The Goderich Star, 1926-09-09, Page 3yervis say. 111121111111112fl
11 11 111 r1I
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1 11 11 im 1 1111 1 _a „ISI
atilt OW
Wears oatt1u gamtaat s ale
urea weak. l--- reel midi* hell
meow leg end /Wag so amemee* tot, t Moms-
twee thele howbeit.. defies, safe sines
bookaahm ase saasset, Tiemet a
ameba h serfs deer see st sit teas
law" he if gime eves atit mow
wealuteee Owe the Weak wwsld be
Memel and 3W•11.
lei fl ek,tib Keifer*
and maks their
dittos a pleasure Wenn of *. 'Medea.
" Dasa h" are tit. srlg*al " Kid -
Rey tb"biotinj cat tea saetrket
for * t0
aDell 't wepta substitato."
apway to The T. MAW= Gee
Tome% Oak
►RQIa'. W. H. JACiiSON - Iueliruettau
given In Guitar. Voice Culture, Organ.
Piano. Violin, uitar. Theory, etc.
Studio and residence,. North Street,
ART tie ;iiNt,(Ai;.
eontinues tier. Classes at Studio
$.tandsrd RannkpRuildlns Auburn, Ont,
C. HAMILTON -•-Organist North St.
United Church. Concert player
and Teacher.
Restdenco':at Mrs: Colborne's, St. Pat-
rick Street.
lat. It. DARitO'W, .,
Barrister. Solicitor, public, Etc.,
Successqr to 3. rdr Killoran
Phone97 OHice, The Square. tiodertch
ERNEST af..Ll:E.
Y Barrister and Solicitor
10 King Street East, 'Toronto, 2
-Telephone* Mein 7193-7101.
Barrister; Sollo}tor. Notary -
• Public, Conveyancer. Etc.
Late House Surgeon New York (pit-
thafiiiic .and Aural Hospital, assistant at.
Moorefieid's Eye Rosetta, and Golden -
. Square Throat Hospital. London; Eng.
53 Waterloo" St. S Stratford, Tele -
1? ne 2 air. •
At hotel Bedford, Coderieb, from 1
prm. Monday, Sept. 20th. till t p. m,
Tuesday, Sept. list.
D 13.• A. N. fiTICINSON. -.
Chiropractor: and Drutsless Therapist;
'bronie., Organic gni` Nervous l)i ei'el!
Egtiippica with Eleetro lelagnetic Daths.,
- Cl,:etrenie . Electric - Treatments and
• onlr_hours-�-2. to -3 uu1 7 to p.m.
• and by .appointment. excepting Mondor
and Thursday afternoons and evenings;
Office &•lours on these days 10 to 12 aim,
+taIy- Lally In.Aftendanee,.
Residenee and • Oitire 'Corner: of South
St. end Britannia itnsKd.
'A. L..COLE, R. p.,
West Street,. ,Goderich
lienor Graduate of the. Canadian Oph-
thalin,c College of .Toronto.
Eyes examined by the latest mettiaris.
end .the proper fitting of gtass"e at mod-
erate prices; Ontario Board Or Exam -
...Wars Certificate No. 813, : t)
Live Stork' and General Auetiioneer;
Hamilton Street, Goderich
Sales made everywhere and all efforts
made to give you satisr ieattrui.
Farmers' sate notes dlscoua,ted.
'Auetinneer, Eldon St...Goderieh. •
wife riin,tuct and arrange any' sale on
the: latest methods to get best, r.•suit'
Ser hien. nr dre•p a earn and rte ,will
give it immediate attention. .i'ar'iq
News ", ets
eiastt.n Nikka Play for OM Folk t rebel of that plat.,
The Clinton Kittle Sand in full, A Wiaghatta Death
uniform. gave a concert at the!
Comity Home un Sunday alter:woa- i Kr. John Cooprr, a highly re•
Aug. llid&. , ape,. cal rid gentleman, Palma to hie
Weir* oat ell"i w "11°101" i August .••." as knee ay *tare
Progressing C August 3Qth, at the heat of 'air son.
Work on the new Clinton Collegiate in-law, Mr. W. G. Salter, two miler
building iC south of Wlagham. For years Mr
is progressing. The founds.. and Mrs. Cooper resided on John St.
tion is in and the walls are going uP. in Winghaze, In the how.. now ecru•
The old building will be removed. m pied by Mr. Jae Mitchell. Ile was
S. S. Crops of Clinton to reseed ta valued eaaylaye. of the Bell fee -
Whiter in Califoxntis tory for many years. era was sup -
Mr. and Mrs, S. S. Cooper,of
Clin-ton, intend to leave about the end of Sundayssehool,
the month by motor for California. WORLD EVENTS
where they will spend the winter.
Mr. Cooper has sold the fittings and (Continued from page 2)
furniture of the Rattenbury Haase States Secretary of war, for the can has had the
to Mr. Louis Rousso, of Hanover,
who gets posQesttian the middle of courage to make a pica sellation of war debts, on the
September. grounds that only such an action can
A Howell Wedding succeed in .re-establishing normal
A very pretty wedding was sol- markets and promoting good -bis}-
emnized at the United church manse, nese.
Hensall, at 9:30 Tuesday morning,"We cannot sow weeds: of interim -
Aug. 31s1, when Rev, A. Sinclair tional distrust, ill will and selfish.'
united in marriage Miss Bona Evelyn ness and expect a harvest of friend -
Blackwell, daughter of M. and Mrs. ship, and. eager trade," he says
Charles Blackwell, end Mr. Louis D. adding that "there are springing upi
Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew in the world of economic unions and
Clark. alliances against the United ..Staten
Death of Mrs. Colclough, Clinton lastly more important and signitl.
• The death occurred on Monday, cant than the emotional outbursts
Aug. 30th, in the Clinton General , of stz?eet • crowds in Paris. against
Hospital of Annie M. Martin, wife: of American tourists."
Geo. Colelougb, In her 3Sth year. She
is survived by her husband, her par. '•" - Tragedy Of Jealousy
ents, Mr. and Mrs, 3,021105 Martin. of 'A- double killing in Toronto really
Stratford, a sister; Mrs. Walter Zar- -resulted from a it of jealousy it is
back of Stratford, • and a brother, said,, on the part of a young Cana -
Austin Martin of Toronto. , dint of Finnish parentage, named
.Pugh --:Smithson Aldo, aged twenty-two. `who shot
On Thursday afternoon. Aug. 20th,, and killed Eva Colwell, a young':
quiet marriage w;as solemnized at graduate ironer, aged twenty-two,
- when Mifs'zi .ipellah Bean and then -killed hinz*eelf with the of Itailae'ays and Canals in the Meigh.
Smithson and Sergt. Alfred Pugh of . ewe weapon. ; Dhe,�,-.y,:nn�_: couple en Cabinet. Hon.. Mr- Black reprei
London were united in marraat;e by had spent the week -end together at rented Halifax in -tete last : house,
�i 111 11 Iii■
psrtieby e' t-da7 sent of
people. - stirred to the ex-
plosion pets& IhreagAt 3'tagody.
Carfi r lar Motto
Chicago i i1' haw a curfew, bore -
after aad all boys and girls under
sixteen MUM be off the moats by,
not o'clock. Chieago has long had
a lair that spseidod that these ender
that age must be aceomt,pained by
adults while on the street& after,
that hoer, but it km not Min en-
Delve Out Diphtheria
Canada, with the United Stahel
and Mexico slat uniting is at drive
which will mewl Sepeemb.r and
October, for 'the purpose of wiping
diphtheria off the North American
continent. In Canada * Toxin zaanu-
feeturer et :the Connaught Labor-
atories in Tu'ronto he being used tc
make school children immune to the
1111 11111111
Several lards lave boon engaged, and
the day will ottrriesele 1► a rsd-i.t-
ter event in the hitltory of tins Goer.
gen I1ay city. For the fine tune
Dominion electors will have as ex-
tra lour at the gad et the day le
which to rowel their vats. As the
election takes plana while daylight
swing is still in .psratfoa and •aa
the statutes call for election hours
based on standard time. therefore r
great many places es will be voting VIII.
til seven o'clock daylight saving
time. Hon. Chas. Denning, wh.a
his been one of the asost stove of
the Liberal 'chiefs in the election
Winnipeg on the sussed a. bject of *glaring I
eampHudson's Bay railway. He told
Frei stook of Sheriff's Jelly Powders Jest tn. ...... toe ale
A good TsuMas. King George Naive given away with each Mkt.
Another shipment if our speeisl 131sek Tea to hand, only, per
Try a potted. It is a winner.
We grind our No. 1 Shad coffee Bean fresh with your order, fire se
emirs* to salt the trelde.
Finest Seedless Raisin, ger Ib...........................,,.,.13e
Some tasty lima fur plows :
A stood assortment of Fancy Cakes always on hand.
;Net`et received a fresh shipment of Picnic Plates. Veeetabtete and Fruits fresh from the gardens always on hand.
HON. 3+4'. •A' BLACK
athat Goal in 'early, ways had stomach: trouble afterwards. Colborne -Sept 18th
the home of Mr. end Mrs. M.. r d whom he was to mart this mon ! A splendid picture of the Minister
Every winter you promise -ynur-
setr that next season you'll put
Goods delivered to any part of the Town.
ole . Mc wen
PHONE ole h Square
lrrs"'r"Rtf1 ) ,
the west wants the Bay
�, dune - .dt ��•,. � .a.. , _ � .
Railway it must defeat the Censer. The following are the Mates of the
vativeet to get it. `Sir Lower O''attin sehool fairs to 1* held in the ('eunty
who resigned from the icing ministry of Huron this year : -
three years ago, made his first poll. (;rand Bend -Sept. ?th
Coal address at Quebec `last week. • Dashwood'Sept 8th
"" , Crediton--aSept. 9th
W 10th
' ncasea-Sept.
Wei Afraid ' Wroxeter -Sept, 13
• Gerrie-Sept, 25th
Young - �•} h 1 p th
To Eat Anything Illuevnta-Sept.. 15th
"I was afraid to eat because 1 ale
Ashfield -Sept. 10th -
St. Helens•-Sept..17111
the Rev. C. J. Moorhorse. Mr. and the home of the girl's parents aft
Mrs, Pugh win take up their r?.si.' Newcastle, and motored back to To- Meighen in Quebec. .
dente at Iowan. . ,. rbnto Sunday evening and spent the.. Premier Meighen has been ,paying
Brandon -Statins night with his parents. Ziff the Inc long awaited visit to Quebec, and
A pretty house :wedding was sol friend
Aldo got into touch with a in . the capital of that province had
emruzed at the home of Mr; end Mrs, end of Miss Colwe1l's in whom he rather an amazing welcome. More
'Robert Stocks, Howlett street, Wing- f feared in crested appealed to "becoming
to deep, than twenty thousand people crowd -
on "W died A t 25th
Summer's here' now.
Winters coining just as surely, -
and Christmas time will bring you
sleet and stow, not roses:
Send for the Heat Folks, •get
your coal in .,noel,, and forget
your heating problem for the rest
of the year.
g say, agar t w qui a an o e max a square o t, ,•
when the- second daughter, Gladys hes attentions to her. The second Pierre and the adjacent streets in
Irene, ward married to Norman _Steep. man declared that :the matter rest., an effort to see and hear him, .After
pard Brandon oi' Toronto. -ed entirely with. the girl end there- being . welcomed by the'' mayor and
Jefferson -Footer ` upon Aldo attempted, it is said, to preceded by a speech' front 'Mr, Pat-
sh a
• St. Stephen's church wan suicide pact, caking. his enaude, Premier Meighen•spoke to Fol Good Clean Coal
p > Gorrie, fiance to prove her love by killing the crowd in both French and Eng- ry���
the scene o£ a pretty wedding at herself; It is :supposed that when lish. Both the party leaders are to, Q{� MUSTARD...
high noon, on Weduesday, August she refused. he did the shocking inJt Y• IAI{�'1 1 D
11th,. when Hazel Grace, elder::: &deed be Owen Sound on the same day �� do>rlila*tii.
hirneelf. Bath were extremely Eike- `Wednesday, and meetings have beer. Phone 98 • Goderich
daughter' of ;Mr. and Mrs. Geo. kiss able, and In the eyes of :their friends. t arranged At -which they will
ter became ee
C he bride of Mr. Gordon
Jefferson, - principal • of. the- parblit
Has Your: Husband
Got indigestion?
Nothing creates domestic ' discord
quicker than an attack of indigest-
ion, and nothing 'gets • rid of indigest. -
ion quicker than Bisurated Magnesia. .
No man can be sweet tempered, good
natured or .even fair- minded when
his stomach is constantly sick, sour;
NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. gassy, and : upset with after -eating
sl, BAILIE, distress: If your husband has stone-.
NOTARY PUBLIC, • hint, bus help. him by seeing that he
General Conveyancing done- has a supply of •Bieurated Magnesia
Coed -Companies iReppresente i
(either powder or tablets) eoustant-
Phony No '289 (i
ach trouble neither scold nor pfty ..
which. won: out in the game at the Goderich Agricultural Grounds on Saturday, Aug, .Zlst, with. •
the London Brownies. .The•ladies in the .picture aro Miss I. '1 %ens,:2b, •Miss C. IH'ennessey,
catcher and captain, and Miss D, Q �Neiil, c.
a .thee afternoon quite .heavily nil alerlch, Ont. ly at hand. ,A teaspoonful' of pooch The keenest .Interest of the .day Ken. Hunter, London pre-
vented the completion of they pro -
elWtiIi1,1<' E. GIREENSLA1» ;er or two tablets .taken in a 'little centred in the softball game 'between Score by innings: gram of races. There was a large
water after meals . will instantly the Toronto ladies and . the tendon Toronto '.. 4 0 3 0 0 2 1.0 i 2-=-10. attendance . et the meet and, but for
CONVEYANCING AND NOTARY, neutralize the tends - in his stowed; Brownies for the possession of the London ... 0 0 2 0 1 2 1 0 2 0---14 'he rain, ni - d;,ubt the attendaiw at
Hayfield. Ont.
that are causing his trouble and he Indian Village Cup, and ' spectators Rosa Grosse': 100 -yard- sprint. Was Menesetung Park in the evening
Since taking Adlerike I can eat and Hensen- .Sept. 20th
feel fine. (signed) Mrs. A. Howard. Zurich -Sept. 21st.
ONE spoonful Adlerika removes GAS Varna -Sept. 22nd
and often brings surprising relief to Blyth --».Sept, 23rd
the stomach, Stops that full, bloated Ethel -Sept, 24th
feeling. Removes old : waste matter .Walton -Sept. 27th
from intestines and mskee you feel .Goderach Tp. -Sept. 28th
happy and hungry. Excellent • for Belgrave-••Sept, - 20th
o b stinate constipation. C A M P, Dublin -Sept. 30th
BELL'S DRUG STORE, Clinton --Oct. 3 and 4
The Plymouth Anthracite Coal is the best. It (turns •
to a fine ash and is practically free from slate. It cost at
the Mines 50c per ton more than other Coal but:we sell it
at the same. price. Why not have the best when it will
cost you. no -more*::
Egg and Nut . , $16.00 per• ton
Stove.... , .. „...$16.50 per ton .
We also handle the Master Anthra,citt. Coal.
This Coal differs in some respects' from the average
run of. Anthracite: from the Pennsylvania :field and these_
differences should be borne in mind to insure most effi-
cient and economic results. This coal is slightly lighter
and therefore fuses at a higher temperature, is free burn-
ing and therefore more readily susceptible to draft con-
trol. It is ALL coal; it conies to Tort free from state and
other impurities. It cannot clinker unless forced beyond
the high fusing point of its ash.. it is wildcat domestic
fuel and costs y ou S t 5.00 per ton, all sizds, •
If your furnace or plumbing requires overhauling,
t If you require a new furnace or a 'hot water job or
plumbing, let us figure on it, also -if your furnace and
plumbing ,require to lie overhauled --.-Give us :a call and it
will have -prompt -,attention.
a u. Everything' in Shelf and .Eieavy Hardware kept in
{ stock.
The Hcrdware at the wharf
Store 'Phone 22. . • House 'Phone 1 12.
RANCY�s with no more saw a real :game. It iaoked at- first a feature of "the races, her time being would have been very large, Tho. .
. II1iSU can. coney his .meal
- fear of indigestion. Bisurated Mag- to be easy for the Toronto ladies 11,2 seconds. The heavy condition of I prizes won in the ufternocn were pre-
e1C1I.LCtP MUTUAL, T:Itu T`SIfIR• nesia is the special.. form of Magnesia owing to poor a'tupport.. by the the track prevented record time, but sented at the hotel m the evening
AUL Petah. COMPANY. used by thousands to neutralize stom- -Brownie's infield, but the steady Bose had it easily . over the other' and a dance wa; held with lloker.':i
aeh acidity and quickly ,overtone In work of the 'Brownie's pitcher, Mies contestants. Hawaiians as the: mtisieiana, and
?ASH AND IufrL 4TEla TOWN 'Ret digestion -do not confuse with Milk, D. Tilbury, who had many strike -outs The feature distance race was the. Mr. alert L'utt contributed some
ERIK INSURED. Carbonate, Block- or Citrate of;..Mat ,. ; mueh_.appreeiatelT 3iolus.__.
--•--Yaltae�•rt�-try�emit��eert:rrwlnsnredwui+-•to•7an-..-. g• tib- her credit and -the heavy hitting half -mile open; which was won by J
nary. i313. t3.05s.ei5.00 nesia. insist on Bisurated, Its act- by.the .Brownies in the later stages Waiters of Listowel, who finished` The athletic meet was the eu}min-
OF 51( James Connolly, Presi- ion is safe, prompt and sure and it of the ams ulled down the Toxone ail h ct f' E Chapman.I o radon „talon. of the Indian Villlee Camp
dent; t;b,deritwt; Jas. levans. Vice -Wrest- can be olrtatned at small cost from }ad}e ' lead and extra inning d d W Dawson, 1. 'k r 1 which was held at Menesetung Park
game, p easily
ya a>a o , .,i ,.
dent, H (Mooed, T. E. Bays See..
to s e an ng second, an ut i ow,
• any drug store
1'rrs y., ;-eafartti.
I)IItEaron 1 11. P. McGregor, Sea -
forth;, J. G. Grieve. Winthrop; 'lVtn.
Writ, t:onatanee • Pow tier:artney,
Tuckersmitlt Juan Ferris, Itarhack;
John 13roadhagan; .Murray
Gibson, Itrueetteld.
AGENTS -J. W. Teo, Goderieh; Sanely
Leitch, Clinton; Wm. Chesney, Sea.
forth: R. Ilinchley, Seafortlt.
Policy holders can pay their wirers'
menta at R. It. Cutt's'store, teorterich;
A. J. Slorrisfi's Clothing Store, Clinton;
•r Baytleld.,,
Rave It attended Way the
Established 1878
Read ()loner Iimugassoe, text.
Harry L. Salkeld, X. R. No. 2, God-
srtch, pres.; Wm. .I. Thtomptwn. Anis.
era, vier pres.; dir.eters-•-'lura. ylfCc-
Ran, St.Hrleaa; W. P. Reed, R. R.
a4, Lneknow; H L. Sslksid, `peer&.
4130r11, Goderich; Alex. Nnchelson,
Leeknow; Wat. Wataott; Jas. Garvin.
R.1R, No, R, Gederleb; Wen. 1 TWAT".
writ, Anima: That Gelato, It. Z. Ne.
1', L w; Chas. Hewitt, Rimer -
Ark Ont. STOTit:1Rs, T. G. ALLY:N,
"gear. Secretary.
Bropheu BT.
The Leadin0
£tnterai Directors
and. embalmers
Orders .etsrsfully sttended fey
ail all Wiwi -night or day.
L'. . Wheeler
Frontal :hector and
Ooderi be Ontario
Ali wills p:Omptiy attended to
dry or night.
Pbooss: Store 334; Ronne 11.13w
had to be played to break the 1.4-14, third, his time being 2t11 .., In this' for tete preceding fortnight and far
score at the end of the ninth, and in- race Walters showed excellent fain• bringing this hero and for the sue-
terest tees keyed up to a' big r state i and that he is one of the hest half- cess of the athletic day, Mr. B. II.
of tension. The pitching of Miss. milers in Western Ontario. lilei'reath is due all the credit for hie
faillbury was certainly the feature of The results of other events:. • enterprise.
their game, and her speed and eon. McCarthy, No fewer than .tC athletes tidon,
tree. Baffled the Toronto batters." Pole vault -G. McCarthy, Kitehene'registered, from Toronto, London.
The Toronto ladies used . three pitch-, er; J. Poite, .Toronto, Ta. Schtre}der,; Simeoe, Woodstock, Preston, North
their effoxts to ovetrconie the Kitchener; Sit feet, 0 inches. Bay, Port Elgin, Kitchener, Mont.ens in
ease nth whifthe Brownies Bone Broad jump -P. Shnneey, Midland; real, Helmet- f ueknow, Mitchell,
A. Chapman, Windsor; 0. Wilke. Midland, Windsor, . Parte Ottawa. -
netted with their deliveries. Missea1 Kitchener, 21 feet. • lestowel, Chatham, Vve111n;;ton,
Stevens, Wesley and Slean. Connie Three-mile, Open E. Chapman. Stratford, St. Thune', Chesley, Han -
Hennessey, the manager of the Tord London; W. Dawson, rewele u. Thee, over and Hamilton, es well es God -
onto • team, who played the catcher at" .27 minutes Sf 2.5 seconds, • erich. .P
position, was their outstanding play. 220 yards, open * A. Chapman. The honorary judge* were las fol-
er. Miss Wesley was their best' 'Windsor; T. Beckett, North Bay. Time lows:
piteber. Miss Rosa Grosse, the. -22 9.10 secs. Mayor 11. 3.E A. - Mace wen, E. It.
champion sprinter, played third base. Half mile, open.-$. Welters, Liss- Wigle, M.P.P., J, W. King, .M.I!,
'The teams were as follows: a, forfeit rh (haptnan; London; A: 11aw. Chas, Robertson, Reeve of Colborne.
1;. Shan► A, A. Wesley, sae -p, C. nen- sect.1• f• K r± d
nessty, e; 1. Stevens, 2b; A. Child,
lb; M. Murray, 1f; T. Porter, cf; L.
Davies, rf; D. O'Neill, e; M. Dawes,
Toronto Ladies -Rosa Grosse, 3b; rSOrt, jne1010w,...'t'ime 2 min. 171.10 Timers -Chas. Humber. E. V. Lea-
s ie. ....nun ere, Ii4i A. Drulllard.
Marjorie Dawes, Dot O'Neil. Time Track Judged&, s, BlacMcDk;
1.. 7 ,
Dr. R. W. Dickie, Ches. IIlaek; i.. L.
-y11.Z sect. Knox. D. D. Mooney, A. 3. MacKay,
Collegiate half nolle ----R. 8tmpson. De, la ow. Alex..'aundero, 11, r.
Loddon neotenies -T, Pepper, 2b;- Ottawa; • R. Yount, Windsor; E. Dunlop, Wesley Walker.
1{. Foxtvorthy, lf, A. Brown, e;n,� Brown, Kitchener. Time -2 min, Field Judges -Dr; A .c°, Hunter, T.
Tilbury, p; G. Gramlick, 3b; V. 12!i secs, ii. btitehrii, Roy Patterson, John
French, rf; A. Taylor, ib; I,. SOM. The rain, which interrupted the Wiggins, i)r. J. M. Field Ur. J. A.
mere, as; N*. McLeich, If. trail game for a few minutes early Graham, Wesley Walker, Ernest
Umpires -W, Barlow, Goderich;On the aftcraoon, caret on late in Pridhaant, Harry b'ilsinger.
Will RI.
What Our Organization Means To You.
Expert buyers search the markets of the world for the
• beat Merchandise --Trained supervisors examine the stores
daily and exact cleanliness, courtesy and fresh foods in
every store -Expert managers and clerks relieve you of
tedious selection •of groceries and render the personal
service every shopper appreciates -roods of * maintained
huh quality at low prices. All this and more is what is
lock of tine :.f'ieitti liiren Stare where yoi -shop.
Orly a
Tsdf er's
Dsplez Cream
iISCITIS 3511r.
13 os. Pail
"min 216
RetailtieM 4a t►.
Thee« ha
One 100 package
Giver withSs. MACARONI C
parakaas. of 4) of spAGHErn
PACK Merchandise
Just Arrived
B .' .A -Nes
2 tins 25c
PEAS 2 ting ott+wc
Qtr LIU SOAP 15c
Rad' Pltt.d 3 Mt. Jar
4 ib. Tin Sherrill'.
Shirritre Tr., Vasilk
liarasiade EXMAC
69 tone sifwar33C rrw
.at ter IMts week 1rtmrt data
Viatery Lunt
siert 4
this *War 1ti42.C"