The Goderich Star, 1926-08-05, Page 6FAGS sa
o ,WSTFRN ottrrApio
$tadeats Malta poems! attesdes
is nit Thee edea sad Depeataaaue
oxadesteo r pwo -geed residua or
ecearsar 00414writs to
= Whet nowt
_ Yore taste itis et Ike
- ialvereity falsettos at
tido osa:iesat g• late
.w MSM refer
Se warm ee / .e
emote.Ti neieiahommoir
- 1•11 real *ea
west Wee a
though it aeteeai$at d heating mere
enter. a procedure width, ofrse
he ,_malpciw►aas%Y. ,ifel?!Kesk. Meliraw
ived i
till 1 was all spread out, didn't yam`
he sneered, as stooped over the
w od-hex. That s like you. Son*
people are so smxil-ealiltersd they'd
rattle around in ea gnat's bisdder like
* mustard seed in as bass drum.
"I'm partierlar who I eat after, 1
Tom said, "*o be sure you rceneb it
"Thought you'd spoil my smoke.
Well, I eon smoke atandin on my
head and enjoy it." There was a sit-
once, broken only by the sound of
Jerry's labors. At last he spoke :
"Once nein I meet what I told you
yesterday, I took the words out of
your own mouth. You said the
1 1 1 til 1 u
TO _#'pier YoF0
Ws. as weal." Jerry pretested.
go his boil neyseit. I get bier. is
suede at Sheep Cseap. 4 MO Wan
"I've known the `ney longer that
- you ave. Pealdes I'm a faintly wan; I
1 know the enguiah of a parent's
"Lay sit that 'family' stuff," howl.
td Mr., Quirk. "You know it rites
me. t Could of had eis much. of a
3atnily as you bed if I'd wented to.
Yot.'d think it give yeti some sort of
privilege. Why, ever since we sat up
with Lefty you've assumed a fatherly
air even to her, and you act like I
was * plumb outsider. You remind
me of a hen---settin' on every loose
door•knab you tide*
"If you'd lay off the `family' sub-
ject we'd get along better."
unman ver a id. Eve toxin gp xss6ux g Once again the fray was cn; it ret;., _
"I never did. Even if 1 *htd x ; £o ed intermittently throughout the;
g r to
a lyotisua eronaparatihe *trim- iia evening; it did not die out until bed•i
ger to apply such an epithet to a . aopmiietsd, d� p 1
member of my family." Roulette h three companions!
rusk *mates s acesad healthy*
eeeditUO* rot t the hood es
asaaia dletrese, let ie tb
digeeted anden
ono to s o w swan*
food zequlred withoreat fear of stn ea►-
.ga. i:' seatiefeetered sal The
'S' Ce., Limited, Tomato, Geri,
time rt an end to it.
"You did say it. And she ain't a part tae # app the I'ai andher
member of your family." wire late in reaching town on the 101-1
'Tom's jaws snapped. "If patience p,1%esramat after
athets, lowing day, for they awakened to And
is * virtue;' he declared, in quivering r h1" a storm raging,: and in consequence!
"ue slide into heaven on *kids. the trails were heevy. Out of this;
CH-1I"'1'iflt XXVI. C to nh s "Who did'" anger, white smother they plodded just as I
/laving prepense * meal to hie lila.! "Now ain't that a fool question?" Assassination aught not to be a i happened to say " the lights of Dawson were ttginninp;
itag, Jerry net the, table *nit:i a single} Jerry leaned back comfortably! and - crime; it's warranted, like abating a Oon'il Linton'a seri of warning li " 1� Ito1i � 3Md &ytxt'kfuard,i t#urio
plate, eup and saucer, Cosa seated began an elaobrate vacuum -cleaning nuisance; it *int even a ml4delr4ednor ," " '
Barracks. the girlproceeded to hem •
litianaelf with ii luxurious taunt. He process of what teeth lie retained..---tometlmea. She was a noble wa»)- held at threat. "Don't spill your i4'•
hotel. She had changed out of =her Stock Carried, Information
ate slowly; he rolled every mouthful "Who starts at 'all our rows, it 1 *n-�-" decencies in the presence of this child trail clothes and was upon the .paint on Brantford
'with relish; he fietcherized it with don't? 1y'o. I'm as easygoing as a "Helliont I got it on the authority or--*I'il, hang the fryin-pan *round m. McLeane.
atxlculated deliberation; he paused be- greased ell, and 'most anybody cin of her awn husband yawl" your peck: The truth is,' he told of hurrying downtown to her wank ' W.
o upon s , d Tom rose and stamped over to the betty, "there's' no use tryingto
live t 1"Where hin encountered Hilda C rt M
ow ere, in the woeRoulette rice. practice about a practical jo e•.
o it pe an degrade rangers, but * fled, '"I've bean nit o •t ,,,.
e s
When he had cheeped up his i»tor:nil►. that others do the same, in satisfaction to his bed and stretch.. my being; he picks and pesters and
able repast and was finiebing the last hell away from that stave!"i d
'rpglllUIDA Y. AUOUSIT kb. 1916
Rich, Soft Tones Of A Brantford Roof
Brantford Asphalt Slates harmonize with aunt style off *.rchl.
tacture►, and their rich, soft tons* blend with their surroundings
at all tunes of ids year.
They last f are are resistant said give pe efeet Protection from
all weedier c ix
r ..
*tion Furnished and $.,vice
Roofing rendered by�r
ear rr : Godericb
with a horn' toad. 1 ve done y b been? tlie laattrei'a uxedhave you goo
itwren times to blow loudly p hi get along with nie but tree on my ,
,toffee end to smack hie lips—eoundaa tail and I swoeoends, pronto, 'Theta stove" he sl a med its
stdo drown ndfoie n is a dress at twice the Have you aver wondered what za
t hi defaame me to my face "N h I q id" ' p 1 b t t' ! k
Slat in therneehres were a provoca- me. I got my own even way,. but I here "taut rc. eeee Hexing lied the I d de ad me tutors e
bargains a
an and an insult to his histener, live up to my g
v r:.
seat;. h average
ridI lit tout t i,o' or than the a
Notdin more q wisdom ea•
word,usual, Jerry retreated._ til to ev r mm alae The head loathed with win ar dog 2
You get the last doted as tol y' . he my b inn hos e e y P Then she toad .4 her and Poleon a n't teak at the mouth, keeps the average hien doom.
ed his aching frame upon it. in tr p to the^ mines and ofChair sac- ••-----"^•'-'.-~'"^--^ .-- ...-
poisons •
me a thousatnd times a day, ' „Iii ill 2't
hide of an. hour," she declared, et
Iv din #arrive to teeter upon the edge o time that evenin f Quirk did
'Weil. I've learned the truth,""
arae:motion until his partner's hand Link.He remained there, glum, pt t
ee; Jerryawaythefrostycametosheday
oor not react to this pass one. a ou are . t t .. he
tae said, sweetly. "I've et my 1111; - bears,,
I'm free as air ,asci 'twice as ll , "Then Pierce is free already?
"'it was o.,, ,
9'ou'li eat all right,"
lid*aned, utmost tearfu
there and gorge till you bust:' t anti wash. that skillet." been aayin': `Hurry! Hurr'yl;,,;. We 'Poleon inquired, a Hard and eat corns both yield to
"Tlipat`s my' privilege.- I don't aim Mr. Quirk ettarted guiltily. ' Rohl' be late:. I 'mos' keel dem dog. "Split her," yelled Jerry, I Holloway's Corn Remoter, which is
to awellermy grub whole. I'm shy . "Hustle your creaking joints and. Lipton's seamed face softened; it "Dis cabin, too?" entirely safe to use, and certain and -:.
a few teeth and some of the balance same it nut:" atoned into a smile of genuine "Sure. 'Slam a partition 'right .- satisfactory; in its action.
eleet't meet, so I can't consume,vittlesl "Pshaw! 1 only fried a slice*" ' pleaatare; there was a real hospitality through ter." .-
. eke I was a pulp -mill. I didn't start. eserub it l" Linton ordered. and welcome. in his voice when he "We wan'n, elam no partition .any' 'Wove waked the world go round' and
gape rove"*" i This command Jerry obeyed, al- said: where," : Tour declared. ."Think rm. a°metiriiee keeps it square.
- '---A•-- "re "You're in tuck, for sure. •. Lay off.going to lay aawake'evety. night list- History repeats itself '* often that
-- your things and pull . up to the .fire. ening to distant bugles? No. Well it has the a pearance of stuttering..
. ;. , ..... �w.., It won't take a jiffy to 'parlay the pull her. apart, limb for irnib,�, anal
�,4 ham and ' coffee—on calls : three, as divvy the 'logs. It's a +peat,irause,r
'they say. No need to ask. if you're anyhow. I'll burn. myshare," _ 13 Your 'hil
well; you're' prettier than ever, .and Tom's positive refusal even to per.
:some folks would tall ;theft impose 'mit mention of- the .cause of the quer. . •t�
sibie.'" ' rel rendered efforts at'a reconciliation Thin and Vi8ak P
Jerry nodded in rigorous. agree-: difficult; 'Paleon's and Rouletta's at ,,,.,4.0;
meat. "You're as sweet as a bunch tempts .at .badinage, therefore, were Cott Liver Extract In _Sugar Coated
, week .f'ailures, and their conversation
_ � � ( • �t i' of jeasaai.ine ]:petty; Why, yearsTablets; Puts On f?l,•si.•and•Buitds
In e .aids
with the aFarmers
�, �.rl'* • F
IN whatever section of the Dominion
far nein tilt their fields, there will be •
founS a completely equipped branch of ='"' ", Z *
� y� Ply
'.the Bank of Montreal.
And in. whatever branch of the plank of
. 1lontreal you may find it most convenient
to do business, . there you will find banking
cooperation especially ally designedtoreit t
neezls�of fanners and the farming industry.
Bach of our branches has the strength, ear.
petieoace .acid services of the entire organisation.
(all at the nearest branch. -
Dank . Where Small Accounts Are Welcomes
*Wished ever y s
%stat Assets in tweet* - $7$o,000,oao
▪ like a 'breath of , apring! 'What met with eine- the barest politeness, Them up
brought you out to See us, anyh�ow?,r Now that the truth had. escaped ;eeeee -, ,
"Dat's long story," 'Poleon *newer- neither partner could bring himself In just a: few days- quickei than —
, ed. ""Saprel We got; plenty
talkie, to a serious consideration of anything you ever dreamt of -these wonderful
to do. betty ahe'a going help you' except his own injuries. "11'hey nit- health building, .flesh erecting tablets
m*k''de supper now, an' I fix dem changed evil glances, they Caine into called, McCoy's Cpd ever extract
dog. We . goin' camp wit" you ail direct verbal contact only seldom, said ;Tablets will start to help any~.., thin,
night. Golly! We have beeg tam," when they did it was to clash as flintlin
derweigot little ot'e..
The new -comers had indeed intro. ml steel. No statement of tee "eine After sickness an where tickets
diced a breath of new, clean air, Of 'was sudielently -conservative, . - sill«
of ently broad, to escape "a sneer and are suspected they are eapci icily +rat1-
a sudden the cabin had brightened, it uxble
was vitalized, it wan. lined with a an,immediate; refutation frons the'Most people know. that from the
magic purpose and good humor. other. Evidently the rift was deep livers of the lowly codfish vitandnea'
Roulette flung *side her furs and and was widening rapidly. of the first etas* are extracted'—the
bustled into the supper preparations. Now the injured husband Iilmself kind that help all feeble underweight
Soon the meal was ready. The first had often applied eivea- more dialler* men. women and chic en.
pause in her chatter tame:: when she aging term* to the• lady in question, . Try these wonderful tablets or 30
get the table for fourr and when Jeri.y therefore thee visitors were:puzzled at days and if your frail, puny ohild
protested that he had already dined. his show of. rabidresentment; the -don't greatly.beneft-get yoiir Moven
,'i.e girl paused, plate in hand. most they could make out of it Was - mak.
• "Then we vivre late and you didn't that he claimed the right- of dispar. A very sickly child, age 9, gained.
tell us," she Pouted, .reproachfullee agementet a perscnal and exelus Ire 12 pound's in 7 months,
"No. .I got through early, but Tom Privilege, ands considered detraction •Ask any druggist for McCoy's Cod
-he wins held up in the tease.You out of the lips'" ofanother a trespass silver Extract Tablets --as easy to
see, I don't eat munch, anyhow. I just upon hie intimate private affairs, an=take as candy and 60 tablets. 60 cents.
nibble *round end take a cold .snack aspersion and An insult. 'The wiferof
where! I can get it." a tanan's bosom, he averred, was sac- , ,
Alfred Jingle
m,uid have sad
"Aid you let him!" Roulette turned red; any creature who breathed dive.
to chide the other plirtner. "Neer spect df •.her into the ears of her bus•
some down sick, Tom, rind you'll time. band wits tower than a hole in the_
to nurse him again. If you boys ground, and lacked the first qualiflce
won't learn to keep regular meat tions of * friend, a gentleman, or a
Your house for you. Shall I? Speak hours- I'll have to come out and run citizen, VVV �111RR �x�t
on the other benne, would xiat
up. What am 1 offered?" look >at the matter In this. light« Torn
b Now thie-.srata..the most insidious .bad .mailed the woman "a 1ie11ion,"
flattery. "Boys" indeed! Jerry therefore be was privileged to do the
thudded, Tom looked: up from the same, and any denisit of that privilege
slava and his nrncke-blue eyes .wore
was are iniquitous encroachment, upon
twinkling.. ' Ida' sacred rights: Those rights he
"1 eafi't offer you . more 'n a hoalf .proposed to safeguard, to fikht for if
interest in the "lay." It1iaat's• all . t necessary. Re would sbed his last
°7,11/ie" drop of blood in their defense. No
dis claaim - so retch Irk people eantankerous old grouch could refuse
say?" 'Patton inquired. "i>ey're bpm ire+e sperbch Land !tet away with it.
it , tellin' me you goin' 'Hoak' hondred - "You'renot dtly rn*d at each oto-
t'ouaan dollen" er,,' Roulette told them.
"We're - just brea*tin' out—erose. "Ain't we?" they hoarsely chorused.
cuttlie the streak, but- Tacky.,' J'er• She shook her heed. "You need a V, tee- usility. r'vrice
wiCsoitel, sires' cc=...,.. ..
plesates' touodings.
quiet—�,: cb,
very!The voluble Alfred would
Lire had Cao diffi� is per.
midis' Mr. Pfd: to put.
lap **each so idol! hooey.
The sego boa►ey comfort of
the lid -w ne hese, with ail the
cos of * *wawa
steptoof hotel added, meat
the Wootagootorrie.
Mixt eatmaapaayu a Lad anietao;
cowman aero.+ & Ca a bo ne-
tdiact rovidlotial sennet, rat
dose to dee city's awe %
3eappie room with be* $2.10.
Ince per wrArr ia► M ani fir•
De Lay Gi,rwdary'T'werrrrsme
$2.45 and .$2 95
You will be surprised with
the quality of these lovely
Tresses! -attractive and cool
looking for summer wear.
rye removed a baking -powder can /rota ehange, • that's all, As ..a matter- of
the window -shelf and out of it he fact, your devotion to each other is r
poured a considerarble amount of *hoist the menet beautiful, the most
coarse gold- which the visitors exam- touchinte thing I known. You'll lay
lied with intense interest. '"Them'* down your loves for each ether; you're r.
our pwtnriin's.,, like man and wife, *nd Neil ypzLkre.�ra .._ ,�. ,, .1. - tee -•.Co«
xH a ndidt"" Ido l . _,.... rhe
"" ore e ' , ou �rtta cried, "She? . tts?" Jerry was aghast. -, East Side Squares
I been clamorin to hire • some mon
end take life easy. I say put on a"'Which one of us is the woman`, I
gang and Witt - it stat, hove_ Jerry been insulted by asserts, b►;t none of a
shot a glance at his partner =-.people em "vet relied me 'Mrs. 'Linton' ae'r K'� '"'°.'• v" ~'"'w ""` ..
tell int I'm iri'Ient an' headstrong. She was{ a tough customer, a regular palaeaw~t ehetaiaiort*blsait+disa $ vas that
hellion» -
They say, 'Prove it nix' rartgeularly wrilp inlet do
Linton interrupted by load* or. "Mebbe so you lak beer 'bout some
reit,' t#tsaa b weight oatnot be
defining, '"C'on'e sled get it, .etre 'other feller's trouble," 'Dolton broke suede yrhile lie is ust35 lila ewer;ty
errs. or I'll throw it gait and Nadu Chir
in diplomaetirally. "Wal. ma aoeatr=oaielnas tar ooratart. P11cs kap' line op�.a
skillet." make's eon* to y�oa„for help, quetck" . star *frit"" so abetter fro* the Dart
Sapper was wa1oo ria, i t4espitc Both old rain became lmmstsntl,
the diners' pseoctapatian it, de. - alert, ""You In tresatrls?" Tom de-
alliba 'iti9a': and Jerrtyet eftorrt to e'en, mended of the girl. "Who's been
osed the, taut of their ealirsageaeeet. it - /tartlet ,yoa, rd plies to know -t"
Imolai wristlet that streessehher wasJerry, toe. Maned re'rward, and into
aloha. Rtinily wa11y sat back anhis widenitrg Nares Caine * $Camey look.
wititw *It "Saret Has one et' erawiin'
to knew w� the natter. worms gent freak with tatty i
'flips old moo soot !tier *An with se eay--" Ni rwaebed it arid remold
asimirlatiert or honk rttokei 3shaar it. kis size/renter trews iia salt ore- Me
"'F' hat *a
boom"Nils "kfawre' ` Itoaletta set thea *pow the right
74s len hese. aii'a 1- }y de. SwiftSwiftlyr nsstty she zo-
o,. sort ei low 7ewn'+iea gags." a, rlted the *Hadar, sad the tiresawetan.
- "Dogrel oboe* t" - Qua of this iakrtort>rawe Cheat hail o'rer-
aTkojn+e woo aur aw air astsbi- takes more Pbi!lfps, Gard of the
a*s sElrnel�. ''ThSt,"lir,
rr 1.brtoti naw fasAtiea$ eNats bit frisatda Wsr+s,
is a harsh nerd Arai. yore. "dr Noose- I irallhiS bn hie behalf. flow cesseiided
akar 1 eat vileness. Pt's a psersaaal 1 k'!' >1eP1ria11' boy' hearers to go Ws !mall.'
matter." tw"e"�i'
oft ia wt " J ,With asalleat ratf.. Tiatsasy.
1. "r111% woo i i'II St. ft ttkary'fl talar nos,"
taloa' abaft Toles s married life aapi "Then Tos se% lir-' tit* ell.,
The ovderich Star's
The Star and kondon :Free Pres$; . , , :. , - ... ..'$6..75
The Star and London Advertiser.. , ....... • 6.75
The Star and The Toronto Globe. ..... ... 6.75
The Stas and The Mai; and Empire.... — , 6.75
The Star and The Throng,, Star:, : .. , . 6.75
The Star and The Fanners' Sun ... , .: , , 3 40
The Star and The katnily Herald and Weekly Star, 00
The Star and Saturday Night 5.50.
The. Star and The Catholic Record....
' Magazine... :. ,:.:3.75
The Star and . McLean's Maga i e., . « S
The Star and Roil` and Gun............ .... 3.90
The. Star and :Montreal Witness, ...... , renewal 3.85.
new .. 3,50
The Star and World Wide, .:....:. ; .... renewal' 4,25
- new3.$5'
Special Clabbrulg Rates with other Periodicals
may be hacl on apfilrcdtr"on.
C;.11 -at the St�.r Office or 'Phone 71 for any in(orl,ia* *
Tail the' ANS ovt orpAtfily
ruin food: Spray �'llt; and kill them.Flit
: .ply destroys ants, bed bugs and roaches, It
. ;searches out the cracks and crevices where they
hide and breed. and destroys insectaand their eggs.
Kills All Household insects
flit spray also +e'iears your home in a few minutest of direase-
bearing fltee and'rraosquitoes. • It le clean, safe and *my to use.'
Spray Flit on your garments. blit kills n.athe and their larvae.
'.wbtclt Ott_bollm,.. Extensive tette !hewed etblet.Filt aaptay: d14 •:..
i not stain the most delicate fabrics. •
` Fitt is the result of exhaustive ieeearch by expert entomb,
-ogizts and chemists. It ix:liarrnless to nuinkled, Flit hens
replaced the old methods !wanes it kith ali the insects --rand
doss it quickly. rat a Flit can and sprayer today. '
Distributed In Canada by Fred d': Whitlow aSt (o,, Tomato.
. DgsTRoYS_.. _........_ _
Flies Mosquitoes Maths
Ants !Bed Bugs Roaches
to other the* that storied bar the
ewres, ma.taot woke the as isb**
An estate ur piss that
Lettor of trees ora as A
do tea ins okay mash b! nut-
foar Sines ports is a egaar*
tilt toot apart are- *ma War, tosop-
a root slave if 1 x 4 as I id
kips is froth ro t ewer with Lay,
or or t,aarwls. Rena, or straw root-
steat epetio Deft aka
Arr by the awe et oti
SW ei)rs tier pies aewrssa't or
will >rla o e*aw
prey *eat got Ware* warts asst
tolrOf armee that he seat
lot 45 ft. The saVoiloolo
Olsoriamore, Dv*. et
O. A. Cofietee.
aSw at . N.:� menti but tate effect of his expert"
1 epee was such that amputation of
rats is oftentircee creel in he
msnifeetatiuns,• yet frequently
victims of its rrtrokeaa are compere.
sated in :well a manner es, to reveal
that human kindnor% eontinuts to
remain a vital factor in the lines of
.rivet. Thla ie the tale of John Cer.
beet, o! QcIb.1i, Ontario. When is
a oonrrnmntty en the Cana4liaA
tamed llallwaya, west or Floc rot,
is woe of the entrromirrs Into the
not air.
w allot
any isnot a °toot
risicis. It was
rsssi'sal btsw
ousel trig:
*tel ram
.•w ad
1144 woo
O Cir * 0 11
**. 14 Iei�
hood saCo
wit wit
both kende followed:
Under such circumstances • and
with such a severe handicap, the fu -
tater was net very bright. frit Mr -
Corbett, but the clouds did lift and
what followed brought the rnanshine
neck to hie life.
After eon„ultetlan with reproant
tate-rep of the Department of Cole-
nlestie+l., Agri.reitare and Wa+barei
ita,aatroes„ sae.dlaka lent -,d Raft.
ways, the latter rnaownwnxted that
the moot noir ntargoa.e oeoa?stlen lent
whisk to phase Kr. Corbett wield ire
poetry tetiotes.
.-Is-4M. petait 7 kw. was
Sereetier it thee
asetyliee awn,sa4 foot
to � cwt
�a� 1�wWt iste�e Iwo