The Goderich Star, 1926-08-05, Page 7.t • TOUR1UAY. AUGUST eta. lYitc • • • "Dead After a Sloop's,* Piled. duileS IMesI an oisoni nadw a senem 11 ■rrraw4■1 1QCIY�; It t The following are the dates of the pit ash SCgOOL PAIR DATES 1.;} . fai i twee viten rests• iraeyt rldslewr� amnia, aigleteenres, *Wag sad seaselie •a er,g ressr.t.eaa, who treks up is Om iron* fwtitag es tired act wkea tap weat to bed, as ken dein old, pews - tie, aursdietitelrei, reeresblag sleep beak airs A. ia. Balmer, ltard°, 16, Dv written -+'"''Two yam ego, totter hseriat had a sewn atstek of war left in a badly run der:laarolaton. My nerves were an broken up, I •eosdd not sleep at night, but would eves, from side 'to side until morning when T would feel so dead tired I would.''uet - feel like getting Sp et a& Having read about your afiiburi's heart and Neuro Pills for. just seeh nen as ndnat got aome,ead took thee* as directed, and beforteI tied • finished three boxes I begat to mitt at right, 'could deep good, and ray" starves soon got ell right again. • Price 5Oe. a box. at *II dealers, or smiled T d oau ore reeept,Tare of ToroTrio by 'x'he T. m Co.,, idmt Toronto, Ont. r. lido and Ilene finnan i. • flack Stables, Etc, atirantreest Street just off the Square ?►tPr. SEVERAL FIRS'i' fi1.ASS. AUTOS READY FOR •SERVICE --GGT YOU ANYWHERE AND WHEN YOU WANT TO 1E1' THERE -ounce Meet ell Train and Passenger Boats Passengers called for in any part of the town for all -trains; at (LT. k. or C. t'. R depots, Prompt Service and. ° Careful. Attendance, Our Livery and 'track Service will be :found up•ttr-4ate In every respecter Your Patronage Solicited T. SWART$ Phone 107 Montreal Street • Bathe in Mi.-zawcl',and • warn' Water ertibbing the solution foto the aching parte with the finger tips. Minard's is alio splen- did for sprains, Yrruisres and strained ligaments to USE HYDRO.. ELECTRIC The reoPerikwar- Cook by Electricity Wash by Electricity, Iron by Electricity CONVENIENT, CLEAN, QUICK . Cheaper than coal or wood An Electric Vacuum Cleaner removes the dust; a broom just ` moves ' the, dot. _ We guarantee all Hydro Lariips for 1500 hours.. Walk in..and see display at the llydro Store CASTOR IA S un a A fiernoon Ity ISABEL iMMJL7VN, G.3etdch, Alf. tairenisiesem,wi SataieM snea+natrnnosansMaase Q Jesus Mester, whom I serve, this by cflering a burnt *striae* un - Though su feebly and so ill, to Clod; "and Aaron came, and all the Strengthen hand and heart and nerve, elders of Israel, to eat bread with nerve Moan' fat`ser•in-law before God." All Thy bidding to VAAL; Jethro was not an uninterested ob- Open Thou mine eyes to see server when the next day he watehed All the walk Thou hast for nee. Moses lookipg into and deciding mat - Jesus, Master. mitt Thou este tars small and great which required One who owes 'Thee mere than a11:. - adjusting between man and man. As Thou *wilt! 1 would not choose, Vie are told that governors in the Only let me heat Thy call, East were accustomed to seat them -1 Seen, 'let me always be, telvea at the most public gate of their In "Thy service, glad and *free. palace or the city. aid there, amid a crowd of applicant*, hear causes, re - F. It. 1-t*vergal, wive petitions, red ess grievances, I'R 4 YEle • Tether, give us. we pray Thee, true parties, Moses was finding this a rightful tasks, and gt+ard us, we be- remedy t'ntil one which appealed to ease. It often affects the heart etech. Tbee, against the allurements him as an ` admirable .ore wap sug- and causes sudden death. If you* of 'prominence and power. Help us gested by Jethro. Ile showed hint have it in the slightest degree get to be open to wise counsel from The the distinction between a lawgiver a bottle of Rheuma from H. C. chosen servants in the least as well and a judge; "thou shalt teach them .DUNLOP', or any druggist today, ex the greatest matters, In Jesus' ordinances and laws, and shalt skew and drive it 'front your system name we. xray. Amen, them the way wherein' they must at once, k (Selected). walk, and thee:work that they mast i S. S. LESSON VOR AUG. loth, 1926 do." Jethro advised him .to conserve--•-^�-�-•• Lesson Title- Jethro's Wise C',aun• his strength for the ad3a ting of be a great help to them in preparing, sel. • • - great matters and to hand over the them for future social leadership oak Lesson Passage -Exodus 18:1.27. judging of lesser affairs to the wis- for positions of responsibility and' • Golden Text -Mark 13:34. est, most pious, and most 'unseliis`h *dignity. nit' to las found, they to°be given a Many of the departments of the As the children of Israel travelled certain number of the people under college of arts'have been strengthen. on their way through the wilderness their iuriedietion, ed this year. This is especially true they again were in a eyegion destitute It is supposed that Alfred the of the comes in Library and Seere• of springs , of water and 'once again i Goat, who was well versed ino the tarial `Science which have been ex they 'wished they bad been left in Bible based his own axon constitu- tremely popular among the women students for two years or • more. A special instructor bas been brought over from England to - assist in plan- ning and developing these courses. and adjust the claims of contending -Get At school fairs to be held in the ',County ' of Huron this year : i ' Crand Send -•Sept. 7th Iiashervod-- Sept mit Rheumatic p �ieel!eoM Cradieon--•Sept. tkh +IKPIII W inch.Iwa-.--Sept. 10th The first day you take Rheuma, ' Wroxeter --sept. 13th Gerrie-Sept. 11th Wu.vsle---Sept. 15th so rapidly, you'll realise that when Arhfbtd--Sept. lath Rheuma gots in Rheumatistr- goes St. Helens -Sept. lith out. t'elberne--Sept. lath It matters not whetter sou are Hensali=Sept. 20th tortured with pain, trip led wii'.t Zurich -Sept. 21st s oliei joints or silts►sir•* witi" barna-Sept. 22nd occasional twinges. Rhetina is Blyth --Sept. 23rd guaranteed to end our rheumatic ;:thel--Sept.:4th S Walton -Sept. 27th trouble or money tack. Goderich Tp. -Sept. 28th Rheuma is just as affective in Peigrave--Sept. 29th cases of lumbago. sciatica, arth- Dublin--Sept..30th ritis and chronic neuralgia. Clinton --Oct. 3 and 4 burn lits in the acceptance of our heavy strain without having found a Rheumatism is a dangerous dig= ` the doctors remedy that is selling a leets Worts oat Children IM Ur* For Over 3oYears inward beets die Ukaswse of Iag1*pt and chided Moses for leading them into such a trying situation,: Again God gave them relief in a miraculous way. Moses was told tc take -with him the elders of Israel and the rod with which he smote the Red Sea and go forward to the rock in Horeb: "and thot' shalt smite the rock, and there shall come water out -of it,' that the people may drink." 'Thus by miracle after •miracle were the Israelites being taught their de- pendence upon the God who had pro- mised their :father Abraham that he would assuredly bring them into the promised land. That a better and more stable spirit was taking"posses- sion of them eves manifested` later on when they were -set upon in the rear by the Amale•kites, the. mast, power- ful race at that time in the Sinai peninsula. -Under• the leadership of the -'great follower and successor of Moses a victory was at length decid- ed in favor of Israel. and the glory of file victory was ascribed to rod, who said to MoseL "Write this for a mem- orial in: a book" -and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua; for I will utterly nut ort the remembrance of Amalek from: under' heaven." The Israelites after this trying ex.: perience'and glorious triumph under God, ,proceeded towards S'in i and in today's lesson is recorded`the meet- ing of Moses with his father-in-law He brought from Midian the wife" and term sons of Moses, who had' re- meined_ behind. 'when'' Moses returned to Egypt, The meeting elves s sip: seription. of .a truly Oriental .greeter* where . the younger man -:goes . out to meet the' elder, does `obeisance and kisses' him on either. cheek and then Inds _ the- -way Into :. the-. tent. _ Here they entered into intimate eonversa- tion ar><d Jethro'had corroborated :from .Moses' account the things he had heard in* his own ...land about God's miraculous leading of his peo. ole. 'The effect of this recital upon Jethro was to lead him to acknow. ledge God's superiority td that `of all` 'the heathen gods of Egypt' and he did �i 1�; 1-TIZ , GLADDENS SORE,TIDED FEET , "Tiz" i' mattes sore, burning, tired int fairly dance with delight. Awn go the aches, and pains, the corny, callouses, blisters and bunions. "Tie' draws out the acids and poi• sons that puff• .up your feet. No matter' how hard you work, how long. tion of sheriffs in counties, etc., on the example of the Mosaic division.• And thus it may be our own nation owes its free institutions to the in- terest of,.a Midian priest in the great leader of the children of Israel. We read in Deut. 1:9-15 'that Moses al- lowed the people themselves to' elect! these officials who 'became not.only judges but' captains. Jethro counselled Moses "to befor the people Ged-ward, that he might bring the causes unto God." His was to be a spiritual vocation. It is greater to pray than to rule so Moses was to be the living link between the eseople and their God. and the people themselves were to manage all 'sub- the ordinate affairs: Just as , in church today "the minister is to live' in the secret places of the Most 'High, that he may from time to time most correctly' repronounce the will of God to all who wait upon his ministry." (Dr. Parker). WORLD MISSIONS The white man; first made 'himself known to the Indian not as a mission- ary .but as a business man. His first thought was of furs, not of souls. 'A day of awakening came, however, and the church admitted its responsibility and began. to teach the Red Man the better things of. life. The process of education has :beets slow and the results sometimes d'+:... appointing, but of late the fruit of the labor of many years is 'being gathered. The Churches have an un- derstanding with the Dominion Gov- ernment, dividing the :" responsibility, of caring for.the secular and relig- ious .education of the Indians among, the various denominations. In addition to mission work ora the Reserves,, boarding schools and day, schools are doing splendid work for the children. As. a result there is a growing company of them making a definite choice of Jesus as their „Vias - ter. The Missionary on Round Plain •Writes of one of these children thus: "Jimmie. 'Buffalo was a : tall, shy: lovable boy ofsnine years -but oh, .s . delicate. He came to -school during the first term quite regularly. When- ever the. . unaccustomed `restraint of school bore too heavily on him and his chum, Robert, I would see them quietly leave their seats and slip out- side where there . would be a wild wrestle or a short fisticuff. Then in they would come `• and "dig in" to'. whatever_ work they had on band. They made wonderful progress, • soon ou' itripping the girls who have leas initiative. Jimmie • rete -"nod ...to us lifter holi- days for Beton • and one-half brief daye, then Meknes laid him low. He you dance, how far you walk, orf lingergd for a few months.. His. lath - *Tie" "lobr you remain .on your feet, er consulted doctors, but none- could Tiz brings restful foot comfort. "Tia.' loe.wonderful for tired,. ache . 5tay the ravatres of cnnsu�i►ptian, ing, swollen, stnartTng"feeti'--Yowl Death..r.elieted, his sufferings, and he feet just tingle for joy; shoes never was laid to rest under'his' beloveid hurt or seem *Ott. � ranee. I spent several evenings with Get a box of "Tiz"' now• from any his bereaved parents:: trying to;tell them of Jimmie's fresh young life in hiri heavenly b`. me where flowers bloomed and children played. I trust I was used by God to, lighten their '•' " - `""�- s=orrow and acquaint them with our DRAGOINC-DOWN Burden -Sharer." • A PROGRESSIVE UNIVERSITY GODERICH MARKETS 'Wieat, per bush .....•a 1.35 to 5 140 Buckwheat, per bush. 65 io 70 Hogs ........ 12.60 to 12.60 Chats, per bush. 40 to 40 Peas, per bush 1,45 to 1,50 Baxley, per busk... 65 to 10 Cattle, ordinary. per. cwt. ... 6.25'to 6.25 Cattle, export .. , 7.00 to 7,50 (per cwt.) - Cattle, choice, cwt6.50 to 0,75 Lambs, per cwt12.00 to 12.00 Dairy Butter.... 40 to 40 Fggs, per dos 25 to 80 Family flour, per etvt 3,90 to 4.00 Patent flour, per cwt. 4.75 to 5.00 Bran, per ton ;2,00 t• .b. 03.00 Shorts, per ton... ., 38.10 to 35.00 Hay, per ton..,.,10.00 to 12.00 Hides ....... 06 to 06 Potatoes,per b 2 50 t • " 50 The greatest asset we have in Can.. ever ada Is the trained minds of our young people.' The greatest gift that a par - not can bestow upon his children is GAHADFAN NATiUN�I D�fr to offer them the opportunity to ac• i quire a university' degree. The meet TRAIN SERVICE o T�RONTai. valuable equipment a young Mari can 1 'possess is a broad and thorough oda-. Dally Exoept Sunday ration. Parents sometimes argue Lye, Godmich 0.00 fem. 2,20.p,ttt..� that they cannot afford to send then " ` Clinton 6 25 a.m. " Ii° pan,' boys to college. This may be true. 'It may be true also that many boys „ Seaforth 6.41 nem. 3.12 pan. ',Mitchell 7.04 a.m. '8.42 p.m. cannot or will not profit by aavcollege Arr. Stratford 7.30 a.m. 4.10 p.m. course of training; but the average.. Kitchener 8.20 a.m. 3.24 ogee e afull 0l up boy is college e e eo use at by $$ , ,. a cost of 54500 or 55000, ie far better e. Guelph 8.45 a in, 5.50 p.m. Fable to win success in after life than - Toronto 10.10 a.m.. 7.80 p.m. a boy who has been left an estate of Re'Gut ning--Leave Toronto 6.45 a.m., r- r p bag.... o ... everywhere. • t,} -r` +.M1 -. �-' :o- .,y,•- • .p A • ru .n ,wr- I w i- i•u n w. r ND ••.•••• +,yrs+*-+-• _ . Money is the root of all evil. they Everything ex.ep, the pc.•pt...s un. say. and per taps the lack : f it cause* dergoing constant improveratnt. all worry. „'. C2. .lwl'll'©MR�,�.w Character assassins and abed hugs' to *acne M �rsr legate have a lot in common -both nre back• 1 steno t o biters. ._,....• ..- drug or department store. End • foot torture forever -wear amalkr shoes keep yqur •feet fresh, sweet and happy. - - - /Ins RELIEVED It is easy to understand why the. people of Western Ontario are proud of their University -the University Iof Western Ontario. Since 1908 > when this institution was placed un - 1 der provincial, municipal and public' '• control and in spite of the handicap of the war years, it has made the 1'most astounding progress. The great 1 majority of the • thinking people of ' this part of the province have follow- ed its development with intense in- terest and are always eager to learn More about it. Last year the-univer• sity gave postgraduate work in econ- omic entomology ,in its relation to agrietulture and adds greatly to its s'eprtation and to its national service. Last yesr also three new courses in nursing were added and the first de- gree in nursing was granted. The student enrolment In all resident de. partments was 850. It is probable that in the academic year, 1926.27. this enrolment will reach one thou -1 sand students. The ' University is now affiliated with* Cambridge University of Eng- land, which is ample recognition for the character of the work it is doing Similar recognition has been offered . by the leading institutions of the t; n-' # Rod States and the Continent of ries-' ope. r, Thio coming year the University will have a lean of Women. This lady has had wide experienme in looking after the tn(iat activities of gide end young woolen. She ohauld 'doll ialt Sof:feted Nearly a Year. iLyda . E.. iakham's._Vegetable._ ..- Cil opal&Brought Her Health Moore Jaw, Saab.. "I am going to try to tell you what Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. i suffered very badly with dragging -down pains and inflamma- tion also pains in my right side over my stip and down my whole side into my leg. I had it nearly a year when I went to a doctor and he &aid I would have to haven operation. But my mother said to take Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound as it saved her life years before. I took two bottles acrd I found I was better. oto I ke . on, takingit and aiio uoetd Lydia. E. Pinkharn s Sanative Wash. I have had two more children since then and am perfectly well. I used to have to lie down two or three times t der, end nowt do °all myr fodlteorork without trouble., I al- ways keep the V iretabie Compound In the hone as I sind a tiore rWw and then helps me. I nate willing for yds to use this letter any way you see fit surd I will anewerietters. If ant help any eti sr women I'd be only too giead b "-Mrs. brow* Ham, 712 Atheibens W., Moors Jaw, See- kateineran. Ly.fie Z. t".an sd fe ate egotable abi ei redia n for all wenn. Ihrsere by dreggists , , .. o; say twenty#five or thirty thousand 12,.15 p.m. and 6.05 tem.. dollars. Parlor .Cafe car, Goderich to Tor• onto, on morning train, and Toronto to t=oderich' 6.05 p. m. train, Our ideal Weather would be a cool Through coach Goderich to Toronto, summer and a warns winter if some P. P. LAWRENCE 1s`.SONS . of the growlers had their way about Town Passenger and`Tieketa.J►gents` its 'Phone 8 . • BanIingby Mail , The security afforded by the, Province of Ontario Savings Office. together with the facilities extended by every Post Office in Canada and other countries, make it possible for everyone to deposit their savings in this Hank. Interest is allowed, compounded half -yearly, with full thecking privileges. .The confidence the rural communities have shown in this Bank, is indicated by- the large increase in deposits, which are now over $21,000,000. All deposits are guaranteed by the government . of the Province of Ontario. Remittances should be made by•Post- Office money order, express order or registered letter, and should be addressed to your nearest Branch,, where they will receive prompt attention. Province of Ontario Savings Office Head Office s 15 Queen's Park, Toronto Toronto Branch Offices : Cor, Bay and Adelaide Sts. Cor,''t'niv�ersity and Dundas Sts. 510 Danforth Avenue Other -Branches at Hamilton, St. Catharines, St. Marys Pembroke,. Brantford, Woodstock, Owen hound, , Ottawa $eaforth, Walkerton Newmarket - end Aylmer. Four Vital Engine - provementa To produce the silent power.flow;.i,$' the 19271ScLaughtin-Buick, McLaughlin -Buick eengineets have spade four fundamental im- provements in the structure of the famous ltlicLaughrio-Buick Wye -in -Head engine, inodutdusg a Counter -Poised Cranksha f and a Torsion Balancer;' new light- weight pistons; and then a Completely _C'as adne t`Ehgirie`Insulated and' Borated ' by rubber mountings, fore and aft, from all Metallic contact with the chassis. An 'Engine Vibrationless Bcy c d Belief 'The MoLlughliu Motor Car Company, Limited,. 'coday presents' the. 1927 McLaughlin -limo#, tc4th an. engine vibrationless beyond belief. - This achieveantstu, we earnestly believe, will mask es one of the most important in all motor car history. Our engineers, working, in conjunction With the engineering staffs of General . Motors Research Laboratories and General Motors Proving Ground have divorced the annoyance of vibration to a poise never before attained. They have -seven McLataglditt z Back • motor cars a new luxury of quietness at every speed, exceptional among all card, no manor what titcir Irr:rc.. Never in all the twenty-two years of Mctatughlin•Buick success has there been offered such convincing proof of en- gineering and manufacturing leadership. McLaughlin -Buick offers you ' today a brilliant example - of the quality of McLaughlin•Butdc craftsmanship -- Confident that acquaintance whit let performance and value will fix in mind the conviction'; that money ean buy nothing finer--- . •. Certain-- that you will discover, in this groat new car, further evidence of the • •deep meaning -4n- the longstanding> pledge: "Whew Better Automobiles are built, M•cLaughlin►ttick Wird Build Thorn." . Oilier t! .lrnprovements . Antrttee :x raIistionaey., improvement in the mice( by thermouatic control in the leen ? %CLaetghtn.Besek is the vacuum -cleaned system. Water circulation is prevented crankraee. rtaetkcaro neenzure, the vicious the heat held in the engine, until the proper foo of engine eflicieney, is 114W drawn out of operating temperature is reaclicd, the crankcase before it hat an opportunity to (rear noise is removed by Mc ,lin-Buick'* do berm. The trankcare is cleaned and kept new giant -tooth tranrmission,w ich is quiet free', of dilution by the lekLeugldin-$uick in all of its speeds. Further ouietuese hr ben Vacuum Ventilator, a new device, operated obtained by a new muf er design. ~bythe air{bw;••posative-anti-attain•its•action.-~•'•__...A ,iferieflea teinirrkaiite`"new . asolVkl augh and -without a single moving (surf. The oil Buick introduces balanced wheel* another in the crankcase of the 1921 hkLeuglilin• conteibtnion to better driving. ' Buick need he changed only four times a year! The princely beauty of the new fisher boiler - is in thorough keeping with the unitised aril 1llclatuf;hlin•iluick petfortnance is now made incomparable performance stansinee *ow more certain, more pinion and *sore worse- attained. . The Most Remarkable Fact of All -Value Thio (",ratter* of all Mol aughlirelt kka is the Greatest of alt lbkiweglia. &OW& values. Metsugh ''•Buick volume has pennitied .. ., • ,rematch • end development oto a scale far beyond the reach of sage manufocturers. - Conon. improvement has leveled one price barrier after.notlrre sate* now you are attired. in this new Meteughhin'Buick, a car ail fine at money ran buy, et the price of can of very ordinary quality. This ar will convinces you, as no other ear can, that money can iaMl nothing er - no matter how much you may be able to rptted 1 HURON MOTOR SALES WHEN BI 1IlR AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT---.1VXctAUGHLIN-BUICK WILL BUILD THEM 0