HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-08-26, Page 7•
11 ••••••11111111.111111
"Dead Tired" 1 s d
After Un ay
ey 1343111. Ili TON, Credierich, Oat.
OWNIj 11111
terno On I
Sleepless Night
Oleeirleemeas is woad by the_ sifq., I
those whom ri:41%:IPlisiagrohltaririghipilliallallib'
dream, Melanoma, ;taking soul smothe I
trig *motives, who wake up is tem
moraine feeding as tired as wm. they
wont to bed, eaa hems their old, pow*
ful, nediaterhed, refreskieg &op beak
"gain. by toner
Oh, safe to the Rork that ie higher land which was rromind unto tient
then L , forefathers *ad that an angel would
I go before them, but "I will not go up
My eerl in its conflicts end sorrows
' would fly; in the midst of thee, for thou art a
',,, seiff-necked people; lest I cansame
So sinful, se weary, Thine, Thinea thee in the way."
Thus were the
would I be:
people warned that His presence
Thou blest Rock af Agee, -1.31 hiding , could prove a blessing to them only
in Thee. i on cndition of their fulfilling their
In the calm of the nowt -tale, in sor-a part of the covenaat. If they failed
rewee lone hour, '., His presence world be to them a con -
In times when ternetation !casts o'er.' stinting fire" (Deut. 424:): The peto
me its power; ea ; ple when they heerd the divine mese.
Best ef efl
$5c per paeket at
Grocers and General S
In the temptete of Efe, cn its widel sage, mourned and humbled them-
heavier, sea, •; selves, stripping elf their accustomea let one can forget it and forgive it
01111•1111111.111101111O 11111 1 1
The Prodigal* of Monte Carlo -
E. 1-". Oppenkeini
Vanishing American -Bane Grey
The Igue Window-Tem:de N.* etey
Heather Hertniio•- Mardian N. Geuld
Caravan -John Gal/worthy
The Foreyte Sagie--Juhn GaIsworth3,'
Berri% Ground --Filen Glasgow
Broken Waters -Frank LPackerd
Afternoon-- Swain Frt
les.th of Our Fathers -Dorothy W.
• i Carman
Those' Diffieult Years--Feith Baldwin
The Empty Sack-Besil King
Pk IOW Porto -.Bello eitati-Hoween Smith
The Copper Box -J. S. Fletcher
Contrary Mary -Temple Bailey
The Dim Lantere-Temple Bailey
,,, Then bltot It.ak ea Attea, aaa lading', ornaments in accordance aith the
in Thee. ; eunanand (Verses 4-6). Moses thee
W. (a Cushing. ; appointed a religious service of a-
. PRAYER ',peculiar kind, dedicating ' a tent he -
A. 1„, Dahmer, Ludo, je.O., Heir ue, Heavenly Father, to pray i
pitched at some distinct from the
writeio-a 'Two years ago, after lewthig
had a seven attack of pomace* 1
was left I. a badly ran down condition.
Illy nerves were *11 broke up/ *odd
not Wasp at night, but wolald tows
from aid.* to aide uttil roonsing triton
I would feel too dead tired 1 would not
feel like gettiog *pat *11.
Ewan reed above your Milhurnta
Haat and Nerve Pills for just loch
'owe' as mine I got ooze tail took them
as directed, and before I had finished
three bete* 1 'begin to rest at idettr
hould sleep •good, and my nerves soon
got all right again.
Pries 50e, a box et all dealers, or
diroet on reeeept of price by
Tke T. Milboxa Co, Limited, Torento,
liato /11111-111/163 kiverll
liaok Stables, Eta,
•Just off the e•quate •
Fu*tbeRVICh- GEr YOE, ANY-WM.(1E
ow.4c. avtoct jS l4**11
Passenat r Boats,
• Paseengenscalied tor in any,
pirt ut the town tor all
train* a% U. T. 12,:er P.. R."
oe, •
- Prompt, Service -and_
" Careful Attendance,
4111b. lib
Our' Livery 5n4 iack service
wili be found up-toedate
•In every restiectai
Your PartrOne 14, la C.
$14 ".-% 4TS
Phone 11,7 kior treat Street
, camp. as a meeting -place for Jehovah
that "the dearest idol I have known,
whate'er that idol le, help me to tear
it from Thy throne, and worship only and himself (verses 7-11). Here he
!again interceded with persevering
fervor until he obtained the answer
Thee." So shall my walk be close ,
with God, calm and serenrn'My. presence shall go with thee and
e. y frameS T
so purer light shall mark the road; '7 will give thee rest" (v. 14). He
that leads rae to the Lnmh. then dared to reason on this answer ,
Winlani Cowper.,' and to prove its necessity, as one mar
might discuss terms with another.
S. S. LESSON FOR SEPT. 5th, 1926 If thy presence go not with me
Lesson Title -The Tent of Meeting. carry us not up hence." A still fuller
Lesson Passatte-Esodue 33. and mere gracious answer was Wen
Golden Text -Exodus 33;11. In the chapter between last day'sto this intercessory prayer; "I will de
this thing, also that thor haat spoken'
lesson and today's w° read 0 ti a- f 4-- 11 the for thou hest found grace in my
, siglit, ancl I know thee by name.'"
instructions Moses received while I on 4
the Mount the second time commun- Having thus proved 'himself a. worthy.
. mediator he is rewarded by a -speeial
ing with God. There he 'stayed for __
forty days and the people began to ...,,.,iein't7 of the- Almighty In itsfulaiese
•?f• the divine nature. The
iak be world never return so 'they •"
approached Aaron and prevailed npon was not to be vevealed to him; "fer _
him to make them a god like to •wbat there shall no mansee•me, and live,"
Thi but a further revelation eves to b
did, forgetting that Moses had
Iva?' w"shiPliell••"k•in Ealint' T"'""' given him. Jehovah was to reveal
told them that the Lord had said himself' as the geacious One, The
"Tkus shalt thciusay unto the dal- se.ene- described. is one of the most
when he sees their peculiar nature
zed ientembers how nten awakened
:n deep to find their ship sinking
in the deep waters would cry out for
Miesiouary Review.
•••••••..nonoroar•••••.,* • • te• ,10111a
Errors About This Trouble into
. Whiel: People Pall
Many peal* so far misunderstand
th:.. digestive SYStelYI as to treat It.
like a machinet neglecting it until it -
works sluggiehly, then irritating it
into week again by the use of OUIT:R.
tives. The stoniaeli reeds help at all -
t'intee. but a study of the process of
eligestion will slim that pergatives.
its co:Innerly taken, are seldom neees-
-•F•a•er and often harmful.
eafeguerd your - digestion the .
aka reuee he controlled. (leer -eating
le nlienvs harmful. hitt one must as- •
sinalate enough food to supply. the
needs of the blood; 111m
.ember, the
blood has to carry nourishment to all
Pnrts of the boat' and find fuel for its When you' buy Canadiantinade goods,
energy. Itenee When the blood be- youe money stays in 'Canada, and has
comae weak and fails te -de its work. a chance to come back to you, en mat-
. !hen of Israel. Ye have seen that I solemn and mysterious in . . a u ter .how much or ir�W little it is. the Bible 'remedy eor tedigestion is to build op ing imported goods throws C'anedian
. .
have talked with yea • from he.aven As far as. the Weakness of fallen .11O-. th4 • .
The Brimming ( rpooDorothy Cenfiela
Wildfire -Zane Grey
The Last Trail -Zane Grey
The Trumpeter Swan --Temple Bailee
Tee Light. of Western Stars -
Zane Grey
The Gay Coekatie-Temple Bailey
The Fine Arts in Canada -Newton
A New History of Great Britain and
'Canada -W. Wallace
Faith and Succese-Basil King
Great Canadian Preaching -W, IL
The Sleew-John Galsworthy
The Meaning (if teerviee-II. E.
Fosdick -
Mary Sleesor. of Calabar -W. P.
- Livingstone
You Can! But Will You 7-0. 8.
Things Seen in Seviteerland in• Winter
W. D. Fife'
Mr. aml Mrs. Purchaser, when you
import geods, your money leaves the
country and does riot come back.
o' e•
1 11 1111 1
instructed to notify party tomplained teraoti;h'14"..';;•:: em•vit'•encit
of that the eouneil requeetit weeds on
J. Goldrhotte not tre.ent at ins'
iefeeted lots cut, to prevent the *eat.
1.1(8. Neet meeting, Sept. 14th at,
tering of ripened seed to other farm;
and thus helping a little to clean up P. ol•
Colborne felon the weed pest. The
following accounts were paid: IL
Goldthorpe, drawing cement. $4;
Thos. Wilson, cement, $234; Gotierkh CANADIAN NATIONAL RV
ins0Man'f Co., cement. $32.20; R. Cetus.
, resurfaeing. Vie; E. Bogie, $12.-
50; WM. Bogie, $2$.60; Allin Wet.
son, $22.50; Wm. larooman. e4,50; Dolly Ifixoensi Boyishly
Harvey sob. 3.176'.' Jos. tle('ann,iLve. Godoriele7.5QSOO a tn. a•20 p.m.
•; 1J.tinst.lEmlluiogtft,,,r(t4iftttl;tinntirixei,;.7101.737. • " s 'farth ti 1 1
$2; Jno. Flick, distance $4; te wen. „ k:
ors. dining flH1 plowing. $5.Cilt Ern.. oa4 a in. 3.42 p ea.
Meihvain, grading, ,!.,115 Jno., Fowler., Ary. ght agora 7 30 3 AY 4.10
$7,40; Jim.' Fowler, Pe.; Wm, Vro:,-.4,; •.. Kt:Atelier 8t). e.e, el !III l jt.
an, dravitr,!‘: t,,rt,qd, ,D. • 11...an.,. . a (i4ellth - 8 ari fi, 10. ri
grading,irlgton.-1.:4Lrij:P.'iLlItiV,31.11:Y ti. ' 1.1rlijt,:1,1:.fliijitiuTirki:tticli;e-tilietittv103`trIoArtilitn.•(71 ilritIal'elil'al, .
terelime, Seer Jno. Ferri,* $fleael:' - la ari pan. and (1 05 pan.
Geo, _Horne, $4.05; Done Head Meek:. Fedor Cafe • ear, Goeerich to Tore
Co., repairs, .$53.6e. After 'inspect- tonto, on morning train, and Torente
ing the toweallip hall premiees Come ., to Goderieh 6.05 p. m. train. - .
cmare• nen Wagon and Young 'won't • -Through eii:ieh Greitaleti :t0 WrOnt0.
h. P . .1.A W, BEN t 1. a, NOA S
appointed .a committee to -look aftet• a
i twn Passenger and _Tickets Agents
.. • i ore • . eou sufeer from anY workmen out of work; shnts catt their the work of repairing' front veranclab -
. . ,
Ye eliall not make
gods of gold.wit. h me gode of inanity -would admit, Meeee was green
-; fern.; of indleestion choose eour diet pay, whieh, in rert, should ,re to you. • - • , ,
• silvere neither ellen ye make anto• you a display of. God's Majesty. , Ile hao carefull-
and - tako wholesome emir- - - 7 - . •:.' •
seen God's glory on differenti
oeca- " -
. God :directed ?Moses to ga down sloes; but he longed for a fuller •vie;• sbmerit. Above all, 'start building .up ' Miller's Worm l'owdet s . prove iheit
vow, hl, na hi, tnicio..er n Course o Dr : value. Thee" do not cat se ana 'violent, .•
front thM
e ount, for thy people, which ion and to GO. Marie 'all his. g,00dnese Williams'ta
P. lalle. Teen ender•the distuybences in the stomacla any pain
'anal beoughtest out of the land of to pass before him. 'Hiddeo in the haluenee of tee raw sup
eloed ply • or
grieing, but do their- work euietly -
Etee'Pt, •have corrupted' - themselves." eleet of a rock,. God covered him \elate ;veer d;gestive syetton will respond and painlessly, so that the destructioe
lie. went, bearing with him twestablee He passed by. (Bible Commentary). naturrilly. yenr 'arnetiteimprON.e and of ' the worms is itniierceptiblea Yet.
of stone, Written with the finger:. of lefosee as the' mediator - between Your food will do you good So. begin
qad. • When he appeared in the midst Jebovalt end the children of Israel to improve yonr divstion by. starting they are thorough, and from the. first ..
dose there is improvement in the con-
- oe tl e p 1 •ot i beceme a type cf. Christ who seated • •
had.ma4e he east the tables frem.him at the.right hand of God; is ever mak- . ' You am rot, three?' Mlle frem vnur of maelfestations -of internal trouble.
eop e an saw the dol theY , to take Dr. Williams''Pink Pelts new. -dition of the sufferer •and a cessation
_breaking ehena showing them Omaha ing intercession for sinners. As druggist or by mail at 50 cents a box e - c
what they liadada-ineee-aly their raak Mosaes longed for and was granted a from The Dr. 'William' Medicine Co.. WIUNICIPAL COUNCILS
ing of an image and worshipping it new -41411- -greatet- visi°11' .'ef ' Clila•s? --BaaekeeW'ee-On•tt--.________ ' Colborne
_ _ _a__
- ---Celbarne- council met-inethe-hall A
commandments. Aaron tried to ex- upon Christ, the Bread of Life, is giv- ABRAHAM LINCOLN SAID 1' 2 p.m. Tuesday, July 13th. Membere
cuse his weaknes in givitig way to the en t see deeper into all the goodness ei do
not know mi c'n about tariff. all present, the reeve presiding.
" people; but Moses -said unto the peo- " NI' ___, tut I do know this much -I -When we Minutes of hist regular and special
-.pie, "ye have sinned a great sin; and WORLD MISSIONS' ' buy goods from a foreign country, we . Meetings, also Court of Revision, wire
now I will go up unto the Lord, per- A missionary of the American get the gond s and. the foreigner 'gets read and adopted, on. motion of Couna
adventure I shall make an atonement Board writes thus of one feature at- the mono- but liehen we buy goods eillors Goldthorpe and Hill The
for your -SIM" ' tending a recent revival 'among the made at lanm_e. we get both The teoods clerk was instructed to return the
they bad broken the first and second glorY, so the longing soul feeding
Moses plead with God ana prevailed
asoakoaew - • •
r•••••frai•,.- ana was told to go forward into the
. Toionto-Arg. 28---aapte 11
• Goderick-Sept. S-10
Londoo-See.. 11-'e •
Strateard-Seet. 2042
Exeter. -Sept. 21-22
Liatowel-Sept. 21-22
Seaforth--Sept, 2324
Lucknow-Sept, 23e2-4
Teeth -Sept. 22,23
Kineardine-Sept• 23-24
Bayfield -Sept, 28-29
Mite -belle -Sept. 28-29,
Brussels -Sept. 30 -Oct. 1.
Zurich.. -Sept. 30-0et, 1
Dungannon--iacti 7-8
Wingham-O. 7-8
z Minard's and
warns water,yubbing
the solution into the
aching parts with the
; finger tips. •
Blinard's hide* vim..
slid for sprains, 'bruises
and strained ligaments
• the Peoples Poen,
Cook by Electricity
Wash by Elechicity
tree by Electricity
Cheaper than crud. or wood •
An Electric Vacuum Cleaner •
removes the dust; a broom 'itist
moves the dust. - •
We guarantee all Hydro Lamps -
for 1500 hours.
Walk in and set display at
The Hydro Store
/it tow. tad Children
are Use or Ow 30 Wars
Mem* boors
Yesetalie your shoes off and theta
Flit those weary, shoe-erinkled, ach- E TUESDAY IIIGHT
sng, burning, com-pestered, bunion- - ,
tortured feet of yours in a "Tie" -.
liath. Your toes will wriggle with _ ,
August 31s1
Zulus; "They do not seem to be able, and the ninnev." Globe Indemnity Policy (unsign-
to pray silently. At their homesi 'We Strive tn Please ' ed a to the Company. On motion of
they often go into the bush and pray! Messrs. Hill and Goldthorpe- te-reso-
aloud. So in these meetings, wheni A dejected man entered add said to 1ntio8 was passed declining to pass
they pray, they pray aloud -40 or 50,, the derkz• the Hydro Rural Bylaw in its present
perhaps, at ehe same time They etoi want a quarter's worth ter ear. terms, the same to be forwarded to
not pray so violently as three years bogie add." • the Hydro Commission. The folloo.
ago or break out into disorder.' ,They' "Sorry." •said the elerk; "You got mg
accounts ..were paid: Signal,.
are intent in seeking God, each one by into the 'wrong store. We deal only att-.60, printing and ads.; J. D. ear-
himself. It is fearful confusion and in hardwore, but .we have a 'choice risk $1.50, work for Board' of Health;
discord to one accustomed to quiet, line of ropes, raeors 'and revolver- " Je Adams, work hi cemetery $/.4; -
-with a Brantford Roof of Asphalt Slates. You can hare a soft ,
toned roof of any color or combination of colors that plea:lea your.
triete. They add Permanent beauty and value to any eind of home
and give years of weather protection ' a. .
•a5i fire resistance. ta
-et aloe'
• virIC-_-_,...•askr warp
‘007.44/411111::=111/ 411111W.11/1/I
4111111111I/aISIIIIIIF/' 1111111111111, UMW ANN MIN APO, alai
' . NSW ~,ff
assmirremr „. 114•11 r Awe rot", Miff
I/ v
•Tr 4
. •
I 1
, • . • . ,
BraliffOrdikkainfiCatindiest Brantford, Ontario
Nirm. Lippet, work in cemetery, *7.50i Stock Carded, Infant -ration Furnished and Berrie*
Thos. Sandy,. 2 screens, $30; J. Me- on Brantford Roofing rendered by
Pony will be Presented to.
the Winner
- Cann. $5; Geo. Freeman,, $5; Join
W McLean, Goderich
lirindley, star A. Bogie, $32.40; .1. M.
Freeman, $10; Wm. Cook, •$40; IL
Freeman, 935; W. Jewell, $32.50; E
Holtzhausen, $45; B. Goldthorpe, SO; .
ja Farrish, 911.50; J. Green, S.10-50
Wm. Fut/0rd, $15e II. Fisher, $15;
Wm. Green, $15; A. Horton, $10;
• Wm. Andreae 47.50; 11. Errington. CLINTON,• ONTARIO
$8.75; W. Stewart, $25; Thos. Chis-
Reopens TUESDAY SEPT 7th• 1926
Why not attend the School that has the flighty
' holm, $25; H. Brindley, $25; Wni.
Bogie, 310; R. McCabe., $13.75; Jas. „ ,, ,, ,,
Model Theatre Feegan, $22.50; .J. Feagan, $42.75;
E. Hardy, $15; IL Feagan,$22,50; R. Qualified Staff
Allen, $14; W. Allen, $42.5; Ed. Mile
joy; they'll look up at you and al.
17005t talk and then they'll take an-
other dive in that "Tiz" bath.
When your feet feel like lumps of
tired out -just try "Tit."
It's grand -.i's glorious. Your feet
will daace with joy; also you will
find ail pain gone from corns, cal.
louses and bunions.
There's nothing like wilt." It's -
the only remedy that draws out all
the poisonous exudations which puff
up your feet and cause foot torture.
A few cents buy a box of "Tie" at
any drug or department store -don't
wait. Alt! how glad your feet epee;
bow comfortable your Aeon fed.
- andalsothe Second and Third tF'rizes
of $18.00 and $12.00 respectively
Two Women Owe Health.
to Lydia E. Piniduun's
St. Adolphe, Manitoba. -"I was
seri,' weak and had great pains during
my periods so that
I could not aweep
the floor. The
pains were in the
• right side and ex-
tended to the left
and then down. -
:sada Itbodseermedwas.
heavy mid upside
e, down. It is for
then troublee
look the Vegetal
raw .1/0 a araperCiilnir orLe f
111132 prevailed est rust to take it. It t
has helped Mt Art every way, the 11
pains are lees, and hays:more appe.
tit*, It is a plesaure to retOrfillbetkd
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable C.ora.
pound to other womeo.''-Lss, Dee
L07411, Bt. Adolph*, Masitoba.
Nona Great Rad
Torenta,Ont.-“I am at tho Chong.
ef Life with hot 'lollies, stiorktees,
weakness ad riere000110014 I had
heed nohow and was sheet of breath.
I wait this way about vie months when
I read about Lydia E. Pinkloun's Veg.
etabit Compowed in the new
terve takes eight bottles cr=
found swot renef."-- lire.R.j. BAL.
INION.112Lewlor•Ave., Totten*, Ont.
in Cash.
Votes wilt be given out up to
Saturday Night
• and ballot box will be open at Model
_ _Thea_treiipip MONDAY NIGHT, AUG.
30th, for deposit of ballots.
W6 Will Get the Pony ?
The following stores will give you votes on
cash purchases and cash paid on accounts of
twenty-five cents and up. Ask for them.
Drygoods and Ladies' Wear.
Bake' .
CRAIGIn BROS., Tobaccos
FRED IIUN't;;Hardware
NV. REG. SHARMAN, Boots and Shoes
Groceries and Fruit
• GEO. NV. SCHAEFER, Groceries.
Garage, Gasoline and Oils •
Newspaper Stfhocriptions.
lion, $15: Alf. Moore,.R, Medd, The only School that teaches re .1 P,aclical Beni -
90; H. Walters, $15; 'Wm. Mugford
$15; D. Pitblado $22.50; Clarene
Bennett. H. SOD, $35; Jno. Chis
holm, $20; L. •Christilaw, $15; A
Watson, $15; L. Johnston, $22.10; J
McCanu, $37.50; (1. Dustow, $17.50
E. Bogie, $26.25: Wm. II-0mm St5
Aleck Watson, $12.50; Wm. Lippit
$17,50; R. Bean, $10: H. 'Morris $10
• nest Training from start to finish
Where High '..hoof Students anti Teachers are taue,ht
specialized expert training in I3usinfss Administration and Sec-
; retarial Science and are Sure of a gond position, rapid proino-
don and big incomo.
all for work on roads. Geo. 'Horn. Statographic, C(immercial, Secretarial, General Office.
grave(rele$21.0; Dom. Road Made Co.. ,„
85c. pairs to grader); . C . A. . Rob- Livit Service, Commercial Teacher's Course and Spaniel
ertson, expenses to 0.E.A., $20; eierk, teOtirsee arranged.
part salary, e75; G. Bean, road sup-
erintending, $101,50; Porter's . Book For full information Write to
Btore, $2.56, supplies; D. Bean, $301 ' "
Albert Kneesfrriv, $15; 0. Baxter,
IL Good, $10f-Chice;,--Ailm,---$22.50;.-ne 198 B. 'P. WARD, B.&, Principal
930; Rune! Hill,' $45; Jiro: Treble. ',• ' ' ' •
$-37.50, all for re-surecteing. The
matter of , estimates and rates
was then discussed and thoroughly
eonsidered, after which Mr . Gold-
thorpe moved that the township rate • -. __-...-
this year would be' 344, mills, Moved _ .
by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr•
Young, that rate e 4 milli,, the (tame
er to first motion the latter Wei de- anking by Mail
as last year. Air there wes no second- •
eIared carried.
August 10th, 1920 -Township coun
c.11_krtt in the hall at 2 p.m., member
all preiiif. miniffeir-of-July-m-eeting
adopted as read. After disposing o
. the AlOr!th'ir CA'..e:•pontteiKc the eatoS
bvi-v, wait pessed. on motion of F
'Wilson nr(I Yo:i'ig, fixin tie.
• towtiebe• eve et 4 mills, the comity
- rate il 2-10 mills; for reneral Mewl
purposes, 4 4-10; for C.P.U. 4-10 and
the trustees' rate to be struck by the
clerk according to the requisitions
from eaeh section. The clerk was
4. , Ille_security afforded by the Provin,ce of Ontario Savings
fOiflce, toiiiiiiriVith'Ilre- facilities- extended& ly _gy.e_ty _Eng.
011:ce in Canada and other countries, make it pm:41,U! tor - -
.1 everyone to deposit their savings hit 'this Bank. interest is
' = allowed, compounded half -yearly, with full otecking privileges.
• .i4,1 atm, •:.a•aley.a.w.x.,•••:•14a, a, tat -
tor ihdigestiont-
When your stomach feels bad;
!when Gas, Sourness, Nausea er
- after -eating "pains make you feet
miserable -a single 'Jose of pure
Bisurated Magnesia will bring you
Inetant .Itelief
e For Indieestion, the prompt ef-
• feetseess r this • spedal iton.laxa.
five 13181.11ATED form of Magnesia
• is really wonderful:- Even the neat
rite inato cases quickly respond.
lacenevat ned inexpeneica tse.
1 Ask your druggist.
1......11111111411114F• ^••• ••• '
1 The confidence the rural communities have shown in this
'• Bank, is indicated by the large increase in deposits, which are
now over $21,000,000.
All deposits are guaranteed by the government of the
• Province of Ontario.
. Remittances should be made by Post Office money order,
., express order 'or registered letter, and should be addressed to •
• -DUrreartSt.PraliCh-,.;Whare.11.11WYPIleceivP PrennPt attention.
Province of Ontario Savings Office
Head Office: 15 galltelell Park, Toronto
Toronto Brandt °Mee* : •
Cor. Bay and Adelaide Ste. Cortniversity and Dundes Sts:
516 Danforth Avenue
Other Branches at
RaitilRatt• fft. Catharine'', St. Marys Pembroke;
Brantford, Woodiateck, • Owen Sound, Ott*as
fleatarth, Walkertess Newmarket and Aylmer.
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