HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-08-05, Page 3I 1.1.16 • 4101111.4,..i1.1.1111111 11 •411111411111111111111111 reiralinAT, AUGUST M A diewmartendi 11fAll Y NAM MIMI WAs A WWI is se* of • the Ibma eloss that Ike Weer en *4 lw4 Slat oaaltel4a° tit% Lie 11.11611.6401*tbi,...**Ilts nes se. inis;e0ora Mbey tmeale. are roan is ester eye way te ant rid or *a *ask bloom mid asking hulk made eat is her *Ise Ali ild • • 1 NEINNI • MN nul111111.1111•101 1111.11111 441 1 1 I L •ar 4 t17 si 1 111 • I II II II I II I WA/ axe the nerrhia '410Wk. Imre bona o* the referket for 40 years so dealt wept it • . • . r• --4-r1 • ' .• •t •Is • • pROF. W. H. JACKSONettostruotion ee • given In Voice Culture, Organ, Piano. Violin, Guitar. Theory. etc. Studio and residence. North Street. H. 0. HAMILTON-Organiet North St. -Le- United Church. Concert player and Teacher: - Residence at Mrs. golborne's, St. Pat- rick Street. LEGAL CARDS V. • R. DARROW. Barrister, Solleitor, Notary Publics, Etc., Successeer to .7. 7e Is:Moran Phone 97, Offlce, The Suret Getterich ERNEST M. LEE.. • Barrister and Solicitor 10 King Street East, Toronto, 2 Telephones Main 7793-7794- flUDLEY E. HOLeifte e -f• Barrister. Solloitor, Notary Conveyancer, •Ete. PHONE 27 HAMILTON STREET • SPECIALIST DR. P. I. R. FORSTER. • EYE, EAR, NOSE. THROAT. thltittiseicila°eudseAU5illariglapZ: arslia ttiat Moore 'y and Golden Square Throat Hospital. London, Eng. 53 Waterloo. St. S • Stratford. Tele- phone 267. At Hotel Bedford. '06derteti, from 7 9.M. Monday, Sept. 20M, i Tuesday. Sept. 2ist. CHIROPRACTIC DRUG LESi PRACTITIONER. ' DR. A. N. ATEINSON. Chlropraetor and Armless Therapist, • Godelith • lickedfrom Dipaell-Pettor One of the irettemst weddings oe the season was solemnized July 23 se the home of the bride's parents. btr. and Mrs. 0. W. Potter, Rattestbory street, Clinton, when their youngest daughter, Lillian Mildred, wu waited in marriage to Louis William Dippell of Renfrew, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. 'epee% of Walkerton. HateleseMcCerutell A pretty wedding took place $n St. Joseph's church, Clinton, Wednesday morning witerteRev. Faber Gaffney joined in holy matrimony Kathleen Beatrice, youngest daughter of Yr. and Mrs. James McConnell, of elle'. ton, and George Hanlon, of Lloyd. I Welly wreck.l Ford car ean sem ' half way between Herman and Mae %eh, ties seeicimat taking piece on Swetelit day evening wives Hie Kyle and • Mr. Weigh, of Klemm., were travel- ling towarde•Hessall. Tim two boyr stopped at Zurich when passing through and boasted of corning from the Beni to St. Joseph, a distance of over 'even miles in ton minutes . which ie too fast for any ear. How- ever we see the result of such speed. ing. Fortunately no one was serious- ly hert, but the ear looks a complete yiTAgits wreek. Deis% of Joke Kale - The death occurred in Detroit on INDIBMINSIntat' on ay o s ee IN KO town. Solna Sheol* Pet—e7es ;haat Nistritket and well known resident of Seafortht in the person of Mr. John Kale. Per AND C1 XSTITDENTs T. Death of Hallett Pioneer Mr. Thos. Shobbrook, one of the pioneer residents of Hallett, passed away at the home of his son, Mr. Fred Shobbrook. con. 13. Too Muck Speed Zurich Herald: The remains of Is RETAIN YOUR VIGOR This Can Only be Done by. Keeping the Blood Rich and Red • • If you would regain your vigor and ambition, keep your blood and nerve, in .good. condition. Anaemia, or thin blood lowers the,vitality, starves the nerves and causes a general run-down condition. When the blood is thin t e akin. Ioees Its olor, the shoulders • droop and weight is lost. The -victim of anaemia •loseappetite, suffers from indigestion, headaches and Sleeplessness, and is nervous and ex- hausted after slight exertion. If you have any of these symptoms .do not delav but begin treatment now with Dr. WilliamsPink Pills and you will be gratified with the prompt improve- ment in your condition. Among the thousands who have found new health through the use of this medicine is Mrs, Herbert N'aglei Ludlow, N who says—"I had not been feeling well for some time and 'was gradually growing weaker, I would take dizzy spells and often faint. 7 was subject • to severe,headacees and found it bard to do my week. I took doctor's medi. • cine for some time, but it did 'me no good, and 1 was ,still growing weale. er. 'In this condition I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills andin a short time found. they were helping me. I continued the use .of the pills for a while longer and found that more a well spected for her kindly dispoiition, Yolk and In Intik fat. Marine ani- fIllt,let °ni"le anti Nerv°" gone and I was onee which won for her friends who sincerel d mane- -staunch -Mal* Oredihe ye the green Equipped EleetrO-Magnetir Baths. , Eleetronic eleetric Treatments and WOMan, growth., or nuirierotes water plenty WbIde Will II tesetrlbote to DIMINO NOT MATHER Every mother knows hew fatal the but euesmer months aro es small childrea. Choler* *famine deur. hew dysentry. colic and etostiaelt troubles are rife at this time and often a precious little life is Net et - ter only a few hews Hines& The mother who keeps Basbyes Own Tab. lets in the house feels safe. The oc- casional use ef the Tablets nrent stomach and bowel trouble& e if trouble conies auddenly-,se it geaer. ally does,. -the Tablet* will bring the baby safely through. They are roll by medi dealers or by intul at 25 cents at box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Miscalls for 1 pert common salt. ' they ere to develop a bony frame- work and maks the beet woo of the nerds given. Minerals are necessary at all times, winter and eurunter. in- doors and out, on pasture or in the pen. The following Mixture tuts Welt good results, all ingredients by many years Mr. Kale. conducted a welehtte.. • bleeksmithing business in Seaforth. About 17 years ago be disposed of hie business end moved to Detroit, (Contributed bl Onerete Depertmero et AgeleUltUrae °MUM) , where he has since resided. The vitamins are hediseensable tee - A Zurich Golden 'Wedding . atituents .of a mutual diet. What is Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Klapp, of Zur- le normal diet? Weil a normal dint ich, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary must NMI the eollowIng condittons: Growth and . • t be gestalt"- 01 thezr wedULug day on un y,July (1) The diet in 25th. The day was spent on the fine Web' surdelent 'farm of their son, Mr. Oscar leloep, (2) The diet ni 14th concession, where all the chile cleat amount of pro dren and grandchildren of Mr. and loothYdeete- or. Although well up M (e). -The diet n's lare. lelopp gathered to do them hon - and Mrs. Klapp kill retain good t year, me accessary inorganic a s ' (4) The Met ma t 1 i coutain al. re fat, and car- t contain the its. friends is that they will be 'spared three vitamint A, 11, end O. coattail a cer- health and the .hope of their many (5) The diet •muit contain the 6 amino acid*. for many yeara more to enjoy life's The animal body is unable to richest blessings. turinutacture vitamins and they *re Crenbrook Host to Former Residents mal body requires... %hey cacethoetinuet- Crenbroolt, the little village as short Qua supply of the vitamin's, and the distance west of Bruesels which is vfly way 'it can obtain them is by community as "The Teeth Plot of mains the flesh or tulle of other known to the older residents of ,the eat ng fresh vegetable foods or bY point Thrraday, .July 22nd, for the the three, and animals possess pen. "ViraitaaiaLin A, is the most etable. of Grey Township," was • the magnetic' • largest gathering the village has ever sidernble powers of storing this elle. • had within its history. The occasion min In their rat Vitamin 0 is the was the reunion of old boys and girls least stable. of the school section, for which many Young prating animals are the ad been gather. most susceptible to 'vitamin stmetage, - " " - -- --- -- of the "far-awaya" h ing for days previous. The celebra. quick grovrIng and pregnant aninittle IC C tion proved a wonderful success and require an Abundant supely of Vitas If Stomach Hurts the promoters are to be congratulated fineehr.vite• rtin2 shrnaotrttleregevint:41° do °°L the th t theNst . Drink Hot Water carried out. •. do. • t • '' '' 10 parts wood ashes . 10 pert, ground limestone • 10 parts acid phosphate 1 part cOMMCII. salt. • Pete should hero acme's to such e mixture and also to rock salt. The blood of a normal pig eiontaine nearly me per cent. at salt, this supply must be kept up and. the man Met carries the feed to the pig le Hee one to do it. Why the Ply Cough, Thumping, (*ugh, unthriftinems and digestive dlsturbancee In pigs trout .one to six weeks old are usual- ly symptoms of the Presence of lung worms. Treatment of the affected °nee ot little value. II the number of asearlds present in the lung II large the 4ittlik pig will moon turn up his totta. If nutithert are limited Y Proper .sanitation coupled with 'pro. per clamming of the sow prior to. fare rowlug effectively.' prevesits. the thuntpy condition calmed by the young worms.intbe lung* and brone chicly QUM, little Plie—L. Steven» son. Dept. Extension, 0. A. College. Do not sell good young puliolue... kern to tell the sex. on way eday's program tvas tee same ex en as Ye rig ti • The Mrs. David Carter•• Vitamin. A, • After a lingering illness there pas- • Vitamin A la synthesised by chloro sed • Mrs. C, F. la>ckwood, on urs- richest vegetable source are the and tne. sed away at the home of her daugh. PhY" eeetehdhli 01"ete. ellbri green team and grOwing Parte 01 day, July 22nd, Ann Jane Taman, be• Plants. Seedlings grewn without East Wawanosh. Deceased had beer; is feeding oo green piano store a resident of Blyth and vicinity for Vitamin A la thelt fat depossits, so Aft d• we And it abundant in meat fat, egg Th Late ovedwife of Mr.David Carter, of tight es, not itneuen Vitamin Dkesses }the trouble that had bothered me waS over y years and was much re. p.m, your druggist's or write ,The Dr. Wil- ' '' Y regrether 0" store large quantities' of Vitamin A. Cod Boer and shark liver 011. are Chiropractic, t Get Dr. Williams' Pink pins at ()Mee houreset to 5 and 'I to 9 mise. .and by eppointment. excepting hlondaY liams' Medicine Co.., Brockville, Ont., ' Presentstion to Dr. Shaw eery rich in this subatanee. The gad Thursdey afteeueens.atet es -entries; and the pills will be sett post paid at A number of the many friends -f amount of Vitamin A. le, the meat fat •0111ce flours on these days JO to 12 &en. ee .. . Dr. j.. W. Shaw, of Chot-on took thy - . an m fa open a erairely on the in Attendance. 0 *Lath .------' opportunity .6n Friday eirti'e inJuly ° "taunt a 'I'liliniza it* tlle 14"4 'e°n- bnivi; , g Residence and OMer.-Coreer of South .. Ste And aritennin lined, ni d b th• nimal Th tat ot • 23rd, it being his birthday, to present grass-fed" animals 46 rich in 'vitamin him with an address and a very hand when compared with the fat of ant some 'birthday take at the Iseeeteetal mal_e_ted on the dry feeds of whiter_ki. - ' held-iitider 'the auspices of the Hos. /t has been noted by all feedere Oen pital Bo•ard at ga•y•er* Barten, the • the summer milk la more iatisfactorY home. ef' Mr. and Mrs. EA. Snell in the feeding or young, animate. The cake was presented by Dr. Wit: anTimhaelsedheieped tdvdieeamee produced in of vitamin. A are: liam Gunn, after a characteristid ad- (1) Arrested growth and Keratomas dress was read. • The doctor was al- WM; (2) Lowered resistance to bo- niest rendered speechless by the ad- r a n -c on, (3 Marked cffeel L. COL.E R. 0.. • l• OPTOMETRIST. oterretAN, West Street, Goderieh. . Honor Graduate or the.Canadian Oph- main* College of Toronto. .4 Eyes examined by the latest methods, slid the proper fitting of glasses at mode trate preses. Ontario Board of Exam - leers Certificate No. SW, I Aucnorismitso '1 IIHOMAS ClUNDR,Y„ I I • Live Stock and General Auctioned, I Hamilton Street, Goderieh -Sales made everywhere and all efforts made to give you satiefeettorte Farmers' pale notes discounted RtnlEkti telellretee. Ormlified Auctioneer. 1 tAden Street. Goderieh. will conduct any mate In the County of Huren. For information apply to P. J. Ryan, Hamilton Ste o- levee! ,eft with WM will reoeive prompt attentieu. NOTARY PUBLIC, FC. WM BAILIE. NOTARY PUBLIC General Conseyancingdone Mena No. 298. Res gni.' 0 . Ont. A Neutralize Stomach Acidity, Prevent Food Fermentation, Stop - -- • ' 'Indigestion ° • % "11 those who suffer from indiges- tion, gas, wind, or flatulence, stomach acidity or sourness, gastric catarrh, heartburn, et., would take a tea. spoonful of pure Bisurated Magnesia in half a glass of hot water Mune. diately after eating •they would soon forget they were ever afflicted with stomach trouble, and doctors would have to look elsewhere for patients." In explanation of these words a well. known- New York physician gated that mms ost forof stomach troubles are due to stornath acidity and ferm- entation of the food contents of the stomach combined with an insufficient1 ood supply- to the stomach: Rot water Increases the blood supply and Bisurated 1VIagnesia, which can be reedits' obtained at any reliable drug store, in either tablets or powder, in• stantly • neutralizes • the excessive stomach acid and stops food fermen- tation, the conibination‘of the two therefore, being marvelously success. ful and decidedly:preferable to theiu use of eetificial digestants, stin. tants tor medicines for indigestion. • .11111 PAGE TEEM Mdwen's Specials Frosts stock of Sheriff's Jelly Powders just l*.e. $ fee Mie A good Teaspoon, King George Design, given away with each 25c. worth. Anther shipment ef our special. Black Tee. to band, only. per lb...59e • Try a pined. It is a winner, We grind our No. 1 Blend ,Coffee Bean *eel' with your °Mier, fitw, or coarse to suit the trade. Finest Seedless Raisin. per 15r Some tasty lines for MEAT-11MM 8P12$AD SANDWICH SPREE , OLIVE EIMER PEANUT BETTER SALMON SARDINES eat TI3NA FISHPICKERS. PICKLES. OLIVES AND SAUCES OF ALL KINDS LEMONADE, ORANGEADE, RASPBERRY SYRUP. CHERRY SYRUP lard ORANGE SYRUP, • FOR DRINKS. A good aussertment of Fancy Cakes always on hand. Just received x fresh shipment of Picnic Plates. Vegetables and Fruits fresh from the, gardens Oliva Am hand. Goods delivered to any pert of the Town. PHONE 46 J. J. McEwen • When two young people get their heads together they are dancing. Argument never settlebut one thing, and that Is it settles nothing. 1.1•ArwolnAs. GasNlakes People Nervous and Restless Gass pressure in the abdomen eausesei restiese, nervous feeling and prevents • eleep. Adterika • removes gem in TEN minutes and brings out surprising amounts , of old waste matter you never thought was • in your system. This excellent intest- • inal evacuant is wonderful for eon, stipation or allied stomach trouble. Don't waste time with pills or tab- lets but get REAL Afflerika action t • CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE. •wee on rep.roduetive function,. sterility. -dress, but was to eeply fittingly. our• real pro' blem • • • • • • The day has gone by when any merchant need consider himself "a • small - town merchant." •• Some surprisingly large businesses are being con- ducted itt the smaller towns by wide- awake • merchants who realize that they can secure • -very wide distribution by. using Long Distance. Distribution is your real " aKOROR -E. GREENSLADE. ."--- . . .. CON‘L. , . 1. Baylled, Ont. . , •, INSURANCE° ' ; ' ......m..... • treXILLOP =TVA!, VIRE ALL AN(E COMPANY. ?MVOs ANC) ISOLATED TOWN Elmr INSURED,' eroperty 'assured up to Jan - Wirt?, 83;0i8.915.00., I • 1 ' iFTIGEhe'r.-Stl.ffleS ' COntiOtiV: "Titt1.1...1r*, dent, tioderioht Jas. Evans, Vice.Presl- • dent, Beeeliwood; T. E. ITays, See - - 'num.:Tot-IS-O. F. McGregor, Sea- 4 J. it. Grieve, Winthrop, "Wm. Wrin, Gimstance; fleorge Tuekersmittr:. .Tolin Perris, Unlock; Jelin Belinewise. Broadhagall; Murray Cason, Drureilcid. problem — not buying or producing. If Long Dis- tance will enable you to materially increase your sales — preAtically'bring the distant customer into • your store -- as it will, why not follow Henry. Ford's advice: "Don't wait, telephoner' 1-1 • . ' L AtIENTS-3. W. Yeo, Goderieli; Sandy Leach, Clinton; Wei. etleSnt'y, Sea - forth: H. Iiinehley, &laterite mots at IL II. cedes store, esoderach; Polley leaders can pay their aesteese J. :Heresies Clothing Store, (aeon; or J. IL Reel's. Hayfield. • FIRE INSURANCE , Have it. attended to oy the REST WAWANOSIt MUTUAL RAI itteditAltek00 Established 1878 Head 'Mee : Dungannon, Ont. Harry L. Salkeld, R. R. No. 2, God - 'rich, pres.; Wm. 3. litempsor, Aula. urn, vice pres.; dirretors—Wm. Quillen, Stiltlens; W. P. Reed, R. R. No. 2, Lutknow,• H L. Witold, 'phone r11, Goderich; Alex, Ncehobion, Lueknowr Wm. Watson; 3se. Girein. No. 8, Goderieh; Wm. 1 TliurnP. Ti son, Auburn; m Griffin, R. R. No.. Leeknow; Chas. Hewitt, Water. dine, Ont. mos. STOTRE1tS, T. G. ALUMTreas. Treas. Secretary. 0b.ildron, NI FLIT CASTO 3..a. Wheeler Ihmeral Dixeetor and Embalmer Goderich, Ontario cells promptly attended to day or night. Inloess: Sere 3311; now SSW (4) Rickets and deficient dentition. ICRAFT.MaeLAREN CHEESE CO "Min 8'. GET INJUNGelION The body does not store the'. *vita. • i a eer tal an int 1 If dr bived • On July 15th, M. Justice Duclos of foods that Contain it, tor a few • granted an interlocutory buirriction in weeks develop polyneuritise or *bow a t -Mac aren Cheese Co. a decline in bodr weight and museu- • *ring him to. cease from selling, ad- Inal8 . deprived ot oo a con a n ng vertising, offering, delivering - Vitas:nth B the arrest of growth and trafficking in, under the name Kraofrt tshyseteininjuisrimouoare 1 tlnervouswlui Cbeese or as the product of the Kraft- older animals.. Vitamin It is very emttamrkte0dnthtah: • MacLeren Cheese Co., Ltd., cheese widely distrIbuted, being present In •igh not made oby that Company; and fur- nearly all forma of plant ilte, parti, lir ther ordering him gee to sell cheese packed and made up so as to resemble milady In seeds and yeast, The bran or husk KraftelifacLaren Cheese Co., Ltd.'s the portions where It Is to be found. gp of 'seeds end the gertn are '',.. cheese, al packed or made up in any Elghly-milled grain products are very manner sce as to create tertfusiore irt vegetable's. whole grate, unpolished Nor in Vitamin IL Look to green the • mind of a customer, with the • rite, milk, tor this vitamin. petitioner's product. The whole with -Vitnein C. costs against the respondent. The Young animals deprived or foods fr-lliaeliren 'Cheese.Comrcani, containis vitamin ? develop tender -••.• favor of ler f 1, Ltd., against Theodore Provost, •ord: lar inco.ordinat on. In young. ant. do • • $d. $ofty Worms sap the strength and under- mine the vitality. of children. Stren• gthen them by using Mother Graves' Exterminator to drive out the parasites. FALL FAIR DATES Toronto—Aug. 28e -Sept. 1L Godetich—Sept. 8-10 London..—Sept. 11-18 ford—Sept. 20.22 Exeter—Sept. 21-22 Listowel—Sept. 21-22 Seaforth—Sept. 23-24 Lucknow—Sept. 23.24 Blyth—Sept. 22.23 Kincardine—Sept. 28-24 Baytield—Sept 28-29 Mitchell—Sept. 28-20 Brussels—Sept. 80 -Oct. Zurich—Sept. 30 -Oct. Dungennon--Oct. Winghant—Oct. 7.8 • a • Amnion* 04 Taft, STAIL educed Prices on Anthracite Coal t"=”rt (Anthracite) .... Stove (Anthracite) . Pea (Anthracite) .... ....... Coke .. • . • Pocahontas. , • . .$16.00' ...$16.50 • • .$13.00 415.00 per ton .414.0 Domestic Lump for your Grate and Range $12.00 per ton Our Coal is weighed on Your Own Sealeestsiohrtot Ude With Spring House Cleaning, you will require PAINT. • We still have some Sherwin..Williams left that we are sell- ing at 111.00 per quart Muresco and Alabastine at 50c .per package.. Liquid Veneer and O'Cedar, small bottle, 23c. large bottle; 45c each • • Special pricevon Door Locks and other Builder's Hard. ware Clothes Wringers and Garden Took at Special Prices in order to clear. L - CHAS, Cif LEE The Hardware at the wharf SHIP GHANI3LIIR PLUMBING end HER Store 'Phone 221,•• Houma 'Pito 4it •x petition see up that ra t neas andvr go e ele• Cheese was the r • -ut _ I ....rade Mark, the dernese.of the. gums, loosening of the cheesehaving been first pout in teeth and a 'marked wastage of all this form by the company's president the • lymphoid tissues. Vitamin C M Jt • occurs in all growing vegetable tissue. as green vegetables, roots, grass and • • fruits. Smail quantities' are present BEWARE OF BOGUS POteLTRY Tge ntinn.:i depend poll supplies coming regu- •CULLERS Porltry has proven a valu- lerly in the feed.. During wineeee from the farm ;leek. ete see. eoureAs,oe,t)..1,. . ryesh e nEi31 e in so11.1 able factor in increasing the profits sprouted grafts and rovetter„„tbe7-ewe; • • es ems vitamin for live ll'he local big.'27,21:i ;''rt6 'Ontario De- stock as poultry and Dies - tee• pertinent of Agriculture has received GeneratEffeets. o in plaints that itinorent poultry Lack of vitamin in the food of ani - buyers aro culling flocks free of mak produces effects that resemble OArge_provided they_arepertnitted to starvation, -Y -0.4m8 oolter--roore'llour Lily the culls. In many cases the re- mature. • sults have been anything but satis- A. cow cannot manufacture vita. mine and put tech in the milkelfenee factory. the eitamin •The Department of Agriculture content of milk (which Is the most iraportant food of young) • ntrongly advise alt flock ravners to depends entirely upon the vitamin deal only with established firms tied content of the coves food. See that ' dealers. Some of these have compd. she gets a good liberal allowanee of ent cullers.- • green. alfalfa.—L. Stevenson, Dept of The kcal trainei. of the Ontario Des Extension, O. A. College. partment of Agriculture wishes to in- form the public that all the Depart. merit's' cullers are carefully trained ' Winter Itye. and supplied with a letter of intro- The rye' crop in Ontario is grown ' duction before they aro :Sanctioned by apprOXIMately 100.000 acres. It the Department to cull peultry Is not an inmortaset crop when com- These men are not allowed to buy reteePedgewbitilehle°..a..tT811:01tevireabeeritr0it'aeriken- • Iseitltry but -'work at aecharge of two age sta a grain crop bits been very cents (2e) per bird. This is the only slow, due to the ditliculty generally remuneration they receive for their experienced in harvesting a heavy services and tees is the only culling crop. At the Ontario' Agricultural • for whichthe Department aesumes College the variety known as Petkus • responsibility for the results. has headed the list for productive. nese. The average yield per acre per • annum of the Petkus winter rye sur. A Remedy for Earache. -..To have passed, the next highest variety by the earache is to endure torture. The four bushels in a seven years' tea.— ear is s delicate organ and few are Dept. of Extension. 0. A. C., Guelph. to deg with it, considering it work , We AAR f(ifternd bett er for a doctor. Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie cowls when Ivo i....prove our dairy Oil offers a simple remedy. A few 1004. drops upon a piete of lint or mtdieat. MO ed cotton and placed in Ore trr wilt do Cash is the jerk of AI titids3. For tilonf Clean Cosi much in relieving pain, "-"ese,"""e"--elee 0 hil di -en 0iy - to rent things might 'tart at the laws FOR FLETCHEir2 • J B MUSTARD CORPANY 1 These know-all chaps who aspire illiomm ........1 CASTOIRIA phone 95 — Goderich • • THE • • ODERICH ttg -4* LISTRPO YOUi.L See WISHING FOR TAM Hear morr JANUARY tar us STORIL ~et FOR YOU 11, YOUR COAL BIM 474.1.juA a.; cool - as you can. • But remember, thi, weather won't last all the year. • It never has yet. ' And before you forget it, you'd better let the Heat Folki rill that empty coal.bin, so you van take your summer's relaxation i.t peuo —CALL THE - maim COAL• Vilee1.1111 res IS "WHERE QUALITY COUNTS" BULK MACARONI SPAGHETTI VERMICELLI SPECIAL 3m$,23 Golden Gate Summer Drinks ORANGEADE der LEMONADE 23c lot* ennuurre JELLY POWDERS 3 kr 215c UabtsaJCrlip QUAKER CORN FLAKES 3 pkts. 29c PRESERVING REQUISITES CROWN btu :Mt JARS 1...4v:so a... Parowax 2 pits. 25c Rubber Rings 3 pkts. 25c Zinc Rings - 20c CERTO bottle 32c DOMINO TE orie • Dad** to Iced Toes SALMON, ETC. Sockeye 1 11.11* 45c Salmon tia 24c Cohoto 1 lb. tia 29c SalmonY's 1114 tia 1$e fkranswich Swam 4 this 2lIc Hotriags is Seas tit 25c Eitestell Snacks 2 tile 1St Okla &Jai. tit 25c New Puck Lskstsr Ilk 49t Masa Neves la 'Rent foe see work from date of ilste • NEW CANADIAN CHEESE 21C: lb. PEACHES k Hwy solos tia- 25c • PEARS halsk /roe 1 rie SINGAPORE PINEAPPLE tit .16c CROSSED FISH SARDINES rsrcrtioraii 1 C th