HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-08-26, Page 8Sept. lst
We have ea Complete Range of
New Text Brooks,
Exercise Books,
3is tiee set usiial
For Brides
Made by Moret of our
Walnut's Exchange
lebe ms. a
esemaiii sir eel es
- > • s fortea» leer ea 'Mtiaieaiae.
lee A.w*
ht; le ;ZA etiwrla for three smear
� legis r�'Rem luid r 1 l and
sirs.eJ Sem eat me. Limed, of
Lemke; We. end hare, G. Roe and
soot, George, mai *milder, Diarr-
otkv. of St. Jahns.
ler tenua,ui:, *mit. ' M:. Aubrey Higgins returned to
her. elvish/8 elvish/8wientatan, of the Soo, Detroit on Sunday. after a two
yl,r,cwt ails °setae•, wi. nail yr iJat» weeks' vaeetlea whish waa *pent with
i„x11, lase weeek. Ua ft* return Woo relatives here. He was atcee%ntp*t'ie d
+ uta !liter, Annlea, atx v,up.u,ieu by fir. awe woe J. Deer, of Hamilton,
Pencils and Art Supplies hila,istr, alb! Mr
. Johnnd xeltarx. of Crewe,
lknei Bonnybrook United church Miss Laurette lirCIrre is risIting
This is the Bookstore your. teacher will refer you to for all
Special Supplementary Books, Art supplies an4 other lines.
• in flashy red color, *•tine pen for the student
-- - ,.- MissMary, who has been visiting in health. a
Neva list their anniversary *minces with friends in 9t. Thome, thee wee 4,
tor Sept, 11kh, end the Weatdeld tent. Mrs. E. C. Mann, Mr. T. Bowers.
ad church tyre having their ann,ver« Hiss Evelyn Stoner *nd Mies Muriel
eery services on Oct. brd. Further Bowden. spent r few days last week
notice will be made later. ' at the home of Mrs. Hax'Rnfrmv*t.
• Mr. Raymond Redmond and his • Mr. Jennie Lockhart. of Pickle -me
•,mother, *us. J. Redmond, and her Mich., is w street at. the home of his
daughter, Mrs. J. Bell and little brother, Mr. Thee. Wiggins, and is
daughter, motored to Michigan the renewing former arkwai W*nceee in
latter part of the week, where they this district. We are tiled to see the
werejoined by Mrs. Bell'* daughter, 'venerable gentleman enjoying good
Detroit the past week. Nis* Mary, Dungannon field day of last Wed -
who him been receiving her schooling needay did not attract the ceowd
in Ontario, is retundng with her which was expected owing to the fact
"ON THE SQUARE I ARE FOR FORTY ARS-”' mother to the Wait. that harvestine aperebens were in
full awing. Interesting sports were
• A, J}Vj z1j` erre a held in the afternoon,, a tug•of»-war
�_ ! oats stn for . Seetorth, ore visiting srienes rn cueM was won y the atter. (Intended lest week) races also ware- interesting, Mr. Bert
t d corn crop., Mrs. Darlow and three children, of between Ashfield ird'West Wawanasit
COLBOR.iV Eb ] rte Slow motor
quite a number of Colborne :peepie We are pleased to.; see Mr. Emanuel i,P4raa� Louise Sterling, of Buffalo, is: Ro oh's .e an winning the six -cylinder
i Colborne friends once race H. Treleaven s wan the
Cninvad the sports iii Goderlwh on Mitchel among .a orne ens a guest with her sister, Are. 4,tulp+ cylilidstr shit sear race and Calvin
Saturday last. more
Mrs. Harry Beetle, of Detroit, is viI K thl . Bradford, f Gide- McIntyre the Ford Face, The supper
Me. and Di f t se a sen
:airs. Hrb Morris. t rr ir. and Mrs, Ernest Mitchell and WI/1'4C 411 d and son Ra , of Fl mit»
felled- taaople as the .pa$sed out �f gunk's. an Sund:<Y.
u otieh, was family, with Mr. andMr*. Charles Al. oaron a venting ' y t r the, hall after partaking of it, Two Reg. G. Telford occu �edthe pulpit Mr, and •
Mra. Walter
-' "ilia Crumtitalt of Cud slat, i~ re sting at the halite o Dia 1 ed resulting
ai a
Buffalo, are s J Fowler
was ell that could be desired arid mum
of our entire stock of
Summer Dressesanci J3louses
Many Dresss ReducedT to 1/2 Price
Clegrance of Dregs Goods
Fancy Cotton Broadcloth, reg 60c to 95c, naw49c per yd.
°Beadara Voiles, reg. 40c,. to 60.c, now, .'... 33c per yard
Printed Voiles, reg. 85c, now 57c per yard
Cotton Crepes, reg. $1.35 to $1 75, now. -.:....:»79c per yard
Special Broadcloth Slips 98c . each
The S. A. Gray Co:
Mrs. Joael�lrt Morris, , iaiCm her parents, lIr, and Mra. riot, 9a vtaiC,n her trleltct,'aliss Alar«
chitin with 5Ir. and = favorable comment was made bx sat,
M '
, r/
Softball Alton visited'
iiia. t.it. .. a .. days,.
daughter visited friends at Kincaid»' sins. J, lT, Treble "and A Al1In this key . J. H. Msrtln; et Brace A#ineu, lettass winning,
end the Dung • annon
a us, a1 Iv to anger: and plenteous friende f a couple of days iaat
Boy p Y
a Mrs,
visitor with Mr. herb sin, *pent"Sunday at Grand Bend. . n Elliott: in
sses were scores,
, . the last two -Sunday" a ternoons °very friends in Goderich and Seaforth over
H Treble with hboth 1 co s St Fief
in cares In close s re . the 'week -elm. •i+ ra r `
oi' Troiani*, ens *dies' tear„ pisY,tcf against Vic.. acceptably. He took for his text last•
lith verse o'f -the 19Srsl
Morris and family. t Mrs. re, e.. er son Ina miaaea .Bradle
4 daughter who motored from weee gleets lit the Home of Or. gnu t. eG h ladies' •team, the Sunday the Mr. and ra, l3asii :Hackett and
Mr. and 'Mrs, Chas. Robertson .and atal Cita Ian. visited their cane toil* S aderi . Psalm The Lord is merciful and
Cr ► . , Eddie, � r t visited at their
ane on Solidity Ia$t. week.; , *lilt formerly of Dutraannon, was a settbalT•• team, the latter z+iinniixg: iii mercy. week. "",,,;e
M 1+ Mitchell dt children,' O deepest sympathy t.141
n n a a to''‘Mrs. t►'
Mr* .. #it two c t i� , Our ee7ea sym, a y goes tianaient ti,saltar hexee:n Sunday. - ,
Per*" ` t e . Meert. was.'"tlle ;stoat .,,
a4#grgaret and Charles, agent Tilesday J. Jenkins and relatives In the lasts of Mr. Harry iValker, ar Parc Arthur, • a int,'h of • he whole ,+even,". i< In a. recent scieritiflc bulletin it was
her husband, Mr. . Jno. Jenkins, who '
afternoon in Auburn.Clive
: ...was a iruo,t On aul3day at the home ho ilia arGstl,raceeds from ,rtT 'fhw annual fratherinir in the Iviaan stated that flies deposit: dist: ae.gerina
Roy was laid to reseen Colborne cemetery of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. •Pentland.
.lite Will *ills ; Aug 17th, firs. bTenary, who is employed as (which- included' donations of 114 • In Mr. and Mats._ Wm. Ivisan of this creta lint else in the regurgitated!,
... .. ., Jterr,r bar: end, Mra,. Jna� Fasgan, also nurse in a home near'liolyrood, *bit, ( l; $egG t Qua)** w r resent from mutter sometimes called vomit spots"
ur r .' Mr. triad Mrs. Stanley A' anstone and, ed her home in Dungannon ern T'uea«=
Mr, and Mrs: Kenneth Allan motor- i baby dau>;;tltet._aptpntt the weekend day. amount of energy expended in getting Blyth, as well ae frdni they surround- Do not. tolerato'-a single vie;. Fly
4 with friends at Dundas,. Niagara and Masters Win. Wiggins. end Wilfred ••n, .„ , 3ng country • A. unique feature of Tax. yotnr losri,e';a against hies and ether
ed met flat :2•ettoit. and spent the, Toronto; • Pentland are *pending the' week'at. The home of Mr: and Mrs. Lemuel the gathering was the celebration of g
week -end with his parents; Mr. t}nd, hfr. and Dara. Harve Fisher and ttae;home of the >orrner's aunt, Mra•» Mrs. Alden A1den.Allin.. YHearts; 71 .Sherman avenue, Bandit- tile• silver wedding of Mr. and'Mre ww�arw r{ • r --=~rr
little daughter; Dona, also.Mi-. J. H. Ciodfxey hall. on, Was the scenes of a very happy H: G. •Walker; 'of• Peterborough... and • ,
The heavy wind -and ram on FridaY_Treble,b t --the ' week -end with Messrs. Raymond Brown and Al- event . on Saturday, Aug; -14th, d? the twenty-first anniversary of the
and Saturday +eveirin of feat week non ,,,' bert-Johnston were among those who. yt �Il'ei`
+ did canridea'abla daayta ''to the late frtenda. M Piltnem,. Mrs. Treble r: went Web .art the excursion on, Fri• bring the.acea*loaf f .tile fiftieth, an- marriage of the ;boat And a after
turning home with them., t niversery• of tleilr .et•erta, -TThee Games wore played during -the after-
I - ` day of last week.. ' .' tom waee,s;,yeritable bower of beau- noon. " The Teat' was beautifully de
lEL1a Mrs.- Howard Case and two chile tri She'Drofusion of eweet peas, tela- emitted, arid, lunch was 'served in the,..
dun, •'Teddy and Betty, of Kelniington, .diets asters: an, napdra ons;makinff rose garden. The evening program
sources•'- amounted to some .1120. family was held today at the home of in two
ways. "Not only hi the ex.
McWhinney, Fred CIagene On tiee. d Ch
insects.•• FIy»R'ox pas a pleasant odor.
It' is harmless to mankind and.ani-
mals. It will not stain, Get Fly-
T'ox front your; retailer in 'bottles with
blue label.,
Fly Taxaga t tints, spiders, etc,
• cash),; of which :a out w 9es .rip ace, e e _' P •
C which w s rather remit for. "+ham ion. Til., Groderich. Peterborough and The fly le the filthiest insect knon n.
profs a
Rev. end Mrs. Miler, • nf•'C'attom, ,Bask.,. are r;uests. with Dr, and Mrs..the route host attractive, A family was conduced by Re y:;1kr: R. Ii. .
, wore renewing old acquaintances in- t.sae at present. ' dinner was - served ,at '7 o'clock to Barnby:. and: consisted; 'of ' toasts.
thla- vicinity feat week. Caitgratulations are extended to somethirty Yen nests, the tables musical eelections t, and '-readings.
• Mra. Wesley Stackhouse, brother', of Bruce -Mr. and Mrs. Samuel- Alton, of , Bel:. andi h.'ti•> ni • ti',lg,rtlfed .with golden These wore -greedy. enjoyed,. The
Choice Cat:Flowers, 1�iatddlgg .:geld, visited' her, brother,. Afr, Fail • f�i t, on the advent of a non,; on Sun-. rI.a ddr bouquet*.. The at«. p roceedinya were' brletisilt .to;a xloae
Wiehtinen. last week. , dry, August 22nd. nape n�' Y
'.$UpCilgi Fiend �01��, l�. 4 --. .t ive',:plaer�+eards which. ,elicited by ,singing and pray�ar,.:••after.,.urhiCh.
+ Mr.; and Mrs. Melvin Taylor'. and leer. Perdue, •who has been teaching much favorable eammetat.. were de. the guests departed for their homes,
;eon 't4hert notice : children spent Sunday with Mrs. Tay.' az. Bar -River, and who now goes: -to ai nod rend ideeoratetd by Miss Evelyn. carrying with them happy �renrem
lor'a parents, Mr.'and Mrs. Smith, of ,Sudbury, was the guest of his friend, Stoner, of . Toronto. ; The 'bride and b umes' of this- moat'interesting;occa-
Brussels. • .4 Mr, R. J. Wiggins.., groorar :oL,lio years'ago were happily aioit,
GtO. BTEWART Mrs. Ceasar, of l)ttngant on. spent.. Mra. Harry Ryan
and" daughter~, 1liscetd; alt ee 'Isefid of,the table. beirnr
Phi** f� ea4�, a couple. of days with her:sister. Mrs. Misr Marie, returned leaf weekfrbiia. co �rattlaled upon their state of LANES.
Albert .Ca repbe1!.•pact loft last Friday Toronto, where they had been visiting.. 1,eattli,,itialw ,,bride having made ; her '; Mr, and Mrs.. Jos..Tiflin visited in
-7.--,.7(a,�s� ' .-• V(,rcteemr- - _ ''"'"'"'l . friends for ai.few weeks. • ' three.stnrriawedding=cake end..thn,-:.the-Imre last:Sunday
-School . re -opens on Wednesday,
greonrt epjO,ylug `quite normal: • i,ealth,.:Mr..Cs4ewell Hackett visited friends
Sepyt.. 1st, the fact of which, no doubt, mft:er.,e perked 04A4ur yrear*" sill_ health. le Dungannon last Sunday. .. `Atilt be welcomed with. pleasure by At the coacluse,ip.of the diner:.a' 1h- ..•00eilitik. both pupilsend' teachers. formal: to ete nee.w'e a cortduoted by- Mr. Cyril.: •
+-mane- lies purohrctied
Mr. Orland Bare left ion Frkilieteell a..secopd-Ti ctl touting Ford car:
the yesan *on . oI the : honxr: Dir .,. , . ;
the Harvesters' " excursion for Wel= Leslie :;Sent .1 organist . of St...Paul's . Mr. and` Mrs: = *role `P'erguson vis+
F*ncy Strap `Slippers
Oxfords in CU ane P8tent.
Running Shoes in Oxfords
eta Strove.
We hare .the rest wearing
Oxfords and Bouts for ,hard
weir and :tit reeasonabie (,rices
• • wyn, 'Bask.; where he will remain for thumb, Siin�coe.. After:; deinkire the iit'd.at Thos. Ferguson'e on Sunday..
r r} few months with relatives. health rat'ik worthy couple gra lb I4tr. and Mrs, 'Bert Treleaven-und
Boy*. Oxfoi'el>t, slabs i to u , at l :
Mr. R. E. Willis returned to De- were extel ped from.'aeverni •lrueete'• forage visited at Mr,• Harry Ileckett's
S to; 3.9 », troit on Wednesday of last week treentdem; e. Thorax .I#oweie.. of 1
Youths' O,xtords, ilius 11 to 2,
a OM .to *3.95
after holidaying for - st few weeks .Steattle eeiele at. *hose wedding s+.
with. Mr. •*nd Mrs, B. I. Crawford. 'Mrs. Hearns wase •eom % ria •
Rev. Thos. Hicks, of Thorndele, Olio years sten,. A ..touching little norm
was,at one time rector of St. Paul's composed .lyy Mrs. Albert Powles. ,of
church, is , renewing acquaintances St. Thomaw,, .for 'title speclel "e"1.
Also Rotin itg i
i3lie3r5s, mnor with former parishioners, in this die and xe.a. io the aheenee of the arth..
trot. qr bvr,llfret •lit< Cr MKnn. **as etot,,ttpit
- ,
Sunday school will be held in the not the.desist:,d tt+e .gifrx irec +i>r rl
United 'church at 10 a.m., as usual, during the • day., Several .beentifal
tife Best. after which Mr, Benson Pentland will.. rifts were eived by 14,A bride :tied'.
In Travelling Good's we have the most u p»t4'-
-tar t Cases Club $,a s $as»
lloanloanRag's, Trunks, ete.
daleM and complyt
e s k. Sui , g ,
Horn's Shoe
Phone 43 W.
Marshall Mattress Moliti
WITH int; AUG.
GO1,l '
give his report of Goderich Summer groom, inelndang a hesntifnt'l,tnel'eeon
School, set from •a meter of +he bride. by*K. CONSTIPATION
Mr. V. B. Stothers and son. Keith. David Sproul, of Dungannon, 'thee
Miss Clara Stother* and' Mrs. W. bridesmaid, at the ceremony 50 years 25 atick 50 Cents
and three children, all of ago;. a purse. of gold from the family.,: •
Goderich, called on friend* here on and alsoeone from other relatives anti
at 'Druggists
,Wednesday. friends,: and other most aceepteblei , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ras returne4 gifts front kind neighbors. Musie
on Friday last from a pleasant 'reit was ren by Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
with relatives et. Sarnia. Detroit and Hearin `Miss Dona Fowles, also
Leamington. Mr. Ross, of Lochalsh, 'readings' iii' Mrs. E. C. Mann. The .
aterempenied them. ousts nt were as follow,:.
Mrs. W. R. Stonier* end son. Rob- Mr.. and Mrs. L. S. Elsie, Mr. Robert,
ert, were w'e.k-end guests vlith tela- Elsie, Mr, :and Mrs. J. Perryr • Miss s I
ni ry.
_ gives. in: Elora. They were accornpan. Evelyn Steiger, Ma and Mrs. George .
led by the Misses Donatda and Bertha Hearts,., Misses Louise and Cameron
:Jones, also Mr. A. Snmmerfeldt. Hearts, Mr, Stanley Hearts, all of
Mrs. Crawford. with Mrs. R. E. Toronto; Mrs. W. B. Crisp, Muss Jean LLL .
Millie and Misr Beth Willis, returned 'Crisp, Mies 'Velma Hayle, of London;
!this week to the home of • the former Mr. Thomas Rowers, of Seattle
1In Dungannon, after an enjoyable so« Waste.;; .Ms and, Mrs. MaKagne, of These Hats represent thee
•-••••'L..«.., ,, , ..... Te eswatee Mr. anl. Mrs. Leslie.
Hearts, of Sinicoe; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. hesola
Welt Valle 'of the :ameeason,•
The Tonic aad
• V'egit*blet La.x«tire
Sure Relief - for
Caskie, Mr. and Mra.; Vern Card, Of
this city; Mrs. Annie .B. 'Courtney, ,111 Style, 1Katlrial and
• I Mrs Freed Bowden Mr. and Mrs t1 T • •
Lace Brrels�-
Apple Barrels
Cider Kegs
`l u bei'af .'d"1
eir au
West -Street' :� ; Gocerich'
Bevil Street
Shoe om
Comptete•linee�fl:tdies"r gentles':
men`s and'children s shoes.
-Come in end compare our.pricee.l
J..A:-CRIS EOtai
"el ar' Family, ap d
'fiends Rant, 'ou
Make: the appointcnetnt Tedi
Hour abou`aa. <•.
�j ONPTe�a.�a�.✓ � ,R .
Wu are sgeote 'f9r these in,
+�3,+oderioh, Turn in your
'oid'oiieapd gnt.ti2,h eov ane.
,..:,. This it your Stors..i�%te,.1`t
Clothe P
• iDR01.11"irien— YY
• Ys ea"ffeil' b+e�t#Or •th:sm :
e: ..G
Ou th Braaratw+�t sal' a¢l+ek1E.
to Preserve,:thstt,weIt•grootned
appearance. ¥ourSuit or Coat
will look like new if you get
them Cleaned fedi Pressed at
Goleta Ere Dry Lea' oils Works
Rogers; lr. find Mra. E. C. Mann rnl n'malitgt. -,• Prompt mid Expert Service
Mr. Geo, twin, Miss Dona Powle• J. i11.' VYtOOMAAI Rest ST'. : Ontignic1r, ON .
ts. YOU Will surely rigid just.
i all
B. Sproule, ou e, ' Mrs. Art s lIlott the Hat you want in this . � : A
j11lt 122 West Street',
Mutual Life
Assuraute Company'
of Canada!
Rom ,.Osrr cg : ViWArtar,0o,'Oai"r.
D. D. MOONY, Aged
Pitons 26I1
Mra. W. 1"li re' We' Max Hoffman, W.,of all Trimmed Sum*
all of /3ungennnn,
`...."' WW mux Niilliriery nt
After Every Mmol. Mra. W. ][*stab is visiting her reit- ' Half Price
- .... ..... t_,ves in Laudon, having' gone by auto.
>;t Ace.sift; iiii minx t t lir. `init mis:-g:',K'ie'n "und-mei a :.PS.. . _ ' ,.
Gowens, af„ Winsham, visited friends
here orThursday.
We were pleased to have with us et
I church on Sunday Mr. John Elliott, of
London, a former Colborne boy. He
1 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Morris, of slxf-
fain, are visiting with the foraacer's
brother, lint. Herb Morris, end other /� X �'� J�
f high winds of Friday and Sat. M. . C V �.++i"'>r
Ierday end rain on Saturday night
has don. smelt (Image to the oats
and cern. Clueing tieem to fall badly.
Mrs, and fainil hews re-
t to their home is . Ohio,' • iu�� - - - vd
a�a very b laetii*y with mart ata l,r� sir
r,en Mr. and
y Mrs. J 14,, ,lean- i } drop o j'
ere, and eel Mead. ,i.-rJ o ` ti•�isi •AX'J O
woes pletasei^ to ;mot sows of his ' l •
terboot metes of the leges ago, lee leer- New China
— h. attended tie. S in the laps of
r .KODAisttmaster :$satire tan's ti9ae Fits aro- FOR CAP AND MIXES
thee. sir. asor.,s l�liot, of Godeadc14 Cups uvd Saucers, Plates.
twaaera►attei Mat.
Mr. Robe: (hark. of Resin*. had Ron Bons, Jugs. 5ait and
F'kis N
FINISHING i tether. Kr. Giem, of.. of fro iwtoo. m uppers, Te nt.% Stands and
a *err srerdiag a firer days with time recti Vales, pit . , .. 1110e awl Tilt
war's *Wow, lir. A. Chet*. Cee DireTty litt;e Framed Pictures
cis. us i Trial awl -may they took a wee trip to we* int tom►
ltt t a seeerttpatded kr Mr. Owe*r. Arthur
Yrs emit best 1E tilt she
graft aril ifaisa
to keep you In trim,
Nature only asks a
littIe help,
1,Vr'i s, after, every
meal, benefits teeth, •
• , breath, apatite and
A Flavor for Every' 'newt!
Yesrac oars cordially invited
to inspect . our stock
Kington Stressf•-
1 for haat t geek 1[rs. le , et vie•
viaisiv a, Mkt, gird lir&
w titer way to pQpQ����eeee�...
lbws IV .1. `• • baa a i ingti�ee►r. wke iii
- Ines b. foe a peeatr
_g, i ]Eeea f a meta ed
�gk khait
Rr ATHING'' SHIES (6 colors) 14
I II 11
REF -100r" Tenni* and Running Shy
SEE ear bargains in White* Footwear.
Ash for your votes for tha PGNr CONTEST,
a nal lie Shertkaid Darty far lat prise,
aid two 3itioetwieti:a/ cork prises allied.