The Goderich Star, 1926-08-12, Page 4t A New Shipment of LADIESDRESSES' FOR EARLY FALL In Georgette, Cut Velvet, Canton Crepe and Venue Cz cpe A New Shipment of LADIES' HATS for Fail. Watch This Pager Next Weak for tits An*souuessi dent f our FIFTH, ANNIVERSARY SALE MEN'S STRAW HATS MEN'S BATHING SUITS the season's tat - Men's Straw Hats in All wool and cotton Bathing Suits in est .shares, its smart sennits and fancy braid a variety of plain shades, with contrasting straws. The prices are very moderate. body stripes. i ;MEN'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR: We carry a full stock of Men's Summer .*eight Underwear. Get Tours here and save .money. PHONE 418 A. CORNFIELD LADIES' andMEN'S WEAR WEST �i "51110P WHERErYOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP " 7)EST SIDE OF SQUARE NO ESCAPING THE ISSUE!POLITICAL PLATFORM OF THOS. G. ALLEN, DUNGrANNON What indorsation of the Xing a hl h He '•Can; Set 14th t would' est .i `.Chan That, of Sir Arthur leis n Not el Time c Stated at the liber. a:inistration on Sept. . rex ,servative Convention, is Greater =tan was well put by Chas. W. Bell } he PHONE OS GODERICH ONT. ...,..:•.• . Ur- Ur- %is►( k A el et tie a ik in.er d't4se vs fwd e- syitaa tie pe ► tt .dyes. Liras j4 ► adanirroll i psagis t ). There rt wa tap kink .1 a geed wand sea jsdty for Mr. Ku - people at RMarery:weis, AS titers an Ewers end eaeeirrags Was to fight for waa, vend filth' .eeaarp rpartaa in Canada Nierh Mersa so area inter% hove vivid visions of the vital, mow Ir. Mee, as there is a !halt fat city of a Magna Charts. While thew tree your pattens., may I think yos are men who will *delight int slaking for this and pest favors. eisanapions of, those who assail the, 'I ass; yours sincerely, • clown eorietitutional heist, or .stake • itI. C mosrALL martyrs of there when they are caurrht red-iwtndsd at their knavery,1 iI ass email, Mr. Xing will have .E lona' tuns to wait until a Governor Dust Water eit Smileet* Gemmel is *wonted who will have as On Wednesday afternoon, Aug. 4tb, little regard for the constitution as twenty risen and lady members of the he himself has,and who will grant a Blue Water Club, Coder/eh, played a Prime Minister a dissolution every friendly 'Arne on the Seaforth course. time he ie. in denser of being brought After the • game the Seaforth ladies before his accusers for null adminis. lrerved lunch at the Club House. The tration. How vastly different would scores the situation have been today, if this' Blue Water Seaforth Champion of.tlle people had stuck to D, Hastings(Pro)1 F. S. Savauge...0oat ,- his guns and met his aceusers when , R. L. Lloyd .1 R. M. Jon.a... ,.0 • the Harry H. Stevens amendment was , C. Naftel 1 G. D. McTaggart0 dot. He would have been left with. J. Woods... 1. T. E. Heron....0 out a left to stand upon, and he would Mr. Jenner. fa T. S. Srnith.....1 4 ' ll/2f1'?AY, AUGUST Beth. M hese ikon buying a one way ticket, a E.`'Wean , duplicate to the one he bought before N, Fluff when there were other guns to be A. Motown stuck to. But he preferred to hot- i B. Aberhart foot it dawn to the Governor General H. Stark.. . and as good es demeaid a dissolution J. Stewart J. E. Reating....1 0 R. McKenzie.- .1 0 G. •Israel ' 1 1 J.Hinchley.....0 -1 Col. Wilson ..,..0. 1 R. Willie .0 .; .._ to prevent the .Stevens amendment E. Smith 0 J, C, G:eig 1 their minds. She also raised another yards but the students soon showed being voted upon No one knew bet among his followers wile could not Blur Water Seeforth 1whale the children were (mall, These runs encugh•ta wan,, Developing, Printing . • ,ani Enlarging DUNLOP ei"call Drug Store Bedford Block' - Goderieli [[ ' family of four, the children of her why they are' "sittieg atop of the terthan he that there were those j 7 5 eldest son, Donald,. whose wife died world" when they come • book with tuxit ams 'ended in an ar moot -• so back to their ridings: with a vote!Mrs. Loyd 0 Mrs. T. S. Stahl she raised to the age of ma y I The g gu against the amendment en their con.1 Mrs. Bruce 1 Mrs. J.C. Greig„0 and all are doing well in the comma. a,nd it is still going strong according science, for re-election. What kind Miss h8aftel, . , . % Mrs.. Best.... ..14.i pial world.* They are are well known 1 to last reports. In their half of the ,. of constitution our Governor General Mrs, I. Craigie.;1 Mrs,' l4eMuichie0 no town and can attest the wonderful'seyenth Sattford crept up iota strike must we have that would suit the de. Mrs. Naftel 0 `Miss E. McLean.1 love and worth of their grandmot1 er; ►ing instance when with two out they marl,. of a Prime Minister who Mies Sault...,,0 Miss. B. rrieve„l , under whose care they were educated were only one run behind: Bill BIS - would run down to the Governor Gen- Mrs. F. Craigie..0 Mrs. Mc1Cenzie..1 and who . guarded their spiritual, wet-! set having reached first he .commenc.- , oral and demand a dissolution every Miss Horner. , 0 Mrs, B. Bell.. , .1 fare carefully, until each started out • ed t0 dance off the bag 'and finally ELECTION OFFICERS FOR he got into a tight corner? Mina Mchlurchle.0 Mrs. Israel....,.1 unto the world in turn to carve out a dashed to second. Some wanted him uODERICH .G Might as well make him private sec - future in his or her own different called out for .being off the base 2 7 way. They are Lola, of Detroit, 'while the pitcher was in his box, but ps , , , after c n I t cthep HAGEN, WORLD GOLF WIZARD, shipping clerlt; Ernest, of Buffalo, decided Bill had not violated any rule. I VISITS GODERICH• • sailor; Viand Lillian, of town, clerk in Bill navigated his way to the "hot cor- Sturdy's grocery store, who waa with ner" and: then began to repeat: his 'Last Friday morning the speedy her until the end. Such devotion by war dance and Umpire Barlow ruled gasoline, yacht Marguerite If tied up grandchildren as rarely known and is him out,.,_:thus' ending tie tattle as it in our harbor with a party of De, more like the love of a child- for its .was;,then too dark to continue play- troit capitalists and golf experts, en mother;. Ali of the ' grandchildren jng ,and the school being ahead in the route f'ron} Detroit.to the fishing, is- visited' her during her illness and they previous inning the game was theirs.. hands above Tobermoray. F were all present at the funeral Mrs. Home plate became a busy spot 'and: Probably no more interest would' MacDonald leaves three sisterd and arguments sprang up like mushrooms, have occurred than is displayed when two brothers to mourn their loan, An each and every individual`expounding scores of other .yachts visit our port .gut, of Chicago; Mrs. Miller and 'Mrs. theories that had Einstein "backed to during the touring season, had not the . Strubel, of Detroit; and Sarah and, the'•wall." However, everything "'. as attention of industrial employees Roderick, of town, all of .whore were . dere. in good sporting spirit and no around the harbor been attracted by - present at the funeral; The last hard feelings reemited, the. skill of` driving golf balls along: chapter. in this woman's life was ifl Tile Purity Flour .ed 14,C.C': teams, the elevator frontage and across the ;deed a sad one, About 'a year ago were both pleased with the ,result of •h The following are the Deputy Re- turning Officers, Clerks and Con- \'4est at thestables for the coming elections"for X.C., of Hamilton, and Wkich He +Could N t GGoderich Middlesex Conservative .convention There to Present. ' Poll No. 1 , the other dad*, and the electors would ._». - (a) Thomas Wallis, D, R. do well to ponder the matter. 1 i. A new constitution for Canada, Mar Thome,•' Clerk. Mr. Bell closed his address with nn making possible a one, simple, mien- y a to the electorate to t Goverment (b) John II. mem, Da. o olcquent .appealtitle business system, of Gavainin n ..Elizabeth Hartwell, Clerk.. ccrs°der What indorsation of the Ring with less than one-half the present , Ha11 Rutled e Constable, administration at the polis would cumbersome machinery, aped without g mean, ,• the terrible inefficiency, inaladminis- ` Poli lmlo. 2 "if Mr. Xing should succeed : ;n tration, turmoil and corruption' • of (a) Fred Murney, D.R. Saringing hack his party~ to power, the present system,' antiquated and Wm. Stivens, Clerk. what .inevitably follows'?" he asked, not in harmony with the. present-day (b) Wm. Phillips, D.R.:. "Parliament voted censure rgpon that' of progress, John Huckins, Clerk. n ..l spirit „ prosy .• Giverrnmcnt end cast it out of :[row, • 2. Rapid reductio of the Nation-: Chas. Nobbs, Constable. 'tr. , Will the country give 'a vote of dtial debt' (1) by• saving in re'kpense of o Poll No. 3 +Lciatldence that 'Parliament refused'? r Governmeait machinery, ;(2) a1i else - (e) Edward Belcher, D,R.: Will the country say to those Who tion expenses saved, (3)' by saving ,Elisabeth Gibson, Clerk. have bur* on to, thio taail-end of thea the, moneys that all party govern- . ,•o ' of Customs. "Tole are, n born time "to time for ( ) department r menta, . spend f m m , all right. after all; the CAnadien pees, no perpose except Paity advantage pie pave souk' so low' they " do, tot! et elections, ,(4); by' refraining from ' , care ,what:.• happens in this land. any enterprises that rightly belong to. ofo, tails °. • beenthrown Q h u ihe.. a more; You aprivate enterprise, ae b i # e ,t . x C ) by p 11 I . .I'r,rtfafmont, but: ,ga back with. all the f lute stoppage of sail lei** from 'zevew site upon yor head; go baeki end:. nue, (6) by hfgher customs dtitips on " e.n vitinwe' •Wttat ifither couchteIon9 all articles of luxury t'hat'can`be� pro; e I (} ecoid, °tide people''`who' have boon leo 1 dared in our own country, (7) by_•pa maltreating the government of the' triotie • campaign for voluntary, sub- (b) eruntr ;take if'they :- et' a `vote of leer{ .lona on the°' ame tines, as the' yr; , � p� ct:nilikece at•'t its time? - s victory loans,:. (g) by the extra pro - "W. K. Baldwin, of ;Stanstead, is oductivity resulting' from increased.; again' a `candidata=. `Venie hes .tiikert `p fation" inevitably fbl1owing sane,* „ ppoo. the dace of Robichisudetaa+�iandidath .larxsfness governments P In New Ilrunswiek. W. J. llushion. 3,-.: Conservation of our vast nater- a of 1Mriiinion Diatillere, who bought al resources by discouraging their i 11.00p galloon of alcohol from the export except as; manufactured for-; barge Tremblay at S6: tents when if ultimate'use by the consumer, and by', the duty had been paid. it would have encouraging our own capital and Mit- been O.1.0.t.O,. l ;a ::..".dilate in St. :.tie capital to develop these resour- ;Lnfoii;r. �:.e time the people you. ;es. • are g. ng to put bask to run this 4, Disposal of ail' Government eorntey ? Can you imagine any ownership to private enterprise, thus prime minister with men like that relieving the .country of losses that in hie rants eayi al;r 'You have been 'history Proves are inevitable'' to Gov found 'o tit ar,d it hue been" shown erne ant ownership: ' ovhat; has been ha 1pening, Taut the 5. To have all direct taxation lev- peeps do not care: they hive given led on the basis of net worth, so that you a vote of confidence and turned these who can pay, do�the paying. y?w 1~ark: 6.• To have a uniform system of I .ay to you this eleetionwill be schools for the Dominion' with the watched ns no cleetion lietoevcr been English language compulsory every- watchsd before, Mullion. is watch- where and a new subject on the time. ing to see if he can renew his career = tables, the most important of all •sub- inQuebec. All the miserable crowd toots, "Christianity." at . Rock Island is watching to see if 7. To have a simplifying. of our or if the their'reigra is over forgood Y law courts and of our laws, 'with only ;can set up anew the carnival of pion- one ('.curt of Appeal anal the amine - dee d corruption. tion of old "precedent." , re is no escaping that lune. g. To have the •simplest system of It lies there in the record, uncontra- registration of titles uniform fo'r the dieted and uncontradictable. Some Dominion, with greater eerrice at peoplt; soy we have become calloused Iwo leo coat. 4 in thi /atter• age and material pleads- p. To leave all indi-strles once .oreshave debased oar high Idesls, they are nicely started in the Glen. 'bat 1:dell you this, ley follow coon- try, to thea" owndevice*and indnatry tryaysen, I do not believe and do not for their protection, except as against propene to believe until that Convict- .plug, sneregglha', prison. -wade or ion i•izt'orced upon me that the people ■lave -.made .goods a of *tar- ot i" oda Were yet sunk neo low. I ratios.»wage countries. da believe for one minute. that lx .i0. To leave to the IndividaaI"ev. ,there eat thews facts the evidente esyr reaeanable privdlogw sans liberty t most be eotaitraadicted the Pee* to work out his own Woes of life, bet o Canada war go out and vote at the setae time protect every ndivi contlr36ence snow in that crowd on BOP- thud agai st.freed and isduatice whe. ttaht'bet 14. I believe there is stdil their from Cnnadlana or others. e i�'t decent .feeling and devotion 11.. To conserve And inereaase the toren ideals and still enols% lavas gem,ra1 'health by maintaining snai- 1 or good name of this land.abeoad dent government hoepitels to enable and the honor of its public men at all, loch or poor..ta secure the met hoarse that the people of Canada *II expos examinations and advice, take hold of the aeration as lite' `either free or at' a nominal charge, have never taken hold of *Uythini In u also free treatment for the indig- hlstore and will bring bock Rt. Hon. ant. -Portliest' Meighen to pravern titin lapel, NOTE. -it is proposed to have sev- berau,te he is pledged to gds o-e.m da oral planks of this Platform er bod. good 'government and is deisrinlneri led in the nevi C.arastituiion as well as to catty out that peldge. (Applxaoe), others of mach iaspottaneo. • AMONG ''p the inn;sowebde advent.No*ra et Wag ° the sereloas mat ' the ,o Standard Sankt* ,;hurdle festr codieot" ions by draft. in tis eMsisart plr.mpt- mesii s with wc4 yore may elms true. adieu pietdtg the. details tie owehands. Owieir to ionept dram► law orabie arreags vieeta with, our verbs*agents, we are aide to bond. esldeet- • dawn et aaieklinssa rates tis'ielh err" ,* teaselessamtisas. 4 Henry Honey. D.R. - -Grace Robinson;. Clerk, James Strongh, Constable. Advance Poll D H. T. Edwards,. Joseph McNevin, Clerk. Poll No, 4 Wni. Blair,•D.R. Pearl ColCleik, Wm- Stott Cole, D.It., Earnest Pridbam Clerk,. John Sturdy Constable. ' Poll No. s (a) a. W. Sturdy, -tilt. Mrs. T'remaine McKim, Clerk, (b) Chas. l;lba, D.R. " - Robert Carey, Clerk.' Thos. Morrison, Constable. Pell No. 6. , David Marwick, D.R.' Catherine Wood, Clerk. . Amos Challenger, D.R.- Lily Vroeman, Clerk. Prank Meow, Constable.: (e (b) Poll No. 7• . . . John McKay, D.R.o .Wilfred Peachy, Clerk.', James Lavery, Constable. The Registrant for the various sub- divisions are as follows; No; 1-W. G. Wilson. No. -2-F. H. Wood. No. °3.-..W. F •Clark. No. 4-oElsie Bradford. No.5-Harold Blackstone. No. 6-- 3. E., Drennan. No -Edgar Cowan. • in In all Rural Mnmikipasities, also ' Towne and Viatica* wider 5,000 popu. Whin the Registrar is to nee for the bash of compiling leis lint the last Provincial Voters' List. Parts 1 and 3, ads revised x, ori by the County Jude the list autfrorieed by the "Chief Elec. Orel Cuter. He ha* to complete coples of the voter#,' list en the fifteenth day be- forir the polling day and two of such cops, are to be posted up in two of the most mettle and conspicuous pia- cest'within teeth pont* sarbdivlsion and; *nether lea retain for revision. Any name tk*t may have been omit- ted. way be added between the . time of putting and the tenth day before the election,. POEMS OF CANADIAN STATE retary to the Prime Minister' to write out a dissolution, decree at his dicta- tion or give to one man the triple, honor of conetitutinn, Governor Gen- eral and Dime Minister, and makes hinn ••the real champion of the people? With regard to His Majesty the "Xing and his hundred' years precedent, would our Liberal friend kindly name,, a British Premier who went to the Ring seeking dissolution in lieu, of resignation under' the same or stay - thing like these same eircumstalces? Canadians certainly recognize the'ex- ceilent qualities of; the Governor Gen- eral. We, • ea soldiers , under him, l now from experience that he cannot be intimidated, and it is no doubt a new experience, for Mr. Xing to be disciplined for mace., As' to the .poo driverof no .mean distance, enquired weeks "ago she fell and broke her hip get et' into the lay-offs. These two p y book-kee r- •Donald of Detroit o sLt to i n two um iron. arbor:. "'Toots" Videan, who is -a .she suffered a: stroke and some six = this game as it gives therm a chalice pie upholding [r. Tung. in his stand from the party as. to who. the expert , the shock proving fatal. Her fa�anily teams have bee against the ,Governor. General's 'xul- was He as'('""Introducedt one and relatives will .find. co soWien_ iia ' 'we would remand 'you that On• w n, n °in :get lex gan g; than Walter Hagen, the American the words of the Master and Redeem. but ha tario' gave him her decision ilea October - a d'n that iter match -play Boll champion and world -.er of mankind when . Re; said, "Come tonigh To fhit Editor of The Godtrieh Star. • Bear Sire -eon the inti N$s of oar belerld aoaatetri, I - maidt space is year valwsebls *arra re air our *pin- kies in gsa ural it rsgas4 to what we claim to boy he C edaidlana Crisis. - - lftaelteawd. Ring mut Joked be *hissed tai kw* that he has such a atosit boa eltaaan he Net* Hmrea • as the edifice et The @3ebrtek We haver folt.veed thews adlbstiol re- aseeks awing the chart kw n omiths with evisidnrahle miesp omett. In fact we think this adttor is ra as oil asset is liwly mo spaa.w- As.ge sinus' Webb ehirdr is* we ere .uterus irate til Wier of else. thrpte belle end Yra.:#lailrp hue.: lass aroaGu of int fin hit �iin :Aortato toter aq► as is coed for witty lsrrairsdasn end spates, II:Ilter,-.we w4be w ow 1St these wf.. phist wet articles Its 1/14*, ns' time be, 14th or wt 'Yeaae basm kookiag they sailosei sella• ss that we wit pia up tie *Malt Cees- sereatlws sr Jsri to .e its is North /furies' e, 1st the Illgani it bis" Ink dull. MightJut a asOrllfsastwa 's loopessisit spell '*, afterekObh siw' st aro sots hasp -'moi the all, palm royale on ilio. lisibeebte $Mils rII - bis st iy As our osesosse edge tik tier is he ort the . . apmmmrodes• waw ee that test et psi* . it Irks S. elu- tion last, and we are pre le.l B thanwizard of the game, _ Hagen was tra- unto ore un o xo cod more na a will be r e sows p': . e d `in the event veiling with Larry Fisher, President he ° els and 'I' wi v temlaer, er in S and e p , Her min ?t .acted that Mr. Kin' of the Cadillac Motor Co. and Fislre �H r re a a were boy of defeat it is expected Body Co. of Detroit; Cunningham , 1 rating place in Maitlan. will bea. sportsman and accept defeat the Cunningham Drug Co. of Detro', _ her three sons, DOOM,as a permanent;dismissal from Cana- ..a: Mr, Jansen and two others, 11 Angus, two " sons-in-law, digin politics and take up a .military prominent business millionaires d - and Mr. Newton, and herbrother, An - career, when he aril be trained to golf ex eras: Hagen gave : delle ex- Kos: 'Those from out of togin'a attend: _ iytten Purity e,fe (Thursday are weary and . them in action,and if indicatikns areyourest," , et, oawill c u for bin 'it be itan- a Yt g to their last : fully „argument. Doe't f ex . ' a omen . y g. �eanetery by .miss it, eter r and�• W � T n . .0 I...., .9 0' 1 ,,..6 4. 0 ur 4 4 i trying. to get to- e o- efirs ei nae :time pest.: . LR do so.'However, . will probably find. know that it is much nicer to road hibition of hist - is 'wing a ball ing the funeral were Donald : her son,C. R. A... about dictators. tan `o live .under s the ..tr Belchers on the oppo-, and his wife, Buffalo Mr. and ; MrsM. C. C..., their autocratip rulings. uch acro . �, � ' ._Allen, i.- sit ids � he harbor, over .three Will len, Detroit;- 2V1r•and .Nish: N': _'Transpdrtation•. . for the eonstitiltionai eXcase. , hu dye ds another"between• two Newton, Detroit; > Mrs. Phillipa and ° In' the. Signal"of July 22nd, an art- goo s err st the east' end of the Mrs. MacDonald and daughter, 'T� K or AI'- t T' Attacking the lie~.' E. McXegney for having the audacity the cu ,.ola or the "Weetern:Canada from Welland. The fu sal took As result of this ,arti to and others • Dh htire.:`ph, Pa, maybe it's goy a e h s c , ass -lofting shat of over two hundred feet...Thursdajr• aftornrson ' last, � . e , and' was .. „ 1 leis appeared Attereseri an line elevators; and one over the flag -staff onto, and Isobel, a grand -daughter,; �, , , M Pa Gerrge • says he a Born, to to make a patriotic speech in •Clinton, elevator, an almost perpendicular 'place from her own tresrdence give -you .o-beiautiful present in time:' � do that have appeared from time to tube, The ,party expressed a desire to largely attended. The flog in 'St. 'ng to be. a wrist watch." we wonder why le it • that this man play arottnd a 10al golf course if one Patrick's, park was athalf mast, lend never misses an opportunity ,to at. f d t '1 bl Th ins T 't t th 4 even area were aver a c, The so emna u- e e occasion. The tack all and sundry on the question 'Weretaken out to the Blue' Water services were' conducted by Rev. R. of ldyalty'to the Empire. is this Mr. Golf and Country Club, where they C. McDermitt �� King a little tin,, god that his rulings were 'surprised to find a course with art not to be questioned or criticized? such long; fairways, good greens, and SOFTBALI. And as usual a coat of paint was an:. interesting lay -out as that course If- _..: _ plied to Mr. King's ruling. But what fords. Hagen recognized in Davy The S to c ois Unbeaten in the dStill you eodid not "paint out was tilt feat Hastings, the Blue Water .pro., a • League that the Orange Society, etc,; and friend whom he had known and play others, raised h a storm of indig- ed with in *Troon, Bcotland, a few Bissett and' Co. came closer to nation around his ear that his corn- years ago: Their play around the scalping the G.C.L nine than any mittee was •vrithdxawn, and had the toirrse displayed some "" wonderful other team hie on Thursday last when names orf that committee been pub- skill, with Hagen, Fisher, and the they carne to life and. pounded "Mike" liehed . the .'reason' for that protest Michigan chsmpion for 1925 taking Sanderson quite freely. In the first would have been disclosed. Mr. Mc. the honors, although the others in few frapiea they led the procession by Keeney must be utilized to bring back the party were not far -behind . in the Hon. A. Meighen's ' Hamilton speech aggregate score: They were 411 which the editor used last fall in an highly pleased with the condition of attempt to justify Quebec's attitude, the Bluewater course and compli• 'aa tieing it a* a question of ioyaity'con- merited the 7Peo, on; the progress he • s e' 'corning Canticle's attitude in the event had made :.*,such short time, and the of Great 'Britain's future wars. If Club on hying developed such a real loyalty is to be discussed, bring fasts nine -hole course In. a town .the ,size to bear on it, not visions. This toy. of Goderich. The recommendation alty expert' wanders Gould -hap- and publicity which these golf experts pen In the:event-of war if the texture can convey to their friends in • the " of Hon. A. Meighen's speech were put (honed States should materially in - into ;effect'.itt Conada, and bemoans crease the tourist traffic in Gode#'ich. the : fact that while submarines, e - Lombs, ate., were taking their death DEITUARi toll Ur. Meighen would have a gen- eral election to set 11 we wanted' to itiC '.' U1J,, tre p to yarish front take pert, questioning Mr. ladthen's our midst oaf Mrs. Win, MacDonald, • layette on what might happen. +Yet Bt, Patrick . rat., on Monday of Bast when these things were actually tak• reek, 'a woman of wonderful Christ- ing place Ind these Lower lxrovinee inn character and a great lover of martyre had to be forced to support children and nature has gone. She even their own fresh and blood,there erne of a retiring nature and did not must be no question of loyalty, under take part in the social life of the pain of r►n attack from this loyalty world but did a great work in the expert. While we are talking of this, bringing up not only of ber"own f*01 - wi/1 our friend make **editorial list fly but also of two families of grand- of bills of Bret-elasriegisletion which, children. o She was not affiliated with bane been passed against the wishes any parttculiir church; yet she #acid of Quebec, with the exception of the; true to the doctrine and principles of Military Acta' the old Kirk of Scotland which were Would that such a poll Poll, be rd- instilled into her young mind early in led sap this time then we would get life by a godly another and father, sensible legislation with leas politics ,and their tracking remained with has and more statesmanship, jthroughout her whole life. She was we are asked to renumber mad* lover of children and a friend of Canadian akmoerecy has only been I thea was gro a and many a.h poor lay attained little by little and with halal t aha was. graven iota e,tenha t will Werk. As I undststanal demaersey, bear witness of the generoalty and it nmeans xerernarrsrtt by discussion, kindaaerts of this woman. The deceas. lips the enodes of the pe Yet when ,eel was born in the Island of Lewis, and came to this euntry lHapPswplla res spoykedsis xocrcyorofna, with vier parents surly..tbreeleers o Ciba being ernehed foe' the tins '" 'wt rhr-tigesixteen .L..J Liad,fad liw� ed in the Town of Gsderich cantinas*. r. 71411welPthalbria"thoolitrktrItho' ratkveldlirasiy until her death. In the OS years Howatisanythe wasonlaideof tans.onlyonce, ht tial ZMtr war - that occasion blue' a visit ti a dsagb. illisc a tM *rases of? liberty - ter in Iktrok soma years ago. Slee . a1M lobes atbi. Ile the fats war•raised a family of .4g4* alt at wde.rt MOis thr..nation: yrs,ti a neap. .rson a are tiring will. t4 sir .Been *1 dwr ;ws'fl+n+amaese 1P+ thrown aaad persatk. etdtet is btsr, aha adMal noes. ;rears " leers thrown into the *X*I Tu. are DessaAL of Swir'aale; • waits paper ia.x• all parties *taint dlaltrehn, of Port , ; Aures togeett a caat(tieas to eai ehia tiesmst *01 Marr, an. aurora; Mars. Allen *01 is wont tsiletltt.r 1*1 )p[rs. (*~mora. et Detroit. and Anise, tial .n.eay pf ririlisatieaa, she is a graieaas rs+lw�ee .mei site histart- Am i aaot.too mic jseaker ne atewt of ibtnr- d , - I.ot us aw Caasaetans cwt ]eat aq illrarwR in mii/R ue Is raising deer - �rr ! er> .. ,� 1' 1 ioA,wee. a }1te"8y sic ritsM iter isewwi vette la ties emit* +e3setiswt. ws ms's Xis ' to trrR sits' feat ills remiliats sat st aaasetuxity asI nesse theses est iwere ,~alt f its tisat tits ,fon, tite sandal w414* a fair .resent et 01*- tirig9ae lets' esnmslgls aeppsrt tea taatiseh renal wilds a kaaewlere st 3ieer sh'e Aim a tato Am, to pan se eat tree way et situation instilled iota • Hamilton Street Shoe Store Complete line pi ladies', gentle- mena and children's shoes. Come in end compare our prices. libne J. A. CHISHOL11 volume makes possible these values 2%20S 5 Paas. Zile* Waft (11434," W.1R.) $1600 27.94 .4 Piro, Spot Res,laesr 11434" 17.13.' 15i5 27.2$ .�i d T`esariag 1I43f" W.B. ' 1623. 27.20 x a rs!. CM r Cub •Coupe (1143{x" W 16115' 27-26 '2 PIs. two iii (11431." 17.6. 1583 2727' ' 5 Pies.44ker Sodom 114%" W.B. 1715' 27.23 414 1I431" W.4 MI5 27.408 5 Pana. 2.4 er 50ar - 120" W.>s. 1600 27.47 5 Pau. 4 -deer Sodas 120 W.B. 1900 27.48 4 Pae. Coup' • 120" W,5. 1645 27.49 7Pan, Sport aTirteoaa (13*' W.5.201. 1'l.M t. 'Pos. (1211" W.B. 2050 274*) 7 Pawn. Sealrit 12r 'w B. 35145 27.51 5 Pawn. br au ,,ars (1211' W.I. 25» (120"` wax .,:, 2540, 27.54 4 Pas..13,0" W.B. 1908 27-55 5 Pass. Testis' 1251" W3. 3x030• 27.36 5 Pose. � (12C WA 2455 >ls4cae ACM Tess. NOW ne,411et lorSales ('he GREATEST WLLOHUNsoBuIcK • Y £Vu BUILT . ierlArli saIIPI 11 HI //111'alar>S 111.1 oa i ilefR 5