HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-08-26, Page 3•...
11 1 11111uul 1 111111 III 11
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▪ �1I 11111 .1 1� ,ry.en�1•.1 1 11 1. AL-
'Tell NM
le coos et tem Sot
esd Base Ihay
mat fide et
owl= tutu
woo se
AMM t11i1 edema "EA -
owe ea eN a
lid t>IIC
P ROF'. W. • H. JACKSON iustructton
i given in Voice Culture, (lagan.
Plana. Violin, Guitar. Thearv. oto.
Studio and residence. forth Street.
C. HAMILTON• -•-organist r:otlt St.
' • United •Chureta, Concert player
and Teacher,
at Mrs. Colborne's, at. Pete
V. R. DAnsow,
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, 'Etc.,
Successor to J. r,, Killoran -
Phope 97 Office, The Square, (i derieh
apriNteeT M. LEIS.
Barrister ••.slid SoIeilor
10 King Street'East.•Toronto, 2
"Telephones Main ,'1793.7794.
Barrister, So1loitor, Notary
PubNe, Convesaneer. Etc.
PHONE 21 Iii� it"1'QN,9TREET
R. k . J. B. 10 its TE
Late House, Surgeon New 'York Oph-
thalmic and Aural Iltispitai, assistant at
Moorefleld's - Eye Hospital and olden
uare .Throat hospital. London,' Eng.
3...Waterloo St. S. Stratford. Tele-
-- gdtone 267. -
At Hotel Tedford, Goderkth, from7
P.m. elondlty, Sept. 20th, till 1 p. in.
Tuesday, Sept. list,
` ER., A. N. kTKINSON.
oCJtlropravtor and.:Drnoloe-v • Therapist,
• Goderich
ii bronle, organic; and Neevone diseases
lsqulpped With 1.lectro-' 1agnetta► Baths.
Eteetronie Electric Treatinrnts and
er • ,- y ., Y
II 1111 1111 1 1111.■ 1 III 1111111111 11111 1111 1111 II 11 I III 111111
tot-. cake* sus
mime. 1 .el. 1, ,Wi11,1
School aiiin*i ►n Results
Tho feliewlsg are the moults of theBildt• School >r:xs* *atioss of
t the O. C. L: -C. iaddeataa "Credit" or mere pass. 1. II. III. are 1st. tad
11 11
McEwen's Specials
sad 3M class Honors. O -Not writ.en, Marks are given in case of fail. -
11 Fresh stark of Sheriff's Jelly Powders jut its.
Gelder We4e *t *t ICgssaactl"ise Zurich, built and operated the mill at
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oliver, Egacoitti- /that time. The millwright who put RI. .Ls
vine, Celebrated their golden wedding in the machinery was George Haat,- . Nameo +t x
anniversary on Tuesday. Aug. 10th. of Kippan, then employed with Gallie tr
The data of the anniversary really is & McCulloch. of Gait, who supplied' Pi f,; A .q 4:
in September but the Mons and the machinery. William eleNevin, of Abell, %. T o o II e o
daughters were ell able to be present Dungannon, was the first miller and Abell, .1'ti', T1 •11 1II e o
for the occasion in August, her,ce the his assistant was David Roweliffe, .,,_ , J• B....., c 11 111 0 0
reason for holding the event that who is still on the job. `Samuel West- Andrew;, F. 'J."" ' I a 0
time. There are four of a family. away was the first engineer, and R. Andrews,
1,. Ac 3t II1 :0 0
three sons and one daughter, Thomas, G. Luker the first teamster. After
of Hibbert; Andrew, of Loss Angeles, several changes of proprietorship le Blake' t G. G• T3- - • • • •0 0 0 0 0
Cal.; William G., of 'Winnipeg, *rid passed into the hand. of Harvey Brawn, D. F o 0 0 1 0
Mrs. Robert Eberhart, of Seaforth. Bras,, who have run It since 1902. BrowChee', T. L a a 0 0 0
There are also three grandchildren. .Bluevale Church Corner Stena Laid - Clarke, C. H. D: a I I o
D thedayM Olivera pre -1 A large crowd witnessed the `laying
O 0 0 0 II1 0 0 0 0
3 fee stile
A. good Teaspoon, King George Design, -given away with each 2k.
Another shipment of our epeeist Black Tea to hand, only, per lb...2k
Try a pound. It is a winter.
We grind our No. l Blend Coffee Bun fresh with your order, fine or
eoarse to suit the trade.
37 43 o 036 e a 0 0 Finest SeedIrmat Raisin, per lb
a o n o o a a
O 319
12 20
c o III e. o IL c a o
O 0 0 a 4t8 o 0 o a
c 0 0 0' 0 III e I Ill
O 0 0 0 0 a 111 0 0
O 111 a ow a a 0 0
sented with en electric grillandMr. of the corner sten of Knox Presby. Cornfield, G.,....,1 III e o 0 44 39 a o a a a 00
Oliver with a gold chain. i terian church at BIuevale Friday af-
ternoon. Cranston, M . r 0 XI a 0 0 1T o 0 0 0 o a o
! In spite of the threat of Cutt, •A• 61 a o a c c a a 11T o TII XII c o o
Hudson-8ttcerintttart f. p 36
ram, people came from all parts of ,.., on, •5 Ao 0 0 25 a a. c c c IIT 41 0 0
A pretty wedding vasa solemnized the district for the impressive cera. Ferguson, L a. II c o 0 0 e +47 0 o ITT o a o 0
at the inatan,home Of Stratford,r.and
ndAMurgsus Ether- Dmrn A. TJ.e stone was 14icG llivray,Iaof Gu Rev. Fowler. n. Fraser, A,. P 0 0 a -. 0 QT__.. -0 04.._01_ 0 _.. 0. --0---0 0 --0
when their daughter, Marion C. Eth. moderator of the .Presbyterian Gen- Gardiner, R..- , , c 31 o 46 0 38 39. 0 0 o 0 0 0 0
erington, was. united In marriage to eral Assembly, the trowel being pre. Goldthorpe, G. Che 0
William I.1. Rudeon, son of Mr. and rented by James Elliott, one of the Gr*nt. M. 1 a e 0
Mrs. J. Hudson, Seder*, The cere- eldest residents of the village. Rev.Groves. J 35 0.
mony was performed in the presence Dr. Perrie, of Wingbam, moderator Htiacke, M. GTI0 0 0
of some 75 guests • from Seaforth, ! of the Presbytery, presided. A scrip- 11oey. G. W. Ro 0
Monktn, Attwood, Norwich, Mitchell, tore reading was given by H. B. Humber, E. A. ,II II I IT I I
0 24 c II
Port Hope, Milverton and Stratford, Jamieson,' student minister. Addres- Hunt, E. B 0 o c
by Rev. G. Rowland, of Knox Pres- sea were given by Rev. W. G. Rich- Jewell, G. E... , o 0 0 la
church. ardsan of Waterloo, an old Rluevale Jewell, C. M. II 0
O 0 e st 0, 0 0- Some tasty lines for picnics t
o a et 0 0 0 0 MEAT.WtCH 8PRICAD SANDwiCIi SPREE
A good assortment of Fancy Cakes siways on hand.
Just received a fresh shipment of Picnic Plates. •
-_.Vegetables-ant Frtnita-fresh from the -gardens -Always On hand.
Goods delivered to any part of the Town.
27 Ito 0 XIII 0 0 0 0 0 0
o o c 0 .0 o
C 0 0 0 0
c Ie .o 0 c e It 0 0 .0 0 0
c I
°0 0jI 34 29 •0 coer0
c 1 0 0" TII a 41.. e 38 o
e 0 o 0 e 0 0 0 •0 0 0
O 0, 0 0 0 I
41 42 42' 0 0 a o o
31 ee 0 0 11182 0 0 c o o 0
in o a c o e G 43 ' c. c 40 0
Engagements .Announced boy, and Rev. D. C. I,. McKerroll, of Johnston, A.A. 0. a, 0
Mr, and Mrs, 1'. G. Ford, Holmes- Victoria church, Toronto. In the Jobnston, L. • •.I o_ The following are the .dates of the
ville, announce the engagement of evening a lawn social was 'held. +iohnaton, M. J...c 39 o c o 0 school • fairs to be in the County
their only daughter, Emile R., to Ern, - Lunch was served by the -ladies of the Johnston, M, H...I 0 of Huron this year :
II I o 0 o ,'0 0 0 0-I' 0 00
35 e 42 o o o 0 o
28 34 a o 3032 o o 0 o 0 0
Johnston, S. L. TX .• c II o a c. C' o o. 111 o o o
Kneeshaw, B. R..0 o o 43 23
Lawlor I;,,•..,•.0 o a c 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0
Mr. and Mr.s Jas. Lockhart,. Proton. talent. The proceeds, amounting to Long, E. 61 - II 41 0 17 0 c e ITl o a 30 MO 0
{Ont„ announce the engagement of over $600, will go towards the cost of Marney, M. J o 0 o o c 40 c c o 0 o a 0
their onl'yrdeughter, Ottilie M., to Mr. building the edifice, whichewhen cam.Mutch, D. J. Et II c o 0 0
,Robert E. Bowden, youngest son of pleted, will be in the neighborhood of McCarthy. F. t'0 0 o o . o e a' Il XII IIIc. 0 c 0
Mr. and Mrs, W. 3w. Rowden, of Gode $12,000 or $15,000. - McDermid, li'. 111 ..37. 0 . 21 o
rich township. The marriage to take Burglars at Wingbam McDermid, J. Go o n . o 0
place early in September. No' trace has been obtained•by the'eEweei, P. 1x4'111 32 e' 0 'o
An Old West Wavranosh Resident police' of the robbers who early on McKay, M. A1 -o ' 1 o 0 0 o 0 38 0 30 e
Sueday morning burglarized a jewel- McLean, W. H. H..o o o o 0
J. J. McEwen
e J L'ttl f M I Dodds i Bliley:0e church assisted by those of
Clinton. The marriage to take place Eddie -s Presbyterian church, while a
est t e, son a Mrs
o s, +
the end of this month fine program was given by outside ► 21 35 o
Grand. Bend -Sept. 7th
Dashwood ---Sept Fath
Crediton -Sept. 0th
Winchelsea -Sept. 10th
n Wroxeter -Sept, 13th .
0 Gorrie-Sept. 25th
Bluevale-Sent. 15th
30'40 o o-' 0 0- o 0
O .0 0 0 0 0 0 0
46 44 o o c o 0
c c o o III 0 0 0. o
O 0
o a e o e 32'23 0 0
a 0 0 0 0 11 C 11 38
O a -II o .1I III: c o a
c' o o tr,- 'III o. o o- o
0. •0. c 4 0 •o . 0 0 0
O o T o o' I- III.1 II
o c -e • a _o III a .o 'o
o Ashfield -•Sept. 16th
St. Helens --Sept.: 17th
Colborne ---Septa l$th
Reneall-Sept. 20th
Zurich -a -Sept. 221st
Varna -Sept. 22nd'
Blyth -Sept; 23rd
Ethel -Sept. 24th
Walton -Sept. 27th
Goderich Tp. --Sept, 28th
BelgraveSept, 29th -
Dublin --Sept. 80th
Clinton -.Oct, 3 and 4
One of the pioneer residents of ry, store, garage, gas station and a McManus, R. M..oo o . c c
West Wawanosh, Mrs, William T. 51c• residence at Wingbam. The thieves . McPhail, M. .. , ..0 0 41 o 35 28 0 0 0 0 o a 0
Quillin, died at the home of her son; got away with a motor car, jewelry Naftel, M. A. It, . o o o ISI c
Richard Mcquillin, 14th con. o£ Wa- said to be worth $1,500, anal $15,000. Ogram, E. M. . o 0 o c o
• wanoah, on August lith. • She was in .of - registered bonds. - The . car has Osbaldeston, V.M. 0 46 39 o o
her 87th year, and death was due to , been reported seen at Guelph, where Pinder, 3.. - .....o 0 o III "o
natural deeae.' The funeral was on' it Ser said to have been abandoned. Redditt, M. B.....0 . 0 , 0.• 'III .I
• Friday afternoon, Aug• .13th, to St, i There all trace of the robbers ends. Ryall, N...A : ; 0 0 o ITI c ..
Helens cemetery. The burglars first broke into the gar.;.Sanderson, M.-:L..o -o- -.---o o - o
Thrown krom Car • Boy Has Leg age of Patterson ,$ties , Josephine sit.. Sandy. B. ,T, .... , II : In I o . • o
Broken, Man Has"Hand Cut I took a 'small coupe filled up with gas- Sheardown, Percy 1 II x a 0
Charlie Webster, son of Mr, and oline at a near -by Supertest stating.. Sturdy, A. B c 45 o c o
Mrs: Richard Webster, of Lucknow, is and proceeded to the jewelry store 0 Sturdy, L. PII 38 o 35 o : 34; 0 0 0 0
in the Wingham hospital and Mr. • W. R. Hamilton, entering through a Wagner, B. V , o. o 0 e II
Will Douglas is nursing a badly cut high back .window. The house of Dr. Wallace, J. BII . c III o' . o
right hand as the result of a car nes- F. A, Parker, where the bonds were. Warnock,' P. W1I1 28 a 32 0
hap which occurred on the grade` just stolen, was burglarized later in the 'Winter, E. MI11 c . II •- 'o o
east of Angus Graham's gateway. night, itis believed. Dr. Parker wail . Weisel', 0. 3 c c it o o
Douglas had broken a rear axle of at his summer Rome at Point 'Clark. Wurtele, R. K,o o • I c u
his car some distanceeast of Gra- . The .bonds were in a drawer. The Zavitz, H. M, .....11 II I -4 . 0
ham's' term, and Mr- Parker, of Cen. jewelry store safe was opened when, -^-- ^ee,
37 47 'o o, o o' o 0 o
a a o
o• II c o e o o; II c
c T 'o; e I o ;o 0 o
45 47 0 l. o 0 o a '.a 0
c:. e•6* -a ' o.. .0 ..o - o o
19 41 0 0 o o :o pea*,
O : a -o' to III o• .o' .o.-=0'
o -1'11 o O. I p q o. o
Office flours -2 toe and 7 to 9 p.m.
end by ..ppolntrnent, excepting Monday
and Thursday afternoons fend evenings;
Hours on these days 10 to i2 .am.
Lady In Attenrtance.
Reside:lee anti Oltice-Corner•of South
St. and liritnnnie Road._
A. aux, LE, R. b.4
West Street, Gederleia
Honor Graduate of the .Caanadien 0ph-
thalnnie College of Toronto. •, .
,_ Byes examined by the latest methods;
end the proper fitting of. glass's at mod-
erate priees..Ontario Board of Exam-
leers ertiflc'ate No, 873. a•
experienced. There was a strong CHOLIRA l'NFANTUM were Comma t ts, h . had eau x 1
laal-Garage;-was towing 'him in, law forsaking the ordinary safe craike t ovary party. Swot and bloodless,
they carne over.. the crown of the hill methods, the combination Was worked, the revolution was• . engineered so
another car was approaching AtomTherobbery was. performed in appar- quietlythat few of the citizens of
the west, A meeting on the narrow ent.:baste, however, for more than 20 Athens were aware of any 'untoward,
graded road -could not be avoided: As valuable wrist watches were over- happeningss till the coup was an :le •
Parker slowed . up to pass, the to looked. Diamond rings and watchesconirtrehed 'fact: ' Both' army and
chain slackened, the .brake on tae .were- stolen from the safe,. They navy rallied to the support of. Con -
crippled car being of course out of :were contained in an -inner convert-dyis. The latter,' in a' manifesto,
teommssston. The chain wrapped. . ment, which was easily forced. The: p--
about the left front wheel and as it jewelry board, bearing the repair. monthe, "in order to confer poever
tightened the. ear was thrown over Jobs of many valuable watches, was epp,n :thromisesfree -.selections-av]th_t
the bank. Douglas and yourig Web- left untouched. Although th I i
feste e chosen representatives of
the people."
• up on a pile of stones, has not been definitely estimated. in Editor Mysteriously Murdered 1
stet, who was with him, were thrown tentatively placed at about $17,000, it
the Patterson garage, it is believed The mysterious • -killing of a.
Storm Was Bad at Blyth ' that nothing.wee taken other than the. French. Canadian • newspaper editor,!
The, storm of :Saturday did a great small motor in which the burglars A. Beaudry,. at Montreal, recently,
deal of damage in the section' about mitde their. Bet -away. has assumed a' more sinister aspect
Blyth, as it was one of the worst ever = with the suggestion' that his killers
Stock and C General Auctioneer,
Lire Hamilton Street,Goderich
Sales made everywvliere and ail efforts
made to give you satistirtlo,r.
Farmers' sale notes diseott;rted.
Rvuk;tti -n +kirLtTeoN. •
rhatlined , :Weineer,
Eldon Street. Goderiche
wilt conduct ans -roue it•tlie County of
Huron. Fur informsmon aui,ly to 1'. J.
Ryan, hamiltnn St., o' -^skim•; .Pct with
him will receive prompt atWllii. ,.
ns who a are -i
wind and ram, which flattened the led with him over his statements con- Wheat, per bush. ...$ 1.35. to $1°40
grain right to the ground that .was Cholera infant= is one of the fat- cerning the situation in Russia. He, Buckwheat, per bush. 65 to 70
not cut. But a few miles east of a1 ailments of childhood. It is a tree- was one of a commission .which .visit- Hogs .. .:::. 12.50' to : 12;50
Blyth: it was accompanied -by i4 heave hie that comes on suddenly, especial. ed Russia in 1921 toreport on condla Oats, per busty...... 40 to 40
hailstorm, snide of the stones being ly during the Bummer months, and tions there.: Iis_ findings were ex,. Peas, per. bush....... 1,45 to 1.50
as large as a big pigeon egg. One unless prompt action is taken the lit» tremely hostile to Soviet rule and' Barley, per:buish.. , . . ,.6s to 70
man stated they gathered, up enough tie one may soon be beyond aid• Russia's rulers held him largely ve 1 Cattle, ordinary.. per
of the hailstones to freeze some Ice Baby's Own Tablets °are an Ideal Sued. sponsi'ble for the severelyeeritical re -I cwt. ...... . 0,25 to
'cream. Luckily most oaf' the crops 'eine in warding off this trouble. port made by the commission. Mr.; Cattle, export 7.00 to
were cut and the damage will not be They regulate the bowels and sweet- Beaudry was found dead at his desk i (per cwt.)
as had as it 'otherwise would have en. the stomach and thus prevent the in his ofliee,`sltgt through the back. i Cattle, choice, cwt.. 6.50 to
been, but the oats and corn that were dreaded summer 'complaints. They Coal Strike Crumbling . Lambs, per cwt..... 12.00 to
standing are almost a complete loss. are an absolute safe medicine, being Colla se of the i,rftish coat 'strike i Dairy Butter... . 40 to
t d tot'
Asthma' Doesn't -Wear 'Off Alone.--
Be not make .the mistake of, waiting
for asthma to .wear away by; itself.
While you are waiting the disease is
surely gathering a stronger foothold
and you live its danger ofstrongerand
yet stronger attacks, : Dr. J. D. Kel-
Iogg's Asthma •Remedy. ,taken early,
2111 prevent . incipient __eoiidition__fr-om
!becoming chronic and saves hours of
awful suffering. - •
Many mothers .can testify to the
virtue of Mother Graves' Worm. Ex-
terminator, --because they know from
experience how useful it is,
neither cpaa es is apparently 'in sight, and "E'mper» i 'ggs, per ox....... to
:; --'•-. - . Roller A'ii]ls was oriPned. A J Rol- They cannot possibly do .harm --They himself supreme arbiter of the coal Patent flour, per cwt. .4.75 to
always do good. The Tablets are
s e medicine dealers or y . mai Nottingham th orfs, per tot ..3,00 to
at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- making their. own agreement with Hay, per ton........10.00 to
]dams Medioine Co., Brockville, Ont• •the owners. They represent ten per Hides...,.. ..... 06 to
cent. of the stri ers and their • i potatoes, rep 1L,tg, .:
Wel. BAII;IEI, ims, of Exeter, and J. A. Williams, of minors' unions in the furore. Its the Bran, per: ton 32,G0 t,i
old b d 1 b 1 Shorts, -- Tea a miners .ire
General 'Conveyancing done • .
,()sod Companies ']ienresente+l
Phone T o. 2J8, , ;.oderieh', Pint.
Bayfield, Ont. -
Value et property insured up to Jan-
uary, 1910, 83.0.48,075,00.
OPPireitee ,lames Connoliy, Press•
dent, (iodericit; Jas. Evan., Viee-Presi-
dent, 13eeehwtiod; T. E. 'Hays, -Sea.
Tres :eat-orth.
DII2('I'.ailt*---0. P. eleOregor, Sea-
torth; J. G. :move. Winthrop; Wm.
1• Sin, eonstanee: Georges eferaartney.
Tuekersrnith: John Ferris, Ilarinek:
John Bennoteise. Broadltagan; Murray
Gibson, 13ruretleid.
AGENTS -J. W. Yeo, Gntlerieii; Sandy
Wadi, Clinton, Wm. (hem's, Sea-
rtirth: Il. llincilte�y, Seatortlt.
Policy Hoide're. can pay their Rem -
merits at R 11. (;ntt's store, ',oderieh;
A. 3.:alorrish s Clothing Store, Clinton;
Or J. I3. Reids, It;►ylIebi. _.
•_,.._ ._ .Rave ..it..attended.ta, o Matt.-:.:..x,„i
Esta'b'lished `lif7al., ...� .,,
Head Office t Dsagatnn, Oat.
Harry L Salkeld, R. R. No. 2, God-
*rich, pres.; Wm. J. Thompson, Ault.
urn, vice :pres.; directors= -•Wm. Ate-
St.ffelens; W. P. Reed, R. R.
No. 2, Lucknow; It 1,. Salkeld, 'phone
400r11, Goderich: Alex. NIehoisoat,
Lsacknow; Wm, Watson; Jas. Girriri.
IE. R. No. 0, Goderich;: Wm. T Thomp-
son, Auburn: Tim 'Griffin, R. 12. N..
T, Lueknow; CCbu. Hewitt, Kinear.. i
dim, Ont.
Tress. Reeretatty►.
Children Cary.
You err sure'to°need roma
-andy refined for Sunburn,
Stings, Thorn Swatches,
Lams. "Lam-Buk s been
red to be the beat. Take a
-4Y w tit you.
500 kr. 401 drivel s and Si.*ui.
araooau Bro.
The Ladino
_ ryutierat Directors
„>. atliv ahI rt •,
Orders oarefuliv attended to
at all hours night or day.
�'. et. Wheeler
Funeral Director and
ilodericli, Ontario
Atl (ails promptly attended to
day or night,
Pl+oae s::Store 3AB; Haase *1315
h k action 2.50 to.
VVRLD EVEN�"S will almost certainly mean the end of everywhere.
(Continued' from page 2) the strike.' Cook ismaking' •a final u_ _ ___
desperate effort to prevent the set.
A. 'Vv -omen's Party Next dement. 'The miners' federation
Mrs, S. E. Gee, of Virden, Mani- missed its most opportune.. openings
for favorable negotiations andthe
toba, president' of the 'fruited Farm .
mine owners
are beginning ng
o feel of banitcbadeclotes that
that they are in af position to dtktotm
the next politieai development in Can. The unions are threatened with a
oda will be the formation of a wom-
en's party. Mrs. Gee is the mother crumbling. of their defences.
of ten children and since she 'betaine
a widow, many years ago, has worked 1Ckl ., - .1 e
Q y. Vs
Out All
6.26 -
a fair hundred acre farm. ahs
charges that while the mon want the
help of western women'on e]ectirn
day, they prefer to keep them in the
background on nomination day,
War Menus for France
France has decided to. take strong
measures to • work out her financial The first day you take Rheurnai
salvation and her people will b' ask-. ',the doctor's remedy 1 S;
• You know: the feeling.
Little chills that steal up your
hack and settle at the base of your
• heck!
ed to accept some stringent ve„ 1G' trctur s re�tit that is selling •
tion for the sake of ecenemy. Wm. so rapidly, you'll realize that when..Tiro lumps (.rf ice where your
bread and war menus will be the me Rlieutmta in Rheuntatistl: goes
- der of the day for some time to tome. t31tt •
goesu feet used to Ste.
The restrictions will apply particle. It matters not whether you are Two clammy' frogs Ivu'ging at
laxly to foreign visitors, who will net • tortured with pain, crippled. ,with the end of -our arms.
be allowed to aider extravagantly at swollen ;,.;..s or diatte-4.'+i witie
f mllit!ik•ittanranta wtilt fi.i•At, .kretiieh riic,asu:ni -tw, tt
a:l1eeQtKlingf,t " g;uaranteetoend )..ourtlriit ihluk t . a` tJies�-y() t►ti
sa,Reconclliatien for tarot
trouble ur rttuttey bar~k. But you will be if you (Sun's get
Paris hears that Prince Carol of Rheuitta is just as effective in
Roroyal parents aia nd to reconciled
pstti patient totv his t�ase?s of lunlllagO, sciao a, artln» the ' riglit kind Of beat in your.
end will also be restored in his royal ritis and chronic neuralgia. h(itne.
prerogatives and take his place in Rbeunlatisnt is a dangerous dts-
line -for the throne. - ease. It often affects the heart Let us warm it for you.
Greek Dictator 0rerthrown 'attic causes sudden death. If you
Another chapter was written to the Rave. it in the slightest degree get
recent stormy poljtieai history of a Nettle Of Rheilunta from H. C.
Greece when General Condylis, form- DUNLOP, or arty druggist today -
er Minister of War, seized the reins and drive it fr6nll your System
of power and placed under arrest Gen. at c,ncee. -
eral Tangelos, who has been dictator'.._
of the republic for about a year. -- •
Periodos. who has been celled the
�j ��i`�' pp� q ' L
"Greek Muss.,lini," wag enjoying »,F O �LEi�1CH i1' r Dr �1?I�t U ' ��
holiday on the Island of Spore • i
when secxed by agents of the tavola- CASTOR IA nom/ Ste' GoeloriCh
For Good Clean Coal
South Sid.
No need to suffer with corns, or to
run the risk of paring them''=. Remove
them surely and painlessly' with Bot.
loway's Corn Removers
Wife and Husband
Both Ill With • Gas
"For years I had gas on the atom -
:tete The first dose, of Adlcrika
helped. - 1 now sleep well and all gas
is gone.' It also helped my hua-
band." (signed) Mrs. B. Brinkley.
ONE spoonful Adlerika removes GAS
and often brings astonlahlo;; . relief
to the stomach. Stops that ' full,
Worded feeling. Brings out old,
waste matter you never thought was
in your system. This exceilert in.
testinal - evacuant is wonderful for
constipation. CAMPBELL'S- DRUG
NII -Buy
The Plymouth .Anthracite Coal is the. best. It burns.
a q
to a line ash. and is practically free front slate. It cost at
the Mines 50c per ton. more than other Coal but we sell it
at the same price: Why not have the bent when It wit!
dist y0tt no more, .
Egg and Nut..
Stove, . . ,
Wealsohandle tate
... .$16.00 per ton ,
.. , . $16.50 per ton-
Master Anthracite Coal.`.
This Coal differs in some respects from the average
run of Anthracite from the Pennsylvania .'field and 'these
differences should be borne in mind to insure most effi-
cient and economic results. This .coal is sli htly ligliiter
and' therefore, fuses at a: higher temperature, is free burn-
ing and therefore more readily susceptible to draft eon -
trot. ' It is ALI, coal; it comes to you free' from slate and
other impurities, - It cannot clinker unless forced beyond
the high fusing point of its ash. It is an ideal .domestic
fuel and costs you 815,00, per ton, all sizes.
If your furnace or plumbing requires overhauling.
If you require a new furnace.or a hot water job or:'
plumbing, let us figure on it, also if your furnace and
plumbing require to be overhauled -Give us a call and it
will have prompt. attention:.
Everything it Shelf and Heavy Hardware .kept in
The Hardware at the wharf -
Store .'Phone 22, Rouse 'Phone 112.-
%III 171'
TORONTQ-.Aug. 28th to Sept. 11th '
lse rote and visit wr booths in the Pare hood Buildinrag,r The eitinien deer.
United rfa*d ler Groceries of 1110Quality. MerehandleDo
e under our own label
ears, oar Personal Guarantee.- Look for merehandiw undet thee* Brandi: "Rossi..».
"Brsesh!e", "Bayride" "rlayaellr', •'itich.tello' . You ran be snared
that wok
rnerrhandiee i.' the beet that mens ear bay. you aloe sot the added advrnt.g. o!
• Deeslabr Mem Le* Proses,
boy' anal Girls -•-We have sorsethlag for you at the Exliibitioa
CORN 1tClf.-�4SC. Badu
SALMON ' BRUNSWICK !tacitAli�fresh
i1b. TIN , SARDINES • y'eg'etabie
1/ Ib. TIN 2O 3 TINS 15c 1 O TIN
Wit Tsiiacialii S'acatdatttlatid ' hili d iwttditi -i tt
ow* privates labral
Guaranteed quality' and th. beat that money can buy
CA'I I' I lib. tow -10C t 6E1 W 7 ea. FLAKES A ON
ys Mir 46
1l 1L'. 40 DOMINO I, Bilk 63' Pik. S Ilfita.�Ib.
CR0 IxAI Chit ;t 0_ 1;62 32cwt.
lf`trer taresetrrlse e....1..,..11 '
3.4 j,1rt!`'. 1xIlilts'r (ilii1.tL11
iketelreaa.$l•1•Asa. j OATS5ibs.25C SPICE c
Tim sie'.1* sl'mt fee era w+ruk frets date