HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-08-19, Page 3. r a IVERYTT OF WESTERN ONTARIO Mk* TOW A alitANIATI Itilltft? T. usoperii, *v.- .v ttt+lac Intfar wee& seen mcee elte dogrel' of X.3c. (M Issain ), 1e., tune is Arts awl tibias ...is int X*ad PAM* des Health. 'lures OW Scuss Ess >» twraee te ti. wd . Ptotic Sasi ( .H II one aerata* as ei rrslss la s a t tt g LAI ; Sat la The lateness* Gooses s» its tiw is.t censorsAstir Art. rl Pee -dons iM t,t- isosrsalsa op* 1110• L P. L :ettvst.L*. PAX. IlsohOott. UMW. Crlutes. 1$ = . CHAPTER X?iVIL (Continued) upon it; he lifted the lid and felt of He pushed open the cache door, the ashes within. "Dey lef"bout five and a moment .a:er wee-.: ::...e the hour' ago. Wal, dot's beeg :tart. I sound of rendi:tg wood es he Mond- guess mo"bo dey safe enough." tiered his way into the dark (g:bin,: "Don't say that," Roulette impior- regardlesa of luck and bar. Roulette ed. "Rock can overtake them. He': was close behind him when be 3tku:k a famous traveler." a •match and held it to a candle which "I dunno. Dey got geod team•—". he discovered fixed in its own wax be= '•IIe must catch them: Why, ht side the window. has ninety 'miles to do it in! He Curioraly the interlopers surveyed must, 'Poleon, .he must! Of course the unfamiliar premises. Roulette obis is evidence, but it isn't proof. spoke first, with suppressed excite.' Zernembee, Pierce talked )I wildly: ment : 1 People are prejudiced agaibst him "You were right., And they left in and --you know the Police. They art .a burry, too." on suspicion, and cit'cumstances are ":Sure. Beddin' gone, an' ---dry got certainly strong. Poor. 'boy! :, plenty beddin' on Hunker,itere dey these men get away—who len"' mak' grub -pack, see?" 'Poleon ran what may happen to him his finger thrpugh a white duet of his very life may be in flour which lay thick upon the '.able, the . law is an awful • tl striding to the stoveiehe laid his hand always been afraid of WHEN USING .\\ W i LSON'S FLY PADS R, e,!) DIRECTIONS,' CAOCT'UllY 'AND GLLUW TME;rt • E x Acott;; • 4 s 0 There a only on ay teak ,. the Fli 'X'lalitl lb.—bathos the room as much as passible, close windows, raiseof a -o f the: Minas w fere-the-srm.s:'lues ln, j% "' ' eight inches, place as many Wilsons Fi,' Pads as possible I • plates (properly wetted with water but not flooded) on Window ledge where the lis'tt is strong, leave the room.clo for two or„three bouts, then sweep up the Ries and burn tb 'Pe illustration below.' Par the plate* away out of the reachh of children until gained in another room. r,. 0 The Unique. bathaar. le W Ort der *+s 011it sod limb y Yea, in* w►Wtlatit "YM eagtt get deep �toenail lar jst 11 Saler?" Wean ...a s.�A, spar the Kaiak loge at waging. freak 1 nod of sanest then he received. were enough. "Meat" he said. slowly. "1 tusk' satisfy, dot's all. I never ars you so scare' as dia." "You know how I feel," Roulette said; then, more curiously: "Why do too need to matte sum•! Do volt think I've champ -7" She beltxt- ed for an instant; there came a faint nucker nf apprehension between hue brows: into her eves crept a look nf wonder which changed to astonish- , meat, then to inereddity. fright I "Oh—h!" she exclaimed. She raised! a faltering hand to Mr lips as if to! stay a further betrayal of the know-, ledge that had suddenly come to her "Oh, 'Poison, my dear! My broth:r!"a (Phe man smiled painfully as he Writ her shocked gate. "I'm torn.; ' There pies bwee boas oe. tie teller, ata soeur; always dreamin' at:. mast for the pent it y mos' foolish ting. Don' pay no 'ten. tion." Pot ap ally by Ilia T. =bars Can ' "I ant-•— I always will be that-- i ieaited, Toronto; Oat. your sister. Have I made you un- « - happy'?" . you own a lively bunch of mutts." one shook his head; his "I gine you tss'e of injun travel. face• slowly cleared. "No, no. In des Vigorouslyhe 'letter you dress light an' buckle up life one t'ing -e give me happire3s—; dat belt, for I get reason to fin' out one t'ing alone—an' dat is bring you i wlto Heel t�ourteau. l ain't actin' Joy .Now, come. De- grass gt oovin' " oh1 our feet" +sleep no more till I know, The officer smiled at he declared : Together and in silence they tsar• "That suits me exactly. We may not led bail: as they had een:e; then. on catch them, but ---they'll know they've 'he plea that he could make Better been in a race before they thumb time alone, Poleon left his eompan• • thein• nares at us front across thn Aon and headed for the Barracks. i 11oun;l�r;', :vow; see how fast you Rot�letta let him go with ou* nen 'ran harne is up " e test; her heart was heavier than lead; i • It wins considerably after midnight she could find no words whatever. A • when 'Poleon swung his deg -team in - new tragedy, it seers d, had risen to? to the lighted'space in front of the face her,_ for . ane .xas,,jj.vi ..rr.,.r a�L�` ... y` X'>yaef� ar tea ttetrssaa its• troslit ie aces asset to sot sae .A tree sepias of the bowels croon •her Is what yea aged to encore Doig' Malik sad what oho Moen Ajette staid eaaedy the stoat At etas. Keep year bevels regeler sad wak- ing property by the wee et I llburn's .,.••_."„ �.r O et a post Mw Malting threes* f shadows end past glaiag lighted) heat* snsiehiag the light hickory , set along Mined ea if it wore a thing of paper. Zeck balanced himself up- on the muter heels until. with a I *tett. hs pat kis *peeks lipoa Vie sharp -toothed sled brake and come to 1 a pause near 'Poleon. The rival, teams plunged into their collars And r set up a pand.nsonium of yelping, Wt' willing kends Mid them front flying j at one another's throats. I[eanwhfla , saloon doers were orening. the street was 1lliitng; dente -hail girls. *hite- aproned bartenders. bleary-eyed ped estrians, nlght•t+wli=-ell the queeriv,, ***anvil devotees of Dawson's vivid and roisterous nocturnal life hastened thither; even the second•stt ry win. c•usation and appeal. I:oi1ett* at him and get a duos framed heads, for this clamor length iesponded * otm+estion, which way it gu, put slumber to flight without delay. ! "Then why haven't you done >rac•" The wind was no longer strong, and thing; t ' dear hint"" i already a clearing sky was evidenced f,aure drew her fl.mey wrap clteter: Man Slee by an occasional winkingstar; never- eke was shaking w•rktrhedls•. When e ess, It was bitterly cold and hose who were not heavily clad were fore- ed to stamp their feet and to whip their awns in order to keep their blood in motion. Nothing is more exciting, more ominious, than a man -hunt; doubly portentous was this one, the hasty preparations for which went forwntrd in the dead of night. Dawson lied seen the start of more than one rare for the Boundary *mid had awaited• the outcome with breathless interest. Most of the fugitives overtaken had walked back to town, spent, famished frost -blackened, but there were some who had returned on their haeke, wrapped in robes or canvas and offer- ing mute testimony to the speedy andl. relentlesse e e Rilmn • f4 of t men t. n f • 10n1, the Barracks Of that small picked'. corps Lieutenant R ekwan beet -mgt. she spoke her words were spilled i irrm her lips as if by the tremors of her Indy. "I could help. I waule but —you sha'nt have him. Nob,o,i shall! I'd rather see him dead. lel: —No, no! I don't know what I'm °saying. I'd sooner die than hurt him. I'd do my bit, only—Met as-' key'd kill me. Say. Wi11 Rork get him,,d'you think" I hear he Rett his man every time. But Joe'e dif- ferent; he's not the ordinary kind;, he's got the devil in him. ,:`rank«'. he's a dog, but Joe'll fight. He'll kill —at the drop of the hat. So will Rork, I suppose. Maybe he'll kilt them both, eh? Or maybe they'll kill d 1 EST WE 'ORGETj :nay be found in the trwn today, ap- t propriated, large " tracts of land all The seer to e,! •lead to h a able to through Western Ontari'>, drew up . pre°r R�`t,,, 0o1jewi.'t eteeteh by lttisa; plans and with true foresighe c ti Ann E" —tele. Iii e'iie :i' on of tour., noted the likelihood 'of each town in 19ty and e1N inter wieitore it IA nppro•.'. Years to COme .beetAn:lig a fair-sized priate • sleet seine, of the familiar ,eity or agricultural community as the. aspects of our delightful town should ease might be. be put before deem in a pleasing ratan- What is now Guelph was mapped Wer, and we are sure our permanent;out that year slid it is here that an. residents will read the sketch with • extraordinary, and I believe, unp,e- interest also: . eedented occurrence to;.k place. 'those patriatie Canadians who . handling ao many plans, the Come have never been to Goderielf have .navy's promoters happened to get missed a real opportunity of viewing `horn of two towns :nixed, with the t► Canadian town at its very treat. ! "exult that where Guelph now is, God. Situated en the high Banks of Lake; "rich should be and vice versa. The layout of Goderieh is quite Huron, the second largest of the uniouie°. Built up entirely on the Great Lakes chain, this town was Orel iginally a wild Indian settlement con*''south side of the winding River 11lait- ritsting of seven or eight tshantlesh land, the centre and very heart of the which were Beldam llermanentir oc•N Square'wn s' Around an t bit, octagon p called "the are �ettpied but to which roving bands of; the sterile batiks, hotels and various Indif repaired during the hmmtittlt' places of basisess and from it the fishing shing seasons. streets bpi och off in all directiotii. It was in 1927 that the hard! fours• Tho plan resembles nothing so mach i ors of the Canada Company, those as a wheel. the hub of which is the canny 9cotchesett who* deicerde:its, Square and the strokes the streets. In the centre of the octagon i:s• a perk j He had walked around the Square filled with'beautiful tld trees sur-: four time:; and tempted the same ones rorndiug the areient courthouse., over and over .! That grin;, stone building has seen Goderirh le an enterprising little soletmn judges in formal wigs . and! town. Its , faetorien and stores are gowns proceeding .to the trialeof some ; t.p-tt,-date 'in every way but yet the person who has been brought hu by ; town has not lost that secluded, old - the sheriff for stealing front a neigh -I-: world atmosphere so uncommon in bor. Within its walls have murder the hustle t,£ this v,o k -a -day world. ers been senteneed and juvenile de-; Birds there are in plenty during the Unguents dismissed '.!,h a warning.9.•utnmet• months and ntetinus a wild What that isilent witness of the de ; animal wanders around in the woods graddtiori' of man would tell if it across the river. (Once to my certain could 1 knowledge a deer came into town in SVith a sigh of relief we leave this search of food. Such an oceurrener •austere place and find ourselves once' is fortunately rare. Perhaps the ani - more in the Square proper. Many: mals feel instinctively the pity of quaint stories, the old residents will, rousing the town front its lethargy. tell you. I recall one in particular: about the commercial traveller in In ” the beautiful old eemeteriea drugs who, reaching the town after sleep those whose grief aim in life ! • nightfall, proceeded to walk 'round was the welfare of their lovely little 9 the Square with an eye to business. town, watched over by the feathery , He counted twenty-eight drag Mores ; willows and guarded from all .rude 1 and went to bed in * ecstatic frame of,*Donde by the brie ding Angel of ,. " mind. In the morning however, his' " spirits were somewhat damped, on Pellet'. who has sanctified the" spr,'s again sallying forth and finding only; with Fel' presen a and made them seven. The explanation is obvious rime of tato twist heeiwei eel earth. won't lit yon ..Sly God! L•tty, `hs•'.,. the only thing I ever isu'i'd ff,r. I never had even a a111Gt nr u eras ',r u canary of my own; Think i little bit of me." - Almost dazed by thi:; • mile„led me aJrfK�?tr, an; 1 .u,y alt East Side Square "After takin,,;,,_ at anything at huff gas on w••" chef ouldn't keep yy t mew i<tr leep. (signs ,ic , ut. )NL spoonful - :iAS assts ofte►xx;it. c'lif'f to the oat null 'bl:,;cr hfc- en brings ftnt.. !S'ornt .ever tllougl;tuLe�t.1.) em. lixcf;lirr tipation. Catn;AB Ise •r,+ll ,C�l//x"'.ttWt e\ M N1*'itn' e � � eael�et,ttltnt t� Hof If 41. .t 111 i. tit tart . ere. tee ala flier like yoir-cookiti" eke 4EMBER,• flies are more than troublt hey some from filth to food. Get rid ot lit. $ t'ay clears your hoot in *few minutes c • :arm flies and mosquitoes. it is cleats,, iy to use. ' nits, A11! Household Tweets e .. -70;srso dii�lt�opr ed buttegr,- rrooacltesarxlants. Itsea---_.e_'. crocks and crevices where they. hide and breed, insects and their eggs. Spray Flit on your 1 moths and their larvae which eat hole* Extee ,weds that FGb spray' die ribs Main the most der he.result of esiiwative research by expert ent' ad' chemists. It is Ifarmleee to eninklnd. rt. the old methods because it kills all the inseets edekly. Get a Flit can andepraycrtbday. 1, ARD (4.IL, COQ`(NEW JERSEY) tsdslti4 Canal bye heat J. Whitlow & Co.. Tart DESTROYS. as 'lkbagtt1 oaa Moths#. a. Ba* Bugo • Itastchee w RESSES Silks, Flat Crepes,:Crep1e 5, and Georgette Dresses.. sports, afternoon, street ear,. business and dinner 1fter the fashions of much higher priced ones.. ith limp; or short sleeves ; round c WI necks and prices are very reasonable, at the Ladies' Ready -to -Wear .Co 40 000 Harves Goderich. rs QOiNQ 20 Ra7U11NINa To WINNIPEG From WINNiP$Q .$15 ph.1 cart per silk to trbretr bereft. but tot Poet 1.5. Si nit uN telt; ststtlas st tt4rtoryoe, >ra<I.Md end c'alsrtr.. twist to wtKsitxt ug 18th ' From f totirrtr to Ontrrries*.wkh'r Mlle to w+ tettltwitni Tw•rrl. s Lobo *marks Sires l.#ttr rttr it.+ri.sk rtrrirrer i.irtrl. Mwra .p atrtisrtt ICsr,,t� to *.trfelrrr Jwwt1.n, Ir►rlrtsh.. Maul. out atstls,w i.etiMM. t. >:• vsrsr". IMItUIN$ Drupe., t. P.s't aes$ta.Ii snot r..rrwli. 31st p�.�tsar\..lw !«ar �r� s'Zr«a t . — ti aw,i sett '1 *roots to oast twslrMost Ho si toss e) f�, ttin44.411 Patlr rttr still. se. Aug. 20th 14w rleas.S .r OMsw l.wrr, rY prr»aIhross, sos, Ur. YLtn4 LlslAwlr t3.irtish. t>e• aL.,rr, sport aw•rwM...d sod*. ir«..6s.. Sept.3dMt+.rtStotioor w !t'" hisca s 'rM, grirwr e, tts.lrrar tligatr+r+intuit Tram N. B. fARItTY, Uptown Ticket Agent l TfitWiGi tastes *tad C'ltlirt ..s asesiriGw wn lis rsssrr.l lir Iiireer6 _h i mss ref 6�rs, rill& to w,! dots esesses. tMWI Lrltlrwsneioal tAneea 17:711M111014 twtr c---_tl mss !"artla. ilirattl► •-ANADIt1',,C� I. 1 IIIA; t