' The finance committee recommend- r Gruels 'McPhee, Bob Farrislr, Dave Hor- 1 in Landon, Cockburn Hays, Jack Murray, Tom chiefly of members of the Auxiliary
Paulten, Verne Jewell, Nelson alolilden, Pritchard, Wm, Bisset, George Mac: of the W, M. .S. met at the home of
of the National Shipbuilding plant, ed. payment of a number of ace oiintrN Lloyd lintledt e. lily pet• •Plan las Mtda Grace Stiatlft ltnsi home from Ewan and Harold Warren,. , • Mr. A. Johnstone to spend an hour
for which he aliened 165,000, wars re- ori hp *illus report which met ,withh, Feagan, 1Tarold Ailing Verne' Jewell, Guelph for the week -Bair], with Mrs. A. Y. Henderson, a former
ferrel, to committee of w y opposition wan that of. the 'Tutt„'•
ode shield •was won bv S. S. No. `7.
Carman Stevene, S, S. boo. 7, 'won this
baeclt hog lunging contest. itelen
the hole ,
i council; and an offer of Messrs. loss ket committee. --Reeve Munnings ex_ -1 Bert *Cabe, Franklin Horton, Rich- Mr. Ernest Pritchard was up from
Brazie+. - to roll the shouldems pressed the. view that the markeL ar l McWhinney,
' alongside t this new, pavement in the outrh$ #o be dxapped fox `this ,year. 1 « . L'YE SI'OCT;` is visiting her aunts an R a flee„ explained the a4rjcgt of t '
GOLF president. After some moments
Woodstock over Sunday, , • The followintt. is .the. result 'of de. were spent in social interetune
-MTs $ who o of.
• ti •H len Luxton, of ifincardine. match at Buie 'Nater Club Ian Sat Miss •Clark, a is now. presiding ,
Lee Lim has purihns:A the laundry
business on South street from Lee
Chung. All accounts against the' old
business must be settled before Mon-
day, October 18th.
Effective Sept. 27th, through traits
for Hamilton will leave 3.40 p. rn.
daily except Sunday, arriving Hamilt•
on Tsai p.m. 'Phis train connects at
Guelph Junction with' trete for Tor- tukt;s tht• 'i.a,.v 1 ' through
train for Toronto( tormcrlr leaving
at 1.15 p.m.__dally+ except Sunday.
effective :;ails@ iia+(!, 1.414 from op-
nasite di:'e4't.t •1 Will le•t(11' 11.11111itl,n
7.30 a.m. daily except St nday, ar-
riving Goderich: 12:•1`in<„•n: '1 WI in-
formation fl'onl local agents,
•town in return for: the use of, the and the money spent on the street* hi:ring colt-•-IIowartu Young„ W11; i• xa. John Baf .<,.o ya st, urdaey beat`waen Maitland and Blue meeting. In an entertaining manlier
Brock street plant of the National a the. scales were moved it wnulel n, of was fr. Water players:•
Shipbuildinjr"fie. ,for storing lila ma. be neceeaary to erect n building over in Isar<ly. Iialter•lliroken colt: ilii• tom for a. couple of $a > thin. Week, Blue':Water Maitland trhehe gave a istor xesumo of part of
„iliac• y. weer also referreid to commit- titer iiardv, 1liowand Young. ".Market
Miss Jean Johnston. of Lucknow, Nadtings, D•,.'.«1 H. Law ..0 the early history .of the Auxiliary
tee of the zvlloie. , present dila-Y.lstuD Carman Stt!veus, Charlie visited Mrs. David Mc sin over the [since its organization in June, 1888.
r Lloyd,. R. L..,.1 T. R. Pmttexaon. .0
i grace to the town. The re ort „ P-. Pham„ Franklin Horton, F:velru Hor week -.end. ' Lloyd,
Chas. .1 F. Saunders A Later Mrs.. Henderson (who was they
tied, Reeve Munniriers and Councillors con,. Fern ._ am, Kenneth Fisher, lei- .• Miss Kay left on Monda , MacKay, A, J. ;1 VJ: A. CeSulthyrat 0 Mtge Annie Young) was th'' efficient
r, + Lee and S»tool, voting against it on hogs—Carman Stevens,uHarold yon her, Hill.` E.'H...,.'Sr Carrow rte preaide'ai Some time after her em-
it stoves, Mussell, return to Toronto •after a:visit at the. Reid, C. A....t1a E. V. Lesalle ', „lege with Rev. Rabext �Iienrlerson
1 The'Reeve mentioned the augges residence of Mrs. Stxang. who .was pastor at Smiths Hill and
SUNDA RTiTi1i [+; dsay kion made by Mr,: Geort a I.aithwi►i • b IlI3iT•• SNI) VEGETABLES •' Sutcliffe' Goxdael D« D. Mooney..,.0
that some form of snarlers he.pat 1't� Afi Tres--�IytHe' xewetl; Ll t'�f Lar- fir. -and Mrs. W. A. Doter and eon: Metcklin, A. II :1 J. N. Campeau..,0 Aulitirn Exam YSi12 to 14)01, she wan
5:TUDE. RADIO 114 ;p, , i oy( *Maar- Alec,. of Toronto, -were week -end Brown, F. Ls. ,..0 R. C. McDermial..I honored by an organisation being
at the to -award end of the Highway tS, Nelsen' 3iouideu, Venue Jewe1I, Or guests of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Abel, (.Woods, ,Jaek...,1 il. Wurtele 0 farmed in 1911 called the •Mende 914
and the matter was referred'' to coin. nal 3ie•PIn'e TUomas Lawlor. Vege Mr, and Mra. Robt,''Swaiwel f rso s 'G. L..'. H. Reid
y Home Missies) Auxiliary. In 1914
Coasi 1r Boast-- mittee of than sthole council. The r+•• *bice-Duttlii i.'�1'illle i3ara *mal
'IP had beim. a municated with '' t P y itiplev, spent Slmdsiy with his sister Flahiff, �J 0 . Xchmien.-.,.:.. , amalgamation toork Flare atnd.'it• 'has
No Idle Roast th , " Ix)aii:l,�rIt, 1,C1 :4C E and brother, Mr. and, ,141rs. Robert F. Craigie - , , . ,1 Jno, Galt 0 since been emulator try the ` Hoed
teem a
as to suggestions for tomethiri gu"t lint, While Hardy, .Russell, Welts st.,:Godeeleh: • S. Bowden«„..0 J. Reynolds i[ Muss.!! and
*f, v, Mrs. Hoedersnn'
° is well andf,u
able. g • t I'le--Fre1i n
D. X. Enkinehring etc 1 Reeve •Mu n•n b ' tat , e Beth Cantwell* Hazel Tatwler, Willa Mr. H E. 'Nig • • `' f Ch'
. n i gs rcug up the , . arty arts.• o Chicago. - s1onary or
questioe of the 'need of, another'slmee;:Iloltime , Dark .. cake- e helme . Allies and bis friend,. Ma: ohir. Genn, spent 9 4A
n,. ales a*e. A1litited hole on Nelsen street: The. • sewer • I+uella Fishelr. Grant Fisher, Margaret. their - holidays with the former's The return_ match wagla ed •es -
p y }}
C!iark spoke
necirtin o a iv
's rendered
ly known h mist
cns and, Mime .'
et,dirrrfir'�• end': t(7i.-
Hamilton S e t .
Shoe Store
Complete- liiue of -ladies'.' gentle-
. men's and c hildran's shoes...
Conte ie -end oontpelrs roar prices.
cannot, be clear�eii xvithy �'huit9, Ethel HIM, Duncan aliifian. mother, Mrs.. J. B. Wiggir"i's, West St, terdny at Maitland a�ourae, the. loo by A4rp. Ilerderar'n to tee various
rads and though .• c'a»dv-�•-'PVI B 1 t III Hardy, rd' . .
a nerd' rod will not go through. The Margaret .Lite felt, Christine Robert- this week' meeting her routine„ Mee Last Friday Maitland Club ladies. identified, always which
. touch if
20 moon ST. W:. TORONTO it is a, 9 Inch pipe . Ila o t in. wink . a y, Mrs Walter Naftel was rn Toronto Water players being one up. tiny limina with �'h h sheVie boo,
in:whole will be put in. son, Pearl Lawlor, Kathleen Mielau.
t '.:1 rr -- Moved by . Councillor •Turner; see White _bread =Pearl Lawlor, Willa
r, a onded by Councillor Craigie, that Mr. Bolton. Muffins-=-Tont Lawlor, ”trap
Hector Have be appointed a membete toil Millin% Winks Bards Mary Bis -
of Mr. P. J. Ryan.—Carried.. rant'tarts—Novena Hill, BM Wilson,
The Deputy Reeve reported that he Hazel Lawlor; Pearl Leerier, Nellie
WEEK OFSEPT.Z7;to OCT. 2. and Cot'ncillor Sproul had been to Willer, . Willie Hardy. Oatldeal
S I Condone to see about a cement ,
ofthe ban
.cum �
committee '
in h, h h n-
t sett, Thelma A 1 Norma Hi Cur
, s Tutt 11 11, C
1 ria
Ia $C�
P. M. Sinclair, who has returned with plsye at Blue a er, t e results of rosRible with #it" home 'church at
her after an extended visit down east the play being as follows: Smith's Hill. Her gracious ntanwii'r
Mrs. Rea Cmntel and lkirs. Gordon
Blue Water. - Maitland and •_-kindly eaurtesv; onc(urarino I
P. Merlatt returned to Toronto Tues. Mes«'11 Lloyd...1 Miss E. Williams° many n younger presort to s+houlder 1
day after visiting at their home, the Mrs. Iibelacker.0 Miss 0« Allen...1 their: task, in missionare enterp+•s4e
residence of Mr. Donald Fraser,'Eaat Mrs. J. McMurchie0 .Mrs. Donaldson 1 Greetings were •expresvnd frnin 3lrs
street. ( Mrs. A."3. MacKay'/a Miss E. Hays % James. lt:intilten., of Godn..�^h, • ^^ •;,
- Mr, and Mrs. O. F. Sturdy :will be Mrs. J. W. Craigie0 Mrs. T, MitchelIl .member of the Presbyteri•tl,. statingi •
• cel en mixer cookies -7 ora Jackman, Hazel Lawlor, at home to t3reir #„lends. on Monday> Miss J McMurchiei Miss Lee 0 khat no more worthy recipient in the
• and bad secured one for 1150- or, if It Normal Hili t�ipa Bolton Christine on M F C ' 0 Mi Presb ter I could be likewise honor.
In accordance" era*tii'•
was decided °My to rent ,'it,the Robertson,. x ulu. JeRell- Subee1 hotel* Sept, ont1a; ft
8 to G o'wock, g bine i Mrs K. E ;v te10 Mrs Couullthurst 1 ed, Mrs. Geo+•ge Glen, the only oter
charge would bet$2 a day: ••..Kenneth Fisher, Luepa 1"salter, •°nioasion of their golden wedding Saults..0 Mra, F. Saun,iQrsl charter member present, then handed
°n'' lif• •
i Miaa
WILLIAM HAINES. JACK PI c ordance. with his notice of Christina Robertson, Norma Hill, V. E« Saults, s/s Miss J. Saundersle Mrs. Heed:•rson a Life .Membership
FORD and MARY BRIAN - ,motion ata previous hieeting, the la Bolton, 'Kathleen 3ililian, Mr and Mrs, `P W. Cu iie'annou'ice Mrs. C, A. Reid..0 Mitts G. 'Saults....l pin, issued by the United church ar,
the teat football •story. '.A. really followinpi :was resented by:Council 5R`�,INC, the enge ernent of their,'daughter, Mrs. Ord, ....:, .0 Mrs. Cha man,..1 a taken of appreciatinn of her:vat.
la Which is bound lar Bailie: Moved by Depth R x Evelyn Frances t M J h El p
authentic college play those*, seconded by Councillor Bail Darning—Ethel khsher. Crocheted Beattie, the marriage to lake laceornaments.
:� 'NEW .clkftC ..C:.14'tiri� S
IV odd
R M ltf in the e;>tit eW.nt•
ly iltnart; Hat ery wide of
brim "n combinations of
Velvet and Ribbon.:
• ,n)
The popular Small Hat
in, Silk Velvet and .Ribbon
u y Reeve c o r.. a n mer ,
Mrs. C. Hays.. Miss Garroiv... 0 ucd services. Mrs. Henderann. wale'•
td• please everybody 1e• p Mitts Ginn 1 Mra. Martin, taken completely 1"J' seeped'', but (y
early in October.. •'iTas (Dr.) Gallows Miss A Wureele0 made a fine reply. Thanking th+s
that the resolution as adopted by the late—Nellie Willey, Pearl . Lawlor.
council on August 3rd regarding pro- .Olive MIi11. Dolls ilress4-Eleanor
perty ewne*s' share of the cost of Tyndall, Kathleen Tyndall, Myrtle
1 Huron Road pavement to the Square `Cantwell; liaise Horton, .Luella. Fisher..
1 under the Local Improvement. Act; be Knitting ---Isobel Robertson. Christine
• amended' so as - to read Chet the nets; Robertson, Neilson d[ouiden, Olive hill,
WEDNESDAY and.THURSDAY .petty fronting a. abutting. ae Mildred 1 owe Ne a lu
GEORGE SIDNEY arid _...__._ . , g- _ . five n>a the. Ka 1. Needle c s it 'rT
per eent..of Jewell, Mildred Sallemti; u Isobel Tyat-
1 the town's share of the cost, instead datl, Alton Sallows, Nelson Malden,
ALEXANDER OltI1RR: of five per'cent, of the total coast. the Margaret Mitchell. • Gi t - tdtvei—
the famous Potash and Perlmutter, town to assume cost of .frontages of elirlstine Robertson.. Margaretr'I•Mft-
team itt another great Montague street intersection". elicit Frances ateLartr. Pearl Lawlor.
Gino success( , . It was pointed out . by the Mayor, yateh on gingham—Christine Robert.
'PARTNERS' .■^-+, " , that the previous resolution of the on, I>1ste Quaid, Nellie Willey. Har-
COMEDY t ve k iI WAS the .basis on which the caret Hitched, -Isabel Tyndatil. Nelson
PLIGHT HOVSEICEE NG" r wets called on and the ex a-
Mnnl'ilea. _.A.nrttll—M anliaret, 3titebeli,
diture made'and that 't mi ht be e
l •, lr cos,- \ i'T 'R'titey T' ill
e t• a Jewell (br stln
eidered irrettular if a change were l'oberteesn. Frances \!chanty:
FRIDAY and SATURDAY made naw, when .the town came to Art
{ to the bank to borrow the money. It 4. MAN. I'AL TRAINING
HOOT GIBSON was finally decided, on Councillor Any modes fn' wtoti-_ w..mseth Far=
I>w a'fip-snorting rampage• of romance Bailie'x own motion., seconded .' by Asir. 'tor ielrrington, Frank. Walter's,
ors the western plains' 1 Councillor Craigie, that the matter ltueletel Pfrinsmer, Leslie Hoy« Wren
"THE ARIZONAi' SWE*PSTARES" stand neer till the. nett inee+tinr«. tr:.:houFe »•- Norman linnet, Kenneth
• CENTURY COMEDY refer the natter to the twitcitor. in Fisher,- Rope batter—Net'nn Moulden.
1 the meantime. • 1 Tile n•timed lariats -•-Great 31cI'bee, Nel-
"BIG CIT'li""
Matinee Sat. at $ p.m.
The other. mutter about whiee son Moulded., Gordon La !torque, Gor-
Councillor Bailie had given notice el don Fisher, beware ,Emmerson, Car -
'notion, then ranee up, as follows : t son goy.
Moved by Councillor Bailie, second -I NATURE STUDY -
• - , 'uer,ratirei `• ��';ad, AV' d I • Beneficial ' iusee'ts---Russell Nth*.
1 mer: Illy n ',trimmer, Ethel Hill,
Helen. Strangban, Gordon Fisher,
Natite:woods„-Isle Quaid. Louis' Fel.
ford, James Farrlsh, Kenneth Farrie%
Gordon Fisher. Russell ',trimmer.
---Wild , floeere-•-Long-Heieu..
Strangban, Myrtle Pfrltnmor. Adelaide
Houghton. James Parrish. Eric Quaid.
't ' Ontario noxious weeds•---Myrtie'strim-
mer. Lloyd Rutledge. Lulu Jewell. Th-
ieriot* insects -Loretta Kerr, Russell
«' I'frilen7ei% Elwyn Pfrimmer, Gordon
Fisher. "
Map of Ituron—Marfa Le Roque.
'Gordon ria Roque. Edythe Me(hlbe,
Nettle I'itblado, George Mefriile,
Lloyd Rutledge, Map of North Amer-
1 *- -Marie Maolet, sten Streuxhan.
Frank Walters, Alma hallows. ° ('ar.
Mot Meths. Bert McCabe. Relief map
of t'So lth AnwerieeeeNorma Fisher.
*Oldie Mtmnings. Kathleen • Taal* .
Kenneth Williams. Edith Flick. Myrtle
Cantwell. Writing 4-• "laughing
Brook" •= Mihlred Fallows, Ludt
Jewell. Isairrl Tyndall, Roy Er-
rington, reline -Hill. Ttuby 1 rringtoa.:
Writing> -"Woodland slain" •.- 1kswem
fealtere. Hartel, Pittman. Nellie i'it-
illado. Elwin ',trimmer. Marin F«isiker.
lorsncla Xenia. Writing "Lott I X member of the lineky Lake' Masonic „kit,
Kindle Tighe' --Marin Fisher. Pesti 1 • '• He was in his [flat „,rear ande ,
L.awlnr. Alma sallow/. Thelma Al- - is svrviwertl by hie pe►rerrt(1 and by one
lin. Pisani l swlnr. lternie r beg. sister, Islas. Ernest Mitchell. of Gude• Mr. Tom Wilson has just tiniahed
arch. Writing--" 1'bfidren'e Islet„' - -- rah• and b!' two brother*, . i esalle', of hie t'etnent ails.
Laurette Pitrk« Olirt. 11111, Tertrrnt►• and Harry, of lifatiM.. hath
Xe of wham were home for their broth' btr, A. M. iCid it .; of ('phi ch
xunta, siatesra o! th eierrAKA 0 Math-
• Wrapped or Unwrapped
that nice, nutty- brown that
appeals to the eye es well as
the'palate. -
Try Oar Whole i at Bread
and Fruit Bread
,...,......_�..•Y..�INIFnIMA•Ri..�M..F«p.,i«.YK,1.�#.�IAh .-Iw�Y.F�AJI ..GM.Yd,M.•....'�'� �i
• Mr. and Idris; Allan '1'lobertson, of Mrs. (Dr.) Hunterl Mrs. Baker....0 members for their thoughtful gift '
Kincardine township, .awl Mr; •and Mrs. G. L. Parsons° 'Mrs. Reid..« .,1 she. stetted that her• task. bad been is .y Ilrw Felts lin the iutest
Mrs. Gunn, [spent Monday with Mrs. --- -., measure and an education to her t
Robertson's parents, Mr.'and Mrs. . 7 10 It eels through reading the lines of F s ac . a.
Eobt. Russell, Wells at',, Goderich.----••• - •"•--•---•^-- David Livingston. and Dr. Moffat that -1
Mr, and Mrs. ltobe'rt Barrie and '' OWN ,TU 'ICS the was first ntereet, n mise
BRIEF . T h i d t ions.
She •added thatw,
a t •tobe (
family, s
1 of o an
y, r to o, �
home after a pleasant. visit with the Reserve Satural>ty, G O. 80th, for grateful for the niftily privileges' *f-
lettere; sister, Mrs: Men .Willis the annual Arthur . ' e bazaar of forctrd us in a Christian land, wh:rc'
Walnut et', paying t Ruddick, a Knox
The' church.
r moodily meeting ,of in non -f hr snaer p hoes especially
piwereflya's lnften
brother, accompanyfnt? them; , ,
• Miss Florence Smith, having.spent the Women's Hospital Auxiliary will ohjee•'. of derision and ill-treatment
her summer holidays with her par -be held in the Public Library. Mon- She hoped to ser the day's :en when
day, Sept 27th at 4 pen. every woman of. the church would he
X'outt are cordially invited
to inspect oar stock
eats, Mr. and Mra. Arthur Smithy . The next rearular .meetng of Maftr linked uir in come active waas . a
Arthur it,Jett last week to take a f d Eodfr , N 33, J, r >i d A, member (iof the arren' g�
positron as lecturer on ['has Oat of Society. t h7 h hat -for 3"
an e.. o. ..,an . s
Vassar College Potstplikeepek' N Y on Tuesday, Oct. 12th,, will[ he ob- r y Iv_ r is motto
world for Chriist
Mr, and-' litre. H. P. Moore, of N.
ltiisginnnry Krpg'aton Sirs
the served as past masters' nfgltt.
Acton Free Press, and Mrs. H T Le- Some time during Sunday night or_ r
Page and Mr. E. J. Moore, of Toren-' Monday morning F. R. Miller's gar
to, were callers at .the Star office on age was _broken int;, and ti20 . was
Friday last. • The party were on .a taken from the cash register. iso
motor trip throughout Southern . On- trance
now Vas 'obtained ned by breaking n
tarso and Michigan State,
Mr. and Mra.• Charles W. Sinclair In the Goderich Fell Fair prix'" list
and daughter, Peggy, motored from published last, week, the .winners of
Detroit and. spent the week -end with the light layer cake in' the domestic
their aunt. Mrs. J. B. Wiggins, West science class were' wrongly. noted.
St. On their return they were ac-' Miss Belle MacVicar, first prize, and
eompanied by Mrs. Wiggins' and MIs* Mrs. J. Se Howrie, second, is the was'
Vera Wiggins, who had been spend- it should have read.
ing her holidays with her mother. While' picking plums at the home of
-•••• his son on Monday of this week Mr.
'OBITUARYDavid Mellwain met with a serious
1NKSTER --•-Another veteran of the accident. The limb on which he war
'GreateRtiir paiiee�'d' on --from earthly."fell uepe eatviiy Eo the *grod.utli(1, landing ton
Luckyscenes ei Monday, Sept. girth, at his back. At the time of writing Mr.
Lucky Lake, Saak., in the person o! McIlwaine is co./Cried to his bed, and
Charles Lloyd Inkster, second son of t
Capt. and Mrs. Inkster, of Goderieh. ; the extent of his injuries have not yet
The young man enlisted early in the, been determined by hies ,netor.
war and went to Salisbury Plains DID NOT' BELIEVE i'1' POSSIBLE
with the First Contingent. and got to
France early in 1915 with the Royal "I did net believe it 'possible," stat.
'Canadian Dragpons, He continued ed Mrs. Hugh Quick of 42 EIr ave„
in active, service till March of 1618, Windsor, "to more such prompt and
when he was wounded and taken a Permanent relief from stomach• tree.
prisoner of war. On the signing of hle. indigestion and gag pains. I
the armistielt he was released and he guttered untold misery and was at n
got home about June, I919. Before loss to know what to do. I could not
he enlisted he had been with the Can. sleep and would rise in the morning
*than Bank of Commerce, since 1912, tired and wornout. Finally I pur-
end when he returned to Canada, he chased a bottle of HERB JUICI: and
again entered the 'service of that the results were way beyond my ex -
hank, being stationed for a time at, potations. My condition improved
Kamsack. Sask., and for the oast Tarr- after the first few doses: I continued
oral ,years at Lucky Lake. Since his taking it regularly and now all my
experiences overseas Mr. Inkster had troubles have disappeared. It is a
not enjoyed stood health, and hie pas- wonderful medicine."
[sing out is one more reminder of thej For sale by CAMPBELL'S DREG
dirt effects of war. Mr. Inkster was I [STORE and other druggists, Gode.
Whom. lite . Pittman. y lime + oc�eupilt the; pulpit here nn '1�anda j►
rr g form' we Sunday last. Two
Lula JePwtelt, t11rsillee draw of Osm . *atilt en(trosition of the 23rd Psalm
aweo- Norma Hill. Nellie PilhhaeM" seer- or yKrer lq 1!'iatrriaen of Toronto am was rery interesting and impressive,
dill<.LA Room. E,,r%n Pfrhemet% hate Mm. iy, >rleAwlav, of Sorthatn}iton, The community sympathise* wits;
. �•- ,-;,�, Horton, Birk b'are.h. 14keah of silo were here for the ned oeea•ien. Mrs. 1:. Mitchell and family. also
Reg. $owerby
Try our Special blend of Coffee. :1
saresh Kitchener Meats of all kinds. '
We handle Stilinian's Ice Cream, of Stratford, *17'
in any quantity, A150 Jocaal and 1'aarnelt's dread. of
Fresh Milk every day.''
A fresil assortment of Fancy Cakes just in, :P A.1
Dates, 'Peanut Butter. Salmon, Macaroni. i°llt'c;;;'
Oranges, Letnrafs, Peels. Flour, •Brian. Shorts.. ani
Candies of ali.kinds.
.New Bogey just in. .
Try our Special Blend. `l'e4. 501c° a potnld. -
Highest pre (*caseate Eggs, and alt kinds of
Predate. tee. •
Goods detivereel to stray„ part of the town.
Maas 110 Cerin'. East Street and Square.