HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-08-05, Page 21 1 r ,IPIMP IuI 11 rgr..
ao1„ FACIA Titiro
af3Ey 93 odWCU RLalvies
lA'lsither' working and find that a three party
Here and there men make it their system put undue power into the
vocation In fife to sit back away from hands of a small group, who became
the theatre of every day life and ob- virtual dictators of political policy.
Serve tendencies, the ambitions In From, representative govern -
and the achievements of mankind. ment has failed utterly to put France
These men synopsize for us the on her feet since the war. Diversity
events which are taking place around of policies has led to chaos and al-
as and which in the pressure of daily though one attempt follows another
life we rennet gauge fur ourselves.pat the eetablishment of stable gov-
Several of these observers are ser- • crnment, the mintier realizes from
iouely asking whether democracy has't'e outset that no possible alignment
failed in it purrose, whetlln, out of of the existing chamber is going to
tee experiences of the past dceatle put France on her feet, and it is al-
er en, mankind has neeuirel n alis:a meet irevite' Ie that the country
trust of our Taunted governmental will submit to a dictate:' before her
systems. Some monerehies have fel• ilifiieui«ies rah solemnly attacked.
len and old f:.vnr of rule have van Brave little Belgian has already mai-
imbed, at least in mime. We have no matted herself to national discipline
Czar in Rus - la, bet we hate a aystene and has made her King financial die -
whose grim rule out -distances the tater.
tyrenny of"the late hereditary ruler Frank H. fdimmcnds, writing in
while utterly opposed to the system Current History, points out that for
of bolshevism whioa obtains in Rus- a year after the end of the war the
ala is the •Fascist system in Italy, by United States was• the example to
means of which Mussolini exercises which Europe looped toff precept and.
a power such as no czar or emperor ideals in the reconstructing of gov.
in modern history dared dream of ernments, but she thea became con.
putting into force. In our own cairn- vineed that there was no help or in -
try we see the Strain under which spiration for her there and has de -
representative government has beets finitely turned her - back upon the
You will see this trade •
mark in hardware stores
everywhere. Every- utensil so
labelled is fully 'guaranteed for long
service and uatisf*ctlon by
Tao Shoat Metltilt PrOtlIKWtl COT• grllasa
w"R'"`iaee a» -- oaalt ► :. tregnsesoe
osmoses* Weary :rel
Above Goads area I mr dlleed:by
The Only Hatdware'an the Square,
forms of government reprereanted in
the Republic. European recent par
ties from Labor to the deeper shades
of red have n:, affinity with any
American progressive bodies. Am-
erica, he concludes, has nothing to
crier Europe.
What is coming' 'romwell's con.
tribution to responsible government
was just as oalcsnic in its inception
Is anything that is being done either
by bolshevism or fascism today. The
polishing processes of time and tol-
eration evolved a system entirely dif.
ferent from the rough model he build.
ed. Will history repeat itself? Will .
Bolshevism and Fascism, the rough
clay of mankind's yearnings for ex- '
pension and• expression, s;u:elected to
the ratter's wheel of time, be convert-
ed into finer vessels? We are living
in an extraordinary time and condi-
1, 1, i•I„ ,I/ III,
Tie hetvodka, is vow 1Nr4 cm
babies Moiling to art ibsk leapt.
Oa tile Sem siot ay hosessome
tie elms s the mother�' skeet& Ike
a few dale se
1 111,E Mau
- - ` 1 1 ..w 11 11N n 11111111.11 I II, 11.111121 11111‘1/.1-1441121
III i I11 t 1 VIII II Y ,11opium1, i1+
A --
to s swam statement, Hoa. Mr. heli- till• VII
via was rimesters( of enteriag fate as
arroagemeot with Coccidian dintillsrs
for tbs release ut denatured alsetw4 r
which amounted to 176,060 Ira/Some
' Oid fieetbie Marler Case Revival
A eurious warder muse s ievived
with the arrest in New Jersey of Mrs.
Hall, the wife of Rev. Edward W.
„Hall, who with Mrs. Eleanor Mips, a'
Omit. singer in his ehureb, wits mord.1
Brod four years sere. Mr. Hall and
Mrs. Mills were found under an apple
tree on a farm, the nuns was shot'
one, but the woman was shot several
times and had her throat slashed. i
Serape of love letters which had pasei
kfo between the tw ;; were found about a
'We bodies. Recently s man named,
Riehl, who hid married a servant in
the Hall home, petitioned for divorce,
alleging his wife had been a party to
the double - 'murder. The arrest of
Mrs. Hall has been the result.
Itcr w =bum o0,1
tions are evolving which affect not ; -
this part or that of the world, but the winning of the war, a very ardent,
the entire human race. ewe, movement is no* on foot to remove;
*')Cees lii.ieeeel" Ikea ` ,that bar to full citizenship. But 1
Michael Clark, of Red Deer, known the inteteating part is the return tie;
as "Red Michael," a powerful and t o Public eye of such women as
picture, que figure for nearly twenty i's. Pankhurst, who fur years hast
years pa* in Canadian politics, has has lived in Toronto,of eighty -year
died suddenly. In ,his home in the
old bond he formerly campaigned for . the flooziof the Millicent
lind postmaster --gen
. eral of England, and who helped to
Edward Grey, later the famous Far- make his career, and of Mrs. Des.
efgn Minister." Ile was a man of pard,,sister of Lord French,' who, in
rapier wit and had the gift for re- spite of her eighty-two years, walked
partee, as all who have heard him every step of the way with the mass
in the Canadian. Comsnoes can affirm. of demonstrators - who • paraded
• Evangelist Indteted throrga London one • day zeeently to
Rev. J. Frank Norris, Fort Worth fix their purpose in the public mind.
evangelist, who shot and killed a roan Tastrs.ago ,these women welconsed sir'-
mmed ebipps, in ;his study, following (rest and detention as a means of pubo :
a protest. against Norse. utters tcea a a e
, .I AI ,A 11.•.." . 01,1 1111 1 NOP" 11111/
Let' Back Do It
Hand You Your
and you will get more than a Suit—you will get clothes
that will look well and wear well to the end. Satisfac-
tion is built into Black's Custom Tailored Clothing.
Our Spacial Order and Reatady.to« Wear
Departments also give Satisfaction
Oto Stock of Suigmer Goode is complete ' and Up•to-tba-Minute
Cream and Grey Flannel Trousers
Fawn and Tan Trousers
Summer Underwear in all styles.
• Tisa and Sport Schein all styles
"The Men's and Boys' Store Worth While''
Phone 219, - - North Side Square
hundreds of the world's greatest ben-
efactors. In the . Lords, itself, who
was more representative of the ets-
sence of aristoeracy than . Lord Cur -
won, who died without e male heir?.
All of theme women, for whoni special
provision was made to allow them to
inherit their father's titles, were
daughters of men whose ,ervices
ti" feeler for their cause T d y th bob' warranted the special distinction.
hits been indicted for.murder by the byes look:on with approvingsmites Secretary 1Vlellon of U.S Vii.
e reminiscences with . Chief of the treasury department 4isscountess Roberts, daughter of
grand jury,. but remains free on bail those exveteran campaigners. Girls who :precipitated the 'international Field Marshal ,Lard Roberts, Is a ease
of R10'�0' who were in pinafores when these dispute over war debts by deelarink in point, so also is Lady Rhondda,
Six . Women in f ommotns women battled for the vote, now take that Britain •took advantage' of war ley, daughter of the great soldier.
daughter of the wax time li ood Co
_ The election of Margaret Bond t.aeir places with them in'the new de- ' borrowings to b.1.*�� •-� ;mote d.+.t troller; so also is Viscountess Wake-
`bar the sixth women to sit in the .........
Mexico Vader Papal Ban
present -:souse. Snub for Peeresses The churchbells in Mexico are
wend • ' . ,
Wood Alcohol la Politics •
other Days, -Other ways The death list in the s od a1conoI
with the a ipuiskoir of religiosys eau -
caters. sand although ninety per cent.
of laexicans are Catholics, the gov-
ernment gives every inairetion of
,fighting the matter out.
,Asthma Cannot Last, when the
greatest of all asthma specifies is us-
ed. Dr. J..rt. Kellogg's Asthma
Remedy assuredly deserves this ex-
alted title. It baa to its credit thous-
ands of cases which other prepare -
done had failed to benefit. It. brings.
hely -to even the most severe cases
and brings the patient to a condition
of blessed relief. • Surely suffering
from asthma is needless when a rem-
edy like this is' so easily secured.
As an example. ' of .the change
which takes place in public - opinion
in. a few. years' time is the attitude
,which London takes, to the new suf-
frage movement in Great ' Britain.
When, after the fierce militan. cuff
frage movement Mere before the war,•'
the vote was granted to" women,.. it
was on condition that only those past
thirty years of age might exercise it.
This slight upon the mental capacity
of woman before she was, ;thirty has
1 irritated women .ever' since and re-.
memberin the magniCceiit services
which _ Englishwomen contributed to
•-- �. .-.,�.,...�..�; .:. where sell it with this guarantee.
dumb the altar ds t d the f
#r y s reaeiins, in Canada, In Coupled with this claim upon Bei- s sore , e oxms .
p deb parliament is the pressure ap- of religion. suspended, ana the situs_ ire Sufferers
Ontario ,and in lrrinni e a score of
ed i -e r ..
deaths have been reporteed and their eves,-lby twentyI peeresses 'in their'
ton is reminiscent of flat Mx tile!
of Ages as the church and state come
cause .traced to poisonous_ liquar. The own right to sit In the Horse en a into conflict. For the first time in
sitpatiorr• was dragged into the politi- denied them. but with aan ht
a o arrapann' four centuries the Pope has ordered
eel arena'. when Ex:Prenlier King in- mint of abuse which would rouse theithe suspension of all. religions forms,
einuated n a speech at Sarnia, that f woman,bl except that the last rites may be ad-
the poisonous liquor in questi'an !has a any no .y er ministered to the dying, but .the
been allowed to; ass the biarder, in hrmbly born. -The Earl of Birken-;
p ' head, who began life .sa..plain 114,. cannot be buried 'with religious cere-
veeite'of the -face -that lion. II. Ii'. Ste- Suifth, bused his opposition upon the' xalr,ry, Papal interdicts :permit
ns, 'the new,miuie3ter of. ee tours, christening and the ceremony-of�mar-
fa tthe s ver f t
c e _ e
t al o he res s
s e se
P ,
Tial glared the Mounted I'tlier+F rive, but worahi in the cr,urches r
afe without males heirs.' If thin fact P o
to cheek .-Smuggling. - Stevenstrehasalt f he shrines 'is; prohibited: hang-
diagnalified uteri for important' pcsi- .i
made a wiry heated reply to this, ac- and w:is under :a papal .intexdief in
cueution and in an open letter'to the
dons pit lube life, tee ;- ds of ills- the thirteenth century for live nears.
Liberal leader declares: that according . t y would h ave been `.urged clean of
You can •only get • quick, safe
and lasting. relief by removing the
alis congestion of blood in the
lower bowel. Nothing but an in-
ternal remedy can dothis—that's-
why cutting and.. salves fail., .. Dr.
Leonhardt's Hem -Roil, a harm-
less tablet, ss ab et, is guaranteed to ,quick-
ly.: and safely banish any, form of
".Pile misery or money back. H.
C. DUNLOP and druggists every-
Its the Mexican chile the trouble began
• Par( of R. O. henry & Sons Oxford: and Shropshire grade flock, pasturing near rd. M, Henry's residence (R. R. I,
. ,whose Bret experience in sheep raising le recounted in the story
The sheep are fed outside all win• digestive troubles during' the dry-
. ter, except on the very stormiest feeding period. ,
days. The alfalfa. hay is spread on ,owbr
the barn approach, which is usually possibleThe soes the&tre the lantedbeSas will arrivenearlyas
swept clear of snow by the witrd, and doing the month of March, This
the sheep get their required amount brings them to marketable size about
of exercise in going out for it. Mr. the Iset of June, when .-the price •is
Henry says that on fine days in the still - goolj.• The lamb shown in the
winter they will remain outside a accompanying photograph (held by.
considerable portion of the time, to Mr. Henry) . weighed exactly 95
which fact :he attributes their almost pounds .at twelve weeks, and was in
total. freedom from trona* with colde , prime market *deb. Its breeding
and catarrh during the spring and was of 'Oxford foundation blood with
early •Summer.- They are given alt three crosses of ' pure Shropshire.
the alfalfa' hay they will clean up. Two pure-bred Shropshire rams are
The barn in which they are sheltered being used on the flock at the present
at night is left open all the time and • time, u Mr. Henry, believes that
some of the sheep even stay ea eli lambs.with a preponderance of Shrop-
nia:at on many 'titration*. In sum- shire blood are the es:ieat to bring to
mer the flock Is given access, to a ten- - standard market requirements -.-85 to
sere iileld of sweet clover and access e5 pounds and well finiehed—in the
, at the - same time to the regular blue- shortest possible time. At breeding
*rase and timothy permanent pas- time the rams are allowed -with the
ture. Usually it. is arranged that flock on alternate days, and fed inside
twa of 'the permanent pasture fields en the other alterAate, days.
open or the sweet clover field, and A point of interest. in connection
the • sheep are 'alternated between the with the Henry fleck is that the sheep
two permanent pasture•flelds but with seldom try to break through fences,
the sweet. clorer ikld cansstsntty open and than fettres sire hat st alt specially
to theta. This pssdore _eombinatlon -constructs d, ib[r... I•t'+nry-.., at.tribntea
keeps the ewes thriving all summer, thin fact to their being given plenty
and puts them in gals condition for of room within the confines of their
the breading aesson, and It ohm Pro'', pasture. It is the sheep's natural
duces good Iambs. Up to the peesentnto rr«a ae ares
Mr. Henry has not found it necessary seetendekingcy fresl Stypesnder aver of feedl, hrge say:,
to grow rape or any ether, crop for which makes it so hard to tenth* in
flushing purposes prior to the ; small fold, If a fleck man be pia.
breeding reason, nor to ;roar roots tared over quite a large area,.there
i for winter feeding, provided there is will vaulty be very little trouble
plenty of alfalfa hay availabh. The with fence breakers.
alfalfa alone "(second cutting) it Little Bobby Henry, whose pinto it
found etnflkknt1y laxative to prevent reiprodatced : herewith, gives pmmiee
of beaming a rlii.epenatt of the third
geawrattan. in the fail of 1024 Nob.
. by purchased his first ewe at a coat
oft XS. In the spring the ewe ,pro-
dwced twin lambs which were flnisbed
for market and sold for 1gd.50. The
eW*'s wool brought $3.03. With the
proceeds of the Mamba and wool Bob-
by, pearchased two more ewes last fait:
This ssprita r the three ewes produced
flvea lanais, but hock was in reverse
gear jest their and two of the lamb's
were last. Ifewever, the remaining
throe ars doing well end will *win be
thrums Intel rash.
"Whet are roe going to do with all
the sanney from your lambs and woe
_ this year. llobaser I askod..,,,
- "Ray niece sheep," replied Bobby,
- stoutly.
ft may he ssentieued is posher
tbst Mr. Misery Steno to all his wool
_throes** the medium M the Caasetise
- f o -operative Wool Utrwer,, Limited.
(Orem .The Ontario I'arrner) . either .ewes or lambs -except, per.
• '1 wenty-isve yCara ago Huron haps, to ewers which are getting old.
Gcunty's sheep poprl it-tofn numbered These . elves will average about ten
pounds of wool e
somet.ung over 90,000 head; todeyit each, so in a year of
numbers,. ,about one«quarter of that normal prices . for both wool and hay
figure. But according to Agricultur- the wool. jut la *bent pare' for the 'leer
al Representative S. 11 Stothers there ter feed'. The lambs are almost clear
are very definite Indications that profit, therefore, efor the ne-
sheeep raising lin the county Is "corn• ce:sary' replacementcept ts of ewes e too- old fo r
. or
ing beck." Mr. Stothere is very alt. €urthert use. ah. There owmould be : good
elves that it should come back, for he money in sheep if they averaged only,
belkevenetieen to be ons of the best. moue* per ewe per year, but it is a
prying kinds of live stock which can per flock which. will not do consider -
be -kept, at the present time, and lies ably better than that."
further believes that there is na reel Mr, Henty finds that steep can be
tion at Ontario better suited to the handled with muelr less labor --thea
• ;requirements of • *beep than the role any other kind of stock. When they
we l-drailf or Harrod, wel d if�, bought the sheep , they '"fired" the
env hired man, he said. Ewer in winter
. want a real first-hand sheep story, they, require but little attention, ex-
frbm a man who le making them -go," sept for a month at lambing time.
said lie, in conclusion of a vigorous He kept 76 bead at hie 'barn last win
(discourse upon the subject, `see Malt- ter, along with flee head of cattle.
. Mand Henry of East Wawanosh Town- and he claims that the rattle requir-
ship, just west of the Village of Bel- ed far more attention'• than the sheep.
grave." . l And as the sheep are'fed through the
1 drove to the Henry farm as dir• winter entirely on alfalfa hay the
meted, end found Mr. Henry mind hiss erre*** of grain crop can be reduced
tether, R. O. Remy, just finishing -Fop-•-to •,a--niinimuasi,-and• a -sir neer.work
the shearing of their flock of 1213, lessened thereby. Tact year's grain
Oxford• thropehire grade ewes. The crop consisted solely of ten acres of
Henrys own 200 acres of land, all of mixed oats and goose wheat, which
• it rolling and with gravelly subsoil, was not threshed but was fed to the
and with s number of nevet•failing hens in the sheaf. The same sereoge
springs to provide drinking water ata of this mixture is being grown this
various points on the farm—an ideal year and will be handled in the same
farm for sheep. While the present way. The summer work will consist
Sock is oniy of three yearn attending) chiefly of taking off a fairly large
Ott fact a ranakierable portion of it aroma* of alfalfa hay, and looking
wase purchasi!d last fall), the Henrys after two acres of potatoes, which era
are by na means meteor sheep rids.' grown as a esek Trop.
ers. For a long period of years they _
kept sheep eonetantly, and thin they;
went oat of the gaawim for a time and
devoted their attention to other types
of Meek. Sat three years age they
became convinced that the ,keep was
the wet seamy -,saber after all, par.
1letsiarly In their location, and so
fmmeeeaced the building up of their
pssseat flack. -
"i don't knew wltaat kind of stock _
weed mak. roomy any, faster than -
the haaadrsd ewes we purchased feat
Half," said lir. Msitlsad Henry. "This =
imuwea lands sant west emop will pay
for them. and besides teat the ewe%
tberaseives Mew Inereased in value.
se thee were yang when pwrehasseld
'IOW abort the profit* 1ennt an
esi ilik bs d Ash." 1 oohed.
=ailiftsa" Fre pt$ei, '1 eaa winter
limeresawws a t1Mo ton of
lay if I bile a little pea
gegra.la swears a well. of hoed. and
• with alfalfa brig 1 sever feed grain to
W. M. Hoary beta -
kg a 1!•weeirms111
Oxford-ei ropseitire
cruse-brsea .we
Issab, weigbbeg ex -
ratty is p.rn es.
Belgrare). Inset, Bobby. Henry,
and reports . entire f_atisfaction there-
from. •
Henn Thresh Grain Themselves •
Besides - being • an -enthusiastic
sheepma►n, Mr. Maitland Henn' is ciao.
a successful poultrymen. He had 300
leering Leghorn last winter, and be-
tween, January let and the date of my
visit in mid-June they had produced
32.00 worth of eggs each. They .bad
also.- produced a very considerable
quantity of eggs during November
and December but Mr. Henry did not
have the figures for those months.
The eggs are shipped to Toronto deed.
ers during the winter months and to
the If. F. 0. egg pool during its ,seas.
on of operation in the summer.
Mr. Henry has a rather novel,
eheap and effective method of winter
feeding., As mentioned above he
grows Ill acres . of mixed oats and
goose wheat every year --half and
half mixture. This is not threshed,
but is fed to the hens in the sheaf.
As many sheaves as they irili thresh
out and dean up are hung unlit the
pen every morning and again every
afternoon, but -the- heirs -reeeive--their --
exercise jumping up to reach the
heeds and in pulling the sheaves to
pieces and scratching out the grain.
No other whole grain is fed. A dry
mash es kept before the birds *11 the
time—made up by mixing 200 lbs.
bran, 200 lbs. *torts, 100 W*. oat
chap, and 300 Ls, corn chop. No
meat scrap is mixed with the mash,
but an abundance of milk is given time
birds at all times. No rapist mash is
'ine first hatch of chicks this year
came off on March 10th end the w-
end hatch three week* later. The
cockerels frons both hatches were
shipped together, when the okler ones
were 12 weeks old and the younger
ones 1 weeks --52 from the first hatch
and 56 from the second --arid the lot
weighed 213 pounds, Net 3
short of a 2 -pound average. For the
that month the 'ble s receive fairly
orthodox treatment, thea from the
end of their fourth week they wore
pat on a diet coneieting minty of
cracked cern and "wined chips —tbea
latter being a by-pvedset of aha oad- =
fashioned stone Boar mill et Whig—
haat The graat'irser pxikets are re -
fleetest this Witter* at the yetuseint -
time along wfth rxlik---.o *esb—and
are minim has tat merit a rammer that
they may be relieal upon to
]eying in fate October or early Nov-
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Yi--Aug.2$— jpte 11
- Watch This Space Next
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