HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-08-19, Page 1' • 4.1.•-••• •
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aurre m &tie= ,.
sit.. Lii.. . sidatirtion
is The .
Contrackir Mea Killed at Goderich Yesterday—St. Peter's Omit Garden Party a Succgas7—(ktogenarians Meet at Si. Patrick's Park
411 t
Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada
Life Assursmie As a Saving
stife Aveuranee does more than save money. or invest money; it ere•
e Idea as immediate estate. Life akfaurafker it:avian plus -protection. The
bigger the Financier the reater the aseurer. Clevere4 people at, invest -
lug allot greatest propurtion of savings 'to Life Aseuranee. Life Assiur-
_ sure thus siroriettes thrift.
lueure today and be among the large number nem by, assurance are
• Providing for the future.
• Them 115
sees__ e,
WANUtt• •
• WANTED. --,Girt roomers wanted.. At)-
•. ply at •itte STAR OFFICE, God.
WANTED.-Energeno. man over 25:
• " With ear. to represent a large
growing concern, experience unneces-
sary; •we trkin you. Apply Box 50,
making, as much money as *your ability
and energy svarrants? It riot, write
us. We'lia.ve meopening for real wide-
awake salesmen in your eleinity. Our
• • line covers complete advertising see-
cialty held over three hundred items:
- every piece roanufadured andssold ex-
. elusively by ifs. 'Over three hundred
and lute •salesmen in Canada and the
United States now Making good with
• 'the Dow •Lin. Write giving full par*,
'attars to Sales manager, •60111S F.
• DOW CO., LTD.. 31G Donald St..,Win•
nlpeg, Canada. .
10 ineir to qualify for work. mine
• . eeee WO to e200 monthly as Motor and
• Ignition experts. Ohnufreurs,
Battery •and Tire Work; also
Barbering. 'We pay • money part
••• time, while learning these trades.
•or write foe 'infoematem.
The reprise aiars= a the Water
ILLED rks wint portion ef Raton Presley -
and Light Coat WW1 held en
Big Program Plaaased ter Satitrial
• IhNtredaY. M. Mk. la response te kw Witk Bella*
A very pretty wedding wits *elem. as nuropcof *,40 tows wmp* it was Om ad Breakwater Coigne -tem Leese* Band and eine* Bally, will be held can
nized at St. Paul's Anglican chureh passed diet the into one Life Usleading Piles Yeeterday Tkersday. Sept. end, in Vktorin st. ' Village Boys' Vamp
Wingition, on Weibeesday, Aug. 4th.istreet light at fektier of liennett
tread W.MS. Coaferettee, Mission .
x* t emote
when Mies Dora • Rabe** Launey and Eldon st
and OM at the
Afternoon United ehitreh. Goderich, commeticing
A mad accident took place at the
1 dawghtor of Mr. mad Mrs. E. C. LantAeorrier 41111
dy, Blyth, became the bride of Arthaci also that *a imp pipe standard be dock yesterday afternoon akurilY *t-
inniest Noy. son of Mr. and fdra.1 partiansad and imaomad ,at the antau tee J1 o'clock, when Mr. Morelia Erste.
mid &matt' streets,
Edward Ney, Sebringville'Ont. The parksat the woe sled of Montreal ls Meagher, of Dublin, a mambo's of
bride was a former teacher at the An application far lelecteic rens* was the contracting firm of Looby and
Central school, resigning in June Int. received from S. II dolma' and the on-
Meagher, which has the contract for
reconstructing 500 feet of tha north
rier, pet Ms death in unloeding a
carload of piles on the breakweter.
Mr. Meagher removed the stakes at
one side of the tar and as the lugs
did not roll off he climbed on top Of
the load to cut the wire or rope they
Were fastened together with, and as
the lop mored he come with them
and was badly crushed by them. Drs.
Emmerson and Taylor were quickly
on the scene but the unfortunate man
was past medical aid and did not re.
rover consciousness. Rev. Father
Campau also was quickly by the dys
ing man and performed the last rites
of the church, •
Mr. Meagher was 02 years of age
and had lived near Dublin all his life,
being e farmer. His pertnership
with Mr. Looby in the Goderieh con-
tract was his only experience hi
that line. He is survived by his
widow and a family, consisting of
one son, John, and threedaughters
the .Misses Geraldine, Clara and Cam.
ilia, all school teaghers, the former
two in Toronto and the latter at Glen.
wood. Mr. Meagher's son, John, and
an old chum, Mr. W. J. Byrne, motor.
'infer was instreetect to install the
C N IL Pi i
• um, atm a n of applications
IL R. LONCsi District Ate* Lest Saturday the C.N.R. employ- oar dghting „en wore "ma, am
eme and their families, of Goderich,
held a picnic atethe lake near the f4lornupam
ybitrentof, a ta were approved
Stratford Rotary Camp. There were A s,
about fifty families present and. a °1KtIturtil Evert
good time was enjoyed by all. • One The gartli•h petty bald on Wednes-
of the event e of the afternoon was a day evening of hot week on the hem:
softball game between sides clitstained tiful grounds of Mr. James Adams,
by Jack Gravelle and Allan McDon- Colborne towns hfas under the auspi-
aid, and Jack's team won. ces of the Saltfoird Hospital Auxiliary
was a good success, the Jitter -althea
WRee7krt:nfdilin7AgilugiN4. 1;,11192fr bonntiful *upper as aerved be the
beteg large and weather fine. A
• McGaw -e -Total hop, 62; select ladies, after wh a short program
was given. R. R, Murray, comedian
of Stratford', 'gave several selections
Mr. Jack McDermid, of Goderich, n
vocal solo, and the 4Voderich sextette
orchestra several salectione. Short
speeches 'ere. Peen by E. R. Wigle.
M.P.P., Mayor *Ewan and W. H.
Rebeitson. Mr. , 3..11fegaw, prat.
dent of the Boar 14 Goirernore of the
Alexandra Hospital, was in the chair.
Goderich. Itrize Lists Out; Midway
Coming and Internet /)eveloping
In the matter ot Me Estate of awes
• Young. tate of llie Toon:ship of Cole
borne, In the County of Huron, tar•
mer, deceased.
TAKE NOTICE that all eredilor4 and
others 'having claims or demands a-
gainst Estate of the said ;lames
Young, who 411011 on or about the 1811*
day • of ode 1906 are required on or
before the arti (lily nt September. 3:}26
to deliver 'to the undermentioned soli-
Oftor full particular:4 of their claims.
AND MEI NOT,1011 that after such
lait mentioned date the Exemitors will
prbeeed to distribute the assets •ot the
said' deeeasett among the parties en-
titled thereto. having regard only to the
claims of widely they shall then live
netice, and that the said Executors will
not be Heine for tlie sir:d assets to any
person. or persons of whose elitism me
lice than •not bare been reeelved by
them or their Solicitors at the time of
such distribution.. .
bacon,18; thick smooth, 37; heavies.
2; • lihts and feeders, -3. Auburn -
Total hogs, 45; select bacon, 6; thick
smooth, 33;, heavies, 1.;* lights and
feeders, 3. Huron County -Total
hogs, 1042; select bacon, '287; thick
• !smooth, 015; heavies, 65; -shop hogs,
24; lights and feeders, 1e,
At The Harbor
The stesiuer McKee. unloaded 120,-
000 bushels of eyheat and oats at the
Goderich Elevator on Saturday and
' OW cleared the same evening light Mos -
• .
solicitor for Hie said Eieeutors.
Godericle Ontario.• 3t
163 Rine St., W., Toronto. I 'I'AKE NOTICE that all eredifors and
' others having- elaima or demands
;against the estate of the late. Maurice
— ,..144/......- 1.
-------- TiVg RICS-MilOgiiiallisiii:6111N04lialton,...Who or
August 1st, 11)26, are
• :Asa UP:VOTERS' LIST. I required on or aerate -Die ell/lb" ice
11 -
' lee tember 1926 to deliver lb the under-
Voter.mniatapanta af •mentioned exercitor full Faiticulars of
" Lists. 1926 ,
'Colborne, Cowley- of. Huron l'elielr claim nod take nutIce that atter
• ' Notice is* hereby given that I baNte•' date mentioned the executor will pro-
- • tompiled wan eettion 0 of Hie Voters' ii-elle.tien.a•tils.,tmribnunte the Assets of the Bald
the parties entitled
' Lists Act and that 1 have posted up• at 1-•-•"- '""","'°
my ',office at CoMorne, on the t7th-day i t/heretp• basing rteard to the claims of
•of August. 1926,, the ;list of all persons • which tie ehall then beet. notSeeeand
entitled to vote Th the said Munielpalltd that the veld executor seta not be le
for membere of Parliament and .at moot. able for the said assets -to any person
.... eklai *lee:liens, and eliat such list te.144 whose claim :flatlet seam not bare
ermine There for ineoeetiou, .•1 •heen received- beaSilin. et time of suet
And 1 hereby all upon all voters to distribution. ' - „ •
tale Immediate proceedings to have aoy ' i. .A., DALTON, Ciecutor
errors or emmiseionsecarrected aceorder : "' • Itoe 4674 Crodeeich
fug Ito it104 the last doe, for epueat be.. . _.,..,...,
.. : /tur.4$4e ith,4t.Stititeininer. JIM. . ..• EO.11,IS....41•13-0X to *{ENT
poted'..Ausion 17ths °Werke. s '' '-''' "'" ' - " ala a- aa
• • .. - 0': j: IIETIIERLNOTONe• q ' Fh
ea SALEssefeaveneort Bede seed eat
' e" . •• ' . " ' - Clerk -of Colborne, ' ' . ' r !ramIS: VPriliitg -atid Mattress in
s,ery best„ ea:allege. •Wilt -ell' cheat)
• VEAL ESTATE, AND INSURANCE:fa; ttltiek sale, Apply 'M Oct'.
trnE AErStSTRoING REM.. ESTATE and pit S.ALeesleiteer -tftoilfdit ilange.
,st .neetneeNeg. memo., • :,, r with water front and warming
...—. ..., : .• . ..4 ciosat, new 0-kW's-sage:came Apply to
• . -.tate (Sun Lite), Accident -and Auto- 1 WALTER NAPTEn. 4 ' '' * . • '
Mobile' Insurance, ••
Perms, Houses and Lots In. Goderich 1 11? .1RwEaNiTed.-0... Aopbpdb:gatraogeN,Inse.e.nitre. 1\1‘):
and vicinity for sale. _
PARIis VOR SATE, -100 Remit, elay VaNATTElle . ..
•solle well watered, good tearing. house ' ' '
vanrideeb, atir3ttronmearrityerransewe.aessy'ellit 'Ianeesitretlea! 'Pell StiAL'ousEe'•t:VRIJItiTGbaHtlEirNolonTSaleixdz.'swumm--
Immediate possession: •. aner kitchen., garage, :stable. and email
„„ :. • Large number 'er farms Dated to set- ! fruit garden, on Tratelgan St. Possess -
Ion at once. • Milne' on. the premises •to
ect from; a few small places with
• betiding suitable for fowl raising and A. E. Mitzi or to W. J. Armstrong. ' tt
• gatdenlisg. eonvenient to OoderIch. AR Ir011 SALE. -Studebaker Special
, • Blackeenith Shop with good Dwell na
1- -, ‘-' Six, •Victoria, Coupe, ii -passenger.
• i - House and Barn,• and 3341.1 acres' of land In A -I condition. A bargain to anyone
attaebed, well established going hi al
Bess. no Ural orpoeition. --1-levIth ready rash. Apply to Stra, It:. Lau-
der, Colborne Apts., or rtobt. Tat, wes• t
Good ins•teling' Muse. electric light, ,street. • tt
. ete., Lot and growing Garden and Gar- i• . • N
e'aaet mice 81•200•00. Immediate law i reESIRABLIS PROPERTY FOR Selig,
session.• -ee Corner of North and Nelson- Sts.
• A large number of Fine Douses and•
Apply to W. tl. JACKSON,
: Lots listed lo eelect from.
A few Summer Cottages for sale, eon,. Vint S.11,1f,.--liouse end sevelip tots
• eenient es lake front. -'; Nos, 27. 28.20 and 30, Re 0 s Sur-
• . For ell particulars see •• ' • veyl, on . Widder street belonging • to
J. W. ARMSTRONC, Angela 'Martin. Apply io JOHN TOR-
• omee upstairs next. to Crag & RANCE. Inspector Huron County Home
Store, Square. P. 0. Box SO. Goderich. cm to 11. G. MUNNINOS. Reesee
FOR eAbee-ComfortabIe frame •house
STORE TO RENT , • In emcee repair, three-pitee bath
land eleetrIc lights, good stable and lien-
, lemse and room 111r IW,. ears. +1I 11
• Situated on the Square
• We have the best service,
practically direct. to Chicago
'And -Winnipeg, -for-dealing in
•all gran futures.
• Huron Investments
• Bowl Dostlers -. Steck Brokers
• &moral Insureocs
• Phimet 430445
Neste wire copnactione with all lead-
leg Steele mei Gala Eacksages
tsetse m.14.4.141•1•141114
tin' a very deferable location,. eurner:of
1 Genre ea road. and Bruck' street..;Apply
!In' Jelin McLeod at Alfred' Tebbutt'S.
Trafalgar-. street- •• • 31-13
SALE.--Dinfier-Hoine •Flitulteee,.
••••• twn Bugs. Lounge, •6; t c ir n
.Ta.hle, Wringer. twe Rockece•en•I enter
ai•tleies, These" Will be • no 41:ileeoeiz
weekday from 3 to 3 p. in., at •the
Kearney Cottage; .Waterbot • St.. 'MRS.
pin store on the 'twill
i • . • side of Hamilton Street, formerly
• heenPied by Miss McKinnon. There
.1 are two rooms, te. x 23 feet and 13 x e3
feet. Per .turilier partieulare, apply to
BAYS !TAYS. Barristers. coalmen_
\ • VA\ N 311t, r
.1-L-Driek --Residenew--on• lame, let,'
water Heating. two 'rellets 31111 Bath.
Laundry . Tube. ,Firepluee. Eleetric.
Light, Hardwood Fleors, line lneatinn
en Britannia Read. Enquire at 'JEN-
NaTIOO tit• SAI.B.
• Resident's, ot Moran. sadal.
al en the corner of Nelson and Chime'
Street. In splendid condition. All
, modern conveniences and up•tollate
modern house m every way. For fur.
• they particulars apply to HAYS &
• Haire, Barristers, bte., Coderiele Ont.
FOR SALE 011 TO ItENT.---Red briel
modern two -apartment house on
Nelson street, best residential locality
In tioderiete Can b3 used es one resio
deuce with two bathroome, a large par -
tor. anti latticed vend:Dili. Braionabie
rent for reliable tenant, owner leaning
permanehtly. Addrese at the Star of-
fice or apply to D. E. HOLetOS, barrist-
er. tioderich.
sm. • Looby and ' Meagher, of Dubbla
who have received the contract for
rebuilding 500 feet of the inner end
a the north pier, are making prepar.
ations for the work which is to com-
mence right away, •
Showers for Bride Elect
Miss Della. Brennen, a bride eleet
of September, was recently honored
at the home of Miss M. N. Makins,
.whenumber of her friends showeie
ed •her. with =MY useful •kitchen
gifts. •A very pleasant evening was
spent. • Mrs. J. Jeffrey, Nelson street,
wM also hostess for the bride reeent-
ly, when a ,number of her ;girl friends
presented her with a miscellaneous
shower. .
Five Thousand' Pony Votes
Who -wants them? Any subscriber
to The Goderieh Star who pays up for
a year's subscription and brings M a
new subscription (paid in advance
• for a year) gets 5000 Pony Vote)
• (2000 foe his eiWrt renewal a300
for Cite new subiceiption). 2000 votes
with 'each year's subscription paid to
The Star if n renewal, 3000 with
each new subscription paid on a year
in advance.
• GraM Inspector Here •
• .Mr. Overholt, of the Federal" Gov-
ernment Seed Branch, was .here the:
past week judging the field crop in
• connection.. with the Goderieh Indus-
trial • Exhibition. He reports the
crepe in this district up to the •avee•-
age, good leegtb. ef straw, and heads
well filled, but that there is considers
able rust owing to the continued wet
weather. The Anal • results will net
•In Horse Race* •••
The grounds...and tiaildinga at the
fair 'grounds are being put first ado o epic as soon as news of the
class shape or the Goderich accident was received and arrange!
trial, which will be held on Wednes- merit* were mede for taking the body
day, Thursday and Friday, -Sept, Sth, • to Dublin in the morning for inter -
A coroner's inquest was 'open -
9th and 10th, sad the new building °lent'
ed night by Dr. Hunter, coroner,
which was Meet
in time for the re- with °the fellowing as the jury: /3.
cent race, Mete; will be available for C. biennium', foreman; Percy John -
the show and 1411 pravide comfort,'
s on, John. obertson, Chas. nek,
Arch; Midden, F.•'Woods Thos. Knee -
thaw and -G. H. Green. Adjournment
was made to Tuesday, Sept. 7th at
the town hall 01 o'clock. •-
able accommodation for sixteen hors•
sea A contract-11as 'Seen closed with
the Hinerateferliefr Midway shows
for the show dates. The *cutest of
the race meet in eGoderigh recently
has revived interest hi the races of
the fag fair and thee+ are a number
of horse men "gettinerready for the
speed eventselle•prize lists Are now
out and can le had on application te
the • secretary, De. Clark. Admission
to grounds: Adult,* cents; chit-
dren, 10 cents Grand stand, 'afters
noop, 25 cents and lir cents. Home
vehicle awl autos 25 cents each,
Godeiativ Beata _ACQ.Dnilete
-Terefite Itildielefoiaa • • '
• The Godeeick toed is entered in
the hand, competitionqn Claes C. at
the ,Cenadian National Exhibition.
Toronto, on September 2nd, and has
been diligently practising for the
event, In lastarear's competition the
local -band took seventh place, and
Bandmaster Jenner believes that the
position should be bettered by a few
points this 'year. The band's equip- bag and to the Hower girls dainty
ment Isronsiderabli improved over purses each containing a gold piece.
last year and most of the players Among the out of town guests were
have had the advantage of an addis Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Strachan of
tional year's training. Last year the -Detroit; Miss Isabel Sangster, of
members of the' band paid their own Hamilton; Miaa Isabel Moir, Mrs. G.
be given out until the grain is exam. railway. fare to Toronto and their ex- N. Alguire and Mrs. Morris and Miss
fall, • mittee hopes, with the cosoperation •
penses there, and this 'year the cam- Grace Morris, of Sareia.
ined in the bins after threshing in the
Goderieh will be the mecca for a
J. n• am". of Lamott, will Le pres„ large number of Ontario's best Jan-
et LSO o'clock. It is mgmeted Mrs.
etnDtr.tol aweidreufessw.thearasetcminsing,zadehMiaare: laetrersocannattoordet s 3.--t.tb fitit the afteznoon.
field events twill be held at Agricult.
present. n .4
ural Park,. for which an admission of
By arrangement with Knox ehureh 25 cents is charged (children 10e.).
choie, the their of Centre' Presby -
In the evening at Metweetung Park,
terian church, Galt, of wakh Mr. Bert the cups, medals and shields will be
ter, will provide the music for the
tare Cutt is organist and choir mast- presented along with a program opf
evening sere*, at Knox ;church on Inirausivra Hann dorchliell:teriantir.o f Balonronilto°,1"wsig
Sunday, August 20th. Following the
be the main Attraction, along with
service a short recite' will be given moving pictures. There will be go
by Mr. eutt, assisted by talent from
Ithe choir. Mr. Cutt wilt be supple. air ttieligrvi:neihnitsr.ire to Itinesetunr Park
mented throughout the entire service
ty his accompanist, Mr. J. Wm. Mae Th. softball game between Toronto
and Mr. Grierson, of Korea, will be o s sad track and
• Ladies' and London All -Stars for the
Fialyen, of Galt, On the, piano, and
Indian Village Trophy will be a real
*otos will be rendered by Mrs. A. R.
context and there is much interest
Goldie, soprano, and Miss Mame Bell,
especially in London as to the out-
eontralto, as well by Mr. Cutt.
This will be musket feast for 'the cm"'
Rosa Grosse, the world's champion
pimple of Goderich and a cordial in.
sprinter, who broke the record at Tor-
vieetion is extended to the public to
onto last Saturday, will again try to
attend this Nervice.
lower it and will also bring -her them -
The members of •the Presbyterian pion relay team to compete against
Women's Missionary ;Society combin- London,
ed business with pleasure very- the- Some of the best athletes in On.
cessfully on Tuesday afternoon ohm, tario are In comp at Minesetung
at the invitation of Mrs. Archie Her- Park and with the influx from the
ton, of Leeburn, they held their men- different Y.M.C,A.'s there should ba
lar monthly meetiag at her prettysonic keen 01013.41am
home on the Lakeshore Road, There • special events for- "hoot boys
was an attendance of about forty, and give Huron -boys a chance to compete.
Ave new names were added tie the Following iire the events. Entriee.
Inembershie roll of the Auxiliary, should be Mailed or wired to reach
Walter • Kriox by Frldey. • Those
marked School and Collegiate ,are for
boys only: 100 yards, open; 100
e'er& (school and :collegiate); 220
.yards, open:. 220 yards (school and
collegiate); '440 yards, open;
yards, open; -one mile (school and
Power of Prayer. At the roncluelon_olergoinarm)e;o144"1,01146:1°111421417.0etenitilmiTis
_ served.and a sorialehoureenjoetdeell
pofitatlhitey.meeting a delicious ten was
present concurring in a hearty vote-itinn)t-
of epprecietion of Mrs. Horton's hos- running
talisman ladies' relay (4 to team); 100
yards, ladies; girls' high jump.
high ' jump; runniniCbroad-
• An interesting • feature of the pro-
• gram was a carefully prepared report
• of the Presbyterian• Summer Sehool
:recently held in Woodstock, given by
•Mr. Jack MeDermid. This was fol-
lowed by a thoughtful and inspiring
paper by Mrs. •George MacDortield,
• continuing the yeses study et the
Donaldson, preceded .by her two
nieces carrying baskets of sweet peas
and baby's • areath and was given
• away by her father. Her dress was
of ivory taffeta trimmed with seed
pearls and she wore a tulle veil and
• wreath of orange iblossoms. Her on-
ly ornament was a string' of pearl*.
She carried a showei.bouquet of But-
terfly and Sweetheart roses, •. During
the, oiltdag of the, the
groom's brother, Wellington Donald'.
son, sang. After the ceremony a
dainty luncheon was served, the. .de-
corations being carried out in pink
and • white. The hope couple left
amid showers of confetti on the 2.2C
train for Windsor, Detroit and a boat
trip to Militia'. The groom's gift tc
the bride was a %beautiful beige fox
fur, to the pianist a liandsome leather
of the citizens, to save them the
greater part 'of this expense. At its Fiy-Tox the cows hbefoia milkittg. •
ges ere or dogs' alitived to trespass eindeestsiongfoIrtht weepeticietp060he co, amnniditateceolvieoet: . . ,
11111VINTERS TAKE NOTICE'.-No unt. The Goderich :band is taking part in
1,\Nvaat, Wareanosh. By order. ot oecj; 'Square on Sunday evening realized The bazaar; bridge and dance held
or, 'west half of Lot 10, floncesslon
tion taken at the concert on the the Seaforth tattoo
is. ILSON. Dungandoe. Ont. $27. Contributions sinee received are: by the Maple Leaf Chapter, 1.0.D.E.,
Mrs. T. G. Coruniii, $1; A.0. Sonley, on Tuesday at the Pavilion proved a
- --
'50c; Mrs. Harwood, $1; total, $/0.50. most successful event.
- Tenders for Concrete amenins be gladly received and will be acknow- the Goderich bowling club will "beheld
0.1 11 Any further contributions will The Scotch doubles. tournament of
• g nex e nes ay, w en, no doubt„
SEALED Ti•:NlikliS oddresk'd to We 'edged in the press • The. followin t Wd d h'
undersigeed for the coostruetion
ap: RI:Unmoor ei.nity•six uundred s
of band in additioa to the Goderich there will be larie number if visit.
tet Or cement OP etmerete Wilma...L*4. •
,, band are entered fn the contest,which ors here..
Melts line • - • 11 b k • 0
(rote:Jugs driveways etc., eat a eon' rangeedle" North A handsome memorial tablet is
will he received u 'too
ruusn.vi, ol.'S11 21111. Bret peler, Newmarket, Listowel, Bakers-
• Bay, Robinson Band of Guelph,Bres.
r • • • . • being erected in . St. George's church . AmorWm.
of Cornwall, and the
will be held at the
n sgunday, Aug.
JPOlfil c'obiri,..47—cLoiEs' petFilzin4gToodyouunrtoknicthcedhenb'y liSltrilyve Bret
• ' •'. ,, „ ' SPECIAL OPTIC -AL OFFER • 4
Tom Cook Leading Tide Week, Mads Ugh grade, gold filled Spectacles
eleine Watson .Second
and Eye Glasses, with best flat spher-
ical 'knees for only $4.00. • All other
Another week and two' days will style of frames and lenses, at lowest
see the close of the pony contest. Priem. Eyes examined ' by our well
Arrangenaent* hays been mein, to known specialist, 'Mr. Rushton, for -
have the ballot `box kept open" et tits mei.* optical expert for.'Kents, Tor- .
Model Theatre up to Monday even- onto, lied Henry Morgan & Co., Mon
mg, Aug. 30th. Merchants cosoper- treat. `tem are assured of the beg •
:ding in this. contest will :hand • out optical wore, to be obtained and at
ballots on AII purchase* up to at. moderate priees.-, Two days - ode,
urday night. Aug. 28th, and contests Thursday and Fridays August 26, 27.
ants have Monday following to get Come early. SMITE' ART STORK,
the votes into the ballot box. Then Goderich.
. the pony will be presented later in -• - •
A lot .can tepee!) inea week and two
The Mosquito is the most cowardly
- the week, after the ballots have been
tette` And. remember there Is a me- tack in the night when•we-are asleep •
of all . insect; tormentors. The,
counted, probably Thursday. Who
will be the lucky one to win the ponyi and d aeoseleas. Their :bite eateees's
ond prize of $18 in cash and a third burnin;
prize of $12 in cash. The standing pain. Little children are
days,- and A lot of votes can be pols
of the contestants, (or et least of most susceptable. • Fly-Tox the reopia .
those nearest the .top) on the last and the screens. Scientific research
count of the ballots was a f 11 developed FlysTox for the benefit -of
ntrikind. Get Fly-Tox ftoin your re-'
3 0 ows: taller, always in .. bottles with btu;
Tom Cook Benny` Whitely label. • MARRIED •.
Madeline Watson H. Duckworth littOWN-atetaaNaa eliii tralae• 4;4'
Mena Harrison ..,, illit)eaotynt.ariDdarezennonhneanrisiton • iiiletwamlerealniii17.14nst• 11::eittlr)::pitE:1. etiimSnas:iiitettiatyr:
.11:). artit..at 11 a.m., by Dr. Pull.niter,
Frank Allen ,.,. Kenneth Bedford Adele, ilanaliter et Mr. and Mrs. 3,,aopo
SCHOOL OPENING DATE' i‘te:11714KINII•letL.3-111181134%.ritillIg:14:4‘n.:11111.;44"..-cni::;-t:rl'itiI:
The. public schools and Separi.4.o '
Schools a nd tatelol eplge9ni2a6te*oillannsdI7it'teultdttel•tes alio(jetilgeYnh t1,141s*ri%,t1j1:1141:1411s:' 'itA*1:11111.11,71-jel:1111:,:'il:riitr416:141;11D•0111•1‘tIS: •11";%.1ik‘r:trii4.;1':;;Ii•:;11,•.1411:1;VI1I4ift.'
ot3 en:11)T :umj es sbdealrvy1,18September 7th. A full
obnetthileputrielts dtrktnyti itsetatenheardss. ,,eionli,kiiiiNe1;V:siuiet:Tt 131.111. 1020., 3.11in Pa.:0,
.11 (..111.)ortli. TOWO4itill. 43
tender neoessarlly neeepted. ville, •Southampton, Ileafordi Wateis•
„For further particular:. apply lo •
ford, Beeton, New. Toronto,. Oakridge,
L leefee,
•"owe arra. Ch. P, \votes emu, Death of Mr, Allen Buchanan
coder •
4i"!leric11 The death .of Mr. Allele Buchanan. •
ed`resitient of the town attd township,
„A.. last week removes an oldand reoects
of Colborne township on Monday of
by Dr. II
dedication servic
morning service
The paving on the Huron road wee
completed m far as John street on
the north line et what used to be cal
led the "Grove,4- by Tuesday evening. -
and, no doubt, by the time this rea-
ches the reader, will he eompleted
about to the town boundary.
Inc. Robertson will be at the Collo.
giate on Monday, Aug. 23rd, and the
following dews at 9.30- axe to assist
1 Ill
Track and field Events
! the deceased being in hislath year. * •
•. Mli. Wei, JoHaslene• Ne was born in Scotland but came to
• prmni,es.:sa,„.gatt, noderieh, 040, where he worked first at the
. , SATURDAY, AtlitST 280 leer Runciman foundry. Later he worked
will lioet eilene aluftion sok 00 his Canada 53 years ago, settling at God-
1, .
• .-eommeneinv: 1:30 o'eloek sharp. for Seegmiller and later still for the
1 Mason a: nisei, Pill: 1 large hall Doty Compeny, and he was with the students who have extra work to. do
e vendee.: Ascestell mtelleil
.11; 2 ititeSM. lelem"." ..attite'it for a year, his trade being that of a help or advise others who may wish
o inn -4,4: 1 writing desk: I won. pattern maker. He had lived in Ccl. dseistance.
mirror; dinittarooni..so 4,44.1111i3 ealiiii- Goldie and Meteeloughe-Co.-sats-Gaitalsa-oeder to iteenre promotitmemul
it10 madam, . 1 lawn mower : 'set borne township for forty years. ;He
t•appenterts tools: 1 m•w•robe; 1 parlor is survived by one son, Mr. James
suite; 3 wardrobes; buffet: eisairs: 4 Du Inman. His only brother and els-
machine; brass iliednz ; e,,e1;irhair.,; ter died six years ago within a month
,N. W. seaAtii;;• e
glaNa euphoard :1 Pandora. emoie • of each other. In politics Mr. Dude
nan was a Liberal an on ci
coat Oil ttiOtfli 2 Trive«.4 linuua
liq. 12 'fel a
i d nreligi
2•ttillet sets: nunii•reus Oi„
ennrtre: 1-4 ft' l'•°**; 1 "44lier Preebyterian. The funerals which
No reserve. 'Everything meet f• WWI place on 'Wednesday of last week
• TERM:se-taste to Colborne cemetery, was largely at -
Wel. Ji4liNST4IN, T. IitN1181' SaiN. tended, The services were conducted
Proprietor. Auction('er-. by Rev. R. C. afteDermid, pastor of
• Knox church, and •the nallsbearese
• were Messre. 1 Goldthorpe, Wm,
• Walters, James 'Green. George Fowl.
• ere G. Lamb and Gordon Bisset.
Donaldson -Strachan
eat le R I NO . At.74:111IN SALE d
• /110trSE1101.1) PCRNISIllatie
Ws' are instructed by
4annla Read. avoterideItt
to sell by aizetion at 1,4 residepee, Bri
A very pretty wedding was
On the lat day of September the
name of the Dominion Express Com -
patty will be changed to the "Cana-
dian ruffle Express Company." The
Dominion Exprees Company (mimeo-
eed business in 1882 and m Intereets
ing booklet showing graphically the
progress of the company has been is -
seed, for a copy of which we are in-
debted fo the local agent, Mr. Flux ity.
Twentysfive gentlemen tif the Blue
Water Golf and Country Club went
to •Stratford yesterday for a friendly
match with Stratford 'Were and on
Friday the lady golfers of Blue Water
will visit the Classic City. On Sat-
urday it is expected about 30 ladies
SAT SEPTENIDER 4114 ION boated at the home of Mr. and Sim and gent emen frorn beaforthwill
• • •
• eeromeneine at
settee). sharp • .1. A. Strichan. Toronto greet, •an visit the Blue Water klub for a match.
1. 'nt4ntS M141P 114414..leeln.,4 Wednesday. August 18th, when their The annual flontr show of the
0:iiiroir 1' 4.0- metreeni •*s; few
rooms, ood Mitten fuenNidoc4. Meted -
lee a ealeneie sentare lamp a weal married to Sydney Edward Donald.' ;sting held today and tomorrow, the
0. only daughter. Isabel Elizabeth, was Goderich Horticultural Society is
0: F. CAREY te SON 'Limited
• Masonic lweasple Bulking
Vkainitt dinner %comm. 4,horn..r *al- son. son Of the late Alexander Don. end 20th. The disOlay of the so-
etese. viewing niactiiiie Peet eengi- aldsone of Kappete, Sask. (formerly ciety *hick for several vesra wee
eeeeret "11,/rit: ata'reg of Goderich), and of Mrs. Donaldson, shown in the windows of the Stara,f.
/mere nrettreee. lawn
biota entiery, glassware. kitchen of this town. The ceremony was per- fire, has outgrown the accommod3-
range anel ninnor,om other irtietes formed by Rev. R. C. MeDermid, of 1 tion which the proprietors of The Star
ONTARIO Evereliting will be diepreeel of , the Presbyterian church, under a bell were always pleased to eive ,the
Mg env ri'vrte tlif' itr4lit'rtY If"• and arch of Rowers. The youthfuli eiety, and this year is in the sore nn
1410/1C 230 - b' --'It *def.
•• TEIIAP: • 1:Aft. !beide entered to the attains. of the the corner of East street, ami thy
e T. citNi.titY Mitt; s Wedding March played by Mr. W. Square.
• -AT
SATURDAY AUG 21st 1926
AT 2:00 P. M.
ROSA GROSSE, Word's Champion, wig try to break her
world's record, which she equalled at Toronto last Saturday.
ADMISSION:—Adult, 25c, Child, 10e.
Caps, Shields and Cold Medals to Winners •
At Menesetung Park, when awards of prizes will be made.
Dance to the enchanting music of this Oriente Orchestra,
Canada's Best String Orchestra.
‘aaiial• aiftga.40
No Admission Charge to Meneseteng Park.
svEnnioni COME