The Goderich Star, 1926-08-19, Page 5' UNTVERSITT OF WESTERN ONTARIO
Tbe Orabsesalfer oilers fear *seams
fee imam Oen iM-rear emus ler
dee degree et Lila. (in *Maine i...,
tele to Arts sad *roe years el
rliaa arw�asset Pbnita Roslih. Three eet.-
3rtg be the aM�aPublic woos
. Y
Cir( ]Ziff.); erltYIf rising g
la If riirrg
The nnli,st. Cosset u.
awspisoalMEd boot f.Yt11011Molt dot.
For oeiYYaMI to-
Itt.00ti.a ow* to: --
E. P. A. xz•rls111.
Letere. Cantu.
CHAPTBR R?►VII, (Continued) upon it; he lifted the lid and felt of
Be pushed open the cache door; the ashes within. "Dey Ief' 'bout five
and a moment racer ate. s .,r;,..e ties hour' ago. Wal, data berg :,tart. I
sound of rending wood es he sl,,la1- guess mebbe dey sate enough." '
dered his way into the dark cabin,: "Don't say that," Roulette implor-
regardlesa of lock and bar. Roulette ed. "Rock can overtake them. He's
was clone behind him when he Mktg,* a famous traveler."
a match and held it to a candle which] "I dunno. Dey got good tenni••-"
he discovered fixed in its own wee be: • 'Tie must catch them! Why, lit
side the window. 1 has ninety 'miles to do it in! He
Curiously the interlopers surveyed! must; 'Poleon, .he must! Of course
the unfamiliar promises. Roulette Nils is evidence, but it isn't proof.
spoke first, 'with suppressed excite - f eeensn:ber, Pierce talked wildly:
meat : 1 People are prejudiced against him
"You were right, And they left is 1 and—you know the Police. They art
a burry, too." ' on suspicion, and cit'cumstanees are
"Zara. Beddin' gone, an'• edgy got certainly strong,. Poor boy! e
plenty beddin on Hunker -Fere day 1 these men get away—.who knows
?" . !•,
agrub-pack,ee of an v a
m 1.s 1? eo x v hat m happentoi tell
nhm . 1 you
his finger the a white. dustof hisv life
u h t 1maybein
e 1 danger. for
f?; A gvery
flour which lay thick upon the ;able. the law is an awful thing. gI--I've
Striding to the stove, he laid his hand always been afraid of it. ,So was
• ttgl
ease _' ail diRECTRINS'' /
t :
There is
�nly one
ay to kill
all the Flies
.rllitfiis it—Darken the -room close the
windows, raise one of the blinds w'terit the suns ^fines in. about
eight inches. place as many Wilson's Piy Pads as possible on
plates (properly wetted with water but not Hooded) on.the
window ledge where the nett is strong. 15 -eve the room closed
for two or three hours. then sweep: up the dies and -burn them.
Site illustration below."
Pot tete plates away out of the reach of children until re-
- finked in another. room.
#.40.00 ,11.,.Y
fathe4 s. W. total day. We oust
send Auk loins. Yee. sad, wlfdloi i } ,
a snanarltls
; "Yat .till get deep f..iir' for dal; essimpingt
hailer t" ?sleet I igeired. gravely
']thee ilk took of anguish, the frame i Teem no sumo m .awns,.
noxi of as oat than he received. were es ei arawere
'novels. "lien!" he said. slowly. 9 so � ani este
leak' satisfy, dot's all. f never see !ilei is ea¢ I.. #t•.twa4 aigiseled.
you so "care' as dis." ' A free sedan at the homes envy
"You know haw I feel." Roulette day Is what yea need to moan bodily
said; then, more curiously: "Why solei. 411141..„114"111 lite 6otrsls atr�
do vont need to mak. ;urs! Do you telae Iw baid " lee"'
think I'veeche ated--7" She ke.itat. st euro.
ed for an instant; there carat a faint fa�yesrfmweistregalrisstardw'erlt•
snicker of auprebension between her, - by the tree .f
brows: into her eves creat a look of
wonder whish changed to astonish-;
ment, then to incredriity, fright
"Oke -h!" she exclaimed. She raised!
a faltering hand to her lips u if to;
stay a further betrayal of the know.,
ledge that had suddenly come to her
"Oh, 'Falun, my dear! My brooh:r!" i
The man smiled painfully ae he
met her shocked gaze. "I'm fonn., ' Three pfik k bees ea the
teller, ma soeur; always dreamin' ui
mos' foolish ting. Don' pay no. 'ten. , market for flee peat $$ years.
tion." Put up only by The T. Milton Ca*
"I ami I always will be thet—,,r 4111444 Torostto, Oat,
your sister. Rave I made you un- --
'" �.' •`'"'^'"
ha ,r„
PPS ': you own a lively bunch of mutts."
Vigorously he shook his head; his "I give you tas'e of lnjun traa��•el,
face slowly cleared, "'No, no. In die Ratter you dress light an' buekllesel.
life one ting is give mo happiness•-»' dot belt, for I grit reason re tin` out
one ting alone—an' dot is bring you , who heel Courteau. I ain't goin'
joy. Now, come, De grass grawin , at
no more till 1 know."
ooh our feet." The officer trailed as he declared ;
Together and to silence they hue• "That suits me exactly. We may not
led hack as theyI
had' come; then, lin ,catch them, but they'll know they've
lie plea that he could make better been in a race before they thumb
time alone, 'Polon left his compan. their noses at us from across the
ion and headed for the Barracks. theirnry. Now see hove fast you
llot'letta let him go Witliou* pro- can liarticss up." e
test; her heart was heavier than lead; t It was coiisider.nhly afFor midnight
she could find no words whatever. A • when 'Poleon swung his deg-tettm in -
new tragedy, it seemed, had risen to!to the lighted space in front of the
face her, for sire reetise•i now that i Rialto; nevertheless, many people
she hadwho t !.
r the m iv
io lover
her, c
were' about, for Dawson was a city
best cs of all. ,
'That at ••er:ulnty 11 i
filled her!
with such regret, such n• feelingoft of sleep -haters, d .ia flying
a •trip
guilt, that she could not bear to think' ir*thls hour
of the for dt vtrip
tit• --this hour of milli,. evoked in -
of it. Avery poi4rant sense of pain; stunt ,interest and spect:tatiou, point.
t" eubled her as she earned into the l ing, as it did, to a new gold diseovery
Rialto, aril as a consequence the live-; and a stampede. Stampedes were
ly elattei• of the place grated upon frequent, they neve" fa ilei. to seats
her. sens; glities; aha felt a miserable, i a sensation, therefore tire: woodsman
sick desire to shah her ears to this r was soon the eenrte' of an inquisitive
sound of laughter whiee was like ri. crowd. Not until he had 'fully ex -
bald' applttt,so for the death -blow she plafned' the nature of his business was
rad dealt. Yes, she had deislt a suspicion allayed; then his word that
•death -blow, and to one most dear. Joe and Frank McCaskey had fled
But hew could she have foreseen such for the Boundary ran up and .down
.a wretched complication as this ? the street •and caused even greater
Who would have •dreamed that gay. excitement.
careless. laughing 'Poleon Doret . was Roulette cams hurrying forth with
like .other. men? Roulette felt the the others, and to her 'Poleon made
'desire to bend her head and release known his intention of accompi Dying
those scalding teats that 'trembled on the flshes.eet-footed Rona. -
Lleutenant Rock was ie "'N'obody�is able to Welt denefelle: plunging basket sled. In spito of the
mewing for but him an me, he explained. 'Iter 'biting cold he Was stripped down; a
e'lfiwhen 'Polo ,�- .,
Th cults, forced sols w:ty In upon him. "Yon think they nifty get across?" temper of they Win3,-7igii-!-fur hoots -- _
at a sl''.at pass., hashing threeetk 1
attadsws sad prat glaring lighted
freab, ,astride( the tight kiekory
abed *Ioag bedded se if it wore a thing,
of paper. Zack bsk,rited klar.df ap-
an the runner keels until, with a
,knot, he put kis weight upon tee
sharp -toothed sled brake end tarot to
I a pause neer 'Polson. The rite!,
tato plunged into their collars and•
set up a pandemonium of yelping, but'
willing hands held them from dying I
at ono another's throats. Meanwhile
saloon doors were orening'. the street
was filling; dance -hall girls, 'white.
*proved bartenders, bleary.eyed pod
estrians, night -owls ---alt the queerly
assorted devotees of Dawson's vivid Y
and roisterous nocturnal life hastened' �: - — -
thither; even the aecond•atory
woe' cusation and appeal, Roulette at him and get a
doves framed heads, for this clanil'r length teaponded b�: a question,, which way it got
put slumber to Right without delay. ! "Then why haven't you d ot:e sense
The wind was no longer strong, and, thing ti clear hint?"
already a clearing sky was evidenced Lame drew her flimsy wrap closer; i Man sine
by an occasional winking Mar; never -1 she was shaking wretehedly. Where
theles,, it wait bitterly Bold and those' she spoke her words were seille di
who were not heavily clad were fore., from her lips as if by the trem�►r4 of -
ed to stamp their feet end to 1
their arms in order to keeptheir her bady. "I could help. I wou!n I
but --•you she tit have him. oto
blood in mutton. 1 shall! I'd rather see him dead. 1%1;
Nothing is more exciting, snore;• -•No, no! I don't know what I'm
ominloua, than a man«hunt; doubly saying. I'd sooner die than hurt
portentous was this one, the hasty him. I'd do my bit, only—Mil as.'
preparation, for which went forward key'•d .kill me. Say, Will Rock get
in 'the dead of night. Dawson had him, ,d'you think? I• hear he gest
seen the start of niore then one race Iris pan every time. But Joe's dif•
for the Boundary and had awaited the ferent; he's not the ordinary kind;
outcome with breathless interest, he's got the devil in him, Frank-..
Most of the „fugitives overtaken had he's a dog, but Joe'll tight. He'll kill
walked back to town, spent, famished —et the drop oaf the hat. o wilt
frost -blackened, but there were some lt'ock, I suppose. Maybe he'll kill
who had returned on their Backe, them both, eh? Or maybe they'll kill
wrapped in robes or canvas and offer.;
ing mute testimony to the speedy and;
relentless efficiency of the men from'
the Barracks. Of that small picked'-
corps Lieutenant Hoek by long;
odds the favorite. Now, therefore.: •
he W
as then
center of attentions, and
w v
tigers were laid that he would catch"r,
how v
e err rapidly- men, tip ]y they travel.
ed, however great their start. tilt'
a 'few old timers--"sour.doughs"
from the distant reaches •of the ?ilk-
on—knew 'Poleon Doret, *but those
few drew close to• him and gave the
lieutenant little notice. This French
Canadian they regarded',as tae most
tireless traveler In all the North;
about 'him, therefore, they assembled • .
and to him they .addressed their ques-
tions and offered tlieir advice. • •
' Roulette was, slow in leaving; for
some time she stood harkeningto the -
swift •diminuendo of 'those tinkling
sleigh -bells, staring into., the night as +
if to, fix in her mind's eye the rletuie 't
of what she had' last seen, the picture
of a mighty man riding the rail :of -n - ____
beda n. ,� tee .. soros lit a got too. rorg stmt;"- - thin __ _drill parka sufficed to break the
The officer 1* NA.4 o is caller's re- she queried: apprehensively;
�rtal, and even before it was finished "Five,. six 'hour, dat's ••bang . edge.
had begun to braze himself in his But me—", The speaker shrugged.
teen clothes. "Forty :rYukon,
"Courteau confessed eh?' And 1ian'part,Mtle, iti mak' no'Circle.differFo.t 1 get 'em
the McCaskey's have, disappearo,j-..some plane, if I ga plumb to Se Mich.
taken French leave. Say! That ael's, When I get goin' fas' it ;tak' to spare, her even the nam . of endue
changes the look of things, for a fact• me long tam fpr run down." - apprehension. The shock ,of her dis-
0,1 course tees! .may have merely Rou'.etta's eyes opened. "Birt,_ covert' of an hour ago was still trio
gone` back to He:.nker--" 'poleon—you• can't! There's the fresh in Roulette's memory; .it was
"In de middle of snowstorm ? i)i boundary. .You're not ate officer; you still too new and too agitating to
tam de night? No. Des• makin' tee have no warrant". permit of .orderly thought, yet there
for de I,fne an' it's gom' tab fan team ' "Dem t'fng is dam'- nuisance,"' be it stood, stark and dismaying. This
for pull 'em down," declared. "I don' savvy dis law Ilii- woodsman .loved her, no longer as n
'"Well, -I've got the -best dogs in rase. You say ..get .'em. Btee". I Meter, lint as the one womanof his
town" do it." - choice. As yet she could not recon-
Roek's caller smiled. "M'sieu, div Roulette. stared curiously, wonder.
gain' travel some if dey keep in sib ingly into -the big fellow's face; she
of met" i was about to put her thoughts into
"You?" Rock straightened himself, words meten a shout arose from the
Wi11you go along? Joye! I'd like crowd as the Police :team' streamed'
that!" he cried, heartily. "I've heard into elev-. Down the street it came.
"After taking,______
at anythin ar ".
had -gas ore r'.' do!
ouldn't keep an w
Jeep, (sign„
)Ni; spoottful;Mfl
;;AS and ofte►Tt.;iI,
eli�ef to the:
:tat full hl',cv',
em luring, Out ,lccr3, to
lever thoughtut k,' w
ant. t:xeellen
tipation. Cain -
«et,,i,lpt �"�
t tui
'' et 1."
1,1, .t
:Dc flier Tike , -eookx
D MEMBER, files are .inose tan troubit
They corns from filth to fend.. Get rid at
with Flit. 1
Flit spray .clears your -home ia4 *few minutest
ease -bearing flies and mosquitoes. It is cleats,
and easy to
= were upon his feet;'the cheek' pieecs t - �•.
of his otter capwere tied' above his(• • -
crown, Ile had turned to wave at her ' •
and'toeshoi;t a. word of encourage- e
ment just before he vanished. That el
wan like biin she .told herself—eager ;'0 -
Out of Goderich
�•+ a ••i T . "able. to
The . r l -teed a I
mese" `i,•• folenviei;' :-ketch by Miss
Ann ,t• ...tele. I) Seici n'nenn of tour -
we nett e4,n'111.r, it is epee).
priate tl'nt se'nc of the familiar
aspects •of our delightful town should
be put riefore este in a pleasing man -
net.. and IVO are sure our permanent
residents will read the sketch with
interest also.
_es itheei a .patrioteee Cana,ditele who
u knowledge a deer carne into town in
have never been to Goderich have inin 'h- Oremoten"lialr;ietted• et."...,ggt ,ith..a., iga.:oftel .y;i' leave this' Fraroh of food
',hose of two towns infixed, with the ..._.,-... .. such air occurrenea
nitissed a real opportunity of viewfnk „exult that where Guelph now is, God• austere ;dace and find proper. otter rank lfiafely`raie `'Pastil oscle it tial
a Canadian town at its very best. ? more in the Square proper. Many: mals feel instinctively the of
.• -rich should be and vice versa. pity
Situated on the high flanks of Lake A 1 quaint stories the old residents wile rousing the town from its lethargy.
Huron, the second largest of the' The layout of Goderich is quite; tel! you. I recall one in particular.
Great Lakes chain, this town was or- unique. Built up entirely on the ,about the commercial traveller in In "the beautiful old centro lila
ixinally a wild Indian settlement con- 'south side of the winding River Digit Bruits who, reaching the town after' sleep those whose chief aim in life
elating of seven or night shanties
Tend, the centre and very heart of the ,
round: was the welfette of which were seldom permanently oe- Sqtouare." Around tan his octagon n called "are thehSttua�r'e with un eyes toroceeded to lbusiness.1 town, w tehed over byxthe featherylovely ''
espied but to which roring bends of He counted twenty.eight drug stores.: t
Indians"repaired during the hunting the atnrt:i,. banks, hotels and various willows and guarded from all rude
places ee business and tram it tho and went to bed in a ecstatic -frame of;
and fishing seasons. mind. In the morning however, Hies' Sounds by the b�'o4.ding Anse! of „
streets branch oft in all direction*. ; ..
" It was in 1829 that true hardy loan- Tha
oilers of the Canada 'Company, those -- a wheat the hob of which is the- again sallying forth and finding only with ' I•er pretence eta made them
In the centre of the octagon is a 1i i'li'I'I a —bate -walked o -ouncl-...tbe_ tiguare --
proriat dund in ly largetracts of he tewn o land all; filled• with ',aautiful tld trees sur•1 four time and counted the same ones, . "t'�r"�'s"
through Western Onterio, drew up; ro: nding the atrsient courthouse. over and over .•
plans and with true forestglts esti- Thdt grim, stone, building .has scent Goderich is an enterprising little
mated the likelihood 'of each town in solemn judges in formal wigs , and i town. Its f -u toriei and stores are
years to come becoming a fair-sized goring proceeding to the triaLof some; i, in every way but yet the
old -
'city or agricultural community sit the person whm has been brought in bb t town has. not lost that secluded, old-
case might be. •a the sheriff for stealing fraiir a neigh• world atmosphere 'so uncommon in
What is now Guelph was mapped bor. Within its walls have murder-tl the hustle of this work -a -day world._
out that year and it is here that aned ors been aenteneed and juvenile do-. Birds there are in plenty during the
tinquenta dismissed {: ,n a warning.; suninier months and sometimes a wild
extraordinary,droccurrenc believe, to it place. What that silent witness of the de -y animal the
around in the woods
Thrilling so many plans, the Coni•1 gradatio4t' of roan would tell if ft.•across the river. Once to my certain
eo Id 1 r
plan resembles not, SO much ` Spirits were somewhat damped,
dile herself to succi a state of affairs; •
her attempts to do so filled her with..
mixed emotions.. Poor 'Poleon!
Why bad this come to him? Rou-
letta's.'throat swelled; tears not of
the wind' wind' or the cold' stood in' her•.eyes
once again; an aching' tenderness and
pity welled up from her heart.
She .became conscious finally that
her body was growing. numb, so site
bestirred herself. Slie had' taken hut -
a step or two, however, when some f
trlovenient in the shadows close' at
band arrested her, Peering into the, •
gloom, she discovered a .figere.- Iti
was Laure.
Flit spray alsodeatroy.cbedbup ,roaelsesaralInits.Ittea
out the eracks and crevican whore they _hide and breed,
destroys insects and their eggs 'Spray Flit on your Rare
Blit Ilius moths. and their larvae• which eat hole'. Eike
tuts showed! that Flit spur dirk not Maks the most dew
fabrics. •
Flit 13' the. result off eaiauetive researclii: by expert eat,
ogists and' ehemista.. It is. harmless to snsnkutd. FI.
replaced'. the old methods because it kills all the/ insects•
doe':it quickly. Get a Flit sire andsprayertoday.
Distrfbuteditn, Canada. i:yc Filed 3. Whitlow k Co:, Toru
woman M(segtdso.e: Meth*
Ants; Bid! sag Paschal
The. girl wore some sort. of wrap i'
evidently snatched at random, but un•', ,
der it she was elad' in her dance -hall
finery, and she, too, was all but fro:
Roulette was about to 'move. on
when the other addressed her throu'ih
teeth that clicked like eastanete.
"f got here --late. Is it true
Have they=:gone after Joe ^r:d
"What •happene I -..I haven',
heard.: Don't they hint • --Pierer d:d
it?" . .
-v . "Youknoey he didn't do it," Roe
Iettn'cried. ".4i•itiT<r'-Vide'7ie"-etcr?•
C ovrteau's money."
"What do you meati, 'I snow':"
Laure's voice Was harsh, imperative.;
She clutched at the "ther girl; then.
as Roulette hesitated, she reg;ii:cJ
control of herself and ran . on, in 4
tone bitterly resentful: "flit, y oil%I
like to get him, nut of it•:••save hint
for yourself -,•wt,uldtl't • you?. . Put
you can't. You can't have him. I
won't let' yet. My God: Lefty, hi•',I
the only thing I ever clued for., I
never had even a rho or a eat At :a
canary of my own. 'I'isink J. little hit
of me."
Almost dazed by thi,; mingled tete
en,!1-tree, who lovas saretttled these apo',
esatey Scotchteen• whole deicenelmita1Square and the spoke, the streets. i seven. The explanation is obvious,, carne of the must ha:.svveJ on earth.
Mock bitnir
alaarutar .
Wash'Silks, Flat Crepes, Crepe'.
Chines, and Georgette Dresses
for sports, afternoon, street
wear, business and dinner.•
5t l;ed after the fashionsof rnuch. higher
priced oneb.
Tails rad: with long or'vshort sleeves; round c
boyith necks and prices are very;
reasonable, at the
Royal Ladies' Ready -to -Wear .Co:
East Side Square -- Goderich.
so 000
esolNa tt
goo •kit. lei tet ppeet�•• one to point* beNM+rt, trot not went 1 Plug h teat per weir rMttft
et Matoobe, Mat Leaf and t" aaastY pout to Motive*
Ai . 1 Sts ' beset. Motion* to onte'!ettith's !`alit to and IrotWitng Toewrl. ave Writ t Osttod�,'I,et�re
QII3 Lido and Hidd«k .t.rk„rr Lino.
Pot as Motion. Ki t. ibntrew Amodio. Intimate..
A ►ter. .11 Moiled tree futon to Ildmio ra,w, trdu.i.e, Dra...d to trots owl p - t
a .tiers Ir tet .wd ,vett noesis to .tot Isterwdow H -- 5$i'
w.IMrd, NM.eta Pettit mrd wtrdwr.
Peelle aM sloths. w Ott Send. tN Orr oworill., Tow,p tor. Morey t•trbf tWi.
- Ga itebA, st. bras., Port Servo", omit Sl. l r.ttoh.a.
Q - Vora ata stenosis /aromas mot North t. eretrdv..
Sept. 3rd r t,i. ClrtlM.or N ti" WNt troll l.ru4o Nolitniftro leaetliotot
ari'f.twMa. li.rdk.w 4 Siesta •
• N. B. FLA:RITY, Uptown Ticket Agent
Ti Lena.. arta C Yt.t.� ar* tree • boat od Ise MI....Uni.o terra Wink hk villa Owl dole w*ar
lhttl /r,Ir,rttwla4u* ltrrne
... 11 111111 I'