The Goderich Star, 1926-09-02, Page 7,l■ 111011101.11, SDI IMLUE 1901 -. Burt lei Om to NoId Net Nit hay lerms Sestina of tsleaaksiastt, Fleas *lime awe Nage alpine tint eerie ewer beet tee w tAr+ee, nth► as lm nit net we reedit d e. of the Mart L a 4iWieme mete ed the sores. Teem who lose erne win sheet takes( before their ease betimes, bepeiemy ss Soy bare tae capital. for notarise: tate Wet sand taakiag tine scenes Ibex end MMb.. 0. ¥yrby, Teeter d, .kits. enema -091n basebend wee bothered with beset and mem tmobl. for 'seer year, and, at times, lee weed to faint awry, and was very week when pee the dooterbat ie kept petting sliced Wm to go it I get afraid for hire sad went and t a box of Milburn's Heart ea4 erre Pills, and what 4. brought them teem he did Trot want $b take them as be tbouOt they would not do any good. I< told him there was ao hum in trying them, end he was very glad he dM as be felt better ,atter the flrineektm, *eel after taking tour boxes heeben neer had a fainting spall since, end feels fins in every way." .• • Price hoc, e. box at all dealers,. or mailed ,direct on rerw3pt of rive by The Te Milburn Co, Limited,'frlrpnt4, T. SWARTS' flnta and Rana Livery. jack Stables Ela. Molly otter/ '1+, retic$ ' hist on ler:mliare SEVERAL MIST CLASS AUT03 READY FOR hi Meg -- GEl' YOU ANYWHERE AND Wilde YOU Wen lo tier Ilan moan, %soy eii roso,. 40.1 ' Pais nget hosts Pelee„ eters c1►lied till' in any r,art .1 the iu++u iur .tat train* at 116 r. k. 4411 t:, a). it, • • taouuss ,' TT'rT:0m -.:+.4fir;c1-t;+ wad -- Carel Di td---Ca►s'elDi tien-i ureic; Igle thitr t,,ivSOO dial -A acF'ICe • . Wet tet ih elle oe. to•dete to Avert ,eneercta, eessr•Pett•oneee`./u,iCrle0 T. SW A i'p TS Phone:ttly' Moctreal Street Theforertm rofcoidsx and grippe.-' Heat and inhale Min. ard's and rub it tithe throat and chest. great USE HYDRO ELECTRIC Thee peapia's Power Cook by Electricity Wada by Electricity et • trod by Electricity CONVENIENT, CLEAN, QUICK Cheaper than coal of wood An Electric Vacuum Cleaner removes the dust; a broom just • moves. 1111.41 ot. We ,guarantee all .Hydro -Lamps for 1500 hours. Walk in and'see display at The Hydro Store CASTOR IA -i"-,._.--,--losa'ae,,iel,*1.lelt, S und'ay f ternoon �►yr ISASEL HAMILTON, Gseiel+iri, Oibf. 1 P1MaiUMsarti*st..Yswelewr-.aOelau Revive Thy work, 0 Lori! When the children of Israel were Thy mighty arm make bare: leaving Egypt they borrowed of the Speak with the voice which wakes F.gyptiaaa Jrwels est silver sod jewels the dead, of gold, and raiment. Aad the Lord And make Thy people hear.gave the people favor lathe sight cf Revive Thy work, 0 Lord!" such Egyptians, re that they lent theca such things as they mitered (Ex - Create soul thirst for Thee, odus 12:85.38) That wits tae source And hungering for the bread of Iife fron, which these rich gifts caste or Y, 11.1 111 .I IN I� 1 wither ate to asteersee the c met- e .*ce of eaergeocy regelatteas. Tee Lahr party leases nes to fern the Gee eraaeeat to further peeve efforts.*1 HOW TO 3LCURE STABLE GOVERNMENT (Coatiaued from Page el) Conservatives a derisive msiM*4., we are likely to see the recurrence of id the vnfonnsaate state of affair% whkb , has prevailed slam use!. There will tr Ins ala stable governsaeat, endowed with a reliable inaeority and able to 8 Pursue vigorous and definite pinkies, and nothing cam be hoped for but a 1 0 rosy our spirits lee."1! b re tition of the shameful to colli --Albert :iiilsnd. igitaally and the rulers, !saving recto_ nem to� I1e of rig inflaesee with the Egyptians, would Revive us 0 Lord: Cleanse cur roost likely receive more. generously. �hnab Stores and bartering which characteri►ed the relations of the Libelee' and Progres-1 thoughts and kindle in oar hearts a so that they had in their possession sive, for the last five years end whkei Shaine of sacred love that we nosy he precious stones. Of these they gave eliminated all semblance of principle more and more wwiIling to enter upon "onyx stases, and stones to be set,` 'WOR WORLD from the government of the country a fuller service and deeper sacrifice for the vitae, and for the breast uil,LD EVENTS and reduced the administration of the fthe dvt f Thkingdm Through Jesus Christ our Saviour. furnished from the riches' of a hes. Plainly if the eountry wants to escape n caun ry-prop etre o the day 5. Ss LESSON FOR ,SEPT- 14, 1936 'when the Gentiles should be brought Lesson Title -Gifts for the Taber- into the gospel tabernacle and their Neck. silver and their gold with them:.' Leeson Ptiasage-Exoduit 35:20-29. (Matthew Henry), GoletaText•.-Prov, 3:9. 4"The children of Israel brought a When Messes remained for forty willing offering unto the Lard, every days in the .Mount the children of men . and woman, whose heart made Israel' took occasion to make a goldea" them willing to bring, for all man - calf to go before them as their Leader ner of work which the Lord had com- saying, 'As for this Moses, the man mended to be made by the hand of that brought us up out of the land .Moses." One powerful element, of Egypt. we wot not what is be. doubtless. of this extraordinary open - come of him." After Moses had of , hearted liberality was the remem- fected a reconciliation between God' brance of their bringing their gold and Israel for this great sin be was ornaments to Aaron for the making 'yelled of God to go again , 'up into of the golden _calf. But along with the Mount, . taking with., him two this motive would mingle a higher tables of stone upon which Gad wrote _ and nobler one. Love to God who had again the ten commandments. To try so graciously pardoned their great the people God kept I osss. away an- sin and had not deprived them of His other forty days and when he re- presence actuated them Gratitude or aan,emenoy o. plate," «Thus was the tabernacle nation's affairs to a tragic farce. Amen tine t h f Western Crop Preened* (;sad Favorable weather conditions have materially improved the crop situs tion' in 'the West, and from one source comes the forecast that a four.hund. red -million bushel wheat yield is a possibility. There has been some de. lay in cutting and threshing owing to heavy rains, but this has been fol. leveed by clear skies and good drying weather. General indications point to a crop equal to that of 1925, and if satisfactory weather continres it may be better. Two Additions. to Cabinet "Tyra new ministers have been sworn in at Ottawa. Hen. Andre Fauteux, Conservative candidate in Begot, Que., hae been appointed Sol. leiter General. a rust which he occu- pied in the Meighen Cabinet of 1920. turned there was evidence that God and humble remembrance made them "Hon r. ECharle enesMurc 1 who is Bonaopposing e o etre had been present with, him. Other willing and ready to pour their con- .has been taken into the Cabinet e. evidence than the writing upon the trfbutions in the treasury of their Minister of Health and Soldiers' Re. - King way of contrast; Mr. Mackenzie stones for Moses' face a so that Lord. �establishntent. Three paitfoliiis still King during his oratorical tour of ascan and ell the revile �wP afraid 4oseph rather says that their .en-,romain vacant, Ontario found at.most places only to approach him, • Moses ''ovist not thusiastle response cured their mur sparse and somew;iat critical audien- tha+. the skin of hie finee'saane, and inuring. The niornent they began toe . Senator Dovid Dead ens willing to listen to •leis obserca- seeing the fear on their faces, he work they ceased to complain. Sol The death at Montreal of Senator- tions and desperate efforts had to he . a on n e e ers o ay a msec must go to work 1 .L. 0. il)av , at t e ago 0 , coca es exerted to generate any enthusi:u,m _ ' _... of the congregation drew near and it would enjoy the spirit of unity the third vacancy in the Upper for his discourses, He has now ilis. he talked with them. Afterwards all and peace -Let us all hear leaven's House. Early in life senator David *leered that the ao•called eonstftut-' the others approached nearer to Bear sweet appeal foe. service and for sae,; was 'a Conservative. but left that Tonal issue is falling very eat and is sal that the Lord had'spokon to him: rifice: 1 party to join L'Union Nationale,an not likely to be a winning card at this Be gave them the instructions he had,WORLD ei1SSIONS' I organization of young men pledged election. So he is gradually aban received concerning the observance of Fnd Began in a Workhouse to oppose confederation. Later he Boning it and as be dare not talk the Sabbath,, concerning the cootie-. . , Twenty years ego u poo} woman became a Liberal 'end staunch sup- about the custams scandals which are button that was' to be made for the in a workhouse in Devonshire, totally porter andi confidant of Sir Wilfred' the ' the , Preetine• of the tabernacle and the blind and deaf. sent a little gift of Lewises•, trying'real to divertissueof public attentionelectionho from3s - furnishings theerof.anerbew the peo- five shillings for certain.work then • Rudolph Valentino Dead the dreadful record of his Ministry from these calamities and• secure the boon of a strong and well established Government,' it can only attain this very desirable goal by giving the Con- servative Party an effective working majority .over all other parties, happily there are ample signs that the eleetors are realising the need for such action on their part and are be-. coming convinced tbat in a strong Conservative Ministry' lies the beat hope of salvation for the country. Wherever Mr. Meighen has gone in the Maritime provinces, in Quebee and. the West, he has found huge and enthusiastic audiences eager to hear him. At his Quebec meetings his facile command of French positively captivated his hearers and. served to remove for many voters preji dices formerly entertained against him. Behind his campaign there is a wave of popular' enthusiasm, whieh is the sure prelude of victory. ■111 11 • I1 111 1 I I,I/I.. 1 -1 -. IOU y•• I 1 ■ .1 ■ 111 ' Mi1i't .tte.ee holler Mins •d. C &, $1 M.. Mixt !lase se tiersaire$ $41-54 e e Cedar Nat *GM Why sumer from corns wen they can be painlessly 1oott:4 out by using Holle way's ('orn Remover. The only thing that makes a fliv- ver. ride as easy as a big ear is a quart. Toronto --•Aug. 28- •sept. 11 Goderieh.-Sept, 8.10 London --Sept. 11.18 Stratford -Sept. 20»22 Exeter- Sept. 21-22 Listowel --•Sept. 21.22 Seaforth--Sept. 23.24 Lueknow-Sept. 2344 Blyth -Sept. 22-23 Kincardine -.--Sept. 23-24 Bayfield -Sept. 28-29 Mitchell --Sept. 28.21) Brussels -Sept. 30 -()et. 1 Zurich• -Sept. 30.0et. 1 Dungannon -Oct. 7.8 Wingham-Oct. 7.8 i NUN ,moiftS /IMITATED a>i SUN,WIND,DUST &CINDERS aearnMMinet0 emu aY 0aveeters 5 OstletANs fir.. rpt! rig CM. saw Mian C.. eaweami Nearly all children -sr* *deject t, wurats, and many lie los.,.. With them. $pare them suffering by using Mother Graves' Worm i:xterminetor, an ex- cellent remedy. _ Don't dodge your difficulties" Meet them! greet thein! Beat them! CANADIAN NAII'ONAL Ride TRAIN SERVICE to TORONTO Darty Rxoaspt Sunday live. (luderieh 6.x00 a m. 2.20 p.m. ,1 Clinton 6 2 a.m. 2.52 !sins. ' .. is eaforth 6 41 a. Ili. 83.12 p.m. " Mitchell 7.64 a.m. 3.42 p.m. Arra Stratford 7.30 a in. 4.10 p.m. • Kitchener 5.20 mace. 4.20 pan. 11 Guelph 14.40 a m. 5.60 p.ut. " Toronto 10.10 a m. 7.30 tem. Retaining -Leaver Toronto 6.4e sem., 12.05 p.tu. and 6.05p in. Parlor Cafe car, Goderich to Tor. onto, on morning train. and Toronto to Goderieh 845 p. m. train. Through coach Goderich to Toronto. fe. F. LAWRENCE & SONS Town Passenger and Tickets Agent' Phone. pie were to candle}=tis of their nos- newly started by the Society for the The meteoric . career of Rudoltsh by spreading false reports about the vs gns forLLthisw purpise: �. Propagation of the -Gospel, and that Valentino closed with his death at � designs of the Meighen Government Moses having made. kiloton to theist "gift`is-°now�` Awl,resented- by-annual-i-New-Y.orlc,on.-._;1.1'Londav . sfte_ a, ten for the annihilation of the Canadian the' will of Goa, 'they retired to'their contributions never less than $15'000 days' illness, following an operat ors -Nationale -Systeme suggestion is' ; : -- instructions, Y !; 1` "System; ..._The'- own tents, and began to: carry out his a year: This was the .origin of the for appendicitis. Thirteen years ago ridiculous and the C.N,lti is •far safer a instructions, "every one whose' heart Fund for the training of Candidates he landed at New York from Italy in the hands of the 1 h i poop e w o creat stirred him up, and every o,�,e. whom for missionary service, known ash the and fora some years worked as a ed ft than of "She party which consist - les • spirit ,.made willing and they Candidates' Five -Shilling Fund, ,.use landscape gardener and in automd+; -eptly crabbed and _attacked it... : 1 brought the Lord's offering to.the tained by annual gifts of that bile factories, gradually drifting to ler.P CHILDREN WELI. work of the tabernacle of the congre amount, by which many.hundreds of California and into the movies. He i • gation, and ,for all his service, and,cIet'gymen, laymen and women have was the original "Sheik" and to him T)URIN(a1 HOT WEATHER for the holy garments." It would ape been trained. '. The need for :such' a the word owes its modern meaning. -----:' ,, near that some amongst them were fund, . which would not detract from In the comparatively brief time. Every another. knows. how'fataI the Israelites in name. only foie they the •support •of the': regular work, that he was a high salaried star in hot summer 'months are"',to sena!! loved their gold too well 'to part ,with was stated in a quarterly interces- filmdom he is 'said to have earned children. Cholera infantum, dime- loved either at the command ef God or son paper in 1904. Mary Jaue1 several millions of dollars, but is not hoes, dysentry, colic and stomach bee the ggptte xtri+e4een erenttii 'veno notchings, the 'blind woman `in'the''betieved'to- have left much 'of an es • troubles are rife at this time'and gave a cheerfully and wittingly, • workhouse, read of it in ,the Braille tate beyond the million .dollar .lite often"'a precious little -life is lost of. The etiieeiees were:of various edition of the paper, sent in her lit- insurance policy carried by the pro.. ter only a • few hours illness. The kinds S -•tae. bot'' men and women, the ,offering, •the first 'gift received, timing concern to which he' was yin- ern/thee who -keeps -Baby's Own .Tab - brought gold and precedes 'stones, and ellen it was reported pther gifte der'eontraet, lets in the house feels safe. The others, not so rich, brought goat's began to flow in and. have never) I',aw-Makers' Brief Vacation ; occasional use of rho .Tablets pre- hair and rants 'skins. They brought ceased,. Her own contribution was. After a brief recess the coal' strike vent stomach and bowel troubles or B]COlrii dl"i RooiindC i,riiitod $raintiiord Ontario "accordingt �h t h h - tee ecce itig o ar Tamen for ep• --- e will bring (2 Car. $rig) the baby . safely through. They are t d The Roof of Your Caragc Put a roof on your garage that will herinon:te with your home and fit into any surroundings- a Branteorti oo€--ot--Asphalt Slate- -.-- Fire resistant, lasting rind economical. • tIltroaralirr, „11,, '• - I a,.• 'a 111* hirer 11/tel Ti- 1 if trouble comes suddenly --as it troubles, .. a What " a eau at ,an made every' year until her death.-- situatfgn in Britain has necessitated • not according to what 'he hath not." Missionary Review f h lli f P 1' t S orally does th Tablets Stock Carried, Information Furnished: and Service . Then too. besides the ornaments for personal adornment Which the Ivo» i at 25 cents a 'lex from The Dr. WiI, men na•!•' l with they glive the work learns' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, - ef their hands. "And all:: the women• Heard it -Knocking their hands, one b"ought that which' on Brantford Roofing rendered by sold by: medicine dealers or by mail! W' M. McLean, - • Goderich they bad , spun, both of ' bine, and of _ fli4ver) -,I thunk th is is a �grea op Prospective Autoist (trying. out t purple, and; of scarlet, and of fine ' pertunaty Tto get a good cat. linen.. .And all the 1- 1 i* bloats ailed Wino. 1 httla1t FardefterBelY.ur`i women whose Friend"Nodou it's t' /. .. s an oppor- heaits stirred ifi�em up en Wisdom � tunfty.--I hear it knocking .note," At tin aoitt:.he r PIIffEflUP FEET 'he minute you put your tau In* "Tis bath you feel pain drawn out and comfort just so kung% in. How good your tired, swollen. burning feet feel.. "Tie instanti; draws outthe poisonous exudations that pnff up your feet and : came. more, inflamed; sweaty feet, • "Tis," and only . "Tiz," takes the pain and soreness out of corns, cel- .. 'louses and bunions. Got a. box of "Tie" at any drug .or department . • More for a' few cents... Your feet aro ' raver_ to bother you any more. A *hole year's foot comfort guarana ti OOTH 1 ERATI STAKE the wheel of the neva Oldpmo- ,j„ bile Six and run up the entire speed range.. Whether at five or fifty-five miles an hour, you will find it unbelievably smooth. Under the hood of the Olds. tnobile. Six is a power plant precision- Simplitity, cotnpactness and acces- sibility cces- si tat . have been sought andattained, In workmanship and materials there is a quality found usuallyonly in,• much t er rice cars. Delicate testae equipment assures the precise balance of the crank -shaft, in every position, run- ning and standing. In addition, the patented. Harmonic Balancer minimizes every, trace of periodic vibration. The Harmonic Balancer is absolutely.auto- • matac an actions requiring no attention or •-.,.--,.•...- -... adjustment. Combined with the pre- eisiott. workmanship throughout the car, It, affords an unrivalled smoothness of performance that will be a revelation, even to• the drivers of larger and more txpensive cars. Only at the wheel can you `experience and appreciate the smooth, effortless performance of the Oldsmobile Six. GODERICH MARKETS Wheat, per bush.....$ 1.36 to 5 140 Buckwheat, per bush. „, ai5 to 70 , Hogs ...... 12.50 to 12.50 . Oats, per bush air to 40 Peas, per bush....:1.45 to 1,50 Barley, per bush. :. 05 to '70 Cattle, ordinary. per i cwt. '6.25 to 6.26' Cattle, export . 740 to 740 (per Cwt.) { Cattle, choice, ewtf50;to 0;75 Lambs, per cwt...:12.00 to a2.00 Dairy Butter...:. 40 to 40 Eggs, per doz 25 to 30 Family flour, per cwt 3.110 to 4.00 Patent flour, per cwt. 4.75 to 5.00 Bran,. per ton 2 60 t. 33.00 S}iorts, per ton..: 23.00 to 35.00 Hey,' per ton. .... 10.00 to `12.40 Hides.. - . 06 to 06 SCHOOL •OF COMMERCE CLINTON, ONTARIO Reopens TUESDAY, SEPT. 7th, 1926 Why• not attend the School that . hate the: Highly • The :only School that teaches' real Practiced Easi- ness Training from start to finish kVheere High School Students and Teachers are taught specialized expert training in Business Administration mid Sec- retarial Science and are sure of a good position, rapid promo- tion and til; incc►t13�. • • COURSES St�not,raphic, Coiuniercial, Secretarial, General ()trice, (.hill Service, . Commercial Teacher's Course. and Special Courses arranged. • • For fu1Cinforrs;atioh write fa . Potatoes,rper bag..... 2.50 to 2.50 - Phone 1,98 B. P. WARD, "B.A., Principal. everywhere.: ., EXPECTANT ><�b'1' rlc nit GETTING SKINNIER M0THER$ higher p ' d �' testing EVERY DAA Reaci Mrs. Menson sheer. Her Experience Maar Harp ..,..chaumun .. httari ,.r: Iaxlnt to te!! 'btu how much mood ytonr• medicine Be- e . f ar hes done e. Be- fore my'baby eame I felt an weak and run- down that I voted hardly de bo bead my a costa acid lieu so die- • oaaraged that I yflfrom >L had another Justoneyear R t t gave mea lot to BOY OLIDSMOBIL ' WITH CONFIDENCE • do. So I ," cwould try Lydia Pinkhasa's ' as I had read so !reseals about itfiit the little books. I !muds dB/fames right awy as 'I's and rtiredIIIWwas had been doing my wt►alrbieig sad she continued doing it, as she said it ,eight set sea beak tf I abated todo it strain. It sore 6:140. and I had taken just twowhen say stem *50 ironths o44. laser+ �d"i wb *,wtf !r. I &way* .• 1 1 1 ase vagesehis e�eot mothers, *1010111011, so 414%;,% Alwyn beth beer need bap set tiles t*asss e?uv*i li(Issa,t 54 Costar Bt., the Chatham, Ontario. C • HURON MOTOR SALES OLD.SMOBILE Something . Must be Done and bone Right Now -Quick Hollows .in the Cheeks and Neck • Growing Deeper Every Week Tens of ds 8t"'thin, -erten:"• down men -yes, and ,women too -are getting ,diseauraged-aro giving up • all rope of ever being able to take on fieeh and loot healtey and :strong. All Ouch lircpie can renal, worrying and ;'art to aa:uite and enjoy life reedit now for McCoy's ("ed Liver 'Extend Tablets which any druggist will tell you all about are putting flesh on _ harts of. skinny folks every day. One woman, tired, weak and die. coura;;ed, gained 15 pounds in five evens end, pow feelselbw. ' • We all know that the Mem* Id Cod • .•Fish are full of vitalizing flesh pro. - clueirig vitamins and these ;mile! vit, !amines of the higeest clary ate found in McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tab. . lets -sugar torted and an' eaey to. tyke se tandy. . Ard this shotve what faith the• makers have in McCoy's for they gay, if any thin person don't gain at least 5. pounds in 30 days your drug. gist will give you your money back - ; and only 60'ecnts for 60 tablets. Ask any live pharmacist anywhere . in - • North or South America. Itatt be cure to get McCoy's, the e,r,gtnal mid genre. r~ Banking by Mail --' '1'1e'sed ritrafforded by the Province of Ontario Savings Office, together with the facilities extended by every Post Uliice in Canada and other countries, make it puswiitle tor everyone to deposit their savings in this lank. interest is allowed, compounded half -yearly, with full Checking privileges.' ;. The confidence the rural communities have shown in this . Bank, is indicated by the large increase in deposits, which are, now over $21,000,000. Province of Ontario. • All deposits are guaranteed by the government of the . Remittances should he made by Post (Alice 'money order, • express order or registered later, and should 1'e, atttt}es,se.'tt.tu • „. .your nearest Branch, where they u'ili receive prompt atteneen. Province of Ontario Savings - Office wad O!INcse t T5 Quota's Park, Toronto Toronto Branch OAleee : Cor. Bar andAtldalde 51.. eor. Lraiversity and Dundas Ste. SIC Danforth orth Avenge Otbst Er.nchee at Hamilton, 51. Catharine*. St. Marys Pembroke, Brantford,. Woodstock, Owe* Sownd, Ottawa Strafortk, Walkettea Newmarket saes?-'Ayliaer;