The Goderich Star, 1926-09-02, Page 5• 11 I ,410: - - • - 1.11.411101611.111.4.07..."1111% 11 • 4 To ell pullne and hish school pupils we beg smisounos that we hive put iu a wroti:etel line of school supplies a the beat qusiity. FREE To every purchaser of school supplies we will give Absolattsly Frog. 1 Large Eraser CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE pHoNs9. MOM V. DOW- ste, ..114 NM Margaret Rebartesa is visa- /frt. McNally is eisitiag leer Blatf01111. 1/26.411.1Paild Kra.lesedilisJ. 11.twitesagarsossilla la Teredia, lag sa*. Sew.I Detrtit. Mr. aeot Mrs. Jae. Caaspbell ead CaL Mrs. Dunlop am in Tele famity emeaued week from Storey Creek *ad Kesetebers. Mrs , oat* fora few dove. Mies Marie* Lee as retailed Cemeleell hod hewn visaing there fel a tow sleeks gad Itr. Campbell wait frsa bar trip abroad. Km WM. Prowl/am&o Toreeto d*Int' but •Ate tar 5Sal Sr two. I WWI in town this week. (.r. J. P. Baia sued Miss thus* axe takes LIMII beam ftnartiy emu • Mr. aad Mrgo Sewerby Ly the late Mr. Bola.Ablates. at. I ,expected hack in Goderieh by Satin.- .rios Erse, awl itr. ulna.: as in day. tiara* as proprietor et the grocery! f Mrs. Elliott, Mitchell, spent Sun- 'formerly cosseted by Messrs. Hey day with Airs. A. aelliday, Victoria ei gem greet. te Eleie Elder is holidaying with pe zweee is makills. rood pro-! We are ples.sod Miselearn that Rev. her sister, Mist Molly Elder at Greve tress' towards Imakh up in Muskclet, enhurst. and oa reeent Susdity ocenpied the Mr. end Mro. Ches. Muir, and son pulpit. It hi expectate he vrill be heck Robert ars attending Toronto lex, to resume his work ia his trent ;millet this week- ' in the Goderich Beiptist Church Mrs. Hortop and Mita Ball return& Sunday, Sept. leth. _ ed lest week from a visit of ten deys Mrs. R. J. Geddis and little 4)411.1 in Toronto. v. •- t ter and son, of Toronto, visited Virs. I ...... 1 Mr. and Mrs. Sclunidts and child. GOd141 parents, M. and Mrs. Ilan rea, of Detroit, spent last week with Rutledge, meetly. Mao Mrs, J. B. ... 1 Rutledge and daughter, and Mrs. ' Wm. Halliday. - ' Burnes* and &lighten and little son Mr. end Mrs. B. T. Watson, and of Chatham were reeent games of et children, of Hemilton, spent the wee): i Mr. and Mrs. ItrtIodge, here. end in tains: • 1 Mrs. M. Maedoeeld has returned , Mrs.' Johnston has returned to home after a delightirl motor tri t Lucknew after spending three weeks through Michigan, up to Sault Ste with Mr*. Halliday. Marie, stoning on the way at Da. ) Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Cole have re- troit, Grand Haven, Harbor Springe trrned from a motor trip to Flint. and Mackinac Island. .After spend - Mich., and Detroit, in a few days with friends at the Iejerse Elliott, of Mitchell and Miss Canadian "Soo" the return, trip woe Jupp, of Pelee. Island, *Pent Sunday made through 'Sudbury, Lake of Bayt with Mrs. Halliday. . ' and the Muskoka Lakes. Mrs. Mac- "- , ' • deroild was accompanied by her dim- • 4 lkd GODERICH .1.1111,111•114.4 ,..,1••••••• • Vote-- Conservative • There are reasons whiYou should vote Conserva-- live at this election and help to instal statse Government " at Ottawa:- TO DEVELOP OUR NATURAL RESOURSES AND INCREASEPOPULATION, • For more and better opportunities for you and yours . in Canada, ; TO MAKE Oil BOYS AND GIRLS, CITIZENS OF I'CANADA, NOT OF THE uNrrED STATES. , 'For better markets for farm products, and the de- velopment and encouragement of CoeChieretiwet , :1 'Marketing. IFOR CLEAN POLITICS 'AND EFFICIENT GOVERN. mr.n. Atft E•. andAd rs.Fredaeph ard , an ghters, Mrs. Leckie, of London, Ont. family left this week on their return t� St. Petersburg, Fla. Miss Florence, of Detroit, Mich., and iend Miss Hazel, of Wheeling, WeeVa. ; •Mrs. 13radford•s in Tnt, Mr. oroo . ,." To maintain-alidraise the-standard.of living.. • Bradford leaves tomorrow to at- Out a town guests at the • Blue tend their son's& wedding; k I' .. %..-.; YOR _A SQUARE DEAL ' TO ALL CLASSES AND ' .PEOFLE IN 'ALL:PARTS or ,extioic." For a policy that .will deVelop Canadian Industry, thereby solyrng our Railway and Immigration prob- lems and lowering our customs. ' •• - For stability whielf will " create •'confidence:. 'start Canada going ahead,.. and Make conditions '.better for everyone,. . , " • ' ; :ITcANNOT .14y VOTING ANY OTHER. ; ' MacKikIE KING HAS HAD HIS CHANCE. •' There Is no promise of'settled Govettiment under him nowwhen his candidatestrerunning as Liberal, Inclependent.Libend, Pxogressive, Progressive -Libor. al and'Liberal-Progreni!,44.1thon • STABILITY CANNOT BE SPELLED WITH AllYPHEN What the farmerS Of the country want is a business Goarerninent who will attend steicey to the business of the people and *et Sarney/here. They are dis- gusted with all this dickering, and bickering, see-saw- iq and log -rolling and 'with the awful waste of the people's timeand, money, The Progressive candidate, Mr. J. W. King, has said on the platform, that the Conservative party is BAD, but the Liberal party is WORSE, yet he. how wants the votes of all the.Liberals and of„the Conservative, - U. F. 0.'S as well. _ Ison, Mr. Geo. ,Wightnian. - for some time with the S. A. Oral' Bird Tea Shop Capt. and Mrs. S. V. . an rs. W. Misa Agnes Fraser_ has returned e Elliott and children, Mrs. Grant fromt Ives awmonth's isLondon; Mrs, C. Spocner, Afisa Jane At tsto,rasbourg, S vas ik twith . Jaffrey, New York city; Miss Erick. Mr. M. Ohle.r la a visitor with his ran, Mies Wichsell, Miss Westerlund daughter, Mrs. Bradweli, in Termite Martin Westerlund, Mrs. V. C. Fry, and is attending Toronto Ex. • : Detroit; Fambert Freeman, Evans- •• Dr. Meitsina bar returned from a ton, Ili.; Miss'eP. Sutcliffe, St, Cath. trip to his old home in Italy and will arines; Mrs. W. II. Allen, Miss Dore - thee. Allen, Airs. Runell Hart and be back in Goderieh this week. children Port Lambton• Mrs. Mc - Mi. and Aire. Froggett and •son - ,. ,_ , wave, Windsor; Miss Clara Collins. 'Stanley, returned hone to Detroit Guelpii; Mrs. A. M. pickle, Montreal* after spending a week in Goderich,. Mrs. R. Rowland, Miss Rowlend, A. Mrs.:Pellow and Miss Irene PalloW C. Horde, Mies Mary Burt, Mire are,away on a ten:<dey trip to Buffalo Bruce, Thos. Bruce, Toronto; Dr. and Niagara Falls, and the Toronta Fair, Mrs. McQueen, Galt; Miss Dorothy Miss Agnes Fraser and Miss Jean Hull, Miss Mollie Paine, Toledo; Mrs. Pinder enter. 'Porepito General Hos- J. S. Hume. Motet. Pate Hume, Mont- pital next week to leik-e-the- rrurstei ,--claire-Ne 1r:7 -Misses Leila,-Verda and treining. : ' , • Barbara Best, Seaforth; W. H. ' - Mrs. "W:- -R. Farrier, of • 'White. ' Greed*. C.: V. Lloyd, Stratford. chereh, spent last week with -her one sins. Sire and Aim R. T. Phillips, Tr r..., lrir..1.4/ Mrs. Wm. Walden is attending the .P.. eat street. , ' . . , • • Toronto Fair. • Mr. Harold Xireekow left last"week Mrs. J. E. gins returned home thig for Meldrum Bay, 'Manitoulin Ir. week from her trip tot the West. lands, where he has been engaged to • Mr. Raymond Redmond and Miss teach school. • Grace are at Toronto attending the Mrs. John G. Leiner and daughter fair, • •• • Aiildred, of Chicago, are visiting. Mrs The farmere are busy at the har- Leiner's parents Mr. and Chas, vest mill are !taping fee a few -der' Wells, Baylielci 'Rd. e. of fine weather. ' Rev; and Mrs: A. E. Allin and -fa- Miss Francis Glreeier, Of Crewe reily eeft this week for Colevillic -evisitedeliere grandmothere-Aire. Wirt. Sask., where they will melte their Campbell, last week. ' • home in future. . Mr. and Mrs. 'Chase' Wightman of ' • Miss Tillie Bannister, who has been Whii:echurch spent Sunday with their - Mr, Gordon Young, . of Colborne Co, left eel Tuesday for,3„trattord ,tc tram RS a -nurse- - = -- - Tie, called on his old friend, Mr. .1 , , <7- N. Campbell, It Thureclaye- Miss Jean Mactwasi has left for Miss Dgrathy Million, of Goderich • 1 Smith Falls and Miss Emma Wallace , spent a couple of day & last week with for Norwood to take up their <tidies her sister, Miss Lenon Million. ' in the. Collegiates there. Misses Smith, of Brussels are j•Miss Isobel McLean and Miss Mar., visiting their sitters, Mrs. Melvir ' garet Smith, of Ripley, 'spent the Taylor and Airs. Geo. Wightman past week at the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Mel:amen . Mrs. W. D. Worthyend family visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fey. C. Ei. Clarke is thie week at. Noble. of Brussels one day last week. -tending, a conference of, Presbytery Mr. arid Mrs. J. le McDowell and _ VIctoria College, Toronto. . , ,Ifrs. K. Cameron, of Lucknow, en leaders of • Ontario end Quebec at sfaumailae e isiteci the eornier's sisterj Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Langford, of l'IteY•and Mrs. Weeley Stackhouse London; and 'Miss Esther Grimshic.w, and Miss Eva, of Brueefield. visited the .° formers sister. •Airi. Wm. Me - of Detroit, were week end guests of n - Mr. and Mrs, Chu. Blade.• - etowell oSunday. Miss IL -Hamilton, of Toronto, is The Mission Circle held their The Faimers' Sun, the official organ of the U. F. 0.4 in its last week's issue, absolutely repudiates all Pro- , gressives who are sailing tinder fdse ;dors. The Conservative party is the only one united as to its •leader and the only one agreed upon a d1ThitCbusi1.. . nesslike poliCy. . visiting her brother, the organist • of anuil picnic last Wedneeday afternoon North St., United church, and will I_ in Mr. Wm. McDowell'e trove, which sing on Sunday in -the eintrele was well •attended. Getald and Arthur Iloggarth have Mr. and Mr. 13. Lyermin, of Sea- .. returned'to their home in Port Hue- forth and Mrs:, James 'El 1 ey of • . .. S gonre,na4frateorthsgnmdmrsg..aBeunvenkoirwelathrthth. el! Ain and mrc Frank Campbell on Londesboro' visited at the home of , - s& Miss Leola Hern has been engaged Sunday the For se a many other _•re:asons Irespectfully SOTiCiT. as kindergarten teacher at Elm St. poster ' Charlie La Durr, of Tor. your inutiee 'and vote. ••,. •school, Toronto, and left tide week IA 1 Mr. and Mie. R. H. Reid, of Wood - Ter the city to take up her duties. •tiH• . J. A. AllacEW tiepin, of Kitchener, Apent thevieek ' I end with Mr. and Mrs. F. H.'Nood. stock, and Mr. and Mre. Fred . Kan: 0 (lei• ea e I• Rev. Canon Collins, M. A., rector W.ek, °I. ,3614.1"ber, . • • ,8th to 11th - -.' of St. Georges Church, Sarnia, and • Mrs. Collins, were seeds of Mrs. MONDAY Sind TUESDAY • ' Carrie, sr., Cambria Rod, this week. • , .....e....--. "Perfect read Wrapped or UnivrapPed •that nice, nutty bro.wn that appeal* io the eye as well aa . A NJ. t the palate. BUY A LOAF OF , "PERFECT. BREW' AND TASTE THE DIFFERENCE Try Our Whole.Wheat Bread and Fruit Bread I E. Li.--eLEVELANEr ,BAKER PRONE 114, Mr. W. .1. Wright, manager of the t4THE AUCTION BIX)CK" Bank of Toronto, Windsor, and' his * • family were guests of their aunt witit a really superior all star • Mrs. Carrie, sr., Cambria Road, las I cast. This is a Metro Goldwyn • week.• Special production, showing the • Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gregory, and modern version of the age of-. daughter, Marion, of Venezuela, S. slavery • A., visited the former's....grandpere PAT": enetese,f r. and lire. D. IL Ross this ' "Papa w• Be Good" Rev..); E. Ford condutted the scr- • I'Sites in the Lueknow United church WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY on &today last, the pastor, km Mr. "WINDS OF DESTINY" Crew, being away ".. 11111M110, .1.4s1111 _ • ••••• • eve- ee.e. • ale .4., loeled&Fre--4110,"*.rep Hosiery. Specials FOi? FRIDAY anal SATURDAY 15 dozen polka. ' *lite Lisle and Hose, regularly up to $1.00 pair. aearing at, pair . 29c3 Ladies' Sport Hose, `Pineapple Stitch,' Astic and Bran shades, regularly 954c pair. Clearing at, pair . . 790 I I •••••••••••• it wit 04- a 1096 clIss- • ootowit fic ail Awl of Cloildrases Lisle, aid • Cot. ton Hese on' Friday and Saturday. Children's Socks, all sizes, Clearing at, pair.. 190 F E H1BBERT • CASH STORE THE 86 PHONE RELIABLE GOODS At REASONABLE PRICES. • • aft ....... ...a W.I. Ito.. ...... ftc..10, . -ft a . ft...............W.............1.11..... . . 0.. ... V..., ....ft., - W. = -.aft,. a.m.. . x. , .. ..........- . ...... . onto, retut!ned home on Saturdieli eth for you and who is alwayi near of that budget as had been populurly after spending several weeks of the to sustain you. Orr Master's life I approved. It may bo added that the eummer vacation at the home of Mr, was one of sacrifice, of service, ayoli income tax redectione were not uric - J. F. Cook. • you have followed his footsteps. A. inated by either Mr. Robb or Mr. mie and role oupee weeds pre- a sliltht token of our esteem or yo ir Xing, but by a Conservative memba, seated the vongregation of the West- field 'United Church with.* handscirne pulpit bible. The oft was much ap„ your friends you will alwa a remem. ne• ark eoll to accept this club bag. T. L. e'huteit, of Toronto. and trust that as you journYey inn:ngli Mrs. Stout tgloolrillY Heavy, Thosighta - on the predated by the congregation. I b(kve pray God's richest blessing' me I scales) --"oh, dear, oh, dear, I weign your friends in Geelph. • Biome. E. Pritchard and A. M. Will be bestowed upon you and that ; Irlenniculeew t"bTnlinati'slifiditeliretalsel-eeke*onu're Robertson, of Goderich, visited at the 'you may be' spared to come often: just indulging in heavy thoughts." home of Mr. and Mrs. Colin Camp- bell last Thursday and renewed old and renew old friendships. acquaintances among other friends. • • Slirnedt I Beyond Sae-Alo YOUR GUELPH Fair:NO.9i %aye You a sneekine metleintareco e • . e - with the woman next deur .' RETURNEIL_TO GODERICH KING ANDROBB NOT "A speaking nequaintance? I knew WILLING TO ORE TH).:IR t her so" V. el 1 we don't epesk' at all," aid, who has been. living for the past .' , The many Mende of Mrs. 1VieDon. OWN MEASURES THROUGIII Would Ile Content With Him -4--- .• I • He --"Wouldn't you like to to le & year er so with ,her son-in-law, Mr. Taxation could have been reduced the show with a handsome nian " 1 Bert Smith, of Guelph, are very not long ago if the King Government! Ke-"N'attiettlly, but 1144 'twat pleased to welcome her to her home town once more. On the eve of her hproadvisdheowhnonag azdenailinoiretritaiejoi7tolotholtoeitkotioll‘o.ng tor the unattainable, you departure for Goderich, some twenty. oustonvb jhe chief revenue proau•el• five of her Guelph friends gathered ing department of the administrae When a mother tieteces front the .. lowing-eaddrest was given- and theLeilinister to bid her farewell. A aocial even - trig was spent, during which the fol- tion. ?Jere than two Wt4t4 pointed out to Mr. King and his: wei:ze.msa air•I:littib°11ebirtneigneidyt, thin "bilillrecro'; wall, ago it. writhinets and teettitie all'a child tl•at presentation made: ee Ammo, Mr. Robb, thatt Worm Powders which will expel all Dear Mrs. McDonalde-We, your irrespective of the Ices of businem I worms teen the system. They may friends, wish to take thie opportun& to Canadian manufacturers an.1 i mum vomiting, but thie, need cause' ity tonight of exMerchants, Canada was losing en.pressing our regret ough in Customs revenue to pay the no anxie ty * beeituse it is but a mani- anneal interest charges on Canedian freAtswtsti.o,..n.o.,ftitLir thorough work. No at your eemoval from our midst. We :shall miss you from among us and worths ean loll. exist where these we wish you to know how pleasant to National Railways. Nothing Vas us tall these associations have 'been, done, RS everyone knows. It is, true Advertising is the concrete road to that lent session the Rini. Govern. business, why travel by the detour • We feel assured that In your return m6t did erodUm ce Iyhat, by a anipu- of inertness. to your old friends again you will. find the warn welcomthat lation of words, is celled a tax -re. e ab_ suream rornds a kindly spirit which bat duction budget: but in the critsis (if endeared you to us all. We realiee the end cf June, Messrs. King 4t114 twenty dollars, you watch him parting with about You never really know a man until your life vath us has been one of safe. trill). were quite 'willing to cast measures, overboard rather --- ,,,„„ - rillee, but the love and.clevotion you have always manifested hat made than co-operate with the new Prime CI '.1..0 1di.-- xi- cirt your life strong, trueting 3. e Minister, Mr. Meighen to pass them _-__ --- our -heavenly elepheres..eare, who car- to the latter to :salvage such portions C.t,' A Sr. "7" .417) R ' A always in through the final spigot,. It was left OR FLEW -0E3'4' _, 1 IVZST snitur °II t°tttliglit's Anna Q. Nillson; Hen Lyon and V0141011, , • Miss Mitleleine • Watson who has ' Viola Dana in a gripping tense been .viaiting her aunt, Mrs. George dramatic story of man's battle Sillib, retureed on Sunday to Mandl. against the • forces of nature, hy . ton with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. , Rex Bele11. , E. 1'. Watson.• „ • • EDUCATIONAL COMEDY I Mrs. Geo. P. Gregory and &Ugh • - ter, Min Evelyn, of Petrone, visited • "FooPaLtide, , • at the home of the former'a parent, - Mr. and Mrs. IL 41. Rossfor a few FRIDAY and SATURDAY days this week. . 13011 CUSTER Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Spring, Mr. the cyclonic cowboy start in a Leslie and Miss Harrktt Morris, ei • Hamilton, spent* few days lett weelt tale of ont.door adventure in the with Mr. and Mrs. Spring's • son, Mr . . Mr. Jas. Leonard, who has been THE GO.GETTERS, in 'The eloodirovard" Arthur Spring, Maple& street. in Scotland for some time past, re. 'Meyer tire Train Sall Meet" , tarried home on Monday of this week. We are glad to Nee the trip •to the . PATHE REVIEW . Old Lend ha* grlatly iniptoved hie, Matinees: Labor Day and Sat. a health. • •A p. rn. 4, Mrs. Geo. Morrow, d Walkerrille Coming-"BeIew the Line." , isiaftlaftis.ft.416.01 • • aa• 1 1 • 1926 • k Industri eral •11 I. • sr, WEDNESDAY,.. THURSDAY,' FRIDAY . Sept. . 8th, 9th and 10th 1The Popular -1141#.Eient „ II 1)40444 oithe varied Proftaof the District - cts'oflown.and Count;y: '! Many New. Features - Big Prize' List Goderieh Band in Attendance Special Attractions in Front of the Grand Stand THE TENNANT SISTERS, ' Charming • THE CARR BROTHERS, European Novelty and Character Dancers, in two acts, Clown Acrobats and Head and Hand ba1. beautiful co.Iumea enters, also Trick*Horse, two acts. Track EventsomPurses $900.00 --- 2.50 Trot or Pace, Purse $1150.00 • 2.30 Trot or Pace, Purse $200.0o 2.20 Trot or Pace, Purse •$250.00 2.15 Trot or Pace, PUI110 $300.06 .1 . IVIEYERHOFF MIDWAY Enlarged and Improved. A grand aseembiage of annossmerst features. Something dont t all timp firm. • • General Adinission, only 2$c; Children, 10c. A BIGGER $HOW for SMALL ADMISSION . Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all informations -in' application to the Secretary: • al Fart. School Children in procession, •(from town and Country schools}, will he ad- I mitted without charge. SCHOOL CHILDREN 04 PROCESSION FREE • • Procession will .form at the Square at 1.3d p. in. Thursday, and march to the Agricultur- T. GUNNY, President. DR. W. r. CLARK, See.-Treas. I e 4. ac 4. 4 4. 4. 4. 4, 4 4. . 4 -1,4 '‚ 4 4. 41 4° .1" 12111111111111111 _