The Goderich Star, 1926-08-12, Page 5• riF.AapuAILIers paa Fly sad Inseet rifoisiers Slay tote lilts, mss, 4b, Sod Sys rad *dor Potts n iib PIT Tlx, Ful, tiamo, !LTX, !LYOC/ , WHO (LiquiS, and Portia `E.AM FLAG (liquid and Powder) MTN SUTER MEE Use ?Alai $U$$. Lyman eiLW ani sey,e 11rK sows os , japtitpasiq swim 411 1 Campbell's Drug Store Phone 90 - Goderich THE TOWN COUNC • Motion to Wreck Old Market Building and Move Scales Behind5T•own Hall Lost on 4 to 4 Vote 110S1.11114 - 'GETS FURTHER GRANT OF $500 Agreement Signed for the Pavement to the Square ,and Work Started Follow ng Morning The regular meeting. of the town was referred to the finance commit. council .was -held on Friday evening tee. se • last, with all the members in attend. The fallowing letter was received &ice with. the exception of Councillor from the Deputy Minister of High - Bailie. . ways: The treasurer's statement WAS re- I acknowledge your telegram, also fared to the finance committee and letter. Cf Aug. 4th, ecru:. am ,today the cemetery, sexton's report to the; sending to Mr. Downey agreement in cemetery and parke committee. duplicate, • which will regeire to be The tax collector reported , 5 p .ted the 'fol igned by your municipality before lowing tax collections from July 16th work can be authorized, I have• the to Aug. 'flim 4023 taxes. e32.55 ; consent of the Minister to prepare )925, $847.33: 1925 oil. $'15.08; 1926, this work to be undertaken ae<•soon $387.09; total, $1082.05. This was as the agreement has been dub?' eign. referred to the. finance 'committee, ed. I would understand • from tele• A petition: for tee laying of a cem-. phone ' conversation an& also from - ent sidewalk on Angleeea street from wire that the council is asking that Victoria street to Cambria road: was. ibis work,be done, and for this rense referred to the publie works conniiite on there should he no- delay -what - tee. . ever.'dn the execution of the agree - 'The following' applicetimus for resent,: - building permits was referred to the 'Moved by -Councillor tee, seconded • fire committee with power 'ti actin by Councillor Sproul, that the Mayor - urgent cases: Prom W, Carey, to and the clerk be authorized to execute remodel present dwelling on the west the agreement with: the public works 'side of South street, putting cement and ,highways of Ontario es 'present- " foundation under`Isitchen and re -roof- 'ed'in connection with the extension ing withcedar shingles: s• from Thos.andco nstractf on of ewe:=ty foot •con- Babb, to re -roof dwelling on 'north trete : pavement up, to the 'Sgitarc. side of Britannia road; from Knox tarried. Reeve . Mupnings voting nay. church). to shingle stable with, cedar The cemetery.and parks committee shingles over sheeting of asbestos reported has follows: Ur.' .T. Benson paper, and repair rootingCox has . con sed onl ' 1 t the doe inn p erection of g on Colborne street, with cedar %hinge vault at the •gemetere,;which meets les; from Josiaei Knight, to erect gar- with the•approval of your committee.• age on north. side of Pict= 'street; Mr.CoSc has presented hien cheque for from Jas. H. Joltiston, to re -roof '40, and we recommend . that a deed part of dwelling on Essex 'Street; be issued to Mr. Cox for vault site from A. Allen, to erect verandah and = No, 3 in section 6 of Range G. shingle one side of home. on of th - ''1 • water; light. and harbor cont. side of Trafalgar street; from J D.- nittee.. reported that two slides and Wilson. to re -roof poultry house on. one sting board had !leen Installed Cambria road.,at the " bathing .beach. 'They n;•e • Mr. B. H; McCreth made applica-:much used:and much .appreciated. tion -for the-useofAerrlcultural..Park :. The public works committee re. en Saturday,' Aug.. 21st. for a • field ported as follows: We have -reed -et -id' day of championship athletes in at- the engineer's -report on Liglttetesee tendance. at Indian Village Boys' street sewer 'from west side of Tot Campo at Menesetung Park. This was 107 to Wellesley street, and we re-- referred e-referred to the public works commit- commend that a construction 'bylaw. tee with power to act. 'bee passed and the finance eomiiiittee� A request front. the Huron ,Motor make arrangements with the . bankie ' Sales'' Co, for perrniesion-to erect an -(for funds. other gas pump on South'street was '`i'he•engineer'has presented his re- referred to the public works commit -r ports on' petitions for sidewalk on tee. ' ' JAnglesea street and on Elgin avenue Mr: Hall -Rutledge asked for per-; and wq recommend that the necessary mission to lay a cement slab over construction bylaws be passed and two lots in the 'cemetery. This, -was• that the• finance Committee arrange referred to the cemetery and parks with the bang for funds, and that the committee: ' - committee• advertise for tenders to do A petition from certain residents then work. • on Elgin avenue asket: that the lay-. We recommend that the chairman ing of. cement sidewalk teethe north of 'this committee be empowered '.•o side from Waterloo to Wellington st. re -roof the south side, of .garage -dwel- be deferred as there was a+ good, c • ling -with patent •fire proof roofing der walk there at present. This as shingle's. , referred to the public works corn t- The lire committee reported hating tee, l granted the following 'building per. A letter from° Mr. G. P. France, mita: 'To 'G. 'L. 'Baxter, for garage. secretary of the Blue Witter Highway on' Albert street; to .W: IL Maker, for _ Association, asked for paymei)t of -porch on dwelling on Wellington st.; the amend. promised ibytbe cauncil..to D.`Diac'Dougall, foe garage on Que- Thus was referred to the special ;cam- 'bee street. inittee. Councillor Turner and Reeve ' The `finance :e manatee reported as hfunritrigs agreed to call on nwrch. (otleies,..in'. -'the matter of selling - antsfor subscriptione to the funds. $2/,000 Ref 1934- Victory 'bonds of the A statement of the rentals r eeiy- Generar, Sinking Fund, we •recon - ed for use •of the town rlecoratiebe hiena'ttied.the rnattet•'be left in the' ' hands- of the -.Mayor, the chairman of dime a light en Iffier at,mpa. ` '.•1' •r.Y ,rj •�il�► 11111 he would endows, . 1.-"` ' to Uwe a .soutusleeiese attsia ' to , • ,i' Aseam" Mesa Margaret Leen seem the teheaa. week -ere with *fifes Grace Jewell. MI 1F I.,,•11�r-nu aesrwser -,... • Oetweiller Terser sew spoke of 'tire at freers h2 Hammen. Ceeenatller asked what had happened to the troth: bylaw. This wee referred to the Mayor, the Reeve 1 aad the De ty Komi to eantlalt tit aallaiter. nain/intatitii 1114 ?Mt `1es.n a►aldta but Ilenild be attended to inertly. The foltorriag notion was then ia- troduesd: Moved by Csenclllor Mc- Lean, seconded by Coesneillvr Turner that the market belldlug be wrecked and eat scalar moved to rear of town hall property, facing Newgate street, and material in the budding be uti- lised by the towns. Considerable dis. cussion ensued. The Mayer and the Reeve claimed the eommittee s'iould report on the prohable cost of what they proposed to do. The vote on the motion was as follows: Yell.-- rouneillora McLean, Craittie, Turner and the Deputy Reeve. Nay.- -Reeve Munj+inge, Councillors Lee and Sproul and Mayor MacEwan. The motion was therefore lost. During the discussion Councillor Lee said he was not in favor of rnov- ing the market scales as there was no one at hand at the new site to attend to- them. He was in favor of wreck— ing the old building, hcwever • Reeve Meanings thought the ,.net. ter. should be left alone for this year se the expenditures were mounting. . Councillor Turner characterized the present -building as a fire trap and a disgrace. Councillor Lee was In favor • of wrecking the old building but leaving the sealed s here they are, but got no seconder to his amendment that that be done. Moved by Councillor McLean, sec- onded by Reeve Munnings, that the public works committee make a 9 - inch • sewer connection on Huron road at Maple •and Walnut streete, north- ward to Huron road line, with a view of installing sewer* nal Maple end 'Walnut streets later .ff requested. ' These The TF lass the Pioneers Po.. ! her- Albert Weigel*.ort CUM.. ( 1 was it visitor at Mr. J. Treble's sae in Thick and R4rhbaws- Twas'>«y, res., Says Limit -Get. Gskshatt. Mr. awl Mrs. Harold Mont1e...anery of Gedeeich tp., were 8aaday visitors •W1yr•ehsahks'{ we halo esaAebswe with t iatdar's parents, air. and is 'Can3 al ? we lire ital. ieu Allen. �'t t" nake4 Mise Minnie Miami has rotas -mod - Lieut. -Governer Ccelinktatt la. addres- h. Pse steer a pisasant two weeks' t+ilte the Gsdsritk Noes CIO and visit with her aunt and uncle, r. other Weill eill at the While at ilo- s and Mra. Benson Cox. et Dundee. j •3 tel Bed1erd kat Friday areae. The Xr. and 'vers. E Blair and daueh• tlnatnclal Y51 ss ed the PI'oviacrs of ter Irene, also Mr. Hamilton. Pe rie, Manitoba, Alberta add 8ttaksetr'tiewsn, i of Stratford, were visitor s at 11lr. Jno. which in it" were purehesee by the :Treele's on Wednesday Lust. Imperial Parliament for three hon- dred thousand pounds sterling, was (Intended for last week) now pl at eight million dollars, Miss Margaret ,Cowan, of Blyth end all tha in the lifetime of st man: visited her friend, Miss Gladys Tee• And we had only teuehed the edge of bio, for a few days last week. what we had yet. There were error- hiss Lucie Hardy hes returned mous resources in tits Treat wheat home from a two weeks' visit with fields of the prairies, the lumber relatives in Toronto. tided awl Our Doer to ahreste ow -motion of .Councillor Craigie, .sec- -onded by Reeve •'1lunnings, referred to the special committee to report tie next meeting. Under the present are rangement as to hoursno one is on duty between 5 and 7 a.m. and ' be- tween 6 end 8 p.m. Bylaw No. 17, to authorize the con- struction of'a 9 inch sewer on Light- house street between Wellesley street and the west limit of lot 107, as a local improvement, was passed and a motion authorizing the construction of the work =done by day : labor was passed. the fne:teee committee, and the trees- - • user; to asetl.to the 'highest bidder. oat teffie recorn) send that the. Metter of in:rexsed' .lane.: to the -Hospital he • laid over inrttl' a statement of re- • ceipts and expenditures and a state - WEEK 'OP AUGOS ; It to 21 E`meft of patients izhargeeble against the town are fprnished by the Hopi i tal Board. gni Tuesday We 'have examined ttie treasurer's statement of receipts and expendi- CONRAD NAGEL and EJ ME I tures for the -month of rune, as aad- _......__.�_..:• ._._.•_.-.A>10RFE eited . and...found...,correct,.....and., seem te in a story of untamed love among thee mend that 1t be Med. Bohemians from the novel "Escape"I We have examined the 'tax collect. by Alden Brooks • , ores •report•'of delft i6t4` and we re - "THE EXQUISITE SINNER." cormend-'tlfat' fffl!' Collector he re- PATHE• COMEDY `- quested to furnish, a etaterneti, of "TAME MEN AND WILD VtOMEN" dog licenrrett;;paed . t s,ye wr. A numbef: of iir,¢ounta were recent. mended for payment. Wansilay ,id ?hams* These report* were all adopted as DOUGLAS PAIRS NKS read, with the exception of the fin- ite a hair trigger action ,portrayal, ante comtnittee�e's report, which was fall el startling surprises -and high referred to 'committee of the whole speed adventure. The finest ad'rCn, Ito consider. P'resldent Met;aw of the tare tale ever eereened Hospital Board was present with the etetenente Wetted to w;hieh lie, said "'Dim y, might just es yell have hetet in the evening. He intimated he was leave ing town in a week and a half and would like to provide for debenture EDUCATIONAL COMEDY hands of the committee the previous "DANCING DADDY" Admission • prices on "Don Q" Will be Eveniuges sedans, 35e; Children 211c payment before he lefe utttiwe, adult*, 25e; children, 15e. 'The committee of the whole recon. wended that clause 2 of the finance Satai'd>i committee's report be amended so fes Y y to read "That the Hospital Board he - REGINALD DENNY inside a further grant hf 0000 for supported by a real all star tat in it 1020, and (lest a throve be issued ac. laughing mile.a-ntinrete riot cordinely," and this was carried. - ezu WAS r Deputy Reese Moor' asked wirer iSLUliI htI13110N • COh[E:bY roof had not ewe pet on at the Ye- • "BPSE ►Y MAREIAGF': tient) dlhthi hog Ilan: and was in- famed that at that was dime lately. and PATHS REVIEW ' 4 reenter Turner asked abort the Metineese Tdgeoday, •rhuradee molt light rrhieh was to be ret in in the AMlrerdiy ata p, ad. 'little peak on Matetreal atritet and MUNICIPAL COUNCILS • Goderich ow Godo h ns i T n he P The council met; in . Holmdsvflle en Tuesday;. Aug. 3rd, etf ondag being considered a holiday: Bylaw No. 4 setting the rates for tbe year, county rate 7: 9.10 mills, township 4 2-10, general school 4, and 'public school refers, as requisitioned by the trus- tees; debenture and special ratesas required to pay the various amounts due, was read the third, time and pas- sed. Bylaw No. '5, authorizing the borrowing of money for current ex- penses from the Royal Enn'iir-wags alae read and adopted. -Oscar Tebbutt was appointed pound keeper for Ward 5 in the place of the late 3. R. Holmes, Thep ward allowance was set the same as last year, yiz e300 each, in addition to the mileage amount formerly authorized. The following accounts •were ' ordered paid: Freight, $18.53; councillors' services as road'' commissioners, $125; Fred Belle Cement e c ret: culvert • 280' F Bell. f $. v repairing: culvert, $28: C. Bell, ever. seeing on road, $10: P. Bell, teaming bridge iron. $5; P. Bell, teething nn base line, $2,50; Canada Ingot Iron Co., ,$19,20; Sam Emmerson, erupt.. $41.50; Dominion Road Machine Co.. $2.25; J. McKnight, use of scraper. $1.50; 1V: Steell, use of scraper, $1.50; Hy. ; Powell, overseeing road, $6.25. Tse corner then adjourned to meet on Monday, Sept. 6. • R. G. THOMPSON, Clerk. • THE PONY CONTEST `'Phe standing at the last countin the ,pony contest is. ns follows :, Madeline Watson Prank Allen Jack Videan . Duckworth Tom'Cook . Betty. Zenner. Charter Worrell Kenneth Bedford Mona Harrison Thomas Fisher Benny.Whltely Rsy. brennan, • .IVIONO M> CHURCHES St, George's church garden,,party on Thursday evening last, Aug. 5th, was a. good success. The' regular monthly meeting of the Arthur Circle of Knox church will be held in the lecture room on Monday, Aug. 16th, at 8 p.m. Miss Clete McCreath will take the topic. Rev. 3. E. Ford will shave eharge of the services in North St. United climb next Sunday. Morning sub- ject, "Freedom in Christ;" evening, lands of the north, the minerals in Quite a number attended the races our rocks. We had a wonderful here. in 'Goderich on Monday and report ' tree to hand down to our children. large Goderich But the greatest service we eogld "� do for our country was to hand down Congratulations are c%tended to the ideal' of a good home, a good Mr. Kenneth • Allen and his bride - . ----- the ---_- _, church and a goad school, which were. (formerly Miss Heleanor :4faeQvar.AI�'0TI/#� the first things our fathers rad tie, of Listowel), who were married BAZAAR and DANCE* ATilt PAVILION soder tis oltspb�M of die Weak goof Chap*, L.O.D:R TUESDAY. AUG. 17th, 1926 • . i, A rtiwoON. 24% . BABY TAILi.'r' FORTUNE TELLING NOVELTY TA*1E FIVE HUNDRED CANDY TAEL!t BRIDGE FISH PON4 MAH -JON IC A.F1'EROOM TE>rt EVENING. 0:15 O'CLOCK Doming—Charleston Contest=, $AiRn.r'a Orrlisstrw Admission, 10 Cents grandfathers provided in this country. en July 31st. They have left for ' I"No man with a family can afford to their new home in Detroit where the send his !children to ehurelt and ex- . groom has a position. pest them to get any scud if he plays golf hutted of going to church him. AUBURN self. . You can't teach children to go to church if you don't go. yourself," *aid the speaker, who added that be was glad that he was brought up un- der an iron rule. In opening his adi�'Es ess Col. Cock- ahrtt said this was hie first official visit to Goderich, and it was fortun- ate he was getting it in now, se his term -expired on the 10th of next month. He'said he was the `son of an old pioneer. We were all either the sons or the grandsons of the pion. eers. The first settlement in Ontario was in 1669 an the Hudson Bay, then lat. er about'Frontenac and Kingston. Then we stopped there till the early rears of the century, when the people began to come in. The contrary then was one vast forest when our fathers and mothers came and began to clear the forest and to build log cabins for their children, and their next thought was that they must build a church _ . Mr, Ilerbert Govier, of the Base and a- school. This was ail not yet : Line, purchased: a new auto last - I50 years ago and. the' product. of _ .week. their work 'was the...tented* that we Dir. Alfred Rollinson has dna had today. And we oe today had the posed responsibility of :carrying_.on -their• ofhas_aut4 tt..Mr._Alexander Nixon, work.- God placed vs ;sere to take up of Dnnriybraok, where one- fathers and grandfathers. Last Sunday eveningthe young y n.ntl left off, not simply to have a• good daughter • rf Mr: Gordon Taylor died time, Our task was to see that our in the Ooderach hospital. children were educated iff truth and.Mn Samuel Marshal, of California. i t s ' r h eau nes5 and "t he .red those e' is::inxhis locality y at present visiting who had no children,. ler children old ssso-'rates . and revisiting the were a great thing: to Make a man scenes of his farmer days. get on. The pioneers- were all plain Several from the village people, no titles. They ' only had went to .` brain and sinew. They .:nerved and served herd and straiiwa'everyrnerve to :cone through. • • •,r • What a wonderful province we had, 4.40,000, square miles in extent, the second largest in the Dominion, but practically :the whole population was in one-eighth of the province, be That'* going .some—but skinny Men, women and children just can't The Egg Circle shipped a carload. belp putting on g healthy tieah of poultry this week. when they take Roy's Cod Liver Mr. Robert Asquith i week's holidays in Guelph Mr. Dickenson, of 'Toronto, made that sire extracted from ,he livers of his • anneal. visit to this locality last the cod—the kind that are a real help week. to frail, rundown, anaemia, skinny Mr. and Mrs. *Lloyd Ferguson are men and women , i visiting friends in RMichignn at pres. Try these sugar coated Wickets when a cry (erose that. a ddttler gid hod fallen over the parapet lata ties river below. The nurse maid appealed to the of flees tv ;jump into the seething current and rescue her charge; He prompt- ly threw elf his coat and helmet, anti • in five. minute:. he ' had landed the:' s wending a Very Cool t ___._.. A policeman was crossing a Meg Extract Tablets, half.drowned girl on the -hank. this week. Chock full of vitaminesp•the kind The crowd applauded his Itemise*, when the nurse came t'n and said: "Do you mind Jumping in agieut el Minnie had a doll in her livid whist she fell over, and she's left it at Pie bottom."' ant, tablets for ,•30 days --if they don't The iter. W. l2. Alp returned from - help greatly get your money beck, his holidays the former ' parteof this One woman gained ten -pounds in week. twenty-two days. Sixty tablets, six - rhe Misses Hill, of Toronto, are ty cents. Ask any druggist for .?tic- . guests of Mrs. Wm. Robertson at Coy's Cad Liver Extract Tablets. psrEaa nt.; • Directions ..and formula on each box. Mr. and .Mre. OliverMcfrien took . "Get McCoy e, the original and in the excursioia to Niagara Falls last genuine." Saturdsy.: Airs Stuart,. of Toronto, • is the y. gent of 'Mrs. Gracey, . of the village at present, . e; - Goderieb to hear the Rev. James Wil. son,.it.D., of Brampton. Ile took the ' services for Mr. McDereed, who is on his .holidays. • Several.'of the Masonic fraternity of the village attended the services in . Dungannon last ,Sunday evening in .,- the Anglican church. ; The Ray. Mr. - eause-we-.had. looked ..t=von<ihe_ eeet�Hays preached a. Masonic sermere north as barren. ' But he believed it Ur. and Mrs. Brindley,.of Guelph•' would yet yield treasure greater than and Mr. and Mrs:' Wm. McAllister, of the south of the province. We had the 7th concession of West' Wawa gold mines' and iron: mines and he :nosh,•avere guests at the•home of :li:.'- hoped the rumors of the discovery of' John.ilveat»tn one -day last week. 1 coal would prove well founded. In Harvest is very late this year; some Manitoulin Island we had the largest - fall wheat to cut yet, haying not fin. - island in fresh water in the world. (shed. The recent rains and close _ We bad se ven bundred miles of tide .weather has caused some of the cats water shoe in OntarinreuThis was:en to rust. In a short time Hudson Bay. everything But he was more anxious for the win irnen; together. The Women's ens Institutewill ilI m et e future ofthe Dominion n ntheven a then of a at the home if 'Mrs. ego ride on, the Province of Ontario.. We hada g b, e country that had no equal. He had Tuesday,.„ -Aug. :1Z h; *at 2,15 • p.m.; visited Australia, New_Zealand. ''las-. beet ,a ing titrength in the mania, South Africa, and had peen Household, by' hies, Wiegton. splendid country, but he always csune i Hostesses. Airs. Shaw, Mrs. Chas, back feeling that Canadq. weer the _ Stravghan, Dina. Frratt.1 ties(. • . (From another correspondent) 1 Li IIt was 'Club under ththet auspices ofr he. The remains of 'the late Dpi: Henry :, Cockshutt came to Goderich, and the - Beadle were laid #o rest in the Goch -n sane cemetery on Tuesday aftea`noou, circle -was widened to include about_ July 20th. Mr. H. G. Whitfield, stu- a hundred. of the citizen's of the town. dent pastor of Cochrane, and foemei- Chief Dion Dr. Graham • presided .and. le of Godeelee..Opt.. rel •iated. Ile.' in opening, extended the thanks. of,, ceased wee its hle SQh year. He wee - the Lions Club to the guest of ,the • born in .Yorl:ahfre.-England, coming' day and called upon Lion Mayor Mae- to Auburn, Ont., at tee. age a( 2!1i Ewan to extend a civic welcome, years, where he resided until nine i which he ;slid in gracious terms, and years ago, when he went to live with pointed oift something of the import- ' his son at Cochrane, Alta: The. fem.; ance of the towtt as the home of the ily of deceased. consisted of eight} salt industry, with' its fa-ctpries and children; two aro dead and six 1iv.'- elevator, and its summer resort bassi- Ing. The : surviving are four sone 11555, Harry, of Cochrane, Alta.; William„ Lion Alex. Saunders introduced the of Orillia, Ont.; Charles, of Auburnie speaker of the day es one of the most ,learold, of Idaho, and two married democratic occupants of Government dot gbters, Charlotte, of Kitchener, (louse the province had ever had. Ont,,. and Florence, tf Atbustn, Ont. At the close of the address a vote. His wife parsed.away in 1902. The, of thanks was moved by Lion Dr. late Mr. Beadle was very highly es.' Callow and seconded by Lion Rev. R. teemed by the many friends his eir- C. McDermid and the thanks of the toes won for him. club were again extended by the , Chief Dr. Graham, after which the What chance )mu a morn: 1r von raft' gathering dispersed sifter singing God It'* yont awn Unit, fi you succeed seee`ehe-Ken : •._..,••-. -.your-wlte tnode_.von....,. W..w.,,. ASHF'IELD . eltildr'e i Orr An Exhortation to Confidence.” Mrs. George Drnbar, of Ethel, is t'OR t:Lie�lEa'$ i The regular meeting of the 'Nam• visiting her sisters.at the old home. - �i++' ' R ens Missionary Society of Knox Miss Alice Brown, of Detroit, ie ehurch will meet in the lecture room spending the holidays with her run`, - at 3.30 o'clock on Tuesday, August Mrs. Cathcart, at lateen: - 17th. Mrs. George MacDonald will , Rev. Mr. Lloyd, of liespeler, took be in charge of the program and Mr. charge of the services in Ashfield 1 Jack Melernid will .give a report of Presbyterian church on Sunday. the Summer School. The ladies of Miss Annie MacKenzie, of Wind. the Congregation are invited to be sor, i5 renewing' old acquaintances in present. Laurier and vicinity. The anima congregetiorfal pienre ' Mr Seat, Bradley of • .Terente,:,is of Knox church was held on et`ednes spending a couple of weeks with his day afternoon at Menesetung Park parents at Laurier. and a feature of the day's events was The. W.M.S. will meet at the home the presentation to Mr. C. 'K. Saun. of Mrs. Jss. MacDonald on Wednes dem of a handsome eine bag. Mr. day of this week at 2:30. Saunders is, and has been for some Miss Annie MacDonald, of Parr., years, superintendent of the Sunday : n'trount, is vieiting her sister, Mrs. school, and area ler versa treasurer Lorne Mu -Lennart, of Detroit. f- of the, d'engrertation and the strews. Miss Jessie A..Mael)onald has re• talion was a nice recognition of faith. turned home after spending a week fat work. camping with friends at Grand Bend. No 1'raetk" lowed A large ee remainsmof h of Plat a Mrs. ?Nary "Jack calla rynthis his Gordon Drennan to 10fntall cemetery ',reach and the apple; of hie rye. Why on Monday afternoon. Much aym- •edn't you call me pre'ty thing(' like pathy is extended the bereaved fem. that"" ily in this sad aMMietton. Besides the George- -"How ran I:' He is in the, husband three entail children are left fruit hushwee, and fret in the J!hjto ntowrn the lo*a of a Teeing wife traedr.." and. mother. ..e SHETLAND PONY REE Your Family and • Friends. wantr your Make the appointrnent Today• R. R. SALLOW$ W......».., gI1Y ►r� . deli 0 w Mas Have of you J, got ig3-Pony Conteo or ow Near the Topis Your Fl avol�it�e gni and 3rd- Prizes `Those co-operating in this contest feel that the results h ' HVe4 been so gratld;y In that they- Third feel encouraged to :offer a Second and. Thind Cash PrizeEighteen Dollars and Twelve Dollars respectively. The Bo . Boy! and a ' Y rel k. n 1 . $ a, wonder- ful showing and, the list is changing in I� gevery, week. You girls and boys '11ti f1:) have not en- tered n tered yet—lots of room 'for you, both from the town .and country, and your friends will be glad to -help you win. Don't wait any longer, start to -day. Ba i lot -box at' the Model Theatre. The following stores will'. give -you; votes on cash purchases and cash paid on accounts of twenty-five cents and up. Ask for them. THE S A. GRAY CO., DryWgoorls and . l,_ li s' Wear. E. G. SMITH', IBakel Ct AT•GIT .BROS., Tobaccos and Billiard Room FRED HUNT, .Hardware W. IVIG, SHAIL:I,IAN, Boots and Shoes 'fURDY'S CASH GROCERY, Groceries, and 11"reit iE(). W. - SCH AEI'"ER, Groceries. HURON MOTOR SALES, • �.__ Garage, Gasoline aiid't}ils THE GGT)'RICH STAR, . • Newspaper Subscriptions. 5.0;00 0 l +tdwtliscttia"btt�ils�o telt Ae :HAR'' VES1rEREI fleece " entperss3ttnWisesetpgh WANTED ao Throw" week' imam !tate Winnipeg via Cwestitast Ne lstsal Rye. i►i hove as fellows; ($tae detel Thee): MOON `iOIROPIr0 (iia+wStatical 12.01A.M.Awg.,l$�, *Aeg.17);12.30P.MM.Avg.18; 18,*pj(.• Awe. 1a; 12.30 P.M. Aug.0; 10.4$ P.M. Ase. 20; 12 1'. . Aug. 31; 0.00 P.M. Awg. 31; 12.30-p.IIL $. t. 3; SAE P.M. Sept. 3. PROM OTTAWA 1201 A.M. Atte. 18 (atldeight Atex. 17,,; 12.01 noon Awe. 18; 1.33 A.M. Ate(. 31; 1201 aeon Ace(. 31. raVM WUP41011OR 12.01A.ht.Awe.20(nWOW Atom 16),rigs Clatlw.,Leltdoa,netrike %radla(lewmet. FROM PALMMRSTON 6.00 A.M. Asig. 90,, ria owerie*, Ceatee+o••• rid Inglewood, IMS tbelliegl oras greet tole principal peiswaIanrarrwetlsleoatptwitit *km special trait's. Por details menet keit Th 1100011 A1084 IIOLOMMT 01411,•-11= OMS POR MUMS OHIUM111181 rk« Omit ea the Cowden Natiomd. Tie* and bleme•••• how 11010101410111r. your ticket /te 'IiV'itreitw g irkwe eiwisa llMiesetf ItArmrs, whether or tot year anal dastieatia t la flit Travail CANADIAN NATIONAL AL .-, -..