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The Goderich Star, 1926-08-05, Page 5
TBVRSDAY, AUGUST itn. 1$1' HENIXIVARTERS FOR Inact itis Slay tk. Ms, tisetla, Ards, Bed $st s wadtitii r tri with FLY Tole, PLR, mow, FLU, rumens, WHO (Liquid and Powder) SLACK FLAG (Liquid and Powder) AWN SPRAYS! FREE • Urs PARIS Mlle Al j*LT211 LW/ vel ,liar log llrrir.ren sae Ma=tte's =MS Campbell's Drug Store Phone 90 - Godericlt MMMEMMME. II 111,.111 III . 11 1 11 11111111 111111 1111111 1 11 11 I I 1111111 in 1 1 11 1 111 1 r . r. 1r1..1111•1 11.10..1 1r 1 111\-NIE ISO l kw ... -III 111 1 t r i . ! yI wets a gelled. It was *hippest est so! lite. Menem that the i e b .aril► tYii Sls�ssee i'Ahedd be } a w"tsroea�031 at Lea. '!lr t 's dour Waseintof, To real s and diewtilit e an Ist T bat fs fly rift preposition. limn as the Nees weal lits leer not ne- "Ma is the tare won width the esseary. . Xing Gev relent went down to eke The first ballet regitesse es follows: feat, and it will prove tris this election Meeltware 124, Spoon 1111, St.:wart a veritsb. Waterloo for that Govern- test, Keleaeiros 11, Allem 2. sage»t, '!iris is a very, very tine eon-} 'lEhsee *ors ss *I1 wervlus ballots, f rentien. Yob people in North manes dee cutter to tacit sabw sr the en. have a ti*ty today, and to keep at it eboodeam of e.sMeiin persons net aisle• watil lsteptentlasr 14. I have only Oda p Thosmom, swte resulted: s1►tarsr' from the Prime Minister of IllsieSertiolei. irottea 144, Stewart Cowan" to bring you in retard to the :is and Idleitbbma It ea the Anel eemwentien; whatever your action be. robs between the two iseiers noir. Ile that rood feeling prevail which is , Wertwan head a ssaartln of 30 sates the only sure way of winning an elec. Cwa&rteaos la lescisrs tion eontest. Westover be the wish! g• A Fogle, coen sen of the rote,' of the eonvention, let every man and when committee, presented mow.'• woman in the :party. fall inliehind theittons amrming- enboseeed tontWaenc candidate and give tonal support, in in the policies and leadership of Pre-' order to bring North Huron back un-! neer Dieirhen and Premier Fergus 'h t der the leadership of Right Hon. An., thus Meighen." (Applause). t and these the convention appy vvd with applause. Major E. Pettigrew, Winghamn; "We fee1,' seed the committee, ?n is Dudley 1ielnmes, Wingham, and Harry further resolution, "we would be re - Edwards, Goderieh, were appointed a missy in oar duty if we failad•to ex. credential committee and nominations press, on behalf of North Huron, anti were then received. Those proposed appreciation of the untiring effort of THE ' CA DI AT were elven 1.5 minutes to address the our represntative in the L.iislature,1 convention, and most of them took all Mr. donut. 'C4'e lsdpe he may he long' f o it, ' spared to enjoy good health and work i Mor. Joynt in the interests of the great Centime • Will Gatti th,e Conservative Standard to Victory on "'There was perhaps never a time native party." In if ia th Mien such enthusiasm was manifest- tteknowledment Mr. saidli September 14th! • Joynt i ed in the riding," said John Joynt, be had *twos tried to do his duty "when in the midst of early and, recalling speeches he had made' ABLE SP'E"H BY HON. �[R. GUTHRIE harvest ire have such a gathering, I in favor of a not rate on hydra now. G�10 HON. rept hsve oialy asked two persons to sup.1 er, de4laxed his intention to continue • port me on this is occasion. 1 didask efforts en to that d • North George Spotton, and 1 suggested to Asked Eby a delegate! far his coned i he sten ewe, - 1 ,I....SiI percia.1 Values For FRIDAY and SA TURD, Y • t e have just rettived a shipment of White and StripedFlannelette from the mill, in mill ends. We guarantee these goods to be first quality. FRIDAY and SATURDAY we otter them to you in tenths, ranging from S yds. tt. 12 sods, at tht following priers: 27•iuch White Flannelette, regatlar 25s.' per ystta Friday and Saturday, per j`a:t ,:46 -inch White ly":'aunclette, regular g.: p»t yar ' Friday and Saturday, per .yard 36.inch Striped Flannelette, regular 2�jr: per yard ''r:day and Saturday, per yard PHONE 86 •ji 17c 22c 22c F. E. 1111BERT RELIABLE GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICES. THE CASH STORE Never Seen Before t 1a .i1Tor ment en 4 4 beer Mr Joynt ex tea-, fent +did tion heli hos audience that -lie• beaded to let them et away with Eurean wee known to -them, ;amid v wax, Convention Such As Was Mr.MacEwen thsat t p d y p nau h*a r•gnt lung blown out •and his ti } , titsPoint of Interest and Attendance (Laughter and applauseQ), Some of mod his confidence in Han, W. b` right �shouider blown otl' among his anythinyt short of murder. The Cue- rt7necially to the then Premier, its; l rip©Ise my political friends .said I ought to Niekie and .. his temperance amend- . toms scandal smells to high heaven. King. The ratter stunds end in BEd, !experiences overseas during the fest and no ("anadian can remain unaware not for actual connivance in tics !Min- ' tunny to try attain. He made it be the man � and twin out d that this con- - meat, two years but he did tell some heart- of tt unless ha breathes thy ublt hen ester's dor-1letion from duty or for in. difference to the state of .uffars, but lrccruse he allowed political expert. iCney to rule instead of principle, be- cause he tried to get rid of the cul- prit by rewarding him with a seat in (Free Press Report) -plain, however, that . the convention tett, an nay agree aTHE rending scenes that should male e'r- • H. J. A. InacEwan, mayor of Gude could get the nomination 'rompaxa- -w CHAi7ai"AuQv mouth or has an abnormally insensit- decided otherwise, he would been #tp level a I would be ` th field )G •5 , five nose er • one hate war and use everymeans itch, goes into the federal contest as port of the chosen candidate, re sy, o in a A rine Series of Programs -.-/eaten- to prevent it. When he returned to \cs In the per. of North Huron Conserve „ will reserve judgment s spoken." !until all •thefora Face Sinal! Deficmt g This jos runt bellows I dont want anyone.in tens dud- Canada he was imnmediately poste eel . fives. On a third ballet at the con- fence to vote against !Mix.. lM acEwaxa •candidates have timate. with requests from various organize- and honesty of LEx-Premier Xing last Thugs 1e • T. Allen intimated that lie had " h ti'cns and ma ar.iimes to tell of his ex- and most of his ministers,: it knows , , ventiamiheld in Wingham today thinking than if• he gets tl had some idea of standing as an ht. The Goderieh Chautauqua closed on g that in some depart•nents ar)mims;atm tee :ienatte and Ir -'use he did not day he received 142 votes as against nomination I *ill not be behind him. d nd t c ndi ate. Heannounced='%tonday evening, and the programs penance, I• le wrote •• the famous s the chief rival an this andbehind him (applause). And epe ori► a d o line a t ' pool:, "'Private Peat,,' he became the tine capacity of a high order has bee seek er Jace,u a tureen and have 112 for 1 will be (lip that he hada platform of his own, en the wh le were very fi m. and lie shown, but the cabinet can escape another minister do years ago what. d d former occasions, Geor ge. 'th'. Spotton : I will be behind him" in no uncertain f Win ham. Three others tried inner, ria'that 'no croon will be the main feature onwhich was ecce- attendance good fora town the size o g In p sition to political corruption. ' In the of Goder1 h, but it takes 'a good at their fortune for the honor, elimiT. nated G. Al. wondering whether I am on not That short time at his disposal he did not tendanee . le cover the guarantee len, of Dungannon, was eliminaited on le my stand, and. I believe it is the wCtiohtends a Local committee has to make the first ballot:. J. W. McKibben, of - stand of "Mrr. MacEwan" (applause), go into detail, but suggested, as there Wingham, warden of Huron, was low eIt isd, agreed Mr, MacE\van. • appeared to be rivalry between Wing- in order to beteg Chautauqua to the man on the second, and Dr. R. H. After the ':Goderieh man had been ham°.and Goderieh, be might be se town and there will be a deficit, which Stewart, of W nghafit, who lead re- chosen, Mr. Spotton was at once on leeted. es . one . residing between the will &mount to between 3 and $ 1 for 4 votes"! two, t of a possible 25 hisf t say,I wish to move that coined 2G out p feet a also retired at this stage, leaving the Mr. AlacEwan's nomination be made = E. R Wigle, 'let.L.A., was applauded contest .between . Messrs. MacEwan unanimous, and to thank all those when Ihe announced his .intention to and `Snotton; legates who supported me." offer itimseli at the provincial cou- sin.John Joynt, M.L.A•, :forth Huron, "Good sporty" a delegate called out. vention. lie tool c, vigorous exception who had announced that he would al- At suck a late hour,. Mr. MacEwan to a statement by Mr. Allen that the low' his name to go betcn•e the conven- made his acknowledgment brief. two-party system was falling down.. tion aiid was regarded us a . strong ,= and painted to .the career of the contender, left his name. standing on- ly until be found -out that` there were correolrondent of over one hon re collective responsibility for the acts 21un. H. 11 Stevens started to do the newspapers,seeand he lectured to and of any minister„ only by gotten: rid \•cry day he took often in the new knees, ever three thousand of thein, . of that minister. The progressmive lleighcn Gevem iiniert. 1'lmce spirit of in Canada,e,othe United staest,In Aus. of the Customs and ltx the e: -Premier w:as. u•i:tou but his. trine, how Z- 11. d: the a est inues cis Department under Hon. Jacques flesh was' very weak. and Europe. He discussed the pro. -. e p I thank you from the bottom of ° Drury government. There was troth• my heart," he said, "for the lnagiiifi- ing . wrong that the 'great parties of cent vote you have given `toe torten. the -country could not clean up, he. five others. in, the ring,.end then .ane I am going to call on you all during maintained. • pounced that he was out. With that the next month. and a, half, and do as .: Warden -McKibben promised a peed" e retiree t .. name the announcement of hi. I promised,: deliver biarth Huron mr.,o .debt if he were chosen.., Lie reviewed meat from public life, for the mem- 'the Conservative column on the 14th bet had made it known some weeks of September." his municipal career and pointed out revious-_thnt he did not intend to run Popular Choice that in him the convention fixed F :choose a man who,had not been mixed 1 re , again for the Legis atu The :clod ce appearsd to ba highly up in the rivalries el pievioussY con. Mr. Wigle r popular, and there is a feeling°that : ventions, 11e felt,that Mr, Metghen E. I#,. Wigle, MAMA.* Center Iluron, Mr, Maerwan will. snake a strong was the•rtght than to clean up affairs deelared he was tot an aspirant for .run. He las been active' In the Con. at Ottawa. a hut announced that boyhood Dr. R. L. Stewart, Wingliamn, whose tiDominion to be $on hand' to Geek the 'need was party on his start't n popularity was' indicated by applause, 'fie belied' to d• North Huromf nomination when the' life with the Christian name of.ugh ,'discussedyfederal issues briefly, and. i provincial election- conies:around; John Alexander. He has been corm- assured•. the convention that(f not Under the late redistribution, center .cillos, reeve and mayor of Goderieh'. chosen he would grove::a good loser: Huron is wiped out., served in its' school board and as head' 11r. MacEean iich; last of of the Board of Trade and in Huron Mr, MacEwatt; first expressed his t e eignt to be' proposed was not County Council. 'Enterprising and admiration for the fine address de. present bnergetic, With an excellent .platform livered . by Mr. Guthrie, himself a 1t was a convention the like of 'manner, and on. the bright side of tower;of strength to the. Conservative which probably never bas .been seen middle age, he is a man on 'whom the party, Reviewing the situation at before in North Huron, in point of at- `Conservatives of North 'Huron wit Ottawa.he.urged the electors to get tendanee and interest, The town'l'all pin great •hopes for recovery of the rid of the vacillating King adminis- was crowded at '2 o'clock with.large riding: The Progressives have can tration...He Was of opinion Mr.. numbers of people standing,' and was led a -convention fob' tomorrow here. Joynt had .perhaps received his share �} 0 en /, wh that condition at . 1 , :Atilt in . the -final result was' announeed, There were 254 credentialed eandi� dates, and as . many more persons present, in the town hall. Aside from the likelihood of others allowing their test':' be- names ta" stand, a lively contest tween Mr, -MacEwan and ,Mr. Spotton had been regarded as certain,. and 'every polling division had its four de- legates`; on hand. An outstanding feature was - time good feeling which prevailed throughout among the nominees, and in spite :of the keen competition nothing occurred to inter. 'fere with the spirit of enthusiasm and unanimity which. made the convention a tine send-off for, the chosen carets date. Mr. Spotton . Mr. Spotton, who made a curse run last fall against John W. King, Pro- gressive, •and' for" ti timeene s official- ly counted in as member, appealed an the ground - that thins election was merely another chapter of 19255. con- test, and on-test,-and that he should have oppor. Model Thoatre *WEEK OE AUGUST 9 to 14 'ilonday_and Tuesday - JACZLIi; COOGAN with r is sis rt s There someo i`honors. vl e eam a ofopposition too.public it a f y John W. King, late member, but little Mr. Spotton.' he eennhasized, van ens doubt that the Progressives will nanie tirely friendly, •and if the .Iatto Imi ov someone, and in that case there ie l ed to be choice of the conventioim-.he. not likely to be a Liberal in the field.: would do his very best to elect him. Chief speaker of the afternoon was "He did remarkably well in the last Hon. , Ho .Hugh Guthrie, minister of na» election,. Mr. lMiac..wamm.:'continued, tional defence, who . dealt with the "and is deserving of everything that closing. events of the Ottawa session the party can give him." • and gave some ofitstanding features The speaker said that inquiries he of the customs inquiry. Very fortune had °'made throughout the riding in. Melee as it proved, in view of the dicated good support for himself and lengthy nomination proceedings, the he predicted a• majority of 800 to 900. minister spoke 'gt the opening, and in Goderieh alone: then left for Ottawa, to attend a Cab- ' Mr. Spotton, who was - received with Met meeting tomorrow. He was in . great applause, said. 'Mitre is no fine form and greatly delighted a controversy lit this matter. There keenly interested rn dience, 'of about seems to be some effort to capitalize 600, one third of whom were ladies. possible, strife between Spotton and. Peter W. Scott, of Belgrave, crest-. 1ttacEwan. I wish to say •I will be dent of the association, was in the behind Mr. eineE\van in no uncertain chair, end in answer to an inquiry in.. manner if he is the .candidate. I am. tim}mated that_the.eicecutive intended to not; asking fora third chance, but -to cell the annual meeting' eight after. fight over again a battle that was. the ,federal election, It is proposed undecided last fall, and if 7 eamtiiot, to merge the provincial and Domin-: win North Iluron 1 wilt be the petit- ion associations' to this. riding. - cal slave for any candidate. you may • Mr. 'Guthrie : put un' for the rest • of my life. I will " Hon. Mr. Guthrie alluded to the . still reside in North Heron and will t the town, Rollo Jenkins, Slee be dear judtrrt:ent, mile •s:" t'm. tm'a•: aguilty persons in the customs scandal not he accepting a Government . job in comes engaged toJ Rollo, but after of tile country bele : enapete. a' ;':r : ; le "probably the most h stetnatic col- any party. our leaders nti o not put one very serious quarrel and a num- and who feel than four Inane r£ neon lection of Brooks that has ever open. their noses in any eonventiou is be- her of minor ones, and after 13111 has dee, tr:afliekins, for pewee rind i.1, e" aced in the civilized world,'" and said Bene 7 ser in as good standing with aroused in Rollo a great fear of mar- tient and manedorou- .:dr•mimt a rem.:=,.t that t. E. Bissalar, head of the ring, the Conservative party of Canada as reed life, the engagement is broken, in the mot important. cone eine, r""n- had drawn a salary of only $3,000 as any man in Huron. 1< am not pros- and sem is immediately on the scene partment of (aoverm•tent, 1"`en re e Government employee, but was now sing .nay claim. .1 have a body be- to claim hazel as his finaneee, Then felted any claim which the King (1.v:. fabulously rich. Referring to the bend me, and if 1 get this convention married, life and theft subsequent ,re- ernnment livid once to the confldhnssrd id short circuiting of liquor shipments and am not sanctioned by Rt. lion., mations with Hazel's parents.and the people of (epees.* 1f the Jit, tram 1lalifaft..iand ..the smuggling.eef..Arthur cilghesn. I will hand yams book' Bill's wealthy uncle-L.-.p,rodisetiv:e ef-llosi...SX'ic .I:, etao�lcen ie_ King* c weenie_ in a real• comedy treat, hailed by through Ilissamllon s farm on the boa- . y blem of the proper-educaticul of the `-' each of the fifty guarantors.'he youth of the world, with the idea of. A ' guarantee' which has to be mode to later producing a better understand - get Chautauqua is 500 course tickets, ing among the ttateon . nanday afternoon Sells' Marimba � . at f2:60, or $1,250, and the 13ca! cam= Band rave a shortdelightful program_ mittee get 25 ter cent. of the single admissions, Cerautauqua brings a'after which :Mss Jane Coude gave a number of recitations which were' par - worth -while of entertainment _ course c ticularly tine, especeally. ,good 'Some` and information; but at the .tune of ( wasting We do not know whether the per°"""inions of the ebetocters fit contract for next year` will he signed' a Jewish florist ship in New York. or "not. The appeals from theplat The, evening programa by the Solis' Band, 6 form the last night for volunteer Central American Artis=ts, guarantors' did inn merit with much Vas exceedingly good. The tent feta n / ... , c d (' \ again ale an 1 time ns s ciao. \h.c response, , g p e ui Thursday morning•bt last week the most generous " in their numlx . ceildren -,ere entertained for an hour. This organization has gamtic<1 \v;,rld by Vernon Grant .whri`,bv start' and wide fame, and rightly so,. for they c moan field `their attention. can present the latest popular Bits ort a e classics such as "I3arcitrcolle" from The afternoon huoittt was given ,"Tales of HotYmsin," and 1,iszt "shop by what used to be kn4ytn as the Ad etadies,' with equal dexterity, No' none Quartet of 'which the welnknown and ; popular - enterta ' ' r, - Rothven only the nimble , way- In \\°hie t they Mtacl?onaid, tsv c ' "1nder.'71,splendid lended se cover the- keyboard-jwhieh is-ttmtil::r lection of Scotch songs was ;even in to .n xyloplrane) is remarkable but the afterndon and evening, at the last also their nvuvcliouulti ul int te,tisne and rhythm z beautiful ' r f - 1 named the townies* entertainers were in High- tion -h Me. -Soli, 1 the leader, says the Hien- lend costnrnas. "2nd Hungarian I hap odic" by Liszt, His soliloquies on an old shoe; The `q d a a is one of the most diffmeult eampoist- Old• Snl, weandste, t 91d S\\eetheart- news rine eine `inett7ireeet into ere• of Mine, were Sue:- much so for the marenba and it fns. The lecture in the ;afternoon on interesting to learn that tlu;.uo31i Home. Beautifying and Landscape Gardening by Edward A. Maestri] rendering of thin entineing tum- , ecured a two-year en bet Who has made elite -long study r,f they "sgages this subject ,in relation .to_ more "at- anent at ' the Ritzefariton at:":+Ic w tractive -home surroundings was in-' Y'ark, blonday.night'>r aitilienee was structive and'practical. He'illustrat-, highly c.elightecl to have the oppar- tunny of listening to this same nun . " ed his -talk byme ne of a large screenbti and greeted it vista loud end Ione; onwmch hep1aced flowers, shrubs I 4 n I and .. treee "with particularly ,mond applause.: All the mo. nmbei. f t }e, taste, closing .with the advice to those.:.bard •were excellent n utieiamis but the' not familiar with the looks `of their striking personality or the leader wee pontes '"to camp: on thetry-ncighbor"s evident not only in Isis nnneuncemwn9s door step- for a week to get a good !but in his pea; eng. lie apt c erect to perspective " take the keenest enjoyment in his leo. part of the performance and radiethcl. Friday morning and afternoonp geniality throughout the r.. grams were in charge.of Reno the crag ^sn. They catered :�tagieian eomprtsin both magicateredto the enteyment oft'e g a ks smiles children by Vayin "It ain't gone' c and mystery. His witty rem r , rain no more,," "P,arney amort lakes as he perfpatdi tame fnsc n- other songs in which �:!w kidders jai ating tricks kept the presented mane geeded with great glee.' Tlmey vmrr mast humor while he presented. n nY the old and many new tricks for the generous in slaving reeeest :u mml :•s, Pleasure of his audience, r iEI+Hir IS THE MAN comedy,Applesauce, wh 1 ch alwn2r4 craw • a large crowd. was na ' exception and the tent was filled. Six . - (; aturdaiv Night) players comprise the cast . and they At this particular juncture in the took their parts remarkably well. .nrtlon's inners nothing better corid' The ' pike*detives. its names from •happen"to"n'anada than the le o,„re to the blarney of a handsome, lovable, power next Septen,b•.•� of th' i'". *i happy-go-lucky youth who wants to Arthur Meigheml= with n 'depend Ilk marry Pa Robinson's daughter, Iiaz. majority of-('anservetive wane re. el. Pa and Ma want her to wed a That is an %me se:melee ,eoni-bwion t•- - plodding; well-to-do young man of Canadians. of iad-pc!mden, mind list i millions of dollars worth of goods your nomination But Mr elaeEwb m t , .if he is'elected b even half' a not', dine; as • being his best picture - der, the minister said: "These things over me, 7 am behind Bim, Sh p},;,, end „ „ would have been going mutir "`."t ©Lb CLOTHES , ne ed its development with intense in - would •�, i feoror athi ,.aft tm4eiy peony with tercet and are always eager to learn CO , dragging -down pains and inflamma- sol; tion also cams mn my right •side over a m til and do:: my whole .side into. Cheaper than coal or wood y ler I had it nearly a year when 1 went to a doctor and he staid 1 An Electric Vacuum Cleaner would have to haveanoperatio*. But removes the dust; a broom just my mother said to take Lydia E. moves' the dust. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound as it 4e*i td her Life ears before. I took for all Hydro Lairlps two kept on taak found and alio u for t 50 hours. Ire E Pinkhesn a Seriative Waite I �atre !wad two mord chtkiren anise 'Walk in ;xtltl SCG dl5ptay At 'then find ant perfectly well. I wed to have to 11. down two or throe llvdromStore hoithrwork without tenable.- I al. ways keep the Vegetable Compound in the bones as Ifind a doe* mitt and then helps masse. I asrt'wi1Hasg fes yen to oars this letter ssni wai y fit CASTOR IA 71d Iwac*r rnskH ri pft Wawa sanct Marta 2 tbebw.c* W.' Moaee Jaw, lass- Use M'or Yes1* Always b Illg,^ass arrans M numerous screamingly funny -situs. power in September succeeding ad - Home The continuous domestic war• mihistratlons will bbe justified in be• fare in the borselresld of Pa and Ma lieving that' Canadians can be barn- , was a source of much amusement to Art - the .audience, while Pa's detestation Blore about it. Last year the univer• - of the word "peevish" elicited many city govt postgraduate worken scare 1 a laugh. Bill's wonderful ability tot curie entomology in its relation to .assuage the wrath of angry relations' agrictulture and adds greatly to its by the simple use' of "Applesauce" i reputation and to its national services and charming devotion of Hazel to Last year 'also three new courses in. k .her husband were high lights of an' nursing were added and the first den. altogether delightful piny.. gree in„ nursing was granted. The Saturday nmorning the children's eft» student enrolment in all i+'**ident et& 'tei•Eatnnret"waa''by Visor -WW, fhe en.; student partments was 859; It is probable' cdrilinist and entertainer. that in the academie year, 1926.21., In the afternoon the Herrick enter- thia.enrolment will reach one thou- tainers, Bob 'Herrick, levitate., and Miss Andreas, contralto, the fun 'mak- s sand students, 'l'heUniversity is now affiliated wttk Cambridge University of Eng- laisi, which iss • ample recognition for the character of the work it is doing ,f'hautauqua program was given Sst-i Similar recognition. has been offered+'I urday evening by Private Harold R. e by the leading institutions, of. the I>"n- 1 Pest, who enlisted from Edmonton: fined States and the Continent of Eur. �+ when the war broke tent in 1914 and Dope, went overseas with the first Contin This coming year the tniversty j gent. The lecture is entitled, "The era, lived vp to their reputation. After a short program by these en- tertainers, the gem of the whole' is Inexeurable Lie," and shows he folly T �' sk de > *ds 1 will have had widef txperienme h n k of holding up the Biotic'" of war rani - ffor 11 � M Peeking after the social activities of or than the horrors, end tate false ripripseskyi►wlitsirreg "tsissss+e. t5 gaily asci young r.t,men. She _fh1,uld� setting that is given of war in all the �ttott booke or hletories rebliehed by 'sit the inetivns of the world. Private SHETLAND PONY R E E .. Many"How you �' got in the ?oily contest or How Near the Topis.Your . • .�r Favorite? 2nd and 3rd Prizes Those co-operatingerating in tits t°'•':!test fed that the results have been so ;rt.ti -ing that they feel encouraged . to ole... r a "Second and Third Cash Prize of _t�. htee 1 Dollars and Twelve Dollars ire:pectivety=. The Boys and Girls are mak:ng a wonder fu. showingand the list is changing e' r': week. ou.irls and boys vol.) have - g y noten- tered yet—lots of room foryou, both fro' the town and country,, and your hien will be win. you glad to help Don't '. Ly. W t. any longer, start to -day. Bailot-box a the Model Theatre.". The following stores will give you ates on cash purchases and cash paid on sec Ilnts of twenty -live cents and up. Ask for thou. THE S. A. GRAY CO, h 1:)1" Eli d Ladies' s'' Wear.. . .z E. G. SMITH, Bakery C AI 'Ir 1311( )S., Tobaccos and Billiard Room I* El) 'NT, .I-Iat'dware W. R1L. SIIA RMAN, Boots and Shoes S'I'1 1'Iz)Y'S (ASII GROCERY, Groceries and Fruit GEO. W. SC AIEIF E , Groceries. HURON It()N MO'roll: SALE', Gump, Gasoline and' Oils r+ _ E- ". ..... _. ,TAI -,--_.- ..... ...._...... _, .. �..... .. ....... _- --- Newspaper iIII. f�t)I3I�l>'l�l� �.�.�I�, Newspaper Subscl'iptions. g ARV ` R ERS 0 Its%:•arrr,•,t,x+ r ' /4� M lwsit " WANTED Wit», %, mg0.44 isnisb fir Wira4esr via a N.tiesesal Mys. trig Stave Es ISti►we; Tei iChdoa station) ISO A.12. Aug. le_ (Aug. It; 12.10 f".1wt: A.g.1S; lag. *c 16 P.*. Aug.0; 10.41 P . Aug, 20; 1 P.M.Aug. 21; i.00 P.M. Aug. 11; 1 i Soot, l; iii PAit. Sept. is raft, OTTAWA 12.01 A,14. Aug. 18 (ssidsitkt Aug. 17); 1241 soeu Aug. 18; 1.10 A,br. /s 1201 scout Arg. 11. PROM WIHOSOR 1341 A.M. Arg. 2D (mildedgltt Arlt. ii), rtta Chattiest. tondos, II &hoe aid Iae«lwaersM. PINES PAL MNERSTON 1.Ot1 A.M. Aim. 30, via OW* Gaorgstoa* weld llsrgisvtwsadl. Spssial t swill* errs from ether principal veleta Caas ra I ,t this.. rat detalle awsas#i Mill I f ootm MSrf OsA�ANP, was PM WQ** MO MNkiMM,N i year Beirut is Winnipeg via C'.emellea Railsra or net earl tisseiutiisslt frits wt 3s t► pule ea the Cris* Natioeial. Tlebsab rod alt i��IaI*Lt Travel CANADIA111 NA otiAL ' vlo ese 4f p4