HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-08-19, Page 6.1 MUM 111111111 Y.L.MI.•UI-.wealas Pear ."01401 lift) 1PSI.. II S WATER DAINTILS slaty Toilet Waters, becortire, in this ,trrtment, we have used care in select. of oily remarkably dainty odor. fietistition ftp Arany new combinations of the world's The campaign of Hon, • best makes ire moatin orth senssttonal de, r n>ain,R in price from utiful tine of o$ld.00,to including far in the election cam[ Tutton to the accustiS : Hudnut, s. Gay Pared, Armand's, against him, thst his sy Pompeian. Customs campaign was underhand means, whit 144 t'vSpark iotfiotn . j11t- g DRU STORE red over the week -end Amos £'. Fe.guson, *S jury as a consequence have removed from t four thousand names errENARIANs, _ .,.,.. GATHERING :.► Wiring together of. Bos .PAIP!ts of the town airm Atrt ick's park yester- A.r e are about for. 40*y'in town of eighty When piap .a sad bit the oldest, no iike Ease tend body it *McIntosh, aged 97 abin were the seat of thig this year eon - 11411 "411 "D" o dosenf the. 1f last ist *be sofa ras imittisart get aside. wenty-two, four at the bleed sand yesterday. :Mr. s passed on, and t, Jos. Curry :teed. re not to be of being unwell. of last year's GODERICI-I ISE WD i Iilrs. Bay Mack and little see, Hu. Items been virkew him tire list few fifer *asetotown,SSask , where thetbe y w� gave. Wigwams sad akm Prim* VW�s MWV rs *hit relatives. Murray and Mrs. Aitken. returned to Mr. Bryden Vruuman will leave their rsspsetivst braes os Saturday. rektor on the harvest excursion tot PSOPLE Wg, KNOW Lehane, Alts„ where be will visit hie uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bur- Mr. John Purves spent the vatic. rows. y t.nd at Listowel. Mrs. Laura Brophey, Toronto, is NILE visiting in tewa. Jr: Miss Vary Sheppard, of.Tomato.' Mr. Jack Perlis was a week-eedt Iis spending some holidays at the Nile. tinker is Listowel. I Miss Mattie Mcllwaia and Mise Mr. H. Cunnisghsitn, of Waikerviile t Path McPhee spent the week -end in was * visitor in town last week. Goderich. 1 Miss E. Barkwell, of Toronto, is Misses Oral and Velma Yinniga.i visiting' her sister, Mrs. C. A. Walt - have returned home *her visiting in cry, Park street. 1 Seaforth. I Miss G. Harold, of Tavistock, is a. Mrs. Tiffin and daughter, Vera, of guest at the residence of Mr. and Goderich, were recent visitors in the Mrs. H. H. Reid. community. 1 Mr.. Thompson, of Winnipeg, is Miss Nellie Willie spent last week visiting her daughter, Mrs. Hardy, at, in Goderich township, the gest of • St. George's rectory. group were all on hand and six oth- Miss Ethel McIlwain. Mrs. W. J. Huston, of Toronto, is era who were not in the 1985 group Mrs. ,Arthur Jackson,. of Harriaton.; visiting Mrs. George H, Lennon, at were present also, Messrs. Michael spent last Saturday here with her "Overlook" cottage. Schwantz, Switzer, Geo. W. 'Sturdy, aunt, Mrs. A. P. Shepperd. I Miss Gertrude Begley, of Detroit,/ Emmanuel Mitchell, Jas. McCracken Misr Bessie Mallough, of Teeswa- is spending her::vaeatian with friend,*and Wm. Stewart. We hope in our ter, visited her cousin, Mrs, George In town and Dungannon. '' next issue to publish the group photo Ferman, of Nile, last week. Mrs. J. W. Daniela , renewed tee-' taken by Mr. Burkholder yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins and laugh- quaintances with friends in Eimer- .,afternoon.ter, Betty, have returned to !'Toronto dine over the week -end. The ladies of the neigaborhood co• They were accompanied by Mrs. M. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Craig, of Chi - operated heartily with "Dick" Black Clarke. sago, are questa of the former's in making the gathering a pleasant Mrs. John Tiffin and Miss Vcra 'mother, Mrs. Craig, West St.. one, serving yea Slow ants, and each Tiffin were out from•Goderich last Mr. and Mrs. Howard Yates, of St: gentleman had a flower placed in his week visiting friends in this. neigh Marys, art+ visiting her father, Mr. buttonhole,• borhoad. M Robert Russell recited in splen. . A. McGregor, and Mrs. McGregor. 1 ur.urrrrr ....10.1111•.dw• MN THIS Is' LINEN SEEK We have suit received another shipment of FANCY * : STAriLE LIN lair You are invited to call and have us show you these new goads. In Fancy 'Linen we have a complete stock of Venetian 'Lace and hand Done Cut Work 'in all sixes. Meavy Damask Table Sets I:;an:realging in price ,$6 to $25 per et All Linen Towels Hemstitched, tea dozen, to sell 49c each PHONE 86 36 Inch Oyster Linen OUR PRICF4 90cper yard Hemstitched Table Cloths and Napkins In Damask and plain} Linen. F. E. HIBBERT RELIABLE GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICES. did style and with perfect memory Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKnight and liar. and Mrs. T. Cameron Wien-,, _ - - - Montgontery's Voyage Round the daughter, Margaret, recently motored zie, of Toronto, are guests of their on friends at Southampton and -visit- . SCHOOL FAIR DATES f Walton --Sept. 27th \Sorld, which closes with the words: - to Cash, Mich. They were guests brother-in-law, Me. Jas. MaeVicar. ed Mrs. Samuel Gordon and Miss Ida, i The following ars "tile .gates of the Goderich Tp. --Sept. 28th 1 have seen them otic bY. one, with Mrs. Harry Phillips, the former's Miss Dorothy Bourn, of Detroit; is of Paisley. 'rho former will be well school fairs to tie held in the County Belitrtive -Sept. 29th Every shore beneath the sun,. ' sister. spending a two weeks' vacation at remembered in Goderich tp., being ak ofHd Bend-Sept, e this year Dublin=Sept, 80th And my voyage now is done. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Pentland; of the parental home, niece of the late Alex. Taylor. i Grand Mend ---tie t,"7th While 1 bid them all be blest, Chicago; Mrs. David Garvin and Miss 31;85 Margaret" McLean, of Rip1e3', "jr. and Mrs, Victor Bell and Mrs. Dashwood-,--Septi3 h heatre - P,ritain, Canada, thou art my honte, Mattie Pentland, Dungannon,' were is the guest of Mrs. Norman McLeod Williams, of Walkerton, motored cm Crediton --Sept. 9th • VW rest, guests last weal. with Mrs. Had. Pent- for a couple of Suede$, on Sunday, bringing with them Miss Winchelsea -Sept. 10th My own land, I love thee best. _ land, dile. • - - Doris Riley, who has.b2en holidaying Wroxeter -Sept. 13th THE Mil STORE ;r^"St to the o The Glad- Girls Guild of Nile Miss Wale ell leaves tomorrow rn goer UST . to Mr. Russel,- by the way, says that , rise sad retitores 1 the first frame house erected in Code. a trip to the West, visiting: relative.. Moon to the differ church held their annual picnic Tues- t►,ies the blood rich must have been about the year: afternoon at Bogie's beach. at Winnipeg and Saskatoon. Met. i ashy 1831, for his father, who also bore There was a good attendance of mem- Air. and. Ilene; John Wiggins and. Ifanutsetured on1tEl! and LFW .COOT the name of Robert Russell, came to bers and several visitors and. all re. son, Donald, left on a motor trip to l ,pan Mato, :LARD LOUIS • " Canada. the year . previous and there porta good time. visit relatives ,at Boston, Mass. r� ,Mrs, Prater, of Stratford, is visit- -1d story sof u tired were na biutiaes.:hexe.. at, that time,_ • Miss -Emma -Snell •been •spend .: ad a jealous "wife Having gone back to the olcl country ing her vacation at the home of her. Mg at the residence of. 'Tier mother: ,EcRETAItY„ in the meantime, he returned in,1832' father south of Nile. Before return- Mrs. John,Craigie, Montreal st. ' „ O i i31 and there were houses here then. ing to Toronto Miss Snell intends Miss Gertrude Worthy R GANG C lc 1" bar. Russell dada not question the `CIS' FEVER" stories of earlier settlement here; visiting a few' days with loins. Jain. but says -these settlers .must have = Thompson, Walkerville, lived- -in --tents--or-- igerarae ,lir _ the._ The marriage took place; in Grace -Thursday like; and to prove that his memory Eiiiseopat-ehurch; Detroit- at 11,00 J CHAPLIN is not at fault ,i the matter he re- a.m., on Saturday, July Srd, 1926, by r ICE `CALHOUN cited the poem .above referred. to, Dr: Pullinger, of Adele, daughter of ung joyride through , If this is taken as a test there can he Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. McCann,. of Jost` as funny as no doubt of ire correctness of Nin:_ Colborne tp., to David Chester Brown, ;unt," it will make you' Russell's recollection of what 'his only son of Mr. and bins. David 1 , you've never laughed father told him. dlrawn; of Montreal. ;rid of the .,blues by • see, Mr.: Wm.. Campbell, aged 92, made- Mr. end Mrs. Frank Hawkins, Tor - a -few remarks thanking Mr: Black' onto, accompanied by Mrs. Robt: Me. AN O TtlE Boxe and the ladies for the pleasure ,of .tlie - Tlwain, Nile, motored to Blynnouth. .'RAID .CC?DSEDX gathering. Mich., last week, where they were the tt+t CINDERELLA" and flags. turning* by way of.London. Mrs. - Cassidy, of Byron, came with them. - - i) ARDTON and visited at Mrs McIlwain's. • there. Mrs. Bell's mother, Mrs. John• - Gorrie-Sept. 25th - Handy, returned with them for a few Biuevale--Sept. 15th; Weeks, after which time she' will make Ashfield ;Septa 16th her home_iti Goderich. St. Jielense--Sept. 17th. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Steels and Mrs. Colborne-�•-Sept. 18th Richard Hall and daughter, Edith, of Hensen --Sept. 2Oth ' Tororto, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bal:- ?urieh-Sept. 21st er, of near Oakville,• who have been Varna --Sept. 22nd visiting at Jesse Gray's and with oth Blyth -Sept. 23rd of Kinear- er friends in Goderich, Ashfield, Dun- Ethel -.-Septa 24th. - dine; visited over' Sunday at the home. ganiion. Lucknow and • Whitechurch --- - of her brother, Mr. W. D.-Wortaa. for ,the past week, ret.pned to their Dr. and Mrs. Iieilemxnn and fain• homes on Saturday, having had a fly,- of .Coldwater, MTeh,, are' visrtmg Pleasant visit. They .motored up, in Goderich, having taken a cottage. " The- Bagenient---is-annot,nceii--oi :. tags.. Nettie Dufton Tilley, of Stratford: Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Eubt , df Ban, younger daughter of the late Mr. and over, anent the week -end with "their Mrs. Andre* Tilley. to Nelson Ruth= • aunt, .Mrs. G. W. Andrew Bayfield erford McConkey. B.A.: only son of Road. Mr. and Mrs:'S..R. McConkey, Strut 44 - Mrs. Edwin` Brown leaves "today on fords, the wedding. to .take place early her return to her home fit: Chiyago in September. The bride to•be is well after a very pleasant six -weeks'. visit known in Goderich, being •a fre<tuent visitor here and a niece,of Mrs. C A. hi town. iZeid. The park. was gay with pennants- guests of Mrs, George McPhee, re. Mrs. A.; G. Hovey and day bier, Margaret Jean, of Kitchener, are .ineriy Miss Thirza Elizabeth Le itt;`'for- 9 visiting the ladY's mother, Mrs. John graduatfes aGt dere was Bibleoiof sti- ..., ., Y graduates at the. Moody Insti- bgtttrdev " . Paves, * tute of Chicago who' received their Born -On August 16th, to Mr. and *, WESTFIiELD ` TH VARIAN:AND Messxs. 'C. .Ali._ Ellis anc� 1iVitltrr. diplomas August b. These students ]Y RUTMILLER hire. Stanley Hayden, a dayghter. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Campbell were Shannon leave this week for 'lobar= completing courses 'which include Bi. Mise Marg•iret Foster spent last.- i,loderich kfsitara on' Saturday. • Moray, where they expect to venal ble study; gospel musk and practical ;,it1' CARR AND week wit i ger arra., Dirs. harry Haw- Miss Hazel Pelts. of Blyth, is visit- VW TORRFN,'.'E kips, o:' Port -Albert.. . ing her cousin, Mrs: Walter Cook. about a month. methods of Christian work, are train • - Mr. and Mrs. D. ji. Willing and' -ed for various fields of service. Thin. tg klahed cast of ant bar. a d }ars. G Mich., ride and ting- Mr. and Mrs.. George=Ramsay, of son, Marland, of Harriaton, spent the training.is' offered free to accepted 'War,rhiiiring romance of dren, of ?ilial, Mich., are visiting Indiana, are visiting the latter thio- week -end et the home of tithe lady's applicants, with tate exception of a ?dls''lif the turf their aunt, Miss Mary Burrows, the., Mr. Robt. Henry. mothex, Mrs. R: A. Thumpaon. ' small fee far private music lessons. a 'ING 01 THE TGRF" - GO-G1TTEItS. IN ThIE ENICKERt-TIME" THE REVIEW" sI0 ueaday, . Thursday an ay at 3 ». ni, 14 •- "The Little Irish Girl " Clinton -.-Ort. 3 and 4 - • Tile hen is the only living creature who con sit still and produce dad - Limas. Stop the Cough.--Coughii'ig is caus- ed b''irritation in the respiratory. pas- sages and is the effort to .dislodge ob- struct=ons that cone from infianiina- tion of the muco• -i membrana. Treat- • ment 'vith Dr. Thn-nas' Ddeetric• Oil will allay ,tIi'� inffammatieii and in' eons'egnenee.' the 'cough • will' usually - • stop. Tru' it and'you will h" satisfied. EI Mr. and ;Mrs. Frank Hawkins and Airs: - Wm. Stackhouse, . of Blyth. Mr,' and Mrs. John Given and son � -The 119 young • ;nen and women repro- . liths. Betty have returned to Toronto spent Sunday with her niece, Mrs. Alfred, and Mrs. Alfred Nicholson, of sented '28 states and ii foreign coon. .,,..«.,, itfter spendiaE,s� Month with relatives, in. McDowell. Port Huron, Mich.,. spent the -week- tries. Three comnleted their -wort, in ;h ileinglinratillM s', - Mr. Ed. McDowell, of Toronto, is end in Goderich• visiting relatives, the evening.school. From March 2t - �'►'... , Mrr. C. AVard and Airs: Milli'an,of visiting his brothers, Messrs. Robt.Mr E. R. Tweedie of Columbus to June k8, 1926. 266 students from !"1 Y The' Best '� - •.ate==',�'�..,�. , Wald'. *root Annuli- 'Exposition• eco a Pant bu, ding,.- Att i dauee 1925 i.491,300. * i7rataao t; evernmeat.Bpitdh* to this vast. CANADIAN NATIONAL.. XHI11TION TOttyNTQ... do 1926 • Datei-Aug,'. t12` 66-$ pt I1, -• 3t' tate. and 11 f ncountries s n ore i Detroit, are `spending a couple. of and John McDowell, Sr. Ohl°, is visiting his broths;, Ilii`. z; weeks with their parents,' Mr. and Mr, Gordon Wightnan, of 1�Iew Jer. Campbell Tweedie, and leaves nett completed a ted sou,«see in the correspond - Mrs. J. H. II;'an. sey, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Robt. week ,to visit hit sister, Mrs. Noll,: at race school. • .."i.Dr. and Mrs. J.• T. Holdsworth and Henry, and other friends: Niagara Falls, N.'Y. ; ,4'*0i:: Mrs. John Cook returned home on. Mr. And Mrs. Stoke,of rrMidlanti and Mrs Richard, Ids McPhail, are the sof Br' ts of fir` Sunday after spending a week with ,City, Mich., and Mr: and Mrs. Hack- d C xstan nia Road. Dr. Holdsworth was foi`xn- � her son, George, of Belgrave, man and son, Junior, of.Detrblt;.mat- nrly Dean of•th4 Schaal of Economic ^ Mr. and' Mrs. Don Clark visited ored to Goderich and are visiting with .in the university of .Pittsburgh, and over the week -end with the formers Mrs. Stokes sisters Mrs. W. II. Wpai& later vice president of "the 'Bank of sister, Mrs.. Marvin McDowell. of town, • Pittsburgh. ' Until recently he was Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bennett, of Mr and Mrs. Richard 3. Drennan president of the Pennsylvania, Land !Winthrop, were callers on Sunday at *maraca the engagement' of their Bank, Philadelphia. He has fust the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry elder daughter, Sydelia; May, to Mr. completed the writing of a four... . Cook. • C. J. Gibbons. Detroit, son oil,Me,. ani .ume work on the History of Thanking Miss 'C•. Me(ltinton,. of Goderich, Mrs. Jas, Gibbons, Acton, lite mar. in Pennsylvania. and is the snarly of i and Mise Wilson, of Blyth, were re- riage to take place early in Septem- several books on economics and .fli- newing old *e uaintapces at Weat- ber. ante: Dr. Holdgorth has 'recently field an Sunday. Mr.°and Mrs. R. J. Megaw left yes- accepted the rhali. of F^ 0.0.*;;•N e„,* Mr, and Mrs. R. Stonehause • and terday on a trip to Great BrrhMain and Finance - in the new University of _son,. Donald, of.Goderichs. are visiting thewand expect to sail from Mi>:mt. Corel (.thud 'o ►rn ,i•,. q•a with Mrs. St house's Barents, Mr: 'New 1;arlt Saturday, ,,t let, _boiiifr ate -...will remove there with his family in and 14s. J. Campbell, and other sent for at'least two• 'months. This:*leirtember.. RP has 'great faith' In' friends. trip tfill 1* * combination of business : the future of Miami and believes that • Me. •.soli Mrs.. Will Tem�blvn . and sad pleasure. fe ;sh land baomohax passed. gid. Mia-. P ehitdren, of Toronto, and 1�Irs. 3 Mr. Jim Stew*xts nf;Ciuc at end Tamblyn; Of I,ondeslioroa were visit» a party"df friends,'motw'edi front that nit will hxve,.ir t developinent,. •city ,arid silent last -•vital 'with *Misr.. _ Mr. and }J .. oa. Prxhgh. ne T-»_ • ora at the home of the lstter.a sister ,y. and Mrs. Jfohn li(i;reay, Britannia .onto, are visiting Mrs. D. Meliwain. l M�irs, wm Campbell, it hast disspposed. -Road. On their :return home they Newgate fit, r _. - went by wow of ?litigant Fails, Bur* ii'raires this Asfhm� Ilei•►ealy, :A of .her two . farms. The one she is , . • residing on to Mr. J. L. Stonehouse fano end fukveland..` grateful user of Dr. ,T. D. Kellogg's i and the one on the 4th concession to We regret_ vary much to learn of Asthtns Remedy finds it the nn'y rim. Mr. Walter Mason, Mrs. Fothergill the accident Mrs. B. MacEwan, sr., edy that will give relief. though for intends to move shortly 'to Londe*. aaatsined - at St. C ltharhnesy where thirteen years he had sought nth" boro where she will nuke her home she has been visithtg tier daughter. ltelp. Years . of needless 'euffering with her father, Mr. Braithwaite.. Mrs. Honer, in falling and breaking May be prevented by awing this won. A family picnic was 'held on Friday her hip. - cierfut remedy at the first warning of at tire home of Mr. 'and Mrs. Robt. Messrs. John and William'.Morri• trouble, Its use, is simple, res :ort is Buchanan in honor of Mr. Buchanan's - son, of Orillia, *ma Edward Moret- slight, and it can be purchased, almost two sisters, Mrs. Aitkins, of Toronto, son, of Hamilton, and Miss Morri. so/where. and Mrs. Murray, of Duluth, who son, who were visiting in town at the perfect. Bread' :rapped or Unwrapped �t nide, nutty brown that peals to .,the. eye as wen, as $UYALOAF OF 'PERFECT BREAD • AND TASTE T'H •;' DIFFERENCE Try Our Whole Wheat Bread and Fruit Bread U. CLEVELAND-- .. BAKER• .PRONE 124 - WEST sumer ONE GRAND Mas-querade and Cth'nwaJ DANCE AT THE PAVILION, GODERICN Thursday, Aug. 26 GOOD PRIZES GOOD MUSIC GOOD TIME PREPARE FOR IT residences of D. Carry and P. Can.. Happiness consists of doing with- residences left on Friday on their return, it• out the things you want and enjoying' NIhome. Mr. and lire. T.- Leckie and son, - - Monteith, accompanied by' Mr.. and Mrs. Andrew Bobtail, of London, were in town on Monday evening on their way northward on a motor trip. They expect to take in Barrie and Toronto on their return homewards. We regret to learn that Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Ryan intend leaving Gode- ._ riefs- *WA- the middle- of heat- *rook, - for Detroit, where they intend • to make their future hoes. Tnelr son Janes and daughter Mary are *heady in Detroit and Gordon will *eeo,n. parry there and Norman is working net far from Detroit. so that It iv ad- vantage**s to maks the family home in Detroit, though Mr. Ryan expresses rivet at ieaviag Coodlaieh. Prof. sot Mrs. H. It. Jordan, of tlrentfort, were weeit-end gases of Cel. and Mrs. H. C..ntettity. Mr. Jeri** Is a termer oripirMst of Xan* hatch *ad swear hirsute in Geiericlt were phased to seri Mie mod Mfrs. Jordan - Mrs. Ruth The s sprat the poet week with her in Mfrs. B. N.1 Willis*, .1 Msirr4.t a, *ad also esII d „ The Plynouth'Anthracite ,Coal is the best, it burns to a tine ash and Is•practically free from slate. ' It cost at the Mines Stec per tem Toone than other Coil 1•u -t we sell it at the s:tinu-niece. : \!fiiy:not have the, best :when it ,will cost, you no more Egg tiid Nut. $16.00 .pvc ;u Stove. . . • f Y' r , ". 1G.s4 +std ton ` We also handle: the Mester Anthracite Coal. ,This Coal dialers in some respects from the average run, of .Anthracite from the Pennsylvania field and these differences should be borne in mine to insure most effi- cient and economic results. This coal is slightly lighter and therefore fuses at a higher temperature, is free burn - in, . and therefore inore''readily susceptible to draft con. trot His ALL coal; it comes to you free from slate and other imPurities.7 it cannot .clinker unlessiorced beyond the`high fusing point of its,asli. It is an ideal domestic `fuel and ..osis you S15.00 Iter :tin, all sizods: • . If your iurn ce or -plumbing regtlires overhauling. If you require a tte\i.„f,!r,ace or a hot water job or'. plumbing: let tis figure on it, also if your furnace and Plumbing iequite tore overhauled—Giveus a call and it will have prompt attention. liver; thick in Shelf and Heavy Hardware kept in stock. . • CHAS. ` Ct. LEE. Th, Hardware at the reherf • -•*Hi1f► otimei FL*it _ Ottimitite Lein iilkiiTiJilii . Stere'Phine 22. House 'Phone 112. k HARVE8RS 0' . •r, Ampil • 0.44 maims niter rl stseipsor vitt c.*-dI n Iheise,e,l 04n.will ea foli►+wul Caseekile isl 9;11:41 2 iosie1 11A .A tfila 15 2.0 •1'Ji;1�.i1.121. iAsg.1; ?hA0 lent � .�s,t • 90: 10. 1'.![. ,alai• !0; 1 is Art. gl: 1.00 i.]�C. Atig. �: 11.10. P1 OM OrrAWA 12* Alt. Aag•111 *del& Assg- 17) 12.01 soon Asa. 1E; 1.115Alt. Atig. Mill Mt soma M . • PI VIMIGOOM ii* Aft. Avg. II f,+i riglttAssli."sla Cs Taint ssrw riendssi, ltsiriiissa wet iaglsi recd, t NOM pM rOw leo Lit. i sig. =ik Oassgoilowsk stud l attasetioL amdrt gimes* Viii iriseeekeeptionigoi.y, y sastelat wain. iter Ilse& ...salt Mesal PON WOWS *UD ISILIMMI lrrrl destim$tst Iia !wt . • •