The Goderich Star, 1926-09-09, Page 440 Saturda MO With Special Values for S'eatarday and all next and* r, on ac- ne *rat of the- .face bolas* docile"' for three days this week for Hebrew Ualiiay. PHONE 418 sal Special Values in Ladies', Misses' and Children's Fall Coats ,Dresses and Hats t Special Values in Men's Salts and Furnishings, Everything New and Up. To•Date. Be sure and see the Special Values we are offering. They Will Saye Yen Meavy A.. CORNFIELD PHONE 418 LADIES' and MEN'S WEAR 5HOF WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP'' WEST SIDE OF SQUARE ' CYODERICH,. ONT. a'I ..J. JIMa4+l jr us. 1 a7 -»k .-......- CANADA IN THE CRUCIBLE we did not see' any account of h his balance nc from England, while the s.5 British remonstrance. Two of" these truth of the matter is Uncle Sam'.'' To the 'Editor of the Goderich Stara men`who are not proud of their Brill .mancfacturer has it over the British Dear Sir, May I trespass further tish loyalty have since denounced manefacturer like a tent. upon: your generosity for titmice in MacKenzie King a pro•Arnerican ani In closing him remlark* mfr, Mal. your Canada-ifrat journal or a fine ally of American capitalists of Wall colm referred to J. W. King .aa a appeal to the voters of North Huron street. Voters of North Huron, wr tireless worker on behalf of Goderich before the, clove of the campaign. the political Iaietory off this riding. harbor, without one whit of political On Friday evening last week we did you ever have sucha conundrum , purpose involved. ' What, we wonder, had the pleasure of •listening to two A. British loyalist soliciting vote* for is it nearer the mark that the Gode- epeukers on behalf of J. W. King, is. Prime Minister of ,Canada de- rich Transit Company had an under: Progressive for thin riding. Mr. 3. nauneed rind" a Pio-American by hia standing with the Government ben Malcolm ' made a very interesting anti.British fete supporters f It fore they erected their last edition. spcneh, receiving . a very attentive would • take°a erose word puzzle artist Mr. Editor, after Mr. Elliott had 'bowing, though las audience did not to .construct a wordto cover such a :spoken a few minutes the etmo- hvw much enthusiastr�. combination.:• sphere seemed to change,' Mr. Mal, Mr. Malcolm 11ir• llla1eoltn, proceeding, said hest. colrn'$ attentive audience began tb. Is(r. Editor, althougherleave two or three gat a time until ver interestfnit remarks; believed in organized rnerchanta: wade somey manufacturers, bankers, etc+, • far 1 they. were pretty well thine o't. we me of the opinion that he left . un. theft own ro cindidn'tMr• Elliott dwelt chic s e f tht cam, p tet 4 . BeHe say fly on ariifa said the most vital i su a oand a oke �� . •. > . sign. Ile siceueed Canservativtaa of what ,he thought about . organized sm screen on the customs. 'Whig.the custom scandal as :dust tc , lab3r fee their. protection. He ats: F is Bate an elaboa�iate outline of hew. I to the rens i e aailed Hon, Mr. Bennett as aWil- i the manufacturer ships • his pro blind stir* 'stook r, Bonaire and +.. P.. R. lawyer who' ducts, gets hie money, prays his wages awe. We think he has had * goo . , out to . einployeee, who ' in turn g dean of practice himself, and as dust would 'be looking after his own interl pay m led liquor gohand in hand eats as such. If the Liberals are re tradesman. The manufactures ands s fits 1 S turned to power gets his proets ' likewise they will prove a mighty;boomerapg p e and Mr. l4lalcolaot a the trades etr !ept. lith: Mr. lltaicolrn.inforirt. is niinieter of trade and commerce. an mman, the laborer a full dinner pail, ed-us'he in a staunch **porter of the a manufacturer, would not this same profit is made from the laborer's wo xk ala: British EinPire told Sts traditions l auk apply to him. a an him dinner pail.: Where has be any reasons to be otherwise? t Mr. Editor, we claim the interest- Fare the laborers profltsF Does thine Be i:elieves v;a should be Bound. to• Ing part of the issue was Left unsaid. cx-Itsfnfster Of Labor think of lobar Acether by a common language and' The customs scandal was referred to in the same terms he does of horses religion, But he also in the some .as dust. But those ;schooners who cows, hogs, ete. t . rs that all there is breath tells us not to talk loyalty tc"could pull out of Halifax with 4,f50G in this life mor their laborer* --a full hint with the hast Sts one hand and canes and i00 kegs of ifquor for'Nasi drnner'pait r)on't let him kid yea wI-.; .•r'ti:flet for a mast* tricky sou, a ets-week*" ar more trip tied Re 0n such piffle.. ester with the other, While he; is ha,ce 10 trips in 41t days, robbing He paltmted 'a glowing picture of soliciting your vote for a Progressiva the public treasury of $0 a gallon i Canadian trade advances, etc., but candidate who net est long atso eeicrR would make interesting talk (not ;the half has never been told. He Conservatives were bad and the •Lib•.i dust), If dost' playa any part in the didn't tell us thin three banks in crate wast, he elan told ds that J. same then both of these speakers 1 Toronto have fourteen woollen mills. W. King and him elf voted together Zr:well loaded with it, they were 011, heir hands in liquidation as a re• l in every instance in the late Gov, beth full of what they had done fox stilt of unfair American aecimpetitian. - cznmrnt. This being so, why dots J us. since they went into Oise 1821. {Where is the full dinner pail, even, W. King persist in tailing himself s The dollar 1* now at a Premium far the wool workers? He told us (nmre dust). When the dollar was employment was babes now than in ?regret/rive, Dees he rvnsider the 1921. drain he didn't tell us half. mentality of our Conservative Pew at a discount my wages were t;4,xii a in 1921, even in CoderfcTi, it was al- r.-essiFcs so ,law that he can tricie day. A' dollar would buy as much in Most impossible t Canada then as now when wages are, rent t house. In must teen into votin for him indefinitely, $ .50 (fact). Where slid we borrow Londcai, Hamilton, . Toronto,. we moat Cbriliervative Peewee+sive) , ruse up our money before .1921 ? In G. Be speak months ahead, yet since 1921, in your might this time. and show whoa* currency was at a discount too, us when [believe all these Men would like to have : *how bok to the two-party Oto rand is the weaker. au eThrsit, xx1'ing our* to its level, measures have good legislation will goon gee how quick hA will Orap tint *laborite placed tori ch whose $ Mush loathMO an has these fl sway Hamilton duced growing iris progressive mantle. I,ibiraals Wheat MatKetiale King pecan% Prem• has two fhousaand +empty hoe or too, ca hent btys w L le* Idat tall i! he went*law ler our loan business we rtransferred 14about oussaanidle p people ler, and five or to Wall at. Anaerie*n capitalists were PSOPI. 'an the waiting xaur vena be has eat teem* out encouraged *bb it:wat money hereand other tither list to cross the U.S.A., a»d Toronto Twatrsquare, and Wu k i the high standatd ut of grin• rt did n nurned int* ?6 t ** Aaasnts C taadralimn ian 'k to employment iproportin like ons, I veno n dol. Wmrik it enjoyed In the days of Sir mealy. What's more natural than tura to sal* if rMoKenzie King in re. 'rhWilfred l.surier. that Uncle Sam meat have a mod- turned to parer and c0nttnawea hie But to go back t 7 Mr. Maletans's gage opal to Britain's mortgage• to word. "trickster," he branded Han• , prevent British investors from cite. .fas lrlefrhen a trickster and yet rile { Int out untie Sam's investors. And vett to vote Libeled fora mats snail -'pp who has the advantage at present?' hilt under false colors. ('ll bet's that Roughly speaking we are selling four *bort living in glom howreal' Mr hundred million to seeds of theme Makatea should have Wt that word cwtntries. Prom England ere import out df fah "ark. He spoke of hie ahcntt enteq atter of that amount, etaeitch Whisk loyalty* lei be watt *blip_ from the U S. A. we import in the house when three of his poli• skeet six tiuiests what we "import front tieai compatriots named to retook* England. Ii't rrlakolm tried to Se British tradition of teeming with treats the ianpreasioea that erre were s. %ire singing of the National Anatole; grittier a great and favorable trade hands of M. H. Saveas. Whist calamity! B,.t not a weird .ie hfam eomierniag a wrla issued agsim•s one distillery eonpaay for 4710,0V; restosas. Ids ridicule$ the statement that the treasury lad been robed of $153,000,600, aayng the entire customs was only $40,000,000, so how Bowed they steal ;133. from sixty-six =Wiens, receiving applause for such a witty stakeout. But we are in• elined to think that if the *mourn had not been stolen the amount col- lected by the Government would have been )1$ saillions. (Who said trick- sters?). He *leo lolled a tirade on the Hon. A. lLeighen having spent fifty-four millions sine. dissolution on Governor General's warrants, nesting harbor grants, hotel eom- struction, .etc. But not a word about the civil servants and other governnteett employees. Apparently they don't need a full dinner pail. and ought to wait for their wages until MacKenzie King is once mor( in power. The return of penny postage, was spoken of a* a great reductioneven for dinner' pail laborers. Let'z . see who really benefits in that reduction. How many laborers or machinists, etc., write more than a hundred Iet- ters a year, thereby saying.Aa dollar. The Robb budget is a par man's budget; he saves a dollar in *tamps. Millionaires did net seem to be fav- orites of these two speakers. Yxg: there are million dollar concerns who will save tens of thousand* of dollars in stamps alone. This money has been used to pay the interest on our debt, and thin interest still has to be paid. But they did not say in what other way it would be raised. These men who do not believe in high tariff told of shutting out oleo-margerine butter to protect Canadian butter, but marge ine was good enough for the troops to fight oil, and many a .,laborer would be glad to get it today 'in his struggle to economize, Voters of!. North Huron, we have had five4years of this King's adminf latration and if we are honest to our own copvictfons• we cannot let them back again. We know there is something •radically wrong. We know that all this talk of trade ad- vancement and better times is all OA bunk. Nearly every day our papers have their bankruptcy announce. ments. Row many People are , there 10 town who have not got friends o relations whohave gone to the State, because therm;; is nothing for them here, and many' more worlds go if tlfey could, get across. This excuse that the reason there is suck a short- age cf 'harvesters for the West is there are no men out of work in the eafit"w whenthe. truth is hitt t ho u's - t ands would have gone if they had the money to buy a ticket. And just so. leng as we let these men come fro us at election tube tell us these care.. fully preparedseteries, electing them on their ower say, wedeserve what we get for is, it not condoning their past actions apd words. If the mens wlio make theirs* do not force and respect them; and :it. certain men can steal millions.:hnd.receive . no punish• talent, of what tie have any laws at all. So let's show these then we in North Hugon resent Any such pro- cedure by voting at ainst them 00 September 14th, showing that even thouwe i though listened we didn't believe. Yours very sincerely, C. U. VOTERITE. MacEWAN RECEIVED WITH ENTHUSIASM Had Backing 'o 'Vast Majority ret Nomination Meeting in Wiaghaut r.1 a MM tanker money out et .ar peek.t it fate aaethse•. What the in the way o tax on sates would levo to be isp is see other way, by time people who did not boy autos. As far the eutnufaeturer of autos was eon tensed Its was ins as good a positio as before oro account of the redurctie of duty on parts not made in Canada Canada nu llacy be tie argument the -doily was prosperous because vra The dollar was keptat per war Sr yoou borrowings front thStates and just as loon as we *topped borrowing from the States acid thereby mort- gaging our country, the dollar would :'o down. The only hope of stable govern- ment at the present juncture was in aleighen. As a result of Progressive influence on King we bad'Canadiart industry languishing and people re- moving by thousands, and aur immi- gration Policy was a farce. Before the Liberal policy was controlled by the .Progressive* that party had been really protectionist. Laurier left the tariff 214 per- cent. _higher than_'hq foaind it and said near the close of his career he believed at heart he W8,8 a Tory. Mr. MacEwan referred to. the con- stitution of the customs enquiry, four Liberals, four Conservatives and ane Progressive and their report as to the scandals was unanimous, and what it meant to have a break down in the customs department could be guessed from the fact that 60 per cent. of the revenue of the eor�ntry came through this , depart- ment. The smuggling scandals and the breakdown of the customs de- pertinent were not matters to be made light of. Mr. MacEwen urged a return to the two-party system. It was be- littling to the farming community tc say that it was only represented by Agnes McPhail and T. W. King, The. farmers were repuesentedt also 'by the other Parties and the influence of the Progressives (as a political par- ty) had been to bedevil and confound • legislaticn. - , Mr. I. W. King made the basis 'of his appeal the lowering of the cost o: rlfvin8 through the lowering of the t'arifi'. 'Selfishness was the basis ai the tariff', he claimed, and .the tariff• the cause of smuggling. Protectioy •fyartners except.for things like s rawberries and the like, war impossible. We had a large export- able surplus of wheat which could not be protected, fire predicted, Low - ever, that inside ten years the Stater would be forced to import agricult- ural products on account of increased o 1 p pu atfan and that would be Can- ada's day. • Mr. Le Sueur :made one of hici able speeches, in which he pointed to the foundation principles of honesty ant' 'Purity in government as the basis o democratic government and he show. ed how these principles had been violated by the recent "Government. The speaker went into the question of the constitutional issue, the cuss, toms scandal and the tariff in detail: The tariff, toe claimed should be pus on a scientific basis by the establish- ment of a commission, which would see that the manufacturer got thri protection` he needed and. would also guard the"interests of the consumer. If the same system of economy ha% made How Do You Pay Your Importations ? WHEN buying on foreign mark. etc use Standard Bank Foreign Letters of Credit. Ynu earl thus simplify y fur credit etran jctnents with furtl houiai wbik effect- ing. through us. efficient execu. tion of all financial details attend - tot upon transactions is fofeign maneaes. Let as point out sortie of the cpecilc advantages of pay t pBeahsototw importations by StandaCredtt rrd applied to you busleiessLeiters f . ti .e+ A * . ' •.V BANK Ihmowaisa wootettla ears they will be- ibk to show a far tnd.* for another AV* etter pereentage of employment, as anoth- er half a million will have gone to U.S.A., leaving Jobe about one to each chdlyl n kit, which they will interpret. to ns than as a IG0 foorrgetting to name thet embers of entpt. Canadi*n homes and factories, -fitr. '" Eliiett thought as o this smuggling sear. there was tnot�hing to it; sup of ns might carica over in cars, etc., and bring back little things t ws Uncle eans's ttarif'f beincould g nigher chemisethan errs, No goverment In the world could place men enorfgh to prevent It. Conk! the 1 government have Prevented timer t schooners in their nefaroes trade;' t Ccald they have prevented the with, drama' of the C*nadian )(ousted Pollee from the Quebec border? Or t kept frisch-made dieette.haden art? tett tams hoe 5parha i }eke from being Ott ofelffres ed s intprisetnliint fee era►, year ter anjt h ewe, high or low, eaught song. MO* to the oatost 0t. MO sr nom What he didn1 't Kt nth the oisigee... tie*.. .r if they dirt agree caber the more of f 1 adletsals. One nian merited a I$tI sserie.ee to the Semite at MINI* . and that le Maexeasie Iflaar's arothted of re- f,orsaker het Sesser. (Who said i mai ti,�,r kat $i estimated the V If awl had fellowsd Sparks' albie e ame hss eo wsaeli0gte wa se SSW a yeses of therm for *maim1m to gni * '['wise to the Name report R was airee mho w � Into Ellett he * a+ r+ n t Wf • tNUitf &Y, Jarman an f 19Nf KODAKS x FILMS. Developing, 'Printing. and Enlarging H. C DUNLOP The Rexaall Drug Store Bedford Block • Goderich been adopted in Canadataa was ad• opted in the !States (by means 0 which that country bad saved mil• `lions) the«'Robb budget would lool • like nothing compared to what we would have saved in this way. In his reply Mr. Halbert said we had been told.that the Liberal party was not clean. "1 say yes, amen, tc that," he said, and then he used the rest of his time in pan effort- to be. smirch the Conservative party also and 'appealed for' support for the Progressive candidate. ' The meeting closed ,with the Na- • tional Anthem. . • SUMMER HEAT HARD ON BABY No season of the Oar is so danger, ous to the life of little ones as is the summer. The excessive heat throws the little stomach out of order sc quickly that unless prompt aid is at hand, the baby' may be beyond all human, helps before the ' mother Teas lizes ,he is ill. Summer is the sensor when diarrhoea, cholera infantum. dysentry and colic are most preval- ent. Any of these trorbles may prove deadly if . not promptly treat- ed. During the summer the ,moth. ers' best friend is. Baby's Own Tab- lets. They_ • regulate the 'bowels sweeten the stomach and keep baby healthy. The Tablets are sold. 1.0 medicine dealer* or by mail at 25 cents a box from The.: Dr. Williams Medicine .Co., Brockville, Ont. • l Health cannot be. looked for in the and- that is subject to worms, bey cause worms destroy health by create • ing internal disturbahcea;°that retard• development and cause' serious weak. nese. ' MiIler's Worm -Powders ' eycpel t worms and.. are sobeneficial in their action . that the:;. systems of the little i ness, all the dfscomfo sufferers are, restored to healthful. to n r a d danger:* B of worm infection are: removed, and satisfactory growth le assured. 1 There are two sides; the right one C;` xi d r e pi - Or"y. • Coit FLE cuss words herd rage. 1"CNER' 5 g CAS"I ORI TOO LOW A TARIFF HAS DRIV. EN OUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS TO THE UNITED STATES. VOTE FOR MacEWAN AND BRING THEM BACK HOME AGAIN, Smuggling and ruin running has robbed the Canadian ealzerits of n200,000,000 'during the last five years. Let us have an honest and efficient administration for the next five years and put an and to this aw. ltd loss. Vote • for ,MacEwan on Sept. 14th next. For Catarrh. --It is one of the chief recommendations of Dr. Thorn - as' Balearic Oil that it can be weed internally with as much MOUS ns it can ,outwardly. Sufferers front catarrh will find that the 011 weer used according to directions will gee • prompt relief. Many sufferers from this ailment have found relief in the Oil and have sent testimonials. It is hard at times to understand family pride after you meet the fam- ily. The adjective in "cheap pplitics" doesn't refer to what it cots the tax- payer. • The fester a girl is the .easier for trouble to overtake her. slles FIC -LAX. The Tonic Laxative ,1t Is doubtful If science could - devise a better or more ea(ielerol. agcat then Flg-Lax tar the relict of ronxttpattoa. 25 and 50 Cents Ateteta'ts bibg� and the one whose ose defence requires A Ii�1111111tIINIiIlINi111111111111111tfN111111111NNIINiNtilllitNiIIIIINNIIIIIIIiIIIII.I111111111111111Hlillllllllllllllllllll it �— v iltfliNIIIINIIh asTo the e .� ' Electorst4� of he 1:beralHuron The very, enthnsiastie way in which which .Mr. .' IacEwan Conservative ` candidate in Forth f1uron, was received when he rote to speak, following the official . novena. tion at Wingham .on Tuesday .after• noon was notable and ai1 through his address expressions of approval were much in -evidence. On the other hand Mr. : ' JW. Kin the a Progre... sive candidate, while receiving a eer- tain amount of applause from his snppporters, failed to arouse any particular degree of enthusiasm. Mr. King claimed that it was the tarifff which caused smuggling and said if we had no tariff' there would be no smuggling, and, Withthe pro= *pest of air ship transportation as a common --means of conveyance we might just as well keel out the tar. ifs barrier. and -then, he said, Canada would be prosperous. The labeolute tack of applause at this climax would seem to indicate that Mr. King's ar. gement was not appealing very strongly to the Audience. Mr. ltacEwan and Mr. Ring were the only candidates nominated, Mr. MaaEwan had Mr. Le Sueur, Windsor, to speak for him, and Mr. Halbert, ex.M P., spoke on behalf of Mr.. King. Mr. George Spotton was the chairman, Mr. Halbert* was firat to speak and claimed that the fact that Canada's dollar was at par and that we had a rade belanee were proof of our, prosperity. Canada was the onie country that was in the war whose dollar was at par and we had the argest Per capita trade balance ht he world. lir. Halbert's reference o the war brought the gseotion from someone in the a.dienee, "Where was icing daring the war?" And he speaker eluted by taring that in. teranetional Jealousy was the e*n"e f war and what was wanted la Can. ads was faith In o�arsekvea and in our institutions.. Mr. MacKwan was warmly ap- plauded. He expressedIfs apprecia. lett el the honor respopsileiffht of being the Itchy[-C.onseryatire rosettafe. The potty stood for ssle- on** pruteetion, aaot ldRk peeateetlwl hat math protti etlen s• wosM mere indsutrkea mad also pro - 1.088 tb�e w.R-br►i g of the flown flame uterine ,mt, sad Mild TTP s valeta Catera a, fit mower er to psaar l�,g Mr. obese g.v. Mr. Meellawas tateted from pleat Bois et agrlenitasal ihag- pleamordo te sheer tbsit seam of these wen wastod Idaho*. stow the tar* was rothood. What *ad ateemsblies Amer woo the info Mag' of tiro hairy task,, Mt ibis wa' • QN TUESDAY next you will go to the polls to decide who shall represent you in . the- . next Parliament of Canada. ..1 have been your representative for five sessions, and have tried to serve you faithfully. It has been my aim to advance in every way possible the in"- ,terests of the Dominion of Canada as a whole and of North Huron in particular. !'ty actions during the last important session evidently were such as to meet with general approval, for the opposing party has not., ventured any public criticism. • ' My record is before you. You know my stand on the issues before the electors. My op - portent has not confided to the public where he stands, except that he is a thick -and -thin sup- porter of Mr. Melghen, whose policies have time and again been demonstrated to be Pram= ed without consideration for the welfare of rural communities such as North Huron. I ask for your vote on September r4th, and if I am elected I will clueing the next n: Parliament use my influence, as 1 have, In.the last two Parliaments, for the securing, of further measures in the interests of the coni.i Yours sincerely, J. Wet . TNG mon people. MUSIC 1 • •