The Goderich Star, 1926-09-09, Page 8k
. 4
ow, s3
qty Thy
Stock- Taking
after which it will
open ander new
resaresrg.ast**t ms
are have
Alt 'comfits. mast Ito paid
t lith
net meter than Sep
the ter' for Forty Veers"
inlet. MMS.: Mr. sad Kea.
Crawford *sM three ehWirme swi - �esaMi�si Line
Pearl Riles aaad Mas: Amore
Foreman, all e:f Tti.t. Mile; lir.
sad lire. Aimee Ikea. oaf Celaktit*'eod a
one throe cilUdros; lir. cwt lirerr ForBrides
crank Wilson and two dalliers are
daughters of Mr. awl lire. Wiles, 4Madre by aqi our
OW Mrs. Crawford. A happy Bath -
eying was bad. •
Kr. Brook Orr spent the holiday
at Kitchener.
WOA R s Eatchargps
sartisH EX, t1ANOS ILO=
fleas lite eid,s geld
Jas. Smith. anima
ihas ,men els
Bet for the gust w*sk. woe
to stteed the fassaerral of her
at Feet lr ea■atesdee
last. iia, Smite a sheer emewbers
of the feneIir, however, wore in st-
Mr. Gcrdon Porter, of Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. 8r* n, of ntotoreei me and :pent the weak-eud
Toronto, spent the holiday w k.end `..' r,....n ,wee... e u., ••«sese,., ,.. ,..r. et the hoose of Dr. and Mrs. Case.
here. On Ws return on lienday he Was ado
Hiss Calsis Boll loft last week to community is extended tri her bus-. 'campanied by Miss Eth^: end Mr.
assume her duties as towbar in one band and two sons► Edward and Henson rase, who *sere returnee to
of tine Windsor :shoals. Robert, who are left to Moor* *it Toronto site: holidaying. at rhes home
Miss ifaxguerite Fakener repent italairtllewtrr,
bIr, mid *IV -lew, Mrs graindson Th,e
ser Ices in the United church
the week -end in Goa!*rich, ileo gassast Bruce. ' were roomedon Sunday last after
of ].Mise Mary bfePhail,roomedbeing withdrawn for some weeks '-
t Miens Lena Calwell and • Eunice wiumnewwhile Rev. iifeyrs malas having his;
S.owerby will represent rebootMiss Ruth Vincent hags gone to holiday,:. �Rsv. S. J. 'Pentland* of
*at the G. C.I this year. Louden to tike a business: course. Breestone, occupied the pewit on
l MlY,aers Y• eta _and le»:acie Sowerbg re•_ . _..wee ...Mons -..Harrison, -of- .:Gadasrfclr,. Sensl4x, ev'eniee:_ while _ the. pxat,zr
turned to 'their schools • at, Wert -#Mr visiting heir eeesin, Mism meriorie. preached, at themorning service.
and Thedford last week. Campbef. lir. and Mrs. G. M. McKenzie vs.:
Mir. T. E. Rare motored froi» Fit-,- Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Taylor visited trrned an Tuesday morning from an
erbora end visited his tither,. lisr.- the former's father, Mr. B. H. Tay enjoyable motor trip to Toronto:
Jas. Ross, one die recently. lor, of Goderich, on Seturdey. They were accompanied by Mr.. and
Mies X. Davidson, Detroit, and lir. Mr. Bert Taylor his purchased Chet *re. Chest. Alton and daughter,. Fern,
H. Davidson, Ilamilton, ore visiting farm of Mr. Wesley Farrow, to have bring their absence Mr. Wm. Alt.
their parents, :'Mr. end Mrs. Robert posisesalon in the spring. on and Miss. Mee Alton assisted
D#vidsanr Munch syanpatlsy is extended to Mr.. Mies Brodie in the Store.
Monday evening about tbfrty imam- asud Mrs. Tewin Cook in the death of The ladies opt the community are
bare of the U. Y. F. S. ' enjoyed n i their infant son lest Thnnrsday► Sept.
again making e. donation of fruit to
olly"'we'lswer and marsh -mallow roast d the Goderich hosyillal.W}i11 those
at Black's Point. n wishing to contribute ' please leave
CARLOW i f Mr.. ape Mrs. God Snell d the Tru
. , At
Gordon nai a» 1t► at their earliest cor*ven-
Mr. J. Sowerby had the misfortune ortune; famillr.:spent Labor Day. with Mrs. tames i the name *Mrs Burton
Misner Julia Young west 1so'rne from of loafno a elm n and hevinff severe/ Snell`m reenter Mrs J M McDrieri of
Toronto over the weekend, badly tarn, the result of his Bock the ewe line. ,.
Mr. John A. Walter left Friday on. being worried by a couple of doge Mr. and' Mts. Jr H« tIaover, of
the farmers' excursion for the West. Friday afternoon. Blyth, and Mr. E. Hoover, of lrrus-
itt, and Mrs, Harald Maidel, pf Mr, and Mrs. Sam Mel wain andeels. visited on Sunday set the home
Detroit, visited hie t-ncle and family, children, of Ottawa, who have been of Mr. and Mea: J, N. Campbell:
Mr, Paul Maedel, last week. visiting et the home of Mrs. John.. ,
Josephine Weir, of Auburn, spent sten Mcilwain, • Bayftela Road, left
the weekend with her eoueins, Dor. on .their return home .Monday.
othy and Christine Robertson. The community was deeply grieved
Mies Mary Robertson left Monday to hear of the sudden death Weenes•
to resume her duties as principal of. day, August 25th, of . Mrs.. John
once cf the public schools of Niagara 'Sowerby,e . well-known resident'of
Falls. . • n the and conceegioo for the past thirty.
Mr. are' Mrs. Chea., have years. Deceased, whose maiden
gone Weat to visit their daughter name was Sarah Louisa $zrnwden
fro. Durnin, near Winnipeg, and was born on the Sauble Line, Stan.
....::. ,ry v
two servile
° •w heror
'iii he
e a ns
. less p,
r#1 weeks, y'
e. r eve
for s
' s s lists+betht
Elizabeth n sisters,
:mfrs. Andrew and sa%,= �alsa, er Thos,
Sherwood, of Walkerville, 'spent the Rose Snowden, sand, a roth ,
M. Snowden. etiil reside. She was r
weekend with lNlr, end Mrs, ve Die- kindly neighbor and' a woman of
'twain, of Nile. airs. Andrews is „a"
cousin of Mrs. •Mctiveen« , whom it- might .have been truly said
M 1 he,d,. t "elle looketh well to thee ways of'herr
on Sande lectin forwo ,text mot sorrowing. relatives; sed friends' were
S'► .'f a k''ridst ride/ after.
Rey: r. very ter preached.
o as household:" A large `concourse' of
large anal •attentiwe" audience
7 chapter, rt of the third, verse,: ,resent t the funeraly
(with both. lnsrlds earng,tly . comm to Vey their, 'last respects
e'mong therm being; , Mr, rand :urs. R.
A number from.: Smith Rill church A, Penhale, Mr; M. H. Penhstle,. Mrs
attended'the W.M. S. Conference in L. Tisdale' ands, Miss Eileen. At. St.
Victor* St. Unifeed. church, Goderlch, i Thome**, Mr. end Mee A. Westlake
on 'Thursday" last! . They 'report .a .Mr. and "Mrs..T.'_.Westlake,- hire.
very► interestlrtlf and helpful , pro- Madge, `her.' and Mrs. J. Turner, Stan.
grain.. . ; " . • ; • lore Miss S. Johnson, Barlett, and.
The eesitorrs at .S'kde.a-wee. the Mrs,: W. Weatlske, Reynold; Rev. F.
`home, of� Mr.:,sand Metre eke 'Wilson, Gardiner, and family of Washington,.
Wert , •sand`is: Vitas* and D.C. The "remains were interred be
three' a'la idr. i; of'Cr lir'; -mr ,0 the family plot in Maitland cernaterso
Urs. Allem `Diate'r :dYid.'foar children, Rev. S. S. Hardy, her pastor, ofileelet
.o# Part Colinti'Ml'. ind•''Dilrs. Gar. Ing, and the .pallbearers were Meeers:
don Wilson and baby daughter, of.1. R. Johnston, Jas.. ]earl, Johns -ter,
• ,Twill Cook, O. F. Edwards enol: Chris.
,Johnston. ,Among ,this 'floral ,tributes
Chaim.Cat Vit► Wim*
Ilaialats. nail Work. a
ea shad Both*
Mrs. La Burr and. her, daughter, end Mrs. Nicholson and family, of
Miss Dorothy, of Toronto, returned Stretford. Mrs,' Nicholson; 'who is
home . on Saturday after epe tdin,r, :a, talented musician, delighted.the
aever;tst Weeks with their friend, Mrs. congregation of Erskine Presbyter.
F. J. Cook. ion 'death • et its afternoon ',service
Mise Ens Sowerby has returned to ; with her rendition of the sacred : solo:•.
her duties as school teacher to S. S. "There Were Ninety.and Nine,"
No. 6 after spending the; summer se- which `was. much enjoyed bye all.
cation with< her parents and ether D+tr,: `l; Mrs. Ben Lockhart and
friends of Godericb township. two' daughters,- Mary and Edith,. of
oar J.L.
Marvin, 1
lir f McDowell, ,
Mrs R
McDowell. Mrs. W. F. Campbell and
its, J.Woode attended the Woman's,
f renee held at:: Vie.
i is�t a ..Gane ed
toric street United church, Goderieh,
last Thursday, Sept. 2nd, .
Roach or atm, R. ' McDonald, who
will be glad" to forward thane to the
hospital,»if possible, before the cars ,
Mr. end Mrs. John Olver had ashome a week ago.. They spent the
ghests on Sunday their :cousins. Mr' last six months in California, visit
411 Have arrived this week and we are now
showing a complete stock in styles, sizes,
cloths and shades.
Thia•Year's Styles are,G
This Year's Valueii are Spieendid,
'�I-E CORDIALLY•:__�',�►.-. CC�11�E----,1�►•�LGI��t�.'i
See our Special Values This WeekinT
Flannelette Pillow, Cotton Linen'Toweling
Sheeting " Facto ry'Cotton sol' Blankets
'a 106N
Ie,S. A. Gray
~' sent were a pillow from the. family,
sheaf from the sisters; wreath teem
the bfothers and sistera.ln-laves spray
from Mr. and Mrs. a. fndie and. flim.;
ily. spray from Misses: Mary' and
The 'anniversary
VVeetfleld United church will be held..
on Oct. Bich, instead .of Oct. 3rd, . aa.
before mentioned. , The Rev. Dr.
Barnby, of Blyth, . ell have charge.
of both the: afternoon and evening
}services. , d
Mr, Alan Pentland resulted his.
studies sit the O. C. L this week.
Mr. It Roach .h exchanged his
%ng along the Patine 'Coast to Van,.
coetper, and .came home by Winni-
Mr. . , WesleyFarrow,' of Goderich
has' acid his farm. in West Wawa/tooth
to Mr. Bert Taylor, who gets posses-
sion in the )spring. The purchase -
Trice was, in the neighborhood of
Mr. Nelson. Bill and his sister -in-
t w weekend And Labor
81 h e week d a.
y ry_
isi _ thett r s
Vise Carter, vented la e
, Ms Ca a ed
Lei:titerss' 'with relatives :iters, ::They law, ,.
returned . Monday eveninz, being. ae • brother, Mr. Joseph Carter, at Port
"Beverly et. F'aptist" church;' Toronto,
The music will be given by her. Clem.
Lightfoot. and others, of Stratford,
eta() special music by :the choir.
13,904,837 bushel*. of eCsnadlsm
wheat were imported "Ii bond" ,Ier
the United' State* in 1923.924. It
was manufactured into Roar' in U. S.
mills by• XJ, S. worker. * anti en being.
imported, the 1T. 0. Government re-
bated to the; -millers 41 cents of the
42 cents paid in duty when the wheat
f acEia
o M
S. Voteor
entered -the ii• 8
an and help ' to stop three provide -
col>Inlasaatec>.lny their unele, Mr. JameszMr and'Mrs James Carter returned
Hlgin, the' beginning of this. week.
Loeklmet, ::of . Pickford.: Mich., who _ home wen, them.
will raxnaln for a few days beforexe The Bn'ptist _. c>�g on a ation will
their • anniversary services Sept. 19th
at 3 p.m, and 7.30 p.m. The speaker
for the day will be Rev. E. 0..Forde
is former pastor), . now pastor of
a ,, .. . bio— • .
t tohome.
.Cee, Frelav afternoon; Mr;.. Sum.
merfeldteteller 'in the.}Standerd Bank.
here, received the sad: intelligence of
the death of :his father at Canning -
ton, the ;funeral ,being :held on Sun-
day'. Mr. Summerfenldt left by train,
on. Satarday..for, hit ;home, i't..Mac-
Nansee ,,;:o Toucan, relieving" in' hie.
sheens ,
airs 'jMerebaet is .visiting; at the
s hsadle of "r Mother. lidreerd. Fowler,.
OvarlentieSix coach or Ford coach. islsa_Idru.'McDonald, of Toroz r. An-
Miss Daisy:` Ryan` resumed: her •dut. iothsr. d+ tet,: Mra.":feeebeirg, o't
trot es: teacher. at Port Credit last -'Denver who .its a beam on sn + xtended
week. : a 14urta of- royal mouths, left on `. Sat -
Miss ,'Ethel Case went. last week to - urdaaa +soar her w turn journesy. After
Toronto' where -she hass, resumed her as elew :mss'10 Denver Seto well leave
duties as teacher'..tor herr iature home, in New. Mexico
being doecmpsoieti front Denver by
Heir; .and` Mee. Harold Tigan eve'.'her hushaetnd
two 'children .were Sunday vlsiteesr
with friend* at Blyth. • ' .. -
Mrs. ' W. R. Stothera was . a guest :'+'els
with her daughter, Mrs.. Harold Tig. Ma:' Stanley 1iaya.en -left :Monday
Labor DaY.. to :spend .the week with relatives in
to on.y
and n
art, of hepp ,Detroit, sE
TH..bttth Snowden; *ream ;tom tl Mr. and Mre. Cantelon. of ;Tinton. - eefr. add Mee Johan 'Real Jr. "of
d M Samuel peptised, an _ re'.
, rp
" halve* here.
lake; rr from Mr. acid Mrs. Re - r. and xtc. Wm.. Messer, of Blue.
. Mr:'`R ..flawicins is up at Mr. Will
•y 1 l•M
" 0owrb spray from Mr.. and Magas. vale,; averts gueats. at •the home of the. Cantwell s this. ween building' a tnr.wr
en Grey. T althwaite; spray -Item Misr: latter's- parents, fir, and Miss.' Wm. ' ling shed".: -
Marr Salkeld. The svm the ; of the leicAllister, on Sunda.Mes...Clmrlotte Smith, of Dungen-.
r and "Mrs. W., F•.. Rick aid ' Mr. *meds visited' at the home. of .their consirii- "
"Mrs A. R. Oke; spray from 11tr• amyl 'Mr. and, r's'a, : Deltroxt ant the week -end with
Mrs. A Turner; cross, Miss S. West.. Sunday.
or School Opening
Piney Strap Slippers.
Oxfords in Ceilf end Patent
Running Shoes m Oxfords`.
end Stumps.
Ws have the heat wearing
Woks end Boots for :hard
' wearand et r*saonablo prices
Oxfords, sines t to tsar airs.
$x.75 to $3.95
Youths' Ox(ards, s1*es it to 2,
at.$g. to ,ii5
Also Running Shoes. Mise
Brand,. which, hhaveproven
the Best.
` In Travailing Goods Ave have the most upp.t
date: sod complete stock. *Suit Cases, Club Bags, Boos-
- ton Bags, Trunks, etc.
Herrn': Shoe° Store
Phot* 43 W.
Will You Share in the Profits
of the Present Mining Bim
, ` • es Week with her
F'ran v It Savage sand 'Mr non, *Pencil" Everett � id
Harris left this wrel+rlc for Gader%atlece, ins Beit* Idenarl
h, • ' b
where they -will be .students at the ' 'Miss Bertha Foster ands Master
`O. C. Y. Clayton are spending this weekvisit.
reMurnedisD' toor• osothrry aWaebatestz hesn *Sga, Sin. iniThreaMatifsuesvs ntPeaTrelesawa
Ashtleld 4 Mis f1 in tf ' will leave' here . on Saturday to. visit
S. S. No. 17, W. Wawrrenoab. for week with relatives in Essex.
Mre..Howard Case and two children Mr: W. Foster has pureha*ed Mr•
are leaving this week for their boom Joh] Reales leas farm on the boundary,
in the West after an enjoyable Isoli. end will move there in the near int -
day! -with. Dr. and Mrs. Case. *.
Mrs. Jas: eleWhinney returned on ' Dir:, and Mrs. "Russell Mills end
Saturdsy irons Goderich hospital faaemib y, and theMrrReuben BoSieed De-'
where she underwent a .stseeesef :
operation for oppendicltis tires.
- Mr. and. Mrs, Jas, McEachern sand ' Mi. B. Bennett, of Windsor, . and
little &welter, Mary, of tendon, and , Mr. Elmer Bennett. of Detroit,, vi 1t
Misys Amber Mea en*ie, of Strath. ed with their . mother. Mia. Andrew
rot, Were week -end and Labor Day 'Bennett, over the holiday.; "
—guests under the parental roof:
Mists' M. M. Durnin, teacher in the #$
junior room 'of out school, entered a at4
trip to the Pulite Coast during the. Wm- Thompson, has secured
in a bens at Stsatford,
thewee it was pus with ri along. Mrs, rune Mise Kempton, of Meloy,
the way by ltop•awrs with reIative►e. -
Mr. - and lire. J. J. Ryan and lir. -
New.Falt,,Styleis of
'Distinction in
Fur, cul?).
VBLVR` and
Many smart broad -brimmed ,
Mats itlt Velvet , prevail,. and
true Parisian chic is shown
in the'clear,`cut :,lines .of the
a artistic small yodels.
Doors are cordially invited
to small ct:. our stock
M. R. MaciCAR.
Kingston Streit
Ce in and salsa' yaessir
Gift for the September
arid*. One of oar
Beautiful • ..
sari to please esker.
are the gamits of lairs Bogie est prey -i thing of Beauty is a
and Mrs. Burton Roach returned on ant.
Monday night from Toronto, where Mr. Rohit. Asquith is visiting his Joy for'dvasr.
they had been attending the Mee daughter, lira. Meths 'Walton.
Wat1� he United
personage a a on.
„we_ ...lthanes..... Lly...,rirnd.,.prsank Mr.. Coker,...our...1111 Weir* le.,Smith's Cif, the was*k-read church
'last �arrsstrk after e
the home of their brother, lir. Thos.' in>f a`nossple of weeks' hcslidrrayrse.
. � Tear, ,who bad spent the vacation i turned llama ,nor Feet Itt These lsMaS
aid will if yolt act quickly and take sdrantaare at the prima
-111- ratesual opportunity to purchase fiat better grade listed
Ail in a position to know state that the whole north eoontry is on
the •vs of the areeteat rnisaiisg .develomereet ever kaown. A wave
d hope's has rouse into the market that ime emoted. saad will eon.
thaw to create fortunes. Pradnctlou rtcerils are Wag ssauahed,
tact many i+ew properties are enteriee the .i, , sta*n.
We will be Out to nate at yourdisurmal our wrsseszootied faeildtins
fsr�tiln�elsesseeatiox of your orders. oroffer sra eetioas +is► sosM, list -
..d asst Weer hltl based sacs iace4ueie vuluse. aad most likely to
Me Mal sine famed a emer of nes• weekly "Bevis," et the Woos,
es iR lb Mast use the one.% Warw. lend it M today.
tilis.iew .eb.dard dine! Inca ire
a lir Ivor - alterdit -- •-- Terms% cart.
miXerlyeass��' .' c o po$
saan wise. wtrrsesia srlmato ew yaw�lgreiouttirMve algas.
Mame s'
,.,....,.,w ••..••maw•«
eeeetee. F
i icteeen, returned to >r,,ueknoww, where ' The Wiese of the Anglican a leen
Miss Faulk is principal of the Con. lead an afternoon tea in the Orange
tienettian Sehoot. Ball the letter poet of last creek.
Rev. and Mrs. Hayes returned by Mrs. ,.lib. -Tike will reslsurne her
castor from lMuskoks cgs 'Wednesday. assess inVole* cutter* et gestic* over
Mr. Inlay's. swing to A deleay in reel Btend etel •leenk, Auburn, on Sept.
salving tis pasaport, has nM left for Ulu
;land ,ret lest intend% doing so im. Mr. Jolla Jackson arid tandily, of
an*dlateiyy. ` Port Dove', vi!►ited the ferimer'a per.
Mrs. R. J. Leekiwart loft en Mon. eats here 'the former part of this
day of last wake for her basase at week. •
Basal Look**, after a mouth's Ask. Kr, and Mrs. John Rakvrt*on, of
with relatives et Auburn, Wlys'tia,Goderieh, spout the former port of
Illoga rr and Dentgsweesa, !'dee will tiara week visite,*relatiwwss in the
trent in teocid yg *drool la ?
The aid' craw**. Wirt is tra th.
Iteeb see esaiiseee,left for lir. ammesir the pr secret time a good
steal me Whether yeas are wewwaehtst
renin er Tent s eestsaoirr.
Kr. eaei lire. Gitisi '1"ayb r, are
r WO ems(
rie<feeresera base
former et the week.
The lima. bit. IlleCermiek bean SA.
010,1114 eiesenes et et lbtee tad
hroviri .twootem Kt loam
entatobee. Next
atsrr. Metz d Ds treik le visit-
*, lor like.. Janina mod
Polegpla, se enema eat
.;=5„hfeeeteatmlerssemifois ef her
work for Can*dia* workmen, Cana
dim Railroads, Camelia, mills,. Can.:
*diem parte, Canadian ships -e -Fort
William G+sdersc'b,' . Montreal, gee. •
bee; across' theAtte/die, ',kermal.
Laid Barrels
Apple Barrels
Cider Kegs
A 'number
eve a�
West Street Go,cerich
Toenilton Street `
l -
J � a .. eat e
Cosrnpe;ttet lin() led as s;
meo'it and ehlldtem'o shoes.,.
Oouiein*oe'cornporeour .prioes. ,
row Foteettyt
Foliamt+i�i Want droll'
rile appoaattit ent To
,IN TIMECIOthet • -
it even better than k -
NY ere a t for the oeeiia:-
'� ke .Toro `,ire your
oldie*** anef, g as Itivr' ptut
eee>wripteeareee, jtr,•
Oso tint, Bresdwaa ► est Oraderiett
..1 OM 11104. f .F i II ll, iIY Y,.
.-.., �. i�-mar,
to Preserves t% Well gtatx s "
appearance. Yaut Su t at Co*
will look like ne�4{'�'. if you get
i case Cleaned and Presssee;t scat
1isidi Fl � � W
;tu ' Life'
Assume .Company
Of `.�la>rt
*RAO Ovsa z : ata ar.00, ONT.
j '4' PROS* 230
l'rsia7;st and Bx7saert a�errwi.n
]Asir lir. c : 00 aanateli, 0151'. -
Phone 122 areal Mrs*
cot cOWt°
is suggested by a iota at our hand- -
liim bedroom suites of fine fond- -
ture,1 Weil made, artistic in
design and belly dabbed in '
every dotal,- To see these adios;
Is to Irs# ease for your hoot and
especkay when you hear the low "
twos' at Wilk* we are o1'iering
Ate. 1e111B ltira+aelesaa'* lgssef�essra
to Sch�
.pn:uI.nJ,.«+i....i5f,� iMl'im, .N61#1.1l___rr_
Your Boys and Girls will need"'good serviceable „
Footwear. Let us show you the many good
values we hare sluitable for school wear.
and others calk' away from town, we have a big
HAT BOXES, ' Ta, at very reasonable prices.
A very handy satchel for school books ler ice,
Com eta ,neral bolt It est goods Aro.
let:4101U4P\ SHOE slam