HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-08-05, Page 4•
- • .1, el 0 NI III NIUE 11,U..10 •••••0 ono WINNOW Mu NIIIMIN11•11111.110111.11011
Early Fall Showing of LADIES'. DRESSES
In Georgette, Cut Velvet, Canton Crepe
and Venus Crepe
We are offering the balance of our
LADIES* SUMMER DRESSES at Clearance Prices
suit es Striped Broadel$411, Silk and Cotton Crepes and Rayon Crepes at
Greatly Reduced Prices.
Men's Straw Hats in sec eason'S lat. All wool and cotton Bathing Suit in
fst, wes, in smart geniis and fancy braid a variety of plain shades, with contrasting
.graws. The prices am very moderate. Acid)!stripes.,
MEN'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR We carry a fall stock of den's
Summer %eight Iluderwear. Get yours bere and save money.
.1111111 V1011.•
• 0 OP .111 011P II 11••0•4••••••••••111W.MMEN/1/~/MOW/Mort/SMS/~01111001i
The lielledimps War lat Masks teed to national independent* of the
•ega Um *rimiest Avg stresties Dominions outside if the British Neu.
$a meat you, k that ht. which a Ore, declared Premler Bruce to
therek *ad state hem locked horns audits:we in that weary before- his
in. For throe Ititooksed year* Mexico departure for the Imperial eonfer-
WAS entirely ribeervient to the erase The Logue of British nations
therrh and when rbe boon the grow. brilderi eommon sacrifice, must be
sao for imenandence, years before the riteintained intact. he declared. He
biaxerilifert tried out snithoste4 Unit the risk of war would
luck there, ehe emelt; had declared he reduced by an open announeement
ter e separation a chureh from OW the whole forms of the British
Largay initplat:s a fo"atre sift no:tiehanalr ore"ligiaolind.
agers. Meek° went so far as to Ertl** would be combined and cm.
ploTyGedsttiito guay coraa:nteeoldpeaty esectoestent
When Dian became `Presiditnt 41 true* Hon. Herbert Greenfield, former ;
was declared and ths laws aga4at the premier of Alberta, hoot been .appoint.
Roman Catholic church were never
enforced. Ceilu, the president to- ed by the provincial government to
. make survey of the province for
day, faahA that he suilleiest4 determining VIM suitable for tom -
strongly entrenched to Attempt to eb.,
force them. The laws apply to all re- work here i
munity land settlements, When his
1*tlens, but heestuse It least ninety t eomplete will go Intel
per cent ofiMexicans are Catholics
Great Britain to work there in con -
arid bemuse that church bas had so junction with immigration agencies. THE PONY CONTEST
• rWrayeee•
Developing. Printing
and Entarginig
The Reza)! Drug Store •
'Redford Block - Goderich
rriech sit stake in the country it bag
• GOLF •
o•••••••••••••• 1.4•1*
'teetered war with the government!. In spite of tbe heat which is affect -
The latest vount of the ballot'', in
lean peasants are Cetholles, they are the selection of candidates' for the the peny contest puts Tom Cook at
so illiteree, so unused to seelare election goes on * pace. Both party the head and Madeline Watson se -
things Perspective beyond their leaders are on tours, illeighen is eond. These two have been running
own immediate villagge, diet even devoting much time to the tariff quer- pretty dote, now one leading and
the vision of the church does tion and deniee that eee, Kinget tuff MOW another, and there are number
not include more then their own policy has had a good effect on Can- of others who are making a good
It le maid that although so niany Mex. mg most quarters of the Dominion I
• ...••• ,••••••
THE *OGREN CABINET party and, if his lawpartner'the late! Every now Cabinet must contain
'Sir JIIIIIett Lougheed, had not, 48 Con.' fresh reerults and Mr. Meighen has
Something About the Men Whom The servetive leader in the Senate, had a ' succeeded in finding four of high qua..
Premier Res Gatheiee Abeut Him Prier claim to the vre'Y 'seat in the lity to whom he has entrusted depart -
Borden Ministry available for Alber; merits, Mr. W. A. Black, who Hakes
As *pie) as dissolutioa was an.. ta, Mr. Bennett would have utteined the Minister of Railway*, le remit.
nounced Mr. Meighen set about the Cabinet rank a dozen year ago. Ati tedly the foremost citizen of Halifax
tea of forming. Ida Cabinet and has the acknowledged leader of the Al- and hes long been a leading figure in
announced the mimes of the Majority berta tar Mr. Bennett enjoys Illeh the business life of the Maritime pro-
of its personnel. Re himself will standieg es a lawyer and in recent vinces; Mr. G. B. Zones, of New
take the Ministry of External Affairs years he has won for himself a pod. Brunwick, who became* Minister of
and the Presitlencytaf the Privy Coma tion of eminence in the worlds of be. I Label's 4S k Isuceesaful, lumberman
vil its addition to the Premiership and dustry atutfinance. His serviceseie a ,,a.nd merchant who het, !;en in public
he has mimed eleven colleagues who director have, been taught by many ate for mini Yeari: Mr. Chaplin,
ere allocated to different depertments corporations and is accepting the 'who becomes Minister of Trade and
•and torr others: who will serve with- Ministership of Pittance be hae ee- Copunerce, is one or =it most suc-
out portfolio. His task of Cabinet- signed directorships. whose lees will cessful manufacturers in Ontario, and
, reeking was attended with one great ented large financial sacrifices. Re Mr, E. B. Ryckman, the new Minister
i. difficulty inasmuch as at the last therefore brings to hie new office a of Public SV0rIco$ is not eerily nn able
three election's the jlrovince"of Que.. unique. equipment for its duties auch lawyer but has extensive industrial
bee had not seen fit to rqturn * single Is few of his predecepsora have pos. intetteiti. • ttie cf• the strong ' and
French-Centidisin gmserestioe Ann sassed and there need be no fears Therrtorious aspects oi: the Neighen
the choice of politicians front Quebec that he will be the complaimint ser- *cabinet is thenotably large propore
• who had the expertenee requited ler vane of the big beolting and indite- •ti°n 0esPorioneeti men -of business
Cabinet rank MS neceeserity restriete"teille'biterestal the farmers' leaders which it contains: Mr. Bennett, Sir G.
parish church and the Pope him. adian trside. He claims that the ex -1 ahewing. The latest standing is as
If i i pension of export trade has been due follows :
I h , .
Benny 'Wbitely
1 stet'ranktyJenne All e n
Thomas Fisher
Ray. Drennan
itenneth Bedford
still the strongeat man in Mexico, bas icy as regards transportation, mr, -
me0eInn: stertUdt obonsetrvimersoldtei.tiont :tthweegozepernis... King in the west has adopted„ a SIO• atunOmUreridaenela Avae,awthamter wwoiunitderiviiRaocmoo:
"Hand* off the ' 0.14a,” and
of the growlers' had their way about
the denser of a military revolution in gseaollusoofs lkfr. Meighen of °Ifering ad"
favor of the eburch. What. Mexico viee on Its policy as soon. as he was
Everything excePt the people le un-
aHditikoanSlaw"lilacrhc4Yalrealideyree.txhiasnt ft.:1144C; in °ince'
ede on the constitution's/ question" to
Ile also explains his attit- ,
dergoint conetent lin rov t.
se * qu tio unrea to t em. N.
fi ,T41,. to the export of raw merles of field, Tom Cook
self' qulte unreal tg them' mine and forest and represents rob- Madeline Watson
bery of resources for the ben- Jack Videan
ellurch in addition to suspending all
teligious 'services is supporting a boy- efit of the UnitedeStatete While Mr. Charles Worsen
tett of Induetry and Mexico is becom- mehrhen,a appeals to the maritireers mons Harrison
Mg extremely shinned at tonditions
now pending. Ex -President Obregon, include promisee of revision of pot: Harold Duckworth
ed. Accordingly jar, menthol has in Alberta indeed will teetify that ,1"erleer, arid Messrs.. Blactc, Joe*,
ontented himself for the moment from the start of the wheal pool ,Chitplin and -Ryckmen have all had
with bringing in Mr. E. D. Patenaude, movement he WO cordial *import. ort, 0,nealvee, experience„m business ext.
XV., its Minister of Justice and Will er end lent it in.flite of.the criticism nunmravon on a nage Beale and in
view of the state of chaos to which
take his time about- Picking three of some of hie eorphration clients
other Prench.Ciontdian ministers.. very useful legal and ether assistance., the Mug Government has brought
For their benefit five portfolios haver Sir George Perley, who takes the' the public Service St, COM; and
• been kept vacant are they Will be Ministry of Public Works. and will elsewhere, the presence of this type
lowed their choice of tiunn. Peteireprement the English speaking elem., nufreinenatnlyenothdeehdetaoil nofstD9erpearretamtseonntlies
enttude, vote will now tike eonnuana, ent in Quebec, Jute a line -record df I
of the Conservatives forces in Qat:we:public- service to hitt credit; After ,4filcienclr%
vivid le seinbnnon In any min-iterving as Chief Whip of the Canter.' Sir Henry Drayton whotte health
it.::: served With distinction in waive party he was "st member of the: has not been goad, generously waived
r Robert Borden's Melt- Government first Borden Cabinet anel during the:, what was his undoubted right to an
until he resigned on a eitiestioo of war served his country with great importantioffice but he joins the Mine
principle and he has si long and ered.:dietinetion as nigh Commissioner in I istry without portfolio and will seeve
Retie record in retitle's. His intep,i tiendon,t. as acting Premier duritigthite
The haa never been questioned, his, Mr. tortarie, who is now one of the en's absente. •
legal eh Nun), him thoroughly. senior members of Pediment, At- I Other Ministers who come. in with'.
foe his peeetett and he is both an tabled Cabinet rank in 1911 as a tut portfolio are Mr. Donald Suther-
excelient speaker and firstrate ad- member of the Union Government land, veteran member of the House
ministrator. Mr. !Weigher' has *Ise and now returns to the portfolio tof Commons, who a practical eigri;
p emen
been divorcedfrom politics. .......d acted hoiteetly and sincerely.'
The eesulta of the match at Owen
Sound, -last Saturday between Mete
lend Golf Club players and Owen
Sound were es follows:
Owen Sound 'lifaitlaud
R. AL, Butchart.0 H. C. Young • 1
R. P. Pindley..1 E. Beacom . ..
P. IL Kilbourn.0 W. Smiths:deal
D. McDonald...0 W. Aberhart......1.
C.' A. Neville. #.3, Don. Christian...0
J. R. McKay.. el A. D. Male.
J. Pearce.......0
le• R. Whitele..1
•W. G.
P, P. Carey....0
• G. Ni Holmes...1
IL H. Bowman. e
IT. R. Halt— .40
1M. Beecroft.
•Cot. Chisolm...0
Qua e Eilhourn.0
Dr. Wilkenson..0
Dr. Nelson,
P. O. Coolte....0
countries in which the ehurch has the west,
and declares that Lord SYng,
Mr; eatinders... ,.0
J. Dick e „te
IL Buchanan
T. R. Pattertion1 •
'C. Garrote E.C0
Judge Killorara 0
lime S. S. Ilfrdy 1
H. IL Reid 0
Ralph Trow -1 •
C. V. Williams.1
Dr. Coetrove1
Dr.' Alien.... .... e0.
1),• D. Mooriey.ee.,0,
me re ores for metre g•
Australia Will not countenance or of anv dishonorable set but bad mise
discuss any auggeetime which migliteePPreliended his constitutional duty.”
,•."'••••••••••••soney•re••••• w •••,••••••••••••-•• -....,,,••••••••••%••••••••••^•,•
Bean Growing .
A nuMber of Blue Water. gslfere
"..wereett Stratford yesterday and were
'one up an the nay's play. . •
ed. to 'promptly. relieve -children who,
I Worm Powders were devise
I suffer from the ravages cif worrae.
'It is a simple preparation. destrey
stomachic and intestinat.warir's with,
oast sheek or injury to the most sen-
sitive system yhgy act thoroughly
anti painlesely, anti "though in some
rases they may cause vomiting, that
is an indication their powerful act• -
ion and not of any nauseating Doper-
• Tour Family and
Priepas want your
Maim the apPoiattnent Today
itoeo about a
found room in his Ministry for a re., which he held bl Mr tieighen's first ioulturiet of, great eimerience arid Mr. o. ,. • t . . e -•
presentative def the Prench-Cattadians Ministry- II A. Macdonald of Prince Edward • 9 .
• •
of OntaT10 Su the Peron of Dr. Um.' Dr. Tonle, who ecole$ back to the Island, who proved his usefulnese.
s . ,
said, the member for North Eseex, 511111stri of Agriculture, has also 'de- ,d4ring last °engem, , . •
who• het; demonetreted, his ceeacite itionistrated hie fitness for the post by I Most of -the vacant portfolios Will * .. ,
during his first mission in Periiament bolding it with general acceitanee in be filled before polling dayeand seise
Next to the Ptetreereuip the most two erevioua etnistriee. . }factory eccupsints will be found for
important ofike is the Ministry of The other. members of. the Cabinet them, No one professes to elaint.tbet
Finance. and Mle hic;ittlen has been who luotee had previous Ministerial it)* new Meighen Cabiteseis a body of
fortunate In er: -mg tor it .the sere experience are Mr. Steven$, who' is supermen but It offers or the public
calces of Mr. IL IL Bennett, E.t. X'ew peat llarly fitted to endertike the re- 'merit* a high average of capacity
h• ien have enjoyed such a long and organization of the 'Customs Detente land will at least 'bring into, play for
varied tecreriertee of political life as merit, and Dr. R. J. Manion. who hes /the netion'e 'benefit standard's of bus -
We are agents for thee
Goderieh, Tura in your
• old one and get a new one.
TAis is ,your.StOre, iIse if •
• On the BroadwaY ef Goderich
Who attribeteetlie success of farm- • th h fr
along 'the Lae -between IkOloki!'aple it ii better business to use the ;4%
inthe stretch at Huron OryOrity 'thaws that where home labor is sotto. tte,
and Grand Bend hi the growing Of hoe instead.
the white bean. Up to twelve fif- I Mrt Duchartne advocates a three
_Shoe Store
Complete line of ladies', gentlemeifs and.ohildren's shoes.
Come in and compare our prices.
J. A. OBIS11014,14t
A Comeback with _Chickens
oflaboreas to ed but
e new Minister of Finances for tomes Postmaster4eneral and' Neill filelt$ einciency and kotellIgent judg. teen nears age, he eltYst there Wee'l rear rotortiew for the bean crop—
thirty years he hut 'won be the 'spokesman of the Irish Catho• orient which have elearlY rid WA little evidente of Preeperity; then the
beans, wheat, eloveneeitit also statea •
ent figure in the tonservative.lieL -
available since 1921.
growing of beams *68 introdneecl-s•nd that where necessary it is possible to I.z
aefteeee it was found that both the 1)il and grow beans three or four years in
• climate of the district are partictliat- succession on the ster.e land. He1
ns Public Golf Courses .ly vtell adapted to the rquirments of spreads manure over the clover sod •
the emir'. Cast yam about 10.000
acres of - beans were grown in the -bushel spreader loads per acre, and
t in the fall, at the rate of twelve 00.
county, yielding approximately 200,- plows it under. Top dressing has
000 beeltele, tate great bulk of them never riveted stleceetsfel hi his exper-
being grown by the hundred odd fence, nor has his limited ism of cone.
Freneh speaking families in the lehe mercial fertilizer. Some of his
front _settlement. Ineighbors are finding the application
While perhaps not the largest of 100 pounds per ecre of Superphos,
grower in the dist:let, William Dueteshate (16Vel a valuable addition to
thorn* handles *boat forty acres of the meritire. and ethers on lighter
best,* each season. Last year he land ara luting a 2444 mixed fertiliz.
harvested 1,0$8 bushels front his 40, er-
*crest and the vier before took 1,040 • Prieca for beans, during' -the pest
bushes oft 99 acres. His beat yield fel', yeare. bave ranged from e2.25
.* e - has ,ten 695 bissheis from 22 acres. j per bushel down to *1.90. 'Ilk form.
Mr ntiolienZelt titids•tioc..„, le., 11 .t ligiftV 't. quoted by Mr. Docharme
underlaid .with tile :very ttiii feet ,i1k$ a nriii' et Viiikh" as. , . -eweeeetset -
and running right tot the edge of the mike a fair margin of profit, bat he
day cuff which ntarka the shore of believes .that any prolonged eontine
the lake. Drainage ht etwolutely es:. ranee of * lower Peet level will re.
stecording to Mr. Dutharrne,
bean *Ertir (Ion:: tooliSOltn ianer:agedec. ided les_se_n_ing_of_th_e_
sential to memento'
proximity to the lake is another vital 400010.0.„....„ 7
...:... -.........„.
fatter, In that it renders June frost* Lief ., Orr Piga CooL
re or
S. Soso
More Sorra
Wisres _rod J. I.
re res
afigSaleet *OW pahlie toe
i* asiciamace.
friss* -
us Wit ess-
Cossiolilaa Pod&
Shutt Vassessreer, *ad
with ea esivoshi pose-
irnis. • et the two Siva Vasseseente 01111010
a* saforrailhri riff Golf thrtrid Isubsais am /t la "ebbs, sod Aft *OW
is oz. 104 *Alto maim A tail m1S ad etWas-
Oast wet ammeas= -tat meek ef the moat et seeduralm
. leo
*Ark it beers Iv rids Wilk a par elate *sly Ili owslik eilbit aiserik0 Er
se *.. rabr si OM *ad PI ro
"OA Uri abib
Is awhi Is
• -+
prartkally tuneless. The bean grow -
The ptg, that he etnefortahle *11 8* .
er's greatest hug -boar is wet weather flew, is a profit maker. Ms pig that
at harvest tints, but if I* min harvest is tuststattortable from any *quo*,'
hitt crop during the hist ten days of hartioularit overheating *ill Lot do
Aultwit he is ressanwlslY "dabs el well. a. v,Gahitt hi: laW6U1sigrit estifilautril"
fair weather, taking sone year witti looking tor comfort* Piga keg la Pees!
anatNr. In enter to lee able to finish tete with no 'shelter from the bot
boriustint by septennber mkt, the - sea other than that *torrid * the
Istvreetniotteatutrypiittitem, ttri,1 roloset :".411:4elt 44)311:111"44tert.t.baiit:tiksitt"wevattl‘tuttl" as:tikhk:).11,
eistriet with*** Jane Moe. The Deed lat*Aad. me 2*- meihr *Me by int- =
fa sown in rows Et inches apart. at "IF Nur kis* Pm" la IL Wulf.
*teat root apart co sub dd. to We -
1 O. rat. of 41 immds Per sore, ce- pert a root flume of it x 4 ;rr
ttestksw is cosivotenedl Net as mon ea wirkfit is 'strived over with Mr.
oto bespia aro we romelo, spo 4eespe grow or hoards. Kai er straw reed -
bent „remit cud is eurstimod at tag is teeter that hoards. Dam*
«tto wits
boom. esee a week. richt Ss wan tL__..., op e eft eeettert er
- be *le heat drys. otrehro, Oil at
loess are is tail West. And tire Ire win carrot. Sac est
Otirl is liand-Inved two or three thaws Tim* M so Nutt ita so*
,Nriitir the swei". ots aim itict pobit and raa at got three smuts out et
Kew raid st &sea tweet be esiir tf
there la a divergent% ot oPtithrok yet lot bias de it 'The elembode
sunenc the tremor& PAW *void will Isie.—L. btoosairoi. DSO. it
rhirdier." wirell"filiff rie hanywreini. il4 *2*
teb:41111111Pien , 211".11.11. 0. 1" °I'D'S...H.::
' Plant 'gerbil tem leave, abort so fork
* Wt.*. Deirforms b weaker is
_ IlfilleS sad tier tweed Phiv had start- ohibir A 017
oat tut torrowerm 1. prellaillr the
liglb poilheillti steed Oen 11/4:: V'n- A 1111 T. 0 It 1 A
os •
overseas with the Canadian awe-
ditionery Forces. He set alit on the
return journey, but had gone only
a short distance when he was over -
MSS' and fele ilononeetotie in the
snow. When he later regained con-
scieusnese and menaged to stagger
to the house of a neighbor, both
bands were completely frozen. It
was neemeary to send the unfor-
tunate man to Winnipeg for treat-
ment, but the effect of hie eeperi-
enee was such that amputation of
both hands follewed.
Under such eircumstances eand
with ouch a severe bandkap, the fa -
take wits not 'ter j bright for Mr.
Corbett but the clouds did lift and
what followed brooght the sunshine.
Ino , leve life. „
After consultation with mermen-
tatfree of the Department of Cole-
nisatke, Atrivoitere and Nature
Reamartas, Cansidian National Rail-
ways, tins latter reectrenstrided that
the mold 'Aunts:ties* toesupeaket ht
whisk to piss* Mr. Corbett weseldbe.
1"AnitrYap-rikishiht-dag. tepoultry hoes'
e voikrmNerasether,
node the
pow Tido betides la lent
eseepletts"thilniehh detsireb load to: ja
for *roe to Pew Isuadned Swag
=khems twenleillAheljimaiffai akt
alit: arse aril
Fat* is oftentimes cruel in its
manifestations, yet frequently
victims of its 'strokes are trAllibelt-
sated In such mariner as UN ritY0111
that humen kindness tontleues to
remain a vital factor in the lime of
eater, Tide 2*8* tale oflobei ,Cr -
2,511, ef gunk% Ontario. II 1*
a community en the Cana Na-
tional Railways, west of Plocirort,
rust is roe of the estrestes into the
Rol Lake gold Thick It was there
that Mr. Corbett reueieed a blsw
which might will km distararaged
any but Menet soh*, and io
NMI Whet that he le itriviag
toward' as reataricabte mass -
ad soot two
a kindly
srsez aidg:
eiti osier*
diebosimismo frying
OPedeitt *MJ* ve es Joe
2.0 •