The Goderich Star, 1926-09-09, Page 5,••
I. h-sirmaire-
ee-see-e• • 1 1.11 NOY
1111VISTAULT. SarrillEa
••• •di 1 ,M11414.11 11 01111.111 11 I 111111
11 mompalli 111 1
mom ••• I 0.1 • 0E41 • 111100.
long list but at that he had little ccis age attendance since Sept. lst, 1924.
erke Square WM the First, ItOe.! • his two partners in the Auttield, Stet'. Teachers and Pupils are asked to get
The G. C. I. aggregation suffered
its ant defeat of the mason in a chat and Allin. The inner defense busy and come. the fair prepared
Leaerso game when they fell to the worked smoothly, Sheardown in par.
it _ to take part in these events.
hard walloping Square aim last t ar having te geed...A.1'sta ane
Weeds owes a lot cf the credit for
• ...ills .111 1 1 111 11 EEE
girls' thrse-ieseed moss Oar
prism; also tremors' race aad tease -
ere' rams. For the Isdj •tesehere'
toes Ceemeiller W. L Yenta is *Mee
tag a lea of thee ae a prim.
There will be a relay root berveen
se.lmobv, teams of three, not more
titan two boys, no passil *lamed to
coratiete who a alto', tite fourth
'trade. The first prise for this nee
is clouted by Reeve Robertson and
consists of three fountain pens. me
toad prize *1.50, turd Prise. 70 mats -
For the sack rate prises of eti, 15 amt
'10 tents are offered and the same foz
the running broad jump for ethool
boys. There will also be a running
broad jump open. Five prises are
, offered for school girls throwing
baseball longest distance, 30. :b. 20.
115 and 10 eeats respectively. The e
prises of 25, 15 and 10 cents for ex-
GODERICH pupils' race, girls, and the same for
/ boy expupils. A epeeist 'prise of $3
donated by Councillor Hugh Hill is
in centre offered for the school winning he
wonderful plays. McKity largest amount in sporte rompeti.
addeffmore sensational catches to hie tion,apard to be based on the aver -
Thursday. The game was the first the victory to there four men.
Of a three -game play-off series and Heavy hitting hy both teams was Me •Harold Good is wearing a
by "Orem of the event the Square broad !smile thee days. (It is *
the featua and the air was ringing
gained a hold on one leg of the tro- baby girl).
continually with hits more hits and
phy to be •presented by the Spalding still more hits. She*ardown's bonier Mr. arid Mrs. Keeneth Allin, • of
people. •into deep left was the mammoth clout Detroit, spent the week -end with Mr.
The school team won the toss and
f s I ted t t k tb n ld of the battle and it came at an op. mal Mrs. A. Attire
Manager Black imed his reguler line- The second game ct the aeries will Detroit, visited with Mr. and Mrs
o cour e e ec o ae e e. portune time. Mr. and Mrs. Harold ateedel, of
up, Sanderson, his first string twirl- be played on Thursday of this weal; Herman Maedel last week.
er, being in the box. But this did• at the Agricultural Park and as this, Mr. 'Bob Godart is 'looking rather
not give the Square team any worries is the big day of "Goderich Fair nc hallir, as a little daughter has tome
•for they Nat walked up to the plattoubt a large crowd will witness the to stay at his home on the 6th tine.
ter and hammered hard and often, in argument. °By playing at this time •Mrs Chit* Robertson Illul *0:laugh
fact so hard and so often that along it will then be possible to have a full ' '
ter, Christine, havereturned hom
about •the third stanza Archer and nine inning game. ;The calling off of
from Toronto after a pleasant week'
'Sanderson traded jobs.. The change test Thursday's genie at the end 01 .
though for the better was made toc 0
the fifth was regrettable as anythine
r. d Mrs. l
late to be of any value, as • the stu. might have happened in the four re. • M*nWilClayton, wit
dents, unaccustomed to be trailing mainling frames but it was. else tee their friend, Miss Alice .Couch, mot
another team, lacked confidence andored up from Putnam and spent th
avoidable as it was quite dark ever
many errors cropped up.during the fifth. The school nine arc week -end at Ale J. H. Treble's.
elle Square, however, backed up out to even up the series and 'then Good wishes are extended to M
the clever twirling of Jack Woods in. win the third encounter but • that and Mrs. Albert Good (former]
great bald= and turned in some Square outfit have decided that twc Mrs. Houton, of - Benmiller), wh
----i straight would look good. Thurs. were quietly married Mit week.
. day's game will settle it all. The CanadianeOrder of Foresters, . •
biz.. and Mrs. N. K. bieLeod spent
Sons 'of England and Oddiellows'
Reellariks Ds. F.
Mete: Dr. W. SI-
T S. Caere Ds ; De C. C.
ceseseak hosersee: D. J. A. Carter,
ewe held at Rotel wore
sod .Mg
e.Mg sossioes
presided ever by Dr. Ward Wools/or
of Ayr, comelier: at tbs lisirist.
Dr. A. H. Taylor. at Goierieh„ pro-
siest of Mama CossetMedizal
Assoetaties, gave as address of wel-
come to the triailless. Dr. Stuart
Pritchard of !ode Creak. Mithigair
gave an illsetrated address a pet.
nionary itifeetions, and others in the
Migrant were: Dr. Leese Robert.
son, of Stratford, as surgical II rrjli•
lathiest Dr. Alex. neer. of &rat -
ford, on heart condition: Dr. Geo.
Ramsay, of London, on nom -opera:
twe treatment of fraeturee, and Dr.
T. C. Routley, of Toronto. and Dr
Weston lirrpp of Wooristork, **tot-
tery and viee-nrestdent, respectively
, of the Ontario Medleal Aseociati n
1 on matters. in conneetion with the
work of the association.
The visiting doctors, with their
• ladies, were entertained at dinner :;n
the evening by members of the Hur-
on County Medical Societies. In the
election of officers Dr. Woolner was
reinstated as couneilor of districtNo
2 for 1927.28 and for vice-councilore
of the district Dr. W. F. Gallow of
Gederkli, Dr. W. A. McIntoell ot
Simeoe and Dr. MeGannity of Hitch.
• ener were elected.
• ble, and Mrs. Lorne' Young
the holiday in Clinton. spent the weekend visiting friends in Mg.! ABRAHAM LINCOLN SAID t Nothing as Good for Asthma. -
spent Labor Day In Taranto. - them. but I do know this much -when we Asthma remedies come and • go but
vcrton, Donegal, Newry and Atwood.1
- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Roberteor Mts. C. Longmire returning with "1 do not know Muth about tariff,
. bur geode from a foreign country, every year the sales of the original
Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma. Remedr •
Me Jas. Carrie and eon Ted visiter. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Russell and we get the ,goods and the foreigner grew greater and greater. No fur.
• in Toronto over Labor Day. a . . . eons . Cliff, ef Glands, spent a day gets the metier 1. but when we buy the evidence could be asked of its
a Mita Beck, of Toronto, was. visiting last Week with the former's Parents, goods made at home we get both the reniarkable merit. It relieves, It
Miss Marion Naftel has" gone tc • I MacEwan and keep our money
Vote for is always of the route tewarying qua.
• in Goderich over Labor Day. ' Mr. end Mrs. R. Russell, Wells St.. goods and the meney."
school. .. in Sty which the 'sufferer from asthma
• aceonipanied by Mr. and Mrs. Frank , es
The auction inethodis the quickest riecemeradsyttooda:7 Do not suffer an. .
other attack; but pct this eplencIld
11 Chicago, where she will atteml Mr. and Mrs. W. Price and Wilily.* Canada.
Mrs. Jas. Dean, of Detroit, is visit._ Gardiner, of Stratford, motored to
ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Je Brantford, Hamilton and Guelph over mutest and mcst satisfactory wan ti,, . ...
•• Mountain. . the holiday.. selling yotir goods. . Try Robertson i
bliss blebel Maskel spent the wdek. After spending .. a most enjoyable the Auctioneer, Eldon Ste Goderich i van may be1 it must ykid to Hollo.
No matter no•e• ceen.roeted the
r •
oH il Bessie Cotter, of. Torchito, returned St., will give you good satilsfaction I way's Corn Remover , it :.usrd es dir.
end withs friends it. Kitchener and holiday •with friends in town, Agee Robertson, the Auctioneer .Eldee
home on Monday on the 1.15 C. P. R. when' disposing of your goods and I eeted- . ' • .
neon 'train. chattels by the auction method. • , AllVERTIS3 IN THE STAR.
Hosiery Sp
15 dozen pairs Ladies' Vie
Lisle and Caslunere Hese,
regularly up to $1.00 pair.
Clearing at, pair . . 290
Ladies' Sport Hose, 'Pineapple
Stitch,* Astic and Bran
shades, regularly' 95c pair.
Clearing at, pair . 790
We will give a IQ% die -
count off an lines of
Children's Lisle and Cot-
ton Hose on Friday and
Children's Socks, all sizes,
Clearing at, pair ..1190
0# 414
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Sept. 9, 10 and 11
We invite you to call and,
see our display.
Universal Millinery
Noret Side Square
a°111. "ft
Model Theati•e
Week of .Septembei 13th to 18th
• in a whimsical tale of youth, love and
laughter on and off the farm. A real
' and Kincardine: , trice a number of reinrike. without nein •
'THE BOOB" Maitland Kincardine any benefit. Then • Dr. ar illiamr Mi and Mrs. Thos. Wootton are
pATHE COMEDY R. Law .. . .. -0 Rev, D. Ritchie...1 Pink Pine were recommendee, bre spending two weeks with, their
"HURRY DOCTOR" J Donaldson_te le G., (livid. without much faith, after so many daughter, Mrs. Frank Gardiner, of
Dr, Reid.... -et H. 0. Wright...,0 failures, I decided to try them. At. Stratford.
• ESDAY and THURSDAY E. Beacetn.....01R, G. Swan......1 ter taking three boxes I noticed a Mr. and Mrs. Nieholle London,
• W. AeCoulthurst0 R. .....1 change for tee better. Then I go. .tvere recent visitors wail the lady's
ID14-'°N-TIN 0. Cheistian...1 W. McKibbon....0 ,three boxes more and found I had parents, Me and Mrs, E. gemball
the great wonder dog in a thrilling L Payne.,.1 Wm. Mitthell....0 gemine remedy. I continued the East Se -- •
out.of-door stoky of love and hate on ps 0 D. -G.1 trektnedrit, took moderate exercise) •
• nesday, Sept. lst: • service at Colhorne•cemetere _1" "
Labor Day with the lattetes parente
NOTES OF GOLF Lodges will hold their annual decor- ,_ .ersaghanil,
between Listowel and the Blue Water, att"
Following is the score of the match
Club at -the latter's -course on Wed -
on Sunday afternoert, September Mr. • and •Mrs. Geo. MacVicar and
, son. Alex, were visitors et Toronto
• Ex. last week.
ARE YOU AFRAID - • Mrs. Alice Thompson ie visiting
Bluewater . - Listowel • OF' YOUR MEALS ? friend's and relatives in ,Toronto, be -
Mrs.& L. Lloyd' Mise Morphy.....0 ' • , . .-----. . Obit and Chicago. •
Mrs. G. A. Bruce). Miss Fair... ere ..0 Proof That the 0 Stomach is Weak - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shields and
Mrse Ubelacker 1 Mrs. -Waltzer 0 - and Needs Toning Up son, of Detroit, epent the past week
Miss M. Neaten Mrs. Hays 0 - visiting relatives here.
Mrs. MacKay -1 Mrs. Wilson • CE• Are you one of the many sufferers Mrs. C. •McManus and daughtme
Miss McMurchiel Mae TathamC: who .dread meal time? Hungry, ane,
Donelda, have returned from a two
Mrebteaturchiel Miss K. Fair 0 yet i o eat, because of r weeks' visit in Detroit • -
Mrs. F. Craigie0 Mrs. Schiribein1 pains ' and discomforts that fol
Mrs. Naftele,..1 Mrs. Scott0 loir. When the stomach is out of ot. --
fiss Margaret White,' ofnether
to ,
Miss L Saults...0 Miss. Ilan -linen -1 der the- whole system_ suffers, and sia ....0is visiting with her sister, Mrs
. Walker, hiewgati St.
the blood becomes thin and°waterit
Mr. and Mrs.- Wilfred Hilliard, el
become increasingly difficult ta
. -
. Bluevvater Listowel correct, the digestive order, There is Waterloo, are visiting with MrsHS
Ilastings, D...1 Ross, W .. . .. 0 no tonic for the stomach that is not lards mother, Mrs Robison
Lloyd, It; L....:.1 Schinbein, I. e a tonic •for the. whole -body; taus •a - Mr. and Mrs. W. Do Worthy and
Naftel, C. .1 Morphy, H. 110 blothi.building tonie such as De Wit- family spent the holiday. with the
MacKae•. A. J..0 Kelly, Prank -1 hams' Pink .Pills, riot may reliever former's brother in Kincardine.
Mer.remia.R.0,,l Kibler, W. A - 0 indigestion, but adds to the general Mr. J. Miley, of Remitter, spent
Reid, H. S....A Wilson, Dr0 strength. Mr. D. J. Shaw, Selkirk the past week -end with his . daugh.
Darrow, F. R..1 Wenger, 11 P0 Road, P.E.4, has proved the value o; ter Mrs. A. Spring, Maple st, town.
Naftee K 0 Burt .1 A...,....1 De Williams!' Pink Pills in a severe Miss Manson left on Monday tg
Craigie, Pred1 Reeking, C. 11....0 case of 'indigestion and relates hie take the position of matron in the
Brown, D......1 iSchinbeinJ, M....0 experience for the benefit of othei
Sturdy, A. F...0 Hay, 34.*P........1 sufferers. He says -"1 suffered Presbyterien• ' home•
at New Liskeard.
Vidsen, E.... Se Eilliax. W. A....le
from indigestion for a numbof Me John Davidson, of Brucefield
Graham, J. A-0 'Reid, C. A........1 years. My case was eo bad that
words fag to dereribe it. My appe-
• • '
. .
H. Hot hey, Newgate se, en Sunda
Visited former friends, Mr _ er
and Mrs
. ste • 4% tite was gone, constipation IA'as prlast es. 6
FollewIne it the score of thematch ent, and my nerves were all on edge . Miss Helen C. Strang arrived
at Kincardine. Ariz. 27th between I could not sleep well at night, mei keine from New Yorkjest Thursdal
members .of the Maitland Golf Club- tee world was a dark snot for me, 3 on a visit at the old home in Gode.
Mr. and Mrs. john E. tricCulloch,
of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., • seent -I
Sunday with their .aunt and cousin, hat Ontario Did ..
birsdlie. and Miss Mabel Harney, . . -
for Meighen Last Year
..._ ....
. WWWWWWWWW0 04* 0 AA AMA AAA, A 0... r. Ww 00,40 • A t,a0401
Victoria Sto town. •0
Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Stackhouse and
famile, of Brucefield, spent Sunday
afternoon withsthetr friends, Mr. and .
Mrs. H. Honey, Newgate at, also at e ee
Mr, and' Mrs. C. J.• Rumball and and .1925 ;-
Tee eellowingetable.shows thietotal votes east for the various .political
Mr. B. IL Taylor's, Waterloo at. 'parties in the Province of Ontario at the-Canadion general elections 1491921
101.• 1925
sons, Norman and Caswell, have re.
E. Rumball, East at. ' PROGRESSIVE •° .
CONSERVATIVE.. , ... . . 445,174 •
LIBERAL....e .. .*... k . ' . : . :: ...... .. • • it 344,390 .087,926
Election.. E • ragi.
turned to Toronto after a vied with
the former's _parents, Me and Airs. •
Mr. Wes Plueow, Toronto et. OTHER PARTIES.... .. . . i... - .. “P4,18F11 1%;165P1
has sold his splendid 150 are farm
near Donnybrook to Mr..Bert Taylor• -------
of Westfield, for a neat figure. Mr.
Taylor gets possession next -spring.
•11.r. •and Mrs, . George Little, of
Windsor, spent the holiday with, her
• parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston.
Mrs. Walter MacDonald, accompan-
ied by Mrs. George Sillib, 'motored to
• 1 136,423 1,228 467
. , 1 , i
These !hares ehow the followiee • ' '".. 1
• 1. The total vete in the ProvinceIncreased by 91,954, or 8.
2. The Conservatives gliined 268,063 votes, or 60%. .
3. The Liberals gained 43,536 votes, or 12%.• ,
4. •The Progressives test 204,407 votes, or 65. • se see**
- 5. Other parties float 15,238 votee,• or 43;e. •. . . .
6, Much the greater, .part of the votes Tort by the Progressives and
ether parties went te the Conservatives. •
fllaierondillon to spend a few days with 7. The. inereased Conservative vote is reflected in the additional seats
• - won in 1925, as the following table shows:-
. • . 921 925
CONSERVATIVES.. ,... . . . Election. Election. - • - -
:17 68 -Gain. 31 • °'
• PROGRESSIVES . ' 2241 12-Lose,
In addition el the 31 gains recorded above, the Conservatives almost
won the following cenatituenciese- • '
KENORA-RAIlly itivr.n,
Mrs, Edward Johnston, Sr., daugh-
tee, Leila, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. John.
ston, Jr., all of town, and Mr. Nor-
man Allen, Berimiller, spent the past
week visiting at London, St. Cathar.
hies and Niagara Falls.
Mr. Harry Wells, town, spent the
week -end and Labor Day withefriends
at Mitchell:, Mrs. las, Wills and
married 'daughter and family; of De.
trout, were also Mitchell visitors ak LAMETONWEST-Liberal majerity 169
the same time, making a very pleats, IIIPISSING
ant time for alt ----- . --Liberal majority 97
Mri. It W. Liebig, who has bee; Only one of the 12 seats won by the Liberals In 1925 was a gain front
visiting with her parents, mr. and the Conservatives,. and in all of those which had returned Liberals in 1921,
Mrs. Wilson Brownlee, for the past the Liberal majorities wore reduced' in 1925., On the other bend, the Con -
two weeks, returned to her home in
Detroit on Monday, accompanied by - ----- - '
ity 1*ing 16,101.
servative majorities wetie..i.n. most cases rersed-bleaking, the highest major -
___ _
her husband, who motored up from
r ifk ri i time
Liberal majority • 103 • •
• -Liberal majority .• .157 .
• -Progressive .majority • 170
,e-L"beral majority 253 . •
majority • .191 . • '
• the Seedhound trail Webster • s holidaying witt Detroit on Friday and spent the
egag ,Teiz new G. Lethbridge -1 R. R. Maywood...0 og res formerly, and proved that is a guest with his aunt. Mrs. IL V Miss Dorothy Townshend, of Ham-
niy • , • Rev. itreDerinidie G. Warren.-- • could take plain food wi•thout suffer. his sister, Mies Leona.Webeter, and= week -end in Goderich.
C. J. urns. .0 .1. g. Watson 1 these pills make good blomi and that
'NAL COMEDY • K 0 Is ondon
• .• "WHOA EMMA"ech and nerves. • Anyone suffering* Mr. and Mrs. George lioszel end lative°
• Sten, spent the week -end visiting re- •
in .. Godcrkh township and
C. •.T. Crosby...0 D. Matheson...eel this good blood Will reetere the atom- ' •
town, leaving bitnda with her ems- • •
, 1 trona stomach or verve troubles win two ehildren, of Georgetown, spent g Y
Ms Mr and Mrs .1 E McCulloch
FRIDAY and SATURDAY • make no mistake in giving De Ws. the week -end at.the home of Mr. and 0 • • • • •
•COLI3ORNE SCHOOL FAIR Sams' PinlePills a fair s MI " btr E C Walker.
•' for Sault Ste. hiarie for . a'
• months' vacation 0
. ----e• Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ere sold by Me P. IL Bartel feet Test Saturday . '
EUGENE O'BRIEN Sports Program for Pair at Carlow all medicine dealers gir will be sent on his return to Detroit after a fart, Me and Mrs. A. E. Colborne and
Iti A dramatic play, of the battle be- tiro Satordese Sept, filth by mail aA0 cents tt box by The Dr. 'night's visit at the home of Mi . and two „ pane, Ambrose and Keith, re.
• tween a woman of iron and a girl of For the school fair which wni be 'Williams' IVIedicine Co., Brockville, Mrs. W. T. Murney. turned Thursday front a motor tilt
steel for the hive of the vine man* held -at Carlow on Saterday first Ont. Write today for a copy , f the Misses Jean Pinder
to Brantford, St Catharines, Niagare
Fraser left on Monday for Termite •
and .4/1" alls, Hamilton and Burlington, and
"SIEGE" second, third and fourth -metes et free booklet, "What_to _Eat:nut How F
30 25 15 and 10 t' toEat" •
AL ALT, in
* • 1 2 on a oron-
• to enter the Gen2ral lihspital as to.
are offered for 50-ycitd races fa -°•nurses-intrairiing. •
years and over 12 years, and the • IN GODERICH Mi. and Mrs. Harry Barker are ested in the announce•ment in Toron.
Matinee Sit. at a p.m. • same for girls. There will also be a ' .-. - •visiting friends in London this week.•
Coming -"The Devil's C:rcut," wheelbarrow nee and boys' and Dr, Callow Elected Vice -Councillor of letroit for the holiday.
• boys unde r10 years, from 10 to n DOCTORS MEET •• Many Goderich' friends are' •
to. • Saturday Night of the marriage
• • Me Herold Murney wail home frOni -
on eaturday, August 28th, by Rev.
• • . District No. Peter E. Nichol, of Alma Caroline, .
Mi.. and Mrs.E. Evans, of Strath.
The • follewing ' medicos. of the daughter' of 'Mrs. Caroline Price, to
roy, and Mr. Finlay Campbell, of Mr. Paul Hugh Turnbull, son of Rev.
counties of Brant, Wellington. Wat. Chicago, were guests for the. week. Mark Trrnhull and Mrs. Turnbull, ot -
, erloo. Oxford, Perth, Norfelk, Halton.•
1 and Ituron, which sire 'comprie.ed. end with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Naftel. London, formerly of Goderieh.
• in
District No. 2 of the Ontario Medical Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Swarts have re- Mr. Alexander Saandere, "glair-
! Assoeiation, registered at the meetturned to New York by meter, after eewriee• Goderich, announcer the
• i ing in Goderich on•Wednesday; Seise visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. engagement' of his daughter, Fier-
- me.,... _Thos. Sweets. • ' . ,ance Alix, to Mr. George A. Downey
•I Dr. J. 8. . Bingham. Simcee; De Miss Minnie .-1-oiinitiii,-Pitiiii-isr.i Iiiiiirirldinialreerifireseeritthe late Mr.
Stunt Pritchard, Rattle Creek: Dr. and Min Reta Graham, Bayfield Rd, 'Joseph P. Downey, of Orillia, Ont•.
A. IL Tsylor, Goderichi Dr. A. T.•spent a few days visiting Toronto. The marriage will take place (stictly r
04 "Perfect
• Bread" -
Wrapped or Unwrapped
that nice, nutty brown that
appeals to the eye as well as
the 'palate.
Try Our Whole Wheat. Bread
• iad Fruit Bread
vacuum cleaned
crank case
McLaughlin.Buicirs new Vacuum Ventilator ends crank -
Emmerson, Goderich; Dr. A. H, friends and the Exhsbition. on Sept. 21. 1 case dilution. It removes the moisture that ordinarily
Macklin, Gederich; Dr. U. A. Me. Me • Jas. Gibbons and daughter, Mr. If IL Tiver left on blenday
;oollecA. and destroys the lubricating effectiveness of
Intosh, Simms; Dr. H. J. Browning, Miss Nellie Gibbons, of Acton, Ont., for St,
i Exeter; Dr. J. B. Whitley, Goderich; • were in town Monday attending the where h' will attend the annual out.
!Dr. S. i. Iltmter, Goderich; 1)r. A. marriage of the former's son to Mit cl ing of the Macaulay Club of the Sun
. Fiehert Stretford; Dr. A. P. MeKen. Delhi Brennan. •
Life Assurance C. of Canada. Mrs.
'ale, Monkton; Dr. G. E. Copeland,• Met. Robert Craigie, Ernest Crai- Lang accennrareed him as far as
Simeoe; Dr. A. T. Turner, Kitchener; •gie and Mr. Forrester returned to Talent°, Where slerwill 1* the guest
•Dr. T. C. Boutley, Toronto; Dr. Wm. Detroit after spending three weeks• of her niece, Mrs. J. W. Bracewell
• Woollier, Ayr; Dr. Wm. Gillespie, with Mrs. (raigie's sister, Belle for a few days.
Kitthener; Dr. W. J. Armstrong. Baker, 'William St. • Mr. Samuel Peter, Mr, and Mrs.:
Mitchell; Dr. 3, Proudfoot, Monkton;
Mr. and Mrs. John V. Launer rind Harold Peter and son, of Atwood!'
Dr, C. F. -Smith, St. Marys: Dr. T. T.
their three little daughters, who have Mr. and Mrs. Will Peter and Mrs.
• Meltse, Bruesels; Dr. J. R. Stanley.
'been the guests of tlid Misses Fraser, I -birdman, of Ramiltori; Mr. and Mrs.
wManlysxtenDrned. yt wriissongrehit,mL;ienrtow. eAl:.
Wellington street, have returned to Roy Hardman, of' Yorktone Soak.;
Mrs, Chas. Hancock, Jean and Norm.
, re Shied. Listowel; Dr. E. A. Mc -1 their home in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold 3. Wallis left an, of Palmereton: Mr. Vt'illiarn /Wei
aster, Ethel; Dr. Larne Robertson, on Stature); on their return to De. cock, of Brunner; Will Longmire, of
Stratford; Dr. M. X. MeLyon, &rat -
ford; Dr.Fletcher, Fleeter; Dr. Mit, sifter a holiday WO Urging the S. S. &anion; and Roy Lonemire, of
• A. re Deegan, Hempel; tees ens Fs i Thoreand Islands and a visit at Mr, S. S. Dayton. were visitors at the!!
Gallow, Godericht Dr. J. A. Mitchell, W*Dir' old home 'in Goderich. akturtat.uf Mr• John Lnrigndre, "'amMambo;Dr.
Mambo; Dr. Krupp, Woodstock; Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Swalwell aid , ,, $ ,t
A. 3. Simloon, Xintail; Dr. P. Hem, daughters, Mary and Edith, from
Clinton; Dr. A. L Campbell, flitch.. Port F.Igin. iment Labor Day with As a vermicide an excellent pre.!I
• ener; Dr. Wm
. Ge. Clinton; Dr. W.: his sister and brother, Mr. and Mrs, peretion is blether Grim& 'Wenn;
3. Kay, Ulmer, Midi.; Dr. W. W. ' RobertanResole% Well"! St,, rIoderier, Extermeater. It has paved the five,
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