HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-08-26, Page 4empoomp TAIga 10111= 8 1Ilf!'Itil►1.I. i hart Sian r.deasLd hitnaelf in the flttaI r.� +•.•,•w•1 triton, by holding on to Carrisk's line tea, sea utly by leer la r erne Chert u f creased � to on Monday alter a pleasant tures am'ANON. 111. 4.108•1111••••••1111 11.1.1101.81111.11.1.1111 Npipliim! ill 1111111 II 111 1 1 11 ,I 1 The Per tic* Falt to statfoni , or the teeter. Play of the d M weeks' key wig parents, Mr, cess, lir"! severd thllyd nn Messrs. Thea. Menu*. Chester1C- Mr Is what is considtred the best !tame rsTi+t** Raltfeedltts clover style and was the outstadiatr Grattan and �vet R,ptl.dp ieit last 'and Yrs. Arell' Beeler, of for iteild season, :>altiurd tr+uenph•;px• had salsas' a r rtrh, trlereber of his teamt, but tea fleiditix week for tate West. RY•AIRI.»: GOY3aiZNY>RFiT NiiHifEit ed cvcr the Purity Flour, thus frntly bad�i.ubumped,,`a mai Elliott both beinaf hoiwrs fell to tIa Purity Inaur when. >Mir. ]~rattle McIlwain has disposed driving a TO PUT AocsurtioNg OF _ r arts were WHALTH 7'0 WOKS estabhshtntr themselves into laird peneeei sectionally thrieYh himr hap -t they retired their opponents without of his Ford ear and is new place and earning the right to play s+.on forgotten. a run after the base had been Che team to decide whuch trAm will he an ed real class ani defeated 'bow a wild streak and keyed three Goderich to see Val athletic contests the final* with the Mulleins. It was lodied eve bit as. thus Wage the rwtwa ahifil s n Ailsa new violet Coach off with the heavy hitting Square the miners though t with nope out. IdeDonald developed Some of the Nile Pk* leer. In It is true that the Crops have there est Sataltrday, lamest a hinge accession of wealth Sias Amelia Hetherington, of Salt- to this country, and that oar nntoaAey- "d, vent a few days witk her aunt, holding inetittitions have grrollen . Robt. lfeilwain, this week. Coffers. Batt unfotrtuesitely it is a some =am! and both teams played good as thfir oppoaonts. i7eey de-: took the rex batter's etCert and sterling bill, Kiehl* the fins some- blesfated a better 3awere net forced tea runner on third at the thing to enthuse t.ver every minute of bksblessed with nines luck. 1 pule, i(aSongh daplkstsd this Play; the seven.;tenses. an the next hitter and Young "gird It was t< hard gams to lose --and a The Parities Hifaslaate the Paddlers to third to eatxk the man Catis u ILEEBURN congested prosperity. The available trout one to win, Sill McDonald whit The Pdity Flour nine tarred the' from second. A slip at this time ` wealth of the country is not being was on thed right ors twirled supe1rbly, seven cf the third place in the local *oft - ball the game bit they came tliroutrh with mor n again for the mill- fr to brittle with the C. R. A. tori would probably have cost the millers Wes. Moore was a week -end visitor used in a way that provides italic for in Bloodstock, y league when they uta our sons. There is an immense' K. A. nine dying via the strikeout managed to nose fYyint colors. Mr, and Mrs. John Potter, of Wood. amount, of Wren), *waiting l mate and .except for two wild pitches out l ritchard s Pets in a snappy. ng invest - II III II I I in the fourth iratne with third bast thrilling seven inningamt. Thee stock, called on friends here over the anent, --also a large amount of for - in eed each time thus forcing se B l yai! as net Tonight (Thursday) will land the week -end. eitn :capital waiting to enter the ante was in itself a r Square d theC i c perfectly, y. His same two arae regi cons a fought to. ed in iss !Glades Foley. of Goderich Canadian ;but the pity of it i* two runs 13111 p t sed f 1 + t t' het) f h t an R. A nines engaaK- M G d' field; c he first of the playoff serifs. pe y gr:rxlnwther justkeeps e inner defence backed him up. >vith tie +�n them last meeting two days, gots team* are con n s nt Sunda with her `that it kee on waiting, The inert �, n •e backed ort /,i«,.. },,, prcvioue en and it almost ended n! fide t of vktory , but lel* antro«...field foiled thou �ieadlocl. as the ended only and both are determined to Make sure Mrs. M. Foley: reason is that capital suffered from a arePred dOwedeadl in the final stanza, of the first game. An exciting battle Miss L. Sterling of Buffalo, is vis- feeling of insecurity throughout the h vealesitle l the P. a e.re Gwrrin Yore; their- ren, ', should result from the meeting of i icing leer sister, Mrs. Geo. Fulford, regime of the King Government. The batt,), at times when put -oouts would The boys from over the river lay- rr(citiP working behind the bat and these less learns and if you ars in- and other relatives. only prospect"of the Canadian people Withed their usual serannv game and were with "Bill" 'McDonald working .easier; cannot Milord to mist it It Ifo is hoped r -e Frances Quaid returned t+o as ao! hole rsa srnrrtath j dual line. 0- their toes from bei thin in !r • , beginning to end. hi first game the PuritiesDetroit on itionda have u prosperity : that the game will get under way y ng spent her lyes In establishing stable government. Bob Bisset worked steadily and held- 0 - ed his position perfectly, He had the fielding tightened up wonderfully and about 8.15 so be on hand early and vacation with her sister, Mrs. Alex. in Canada; and under present condi- after the second frame when their choose your team --the yell till its all mak. Purities popping weekly when a clear outfield lost their bearings for a time over. Mr. and Mrs, 3. Cook and Mr. and drive Would have_ worked wondere.i nothing' got by the two defences. to give us that is lit. lion. Arthur Itis support was of the best Elliott's The M. C. C. nine also turned in a: Mrs. Harry Freeman were on* motor 1 Meighen. Even the prospect of his error in the third when Young drove real game and were beaten by bunts It may not be ambition that makes trip last week visiting friends in Lon.' being afforded an opportunity to do a hot one through his legs to score more than anything else. Their in- a men succeed. It may be despera- don and Woodstock. so has been beneficial. A new spirit three runs being the only costly one field chose to play deep and the Puri- tion and the stork. ' ` Mies Muriel Horton left for Toron- of optimism took hold of Canadian NE One Week More 1 For Ladies' and -Misses'-Coes; Hats and 1 tions the only statesman in at position _Keemosinewancauworisowsi :... I OUR FIFTH TUUEELAY, AUGUST Mb. MI .Il....lww�rww.... Jw.11sll��w�:j KODAKS. Developing, Printing and Enlarging Ha Ca DUNLOP The Rexall Drug Store Bedford Bock „ ___ Goderich - business in the month of July, after the King Government had been sent to Coventry. 1 g Anniversary, No use arguing about balloon trous- ers. They're just as broad as they are long. MANN NONNINNINI$1113.1 and FALL OPENING • Is now in swing n • � g and 'continuesanother* week UST° five years ago we started `husiness in our present stand (w'dstlide of Square) and to'visile that event we will hold our Fifth Aunivers- arySale for Two Weeks only, Starting on Saturday, - y, g � day, August .Pst. To show our appreciation of the patronage accorded us during the pant five years we are offering par-excellencemerchandise at remarkablylow figures, in the Ladies'and Men's Wear. In the past we have gained for ourselves .satisfied customers ---the kind of customers we hope to have in the future. There will be bargains for each and all our customers during the Big Sale. Come One ! Come'All ! A cordial iivitation is extended�to`I� e/ver1[y/r'one► tjo come into our store at any time to, look oiler the real bargains just waiting to be snapped up by the wide-awake buyer. Watch for .our, .window display not all *1. bargains are advertised here. • Special in Ladies' and Misses' Coats Extra special in Ladies' and Mis- ses' Coats for fall and winter wear. Women's and Misses' " They are lined with Marquees de Luxe • .........� FAL CP ATS underlined with Flannel. They N AT r$ ' - tre trimmed with a Tibbetine Fur Col- lar. Anniversary price, $14.50. LADIES' TAILORED SUITS i:+adies' Suits `: of Tricotine, Poiret Twill And Charmeen. Lined with Silk Canton Crepe. During ouranniver- sary these will be offered ut `fifty per cent. less than regular prices. Here's your chance to get a good up-to-date Tailored Suit at a very -low price. CHILDREN'S FALL COATS Children's Fall Coats in Velour and Duvetyn in all the different shades, styles and sizes. They lire offered at anniversary prices. , MILLINERY FOR FALL Millinery for fall wear in the new autumn shades. Felt and Panne Vel- vet materials. Velvet and satin trim- .med. Special prices during our"anni- veirsaxy. • TABLE LINEN Table Linen. 72 inches wide, Regular 51.79. Sale price per yard $1.49 IRISH LINEN Hand -bleached real Irish Linen, 6"4 inches wide. Reg. $1.25. Sale price per yd. $9c COTTON TABLE CLOTH Heavy Cotton Table Cloth, Reg. 75e. --•... Sale prick per tid 59c TABLE OILCLOTH White Table Oilcloth. ()nee and it -half yards gide, Reg. 70c. Sale price per ad 55c TABLE OILCLOTH 4 , viii White 'fable Oilcloth. One and r.iic•- qu.trter yards wide. Regular (Ittc. Sale price per td 45c LINEN TOWELLING All l in:t Towelling, 17 inches wi.k. `Peuitar 2Re...,.liate pia -per yard„ CRASH TOWELLING He.4r I_ Men Crash Toweiling in grey stripe or plain white with red horier. Regular :1 4.*. Salt prke, per yard... ,17c FACTORY COTTON factory Cotton, 38 inches wide. S;tlr tee per yard 17c Bleatthtti Cotton, yard wide. Reg. 25e. Solan price, per yd see C�OT►N • shooed Cotton. . Yard wide. Regular AOC all. pre. per yd tie COR NFIELD IUNBLBA RBD IIHNBTING . • ,, Peke, skean��yards � One Week More resses Women's and misses' new Fall Coats in any number of interesting styles. Snug-fittingand straight -of -line models in imported all wool English Plaids, French Duvetyn, Satin -Sued,. Luxera, Crush Sealette, Velsheen, Chanlos, Chainosuede, °Londonderry, Needle -Point Mar= vellas and Velours. The very new bloused waistline and capes are very prominent. Each coat is lined and , interlined 'throughout with crepe de chine, marquis s de luxe and fancy bro- caded lining.. They are underlined with flannel. The trimmings s are of Mink Opossum, Grey Opossum, Tibbetine, Coon and Fox . Sable, Some have fancy embroidery and buttons. The new autumn colors are Gracklehead Blue, I3ur- gguundy, Sinbad, Nomad Brown, ,�affi, Wirter Leaf, Navy and Black. These will be sold at special anniversary 'prices. Its best to come:'. early and see these. • NOTE -+Everything es sale daring oar anniversary will be marked with a red ticket UNBLEACHED SHEETING i•ieavy Unbleached sheeting, 2 1-4 yds. t wide. Reg. 89c. Sale price, per yd..75t BLEACHED TWILL SHEETING Bleached Twill Sheeting, 2 yards wide. 4 Sale price, per yd 78c . STRIPED TICKING i3ett Striped Ticking. Sale peprice, per DRESS GOODS Dress (foods, 35 inches wide. In three different shades. • Reg. 65e... Sale price,. _.., . . per yd. 39c RAYON CREPE Ryon Crepe in four different shades. Sale price, per yd 75e 40c BILI( CREPE Silk Crepe Regular $i.3(J: ' Sale price, per yd . . SATEEN English sateen, 3n inches wide. Six good staple shades. Sale price, per yd 29c FIGURED VOILE , Normandy Figured Voile in several differ- ent patterns. Reg. 75c. Sale price, per yd....... .. . _ 48c BROADCLOTH Silk Striped Broadcloath in several pat- terns. Reg. $1.39. ° Sale .price, per yd. 89c yard. SIIMTING Kingoot Shirting in several patterns. Sale prime, per yd 29c DENIM Heavy Black Denim. Sale price, per yard RIPELETTE Ripelette in Mauve and Brown Cheek. Reg. .13c, Sale price, per yd 15c FLANNELETTE BLANKETS tivx•, ,.Flannelette BIa1lkttts,,, 12 ' 4 White with blue and pink borders or grey with Hue and pink borders. Regular s'2.75. Sale price, per pair 82.191 PLAID BLANKETS Everett Plaid Blankets. Size 66 by . 76.. Pink and blue plaid. ReguIar x3.75. Sale price. per pair Frocks for Women and Misses A wonderful array of sliait''F,;ocks for fall wear. They are of Satin -faced Canton, Fly Crepe, Venus Crepe and Georgetre. ,Anniversary prices on all of them. Ladies' Dresses Ladies' Dresses in Satin Charnieuse. Different shades and styles. Anniyer- sary price, $10.95. . Ladies' and Misses' Sommer Dresses Ladies' and Misses' Summer Dresses of Fuge Silk. Some have 'short sleeves and others long sleeves. ReguIar pri- ces, $9.50 and '$10.00. - Anniversary prices, $5.95. Ladies' Canton Dresses Ladies' Canton Dresses: in light and dark shades. Short and long sleeves. tifilsikle during our anniversary at less - h'' n hal . price. House and Porch Dresses Ladies' House and Porch Dresses at anniversary sale price:bf 75c. MEN'S FALL SUITS Men's Fall Suits in brown and g'Yey. Wool Worsteds.. and Tweeds. Clearing rices on them all duringour anniversary. Reg. *19.50 for $14.95 MEN'S STRAW RATS Men's Straw Hats at clearance prices dur- ing our anniversary. MEN'S BALBRIGGAN .UNDERWEAR Men's Balbriggan Underwear.,__ Ail sizes in two-piece, shirts and drawers. Attn. versary sale price, per garment 49c • Men's Balbriggan. Combinations. Short sleeves and short legs or short sleeves and long legs. Anniversary, sale price 95e MEN'S WORK SHIRTS - .ten's Work Shirts in plain bine or black and white. striped material. Sale price, each 89c r KHAKI DRILL SHIRTS GINGHAM AM Regular $1.19, for 98c Canadian hest Gingham, .3 inches Wide. Sale price, per yd. ,, 20c FLANNELETTE - Plain White Flannelette twilight and dark shades. Sts inches wide. Regular 25c. Sale price. per yd x'!fc •r • West Side Square Telephone 418 Goderia s Men's Grey Work Socks. Sale price,. 50 MEN'S SKS SOCKS tt Men's Silk Socks in Beige, Brown, Castor, Grey and Black shades. Regular 95c. sale price. per pair 491e BOYS' BALBRIGGAN COMBINATIONS Boys' Balbriggan Combinations sizes. Salt pre, each ' BOYS' WOOL JERSEYS tic+}s' Mot Jerstys in several shades. long sleeves. Ail sizes. Regular Sf.33 and 11.43. Sale price, each $1.19 surrs AT MUM MOM four pain.far in *11 See • .44 •